Is a marriage on the rocks at Arsenal’s new home?

Why late arrivers, early leavers and mute supporters are killing the club!

Is a marriage on the rocks at Arsenal’s new home?

Arsenal home crowd: Time to back the boys – be there and be loud

Arsenal as a football club, and a business, currently sit on a very thin and sharp knife-edge. We've just moved to a new home, which, financially, has put the club into massive debt. We're currently creating a very young and very talented squad by the master Mr Wenger. Now with being perched on a knife-edge we can look down either side to see two very different futures for the club we all love and adore. On one side we will have a star-studded squad playing the best football in the world, to a capacity filled stadium winning major honours year after year and establishing the club as massive European player. On the other side, we'll become a mid-table side with European pipe dreams playing in front of no more than 30,000 in a half empty stadium. That may sound drastic but hear me out.

It all starts with our current situation regarding playing staff and supporters and the bond we have, which we are only just managing to keep alive. Like with any marriage, it can go through bad times. And at the moment we're on the edge of entering into some bad times. I can compare our relationship with the players with that of any husband and wife or long-term relationship on the planet. When one side of the partnership is doing things the other doesn't like it causes friction between the pair. With things coming to a head, arguments happen and bonds become strained. Imagine you arranged to cook your partner a nice meal at home, with candles, romantic music and the whole works. Then she turns up late, is disinterested and silent, moans about the way you've cooked the meal and then gets up and goes to bed before the meal is over to get a precious extra half an hour's sleep because she has to work in the morning. How would you feel? You'd feel gutted that you'd taken the time to prepare a lovely meal, which was not appreciated and more important that you were not appreciated. And what if this happened every week when you made that effort? Things would need to be sorted out, and quickly, before the relationship goes pear shaped.

If you haven't gathered where I am going with this I'll explain. The players are making that effort each week for us but most of us, and I'm talking 60-70%, turn up five to ten minutes into the game, complain about the stadium food and beverage prices, don't sing or "support" the team during the game, groan and moan when chances are not taken, then leave five to ten minutes before the final whistle! How do you feel it affects the players? It affects them a lot! It affects them so much that our Captain Marvel has had to extend the long arm of reconciliation and pleaded with us to change our ways.

To quote Thierry's programme notes at the recent Champions League game against CSKA Moscow. " There were times during the match (Everton) that we could hear the crowd getting frustrated, which I completely understand, but I just feel it would be better if we all stayed together, both when we are winning 4-0, and also when it doesn't come off. But it really doesn't help groaning at the players when there is still an hour or so to go, far from it actually, it can get on top of you. I don't want you the fans to take this the wrong way. We talked about it as a team afterwards and I'm saying it on behalf of the whole team, as captain. The kind of frustration that was shown on Saturday can lift the teams that come here. When we go away and we hear the opposition fans getting on their team's back, it gives us a massive lift, so we don't want that to start happening to us here. We were constantly attacking, looking for the winning goal but some people were leaving early. I just wanted you to know that the players do notice it, so please try and stay until the end. It is a great help to have you there as a twelfth man."

So there you have it, direct from the horse’s mouth. Next time you're in the pub pre-game, decide against having that quick extra pint and get into the ground to start supporting the team as soon as they step onto the pitch. I know the beer inside the ground isn't the best but hopefully this will be ironed out over the season. And some Arsenal related decoration inside the concourse would make a lot more people drink inside before kick off. Hopefully the club will sort this out sooner rather than later. If you have the voices to moan about the lack of shots, then use that voice to sing and support the team. And please stay until the final whistle blows. I know the queues and traffic are a nightmare after games, I have to sit in it as well, but think of the team you've come to "support".

I fear that this will not reach the target audience, but if we all do our bit maybe, just maybe, it might start to spread around the crowd. Then we will all give the team the support they deserve.

If we continue as we are then this will affect results more and more. Which could see us miss out on silverware and the money generated from that. This in turn will mean a lack of funds being invested into the playing staff (Wenger won’t be around forever), meaning a drop in high standards of play and a major drop in our recent success. So it really is up to us as supporters to push our great club as far as we want it to go. We truly can make the difference at our new home, so let’s all sing up, stop moaning, arrive and leave on time and support our great team.

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