New Gooner Details

Issue 234 goes on sale this weekend

New Gooner Details

Front Cover

OK, time for a little self-publicity, and a plug for the magazine that funds this website and its podcast. Carl Jenkinson is our cover star and the editorial focuses on why the club need more players of his ilk, and the reasons why. It is interesting that there are now more British contenders for first team places than there has been since the earlier days of Arsène Wenger’s reign.

There is also an interview with Chris ‘Chalky’ Whyte. Those of a certain age will remember him as a local youngster who came into the team at centre back in late 1981, usually partnering David O’Leary. He established himself as a regular pick under Terry Neill, before the purchase of Tommy Caton and development of Tony Adams restricted his first team chances. In his final season at Highbury, he was used up front as an emergency striker. All this and more is discussed by Chris, who will be signing copies of the issue for us at the home game v Norwich in just over a fortnight. So if you buy one on Saturday, bring it along at the next home game to get it signed and have a chat with Chris about old times. More details on that nearer the time.

Also in the issue are pieces on the misuse of Andrey Arshavin, whether Ivan Gazidis justifies his salary, what being a supporter is really about, unsung heroes down the years, a trip report from Munich by legendary Gooner seller Alex plus the return of Dwight Hart-Lane. Plus all the regulars and addtional articles to boot.

Al material in the issue is exclusive to it and not reproduced here on the website. It’s well worth £2 of any Gooner’s money, so we ask you to support us by buying a copy. There are more details here, where you can also buy the issue to be posted to you for £2 plus postage. The issue will also be on sale around the ground at the home matches with Reading, Norwich and Everton.

The Gooner is also available in digital form, through The Gooner App on iPhones and iPads, the Exactly App for Android devices and now Kindle Fire owners can also get their fix by searching the Amazon App Store for The Gooner.

You can also subscribe at and read it through your internet browser as well as receiving a code which will enable you to access issues on all the above devices.

All digital subscriptions include access to our digital back issue library which dates back to August 2010.

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  1. chris dee

    Mar 30, 2013, 11:55 #33648

    Carl Jenkinson should be made skipper,end of story. Never mind being a Gooner,nothing to do with it.But commitment and a willingness to improve and a deep hurt in losing is a good start.And anyone willing to give a team mate a talking to for not contributing after just 2 first team appearances will do me. I refer to our shameful 8-2 drubbing at Old Trafford when Jenkinson gave Walcott an ear bashing,the only good thing I took away from the match. Jack Wilshere?Jack should be left to his job in midfield unhindered without the pressure of captaincy,he has enough to worry about with his worrying injuries.Jack should just concentrate on playing games. Unfortunately due to the England team being so average,the sheep in the media and the bozos who run the England set up are now setting up Jack as the answer to all their problems.Totally unnecessary pressure on a very good young player who could become great,but he is not a Messi or Ronaldo.Gareth Southgate the most bland,boring cliche infested expert on TV told millions watching after the Montenegro game that we needed 'a Jack Wilshere ' who could have run the game for England.Total b******s from a pundit whose got nothing original to say.More pressure on Jack from a former player who should no better. P S I I see Arsene's talking tough to the players as we head for the last part of the season.Shame he didn't act the tough guy before the Bradford and Blackburn games. Still there's nothing like shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. ii SEE

  2. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Mar 29, 2013, 9:55 #33639

    Yes indeed, buy the Gooner. On my screensaver is an aerial shot of Highbury stadium, a place that I associated occasionally with frustration but mostly pleasure, its history, appearance and form speaking of generations of Arsenal supporters before, great games and serious purpose. The club as it currently is speaks of none of those things, which is why those of us who knew the club at Highbury are so scathing about the way in which it is currently being run. There is no element of it which evokes respect or pleasure. All we can hope is that, like some poorly managed enterprises, it will be rescued. The fear is that it will be dashed to pieces on the alter of collegiate and personal greed. What a pleasure it would be if the prodigious sums in football as a whole were to be suddenly sucked out, leaving the rats to scurry away. I disagree that the players don't try BTW. If you worked for a boss who was a simpering gibbering arrogant moron, the incentive to bust a gut would quickly disappear. A decent manager would soon have this lot in some sort of shape, and we could enjoy the games again, as would the players.

  3. Badger

    Mar 28, 2013, 20:29 #33638

    Thats Jenko out injured next then!

  4. smithy

    Mar 28, 2013, 20:25 #33637

    I see that Diaby is now out for 9 months.Its time to cut our losses pay up his contract and get rid.He has milked the club too long. If he was a racehorse....

  5. Wenger Must Go

    Mar 28, 2013, 19:16 #33636

    Part of an Arsenal team renowned for its leaders on the pitch[!!!!]

  6. billthered

    Mar 28, 2013, 16:59 #33634

    As I've stated many times buy the gooner and give the programme a miss,much better read no spin and not selling us products that will be out of date in three months.I will have to have The Gooner sent to me next season as my season ticket will be nailed to my garden tree.

  7. Green Hut

    Mar 28, 2013, 15:52 #33633

    deino- Please tell me what money Kroenke takes out of Arsenal apart from a £25k salary. And for that he gives your hero The Nutty Professor free reign to do as he chooses. What more would you ask of an owner?

  8. James

    Mar 28, 2013, 13:21 #33631

    An article on whether Ivan the Terrible justifies his salary.The man is a genius.He gets 40,000 fans to renew their ST's when the chances of winning anything is nil.He could sell them a car without an engine.No other CEO would deliver the results he does when the product is so poor

  9. Mark T

    Mar 28, 2013, 13:17 #33630

    In a season of pretty much abject misery, Carl Jenkinson (along with Jack Wilshere) has been a beacon of hope. While not being a precocious youngster (like Jack is and Cesc was) he is a Gooner through and through. And for that reason alone he deserves to be our first choice at right back. The fact that he isn't is a damning indictment of a club where passion, committment and being 'an Arsenal man' are seen as old hat. Give me Jenkinson any day over players like Vermaelen, Sagna, Gervinho and the other hapless bunch of misfits and want-aways that have brought our club into disrepute. I was proud to be an Arsenal fan when we had eleven 'foreign' players on the pitch - because they wanted it. And when players want it, it doesn't matter where they come from. But the seeds were sown by English players. Hopefully Jenkinson, Wilshere and a few more English players with passion, will be the catalyst for the change that we desperately need.

  10. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Mar 28, 2013, 12:36 #33628

    @deino: So Kroenke alone is to blame for all these trophyless years, zero use of tactics and for losing our best players to clubs with ambition? And all le Prof asks for in return is a measly £8m a year? Thanks for clearing that up. Wenger In!

  11. deino

    Mar 28, 2013, 9:30 #33627

    carl will soon be tapped up by jose for chelsea, just like cole, and kroenke (the man who'd rather walk with chelsea fans over arsenal) cannot wait to get more cash out of the gunners for his US wealth and project. But hey let's make ourselves feel better by blaming wenger.