Hypocritical Gooners

Why Arsenal fans have no right to moan about the defensive approach of visitors to Ashburton

Hypocritical Gooners

Everton: One-nil up, they had the temerity to try and close down the game!

It's been winding me up for some time, in truth it's been like a constant itch in the one part of your body you cannot quite reach comfortably without being a contortionist. It has now got to the point where I just want the scream due to the sheer embarrassment at the garbage that is being spouted by some (not all) fellow Gooners. There is only one word to describe them, Hypocrites.

Please allow me to explain. When you watch/listen to You’re On Sky Sports, Talk Manc, Five Live etc, you constantly hear Arsenal fans and indeed rival fans talking about the beauty of Arsenal’s football. The speed, the passing, the vision, the grace, the single-minded determination to play football the way it was meant to be played. Ok, so far so good, I wouldn't go against any of that, who would? But then it all starts to go wrong, you then have Arsenal fans, players and indeed Le Boss chastising teams like Everton for their negative tactics employed when playing against us.

Now before I go any further, I would like to point out that this is in no way a criticism of Le Boss or the job he does at Arsenal. The man is the most important part of our Club, forget Henry and co. The greater tragedy will be when Mr. Wenger decides that he's had enough and calls it a day. I don't even want to think about the prospect of him no longer being there. Anyway, hopefully we might just get another ten years and I don't have to worry myself about something that's not going to happen. Yet. That's me digressing terribly, I had to say it just in case I get a torrent of abuse from everyone.

Stop blaming teams like Everton and the like for defending for the best part of ninety minuets when they play against us at our shiny new stadium. Please, by all means have a go at them for time wasting, but not for their defensive performance. Was it ugly to watch? Yes. Was it frustrating to watch? Yes. Was it a negative display? Yes. Was it effective? HELL YES. If Arsenal are stupid enough to give an early one goal head start to the likes of Aston Villa, Middlesbrough and Everton at home, what do you expect the opposition to do? In the case of Everton, it was the inability of Arsenal to deal with a corner, or actually score from one of the numerous corners we had. So Everton (for all the right reasons) decide to pack out the midfield to stifle our passing game by limiting the amount of options available. Add to that an out of sorts performance from Henry (the poor boy is allowed one every now and again) and a lacklustre display in front of goal from everyone else in a red shirt, given not for the want of trying, but even so.

Not every fan is fortunate to have the players that Arsenal do. Not every fan is fortunate to support a team that plays the way that Arsenal do. Let us not forget that not so long ago we were in the same position. There seem to be far too many Arsenal fans around that forget that the chant of 'Boring Boring Arsenal' wasn't always an ironic one. Once upon a time Arsenal were more than happy to bypass the midfield completely (which in retrospect was probably a good thing considering it contained the likes of Steve, Jimmy and David) with a hopeful ball over the top that you'd hope Wrighty would get on the end of and lash home. Arsenal would then park the proverbial bus in front of goal and hang on for the win. Yes it was certainly effective but by God it was boring.

Now for anyone who has been a fan of our great club for more than ten years and beyond please do not take the above paragraph as a patronising history lesson, it just needs to be said because too many Arsenal fans seem to have forgotten. There just seems to be to many of us content to criticise the oppositions tactics because it stifles the beautiful way Le Boss has the team playing. Yes it frustrates the hell out of me when teams employ these tactics against us and I will gladly admit to it getting me angry, really angry at times. BUT, that's football. Think about it, do you really think all the travelling Everton, Villa and Boro fans were put out by the fact that there team didn't play with the same panache Arsenal did. Ask them before the game if they would settle for a score draw at our new stadium, they would have bitten your hand off. If given the option of salvaging a point from an away game at Arsenal which over the years has given you recurring nightmares (7-0, 7-0 and 5-0) for just sacrificing you style of play for ninety minutes. Why not? Has everyone forgotten Arsenal’s displays against Man Utd in the Cup final or away at Villarreal last season? Ok, there's only two examples there of Arsenal playing that way in recent years, they’re not doing it on a recurring basis unlike some teams. BUT, we have done it before and we will do it again for whatever the reason is at the time (injuries and suspensions etc).

The press had a field day with the comments Wenger made after the Everton game, not that that should come as a surprise. The red tops especially made it sound as if Wenger believes teams should roll over and die when they come to Arsenal. That's not what he said and that's not what he means. Our manager believes in a way and spirit that the game should be played. Not every other team is going to adhere to this - especially when travel to Arsenal, Man Utd and Liverpool. The latter two have had to put up with this for years, not just the last five or ten. Man Utd especially have learnt how to adapt their game to compensate for this. I'm not suggesting for one moment that Le Boss should compromise his style of play, or suggest like other morons in the press that he should have this mystical Plan B.

Quite simply had Ade or The Beast been fully fit you could have seen them starting against Everton last Saturday. The extra height and physical power they would have offered would have given us more of a chance in both the defending of set pieces and indeed converting chance after chance at our own set pieces. The press always seem to forget these simple facts when reporting after that game, instead making out that Arsenal always seem to be more style over substance against a physically stronger teams. Convenient or lazy journalism? Answers on a postcard.

This sort of lazy journalism (there, I answered the question for you) riles many Arsenal fans and in some cases deludes a certain section, I'm sorry, who think we should have a divine right to win every game just because of the way we play. This in turn starts this section of Arsenal fans mouthing off to fans of every other club that Arsenal had some kind of moral victory as they played the game properly, the beautiful way. What utter bollocks (sorry, it makes me angry), Arsenal are here to win games and trophies and if we can make it look good along the way, brilliant. If not, sod it, a win’s a win and a trophy’s a trophy. I'm in no way advocating the way Chelsea play but you don't hear too many complaints coming from their fans (I know a vast majority are Johnny come lately but that's a different argument for a different day). As much as I hate to say it, Man Utd still mange to make it look good, not quite as good as us obviously, but they don't appear to suffer.

I love this club of ours, I love our new stadium, I love the way we play, I feel we are truly blessed to have the players and manager that we have. I love the fact we are not some Russian's billionaires play toy, I love the fact that were not owned by someone called Randy and I love the fact that were not owned by the Glazers. I especially love the fact that Arsenal fans are everything that Spuds fans aren't: bitter, twisted, hateful and ignorant. So please, please please. Can we all stop this senseless, hypocritical holier than thou nonsense about the way other teams play against us and just enjoy the ride Le Boss has us on at the moment because I think it's going to get better and better and better. And with any luck the prizes we will reap will far exceed anything Chelski, Man Ure and the rest will ever dream of.

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