Ban Cypriot flags of all types and be done with it

Is this any more ridiculous than the club’s current policy? You decide.

Ban Cypriot flags of all types and be done with it

A more internationally recognised version of the flag of Cyprus

I love seeing the different national flags at the stadium.

I don't care whether they are in support of the players’ home countries or from supporters’ home countries, it adds to the atmosphere and is good to see.

The club have reacted without seeing the bigger picture. If Cypriot fans of either side of the Green Line on Cyprus have to bring their argument to the stadium then it is their problem not ours as supporters or the club’s. A much simpler solution is to just ban Cypriot flags then they can either learn to live with each other in an environment that has nothing to do with politics or carry on their argument about Cyprus without flags in the stadium.

I do not mean to trivialise the Cyprus issue at all but it should not be an issue that affects displays of support inside the stadium.

I have read many articles on various the Arsenal fan sites about this issue and it has brought up discussions on away supporters flags, the Emirates name and the Israeli Tourist Board sponsorship and so on. No one has mentioned anything detrimental and so far I have read nothing but how this is a massive overreaction by the Club. What surprises me is that I have not seen or read anything from the either the Greek Cypriots supporters to justify their complaint or from Arsenal other than their brief statement issuing the ban. Perhaps that will be forthcoming by the Blackburn game.

In the meantime, Redaction’s flag day idea for the Charlton game is great and I look forward to it. I have put my name to the online petition and I will be contacting the Club as well. In these days of political correctness all I want is to see Arsenal playing well and enjoying going to a match without the distractions of the outside world. I can put up with expensive prices for everything, being asked not to swear or stand up inside the ground. I can even suffer Arsenal not winning every trophy this season (I may be lying) but I can’t put up with type of overreaction and stupidity. Let's remember, it is just a game.

(Ed’s note – As usual with this very contentious issue, just to raise the point that posts here are the views of individuals who email the website, but that we attempt to put across all sides of any story. Don’t shoot the messenger, but contribute yourself if there’s something you feel needs expressing which isn’t here. There is no policy on the Cyprus issue here at onlinegooner, but we do believe that the club’s blanket ban on national flags is not the best solution to the problem. There has also been some further discussion on this issue on the onlinegooner forum )

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