Time for Arsenal’s ‘twelfth man’ to turn up for a change

Not often we do this, but given the significance of tomorrow’s game, at the request of the author we are reproducing an piece from the www.arsenal.vitalfootball.co.uk website

Time for Arsenal’s ‘twelfth man’ to turn up for a change

Let’s Be ‘Avin’ You! (to quote a certain Norwich director with culinary leanings)

Gooners, YOUR Club Needs You

As our great club prepares to take on Bolton at Ashburton Grove on Saturday, we fans must also undergo some preparations, for this weekend requires each and every Gooner who takes up a seat in our wonderful stadium to find his or her voice.

We, as a group of fans have often been slated for our lack of vocal support at home games, indeed there has been times this season that if you didn't have the gift of sight you'd never have guessed there was an extra 22,000 Arsenal supporters in our home.

However I was there at the home games versus Sp*rs & Man Utd and witnessed first hand what a cauldron of noise AG can actually be. Ok so these are the bigger games from our fixture list, but let me tell you something, Arsenal v Bolton Wanderers on Saturday 14th April is now far far bigger than either of the games I've just mentioned, and we need to raise the roof.

There has been a chorus of boo's ringing around the various arena's we have failed to win in over the last few weeks, and it is each and every supporters right to voice their disapproval, or otherwise, if they so wish. But this weekend we need to sing on the boys in red & white right from the off.

Put aside whatever feelings you have for individual players, or indeed all of them and make some noise. The purpose of this campaign is to save our team.

When all is said and done the current crop of players who are at the club will at sometime cease to be an Arsenal player, yet one constant will remain. The fans.

It is vitally important that Arsenal finish in the top four this season and to accomplish this we need to beat Bolton. We can play our part by singing our boys on to victory.

So if you can't find it within yourself to chant, sing, dance, jump up and down for the players, then do it for your fellow Gooners.

It's our club, let's play our part.

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