Vive le Revolution!

A look at the media’s view of Arsenal

Vive le Revolution!

Evra: Shut up

I wandered the drab docks of cyberspace as lonely as a cloud with a pipe empty of all but air and no company other than the odd dazed fly who'd gotten a bad tour guide, bought the wrong map and missed the last bus home. Sitting here at 3am with my thoughts swirling amid the electrical debris of t'internet ramblings and the scrapings from old chip wrappers which were once the news of the realm I dwell on the media and their reaction to and representation of the Arsenal and I have to ask why do they have a bug up their backside?

First in a long list of recent slights is their latest selling of Adebayor in papers but mainly on Sky. I mean how all of a sudden is his name everywhere? Because of the great white elephant that is Manchester City and their 'grand experiment' of throwing money over the managers head at players whose greed works their legs or are growing old and want cash as insurance, basically Man City means dosh as Gareth Barry's signing was testament to. But back to Ade, well all of a sudden he's a world talent par excellence, a great footballing hope etc etc. When he wore red you never heard his name uttered unless it was a reciting of a team sheet or the too familiar sighs of "oh, what a miss by Adebayor!" Get used to that one, City fans. So, what gives? Well it's that old anti-Arsenal mind set.

Match of the Day 2 on the opening weekend showed Man City fans strutting and being very, very cocky outside the City of Manchester stadium with the question being asked; 'what will you do this season?' and the general response was "Top four at the expense of Arsenal as they'll stumble at some point". Oh really? Firstly, I look forward to seeing how long '$parky' Hughes lasts in the job up there steering egos (Robinho was in charge last season, wasn't he?) then I look forward to comparing our final league positions and finally, my main point; why is the fourth spot 'at the expense of Arsenal'?

This is the all round media/pundit reaction; the fourth spot is Arsenal's to lose, how will they cope? What sort of memory do these fools have? Are they part mole and very short sighted? From my recollection we've only finished fourth twice (including last season) since Mr. Wenger has been in charge, the rest of the time we're either runners up or winning, so why the general opinion that fourth is Arsenal's spot? If it's anybody's then it's Liverpool's, right?

I shall give the final word on all this Man City/Adebayor nonsense to the man himself, gracious as always, on his City debut; "The fans showed that they love me - the noise they made was unbelievable. It was very different from Arsenal. I want to give back to them what they give to me. It's not difficult to give 100 per cent for fans like that, and I look forward to keeping this going."

Well, we just weren't good enough for Ade. Now we know. Any Hammers fans out there I chat to I now say to them that I hope they finish above Money Bags City, preferably at the expense of a UEFA Cup spot. Amen.

Now another thing that got me was Match of the Day's coverage of our 6-1 drubbing of the Blue Meanies, aka Everton. OK, so MOTD have a history of ignoring Arsenal, such as their edited highlights of our 0-0 away game to the red Mancs last season where we were the better team but all you saw was Man Pu's feeble efforts but this new slight was just nasty.

They showed the highlights and the beauty of our game, we looked like the Arsenal of yesteryear, you'd have sworn you could see Bergkamp, Pires, Henry out there as we glided between their players like a hot knife through black truffle pate. 6-1 folks, it's not just the goals but how we played, finally as a TEAM just like in pre-season with everyone smiling and seemingly enjoying the game (the adding of Arshavin and return of Eduardo owes a lot to our spirit) with our passing flowing, looking outstanding.

We were the best team for performance in the opening weekend bar none and we had a historic 6-1 opening day victory which was summed up by the pundits in nine words. Nine lousy words! They were; "And that was a good season opener for Arsenal" after a lengthy discussion of Everton and Moyes' tactics or lack thereof.

What the....? This is 6-1 against a side that finished 5th last season and has broke into the top four. 6-1, a feat not seen since Hitler was grooming his moustache. Imagine if it had of been the Mancs that'd been in our spot. Oh my, they'd be drool running out of our TV's from Lineker, Hansen, Shearer et al. It's crazy.

And then how about this, we had the rubbish with Chelski against Hull City. Six added minutes, for what? Did a UFO land in the middle of Stamford Bridge, take a few photos and then zoom off? Nah, six minutes so Chelsea could get a load more chances to win (bribe bribe) and the commentator was in rapture, screaming; "Oh yes! That’s the mark of champions!" as the minutes were added and Drogba's bad cross went in.

Sadly it seems that in today's big business, money pit world of football this sort of skullduggery is the mark of champions these days (rattle the coin purse) but the six minutes added time will hardly be mentioned, if at all where as if it was an Arsenal game the papers would ring to the implied chant of "same old Arsenal, always cheating". All this hate only makes my love of our club stronger as we do things correctly, like bringing up players.

For an example of bad player management off pitch, let me hark back to the end of last season and the deluded ramblings of one Patrice Evra, Manc stalwart and all round Frenchman. He was quoted in The Sun newspaper with regard to our own Captain Fantastic Cesc Fabregas as, and I don't quote, 'wanting to have a bit of a ruck' with the mean eyebrowed Spaniard after Cesc's oh so horrendous tackle shook the well groomed Evra to his very delicate core.

Then good old Patrice took the first available opportunity to cling to the sleeve of a salivating journalist who’d love any form of umbrage. He lapped up Evra's verbal rot, alluding to this tackle that Fabregas went in for on Evra in the league game at Old Trafford. Now instead of pointing out the hypocrisy of such rubbish from a team who have underhanded tactics stamped over their passport photographs the journo encouraged him. Evra warmed to his theme, after all he had the moral high ground considering his team’s reputation for stamping on opponents, intimidating officials and punching innocent corner flags until they beg for mercy, so Pat decided to flex his well oiled she-muscles as he declared; "If it amuses you to hit people, you do boxing; you do taekwondo, whatever you want. But you don't play football. We will see each other again off the pitch and there will not be a referee to give me a red card."

Now this article was in the paper and it was angled to make Fabregas look like the bad guy but folks isn't threatening someone like that, especially in the national press, illegal? Not to mention the fact that Cesc didn’t go in for any bad tackles. But oh, silly me, I forgot that Evra wears the Man U cloak of invincibility which makes him immune to the laws of Man and Nature alike, hence his marrying a mule named Clare at a beautiful ceremony in Monte Carlo with Sir Alex Ferguson acting as chief flower girl.

Pat O. Cake was not done there as, after threatening a fellow professional with bodily violence he showed his truly sensitive side, saying; "I was really disappointed. Everyone understood that he wanted to hurt me. It was because of what I said after the Champions League semi-final; 11 boys against 11 men. I said it and I thought it but in this world, as soon as you say what you think then you are seen as arrogant". Whatever gave you that idea, Patty boy? Surely you'd only be seen as arrogant when you speak your mind if you say arrogant things, my evidence is the former quotes, m'lud.

What are we to do with such rubbish other than to light many fires around the outskirts of the town to try and divert the stink? It makes you feel like you're taking crazy pills but its part of being a Gooner and you have to laugh, or do we? I vote for a bloody revolution! Let's ransack the offices of The Sun, string up Steven Howard by the fingernails and stick our own people in the FA.

But surely having one of our chief executives in the FA working things for us and schmoozing the journalists would be illegal? If it was us, yes. It makes your head spin, so what can we do?

One thing; see you on the terraces brothers and sisters, scream out the brave name of Arsenal, wave our flags and show where the real home of football is. Vive le revolution!

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