Mind the Gap? Closing down space would be a start

Online Ed: Chelsea more clinical at the Bridge

Mind the Gap? Closing down space would be a start

Rather like the replay against Swansea, we saw two sides of Arsenal either side of the interval. The first half version was not something one wants to see again, although we have seen it several times this season. After a fantastic early chance was spurned by Giroud, notably set through by Walcott, Chelsea were ahead within a minute.

There is no doubt the goal should not have been given due to the foul on Coquelin during the build-up, but to add insult to injury it was scored by Juan Mata. This guy thought he was an Arsenal player in the early summer of 2011. But the club dithered on completing the deal, missed a deadline which ensured they could have secured him on the cheap and Chelsea benefitted. A great piece of business by everyone at Arsenal Holdings plc, but fear not. The time when Mata should have been tied up was put to good use. Dick Law got us Joel Campbell, a player who was unable to get a work permit. What the hell are we paying these people for exactly?

So a goal that shouldn’t have been stood, as Arsenal were caught on the hop. But the second was worse, because of Abou Diaby’s cheap concession of possession that led directly to the penalty. Ramires undoubtedly dived, but referees invariably give those. So it was 2-0. The strange thing was that, for the remainder of the first half, it did not change the game. Chelsea continued to attack as if it was 0-0. Arsenal still had eleven players on the field, but frankly, you wouldn’t have known it. The home team were given so much space to play without any sense of pressure. Time for the Barcelona six second rule to come into Arsenal’s approach methinks. Except maybe the players to carry it out are simply not at the club. You have a large group who are richly rewarded for failure, because the standards expected of them are lower than they should be.

Ivan Gazidis can blame petrodollars, but remember this. When Arsenal decided to build a new stadium on the basis that it was the only way they could remain competitive, it was Manchester United they were trying to keep up with. There was no Abramovich, no Sheik Mansour in the picture. So United are the yardstick by which the success or otherwise of the move should be based. Look at the league table…

Fortunately, unlike at, for example, Norwich and Old Trafford earlier this season, the half-time team talk had some positive effect, as Arsenal meant business in the second half. And with the chances they did create as a result, they could have won this game. Ultimately though, they were not clinical enough in front of goal. Last season they had a striker who could find the net consistently. Now they don’t. However, they have £22.5 million more in the bank, so everything’s fine in Denver or wherever it is Stan Kroenke gets his updates about the club’s financial performance. It would be enlightening if, at the next AGM, someone asked the majority owner if he could remember a couple of specific results from the previous campaign. What was the score at Wigan away last season Mr Kroenke? Can you remember who Santi Cazorla scored a hat-trick against? One suspects he does not even watch highlights of the games.

The second half saw a succession of chances, with eventually one being converted by Walcott. There were more offside calls than is healthy, as Chelsea showed how to play a line. And ultimately, with the visitors chasing, counter attacks inevitably presented chances for Rafa Benitez’ team to make the game safe, with Demba Ba’s failure to convert an astonishing let off.

So Arsenal eventually made a fist of it, and were ultimately beaten by two goals that should not have been. However, their first half display frankly merited punishment, and the regularity of such apathetic displays is a cancer at the heart of the current team, one that does not appear to be being addressed. For 45 minutes, the only outfield player who seemed bothered about winning his battles was, inevitably, Jack Wilshere. The rest just didn’t seem that interested. It sure isn’t a recipe for winning.

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  1. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 27, 2016, 9:23 #95044

    I see Untold is covering what is a very serious breaking story of Crewe. Attwood is doing the whole country is going to the dogs routine. When it is far more of a case of lack of controls in many sports in countries across the Globe causing misery and creating opportunities for abusers. Some contributors are trying desperately to get people to keep to the point whereas as the majority are rambling about government conspiracies and ancient Greeks. Old Attwood really does unleash conspiracy freeks upon the world. No need to worry though as they all love Wengo.

  2. Professor Yaffle

    Nov 26, 2016, 16:53 #95039

    After some careful experimentation involving a maze and some mice. I now believe the mice have greater intuitive intelligence than Jamee who appears to be low IQ'd anal retentive.

  3. Professor Yaffle

    Nov 26, 2016, 15:42 #95036

    Scientific studies have shown that the most religiously intolerant and prejudiced members of society tend to have the lowest IQ's. I therefore conclude Jamie is as thick as mice.

  4. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 26, 2016, 15:29 #95035

    ...and a cnut, Professor Yaffle. We might as well call it as it is. I'd give him a kicking any day of the week, and I can also out-do him on the violent metaphors if he wants to start. He's nothing but a caravan coward.

  5. Professor Yaffle

    Nov 26, 2016, 12:31 #95032

    Jamee is a sex freak. FACT

  6. Bonzo

    Nov 26, 2016, 6:34 #95025

    Jamee / BBA, I will say again, accept your sexual orientation. Try not to hurt others with your extreme impulses and seek therapy or maybe voluntary reporting to the Police if you are acting out what you call deviant behaviour against unwilling parties.

  7. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 25, 2016, 23:57 #95024

    jamee-bba - it'll be a cold day in your own personal deviant dante-esque hell when you get the better of me, ficko. How's that for "adjective comments"

  8. Bonzo

    Nov 25, 2016, 23:57 #95023

    BBA - the Moderator has confirmed your Jamerson. You may not be aware of this, I get this. The Three Faces of Eve film famously covered this very same multiple personality disorder. Worth a view and possibly time to adjust your meds.

  9. bba

    Nov 25, 2016, 22:03 #95022

    And there you have it. Listeners will listen, gooners will debate and people like AKB, shut down and revert back to type. Sad really.

  10. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 25, 2016, 21:13 #95021

    Jamee - "adjective comments" What the fook are you crapping on about jamee or jamee-bba the amoeba? Get back to the caravan fisting you muppet.

  11. bba

    Nov 25, 2016, 21:08 #95020

    Bonzo. You appear to know everything about everything but in theory you know **** all. Whilst I am fully aware of Jamerson, please, for the record, I am not and never will be him. Your rash and adjective comments only pour fire on your pathetic, naive persona that is perfect for a fool whom tells the world he is a gooner but seems a little bit interested in dragging comments about your own inadequacies. Let the egg throwing commence

  12. mbg

    Nov 25, 2016, 19:46 #95019

    Well come on then own up, who was the AKB face timing his girlfriend/wife during the game ? (any ideas?)who can blame him I suppose, there was nothing else to do, hey honey no need to watch the game our messiah has everything under control, oh my God honey he's looking up, hey arsene, hello, we love you.

  13. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 25, 2016, 19:46 #95018

    mbg - spot on. From the backroom staff to the board to the players to akbs with blind faith, wengo seems to hold all of them in his thrall. It's all so anaesthetised that everyone now sounds like a spin-machine supporting the chihuahua at all costs. No truth, no integrity and no future. The club is in the hands of f*ckwits, and is partially supported by even bigger f*ckwits like Jamee son. A recipe for disaster.

  14. mbg

    Nov 25, 2016, 19:14 #95017

    ArseneKnewBest, and any manager worth his salt would listen to and take advice from his assistant, and/or make sure he had a good assistant in place in the first place who he could take advice from and turn to on occasions (and look at all the greats who have)instead of a nodding dog yes man) but no, not this old arrogant egoistic waste of space he listens to no one, takes advice from no one, will not be told what to do by anyone such is his arrogance, he'll just bumble on and on. wenger out now.

  15. John F

    Nov 25, 2016, 17:55 #95016

    Tony,as soon as xhaka was sent off against Swansea I thought Wenger would punish him.He does not trust his temperament even though he came with that reputation having been sent off eight times.I like him and feel he should be given a chance after all Wenger preserved with Viera who was often taking an early bath.X haka is also known for being a bit verbal with his teamates and was made captain at BM not sure Wenger likes a strong character either.

  16. GS

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:35 #95015

    Cyril- batistuta gave us the runaround as well- the writing was on the wall way back ( galatasary anyone) , but with the odd PL & double to hide his shortcomings he has rode the gravy train too long and does not know how to get off.

  17. Tony Evans

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:30 #95014

    We're all resigned to it by now aren't we. First or second in the group matters not a jot because we all know the fate awaiting us sooner or later - an exit at the hands of Barca, Bayern or similar. Hope has disappeared over the horizon - I just wish Wenger would, and take some of his indulged little darling players with him.

  18. mbg

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:29 #95013

    Wenger be honest ? in any way ? cough, ha ha, hee hee, ho ho, lol, he doesn't know the meaning of the word.

  19. Cyril

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:14 #95012

    Paulo: Agreed. Can't bear the torture of Barca any longer. It goes back to 1999 for me. Had really hopes at Wembley that night after a 1 all draw previous month. I had to pick my chin up off the floor after that 4-2 defeat. They had Puyol in the squad and a certain Mr Xavi. He must Benjamin Button. Anyway, class of Enrique, Figo and Rivaldo evident. It did strike me how easily we were being picked off even with that great side. Would I ever have thought that Wenger may have lacked some tactical nous at that time ? . No. But looking back now when it comes to the highest level ......

  20. mbg

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:04 #95011

    He can't field and coach a proper first team so he'll hardly be capable of doing it to a second one, but as the result doesn't matter i don't suppose that matters either. wenger out.

  21. Ron

    Nov 25, 2016, 15:00 #95010

    No. It never matters. This yr, last yr, next yr, whatever yr you want. AFC and Wenger couldn't give a flying fook as long as they're through the group.

  22. Paulo75

    Nov 25, 2016, 14:32 #95008

    Time for the squad to show some balls and get us convincingly back to winning ways. An emphatic performance and result required to banish the disappointment of recent weeks. As for 1st or 2nd place in the CL I really don't think it matters this year - not much between the two in terms of potential opposition. Just sick of the sight of Barcelona....

  23. Arseneknewbest

    Nov 25, 2016, 14:16 #95007

    A good manager would be following many of Ian's sensible points and telling those under-achievers on the fringes of the squad - walnutt included - that they're playing for their futures ahead of the January window. But that's as likely as wengo being relieved of his duties any time soon. To support the points in this piece, ask yourself, "what would Klopp do?" and you have the answer. Anyone know if our diminutive nicotine-fingered loanee is allowed to play against us this weekend?

  24. GS

    Nov 25, 2016, 13:30 #95006

    HighburyBoy : Fair point ref 2nd Leg at home, so, with that reasoning, if you finish 2nd and play your 1st Leg at home, should you not win the game to nil to assist when you go away in the 2nd Leg, remind me when Arsenal last did this? Home advantage does not seem to assist Arsenal & Wenger in anyway. We finish 1st, play 1st Leg away, can we really finish the job at home in 2nd Leg, who ever we meet ??...Like Bard says, is all Smoke & Mirrors to bring in the Wonga for Wenger....YKIMS

  25. Bard

    Nov 25, 2016, 13:14 #95005

    Ian a well written article but to me it reads like a childs Christmas letter to Santa Claus. What you say makes perfect sense but it isnt going to happen as you well know. The same things could be said about the last 10 seasons. I would go further and suggest that qualifying for the CL is merely a cash issue. The club have no intention of investing with a view to winning the thing. Its all PR for those fans stupid enough to believe that the club actually want to win anything. This season's main aim from a board point of view is to do well enough to sign up Wenger for another stint without incurring the wrath of the fans. For that we need a plucky stab at the CL, a decent effort in the Prem and maybe a good run in the Cup. The rest is just PR tosh.

  26. Bonzo

    Nov 25, 2016, 13:14 #95004

    GS - BBA is Jamerson so you might as well reply to 'Jamerson' . Fatboy Jamee is obsessed about ball size, often equating devotion to Wenger as a sign of gonad size. He's always saying grow some as well. A big giveaway. I suspect Jamee has actually got a shrivelled pair due to his constant projecting of ball waggling. It's one of Jamee's many and varied issues.

  27. Tony Evans

    Nov 25, 2016, 13:11 #95003

    Can anyone explain to me what is going on with Granit Xhaka? Wenger parts company with £34 big ones for him, and then picks Elneny, Ramsey or Coquelin ahead of him, more often than not. Xhaka was one of our best players v the Spuds (not difficult I know) and then not to start him against Man U and PSG is surely utter madness. With Cazorla out at the moment, the obvious solution must be Xhaka, but not, it would seem, in the mad world of Arsene Wenger!

  28. HighburyBoy

    Nov 25, 2016, 13:09 #95002

    Home advantage in the 2nd leg is the key factor you ignore.

  29. GS

    Nov 25, 2016, 10:53 #95001

    bba : Read my post again, then read your leaders quotes saying that if we finish 1st we get an easier game in last 16 ... really ?? - Don't matter who we meet, Arsenal under Wenger are clueless both in CL & PL...what im saying is we should be strong enough to play & beat whoever we meet, be it Barca, Real, BM etc. Best thing you can do, is wake up , smell the coffee and realise Wenger has lead us to oblivion for the last 10 seasons, while earning £8m pa, with very little to show for it ( 2 FA cups noted - Wigan & Portsmouth have won 1 each in that time)...Get real, take off your Wenger tinted glasses and see things for how they really are....In Wenger We Rust.

  30. bba

    Nov 25, 2016, 10:45 #95000

    GS. Who at Arsenal stated we were fearful of the mighty clubs in Europe that you quote. It's the small, negative fanbase like yourself that is fearful. Crying and whining gets you nowhere. Grow some and get behind the team.

  31. Dartford gooner

    Nov 25, 2016, 10:34 #94999

    Ian what makes you think Arsene will change now. He will carry on doing the same thing he always does. Same why of playing same players no matter who we are playing. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel every season but it gets dimmer and dimmer. Wengers candle is flickering someone please blow it out

  32. Tony Evans

    Nov 25, 2016, 9:53 #94996

    All sound stuff, Ian - fancy a football management job - only for a paltry £8M quid a year mind! Meanwhile the present incumbent will continue in his usual fashion - a cross somewhere between Messer's Magoo and Bumble.

  33. GS

    Nov 25, 2016, 9:44 #94995

    1st or 2nd makes no difference, we are meant to be a top European side ( according to the balance sheet) yet we are fearful of meeting Barca,Real, BM etc, what a joke. We should be feared, but due to Wenger, we have become a soft touch over the last 10seasons and there is no sign of change until he decides to leave. The mentality of the team and the inferior players bought are all down to one man, and whichever side of the fence you sit ( WOB or AKB) that is FACT, and will only change when he leaves. Put a strong manager in the Tec area and see if he stands for any nonsense from our prima-donna's, awarding mega contacts to 10goal a season players who have no ambition, not to mention players kept on when they are permanently injured. The whole thing is a Joke , led by the chief clown a certain Mr Wenger.

  34. chris dee

    Nov 25, 2016, 9:44 #94994

    Yes lot's of permutations and player rotation. Just a shame it won't win us the Premiership or god forbid,the Champions League.But musn't get to upset as it's Arsene's last season.

  35. Exeter Gunner

    Nov 25, 2016, 9:34 #94993

    All sounds sensible, but we all know Wenger will carry on the same way until players break, and he then won't think it's anything to do with him, just all bad luck and external forces. This is why November is always bad, this is why the same mistakes are repeated every season - Wenger doesn't see the connection between his actions and anything that goes wrong. Nor do the AKBs.

  36. Jason B

    Jan 25, 2013, 18:31 #31202

    At times in the first half,it looked as if we could have got a right hiding.

  37. tpm

    Jan 23, 2013, 21:34 #31134

    i bet goonercoylesboy is back on the comments after tonight! numpties

  38. New manager, new ideas please

    Jan 22, 2013, 12:15 #31106

    Call me a NMNIP if you must - but I'm asking for a New Manager, New Ideas Please

  39. Knock it long to Raphael Meade

    Jan 22, 2013, 11:44 #31105

    I totally support those that attend the Ashburton Grove stadium in not purchasing merch / food / beverages, but Stan and Ollie Gazidis will simply make up the shortfall by selling a first team regular. Doesn't help us fathom why overpaid squad players with no resale value are retained and offered contract extensions (Hello Johan), but there you go.

  40. HowardL

    Jan 22, 2013, 8:23 #31100

    @JJ: Caz and Mata can hug as much as they like and sentimentalise about old times - but preferably NOT after such a costly defeat, certainly with Santi not looking quite so happy - and preferably out of sight of the fans and TV cameras.

  41. MarkyMark

    Jan 22, 2013, 8:21 #31099

    Gooner Ron will judge Wenger at the end of the season, did Wenger not ask to do that about three years ago, and that was another trophy less season and we did not remotly challenge for the league and the decline continues. Every dod has its day, Wengers went about 4 years ago !

  42. JJ Williams

    Jan 22, 2013, 2:59 #31098

    @ HowardL: Cazorla and Mata played in the same youth team at Real Oviedo. So cut him a little slack. Our little playmakers postmatch hug with an old friend is not an issue as far as I am conceraned. The problems with Arsenal FC are: Wenger, Kronke and the Board.


    Jan 22, 2013, 2:31 #31097



    Jan 21, 2013, 23:04 #31096

    George Graham was sacked for taking a 'bung' or bungs, with no mercy, the man who single handedly took this club by the scruff of the neck in the mid 80's and in very bad shape, and made it the envy of the land.The legacy he left was the foundation for all of Wenger's success, i.e. rock solid defence, character and resilience. As the last of 'George's era retired so also did Arsenal's success. Yes we owe AW thanks, but no club or business can continue to put blind faith in a man who has patently lost it. This club is now in a sorry state, not financially of course but that's for banks to worry about. Morale amongst fans is the lowest I can recall since winter of 1983 when Neill was sacked. The club have been way too loyal to Wenger, He has GOT TO GO.

  45. David

    Jan 21, 2013, 22:27 #31095

    In the words of Olver Cromwell to Wenger: “You have sat too long here for for any good you have been doing. Depart, I say and let us have done with you."

  46. In the end we have no power

    Jan 21, 2013, 22:02 #31094

    Unless you decide to stop buying tickets to the game...and I guess it is clear from the many empty seats at home games that people are doing just that. Maybe not in the numbers that would prompt a crisis, but give it time. So its clear that we are still in the same inconsistent form that has blighted us for pretty much 3 or 4 seasons. But now we have no Cesc or RVP to bail us out and we also cant rely on the default position of knowing that despite flaws we are still better than the other teams apart from Man U and Chelsea. Now we are light years behind those two plus City and sadly it looks like the Spurs are peeling away and on current form they look more capable and deserving of a top 4 finish. They actually gave Utd a game which I cant recall us doing for a few seasons. Wenger keeps speaking about his team (they were timid, nervous...blah blah blah) as if he has nothing to do with it. And maybe that is the case...perhaps we can now pretty much assume that he provides no leadership, tactics, strategy, man management, motivation or preparation. Seems to be the case. You cannot hide from results on and off the pitch. Lose or fail to win enough games and you are not successful. Thats us. Say hello to channel 5 folks. Lets be clear...we will not be buying anybody during this transfer window. We all know that. So lets not kid ourselves by talking about the gaps we need to fill. And ask yourself a question. To what end? We spent quite a lot over summer...around £40m on Giroud, Podolski and Cazorla. Where did that get us. I dont believe that any of them are rubbish. But our manager can no longer construct and motivate teams, no matter who we buy. There is no more magic left in Arsene Wengers Magic Hat! Off the pitch...well continued failings will continue to affect football revenue....watch the results next year. Most of us are not spoilt fans...ie..if my team is not winning Im not supporting. But we want to feel a bond with the team. QPR fans feel that bond even though their team is stuck at the bottom. Their team is having a go. Their manager is trying to turn things round and their club owners can see disaster ahead but trying to bring players in who can make a difference and ship out the deadwood. What can we feel a bond with. Not the players (apart from Jack), not the manager, but only with our love for the club. There is failure and mediocrity ahead. Nothing more. So all we can cling to is that this is our club, like family. Testing times. One day, Arsene will be gone. He will wonder what happened during all those empty years at Arsenal when his team stopped winning and stopped competing. I hope we are all still around supporting whats left of our club.

  47. Block G Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 21:58 #31093

    This just has to end soon.............surely even Wenger cannot believe the utter nonsense he talks after every game. Spend some money now or please get the hell out of our club. Enough is enough......when is the next black scarf march as the fans need to make it clear that this farce simply cannot continue!!!!

  48. Munchbag hat

    Jan 21, 2013, 21:37 #31092

    This is miserable. Why is it that Arsenal fans are so obsessed with what their team deserves? Are we so obsessed with what WE deserve that we are almost pleased that decisions go against us and can't muster up a "we wuzz robbed"? We all know now that both Chelsea goals should not have stood because of the foul and the bad penalty award. When did football become about getting "what one deserves". Did Chelsea deserve to win the champions league? Did Manchester United deserve to win the treble fluking a win against Bayern Munich? They are hardly going to be returning those trophies. There's no doubting that we were awful in the first half but actually we didn't "deserve" to be two nil down. And Wenger wasn't jumping for joy, was he? Perspective people please. As for the players in the way I was encouraged to see Wilshere actually telling players to make an effort and Giroud also doing the same. there is some spirit developing . What we really need is to get rid of Sagna if all he's going to do is sulk about Walcott being given a contract which he would've quite liked.

  49. John Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 20:38 #31091

    What about a half-match boycott? People worried about the money they would lose on the ticket would not miss much as the players don't turn up for the first half anyway. I know £62 is a lot for half a game of football, but what better message all of the non-AKBs standing outside the ground singing the team on until half-time? Recently the Bundesliga held a 12-minute silent protest, for which I was present - It really resonates!

  50. GoonerRon

    Jan 21, 2013, 20:24 #31090

    @ Angry & Frustrated - I'm a bit mixed up about everything at the moment to be honest. There are things wrong with the team, of that there is no doubt, and a lot of that is down to the manager. I often find myself defending the manager on this forum as I'm not a fan of relentless vilification without balance and, whilst he clearly has failings, there is still an awful lot of good that he brings to our club. But to answer your question I am mainly concerned with the teams continual slow starting in games. We showed in the second half that when we control the game we can swarm all over teams. I will judge him at the end of the season and if we don't will a trophy or finish in the top 4 some serious questions will rightly be asked.

  51. Markymark

    Jan 21, 2013, 20:19 #31089

    Just before Diaby gave the ball away for the goal he was moaning about something else and waving his arms around, also turning his back on play to carry on moaning. When he lost the ball for the penalty he just ambled back, watched shez try to make a save and then after about three seconds tried to get to the ball - a total disgrace, i know he has been injured, but that was just so unproffesional. The ONE and ONLY player to come out of that shambles was Wilshire. We moved grounds to compete at the top table, the yardstick was Manchester United, so ignore Man City and Chelsea, then look where we are compared to United. Wenger has totally lost the plot - GOODBY MONSUER ! He says he will only spend money on top top players, too late when you look at the crap he has been buying for the last 5 years. This is the most incompetent and morally lacking threadbare squad i have seen in my 35 years of going to AFC !

  52. Ando

    Jan 21, 2013, 19:01 #31088

    The managers earlier comments about Diaby being the key were spot on. Except rather than inspiring him to reach levels that are beyond him, his true abilities came to the fore and he fell flat on his face. Wengers patience with this player alone are a concern. Is he related to him in any way? why does he have so much faith in players who do not deliver? no other PL manager would wait for so long for signs that any players can deliver. I purchased tickets today for the Bayern game (silver member) but only purchased lower tier. £62.00 is enough to watch this lot, the upper tier was at least £81.00 if I could not have got the lower tier, I was not going to shell out the extra to watch from the gods. Perhaps more of this type of abstention is needed to hasten change, but for sure, change is needed.

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 19:00 #31087

    Gare Kekeke couldn't agree more, some of our players have far to much to say for themselves not only after a win where they can't wait to get in front of the cameras,but also when we've been stuffed again with the usual, we can't make the same mistake/mistakes again we have to learn from this you wouldn't mind but they never do or are just not capable.

  54. mark from aylesbury

    Jan 21, 2013, 18:43 #31086

    At a recent financial fair play meeting. Arsenal presented a letter also signed by Man Utd that insisted player spend must be a percentage of turnover. It also attempts to set an ownership model that would ban Oligarchs investment. All well and good eh? Well it would stop Usmanov from bidding for power and of course we have sold our best forward to Manu. It more or less guarantees manutd prominance with us finishing perpetually 2nd. Wenger also says he knew Van Persie would continual his form, yet he sells him. Whether it is coincedence or not. This whole episode stinks. The board stink. Wenger stinks. This is a stain on the good name of Arsenal. What a complete stitch-up. I just hope to god the greedy 7million a year incompetant loser goes to.PSG. I want my Arsenal back

  55. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 21, 2013, 17:55 #31085

    @ HowardL; I was at the game but was listening to the radio commentary at the same time and the commentators said that Wenger song was sung by Chelsea fans. They did the same thing when Rafa was Liverpool manager three years ago in a home game against Sunderland. One thing I forgot to mention in my earlier post; Jack Wilshire really has to learn to keep his trap shut at times. Recently, he described us of having a great team and after the Swansea FA Cup win, he said that Chelsea don’t like playing against us. This despite the fact they had already beaten us at the Grove earlier in the season and have beaten us a lot in recent years, well mainly because Didier Drogba had been bullying our defenders. Things like that are symptomatic of the arrogance that exists at The Arsenal these days.

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 17:22 #31084

    chris dee, good point the spin machine and wenger apologists are quick to let everybody know we're only seven or whatever points of our fourth place trophy,and the way things are going that will soon cease,but you'll never hear them tell us how many points we're off first or second, that doesn't look or sound as good.

  57. au revoir wenger

    Jan 21, 2013, 17:09 #31083

    got battered for 45 mins yesterday and wenger did nothing to change things and do you know why?its because he doesnt know how.What that clown knows about tactics you could write on the back of a stamp

  58. GoonerGoal!

    Jan 21, 2013, 17:03 #31082

    One league point so far this month, and nobody would really be surprised if Brighton knocked us out of the FA Cup. To be honest, 6th to 8th place and possibly not even a UEFA Europa League place, is all I ever expected this season. I think my expectations are going to be met, because as the AKBs like to remind us "In Arsene We Trust!" Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! DOWN WITH THE BOURGEOIS DICTATOR, THE MONEY GRABBING OWNER, AND THEIR RUNNING DOG DEVOTEES! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  59. Tony Evans

    Jan 21, 2013, 15:54 #31081

    A&F - I expect all (not many left now though) the pro Wenger lot will be back if we beat Westham, arguing that everything is fine again!

  60. Gare Kekeke

    Jan 21, 2013, 15:18 #31080

    A game of two halves for us. Despite a decent second half performance, for me we deserved to lose at Chelsea even if both of their goals are shrouded in controversy. Yet again more defensive issues on our part (no surprise there then eh?), Diaby has ability but lacks discipline, Walcott is developing well, perhaps a lot longer than he should have but he’s getting there and nothing more to add on Wilshire. He just oozes supreme ability. Spot on about Mata Kevin. No doubt the Wenger apologists will claim that we had no right to expect even a point at Chelsea given how much money they have spent since the Abramovich takeover of 2003 (even if their home form since Rafa’s appointment prior to our visit to the Bridge has been pants). If that’s the case can they explain why struggling Southampton claimed a 2-2 draw at the Bridge just a few days earlier and two weeks earlier bottom-of-the-table QPR won 1-0? Good management isn’t down to how much money is spent. I see that our points haul of 34 after 22 games is our worst since Wenger’s appointment. It’s to his credit that he has accumulated much more points after that amount of games over the years but it’s also another sign of our decline. That’s a real stat that should be scrutinised not things like points per spend which do have some merit but can also be trivial. After all wasn’t Denilson recognised by stats by having the most completed passes in 2008/09? How many of them were short, sideways and backwards? I rest my case. I still think we will finish fourth, but only because I think Tottenham & Everton will fall away as they usually do. But all it will do is just paper over cracks. I don’t get disappointed about defeats as I expect very little from the current squad and have no faith in Wenger due to his reluctance/refusal to adapt and evolve. What worked well for him the early years is now outdated as other managers have caught up. Some may have even overtaken him but that’s another argument altogether.

  61. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 14:55 #31079

    Another woeful display first half anyway,the second was much better but does this team not realise there's two halves in a football match ? after going down 2-0 it looked like we were going to get a real hiding, we were all over the place.The barca six second rule ? as far as players like diaby are concerned it's fifteen is there a slower more casual player at the club ? no need to answer that.I wonder who was responsible for kicking them up the arse at half time and for sending them back out early as it's hard to remember the last time that happened, it worked anyway and a great goal by the 100k a week man but he's going to have to do that a hell of a lot more to justify his contract,and earning that sort of dough you'd think he would be capable of staying onside more, i suppose it's to much to ask will it be worked on ? as nothing seems to be worked on as far as this team is concerned.At the end of the day regardless of the circumstances for the chavs goals we were beaten (again) but we had plenty of chances to get something but the same old problem we couldn't convert how many chances does giroud need to score one.This team and it's manager are so predictable now, we're becoming more of a mid table side every week that's if we're not one already.

  62. Stevesam

    Jan 21, 2013, 14:11 #31078

    Latest odds from Honest Joe the bookie for the Arsenal Summer sales, 1-2 Sagna, evens Wilshere, 2-1 AOC, 3-1 TV, 7-2 Santi, 5-1 Arteta, 50-1 bar. Somebody has got to pay the deadwood wage bill! 1-2 AW to be Manager 2013/14.

  63. Andy M

    Jan 21, 2013, 13:57 #31077

    Metro is running a piece on fines imposed by the Prof on the team if they are late for meals or matches or wear the wrong kit or make a phone call. There is a glaring omission. Fine them a month's wages if they don't win a game. Theo's on £100,000 a week for ****'s sake! I hate to think what would happen to me if I did my job as badly...

  64. HowardL

    Jan 21, 2013, 13:49 #31076

    Poor decisions definitely cost us but Arsenal just did not respond as they would have done in the Invincibles' days until it was too late. Sagna was awful, and whilst I have sympathy with a guy who has had to cope twice in recent times with a broken leg I could scarcely believe that he was not taken off at half time. Bringing on Andrey in that pressure situation after ignoring him for so long was cruel of Wenger, like throwing the poor guy to the lions. And I'm surprised Kev that you (and no one else so far) has mentioned Cazorla cavorting with Mata, all smiles and cuddles, at the final whistle (recall Santos and the RVP shirt swop)- these guys are professionals yet do not seem to understand the distress this can cause to the fans. I used to be a staunch Wenger supporter but now I cannot be bothered with listening to his "explanations". His team is not motivated, he has lost the dressing room, his tactics are incomprehensible - in short, he has lost the plot. I watched on Sky so wasn't sure which set of supporters was singing 'Arsene Wenger, we want you to stay' but I'd be surprised if it were the Gooners. Can someone please enlighten me as the commentators didn't mention it?

  65. ATID

    Jan 21, 2013, 13:43 #31075

    I was a bit surprised that some of those posting replies were complaining about the performance of the referee. After the second Chelsea goal went in the Gooners in the Shed end went silent. Our display in the first half was so utterly inept and lacking in commitment we were in shock. None of us there would have been surprised if it had been 5 - 0 at half time. If you think the officials lost us this game you are as deluded as OGL. PS Angry & Frustrated - my last AKB friend (and he was passionately loyal to Wenger) confessed to me a couple of weeks ago that he now thought it was time for a change of manager. Does that make Toby the last man standing?

  66. Ron

    Jan 21, 2013, 13:38 #31074

    Cambridge Gooner - On Sagna. Its called the 'shop window'. He ll be picked however appalling his performances. Hes on his way and any buyer needs to see him in action so to satisfy themselves hes OK after the leg breaks. Truth is, his performances had taled off well before the game at the Spuds when he broke his leg again.The fact that hes garbage now can be passed off at the sale point by Arsenal saying hes had to come back 'too soon after injury'but now hes fine and his performances were expected to take time to optimize. Its the spin the Club will use anyway and in the meantime, note also hes french done forget, so he gets preference anyway over a keen,hungry and honest english lad who theyve no doubt fed a load of cobblers telling him his time is 'tomorrow'. Somebody needs to tell Jenks that 'tomorrow' never comes at Arsenal. Perhaps Wilshere will mention it to him when he s heading out of the exit door to United!

  67. Gezza

    Jan 21, 2013, 13:13 #31073

    Can you imagine Kroenke's response if he was asked What the score was against Wigan last season or who Cazorla scored a hat trick against: " I'm sorry what's a Wigan?" or Cazorla, is he that Linebacker I've been hearing about..." Wenger out, please...

  68. the denver kid

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:45 #31072

    4 games against top 3 clubs no points 3 goals for 8 let in.worse bench ever and what happend to that rosicky fellow who played a game or 2 last season

  69. Wenger Must Go

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:37 #31071

    Would use some of that £22.5 million to pay Martin Keown to work on the defensive side of the game if Arsenal didn't have such a stubborn manager :-( :-(

  70. Rocky RIP

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:33 #31070

    Is everyone too weary to rant about costly refereeing decisions these days? Do we just accept them? 10 years ago I'd have been livid with the injustice of the 2 Chelsea goals. Now I just let it go as I can see the bigger picture. Meanwhile, Sralex's rants whenever (not often) they are denied by decisions is headline news. Ours get swept under the carpet as an irrelevance, and don't dare mention them or it'll sound like you're making excuses. We were poor first half, but it's come to something when we/our manager aren't forgiven for mentioning that they do actually have a huge impact on the scoreline.

  71. Ron

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:31 #31069

    I thought it was a good result. With the players Arsenal use these days and the Club plummeting towards middle of the table, avoiding a hammering there was creditable. Add in, the fact of the team playing effectively with 10 men (i dont count Diaby, as hes just having fun pretending to be a footballer - and needs a pitch to play on. Its so nice of Arsenal to oblige him), it was even more worthy of congratulation. PS Wilsheres body language was telling. Utter frustration as he waved and yelled at the heroic journeymen around him all game. He ll be gone before you know it, once the question marks against his fitness have been dispelled.

  72. SilverGooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:21 #31067

    I have only just got round to watching Sky's post-Bradford interview with Stewart Robson. And now it all makes perfect sense - Wenger is a dictator who listens to no-one. Sour grapes or not, Robson should know a thing or two about what goes on as he worked closely with the club for Arsenal TV - but not any longer. Perhaps Wenger was behind that as well.

  73. Endless, Nameless

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:20 #31066

    Wenger has backed himself into a corner. He has a sub-standard squad that he cannot motivate no matter how hard he tries. He cannot motivate them simply because there is nothing to motivate these players for. Jack aside, I doubt that you could find one that really, trully, deep-down plays for the shirt. They know that regardless, if they fail, they will be defended by the manager. We could finish one place above relegation this year, and they all will be there come August. The time for "spending big" has long gone i'm afraid - who in their right mind would want to come to us now? We are stuck with this group of players and if Arsene can no longer motivate them, then the summer must bring a new manager before any new players.

  74. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:19 #31065

    If we do not buy anyone this January I will take that as a positive sign - It might mean changes! Lets face it we cannot allow AW to keep buying 3rd rate players. I would rather write this season off than see another Gerviniho, Giroud,Santos,Pod etc etc brought in by our "King Midas in reverse" I think I'll hid in a cave until May and then pray that by then, someone will have shaken my team out of the stinking malaise that it has sunk into!

  75. Nilesh Bhagat

    Jan 21, 2013, 12:15 #31064

    We played well in the second half. If we had better options on the bench we could have easily got a draw at least. We have played 12 away league games so far and 10 at home and we now have 3 home league in succession and we urgently need to win them all. I sincerely hope all the moaners who didn't bother turning up for the Swansea game last week continue to stay away for these upcoming games as the atmosphere in the ground was good and it was enjoyable to be there without the constant level of whinging that you normally get.

  76. Alan Jalzeera

    Jan 21, 2013, 11:59 #31063

    The first 45 minutes yesterday said everything about our manager. 2-0 down inside 20 minutes and Chelsea threatening to run riot - and he is arguing with the 4th official. Surely his attention should have been on his team allowing Chelsea all the time in the world to play around us? Look at the managers above us on the league: Fergie, Mancini, AVB etc, they would have screamed their heads off to get their teams closing down the opponents. Not our manager though - he is more interested in his jacket zip. We have no ability to react to the changing circumstances around us - from our one dimensional "tactics" to our pre-planned substitutions. Oh and next time we are chasing a game and need something extra up front, put on Steve Bould, he would provide us with more flair than Arshavin and might actually win the occasional header from a corner. Oh and Martin Atkinson - thanks for nothing.

  77. Cambridge Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 11:56 #31062

    This was the worst result possible! We lost ground on Spurs - much as I hate to think of them as actual rivals, we tamely handed the game to Chelsea, but not so tamely as to put any pressure on Wenger, and we (seemingly) lost the game to poor refereeing decisions - Wenger must be jumping for joy! Not only does it mean that we will not spend, Wenger will not change one little thing about the way we are set up. How many of Giroud's chances would RVP have spurned? How much with each goal sublimely scored for Man U is RVP hammering a nail into Wenger's coffin? How can the man sleep at night watching RVP shoot Man U to a league title while we rue the missed chances of our hapless, if hardworking, strikers stuttering to a fourth place trophy against very poor opposition? The man who epitomises the whole problem for me, overlooked by many, is Sagna. How is Sagna still getting picked ahead of our fellow gooner Jenkinson? How bad does a player have to get before Wenger will drop them? Not only is the skill lacking at the moment, his attitude stinks aswell! Is it any coincidence that both goals were scored from his defensive position with him noweher to be seen? He loses the ball tamely (every time), jogs back and I have not seen a worse crosser of the ball in the Premier league....... How is this travesty allowed to continue????? On which merit is he being picked?

  78. Angry & Frustrated

    Jan 21, 2013, 11:31 #31061

    I have not commented for a while, as it seems pointless, as we are just going round and round in circles. All the same tired old observations, (which I agree with) and yet nothing changes. The only thing I am curious about is whether or not some of Wenger's biggest defenders, who like me have not commented on this site for a while, are at least starting to change their opinions? I am not asking in a "told you so way" but am genuinely interested as to whether any of you are at last beginning to have doubts about the direction our club is heading under Wenger. People like PPP, goonercolseyboy, Chris, Mandy Dodd, Simon Rose, GoonerRon etc I would be interested to hear your current take on our situation, being we are already further adrift from the top after 22 games now, than we managed after 38 last season.

  79. Toby

    Jan 21, 2013, 11:27 #31060

    I don't blame Wenger for the way he wants Arsenal to play.I watched all the top games over the weekend.First City who just defended at home to Fulham and eventually bored the opposition into submission.Then Arsenal who were fleeced by the officials but played far superior than any of the other top sides in the second half.Finally Man Utd who scored their usual headed goal (it's either that or a set piece)then defended against a Spurs team who reminded me of the old Wimbledon ie lets constantly hoof it in the box.Stop whinging and get behind the team.


    Jan 21, 2013, 11:24 #31059

    As much as I agree with most on this site concerning the current unacceptable state of our club it seems to me an ongoing criticism of the manager is wasted breath.He will not change his ways and to judge by his increasingly bizarre comments he is losing a grip on reality. With an increasing likelihood of us not finishing top 4 the pressing discussion should turn to what happens next. The wenger loyalists main concern is of a future without their leader. On this I share their concern; not because he's a great manager anymore but rather of the sheer ineptitude of our board and unknown motives of our absent owner. The next series of decisions could restore the club toward redemption or more worryingly set it back toward years of wilderness. I believe Kroenke is motivated by the promise of short term profit and Wenger is the key to this. However no champions league and wenger and the plan is gone. The manager will go in the summer as he will not have the cash or the stomache to re-build. Then what? Enter Usmanov. He didn't accumulate nearly 30% of the shares to be a perennial bystander. He is biding his time and with wenger gone he will move and have a blank page to impose his blueprint on the club. Kroenke will be happy to cash in at a tidy profit. Be prepared for upheaval and from the chaos could emerge a brave new world or something a little more sinister.

  81. Arsene is a Fraudster

    Jan 21, 2013, 11:00 #31058

    What were the manager's tired, lame old excuses this time? I only ask as I can't be bothered to listen to his nonsense anymore.

  82. Paul

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:56 #31057

    Kev you say Ramires dived yet no mention of the blatant foul in the box by dopey Diaby doing his best impersonation of Koscielny.Another big game and the team fails to turn up.Its no point in having a decent 2nd half(although Cech didnt have to make many saves to make)when you are already 2 down.Remember this was a Chelsea team who had lost two and draw their last 3 home games.So why are our players so unmotivated for a big game?.That has to be down to our clueless £7m a year manager.Some of our players had downright shockers Sagna whose form has dropped since being offered a 1 year deal.Diaby back to his awful worse but the truth is he will be at the club as long as Wenger stays.Cazorla who has been poor bar Reading for the last two months.And finally our usless lump of a CF.To go from the best in RVP to this lump is hard to take.He brings back memories of Billy Bendtner.Last season we relied on RVP and Spuds to f**k up.This season we have no RVP and we are hoping Everton and Liverpool also f**k up.It aint going to happen.The lessons that needed learning from last season have been totally ignored by our £7m manager.Wenger should be sacked in May no question

  83. Green Hut

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:51 #31056

    Why blame the board when Wenger chooses not to spend the money available? They can't force him to do it, and they won't sack him because so many of our lemming fans are too guilt-ridden to criticise him.

  84. billthered

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:49 #31055

    Well we are nineteen points in front of QPR whilst twenty two behind Man Ure,that sums up the season thus far.Playing wise it was a shambles of a first half and I wonder if Robin Van Pursestrings would have scored Girouds chance.I dont like to knock Giroud because he does try but clearly he is not good enough and I think it is time we played Podolski in his rightful position and stop the square pegs rule that OGL seems to favour.Our defence is now a laughing stock what the hell has happened to Sagna,a few weeks ago Rafael was playing poorly for ManUre and old purple hooter pulled him off after half an hour OGL would not contemplate that would he,his form has not picked up all season and it's time Jenkinson had a run in the team but that wont happen will it.We are now all out to finish in the top four and that is the limit to our expectations a sorry sad state of affairs.I wonder how many of us are now seeing RVP's point of view.

  85. Walt

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:49 #31054

    What happened to Ramsey? He lost the ball a lot when in possession, Wales’ future seems to getting worse by the minute

  86. Tony Porter

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:39 #31053

    Reg - Manchester City away? Wes Ham away? WHY can't Arsenal play like that regularly?

  87. Guy in Jersey

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:10 #31052

    Kevin, you're spot on when you remind everyone that the stadium move was to allow us to compete with United, who have also been weighed down with debt for the last few years. Unfortunately, at least on the playing side, there's a vast difference in the mindset of the two clubs. They haven't had a great squad for several years, although much improved by the addition of van Persie, but the trophies keep coming. Much as I dislike Ferguson as a person, he is a winner and doesn't tolerate failure, complacency, or lack of effort. I don't get the same sense of purpose (or professionalism) when it comes to our club. Also, while not a fan of Diaby, it's not surprising he's been well off the pace since his return. It's either an indictment of our squad that Wenger feels he has to play him three games on the trot when he's just back from injury, or else Wenger just can't see how poor he is at times.

  88. chris dee

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:04 #31051

    Our trademark D N A continues to grow stronger. No defensive organisation when we don't have the ball,mentally and physically weak ,so-called top class players hiding, unable to cope with responsibility and the pressure of expectancy to much for the poor dears to cope with etc etc all of these things have been said time and time again ad nauseam on these messageboards. I used to blame the players then realised it was the manager who coached,trained and motivated the players but then realised it was the board who employ the manager and set the agenda,aims and expectations of the club.So I'm afraid we've we have it on that score as we are up s**t creek in a barbed wire canoe regarding the 'guardians' of our club. But they are are nothing if not clever.Here we are in dire straits and depressed and angry as hell so finishing fourth will seem like a great triumph,and that's whats they hope will happen again. But enough is enough we will not accept it anymore. We have seen insipid,lacklustre and tame performances year after year which have nothing to do with money or big money transfers. We've heard the manager year after year insult our intelligence about the players 'mental' strenth and lame excuses about tiredness ,it just won't wash anymore Arsene,you are flogging a dead horse. I still hear people excitingly say we are only 7 points from 4th place and we could still qualify for the champions league and that is music to the ears of the board.Low expectations is what they hope is being bred in the fans. But whatever you do ,don't mention the fact we are 24 points of the top of the league with the worse squad of players we have had in 17 years. Minimum required this year is winning the F A Cup and finishing fourth ,doing neither, and our slide into mediocrity will be complete.

  89. jeff wright

    Jan 21, 2013, 10:03 #31050

    We had two dodgy penalties awarded for us at home to West Brom,and have also benefited this season from decisions going in our favor regarding fouls committed in build-ups to scoring goals. Our defending and losing the ball cheaply in dangerous areas plus Giroud's inept finishing were the real problems for us yesterday. # There was also a case for Chelsea claiming a foul on Torres during the move that led to Walcott scoring. Once again we only looked good once the opposition sat back and defended. This is also a big problem and nothing to do with mental ones as some people are claiming.

  90. GG89

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:55 #31049

    Chelsea are better than the gooners... It took an awful first half to work out what to do... then AW showed he is a good tactician and Benitez didn´t respond... in the end a missed opportunity because of the lack of quality in front of goal... money speaks, if they had just spent a little more i.e. David Villa not Giroud or Ba not Podolski then that would have been 3 away points... Away teams are awlays outplayed at some point not necessarily for 45 mins straight... but then Chelsea looked awful in the 2nd half. Well done the Gooners for at least showing the gap between 7th place and 3rd is non existent... Santi looked like he had never seen snow before...

  91. Red Member

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:53 #31048

    the squad is not good enough to compete for trophies but that has been known all season. However it is now 21st January and so far Arsenal have not bought anyone during this transfer window. Why is the manager not being put under any pressure to strengthen? There is a distinct lack of ambition at the club yet supporters are being asked to pay the highest ticket prices in the league. Supporters MUST stop buying tickets if there is to be any change

  92. jamie hunter

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:52 #31047

    Well I have to say kev, I do see one chink of light in the current system; whereas most of the last 6 years have seen a slow drip drip type decline for the club, often confused with stagnation, the sale of van persie has sent that decline into overdrive. Without him to dig us out of the **** week in week out we are now getting the general rewards that a club with our lack of ambition, professionalism and lack of coaching deserves. So presumably one way or another this will end up hurting kroenke in his pocket, the only way we will ever see a change of manager. I decided long ago that The Cartel wouldn't be seeing any of my money. I just hope the fans who do go to the stadium start to turn up the pressure. Sure, go to the games, but stop buying the merchandise and the overpriced refreshments. Let's make sure they get the message.

  93. 1971 Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:46 #31046

    So, our season is now about trying to catch Sp*rs for the 4th place trophy and nicking the FA cup. Need to avoid anyone half decent to stand any chance of the latter and I remember not so long ago a friend paying me and another Gooner £37 each on a £1 per point spread bet between us and Sp*rs on the difference at the end of the season. We are doing nothing in the window to help, and we deserve the failure and decline that's on it's way. If you thought the last couple of seasons were bad, to quote Mr Bachman, Mr Turner and Mr Overdrive "you ain't seen nothin' yet"

  94. John Abrehart

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:41 #31045

    It is the 63rd anniversary of the death of George Orwell and I detect doublespeak in the latest utterings from Le Prof. This morning he is quoted as saying that 'he is seriouslyconcerned about achieving a top four spot'. This follows recent utterings, 'we played with the handbrake on' and 'the team has to believe more in it's quality' and so on. Do you get my drift? By early May or whenever we cannot catch the others, his plea in mitigation will be, 'it's not me Guv, it's the players'. It was the same naive old Arsenal in the first half, with much improvement in the second but by then the damage had been done. Surely the Manager can see our problem in midfield? We missed Arteta's tidying up, Diaby was back to his laconic self, Carzorla ineffective when denied space and Jack trying to carry the game on his own. With the injury prone Rosicky and out of form Ramsey as back up, the Editor's point about the missed signing of Mata is well made. The full back's again put in below standard shifts, Sagna's seems to think that he is a right winger as his tracking back is not exactly hurried. I would like to see Jenkinson given a game at Brighton, he will not get experience by sitting on the bench. Finally, now that Theo has signed, we should get off his back. He is our only forward that looks like scoring and who can put top class opposition under pressure.

  95. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:39 #31044

    There is zero chance of this team finishing in Wenger and the boards's precious top four.That may prove to be good news in the long term.However you can hear Wenger now using it as an excuse as to why he can't invest in the summer.This shower of a management need to be replaced from top to bottom.

  96. jj

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:28 #31043

    As against Swansea it is apparent that Giroud is no more than useful sub.He works hard but we need a top draw finisher.You cannot get away with missing chances in big games and expect to win them.

  97. geogooner90

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:23 #31042

    The first half was hard to watch! My brother is a Chelsea fan, but he wasn't the problem...We were abject for much of the first 45, I know the goals were hard to take, but we had one Santi effort on goal. Did they not learn from the City and Swansea games that slow starts can be punished? The second half was much better, and I felt that we could get an equaliser, but it was too much in the end. We have three PL home games coming up and we need 9 points! Still, it is extremely frustrating isn't it?

  98. Gee

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:19 #31041

    West Ham on Wednesday is now a massive game. We are level on games yet 3 points behind Everton, and have a game in hand on spuds but trail by 7 points. Unless we buy two decent players, one in midfield and a striker, this month you can forget about making 4th. Let's face it what does finishing 4th actually bring us?? More excuses in the summer that we can't buy the players needed as we have a CL qualifier to deal with so we don't know what funds are definitely available. It's just more excuses for the board and Wenger. We aren't spending as we want to keep money aside for when we don't qualify for CL. In all honesty we have planned for failure to make the champions league having this mentality. Thanks for the stadium Arsene but you have totally lost the plot now. Step down in the summer and if we are not in the CL bring in Moyes who could manage on a shoestring budget better than you do. If we make the CL, move heaven and earth to get Mourinho

  99. Peter Wain

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:19 #31040

    Yet another awful display by our "strong squad" Quite where this leaves us with new players is difficult to say. We clearly need at least 4 or 5 new players but I have no confidence in the current management structure to find good ones. The dross we have bought in the last four years at a considerable outlay makes you question the ability of our manager to see a decent footballer. Giroud played as a French third division player should yesterday. Totally ineffective and out of his depth. Try as hards as he does Giroud does not have the ability pace or temparement of an avergae premiership player. He would not get into to any of the teams squads who are above us in the league. Wiltshire is the only saleable player left who will interest the top four clubs in this country and I think it will be difficult for us to make our customary profit in the next transfer window. As for the game yesterday when Chelski stopped playing we looked distinctly average . The way Torres ran past Vermalen was depressing. Our two fullbacks continued to show why they are the two worst full backs in the country and the midfield Wiltshire apart disintegrated as the first half worn on. Up front Walcott looked every inch a 50p a week player and Giroud demonstrated why effort is no substitute for talent. The bench looked a good championship bench which is conforting for next season. No second striker to push Giroud. The lack of organisation and method in our first half performance was awful and the lack of any desire to change the formation in the first half criminal. The excuses from the manager afterwards carried a familiar trait. Blame the referee blame the slow start by the players and blame fixture congestion for tired and stale players. No one asked him why we have been playing like that for all of last year. We must have the worst back four in the history of the club and yet no effort has been spared to buy a defender in the last two tranfer windows. The organisation of the defence is non existent and the marking at set pieces has for years been haphazard. Yesterday the biggest threat came when we got a corner. Four corners four dangerous counter attacks. Why put the ball in the chelski's box why not kick off for a goal kick. On to Wednesday and lets hope for an improved performance mind you it would be difficult to see a worst opening 45 minutes.

  100. patrick Luke

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:18 #31039

    I wonder how many of the suporters, like me, have gone through the depressed stage, the frustrated and avoid reading/hearing/seeing anything to do with match report stage, and now have been slowly shuffled towards the thoroughly annoyed and embarrassed stage? Im there well and truely after another week of mismanagement and cringeworthy excuses (1-a harsh red against City which spoiled the game?? Really? Let me tell you, Arsenal, you are spoiling my love for the game with your ineptitude and lack of tactics 2- Lack of free kick before the chelsea first- Try to have a game plan and structure instead of relying on individual brilliance, which was successful when we had players who could justify being top earners in the league, and arsenal might win.)I can't believe I have seen Wenger say we were unlucky. A second half of relative effort is not enough, nowhere near enough. A sunday morning team can do this. The whole situation is bizarre that it is being allowed to continue. People will continue to pay a small fortune to watch this and not question or think about what is taking place at the club. Im sick now to the back teeth of sympathisers with this situation. We are nowhere near good. its pathetic and ignorant. And more frustrating is that in any other part of my life I would simply stop putting myself through this (and paying for the pleasure) but football is not like that. I have spent 30 years in this relationship, and I love spending time with friends and family at games. I can't stop going. Its not an option. And my god dont the club know this!!! Rant over.

  101. Dan h

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:08 #31038

    Once again the team displayed a poor first half it has happened all season whatever the level of opposition.Would certainly of been interesting had we taken that early chance as they would of turned on the manager & team.For a club of our size who would honestly get a game at either of the Manc clubs or yesterdays opponents JW or Cazorla on a good day?JW in the first half imploring his midfield teamates especially Diaby to get tighter & close down says it all a lad of 20 having to lead the team a captain in all but name.Diaby totally off the pace three months out given a hour for the under 21's no match fitness shows how much depth the squad has.The .con has OGL telling the team to 'believe in it's quality' it really is unfolding before our eyes 34 points in 22 games the table at this point doesnt lie.

  102. P

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:06 #31037

    I love Jack Wilshere. I love Arsenal I hate what the board, directors......and manager are doing to this great club.

  103. Theo Jensen

    Jan 21, 2013, 9:06 #31036

    Good report as usual Kev and especially well said about the Mata saga. Don't let the offcials' decisions gloss over what really happened yesterday anyone. Yes both goals shouldn't have been given, but look at the reaction to see where the blame really lies. When the holding midfielder (Coquelin) is caught out the BTB midfielder (Diaby) is supposed to screen the defence. Instead of that he plodded back. Sagna also plodded back when he should have been sprinting. Clear dive for the penalty but look at the position of the 'defence', there should have been a player blocking it- not leaving the keeper to challenge. Also Kev, I think you could have laid into Giroud: he missed an absolute sitter (has only scored two goals that weren't from crosses- against Coventry and Newcastle...), that offside he hit straight at Cech with an open goal to his left, and misplaced several other good headers. He's just Chamakh without pace, at £13m. He's honestly so slow it's ridiculous to have him as the focal point of the attack; he's slower than Ramsey and that is saying something. It's strange as well because the alternative is to play Walcott, who we've paid so much to. He has a COMPLETELY different style- he is better for counter attacking and against open teams as he requires a lot of space to operate well, so how can the team work and improve as a unit with two totally different and contradictory lone strikers leading the line? The silver lining for me personally is that each defeat means another step towards change.

  104. Spike

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:47 #31035

    So 45 minutes without enough quality or application - then 45 minutes with only the quality missing.

  105. Wine Boy

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:43 #31034

    Having played 22 games already we are a massive 22 points of the league leaders that as Martin Tyler once said 'sums it all up'

  106. Tony Evans

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:41 #31033

    From the heady days of 1998 to 2006 when I expected Arsenal to win very game they played and even during leaner times when I expected Arsenal to at least compete for 90 minutes we have now come down to this team of under-achievers and bottlers and I expect nothing from them. Brighton will be fancying their chances and who can blame them?

  107. don froth

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:35 #31032

    Wenger will probably get off the hook again due to the 2nd half performance but the table does'nt lie....we are so ordinary at present!Our bench was laughable, what is the fat russian still doing at the club? Giroud was an embarrassment all game and if Wenger had a pair he'd have given Sagna a tug after half an hour!

  108. Gareth Stringer

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:29 #31031

    Absolutely spot-on, Kevin. The issues that need resolving are building up game by game - lack of quality, lack of depth, lack of heart, lack of a plan, lack of ability to play for 90 minutes, lack of points and an apparent lack of desire for anyone at the club to do anything about it. No lack of money though!

  109. Reg

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:27 #31030

    I was trying to think of the last solid 90 minute performance the team put in. Shameful!

  110. Michael 40 Something Gooner

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:18 #31029

    I agree with all that was said. Listening to the radio this morning I heard nothing about the dive for the penalty though - if that had been Suarez.....To be honest cheating is killing the game for me whether its diving or a player puting their hand up for a throw they know came off them. At least Arsene has his zip sorted out.

  111. Bard

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:14 #31028

    Far too balanced and optimistic assessment Kev. Its easy to play when you've already lost the game. 2-0 down you've got nothing to lose. The first half was woeful. The defence is s**t, Sagna is a shadow of the player he was. Why is he playing Diaby 3 games on the trot when he's been out for ever ? The final irony was bringing on Ash who has no game time, is unwanted by the club and disinterested. Yes their goals were dodgey but arguing about them is to miss the point, they could have had a ton more. He's lost it big time. Nothing in the transfer window will be enough to turn it around. The core values of the side are shot to bits, their mental strength pathetic.

  112. fozzys mate

    Jan 21, 2013, 8:07 #31027

    Kev I was going to say I can't remember a first half so bad but then I remembered last Sunday. This season we may get our wish as the 4th place trophy slips away so we attack the FA cup. As predicted by all the transfer window has once again become the smoke and mirrors season. You mention Mata and on a similar theme the commentator singled out Cahill when he made a goal saving tackle as long time Arsenal target Gary Cahill. I was discussing Joel Campbell before the Swansea game in the cafe. I suspect another Carlos Vela who spends most of his time playing for other clubs whilst an Arsenal player. The last 3 league games (1 point) may have defined our season (europa) league next year but next 3 will see whether we fulfill my pessimistic prophecy of finishing in mid table. Its sad to speak as such but over the last 5 years matches the level of ambition shown.

  113. Mark Rice

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:44 #31026

    When is the next black scarf march?

  114. James

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:40 #31025

    You can add 6 other teams to the list of 45 min performances, Newcastle, Swansea x2, Man City ( even with 10 men) and Wigan we were abysmal for most of the game. But the results show the truth you can afford to droit against weaker opposition like Newcastle, Swansea and Wigan but against top teams you need to play the full 90 or get punished.

  115. anthony walters

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:25 #31024

    decisions went against us but we paid for yet again a totally abject first half performance and having no bench with no chamberlain,podolski or rosicky available a threadbare squad was bare bones(no gervinho too if that,s a loss ).we find ourselves year after year only 3 or 4 players away from competing with the best .i can,t believe there are no decent players available in the transfer window all we,ve done is let players go on loan.

  116. Declan Burke

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:21 #31023

    and this weeks excuse - we're playing every 3 days or so, he doesn't know whether the problem is physical or psychological,didn't his successful teams of the past regularly play every 3 days or so ? don't Man U & City and everybody else play the same schedule roughly ? He constantly rolls out excusues for his inability to play the transfer market, It is INexcusable that this man is still running this club.

  117. Wolfgang

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:20 #31022

    Wenger blames the ref and everybody as is normal when Arsenal lose.. He shd blame himself. He has been playing the same style for years. It's endless passing and conceding space. I am no coach but I know and everybody knows it's easy to play against the gunners. Of course Chelsea did not cede possession and put the gunners under pressure which unfortunately paid off. The defence is still a problem. Back in the days of henry it was common for the gunners to concede 3 and 4 goals.The difference was the gunners then were winning . Now they are losing. Until the defence has improved,it's hard to see how the gunners can win games.Wenger can do worse by playing anti soccer . QPR did and beat Chelsea. The fm is too proud to play this way. His way must be attack,attack,attack and that's why the gunners will lose until he can sort out the flaws in the defence.

  118. dazzy90

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:14 #31021

    The current squad and all it's failings from the management down to the T-shirt Lady can be summed up in two words - Abou Diaby! Diaby - Useless, clueless, gormless, dopey, not fit for purpose, overpaid, of no benefit to Arsenal Football Club in any way shape or form. And those attributes apply to more or less every other player in or squad, or scouts, and the manager. Wenger may one day reveal all and prove the failings of the last 8 years were not his fault.....but I very much doubt it. The club are so far off the pace of the top 3 it will take years to catch up with them again.

  119. SteveArsenal

    Jan 21, 2013, 7:08 #31020

    And Theo. Give him some credit, Kevin