Arsenal fans disillusioned after Spurs win!

Not enough songs for the players, and even those that try and get the atmosphere going are getting ejected. Football sure ain’t what it used to be.

Arsenal fans disillusioned after Spurs win!

Ashburton: Not enough songs of praise in church-like atmosphere?

From Patrick Spackman –

I am sick to death of the endless ‘Tottenham’ chants that take up half of ‘our’ singing these days. The other half being ‘A-de-bey-or, A-de-bey-or’. Now personally, I couldn’t give a toss about Spurs and wonder how this poxy chant helps the team. Manu deserves a chant as do all the team. What about a song or two for Cesc & Gilberto, for example?

When I got off the train at Arsenal tube for the Carling semi-final, a load of Tottenham fans were yelling their heads off about Arsenal having ‘no firm’. It was very quaint, very 1970s. I can understand these inadequates’ crap. But our club deserves better. We’re light years ahead of Spurs. So, for God’s sake forget about them!

Let’s have a bit more imagination and concentrate on supporting our team not slagging off the wannabees of the lane.


From Barnet Gooner –

Everyone is moaning about the lack of singing and atmosphere and I am getting well p***ed off with it. I have been going to watch my beloved Arsenal since 1979 and today I am a proud season ticket holder. I am however far from being one of these " Oh isn’t that a nice shade of red, I'll get one of those shirts" people

I have come to the conclusion that we (the normal loyal working class fans) are no longer wanted at the ground by the club... it's ok for us to buy merchandise and spread the word that is Arsenal, even brainwash our offspring into following the club, which I admit to doing... but stand up and sing ? No, no, no, we're not allowed to do that.

On Wednesday evening whilst watching a magnificent performance by the boys to sweep aside that lot from down the Seven Sisters Road, we in the lower east or whatever side the bloody tunnel is on were told to sit down and behave or we will be thrown out ! Behave ???... thrown out ???? All we are trying to do create an atmosphere and get behind out side vocally - which we are encouraged to do by Mr Wenger and Mr Henry every week in the programme.

One bloke was actually thrown out for doing this. We're not standing up for 90 mins blocking the view of our fellow Gooners or acting like animals. I'm no saint and we all get a bit heated sometimes but being told to sit down and behave when we are trying to get behind the team and encourage others to do the same is just not on. Are we all meant to act as if we are at Sunday mass? I mean, I ain’t been to church since I was a kid but even then I remember standing up to sing. Maybe we should all learn sign language, eh?

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