Booing RVP on Sunday would be missing the point

Fan ire would be better directed at those really responsible for the gap between Arsenal and the champions

Booing RVP on Sunday would be missing the point

RVP – Had to leave Arsenal to win something

As much as I despise them, the visit of Man Utd was always my favourite match of the season. The chance to get one over on them used to consume me in a way that wasn’t healthy. These games were always passionate, intense affairs, played out at the top of the table, with the points on offer usually deciding which team won the title.

There were also some monumental individual battles – Winterburn v McClair; Vieira v Keane; Keown v van Nistelrooy; Henry v Barthez. Those Arsenal players could go toe to toe with any Man Utd player, whether they wanted a football match or a fight.

But not anymore and this Sunday’s match will be more uncomfortable than ever. Man Utd arrive as newly crowned Champions and leading their line will be the man that has swung the balance of power back their way – our former Captain Robin van Persie. His 24 league goals haven’t just pegged Man Citeh back, they have annihilated them.

But how will van Persie be greeted by us on Sunday? I’m sure large sections of the home crowd will slaughter him on Sunday but what good will that do? I think it would be much more effective to be magnanimous towards him and direct any discontent at the manager and the out of touch chumps on our Board. Booing van Persie simply lets them off the hook, when we should be putting them under pressure to invest in the playing squad. I can hear coffee being spat out and shouts of “B****cks to that!” from many Gooners but here are my reasons.

Van Persie’s departure was, for many, the ultimate act of betrayal but I just can’t see it that way. He made it plain that he wanted to stay in London and he sought assurances from Wenger and the Board that our squad would be strengthened, thereby allowing the team that finished 3rd in 2012 to mount a title challenge in 2013. Those assurances were not forthcoming, so after eight seasons with us and at the age of 28 (nearly 29) RVP decided to move on to a club that did want to invest and challenge for the big trophies.

Van Persie has made the difference this season, and Wenger has even admitted that he knew this would happen when he sold him. We are now in April and look at the League Table – Man Utd are well clear but only 7 points separate the clubs from 2nd to 5th. Without van Persie’s goals, Man Utd would be several points worse off and probably back level with the chasing pack. If we’d kept him and invested in top class re-enforcements to support him, surely we could be the team that edges it this season.

Why didn’t the Board and manager think like that? Is £24million in the bank really better than having a damn good crack at being Champions again? For the past 6 or 7 years Arsenal have seemed content to scrape into the Top 4 and take the profits on offer from the Champions League, with no hope of winning it. Our Board and manager refuse to move with the times and spend the money necessary to reclaim former glories. They whinge about petro-dollars but Man Utd and Bayern Munich aren’t funded like that.

If we are going to give van Persie some stick, let’s keep it like we did when Vieira returned to Highbury with Juventus in 2006. Humorous banter like “He plays in black and white, His team is f***ing shite” was so much more effective than booing his every touch. Booing is so predictable and it’ll make us look small minded. It won’t affect van Persie’s game and it definitely won’t change the fact that we’re 21 points adrift of top spot.

Let’s direct any anger at the people running our Club, because Arsenal have sold our best player so many times now. Surely the time has come to stop booing departed players and start demanding better of our manager and our Board.

(Ed’s note – Been emailed the following from a (very!) occasional contributor, Simon Swingler…) As well as following Arsenal I volunteer at Ryman League Premier Division team Wingate & Finchley. We have a massive relegation winner takes all match on Saturday to which all residents of the N12 Finchley area can attend for free. Would it be possible for this to put up on the website, just to try and coax a few Arsenal lads down as we haven't got a game until the Sunday?

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  1. Dixon Arsene Seaman

    May 01, 2013, 12:40 #34463

    The top players keep leaving us, citing a lack of ambition from the club - do you blame them? There's a pattern here. Is it us that has the problem, or them? Vieira threatened to leave in Summer 2001, and laid down a few ultimatums about ambition. The outcome: we made a big signing or two, he stayed and we won the double the following May.

  2. Habeeb

    Apr 28, 2013, 14:39 #34385

    Wenger and the greedy board should do the guard of honour

  3. GoonerRon

    Apr 28, 2013, 2:41 #34381

    I think it's very ironic that a lot on here complain about Wenger for a number of reasons, some of which include not buying young non-established players, persevering with injury prone players for too long and playing players out of their best position. So when the relatively unknown 21 year old, number 10-in-the-making with ankles seemingly made of biscuits became a deadly world class number 9 we decide to deride the manager and apply zero balance to the argument that surely highlights Wenger deserves a huge amount of credit.

  4. aidan k

    Apr 27, 2013, 22:11 #34379

    bollocks to that, arsenal FC made him the player he was.. he had 1 1/2 good seasons out of 8 years at the club and he took the piss out of our club. to top it off he left with less than a year on his contract when we should had recieved at least double the 24 million payed.

  5. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 27, 2013, 19:00 #34376

    Steve. I'm not sue that I am overwhelmed at the prospect of an Usmanov takeover. Having Kroenke as an owner and success aren't mutually exclusive. Having Wenger as a manager and success are mutually exclusive. The problem with Kroenke is his remoteness and lack of knowledge of "Soccer". It is actually quite critical that something happens soon, because the only thing hiding our decline is the comparative weakness of the league. There are a few young decent managers out there achieving good things with few resources. Wenger is a man achieving very little with enormous resources. I can understand why he doesn't want to let it go, but he must.

  6. Stevesam

    Apr 27, 2013, 18:19 #34375

    @Alsace – Sometimes with investors it’s all about timing, if you are living in America with no love of Arsenal and getting older, you may decide that the offer of £20k a share looks tempting for shares you paid about £12k for. A nice little earner. There are very few assets left to sell off and the Club is on the slippery slope of decline. The fourth place trophy maybe the only reason for a high sale value. Let’s see what happens after the fourth place is decided.

  7. PJ

    Apr 27, 2013, 17:02 #34373

    I totally agree with the points raised here. I think that booing him is likely to provoke the player to prove a point against us. He also muted his celebration earlier this season. Blaming him just doesnt make sense. Additionally when we clapped Viera he had a shocking game. This is a much better ploy, even if you dont agree with the above. I just hope enough people read and agree with this before the game tomorrow.

  8. HowardL

    Apr 27, 2013, 11:08 #34365

    Good article Mark. Let's not look small-minded to the football world, give Manure the Guard of Honour they undoubtedly deserve, acknowledge the part played by RVP whose move away was fully justified...then get behind the team and take advantage of the fact that the Mancs have nothing to play for. Once we have CL qualification is the time to refocus on the changes so badly needed right at the top of our club and get our Arsenal back in time for next season.

  9. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Apr 27, 2013, 8:27 #34363

    Our minority shareholder can launch an offer, but Stan doesn't have to accept, he has control of the club. He could sue Stan on the basis that he is running the club in a manner which is bound to lead to the depletion of the club's ability to compete and ultimately put its share price in the toilet, but I'm afraid that we would have to have an Arsenal supporting Judge to get the necessary order for Stan to be bought out. No, our best hope is for a) Stan to wake up and smell the coffee and change the manager b)Gazidis to grow a pair and impose some discipline upon the manager c) The manager to resign in the wake of a series of very loud and uncomfortable 90 minutes at the Grove d)The incapacity or demise of the owner or the manager. As others have pointed out here, we have sufficient resources to go out and win. We simply lack the coaching talent and the will to win. Booing Van Persie would be moronic, but then the AKB's would stick long knives into anyone who dared to say that the Emperor's new clothes were not indeed gorgeous.

  10. CanadaGooner

    Apr 27, 2013, 4:42 #34362

    yep maguiresbridge gooner, I'm sure the arsenal team feels no shame whatsoever. 8 years and counting.....

  11. Stevesam

    Apr 26, 2013, 22:03 #34360

    Alumnia, Eboue, Squillaci, Silvestre, Santos, Denilson,Diaby,Arshavin, Chamakh ,Bendtner,Park is it a fallacy that AW is an economist or is this the reason he wasted vast sums of money and effort on this team, the Wenger deadwood . It is also worth making the comparison of Vela versus Wally. Vela has scored 13 La Liga goals and 8 assists this season with Sociedad, but not given any opportunities at Arsenal. AW is not accountable for his numerous negligent errors. Be prepared for an Usmanov takeover bid coming soon.

  12. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Apr 26, 2013, 22:02 #34359

    Absolutely right. RVP is a symptom of the problem not the cause. Our club is run for the benefit of three people who run it like their personal bank. They won't let Usmanov on the board as it would upset te status quo which is suiting them just fine. I blame us the supporters as we have slept walked into this. And still so many mongs sit there and lap it up blind to the fact that their trousers are round their ankles. RVP like Cesc and so many others left to win things. They would be rich where ever they played. If it makes you feel better about yourself to call them mercenaries and boo then you are seriously missing the bigger picture

  13. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Apr 26, 2013, 19:23 #34358

    Big Jenny is a fine comic creation. I imagine him/her as a big, hairy, pre-op tranny.

  14. GoonerGoal!

    Apr 26, 2013, 18:34 #34357

    Not sure how to react on Sunday? Try registering your dissent at what you are being forced to witness, and what you have been forced to witness every season for the past 9 years, by chanting - "Kroenke OUT! Gazidis OUT! Wenger OUT! OUT! OUT!"

  15. Let's give Steve Walford the last 10 minutes

    Apr 26, 2013, 17:10 #34355

    Big Jenny. Is the irony of you threatening the "Wenger out yobs" with violence lost on you?

  16. GoonerGoal

    Apr 26, 2013, 16:32 #34353

    Turn you backs and ignore RVP and ignore ManU, and then turn all your anger on Kroenke, Gazidis, and Wenger. They, and only they, are the reason why the Club, the Team, and the Supporters, find themselves in such an invidious and embarrassing position! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  17. 1975

    Apr 26, 2013, 16:17 #34352

    Great article. Its been said by others and I totally agree. We are all at different levels in the food chain. We used to be great rivals with Utd but unless you have been supporting Arsenal in a parallel universe, we have not been competing with Utd for the best part of the last 5 seasons. Players try and improve their career prospects and wages. They have short careers so who can blame them. We successfully lure players to our club from lesser clubs. We dont expect them to show loyalty to the clubs we are trying to buy them from. So lets not be hypocrites. You cannot say that its fine for players to jump ship from Malaga, Marseille, Cardiff City or Cologne to come to Arsenal but if they do the same from us then they should be abused. Thats just plain dumb. Again...we are lower in the food chain than Utd. There...accept it...its fact..they are a bigger club than us...because they have won loads more pots in the last 15 years and continually invest to win more....and they pay well. Those who are going to boo RVP are probably frustrated that he had the choice and the chance to change things. He did and he has won something. We cant...we are fans...we dont switch brands and we have no power to change anything unless we stop supporting. But thats just it....footballers are not fans of the clubs they play for on the whole. Maybe Jack Wilshere is an exception....Steven Gerrard is cetainly. Allthough even little Jack may be tempted if he becomes one of the best midfielders in Europe and an England Captain....that is if Wenger carries on and on like a leader of communist North Korea....and the dust builds up on the trophy cabinet, the empty seats in club level and the piles of cash in the bank.

  18. Quillie

    Apr 26, 2013, 15:23 #34350

    Nice article. Unfortunately there are too many Arsenal fans who need to just grow a pair and accept that he went because we're not good enough for him and the board wasn't that bothered about keeping him. If he'd have stayed, he would have been idiot, and would have spent the rest of his life thinking 'what if?' Furthermore, it would be naive not to think that the Arsenal board were only too happy to cash in on his departure, as they always are when a high profile player leaves. They only say they want to hold on to these players to create the impression that it will take a lot to prize them away from the club; it's just a bargaining tactic. Even he'd wanted to stay, they would have forced him out by offering him and insulting contract and refusing to promise big signings. Booing him will achieve nothing aside from embarrassing those of us who actually have a bit of perspective on the whole thing.

  19. Ron

    Apr 26, 2013, 14:39 #34349

    Skooner - Man U were in fact the only Club who genuinely wanted him mate.There was nowhere else to go. He never had an option of a top euro Club.Mancini wanted him at MC but the Club didnt or didnt want to pay 24 K for a guy who had one good season in 8. Van P sort of made it look like he had options and said all of the right things about Utd ( the usual bullcrap about they were his dream Club or whatever) but if he was to move, it was there or nowhere i.e stay at Arsenal.

  20. Lord Froth

    Apr 26, 2013, 14:28 #34347

    I would like to hear the fans loudly sing an Arsenal song when the teams come out and then to boo RVP everytime he touches the ball. The reason being that after Ashley Cole left he was booed on his first return to the Emirates and it visibly shook him and he had a shocker. I'd like RVP to have a shocker so therefore we should all boo him.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 26, 2013, 14:14 #34346

    Good one Canada, it will also be interesting to see if there is a love in in the tunnel before the teams go out,i personally don't care because it can't be as bad as the one with Adebayor.

  22. Barry

    Apr 26, 2013, 13:57 #34345

    Those who will sing the rape song will be the first to complain when United and Spuds fans sing Wenger songs.

  23. Skooner

    Apr 26, 2013, 12:18 #34343

    There are two different issues with RVP. I personally think he was absolutely right to leave and I think his statement put forward how many fans feel about the way the club has been heading for a very long time. However, it’s is where he went that irks me. After the West Brom match last season he said “One thing is for sure, I will always be a gooner”. No gooner would go and play for United so he was just full of BS. As fans we all know that our love for the club is greater than any player loyalty but would it have been so bad for him to choose to play abroad? He could have still gone to a club like Juve where he could win titles and would have been fondly remembered by the majority of the fans.

  24. CanadaGooner

    Apr 26, 2013, 12:05 #34342

    Let's just hope all 11 arsenal players fielded on Sunday do not pile up their shirts at halftime to offer to RVP in their owe of him like Santos did last time around. Ha ha ha

  25. Red Member

    Apr 26, 2013, 10:28 #34341

    Carl Rowell - I genuinely feel sorry for you.

  26. Big Jenny

    Apr 26, 2013, 10:19 #34340

    I will not tolerate any Wenger out yobs giving it large anywhere in my vacinity on Sunday.I definately will not under any circumstance suffer any northern monkey moptops or cockney red retards giving it big time about another title won through foul means and anti-football.Anybody who does not abide by my rules will not be a happy bunny.

  27. Mike

    Apr 26, 2013, 9:41 #34339

    @Canadagooner -spot on about the players -these guys get rediculus wages but have no accountabilty. Just one thing about SAF - he is a freak -Wenger, Mourinho, Mancini, Boas, Pep, Moyes(sic) can't hold a candle to this guy - so when comparing managers hold that in mind - there is SAF and then the rest. I looked at the league table and saw there was nothing between the chasing teams in terms of stats - the main difference between Man Utd and the rest was the goals scored (RVP's quota) - was interested to see that it was a blow to Arsenal long term plans that the German coach had signed an extension - he would have been a good call.

  28. Terry

    Apr 26, 2013, 8:59 #34337

    @Gooner89.Could you please tell me why Fergy couldn't compete with the team who couldn't compete the German side.Also going out on away goals to a side who spanked Barca is hardly not competeing.Honestly you AMG's are so bone it seems a waste of time pointing out the facts to you.

  29. Marky mark

    Apr 26, 2013, 7:30 #34336

    Carl Rowell must be on the best drugs known to man, Bayern were in total control, ok we beat them 2-0, but they could have hammered us at home.

  30. Cambs Gooner

    Apr 26, 2013, 7:15 #34335

    Just to be clear, I don't condone rape or jokes made about it or any of that bla bla bla village idiot hypocrisy nonsense. Just wanna hear something tongue in cheek rather than predictable booing. Maybe some Thierry Henry related songs as he was the king to Robin's pretense. Henry for manager?

  31. theopants superstar

    Apr 25, 2013, 23:56 #34334

    Vin: If you were looking for sop porters you DEFINITELY did take a wrong turn!!!

  32. Big Dave

    Apr 25, 2013, 23:56 #34333

    I'm turning my back to protest at the way the club is being run and the lack of shame of our board. Well done Man U fair play to them. It seems to me that some fans will accept anything you must be Ivan's wet dream.

  33. zerocttl

    Apr 25, 2013, 23:42 #34332

    As a united fan.. I have to say it would it not just be more sensible to leave him out this Sunday as there is nothing to lose, and we have other firepower upfront under-utilized this season in chicha, and allow Arsenal fans to applaud with no (or much less at least) bitter feelings.

  34. Fozzy

    Apr 25, 2013, 23:12 #34331

    Along with the rest of us silver boys, we've paid a king's ransom to be there on Sunday. Like so many times already this season I am expecting to return home with a glum look on my face. I will applaud both teams out on to the pitch as usual but I will turn my back when it comes to any guard of honour. I never thought that Percy would go at the end of last season as I was still getting over Cesc leaving the season before. I won't be happy watching Percy playing for The Forces of Evil. It's going to be a bit like being dumped by a well loved girlfriend and then seeing her draped around a complete arsehole. I will probably be even less happy watching Eboue-with-a-syrup playing up front, or worse still, Walnutt. Dear Arsene, please don't even consider it. Your only option is to play Podolski up front as he's the only one who might be able to stand to the rough house tactics by the latter day Neville sisters.

  35. Vin

    Apr 25, 2013, 22:38 #34330

    Sorry took a wrong turn was looking for a site of arsenal sop porters

  36. AFC14

    Apr 25, 2013, 22:17 #34329

    Think Van Persie have had enough after Wenger substituted Ox v Man Utd last season. The worst substitution ever in the history of AFC.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 22:09 #34328

    Born Gooner, dead right we've already had an idiot who has somehow escaped from his village and not only got his hands on a computer but worked out how to use it on here, saying he will sing the rape song so we can only assume he has no problem with the vile songs sung about wenger, maybe he'll be the first to complain if he hears them sung in retaliation,as Gare Kekeke said, hypocrites.

  38. goonerjoe

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:56 #34327

    I willnot boo him because he was honest when saying he wanted to win trophies and after a meeting with AW it was clear he had no choice but to leave. He joined Utd who have a winning manager who hates coming second (imagine how he would react to being 4th on a regular basis) and when he does spends some money to not be there again. They are 21 points better than us and RVP has won a trophy so what is there to complain about? He made a wise career choice to win medals and clearly he is telling us this board and manager have no interest in doing so

  39. Carl Rowell

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:55 #34326

    When you think how close we came to knocking Bayern out of the Champions League and how we are the only team to give them a footballing lesson on their own patch.Especially how the Spanish heavy weights have been crushed in the semis.You have to give a big bravo to Arsene and the boys.I for one can't wait for next season where I expect the Gunners once again to show them all how the game should be played.

  40. Carlos

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:25 #34325

    Footballers aren't fans. They go to whoever will pay them the most and/or to wherever they will win trophies. Just as Sol came to Arsenal to win things, and to get paid bucketloads so van Persie has done the same. What the manager's apologists should be asking themselves is why. What do they think he can get at ManU that he couldn't get at Arsenal? You don't have to be a genius to find the answer.

  41. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:17 #34324

    Big Dave stated in his post on the Editors review of the Fulham match,some fans must be Ivans wet dream,(good one )he and the biggest dreamer of all must be loving all this talk about RVP and the mancs and all this debate about a guard of honor and booing,as it's deflecting all the attention away from them, the real culprits in all of this, and why we've been also rans for so long, with their constant spin and excuses,and no doubt the wenger is god brigade (courtesy of A&F) will make sure all those sexy dreams continue right up till Monday morning and beyond.

  42. Sharon

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:13 #34323

    Up until about a week ago I thought Man City and Man Utd were the same team.You'de think they could have come up with something a bit more original the small time chancers.

  43. johnnyh

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:04 #34322

    a very well written article mark. gooners will be letting the three stooges of wenger,kronke and gazidis off the hook big time if we boo robin. he was probably just as sick of listening to wengers bollocks about the top 4 finish being as good as a trophy as we all are, but unlike the rest of us he was in a position to do something about it and he left for a club whose ambition is to win genuine silverware. its just as simple as that.

  44. CanadaGooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 21:00 #34321

    Can someone clever on here tell us how much Chelsea has spent (on buying players ONLY. dont add what he's spent changing managers every few months) since Abramovich and let's see how much that equates to per trophy they've won in the same timeframe. I think we will find that their spending was very justified if compared to what Arsenal has spent buying players in the same period of time (as a factor of how many trophies we've won). If you can also check Man City's spend and convert to how much they spent per trophy in the same timeframe. We wont even bother comparing to Man Utd as their spend per trophy would be excellent, seeing they've won bag-fuls of trophies in our 8 barren years. When doing those calculations, do add Chelsea's Europa League trophy for 2013 to it (pretty much 'in the bag'!). That's what football's about! Something Wenger has forgotten about and Kroenke or Gazidis know nothing about!

  45. Bob

    Apr 25, 2013, 20:45 #34320

    Totally agree with these sentiments. Booing RvP would leave us looking classless in the eyes of the whole football world. It would be like water off a duck's back. And it would be illogical, because like many Arsenal fans I don't blame Van Persie one bit for moving to win honours which his talents so richly deserve. He is a professional, and however frustrating his injury record was with us he always gave his best on the field. Whether or not we scrape into the Champions' League again, RvP's judgement, which was entirely vindicated, has proved beyond reasonable doubt that Arsenal needs a complete revolution over the summer. I am afraid the old dog in charge is not capable of learning the range of new tricks required in the modern era.

  46. Born Gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 20:15 #34319

    Do the people who are so looking forward to the rape taunts on Sunday not remember that RvP was an Arsenal player at the time of those unproven allegations, and that he was not convicted of any crime? How about getting behind our team instead?

  47. CT Gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 20:08 #34318

    Can I just remind everyone that we didn't have to sell Van Persie, like others have pointed out. Our board decided to trouser the 24 million from UTD, that in itself told me all I needed to know about our American owners intention for our great club, and how much we should trust coming from our managers mouth.

  48. Ron

    Apr 25, 2013, 20:00 #34317

    Nice legs etc .... Oh mate, that made me laugh - 'a Ray Wilkins tribute act'. Can see your point exactly. Thing is Wilkins was never a bottler, just a crab so hes a distance up still on that bunch of fairies in our middle.

  49. Terry

    Apr 25, 2013, 19:39 #34316

    I hope the Wenger out folk get behind the team on Sunday.If they just cheer their hero Fegie and blow kisses towards RVP it could get quite embarrasing.

  50. Big Jenny

    Apr 25, 2013, 18:53 #34314

    I hope none of the anti Wenger muppets will be giving it large on Sunday,as I will not take kindly to that.

  51. CanadaGooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 18:52 #34313

    @Born Gooner: that being so (I recall had pulled up with a hamstring in the 1 - 0 win against Stoke prior to the carling cup final), I'm sure the players we fielded on the day were worth 10 x the birmingham team + the fellow that scored their winning goal was some reject inter milan, newcasle etc player that had no business scoring against Arsenal. I can also very vividly remember Fabregas's lame back-heel that led to one of Barcelona's goals in the CL league final. So, when everyone says these players walked out on Arsenal because we are crap, I repeat: they had AMPLE opportunity to have change the course of our last 8 trophyless seasons but bottled it like the other useless bunch we have playing for us right now

  52. markyMark

    Apr 25, 2013, 18:31 #34311

    Ref Joe, there is no longer any meaning full rivalry with Man utd, as has not been for at least 6 years ! Have we announced anysignings yet, or changed our manager, oh no thats Bayern Munich, improving all the time, and not a p[etro dollar club, and either not worried about financial fair play, or run in a good and correct manner !

  53. Dee

    Apr 25, 2013, 18:13 #34310

    I think you've all forgotten that we're one of the only "top" team where the manager is the highest paid person. Wenger is the 4th highest paid manager in the world. He's one of the reasons we have a wage cap ;-) Boo or don't boo, nothing will change until the club reward success. Wenger, Diaby, Walcott, et al ... get higher salaries and add very little... On what planet does Walcott get more than Bale... or Wenger more than Moyes.. Planet Arsenal

  54. Rob

    Apr 25, 2013, 17:45 #34309

    Anyone who Boos RvP on Sunday is a stupid cretin. One of the many - predictable - responses to criticism of the way the Board and Wenger run the Club is "go and support Spurs - Blah, Blah, Blah !". Well crying at RvP is just like Spurs 'fans' whinging at Sol. At least RvP left us for a tidy sum and if I was him I would have too. And no he didn't treble his wages as someone has claimed. Utd don't pay him or anyone else £360,000 per week. Some people really do need a reality cheque. RvP is a symptom of what's wrong at Arsenal not the cause. The cause is an absentee Majority Shareholder who cares about money not football; a Chairman who thinks it fine to insult the Club's support and otherwise ignore them; a Chief Executive who is the highest paid in the EPL, because he delivers cash mountains for the owner, who regards that as 'success'. And last but by no means least a Manager who was great once but has long since lost his way and seen his 'sell by date' expire several years back. Direct your ire at them and specifically stop giving them multi thousand pound cheques every season ticket renewal day and you might just see a change. Otherwise you'll be here this time in 2014 and it'll be the same story.

  55. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 25, 2013, 17:39 #34308

    Good article with plenty of common sense. I don’t agree with the possible booing of Van Persie either. It’s better to support the team on the day in the hope we could be the first team to beat the new champions. If our fans are going to boo, then it should be aimed at Gazidis & the board who in recent years have put profit before football. But then I forgot, according to the Wenger apologists, the board are brilliant. I could say Wenger and to an extent he probably deserves it, but for what he’s done for the club overall, he’s earned the right not to be booed. Criticised yes, booed, no. I’ll praise Wenger for trophies, great football in the past, fantastic players etc.....but also I’ll also criticise him for eight years without a trophy and counting, the ‘socialist’ wage model, the persistence of rubbish players such as Denilson, Gervinho et al, his desperation for FFP (Borussia Dortmund & Bayern Munich need FFP to work just as much as us don’t they?!!!!), being bang average in the European Cup etc....... Also if our fans are going to sing that vile song about RVP then they are hypocrites. These are the same lot who bitch and moan when those vile and nasty songs that are sung about Wenger. As I have said in the latest online editorial, this isn’t ‘the Arsenal way’. Some fans sadly have lost that concept.

  56. Nice legs, shame about the boat race.

    Apr 25, 2013, 17:38 #34307

    There's no point in taking your vitriol out on RVP, he has been vindicated. Even Bendtner and Song are going to pick-up a Championship winners medals at the end of the season. During the guard of honour we must sing "Are you watching Arsene Wenger?" or one of the non entities from the board. We are in a poor state from a playing staff perspective. Against Fulham we had no penetration and our midfield has turned into a Ray Wilkins tribute act. Look at Bayern, romped away with their league, one foot in the CL final, have a great mix of experience and youth and have just spent €32m on the next wunderkind (an alleged AFC target) to improve their competitiveness. The club is also run by people who love and understand the ethos of the club. No petro dollars there Ivan.

  57. Teeboy

    Apr 25, 2013, 17:26 #34306

    I will not only boo him,I will sing the rape song if he ever comes near my seat!This is football,this aint golf or netball,its stuff that the booing,the bragging rights,the "in your corner"feeling that brings the adrenalin to football.Stick he will get on sunday,stick he will get for as long as he comes to the groove.More stick than Nasri i hope.

  58. Born Gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 16:33 #34303

    @canadagooner Fabregas was not in the team that lost the Carling Cup final to Birmingham

  59. CanadaGooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 15:59 #34302

    @Mark (the author); I do not totally disagree with the whole "someone had to leave Arsenal to win a trophy" logic, but FOR GOODNESS SAKES! For the money these players earn, I dont think it is too much to ask that Arsenal beat Birmingham in a CARLING CUP final is it? Fabregas was there in the team on the day, and RVP (if he wasnt on the surgery table) was there; so was Henry, in the Champions League final against Barcelona. Players HAVE to stand and be counted sometimes too

  60. Paul

    Apr 25, 2013, 15:05 #34299

    Boo Boo Boo.If we drew Barca in the CL some of our muppet fans would boo Cesc.We used to laugh at the Spuds fans for booing and calling Sol Judas.Every season we turn more and more into the Spuds.Now we are stooping to their level.When are our fans going to realise they are booing the wrong people. The people who should be booed are Wenger and Gazidis.The guard of honour should be carried out by Wenger Gazidis Hill-Wood,Friar,Lady Nina,Tom Watt John Cross and Arseblog

  61. Ron

    Apr 25, 2013, 14:51 #34298

    A better 'guard of honour' would be Wenger, Kroenke and Gazadis all on their knees, heads bowed, facing the centre circle just outside the tunnel,trousers round their ankles, bare backsides on display, all with labels saying ' dont forget our part in your 20th title SAF'!

  62. Cambridge Gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 14:35 #34297

    RVP is a nice guy and is pure class compared to the dross we have up front at present. I don't begrudge him his extra money as he's not a flash guy and from what I hear he puts it to good use. Yes I would have liked to see him repay the 7 years of faith, but that's like asking your girlfriend to stay with you because you need her more than she needs you. It was a tough decision for him and van Persie made the correct one. I don't believe we should boo his every touch, but I would quite like to hear a unified chorus of "she said no Robin, she said no"

  63. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 14:31 #34296

    we need to show some class and give them the guard of honour.then we can stuff them 3 nil.his leaving was painful and hard ,(after we stood by him in his hour of need),but he would of stayed if we were winners and paid more.after all we have complained about arsenal from before that 8 goal hammering,so how does a top player in his last big contract feel?It was not rvp who did not spend the transfer fee on a marguee player to replace himself,that was left to AW.i accept one forward has been carring an injury all season and the other one is doing ok and trying his best.but AW should of been TOLD to buy a replacement as ready and as good as rvp. that TH10 stunt has worked only once and, it looks to me a mere fan, he has been trying do do it again and again spending money on average players. that is why we are average .there is something in that old story about peanuts and monkeys

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 14:22 #34295

    It was always a fixture to mark the calendar for alright, always sure to be a battle all over the pitch with 100% commitment,not anymore.There will not be very many individual battles on Sunday either, have we actually got any players now who would get in old red nose's team ? maybe one or two and they still have a lot to prove.The days when red nose worried about Arsenal and Wenger are long gone, that used to be a battle in it's self now fergie gives him compliments that says it all.Yes for many RVP leaving was an act of betrayal and like yourself Mark i don't see it that way either, he'll get booed alright maybe even slaughtered the Wenger apologists will see to that, but i doubt very much it will worry him, he's been proved right.It's a pity the same effort that will be put into spitting venom at RVP on Sunday won't be directed at the real villain/villains and if it had been three, four,or five seasons ago maybe we'd be still be a force in the Premership, and this game would still be a passionate intense affair to decide the title.

  65. Gooner89

    Apr 25, 2013, 14:01 #34294

    How refreshing to watch some great football this week. Munich and Dortmund were simply awesome this week and well on their way to the final. Please would someone from the Arsene is God brigade be kind enough to inform those of us who want the clown out exactly why we can't compete with the the two great German teams. The German's have a much much smaller TV contract and charge around a third to watch their teams compared to us and no petro dollars. I will not boo RVP cause he was right however I will not under any circumstances applaud the Mancs cause like most I loathe them. Booin Wenger and the 2 yanks however is entirley appropriate. So Terry and the rest of the AKB's please enlighten us with your wisdom as to why we can't compete with the German teams. As always WENGER OUT

  66. Gaz

    Apr 25, 2013, 13:12 #34292

    For me the blame for this demise should be shared equally by Wenger and the kroenke led board. In Wengers defence though he's at least got some credit in the bank from a remarkable first eight years whereas kroenke and Gazidis have none. Therefore whilst I hold Wenger equally responsible and want him gone I'd like to think any abuse on Sunday was directed towards Gazidis and the directors box. Indeed the lack of abuse/critisism aimed at them continues to baffle me. The fact some fans actually defend them....well that simply amazes me!

  67. nilz21

    Apr 25, 2013, 13:05 #34291

    Even if we screamed our lungs out and cheers the team ..would that make gervinho a better player ? would it magically give him a better first touch or final ball ?

  68. John Caulfield

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:56 #34290

    As a lifelong Arsenal fan, it hurts to see RVP playing for United. My stomach turned when I saw his first goal for them on Match of the Day. However, as a rational human being, I can understand why he (along with Cesc and Nasri) left to win things. Yes, he tripled his wages, but Arsenal were going to offer him a huge pay rise if he signed a new contract. Not £240,000 a week obviously, but he would have been our highest earner by some distance. We have to remember that all footballers are essentially mercenaries. Van Persie left his home town to join Arsenal (as did Cesc and Nasri) and I doubt he took a pay cut to do so. My romantic ideals about loyalty went out the window with the Ashley Cole/Chelsea affair. Now I just appreciate the players we have, and when they inevitably move on, hope that we can sign players who are just as good, which hasn't happened for a while. By all means, give him abuse on Sunday, but leave the vile abuse at home. Otherwise we can hardly complain if United fans start signing their disgusting songs about Wenger.

  69. wright must go

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:26 #34288

    i think it would be a good idea for messrs wenger, kronke, gazidis and hill wood to join the guard of honour to share in the humiliation created by themselves

  70. JER

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:26 #34287

    The world will be watching on Sunday, let's show some respect however much it hurts. Then get behind the team and get three vital points.

  71. billthered

    Apr 25, 2013, 12:17 #34286

    I think people forget that RVP still had a year left on his contract and we did'nt have to sell him.We got £24 million for him but if we dont make the holy grail of fourth place then someone should be culpable because champions league money in my belief is worth more than the fee and wages for RVP.

  72. Graham Simons

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:18 #34280

    Here's an idea - how about not booing anyone and supporting the damn team?!!

  73. Ronster

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:11 #34279

    Watching Bayern and Dortmund who are certainly not petrol dollar funded clubs dismantle Barca and Real this week certainly exposes the overrated Arsene Wenger...a manager who has failed to bag a European trophy in 24 attempts....Robin,you made the correct call me old son!

  74. Big Andy

    Apr 25, 2013, 11:03 #34278

    Excellent article; I agree with every word of it. The real villains are Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis. The have all managed this slow decline into mediocrity. By the way: I wouldn't be surprised if Van Persie doesn't play on Sunday.

  75. Terry

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:52 #34277

    Man Utd are a loathsome bunch of creeps who were catapulted to stardom by an unfortunate disaster in the late 50's which meant a huge wave of support from the whole country that just esculated into the beast we see today.Arsenal are The club of English football and always will be in my opinion.Andrew Knox,Peter Wain and George Smith can all stand there and applaud RVP and Fergie in their Red Devil Replicas,but the real fans will stick to booing the traitor who Arsenal made, who went to our most hated rivals for the filthy lucre.

  76. bunch

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:51 #34276

    Agree with the sentiment that the real criminals in the humiliation that we will have to suffer on Sunday are Wenger, Gasidis and Silent Stan and that anger should be directed at them. I don't think we should show Man U any kind of respect. **** them and their plastic glory hunters and scummy cockney Reds.

  77. Cambridge Gooner

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:35 #34275

    I was unfortunate enough to be a guest at a corporate hospitality event at Old Trafford on Monday. I need say no more to justify what comes next - Wenger out!

  78. db

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:30 #34273

    i agree .booing rvp does make us look pathetic and will only cement his determination to maybe even score the winner that stops us getting a top 4 place.the truth is the gap between us now and man utd is collosal.had fabregas and nasri stayed and afc bought in world class players i reckon rvp would have stayed.he looked at our squad,board and thought i wont win titles here .he was right and that is what really hurts ,we know it the fans know it we can only blame ourselves.rvp is nearly 30 is total world class and we at afc could not keep him.very sad

  79. Angry & Frustrated

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:23 #34272

    Obviously I agree with what you write Mark, and also so far with the majority of comments to date. However I fear your reasoned argument will be ignored by the Wenger is a God brigade, as he should never ever be held to account for our undoubted decline. Even if Arsenal were to finish fifth this season, he would be congratulated by the modern Arsenal supporter! This club has become a cult, and the leader can do no wrong, and hence it's so much easier to let out the cults frustrations on players who have left like RVP rather than the cause of these frustrations. Regardless of the fact that RVP has been successful elsewhere, and hence has more than justified his decision to leave for a club who strives for actual success rather than imaginary success (fourth placed trophy). Woe betide anyone who should criticize the real reasons for our decline, as that just won't do, as rule number one of this cult is stick your head in the sand and deny we are in terminal decline with this regime in charge. One last observation to these cult followers, why is it that gradually but slowly, more and more people are coming round to the Wenger and board out camp, but none have ever gone in the other direction, once in this camp? I realize it must be very difficult to open your eyes having been brainwashed for so long now, but how much more evidence is required that change is not only needed but essential to prevent us being in the wilderness for years to come?

  80. Paul

    Apr 25, 2013, 10:01 #34270

    @JAMIE Of course RVP trebled his wages.He is the best player in the premiership who joined United who already paid Rooney £200k a week he was always going to get that much.Ferguson is not stupid he knew RVP's worth.Arsenal only thought he was worth £130k a week.Arsenal fans look at Fergie as a winner unlike our manager who looks at 4th as a trophy.Fergie could never accept 4th and surely thats what you would want an Arsenal manager to be like wouldnt you? By the way the ten games Diaby played this season cost us £300k(60k a week) a game a £100k a game more than RVP for winning the league single-handedly.Thats Wengernomics for you

  81. Mike

    Apr 25, 2013, 9:47 #34269

    I think that the fact that he had no loyalty to the Club after they stood by him for 7 years is what aggrevates me about his move - two years ago people were questioning his worth because he was as efective as Diaby - wee all knew he had talent but could not string a series of games together. Like Nasri and Cesc, he has moved and immediately won a medal which justifies his move - but as I said before, all these players could not win anything when they played together as a team

  82. George Smith

    Apr 25, 2013, 9:26 #34268

    The fans shd direct their booing at Wenger. He is the one who has caused the gunners to decline in dramatic style. Even if the gunners were to get the cl slot,I have no faith in him ,least of his tactical style. He continues to be interested in youngish players when he shd go for guys in the 23 to 29 year range. REd face paid 24 million for rvp ,29. Now if Wenger canunearth someone like taht,fans will be happy but I doubt he will go for players in their late 20s. This could hislast chance saloon. I believ he ill leave on his own if the gunners finish 5th .Then I will say thanks for the memory.

  83. Yap

    Apr 25, 2013, 9:02 #34267

    Great piece. Booing him would officially mark Arsenal fans as small-time. Like those Spuds who used to boo Sol though he moved to WIN TROPHIES. Remember how we mocked them for being small time losers? Well, that's now US. WENGER sold RVP, "replaced" him with rubbish like Giroud. RVP wanted assurances Wenger would build a team to compete. He was horrified to learn it wouldn't happen. He's almost 30, never won a league title. World class player. What do you do? You GO! He's been proven 100% correct. If he'd moved to Citeh the AKBs woulda loved that eh? "Mercenary!" they would have said. Manu offered less in wages. He wants to win and he has. While the AKBs fawn over pathetic loser Wenger and 4th place virtual trophy! DIRECT YOURIRE AT THE INCOMPETENT MANAGER THAT SOLD HIM

  84. Peter Wain

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:49 #34265

    I can see no good reason for booing RVP. He left to win trophies and has now won the PL. RVP knew he could not win that at Arsenal because although we are in the league we have an owner, board and manager that does not compete to win. We only compete for fourth place. Already we have the press saying we cannot buy this player or that player because we cannot afford them. Why if the manager determines that we need a new goal keeper but cannot afford to spend £15 million on the right candidate amazes me. We have had four first team goal keepers this season and all bar Fappayanski have made a number of mistakes and still the management does not learn the lesson. If you want to win you need the best and the best costs money. In the last six years we have seen mistake after mistake in the transfer market mainly brought about by the determination to buy cheap. Arshavin,Giroud,Gervinho,Squillaci, fatty Santos and Chamak were products of this policy and the best part of £50 million thrown away on the altar of financial fair play. What about fair play as regards the supporters. If the Scum can spend more money than we do having a stadium so much smaller and no CL revenue for most of the last 6 years this is a huge condemnation of our transfer policy. So no I will not boo RVP I may not like him for playing for the Mancs but that he had to leave to win anything is a reflection on the way Arsenal is run and there is nothing to suggest that it will change in this transfer window.

  85. JAMIE

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:44 #34263

    What your really saying is RVP is such a brilliant player he has no right playing for a team as lowly as third and must only play for the AMG's beloved Manure.Lets get every single star player from all the clubs across Europe including Messi because he also plays for those losers Barcelona who were skinned by the mighty Bayern 4-0 the other night.Fergie not only controls the officials he know controls the minds of a certain section of so called fans who follow Arsenal.Yeh lets all clap RVP because trebling his wages had nothing to do with him leaving,lets all give Fergie a trumpet call.We can even boo if Arsenal have the audacity to score that would really please the Wenger out supporters.

  86. Barf

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:36 #34262

    Sorry Mark I can buy into the rational analysis, except you're short on explainiing exactly how we can protest against the board but the truth is the vitriol that will be dished out to RVP is from the heart. He was 'one of us' and he left for money and trophies. He had one sensational season for us and several where he hardly played at all. We stayed loyal to him and as soon as he was up and running he f****d off. I for one make no apologies for giving massive him stick when he comes to the Emirates.

  87. daryl

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:23 #34259

    I agree with you mate. booing and and all this hullabaloo about the guard of honour will only fuel the Arsenal haters more!It will make it look like sour grapes,right?! as much as it pains me to admit it.Manure are the champions(yes,like you,I hate them with a passion and it was hard to stomach rvp's decision!!!!)and we should concentrate our frustration at the club's management so that MAYBE they will try to sort this mess out! Its high time that we put on a serious challenge for the title

  88. Sir Sid James

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:19 #34258

    Fans will boo RVP but you wont hear a peep of protest against Wenger and Gazidis.Its this sticking you head in the sand attitude that is killing our club.Are our fans REALLY happy for EIGHT years without a trophy and just playing for 4th.If you are happy boo RVP if not sing Wenger out.Because at the end of the day United won the league because of Wenger.Cole Cesc Nasri Henry Vieira Toure Clichy Song and now RVP have all won titles after leaving since 2005.That is what you should be booing.Wenger Out

  89. gooner john

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:07 #34257

    spot on mate could not agree more and i don t expect big signings this year once june 1st has come and they ve got there season ticket money they do sign a few embryo s and a couple of 2nd rate players well after 37 years as a season ticket holder they won t be gettin any money of me i love club but no more untill these greedy mob leave

  90. Ron

    Apr 25, 2013, 8:02 #34256

    At long last, common sense prevails! We now await the re entry of 'Big Jenny' with his massive intellect to present his erudite counter argument.

  91. Andrew Knox

    Apr 25, 2013, 7:58 #34255

    Finally. A measured response to RVP leaving. Unlike most of the crap on the web where they want to tar and feather an awesome player who has no place in an Arsenal team who have no interest in investment and have been in a slow but continual decline for many many years.

  92. joe

    Apr 25, 2013, 7:56 #34254

    for the respect of our rivalry with man utd, rvp should have atleast moved to the blues of manchester. If winnint the title is all he ever wanted, then he would have won it woth man city.