Winning Run Goes On

Online Ed: Arsenal survive last 20 minute siege

Winning Run Goes On

Rosicky – Goals like London buses

It was an industrious Arsenal that took the field at the Hawthorns and for much of the game against West Brom worked hard as a unit to press Steve Clarke’s side. It was refreshing to see, but begs the question as to why such an approach is not seen more often, as the rewards are tangible. There are suggestions that Steve Bould is being allowed more input in training, or perhaps Arsene Wenger’s throat problem - that meant Bould did the pre-match press conference - saw Bould give the team talk and fire up the players. Whatever the reason, three points were crucial and the side worked hard enough to earn them.

Certain players shone – especially in midfield. Rosicky scored two rare goals in the position which suits him best and Aaron Ramsey is finding much better form in a more natural role. It is interesting to note that the team seems to be performing better without two of its biggest stars – Wilshere and Walcott. Some players had less impact. Cazorla played a key pass in the move that led to Arsenal’s opener, but otherwise did not seem to influence proceedings greatly. Olivier Giroud hardly featured.

But a win’s a win and that’s exactly what the Gunners need right now. If we ignore the cup games of recent weeks, Arsenal have won six of their last seven Premier League fixtures, Spurs away being the exception. A very decent run. The Gunners are winning the matches one would expect them to, and if they had done this all season, they would be 14 points better off. Mertesacker’s dismissal around the 70 minute mark with the attendant converted penalty naturally changed the flow of the game. West Brom enjoyed two very good chances to equalize. It was frustrating that Wenger’s team, when it needed to, could not hold onto the ball for any length of time, and Giroud became very frustrating in this period with his inability to buy time for his team-mates. Granted, being a man down is a huge handicap, but possession is what the Gunners do on the training pitch day in day out. Even a man down they should have been able to exert a little control instead of retreating and inviting West Brom to bombard their goal. By the end of the game, they were hanging on, a little fortunate to escape with all three points.

Lukasz Fabianski had a fairly good game, although this was blighted by a couple of Flapianski moments. Old habits die hard and it was a salient reminder that he is not the top quality keeper there were once hopes he might turn out to be. There is a debate to be had about the quality of goalkeeper coaching at the club. Whoever is between the sticks, there are simply too many avoidable errors and misjudgments for this viewer.

Arsenal continue the season with winnable home matches against Norwich and Everton before a trickier visit to Fulham and the arrival of Robin van Persie and Manchester United. In the meantime, the results of Spurs, Chelsea and Everton pre-occupy our thoughts. Some are even dreaming of second place, in the event of a Manchester City collapse. Such a strange turn of events, however unlikely, would be a huge vindication for Arsene Wenger. ‘Look – we don’t need petrodollars. League position is the true measure of success’. However, selling Robin van Persie to Manchester United will be the decision that decided this season’s Premier League title. United, having played a game less, are 21 points ahead of Arsenal. There was a time when it was the Old Trafford club’s results that pre-occupied our thoughts…

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  1. Stevesam

    Apr 12, 2013, 19:58 #33961

    @Terry - Are you an American ? Your knowledge of football seems limited, or for your benefit should I say 'Soccer', just like Silent Stan !

  2. Spectrum

    Apr 12, 2013, 15:37 #33956

    Joeos ( re: post no.36667 ) - Remember this embarassing stat ? No manager has gone more seasons than Arsène Wenger without a trophy since the club was founded ( way back ) in 1886!!. Fact ! In case you're wondering how the others did.....1996 to Present – Arsene Wenger (8 Seasons and counting!) 1995 to 1996 – Bruce Rioch (1 Season) 1986 to 1995 – George Graham (2 Seasons) 1984 to 1986 – Don Howe (2 Seasons) 1976 to 1983 – Terry Neill (4 Seasons) 1966 to 1976 – Bertie Mee (5 Seasons) 1962 to 1966 – Billy Wright (4 Seasons) 1958 to 1962 – George Swindon (4 Seasons) 1956 to 1958 – Jack Crayston (2 Seasons) 1947 to 1956 – Tom Whittaker (2 Seasons) 1934 to 1947 – George Allison (1 Season) 1925 to 1934 – Herbert Chapman (4 Seasons) 1919 to 1925 – Leslie Knighton (6 Seasons) 1908 to 1914 – George Morrell (7 Seasons although he did win promotion) 1904 to 1908 – Phil Kelso (4 Seasons) 1899 to 1904 – Harry Bradshaw (5 Seasons) 1898 to 1899 – George Elcoat (1 Season) 1897 to 1898 – Thomas Brown Mitchell (1 Season) 1894 – 1897 – Sam Hollis (3 Seasons) 1888 to 1894 – Unknown (6 Seasons) ." "In Arsene we rust."

  3. Brigham

    Apr 12, 2013, 10:36 #33952

    So, according the great philosopher Terry, because some of us have the audacity to have a moan about the current status and mismanagement of our great club, we are now to be labelled fan boys? Well, if that pleases you so much Terry, then please continue with your belief, it does not bother me one iota. I love The Arsenal, always have and always will and nothing will change my endearing love of the club and I will continue to support them as I always have done. I am just very disillusioned with the current ideals of the board and the manager and the way they seem to be unwilling to take the club forward. Wenger is blind, he cannot see the wood for the trees and refuses to admit to his own shortcomings and that is what is killing us right now and has been since around 2007. Still, you can continue with your fanboy comments Terry and I expect you are the sort ‘fan’ who buys all his food, his drink from the clubs premises and also every single shirt the shop sells, just so you can be a ‘real’ fan and not a fanboy like the rest of us who have supported The Arsenal through thick and thin, but cannot be considered ‘real’ fans because we have the audacity to question Wenger and the boards motives. You sir, are what is wrong with our club and I would wager you were not to be seen in the bad old days of the late 70’s and early 80’s.

  4. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 11, 2013, 18:00 #33947

    Joeos seems to have forgotten Arsenal won the FA Cup in 1979. The current gap of 9 years (as will be) is the second longest since we first won a trophy in 1930. This gap is also the longest without a trophy by the same manager in our history. Joeos is also using average league position to try and make out Wenger is currently doing as well as the club did in the '30s. Never has the phrase 'Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics' seemed more apt.

  5. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 11, 2013, 16:37 #33946

    Quite right, Terry, less of this 'ridiculous verbiage' i.e. arguments you can't understand, more 'proper debate', e.g. "Anyone who doesn't think that we will challenge for the title next season needs their head examined". Terry is so intelligent he's even able to completely redefine the term 'fanboy'. Apparently it no longer means avidly pro something, but the complete opposite, avidly anti. Well done, Terry!

  6. Joeos

    Apr 11, 2013, 15:16 #33945

    Spectrum, those glorious 18 year waits between 1953 and 1971 and then again from 1971 to 1989, never to be repeated! FYI our average league position during your glory decades were: 1930's 3.5 1950's 6.1 1960's 9.6 1970's 8.3 1980's 5.3 1990's 4.6, in the pre Wenger years it's 5.7 2000's 2.5 2010's ? but currently running at a rate consistent with those marvellous Chapman years.

  7. Spectrum

    Apr 11, 2013, 13:47 #33944

    Joeos ( post 36651 ) - I should get a copy of the West Brom. match programme ? No thanks, I'm not interested in a team of losers with a loser manager, and a match ( in isolation ) against Stoke. Realists remember, take in the broader picture.m Therefore, may I in turn,suggest you get hold of a copy of the book "12-0 To The Arsenal( and a goal in injury time.)" by Graham Weaver.It documents in a nostalgic manner all of our club's glorious history before your idol Wenger destroyed his legacy and turned us into an average and potentially mid table club.The book covers the club's progress over the six decades to when it was written ( 1998 ). The triumphs and tragedies, the big matches, the great players and managers, including the marvellous Herbert Chapman ( who guided Arsenal to dominant success in the 1930's ).Right through to the modern era with George Graham, and that unforgettable night at Anfield on May 26th 1989 and beyond.Those were the days, and we're not likely to see them again until the supporters like Terry and yourself wake up and compare what we had THEN, to what we have NOW.Makes me even more convinced that : "In Arsene we rust."

  8. Terry

    Apr 11, 2013, 13:24 #33942

    The trouble with the fanboys is they hate it that everbody is not anti everything Arsenal as they are.Their tiny minds are constantly going round in circles trying to find the next big negative about the team,but completely ignoring the positives and the sure proof facts that prove they are wrong.It's probably not really their fault because they were obviously brought up in a negative envirement.Their fathers probably went round all day whinging about Arsenal or their pay or anything else that they were disgruntled with in life.The sad thing is that there are more of these jelly brains around than ever before.They are really quite comical figures and it always gives me great pleasure proving these people wrong with proper debate,rather than the ridiculous verbiage these apostles of doom fill the forums with.

  9. Spectrum

    Apr 11, 2013, 11:59 #33939

    Stroud Green Road Boy - Ha-ha ! You beat me to it mate ! I too, immediately saw the sheer irony in Terry's ( fanboy ) comments.Like I said in an earlier "Online Gooner" blog, A.K.B.'s like him are epitomised by their inabilty to see events at the club in their proper context. They lack perspective.They have an almost pathological inability, even refusal, to face facts even when contrary evidence is presented to them. Almost on cue, Terry chimes in to prove the diagnosis - ( quote ) "Anyone who doesn't think that we will challenge for the title next season needs their head examined..." and this reality defying gem: ..."Once again our illustrious leader is proving the knockers wrong..." ( end quotes ). Er....yes... Terry. A.K.B.'s not only can't see the reality of Arsenal's situation, they can't self identify and see the error of their OWN thinking either. Which makes them so frustrating to reason with, and,( to put it bluntly ) - what makes them so thick. "In Arsene we rust*." ( * perhaps you can explain what THAT means, Terry ) ?

  10. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 11, 2013, 11:51 #33938

    Jamie, you've completely misunderstood the definition of a fanboy, as Terry did when he misapplied it to people on here. A fanboy is highly devoted and biased in opinion towards a single subject, in this case Arsenal (or in some cases, Wenger). So by your own definition the AFC 'critics', as you call them, cannot be fanboys, as they actually question (or moan about) things. By your own description, fanboy is actually a much more suitable term for the 'loyalists'.

  11. JAMIE

    Apr 11, 2013, 10:37 #33936

    In reality there will always be the fanboy at Arsenal though their influence has become less in recent years as Arsenal's support has increased although they themselves have grown substantialy.Back in the 80's attendances ranged between 15 to 60 thousand.The average being 30,000 over the ten year period.Approx 15,000 Loyalists,15,000 critics and 30,000 floaters.The loyalists and the critics were the backbone of the club making up the majority of the crowd with the floaters turning up for the big games.The three sets of fans were all one the loyalists happy in the Arsenal experience,the critics happy moaning about the quality of football and the price of bear,while the floaters had their other idols to keep them happy when Arsenal were't doing so well. Nowadays things are different the loyalists have grown to around 50,000 the critics like wise and floaters have gone through the roof, although they are now known by the names AKB's,Fanboys and Tourists.The trouble is the poor frustrated fanboy is no longer needed by the club who have enough support to accomodate his bellyaching at the teams performances ticket prices and the state of the economy etc.However I do feel their is room in the game for the fanboy and their humour can be quite amusing at times.

  12. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 11, 2013, 10:13 #33935

    Terry, if you understood that fanboy defintion you've cut and pasted from somewhere, you'd realise it actually describes what you've been doing here. "so called stars Wenger was getting stick for shipping out but he new they just were not Arsenal quality" = "Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues" "Anyone who doesn't think that we will challenge for the title next season needs their head examined" = "...blown to comedic, complimentary proportions" Terry = ultimate Wenger fanboy

  13. fanboy two

    Apr 11, 2013, 8:51 #33934

    That Terry he so good and so many truths be told by the great one. Wenger is our hero and like Terry he is best thing for Arsenal ever. With Gervinho we can only get better, he must play all the time. I love Arsenal, I love Wenger and I love Terry!

  14. fanboy

    Apr 10, 2013, 19:29 #33931

    You keep asking for me and here i am. Mr Wenger he brilliant, Gervino he brilliant. Terry he very clever.

  15. Joeos

    Apr 10, 2013, 19:29 #33930

    Spectrum, I have utter contempt for whingers and moaners. If something makes you miserable find something else to do. I consider it an honour and a priviledge to hold a season ticket at Arsenal and intend to continue to renew it for many more years come what may in terms of personnel and performance. May I suggest that you get hold of and read a copy of West Broms match programme from last weekend. You will find an objective and illuminating analysis of Arsenal and Arsene Wenger. There is also a very entertaining report of their match against Stoke. We are currently 9 points behind Man City with 21 to play for and if everyone in the ground gets behind the team we will close that gap. But for calamitous errors in a few games, this squad would have taken us to second place in the league.

  16. Terry

    Apr 10, 2013, 18:07 #33929

    Definition of Fanboy:Known for a complete lack of objectivity in relation to their preferred focus. Usually argue with circular logic that they refuse to acknowledge. Arguments or debates with such are usually futile. Every flaw is spun into semi-virtues and everything else, blown to comedic, complimentary proportions.

  17. Spectrum

    Apr 10, 2013, 14:31 #33926

    You read in my post above, what Wenger said back in 2008. Then in 2009 - "This is one of our biggest tests, but that is what we want," Wenger said. "There is a period for any team to come out and show its strengths. For us, this moment has come. We are not any more a team that has to be considered to be young...." His new stronger, "matured" team finished that season 18 points adrift. In 2010 - "All the bad things are behind me, and I believe the best is ahead of me," he told BBC Sport.That year we finished 11 points away. 2011 - and he was at it again, but oddly contradicting what he had said about the team no longer being young, and that they shouldn't use that as an excuse anymore; "You say, "Okay, we missed our chance", or you say, in our position, "Let's show everybody that we can do it and come back stronger" - which is what I think we can do, because WE ARE A YOUNG TEAM and we can only be better". ( Huh, Arsene ? You just told us the year before that the team had grown up, didn't you ? Sure sounds like an excuse to me )."It demands the strength of character that the champions have. That's what we want to show." Eating our "strength of character" spinach that season saw us lose the Carling Cup final to Birmingham, and win only 2 of our remaining 11 Premier League games,and Wenger in one of his rare lucid moments stating "If anybody is to blame it is me. I pick the team, I choose the players and for me they have had an outstanding attitude all season." This "outstanding attitude" resulted in us being even worse off - 12 points away. 2012 - Pre-season ; "Last year we were already out of the title race in September so that was difficult mentally. But let’s see. The vibes coming out so far are that we look like a real team and we enjoy playing together. “We have a spirit, too, as well as strength in depth. That’s a good basis". Nine months later and Roy Keane, working for ITV as a pundit, described Wenger's class of 2012 as the worst Arsenal team he had watched, as we ended up 19 points behind.Only the sucker A.K.B.'s should be excited about winning runs.Unless we're within touching distance of first place because of them, they mean very little under Wenger.Just like his fantasies of success. "In Arsene we rust."

  18. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 10, 2013, 13:54 #33925

    Gaz, it's not a feeling mate it's fact.

  19. CanadaGooner

    Apr 10, 2013, 12:57 #33920

    You know a team has hit rock bottom when fans begin to spend timeon all sorts of statistics. The last 8 years has been one step forward (when we produced the likes of Wilshere) and ten steps backwards (when we brought in a man Utd reject and other players most decent clubs won't hire as backup). There has been ZERO season on season improvement at arsenal as each season we've failed to replace a departed player and that goes way back to when seaman left. If you look at each and every season we have lost players like Ashley cole, Viera, Keown, Flamini, Fabregas and last season RVP: none of their replacements have been good enough or we simply didn't replace them: Henry, Gilberto, Edu, Clichy, Nasri and the list goes on. I the same period of time (last 8 years) the only decent players that left Man Utd were the ones Fergie booted out and as he did so, he bought replacements of similar standing. No matter how you dice this up, Wenger took his eye off his job (to focus on the club's finances and building a stadium) and left himself with a mountain to climb. Our problems are now so complex it'll take a summer clear out and rebuilding to get us back to winning ways, and Wenger won't do that, as he's too stubborn to face the facts and accept his recent buys have been woeful

  20. Brigham

    Apr 10, 2013, 12:56 #33919

    Fanboy? Hahahaha, Terry, how mature of you. I have been a 'fanboy' for over 40 years now, guess that makes me some sort of johnny come lately in your eyes. I go back to my original question to YOU! WTF are you smoking, drinking or eating, because you are Wengerised totally.

  21. Spectrum

    Apr 10, 2013, 12:47 #33918

    Commenting on Alex Ferguson's positive opinion of Arsenal's title chances next season, Joeos @11.06a.m. said " I'll take the opinion of an expert over those of internet doomers." Well Joeos , here is what our very OWN manager had to say on the subject - ( quote )"It is too early to go into mind games. I feel going into January we will rely on our performances, the Arsenal boss declared". "Manchester United will be a tough opponent – but we have one thing: we have belief, and we have talent and we are ready to fight". "This team is hungry. So that is good ingredients – but I don’t count only Manchester United. I still feel Chelsea and Liverpool are there. My [New Year] resolution is to give absolutely everything I have, every bit of energy, to make this club successful". "It’s a pleasure to work with the team, they give absolutely everything so I want to give everything to make this team successful." ( end quote ). Those lines of his could eaily have been said last August couldn't they ? In fact, they were made WAY BACK on 2nd January 2008! Now, has Le Senile delivered on those bombastic optimistic claims of his ? Fully five years on, what do you think ? So Joeos, on the evidence of Wenger's OWN words, you must agree with us realists that he's failing miserably to this day - yes ? And that Sir Alex is more of an expert at mind games, than he is at forecasting success for Arsenal. You should have listened to the "internet doomer" experts after all. We've invariably been proved correct. "In Arsene we rust."

  22. Paul Heaton

    Apr 10, 2013, 12:20 #33916

    Terry, what is a "fan boy"? I haven't been a boy for over 30 years. To answer your question, I do support the club at every home game and about 2/3 of the aways, including the game in question on Saturday. What I don't do is blindly swallow the doctrine that Wenger and the board feed everyone. You said that people who don't think we'll challenge for the league next year need their heads examined. I don't think we will but how does that diminish me as a supporter? By that logic a fan of, for example, Aldershot who didn't think they would win the FA Cup next season wouldn't be much of a fan. As for stats, are we really going to pore over the league table looking for things to celebrate in the away goals against column? As Neill says, the only stat that matters is the points column and we're 21 points behind a United side that we left Highbury to compete with.

  23. Neill

    Apr 10, 2013, 10:40 #33915

    @Red Member - I’m not sure stats about goals are particularly meaningful. For example, we might have only the 14th best goals against record at home in the PL this season, but we have also got the 2nd best goals for record at home, only one behind Man United who have played a game more. The only stat which really means anything is the number of points and in that category we are a long way off the top.

  24. Gaz

    Apr 10, 2013, 10:28 #33913

    Who gives a stuff about defensive records unless its in conjunction with winning trophies! Say what you want about Wenger and the board though but the way they've dumbed down expectations is a pretty remarkable feat.

  25. Red Member

    Apr 10, 2013, 10:09 #33912

    Terry - a pity we havent won the most matches away from home then isnt it? Funny that. Also what about the home defensive record? Arsenal have the 14th best defensive record in the premier league. what do you say about that?

  26. Gaz

    Apr 10, 2013, 8:23 #33910

    You been on the sauce again Terry? For the record I support the 'Club' I just don't support Wenger or the board. With people like you I always get the feeling thats the other way round.

  27. Ronster

    Apr 10, 2013, 8:07 #33909

    Arthur:''Dave,just a tonic for Terry...had a few too many last night...!''

  28. Terry

    Apr 09, 2013, 23:26 #33908

    Fan boys like LJB,Ronster,Paul Heaton and Brigham should take a good look at themselves and decide whether they are going to actually support the club or just whinge about everything Arsenal.Everyone on here just mentions the negatives,we do have the best away defence in the Premiership and are the only team to ever win the Premiership without buying it.

  29. LJB

    Apr 09, 2013, 21:58 #33906

    Anyone who includes the names Gervinho,Walcott and Mertesacker in the same sentence as "Title winning team" is either on a wind up or knows NOTHING about football.God,a few wins against Swansea(check their recent results),Reading,who have lost their last 7 games,and the rapidly sinking West Brom(a scraped win at that)and all of a sudden we are going to be title winners next season!!!! HA HA HA!!This team WILL NOT win their remaining games;i predict losses against United,QPR and possibly Everton.I find it incredible that Arsenal fans seem to think we have already secured the fourth place trophy,when we are still in 5th position.

  30. Ronster

    Apr 09, 2013, 21:16 #33904 ain't McCann by any chance?...too many blows to the head me thinks.

  31. Paul Heaton

    Apr 09, 2013, 19:18 #33902

    Terry, I suppose I'd better put my name down for a head examination then. There's going to be an awfully long queue.

  32. Brigham

    Apr 09, 2013, 15:15 #33899

    Terry - whatever it is you have been smoking, drinking or eating, can you please send me some, because you are on a totally different planet to the rest of us with that post.

  33. CanadaGooner

    Apr 09, 2013, 13:53 #33898

    @ Jamie: solid observations my friend. What will be even more funny is when RVP pick up his runner-up player of the season award to a Spurs player (Bale). Not that it'll matter to RVP as he probably never was an arsenal fan (only plied his trade here like most of the others). That being said, arsenal is not man city and I am definitely not looking forward to united's trip to the emirates as we know how that will turn out. You made a very good point about the referees though: if you watch a man Utd match versus any team outside the top 5 or 6 and all you see is a shivering referee hoping he doesn't draw ferguson's ire. One way or the other, Utd walks away with the points majority of the time and it is that consistency of results against the lower teams that has gifted them the trophy so many times in the premier league era, but they also played some good football along the way and nobody can question fergie's desire to win, lack of acceptance of the mediocrity that arsenal now celebrate, and his intolerance with players who won't share his desire to carry on winning. That is always a winning formula anyway and we should learn from it.

  34. Red Member

    Apr 09, 2013, 12:54 #33897

    Terry - you win the deluded comment of the season award! 21 points behind Man United in case you have forgotten. 21 POINTS!! so what if they are tiring. If they didnt turn up for the rest of the season we still wouldn't catch them!

  35. JAMIE

    Apr 09, 2013, 10:07 #33893

    How United are so far ahead with such an average team is beyond me.Maybe it's true that the referees present them with about 30 points a season,but their football is all about huff and puff and launching balls in the box.What is it 50% of their goals have come from set plays compare that with 4% from us in the Arsenal Invincible season and you see the different mentality of the two clubs.City showed them how to play football last night and Arsenal will show them even more later this month.(Provideing Mike Reilly doesn't knobble us and send our old friend Mike Dein).As for Van Persie 19 league goals compared to 32 last season is a poor return and even though he'll pick up a league title this season,playing that style of football must be frustrating for him just like Beckham and Ronaldo Fergy is turning him into a set play 'club foot'like the other two he needs to move on.

  36. Terry

    Apr 08, 2013, 23:16 #33892

    Anyone who doesn't think that we will challenge for the title next season needs their head examined.Once again our illustrious leader is proving the knockers wrong.Van Persie who everybody was raving about earlier in the season now looks extremely ordinary and worn out and struggling with United's long ball game as are all the other so called stars Wenger was getting stick for shipping out but he new they just were not Arsenal quality.Only Fabregas is anywhere near to living up to the hype since leaving Arsenal and it's clear now he had rather have stayed.Santi Carzorla has been a revelation,Wilshire,Walcott,Koscielney,Mertesacker,Rosicy,Gervinho are all starting to do the business.It's time Wenger started to get the respect from the fan boys and glory hunters his genius deserves.

  37. Stevesam

    Apr 08, 2013, 22:41 #33891

    Like a lot of others, I am stuck between a ‘rock and a hard place’ I desperately want us to finish above the Spuds and Chavski and qualify for the CL, but I am deeply frustrated that it seems the Club shall only achieve the minimum requirement and this shall mean no ‘change’ or positive ambition. The minimum target for any Manager of The Arsenal should be a top four finish, if this is AW or any other Manager. If we do finish in the top four, I am also undecided if this is over achievement with this group of players or under achievement . All season there has been criticism of many of the players, Rambo, Wally, Giroud, Gervinho, Chesney, Flappy,TV, BFG, Gibbs, I could name more, so taking this into consideration, under or over achievement ? AW has made numerous negligent decisions during the season yet we are still challenging for the ‘holy grail’ of the fourth place trophy. This brings me to the conclusion that with the addition of three quality signings in key positions, keeper, centre midfield and top striker, we could be challenging for the title. The only thing holding us back is a lack of ambition by AW and the Yank. I shall be there next season, home and away, as I have been following The Arsenal for over 50 years and I shall not let any Yank drive me from the Club I love. Managers come and go, true supporters are forever.

  38. LJB

    Apr 08, 2013, 22:34 #33890

    Peter Wain,imo its a no win situation regarding summer transfers .A Top 4 finish, and Wenger will claim that his "best ever" squad doesn't need strengthening.Failure to get CL qualification and the club will say we can't afford signings,despite the hundred odd million in the Bank.I can guarantee the phrases " concentrating on keeping the players that are here" and "the solution is not always to buy" will be uttered by OGL at some point over the summer.It is interesting to note that Swansea have just posted a £16 mill profit,which is huge relative to their turnover.Gosh,profits AND trophies too;i thought only financially doped clubs could win shiny cups.Part owned by their supporters and with a new stadium too;not a sleazy,money obsessed yank or geriatric old etonian in sight.No French players either,sigh.And a manager who is years away from collecting his bus pass,double sigh.

  39. Ron

    Apr 08, 2013, 21:11 #33889

    Well, yes, it was a sort of fighting win, but as one who went i thought W B Albion had minds on beaches and wine bars. Season done type of thing. They appeared to step up after the red card as if to say, 'we had better make a token effort v 10 men'for their fans sake and if not for rubbish finishing they would have got a point. Not a deserved point as they had been poor for so long. Rosy had a good game, no doubt, so did Gerv to be honest. The level of the opposition suited them both in truth. I wish i could have been as animated and exited as those fans at the end who celebrated like it was a Cup Final win, but im sorry, 'Gaz' (above) has got it spot on for me too.

  40. John Abrehart

    Apr 08, 2013, 20:43 #33887

    I too do not like at the 'split' between the fans, some wanting us to win every game and others who are obviously disgruntled at our winning run. What we have to remember is where we are now, that cannot change and the importance of a 4th place or higher finish is vital to the club in order to attract the top players and to assist the finances. Lots of laughter all round? Well I just happen to think that the lessons of the last few seasons have been learned, judging by the embarrassed looks of some of the management following our cup defeats/limp league performances, together with the running down of contracts of some fringe players. What I WOULD like to see change is the apparent 'freezing out' of some talented players such as Arshavin and now Podolski it seems?

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2013, 20:29 #33886

    billthered, again spot on we used to beat teams like this in the tunnel or swat them away like a cow does to a fly buzzing around his arse,it's a life time ago alright and it's not likely to return under this regime,with wengers current philosophy, with a bunch of second rate light weights we now have emerging from the tunnel.

  42. nas

    Apr 08, 2013, 19:58 #33885

    Are we supposed to celebrate this? This is the same thing that has happened for the past few years. We play crap for the first half of the season then pray for and capitalize on the collapse of teams higher than us on the table. We r doing the same thing over and over. No progress, no improvement. We should not celebrate being stagnant. Well, on the plus side, there's no outstanding player for kroenke and co to sell this summer...or is there?

  43. John Abrehart

    Apr 08, 2013, 19:56 #33884

    I too do not like at the 'split' between the fans, some wanting us to win every game and others who are obviously disgruntled at our winning run. What we have to remember is where we are now, that cannot change and the importance of a 4th place or higher finish is ****ount to the club in order to attract the top players and to assist the finances. Lots of laughter all round? Well I just happen to think that the leesons of the last few seasons have been learned, judging by the embarrassed looks of some of the management following our cup defeats/limp league performances, together with the running down of contracts of some fringe players. What I WOULD like to see change is the apparent 'freezing out' of some talented players such as Arshavin and now Podolski it seems?

  44. billthered

    Apr 08, 2013, 18:55 #33883

    Cant believe we are talking about good results against the likes of Reading,Villa,West Brom etc,we used to go one and two nil up and sing you might as well go home to the opposition seems a lifetime ago now does'nt it.

  45. Bard

    Apr 08, 2013, 18:35 #33882

    Part of the debate and dispute on the site is the balance between fantasy and reality. This gets polarised into a pro/ anti Wenger debate. The reality is that Arsenal are at best treading water if not going backwards but I can also see that supporters dream ( unrealistically sometimes) that a miracle can and will happen. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Our current run and the team have emerged more by luck than judgement. Who would have put this team as Arsenal's strongest 11 at the beginning of the season?

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2013, 18:00 #33881

    Paul Heaton and Paul spot on, there's more excitement, and creaming of pants, from fans and indeed the players,manager,and the club when our annual scrape for fourth place comes round and when the spuds (especially this season)help us out with their annual bottle job than there is when we're actually still in cup competitions,it says a lot about the ambition of them all.

  47. Safa goon

    Apr 08, 2013, 17:57 #33880

    The team are on a run and wenger is gathering support by the week. Join in and back the team please note arsenal winning trophies may give you bragging rights but unfortunately not a bigger dick

  48. JJB

    Apr 08, 2013, 17:32 #33878

    Anyone still using AKB's or AMG as some type of pithy insult is just a complete fool and there are plenty on here! Other fans are laughing at us and how can you blame them! Mindless "fans" continue to insist on splitting the fan base in 2 and if you think it's really that simple with our club then I suggest you try another sport! We all want the same thing, Arsenal to challenge for trophies again! Personally I feel that Wenger should go but I won't resort to this AKB nonsense if someone disagrees! Those of you who do, grow a brain!

  49. Peter Wain

    Apr 08, 2013, 14:18 #33876

    The worst thing which could hgappen is we finish 3rd or even worse 2nd because then Wenger will have the excuse to only tinker with the squad and not buy the 8/9 players we need.

  50. Paul

    Apr 08, 2013, 13:57 #33875

    If you had said 9 years ago after going a whole season unbeaten some Gooners would be happy to be 20 plus points behind the leaders and potless for 8 years the men in white coats would be coming to take you away.But the AKB's are happy with that.We are told we should be gratful for finishing 4th.We may as well have stayed at Highbury if thats the height of our ambition.We are a million miles away from ever winning the league again.Groundhog season part 8

  51. Paul Heaton

    Apr 08, 2013, 13:51 #33874

    In this season's games against the teams currently above us our record reads P7, W1, D1, L5 meaning that we've taken just 4 points out of a possible 21. Hearing people sing "There's only one Arsene Wenger" on Saturday because we were beating West Brom made me wonder, not for the first time, why a large section of our fanbase is so content with the current level of mediocrity. Are people really happy with us not even trying to win the league and with 1 FA Cup Semi Final in 8 years? Gaz is right. It's like a weight is lifted from the club each year when we're out of contention to actually win anything. Like others, I'm torn in two at the moment. I desperately want to finish above Spurs and avoid the Thursday/Sunday games next year but I'm fully aware that the "success" of finishing 3rd or 4th will be celebrated long and loud by Wenger and his disciples leading to yet another season next year just like the last few.

  52. CanadaGooner

    Apr 08, 2013, 13:27 #33872

    @ Max; I totally agree with you. Everyone says Wenger is a totalitarian and dictator and that he rules with an iron hand. If we accept that, then we must also accept that Bould is just a puppet at the club. I don't see how anything can be attributed to Bould. I haven't seen much improvement in how we defend this season, compared to the past 8 trophyless seasons, and infact, even when we were winning trophies out defence was always suspect, but we had a strong midfield, which made up for it + good goal scorers who took their chances and also converted half chances (which much more than you could say for Ramsey, Gervinho and others we now have, who need a miracle to score). Wenger is responsible for the team and if whether we win or lose, the fact of the matter is that he now only seems to spring into action when we're in danger of failing to qualify for the CL (his and the owner's obsession)

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 08, 2013, 13:07 #33871

    Our forray into the top four didn't last long (for now anyway)thats what happens when you have to rely on others to do you favors and help you out, if we could have shown this new found spirit, desire,and focus throughout the season maybe we wouldn't be looking for help from others and relying on the annual collapse of some.

  54. Gaz

    Apr 08, 2013, 13:03 #33870

    @Gooner89: The 'go and support somebody else' line is standard AKB issue when faced with facts they can't argue with. Of course if I was going to be really cheeky I might suggest that its THEM who need to jump ship and support the spuds if they're really happy with yet another trophyless season. Seriously though whether you're 'for' or 'against' what can't be denied is that there is effectively now a 50/50 split amongst Arsenal fans thats really quite horrible to see. Should never have come to this...

  55. Red Member

    Apr 08, 2013, 12:28 #33869

    as a few people on here have pointed out one of the biggest problems at the club right now are the supporters! There has been an acceptance that another year has gone by without any trophies won and yet the worrying thing is that if we qualify for the CL yet again this will mean we are almost certain not to win anything next season as well!! groundhog day is fast approaching

  56. Gooner89

    Apr 08, 2013, 12:15 #33867

    Mkherd 89. Do us all a favour and cut out this nonsense about those of us being AMGs going to support another club particularly that lot. AKBs are entitled to their views, we are entitled to ours. It maybe we make the same points that's because they are facts. Lost to league 2 Bradford with virtually the whole first team playing. Lost to Blackburn who are fighting to stay in the Championship Struggling to finish above that lot despite having much higher income with nearly double the average of their their attendance and CL money Having a manager who is the highest paid in the PL and probably in Europe declaring he would be happy finishing 2nd for the next 20 years which we havent remotely got near. Signing Djorou to a new contract and then loaning him out. Week after week saying his players have great mental strength and spirit. All the above are facts yet some still defend. That is their right. It is the right for the likes of me, Alsace, Gaz, Cambridge Canada and others to express our view without being told to go and support another team. Wenger out

  57. Spectrum

    Apr 08, 2013, 12:00 #33866

    The A.K.B. dimwits on here are so amusing.Their gullibility increases each year.A winning run gets them so excited, as though we still have something realistic left to play for. But you can't blame them, because their memory span only goes back as far as to what they had for breakfast this morning.The similarities with last season are quite incredible.Then as now, City and United were the pacesetters, with United again below par for much of the campaign,in a poor standard E.P.L. This time last year we were also on a good run, assisted with our rivals dropping points.Culminating in a last day last gasp crunch match at West Brom. With Wenger and Pat Rice sitting on the bench with their faces expressing all the angst and desperation of condemned men awaiting the firing squad.Luckily for them and us, West Brom.'s keeper had a horror game, and they gifted us two vital goals, thus saving Wenger the embarassment and ignominy of not qualifying for the first time.Nevertheless, we still finished distant 19 points behind champions City.We had only just scraped in, but the writing was on the wall. Unsurprisingly we find ourselves in a similar position. Hopefully it won't come down to the last match this time, but we're already 21 points off champions in waiting - United ( 24 after tonight ? ).Other similarities with 2012 ? Arsenal's Champions League campaign once again proved unsuccessful, falling at the first hurdle in the knockout stage, with a 4–0 defeat at Milan ultimately proving fatal. Exiting the FA Cup at the fifth round stage at the hands of Sunderland, and the League Cup in the quarter-finals against Manchester City, the two domestic cups were also out of Arsenal's reach. The trend of decline started in 2005, but the last few years in particular have shown it up in a NOTICEABLE way via the points total, which is a more accurate way of gauging our footballing fortunes than league position alone.It bears repeating via "Online Gooner"'s earlier posted stats... 2005 -12pts. behind 2006-24pts behind, 2007-21pts behind, 2008-4pts ( well done Arsene! ), 2009-18pts, 2010-11pts, 2011-12pts, 2012-19pts. 2013-21-24?pts.and counting. So the trend from 2010 to now, in points terms, is increasing year on year. THAT'S perspective for you, A.K.B.'s, and while we can be pleased with wins here and there, they're certainly not cause for joyous triumphalism*. ( *The morons who sang "There's only one Arsene Wenger" should take note ). The causes for our undeniable decline are numerous. And though buying quality players helps, it's only a change in attitude and off field personnel that will reverse this disturbing trend. On the subject of players, I was looking over our signings from 1996 when Wenger started, to the present.In that time, we have signed 103 players, of which only 3 were what for us, you could call substantial ( i.e. over 15 million ), these being Nasri, Arshavin and Cazorla. Three in 17 years ! Even if you accept the argument that the stadium constrained our spending, which I don't ( we have had funds available since 2005* - *ironically the start of our barren run ),it shows Wenger to not be serious about signing the "super, super" and "top, top, top quality" players he always tries to convince us he's after. No wonder we can't and don't win anything. "In Arsene we rust." P.S. I'd provide a link to that site from 2005 that states we had money to spend even back then - but "Online Gooner"'s House Rules prohibit posting links to other sites, ( which is frustrating. )

  58. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 08, 2013, 11:32 #33865

    What a horrible cycle we are in. We all want Arsenal to finish as far up the table as possible and with key injuries at Spurs and a fixture pile up at Chelsea we should get in the fabled fourth or even third position. However, that would mean more of the same and i fear more Wenger and the yank. How depressing that it has come to this. It could be the perfect year for the yank. No investment in players, a big fat profit on RVP and Champions league money to come. Why would he change? No one at the club and not enough supporters are bothered about winning anything so no pressue is applied to the manager as we dont have that big club mentality. Ive never been so uninterested in the thirty years ive supported this club. What a shame when winning a game is a bad thing for your team. And yet if we didnt get Champions League football it would be impossible to rebuild as top players wouldnt come. Surely the Premiere league is a poor one when a team with a terrible GK, a clown of a man, a poor badly organised defence, one forward who is a carthorse and numerous others that are average at best can get in the top 4

  59. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 08, 2013, 11:30 #33864

    @GoonerRon.Clearly he's been trying.What I mean by stepping up is maybe he's putting more effort into addressing the problems we have with this team i.e lack of defensive solidity,an obsession with slow,sideways passing and total naivity at set pieces.I strongly think he wants to stay at Arsenal and that the board want him to.It's only discontent from many supporters that is stopping the board from giving him a new 3 year contract,probably with a pay rise.They love him making them money.If the fans are happy with what has happened in the last few years then sit back and sing one Arsene Wenger.But if you do,don't expect much progress.It's up to the rest of us to put him under pressure to perform.Last time I looked 75% of fans on this site wanted him out.I'm happy for him stay if he signs proper top class players and truly competes for honours but if he's going just go through with the same old tired strategy of jam tommorow,I want him out.Will he change? I'm pessimistic.

  60. Max

    Apr 08, 2013, 11:29 #33863

    There's a bit of a "Heads I win, tails you lose" approach here. When Arsenal lose, it's Wenger's fault; when Arsenal win, it's to someone else's credit. Whether or not you're an "AKB" (as you like to call it) it's a bit disappointing to see this kind of spin even in match reports.

  61. Joeos

    Apr 08, 2013, 11:06 #33862

    Comment from Ferguson on ESPN in advance of the game against Man City today regarding next seasons title challenge: "And I think Arsenal will improve-there's some indication that Arsenal are building a better squad than people think" I'll take the opinion of an expert over internet doomers.

  62. Bard

    Apr 08, 2013, 7:41 #33859

    Good solid win. The team seem to have found some bite and resilience. Top 4 or not i still dont think we could beat the 4 above us on a regular basis. We are as have been for the last 7 years or more, the best of the also rans but nowhere near god enough to challenge for a trophy. Like many on the site my nightmare is Wenger signing another contract. On your point of keepers Kev; its that bizarre that we havent bought a decent one.

  63. northbank123

    Apr 07, 2013, 23:53 #33858

    Enjoyed reading this, fairly short and simple but also accurate and balanced. If we perform as we should in the last 7 games we will comfortably finish 3rd or 4th as Spurs and Chelsea will both drop bagfuls of points. 14 points is a very pragmatic prediction/target from our remaining fixtures and I'd be surprised if this saw us edged out. Of course, it will only paper over the cracks that we will be celebrating 4th place wildly again whilst the gap increases. But it's still a damn sight better than playing away to FC Civil War on a Thursday tea-time whilst Spurs finish above us.

  64. Cyrus

    Apr 07, 2013, 23:48 #33857

    I used to think Le Grove was the pinnacle for those manic depressive of deluded Arsenal fans, muslim extremists, hallucinogenic teats, it seems like there's a fair few of the militant nutters out there. What's absolutely amazing is that unless it's a miniscule section of the fanbase, why don't these abusive, self destructive types get together, maybe have a decaffeinated coffee and actually do something about their miserable plight ?..

  65. GoonerRon

    Apr 07, 2013, 22:43 #33856

    @ where's wally - but if as you said earlier 'the board are never going to pressure him to do his job properly' why would he suddenly start trying to win to secure a new contract?. He has many faults but I think it's nonsense to suggest he's suddenly started to try, as if he's been proactively trying to lose whilst he's had a good length on his contract.

  66. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 22:14 #33854

    @GoonerRon He's stepping up because he's sh*tting himself that he's not going to get another contract at the club. What's he going to do if he has to work for another club that want him to win things?

  67. The Noise

    Apr 07, 2013, 21:55 #33852

    Gaz... Ohh, 100% buddy! I absolutely despair! These fans are actually starting to remind me of Muslim Extremeists... Ignoring clear facts and living on the flawed ideology of a past prophet! At one point this season, after the Blackburn defeat, I honestly thought hand on heart that this is the end for Wenger... The fans will hound him out! 3 POXY F**KING WINS LATER AGAINST READING, SWANSEA & WBA AND THEY'RE BACK TO CHANTING HIS NAME AGAIN?!! What else more is there to say or do anymore? I've already noticed I'm starting to overlook a lot of things Arsenal related these days... Buying kits (haven't bought one in 4 years), not paying to go see them (2 years), not watching live televised games (missed the last 4), not getting streams up and lately, not even looking at my daily blogs! In the past, I've blamed Wenger, Gazidas & Kronke for my diminishing love for Arsenal... Controversial or not, I can now add SOME Arsenal fans to that list! :/

  68. GoonerRon

    Apr 07, 2013, 21:21 #33850

    @ where's wally - so we should be grateful for our recent form and that recent form is purely as a result of Wenger 'stepping up' due to fan pressure? I'm sorry but that is just ridiculous. How can on one hand Wenger be stubborn, bloody-minded and a dictator yet in the same breath suddenly start to 'step up' due to fan pressure (which on the basis of his name being chanted yesterday is hardly reaching fever pitch.) For Goodness sake, Wenger undoubtedly has his faults which have been discussed to death on here, but why can't we just give credit when it is due, even if just minuscule praise through gritted teeth?

  69. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2013, 21:20 #33849

    @the noise: You know what the really frightening thing is? Even if we were nowhere near the top four these last three wins would have had exactly the same impact on a lot of our fans. They're so desperate that they'll cling on to anything to make it seem as if Wenger's finally getting it right. I remember a few years back I used to mock my sperz supporting mates by telling them the difference between us and them is that ultimately we're in the business of winning trophies. How times change...

  70. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 20:07 #33846

    If it wasn't for fans on websites like this and many others putting Wenger under pressure there is no way he would have stepped up in the last few weeks. Let's face it the board are never going to pressure him to do his job properly. So for all the AKB'S who believe he is a genius for beating Reading,Swansea and WBA ,we're on his case.Our club has been seriously underperforming and for 7.5mill a year he can have all the sh*t he wants if he doesn't produce. In the meantime let's be grateful for our recent form and hope we finish above the filth. COYG

  71. BRISKI

    Apr 07, 2013, 19:55 #33845

    Great win - several now in a row - if you can put the last 20 nail-biting minutes behind you! We fought hard and we scraped it! Fabianski is , I'm sure, a very nice man who loves his mother but he is not a premiership goalkeeper. His errors yesterday were of the school boy variety - and he looked terrified - not composed. The defence tried with some success to keep the ball away from him! Bring back Szczesny immediately , but also buy a top rate goalkeeper in summer from whom Chez can learn his trade. Do we have a goalkeeping coach by the way? It does not look like it. Giroud is an amiable lump - lots of smiling and picking up opponents . From time to time he comes good - but it does not last! In fact, we do not have a single, reliable goalscorer Gervino is a very frightening man - and not only in his appearance. The team doesn't know what he is going to do next and nor does he. He has brilliant moments, but against the general pattern of his play, they look like accidents. We have Spuds on the run, possibly Chelski, so we should finish in the top four and, as nothing else is on offer, we had better be grateful. I coached school soccer in the mid-sixties and the team won a trophy or two in successive seasons! So, I did know what i was talking about. I don't now! This summer we must buy a top-flight goalkeeper,a holding midfielder and and ten foot tall central defender - who can also run a bit. We need to persuade the Board to buy and buy well. Unless we do that, next season will be a bad case of vuja de! It has to be new players, because Arsene is a stubborn man with delusional tendencies and he will not go until he is good and ready to go. Coming up for my fiftieth year of support, so I shall not be giving up any time soon! Come on you Gunners! I still miss the clock end!!

  72. dragongooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 19:50 #33844

    Nailbiting finish yesterday to hang onto the three points. Same old Arsenal getting the job done but then shooting ourselves in the foot to give the opposition a chance in a game that they shouldn't have had a sniff. As a welshman, I thought our welsh player had a very average game where his first touch was very poor and gave very dodgy 50/50 passes to his team mates. Pleased for Rosicky but like the Russian,(not even on the bench), we have wasted his talents. As for the goalkeeper he does not, for this onlooker, inspire or offer any confidence to the defence. I'd rather our 1st choice Polish keeper despite what his dad says. Who is our goalkeeping coach ? He is not a top name and in that respect how can he offer any advice on how to prepare for 'big games', be they Premier League games or European.The coaching is not good enough because we see the same mistakes over and over again.Where is Seaman when you need him.

  73. DW Thomas

    Apr 07, 2013, 19:46 #33843

    Have we all forgotten how end of last season it took a complete c..k up by the opposition keeper to give us 4th? That was pure luck. Yesterday was a game of luck as well. Had Ramsey scored his sitter it would have been an easier game. We looked like crazy chickens after the red card an forgot all sense of composure. But Wenger would rather scream at the 4th official than coach his team and calm them down. Shane Long and Lukaku both should have scored easy chances, so a tie to them was deserved. People keep saying Rosicky and players like him (Diaby) that Wenger sticks with and then are injured all the time is why we fizzle each season. I say it's because players like Ramsey and Denilson who don't get injured but aren't good enough. They simply can't compare to other big clubs midfields. Rosicky though often injured, is top class. His touch off Rambos pass when he scored was perfect. But who does Wenger choose over him and most everyone else? Rambo. Sure I like him too, he works hard. But the back heels and missed easy chances and sideways passing are all too common for a top club. He needs better coaching. And Wenger is not the coach to do it. I do not think we will get 4th. Chelsea has too much class in its squad and Spurs won't fold again despite our best wishes they do. If we do squeak by them both by some miracle, it will surely reinforce all the deluded people out there that think Wenger is the answer. He has not been for quite some time.

  74. N4

    Apr 07, 2013, 19:45 #33842

    Firstly, it's funny to see a few people on here who were never heard of when we were on a bad run...i guess they were hiding!! Giroud and Cazorla i wouldn't worry too much since they can firmly make a difference when they have the ball. I have to say without no doubts Bould have been having a lot to do with training or coaching....which explain Wenger's stubbornness!!! The only thin

  75. The Noise

    Apr 07, 2013, 18:57 #33841

    Good to know our two bob fans are so easily won over... No wonder Kronke & co. will never sell up with such sheep making us fan base! If the manager of your supposed big club can survive being humiliated by TWO lower league opposition in the same season and officially become the least successful manager in your entire history and still have no real sustained fan pressure, then I'm afraid to say... Some of our fans deserve the club they have right now and deserved to be ****ing fleeced! After hearing Wenger's name being chanted yesterday, I no longer feel any sympathy for paying Gooners! None what so ever anymore!

  76. Jason B

    Apr 07, 2013, 18:43 #33840

    Heard a great call from a Spurs fan to Stan Collymore.When asked why spurs drew 2-2 and failed to win the game,the spurs fan came up with the players couldn't cope with the pressure of playing in front of 32,000 home 'fans'.Oh dear,a small club for small minded people like him watching small minded players!!! Pathetic!!

  77. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2013, 17:21 #33838

    Wengers a lucky lucky lucky man. Name me another manager at a Club comparable to ours that could survive nine trophy less years, the clubs heaviest defeat and loses-many of them-to 'huge' clubs such as Bradford, Blackburn, Birmingham and Swansea on a regular basis. And how does he manage to turn this around every season? By winning a few end of season games that somehow convinces his fans that he's about to turn it all around....again! He won't of course and we'll all be going through the same thing next season.......

  78. Mkherd89

    Apr 07, 2013, 17:17 #33837

    James how can you say giroud was lazy get your arse of the couch and come to a away game and you will see how these players perform sound like a plastic gooner to me

  79. Jude Jolicoeur

    Apr 07, 2013, 16:43 #33835

    Massive result. Quite pleased that the boys bent, but didn’t break. Thrilled for Rosicky – pure class. Arteta was brilliant. Ramsey reverted to type. He finally completed a backheel, but it’d be nice if he spent more time on the training ground on his finishing. I fail to see how a broken leg suffered three years ago is directly correlated to his utter lack of composure on that appalling miss, which was somehow overlooked by the Ed. Despite his recent run, he has to make way for Jack. Up the Gunners.

  80. CanadaGooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 16:38 #33834

    Well, the trademark Spurs wobble that we all know so well has begun. Not much for Arsenal to celebrate though. Some of the scenes at the end of yesterday's game confirms that top 4 is definitely more important to Wenger and our players than winning a trophy. So, perhaps we all have to accept that as our new reality (till Wenger leaves). So, we're on track, let's celebrate the win and hopefully get more points against Norwich and Everton, I think 2 more wins will put us atleast 4 points ahead of spurs as they will drop more points. We can start talking about winning a trophy after 2015 (our only prayer now is that wenger doesn't decide to extend his contract --- I'm certain he will though: where else will he have 9 years without a trophy and still be in a job?). Good win, come on you gooners!!!

  81. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 07, 2013, 15:16 #33832

    Wow, the Arsene dwellers are really out in force now, aren't they. Let's not bother to argue with them, because next season, if the maniac is still in charge, it will be the same thing all over again. They don't listen and they won't learn. We in the AMG's aren't interested in coming fourth darlings. We would like to win something or at least have some hope of being able to try and win something. Mr Wenger wishes only to keep his job, which, if you ever come out of your collective dreamworld, is not the raison d'etre of Arsenal Football Club. It actually empirically isn't, no matter how much you long to suckle forever on the hallucenogenic teat of Mr Wenger's self-delusion. For it to get better permanently, not just for a few games when our immediate opponents are otherwise engaged (in competitions we have been knocked out of nice and early), he has to get his P45 and we have to start again.

  82. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 15:04 #33831

    Yes Kev,another good win and another three points against the mighty brom with Rosicky standing out with a good performance, and the usual suspects keeping a low profile,the brom had their chances to pull level with some scrappy moments in defence with flappy living up to his name, old habits die hard alright and their always going to be there until there's better coaching or preferably better keepers,but we didn't look to troubled, maybe bouldy is getting more of an imput, but it's been said/asked before and will continue be said/asked until the end of another meaningless season why couldn't we do it when it mattered ? when there was something to play for.Where was all this spirit, discipline,and focus wenger's still raving about when it was needed and mattered throughout the season especially against Blackburn and Bradford when we had a chance of winning something ? It's another three points in the bag and up to fourth, and a lot of hopeing for more favors today so we can stay there, and get another shot at ogl's holy grail.

  83. Lord Finesse

    Apr 07, 2013, 13:08 #33828

    ALL PRAISE LORD ARSENE! He's currently 4th, over 20 pts behind ManYoo, he'a confirmed his Eigth successive year without winning anything at all, dumped out the FA Cup by comedy club Blackburn, humiliated by Bradford, beaten at Spuds, spanked in the CL as ever, rubbish players like Giroud/Gervinho/Ramsey stinking it up....but oh guess what? HE'S PROVEN HIS CRITICS WRONG! Yes yes. Couple of wins against Swansea, WBA and Reading and the man's fabulous eh! Hold on...aren't mega-rich Arsenal supposed to be whipping clubs like this routinely? Don't the AKBs tell us Arsene "cannot compete" with Chelski/Citeh cos they pay higher wages? So therefore since Arsenal pay far more than these teams, who are dirt poor in comparison...what bloody credit does Wenger deserve? EIGHT YEARS NO TROPHIES. Laudrup, Benitez, Di Matteo, even bloody Redknapp have better records. Wenger OUT. He's a loser and it's time this club became winners again. Shove the 4th place trophy!

  84. Cambridge Gooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 13:03 #33827

    Predicatable end-of-season smoke screen wins, AKB's forgetting the fact that 4th is not a trophy - What exactly is the point in it all? How was this only Rosicky's second start of the season? That's just bad management - The excellent Rosicky rotting on the bench while Jack the lad runs himself ragged.

  85. GoonerRon

    Apr 07, 2013, 12:16 #33824

    @ James - were you at the game? If you we're and thought Giroud was lazy then you literally must have been watching a different game to me. From where I was he worked his arse off despite being man-handled in virtually every encounter with their CB's and getting nothing off Webb (who himself had a poor game to these eyes). As Ed said, we pressed the game really well and you just can't do that with a lazy centre forward.

  86. Website Editor

    Apr 07, 2013, 11:57 #33822

    marwoodonthewing - having defenders worthy of the name who knew how to organise themselves certainly aided the trophies won in the first 8 years of wenger's reign. this arsenal team still scores plenty of goals. it's the ones they concede which prevent them winning any trophies

  87. marwoodonthewing

    Apr 07, 2013, 11:40 #33821

    Another win Kev and you still won't give the credit to the manager will you? This time its due to Steve Boulds team talk? Just out of interest are you still standing by the comments you made a few weeks ago claiming Mr Wenger was lucky to inherit the back four and get Campbell on a free and that was basically the reason for the two doubles and unbeaten season? A very low point indeed for the editor of a once great fanzine. Up the Arsenal.

  88. Esso

    Apr 07, 2013, 11:38 #33820

    Both Millwall and Wigan are going to be in the FA Cup final? Remarkable stuff indeed.

  89. James

    Apr 07, 2013, 11:21 #33819

    @Mkherd89 No it hasnt gone quiet on the Anti-Wenger front.Us realists are not fooled by another season without a trophy.Take a look at the league table the gap between us and United has actually grown this season.Getting knocked out of the CL and FA cup did Wenger a favour with only a 4th place to play for and no trophies to still go after.What a sad situation that is.Swansea and Bradford got to the league cup final and Millwall and Wigan will be in the FA cup final.But we didnt care about them cups its 4th place every year.Whoopee

  90. Liam

    Apr 07, 2013, 11:09 #33818

    @g.clarke..hit the nail on the head...the day when kevin realises that clubs like chelsea and city had sugar daddies pushing the petrol cash into their clubs were the times when we were up there with them...hang on where are chelsea these days? Some fans seriously

  91. Jamie Hunter

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:59 #33817

    It was good to see us showing a bit of fight, and at times it was a very classy performance. But I can't believe how such a highly paid bunch of professionals can hit the panic button quite like we do. Even before the penalty and red card it was almost like someone took our batteries out. I think the players mistook Lukaku for Drogba when he came on and there was a collective ****ting of pants that told me, at least, that it wasn't over by a long chalk. We immediately assumed the look of a kids team being bullied around by an adult one, and can only be thankful that we wasn't playing a top 8 team. I've been generally impressed with Giroud, but I thought he was poor yesterday. No stomach for the battle was his problem when it came to lack of hold up play (its not technique, he is an international footballer) and that was disappointing. Overall 3 excellent points though, even if it means a step closer to the manager and board getting away with it yet again. I was hoping that United would clinch the title at The Money Bowl with a Van Persie goal, but alas his goals earlier in the season have ensured that they will be home and dry sooner than that. But hopefully it will still be enough to make The Cartel squirm a little come the day of the game.

  92. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:46 #33816

    A deserved win for us no doubt. And I still think we WILL finish in the top four. No doubt in my mind it will happen. We always do. Simples. It did get nervous after Mertesacker’s deserved sending off and there were times after the red card when the old bad defensive habits had crept back into our game but it was good to see we held strong for the win. I was surprised but pleased that West Brom didn’t start Romelu Lukaku given he is very similar to his idol Didier Drogba. And Steve Clarke would remember well from his time as a Chelsea coach under Mourinho that Arsenal centre backs since 2006 do not like the big, strong, physical striker. I mentioned a year ago that since 2006/07, there is a point during the Premier League season when we go on either a long unbeaten run (half of that run tends to a draws) or an impressive winning run. Yet again it’s the latter. And usually that makes Wenger and his apologists think we have a great squad and the foundations for a successful subsequent term have been laid. But come the following season it’s same old’ same old’. Since mid-January, we have won seven out of the last nine league games so credit to all involved for that. However you have to take into account the strength of the opposition we have beaten since the run started. But yes, there is the old saying “you can only beat what’s in front of you”. And of the two games we didn’t win, one was a draw against an improving Liverpool side who threw away the Ashburton Grove match against us and Tottenham who are one of our rivals for a European Cup place. And those setbacks were down to bad defending. But then I forgot, according to some Wenger apologists, defensively we have been brilliant all season. And the good run came off the back of back-to-back defeats to English champions Man City & European champions Chelsea. Just goes to show that at this moment in time this Arsenal team are flat-track bullies. So the ‘one Arsene Wenger’ song was sung by a section of the away support at The Hawthorns. Fair enough. I’m still waiting for a logical reason from these guys into why we have consistently lost domestic cup ties to teams who spend less money than us, especially this season. Last time I checked, Bradford & Blackburn aren’t funded by petro-dollars. Lastly, big up to the two West Brom fans who gave me the thumbs up after my impromptu full time celebration street dance to the prized t*wats who were giving it large to me and other Gooners in the away end after Mertesacker’s red card. The intelligence level of those idiots is comparable with the Arsenal fans who say any Gooner who is critical of Wenger & the board should be beaten up. Roll on out of form Norwich. Up The Arsenal!

  93. Gaz

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:45 #33815

    Repeating myself here but rather than enjoying this recent run all I find myself asking is why now the race for the top four is in its final stages it feels like Wenger, the players and a lot of fans are suddenly 'up for the fight'. I have to ask where was that kind of 'fight' for a lot of the season and particularly before the games versus Blackburn, Bradford and Bayern? It's as if as soon as the Cup games were out of the way we've started to concentrate on the important business of a top four finish? And what of this 'top four finish'-what does it give us? Six boring group games followed by an early exit against the first decent side we play. Yeah we might win one of those games but its really quite pointless when you lose the opening game so heavily and end up going out. Other than the obvious financial gain-that never seems to help pay for truly world class players anyway-I really don't understand why fans are so keen to be in it unless you get some kind of perverse enjoyment in being the knock-out stage whipping boys every season.

  94. Dan h

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:41 #33814

    Very good result Rosicky also made a key clearance off the line at 0-0.The last 20 we were obviously under pressure but held on much like Sunderland away.The freed up fixture list has helped one target only you all know what it is!

  95. Steve the Gooner

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:22 #33813

    @ G Clarke - Who is Man United's sugar daddy?

  96. Mkherd89

    Apr 07, 2013, 10:02 #33812

    And it's all gone quiet all gone quiet all gone quiet on the anti wenger bus..........go to the lane if you want to moan

  97. g clarke

    Apr 07, 2013, 9:57 #33811

    That was before sugar daddies and you know it

  98. Ali

    Apr 07, 2013, 9:39 #33810

    And we are well on our way towards our 15th 4th-place trophy!

  99. GG89

    Apr 07, 2013, 9:16 #33809

    Well done the lads.... A second place play off is on the horizon... The pressure is off and the team is playing better, maybe AW should do what Jose Moanrinho does better... blame himself for any shortfalls to keep the pressure off the players... seems to work for his teams. Yes, and keep criticising Rosciky, he seems to play better when being knocked.

  100. James

    Apr 07, 2013, 9:10 #33807

    Giroud gave a performance Adebayor would have been proud of.Lazy couldn't be bothered.My fear is Wenger will look at the results in the run in and if we do get 4th place will turn around and say he was justified and we dont need to bring in the 5 quality players we lack to close the gap on Man Utd.My fear is Flappy Gervinho and Giroud will be in the starting line up in August.Rosicky sums up everything that is wrong with the club.Yes he can have games like yesterday but he wont play 10 league games this season thats a fact.

  101. One Tony Adams

    Apr 07, 2013, 8:52 #33806

    A good win at a key time to keep the pressure on Chelsea and Spurs who must surely be getting worried. I think a major factor in prevous seasons is the initial disruption due to the loss of key players in the transfer window. This is why we always seem to finish the season stronger once the new team has gelled. As for the goalkeeper, for all Szczesny's recent loss of form he is still a class goalkeeper with conviction and doesn't make the kind of howlers that Fab and co seem capable of.

  102. mark from aylesbury

    Apr 07, 2013, 8:48 #33805

    Well Bould was quoted on SKY saying we realise that not conceding goals is the key to winning, or at least words to that effect. Unbelievable this has taken so long. Maybe the statement is a sly dig. Anyway long may it continual