We’ll Meet Again…

Some timely optimism

We’ll Meet Again…

(Ed’s note – The new issue of The Gooner out on Sunday v Man Utd is an extra thick 64 page special with a £3 cover price. However, we did not have room for every article we wanted to run in it. After Bayern Munich’s 4-0 thrashing of Barcelona last night, here’s a piece reflecting on the possibility of better times returning written after Arsenal won in the Allianz Arena last month, which we did not have room for in the new issue…)

“Don’t know where, don’t know when…” So goes the Vera Lynn song; if anyone heard Johnny Cash’s rendering of the song on American IV, you’ll get it as a song of hope, a reunion with a loved one. I’m using it in the context of the Premier League trophy. As we are soon to enter the tenth anniversary of the last time we had the trophy in Marble Halls, we are currently as far away from meeting it again as we were 18 years ago.

I remember the first time I saw it. It was a sunny day in May 1998. After patiently pressing the re-dial button for two and half hours I managed to get a ticket. It must have been the last one available as my seat was on the back row at the very top of the old North Bank stand. At the conclusion of the wonderful trouncing of Everton it was brought on to the pitch, military style. Not sure if that was an Arsenal thing but it added a bit of authority to proceedings. There it stood glistening in the North London sunshine, waiting for our rejuvenated captain to proudly hold it aloft. These were the days when being the captain of The Arsenal meant something, not the prelude to a mega transfer to one of our so-called competitor clubs.

That was supposed to be the beginning of a relationship which should have seen that trophy become part of the furniture; for some reason it didn’t go to plan. Oh yeah, we sold three of the players that made that first Premier League triumph possible. It was another four years before it returned. I missed that reunion. Each time it returned, however, I had my photo taken with it, and as a consequence (some say foolishly) I taunt my Liverpool supporting neighbours with “I’ve had my hands on that trophy more times than a Liverpool captain”.

I sure as hell didn’t miss its last visit. That was a day not even this great Barcelona side have witnessed, a day we were crowned the Invincibles, the day Wenger held aloft the comical Arsène T-shirt, printed after he’d declared his Arsenal team would go the season unbeaten and for which he was mocked relentlessly for a whole year. I miss that guy; what happened to him? After we beat Bayern Munich in Germany, I became reflective about former domestic glories. I’m not sure if it was the stoic, confident performance, or the way the team fought for each other, or the colour of the shirt Wenger wore, but I caught a glimpse of a team that was on the verge of tempting that trophy to return to our neck of the woods. It seemed that the team had found itself. The victory may have been in vain this time round but this team know they can beat anyone on their day.

Whilst that grand trophy will reside again in the Manchester for another year at least, I hope this team can remember the level it found on a German night and keep it going. “Yes, I’ll know we’ll meet again some sunny day”.

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  1. Glenn

    Apr 24, 2013, 23:28 #34251

    Ahem. Bayern Munich were 3-1 up at the time. Did you forget that? Or did the first leg (played by the same players...) not register with you. How about the second half at Chelsea then? Epic performance. Oh hang on, we were 2-0 down. Never mind - we pull it out the bag when the opposition have begun to rest for the next game!! Championes Championes

  2. Arsenal 1886

    Apr 24, 2013, 21:04 #34250


  3. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Apr 24, 2013, 20:40 #34249

    Ealing Gooner, pay Jamie no mind. He's often on a solo wind-up. Besides, it wasn't just GG's tactics that used "high crosses and set pieces" to achieve results. Raddy scored plenty of those, just ask my dad (who saw most of them first hand).

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2013, 18:43 #34248

    geogooner90, i'm just going to comment on one sentence in your post, We are a well respected club with a great fanbase.I agree with you on that,but we'll not be after Sunday if some of this idiotic fanbase do what their threatening to do and turn their back on the champions during a guard of honor.

  5. Markymark

    Apr 24, 2013, 17:04 #34245

    We are a club with a small, narrow outlook. Take Bayern Munich, i know we beat them 2-0, but they were never in danger of losing the tie, even at our place they were so comfortable against us it was embarrasing !As VERY good as they are what is happening to them next season, are their best players leaving , no, they have already invested over about £35 million in buying Mario Goetze to strengthen even more. Are they happy with a manager that has walked away with domestic league and probably reached the champions league final ( again )no, they have got Pep in to replace him.Did they sit back and cry when CFC some how beat them in champions league final last year, no went and bought a top Spanish player for £35 million ! Are they in debt and worried about financial fair play rules. Do they charge the highest prices in Europe for their season tickets ? Are we really a well run, ambitious club ?

  6. Green Hut

    Apr 24, 2013, 14:45 #34242

    maguiresbridge gooner- I'm sure we'll hear one old Arsenal song on Sunday- 'There's Only One Arsene Wenger'- sung ad infinitum by the United fans.

  7. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 24, 2013, 14:24 #34240

    Those were the days alright Andreas, and their long gone and the sunny day when they return is a long way off, the only PL trophy we'll see held aloft or paraded around the Emirates for a while is the blow up kind brought by the triumphant away fans,and there will be plenty of them there on Sunday,maybe if we ask one of them nicely they'll give us one, or maybe RVP will do what AC did at the spuds ground and set one in the center circle. The songs we'll be hearing on Sunday won't be by Vera Lynn or Johnny Cash, but just as unfamiliar around the Emirates, (especially to our players),songs like, we are the champions,champeonies,we've got our trophy back, and i doubt us fans will be familiarising ourselves with them for this team or manager anytime soon.

  8. ATID

    Apr 24, 2013, 14:19 #34239

    I was talking to a friend about Cardiff's promotion earlier in the week and it got me thinking back to that wet and overcast day back in May 2005 when we actually won a trophy. How ironic that on that day the Man U fans were all wearing black scarfs in protest about their new owners. As it happened things didn't turn out too badly for them. Not so for us. Since then, although we have come close to glory a few times, the overall pattern has been one of steady decline in quality, ambition and success. You would think that it is only a matter of time before the good times come back but unfortunately English football is littered with the ghosts of once great clubs, Preston North End, Huddersfield, Nottingham Forest, Leeds, Liverpool and perhaps next up Aston Villa. Why anyone thinks that things will be any different next season is beyond me. Given the personalities involved, the public statements that have been made and the players that we are likely to sign over the summer it is simply an exercise of blind faith to think that things will be any better next season. The only consolation is that as and when we win another trophy (no, not the fourth place one) I am going to celebrate on a par with the lock in at the Blackstock after we won the league in 1998. In the meantime I can no longer be bothered with the Wenger apologists. Sing his name to the rafters if you want. Scream at Van Persie if you think that will make a difference. Just don't tell me AKB.

  9. Peter Wain

    Apr 24, 2013, 13:00 #34236

    Gervinho's left foot I call it as I see it. No prospect of us competing to win anything with this manager, board and owner. Great balance sheet, top ticket prices great talk of top top players and spending £70 million and we buy Kalou? Wait till we finish fourth and the idiot will say we are not far away and how difficult it is to buy better than we have. I say it is difficult to understand how we could buy a slow striker like Giroud, the worst player in premiership history in Gervinho and I cannot find a suitable description for Chamak. And all of these professional idiots chanting the mantra careful for what you wish for.

  10. loyal since 1980

    Apr 24, 2013, 12:58 #34235

    I know this is going off topic, but on Sunday, i will not applaude Man U when they walk onto the pitch through the guard of honour, i will also NOT boo RVP. He left Arsenal beacuse he didn't believe in the project and he was proved right, he is coming back a Champion. When he walks out the board should reflect, that to win the league, you need to buy quality players and not dross like Gervinio, and Girord. Ferguson did what RVP wanted Arsenal to do, sign top quality players. Man U missed out on the league last season on goal diffrence, what did he do, he went out an bought a 29 year old striker, who was injury prone, had a good 18 months and paided 25 million for him from a previous title rival. All I say to the board is look and learn on Sunday, you sold the number 20 of Man U. 'Shame on you'!

  11. billthered

    Apr 24, 2013, 12:51 #34234

    Not going sunday cause I dont want to witness any form of respect to Manure and RVP(although he has been proved right) cant we claim to an assist in the lest three teams to win the league.Oh by the way the new Bayern manager will soon be after our best players whoever they might be in the future.

  12. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Apr 24, 2013, 12:34 #34232

    take another leaf out of their book and sign top of the range shirt selling players.munich have already picked a top player,breaking the german transfer record even though they are a top team for next year. that is how you stay there as the signing of rvp by manu proved this year.i hope the board note this as they clap them on to the pitch.Ask them for their want away front man that plays for england.at least ask

  13. geogooner90

    Apr 24, 2013, 12:33 #34231

    It really does amaze me, some of the negativity on here. I adore following my club, through thick and thin, and my support for AFC will never diminish. I am not saying that all the negative people on here are falling out of love with Arsenal, but you are not helping. Wenger, up until a few years ago, was a master. Now, some of us vilify him. Yes, the frustrations are there for all to see, the club has fallen into a lethargic circle that seems to be ever decreasing, but, it's not as if we are going to get relegated! Nor are we in financial ruin, nor are we viewed as a club who has bought it's success, nor do we have players who bite fellow professionals and squirm at the idea of throwing the book at them as they are the only class act amongst their team. We are a well respected club, with a great fanbase, magnificent stadium and are well thought of throughout Europe. Yes, more needs to be done to bring our success back, but take into account the clauses and sensationalistic ideals that are now apart of the 'modern game' and realise that AFC will not fall into this trap. Our club has it's failings, wether that be business plans, budget planning and personnel, but I still love it and no one is better suited, in my opinion, than Wenger when it comes to turning it around. Other fans seem to think that our manager is still as good as any, and that we are lucky to still have him...

  14. Croker

    Apr 24, 2013, 12:00 #34230

    Well done Andreas - enjoyed reading this.

  15. Ealing Gooner

    Apr 24, 2013, 11:22 #34228

    Jamie, what's wrong with scoring from set plays and corners? Free kicks and penalties are a result of good attacking play being stopped by fouls, corners result from good attacking play forcing saves or defensive tackles. Do you discount Thierry Henry's goals from free kicks or penalties? I suppose you think RVP's 2nd goal v Villa was from a long ball, despite the fact that he scored similar goals for us last season, or were they long passes? Even as a diehard Arsenal fan, I would dispute your claim that we have always played total football. Chapman's teams were known for their ability on the counter attack with long balls from James to Bastin. Bertie Mee won the Fairs Cup with goals from a corner, a cross and a long ball. Of course, I prefer our current style of play to Stoke's rugby tactics, but the truth is in your final comment, Manure do it better than us, which is why we will have to give them the guard of honour on Sunday.

  16. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 24, 2013, 10:45 #34224

    I think the highlight of the season being a match at the end of which we went out of the CL rather says something.

  17. hibeegunner

    Apr 24, 2013, 10:42 #34223

    Peter Wain I agree word for word with what you say. I wonder what would happen if the C.L. was for the top 2 from each country would it force the board's hand to splash the cash I don't think so.

  18. Patrick

    Apr 24, 2013, 10:18 #34222

    The humiliation of giving a guard of honour to a man many here vilified, but he has ultimately been proven right. We will continue lining up for our rivals as long as the style of management doesn't change. the good days are well and truly behind us.

  19. exiled&dangerous

    Apr 24, 2013, 10:15 #34221

    On the subject of the "guard of honour" - by all means show some respect to the side that wrapped up the league title in April. But do it AFTER the game, on their way OFF the pitch. After you've given them a hard game, and hopefully with a bit of determination - a taste of defeat.

  20. JAMIE

    Apr 24, 2013, 9:28 #34220

    Call me an old purist but I do dislike the use of set plays,corners and high crosses to score goals.Arsenal traditionally have always played the game the proper way.Herbert Chapman,George Allison,Tom Whittacker,Bertie Mee and Arsene Wenger especially have all played the right way.George Graham being the only exception,although his title winning sides played some great stuff he often sank to the level of the other Premiership sides.So lets get back to the total football and leave the huff and puff set plays cossing and long balls to the Manure's,Stoke's,Tiny Totts and Chelski's who do it so much better than us.

  21. Gervinhos left foot

    Apr 24, 2013, 8:57 #34218

    Peter Wain, did someone run over your dog?

  22. Bard

    Apr 24, 2013, 8:52 #34217

    Makes you realise how quickly and how far we have fallen. The weekend guard of honour is rubbing salt into the wound. Sadly there won't be a fergie response more a hapless capitualation. How it will affect the likes of Jack, Gibbs and the Ox is anyones guess but they wouldn't be human if the didn't think RVP was spot on in his assessment of a club lacking ambition m

  23. lanesra 50

    Apr 24, 2013, 8:03 #34215

    fond memories of days gone.the quality of player is just so poor now and as peter says brace yourself for much the same.its a shame for a club with such a huge fan base and wealth that we have to endure this decline.

  24. Wombledin

    Apr 24, 2013, 7:45 #34214

    Nostalgia and memories of bygone glory and wistful notions of a return to the glory days is all we have to cling to. Meantime, back in the world of reality, were just a small egg in Kroenkes sports investment portfolio and Clouseau Wenger has a job for life as long as its a top four finish. dS

  25. Jack

    Apr 24, 2013, 7:26 #34213

    Fantastic article, I do miss the old glory days and hate what the club has been turned too in the past few years. Fully support getting behind the team

  26. Peter Wain

    Apr 24, 2013, 7:22 #34212

    Forget about those days they are well and truly gone. Concentrate on welcomming the champions to the Emirates because we can never win the title again under the present ownership, board and management. Buy top top players forget it brace your self for more Gervinhos Girouds and Squallacis and more guards of honour. The days of Arsenal competing for anything other than the coveted 4th place are well and truly gone.