The 11 most enjoyable wins over Man Utd that I have attended

Nostalgia time

The 11 most enjoyable wins over Man Utd that I have attended

2002 at OT: Those were the days

With the United game tomorrow, and thankful that they won’t be lifting the title in front of us, I looked back to classic victories that we have achieved against them that I was fortunate to have seen in the flesh. Here’s hoping this weekend’s game will be added to the memorable list below…

11) 1997/98 PL 14 March 1998: Man United 0, Arsenal 1. Overmars, att 55,174
An early kick off saw the race for the title move inexorably south. Arsenal in the middle of their championship clinching run of 10 league wins in a row, rode their luck then saw their flying Dutchman run onto a flick from Anelka to slot a late goal past a despairing Schmicel. Overmars surprise was only matched by Gary Neville’s despair as the Manc had been given a torrid 90 mins by the Dutch international. The game was also notable for the cameras picking up on a couple of Gooners going absolutely mental in the away end. As was I. What beckoned was not only the double but an afternoon and night on the piss in Manchester followed by a curry in Rusholme.

10) 1982/83 1st Div 2 May 1983: Arsenal 3, Man United 0. O’Leary, Talbot 2, att 23,602
My first Arsenal United game. Stretches of open terraces betrayed just how meaningless this end of season league game was for both sets of fans. United were more concerned with facing Brighton in the forthcoming FA Cup Final and the Gunners season had collapsed with two demoralising semi- final defeats by United in the League Cup and FA Cup. Arsenal dominated. Brian Talbot, a good honest pro who never let the club down was on an inspired run of form after a hat-trick in the previous league game at Highbury against a Man City that was about to be relegated watched by a mere 16,000. As I was leaving the ground with my dad with a few minutes to go (he always made us leave early) I heard another cheer. I thought it was four. Turns out Remi Moses had been sent off for United. How times change.

9) 2001/02 League Cup 4th Round 5 November 2001: Arsenal 4, Man Utd 0. Wiltord 3, Kanu, att 30,693
Forget the fact that United fielded such luminaries as Ronnie Wallwork, Lee Roche, Michael Stewart, Luke Chadwick, Bojan Djordjic, Jimmy Davis and Danny Webber (who?). Well at least try to. In our defence - no, literally in our defence, we had Igors Stepanovs, Stathis Tavlaridis & Oleg Luzhny. (A free flyer detailing the change to our historic badge two months later – a change that I still haven’t recovered from - to anyone who can name our bench that Bonfire Night*). This wasn’t a game that would last long in the memory. The league game at Highbury the day before, a jarring 4-2 defeat by Charlton had a lengthier stay in the consciousness. The 4-0 League Cup win against United meant less than a row of beans in the scheme of things - another double for us the coming May took care of that - apart from the fact it was the biggest win in a first team fixture against United since our last but one double winning team: Who says statistics can’t be fun?

8) 1986/87 1st Div 23 August 1986: Arsenal 1, Man United 0. Nicholas, att 41,382
George Graham’s first game in charge of the club. Fighting outside, a minute’s silence for the late Sir Stanley Rous marred by both sets of fans chanting and a dramatic late winner by a flamboyant darling of the North Bank that caused me to twist my ankle in the Junior Gunners section pogoing like mental in celebration. Who said football was invented in 1992?

7) 1987/88 FA Cup 5th Round 1988: Arsenal 2, Man United 1, Smith & og, att 54,161
Don’t let them tell you beloved old Highbury couldn’t generate an atmosphere. To this day I don’t think I’ve heard a louder roar coming from our supporters. The old place was packed to the rafters. The North Bank looked like the Kop as it swayed this way and that for 90 minutes, joyously rising as one when Brian McClair fired a last minute penalty over the bar. They say the Arsenal United feud started that day - which lasted until we were no longer a threat to Fergie nearly two decades later (even if in my book it started in Jan 1987 when Terry Gibson got a normally mild mannered David Rocastle sent off at a tempestuous Old Trafford). Winterburn got in McClair’s face before his penalty accusing him of diving to win it and willing him to miss it in no uncertain terms. He did miss it and the crowd went bonkers. A mate of mine was crushed against the fence that cut the North Bank terrace in two and lost all feeling in his arm for the next week at school. He said it was worth it to beat United that day.

6) 1988/89 Div 1. 17 December 1988 Arsenal 2 Man Utd 1 att 37,422 Thomas, Merson
‘The worst United team/The world has ever seen’, crowed Highbury to a small (for United anyway) away following separated by those forbidding gunmetal grey fences that populated the Clock End in one of the last non all-ticket games in London between the two. Our young guns were busy accumulating points and enthralling, whilst United’s team, a curious assortment of fading and ageing ‘stars’ and crap players – Ralph Milne anyone? – were swept aside in a scoreline that failed to do justice to the difference in class. Our season would culminate in the never-to-be-forgotten victory at Anfield whilst Alex Ferguson was sacked the next season after a third round cup defeat to Forest…. what’s that you say?

5 & 4) 1990/91 Div 1 20 October 1990 Man Utd 0, Arsenal 1, Limpar 6 May 1991 Arsenal 3 Man Utd 1. Smith 3
I had missed Gus Caesar’s Arsenal debut at Old Trafford in late 1985 in front of a single pen of travelling gooners in front of the K Stand. I had however seen pies, golf balls, and coins launched from the same stand onto travelling fans below during the game where Tony Adams scored at both ends in early April 89. I had also seen UFO spotter supreme and builder of the most incompetently sited new stand at Brunton Park, Michael Knighton dribble onto the hallowed Old Trafford turf for the first game of the season in Aug 89: besmirching a myriad of world class United players past and present in the process. A man who wanted to buy United but couldn’t raise the ten million needed (mind you the Glaziers didn’t have –cut ed). But I had never seen an Arsenal victory at OT until now.

Speeding up to the North in my mate’s trusty Capri, we stopped at Corley Services in the Midlands for a Julie’s Pantry (ask your dad). We were met by sea of United fans, none of whom seemed to hail from the region. My mate who was driving us to Manchester, not the brightest tool in the box to be fair, asked me absentmindedly ‘who are United playing today?’ ‘Us ‘ I replied. He nodded thoughtfully and continued eating his Julie burger with carrots. For Arsenal fans the game was memorable for Anders Limpar’s goal that he fired in from the byline that beat Les Sealey at his near post to the delight of 6000 travelling gooners. For the FA the game was infamous for the touchline spat that saw 21 out of the 22 players get involved in a lot of over-eager shoving and a few kicks. Fearful that the sky might fall in under such revolting and reprehensible behaviour the dynamic and ever vigilant FA deducted 2 points from us and a point from United. ‘You can stick your 2 points up your ar*e’ a galvanised and unified club sang to them for the rest of Championship winning season. It culminated on that glorious May Bank Holiday Monday with United giving us a guard of honour (what goes around…) the day won the league at a delirious Highbury.

As a sad/serious programme collector it was the only time in my life that I simply forgot to buy a programme thanks to Ian Woan’s performance for Forest against Liverpool earlier in the day rendered us Champions before our evening kick off against United. It didn’t help that I was already battered from a heavy weekend in Newcastle in between attending the 0-0 at a freezing but raucous Roker Park. Graeme Souness as gracious as ever claimed we didn’t deserve to win the title. Our record for that season read P24 W D13 L1. Thanks Graeme.

3) PL 1997/98 9 November 1997. Arsenal 3 Man Utd 2 Viera, Anelka, Platt att 36,205
There were times when you felt that the whole world was watching the game along with those inside the ground. United powered by Roy Keane at the peak of his powers, a pre Simeone Beckham, and a c**t that was called Sheringham locked horns with an Arsenal team driven on by Viera and Petit, defended by our famous ‘back four’ - that as every gooner knows was actually six interchangeable legends: Adams, Bould, Keown, Winterburn, Dixon & Seaman. Jose Mourino may have said the other week that the ‘world will stop’ to watch Real Madrid v United but it was Arsenal v United that got there first. This game was no exception.

Gary Neville always said that the toughest team he ever played against was this Gunners vintage and who am I to disagree with such a likeable and knowledgeable chap. Of course he wasn’t thought of in those terms back then. I believe I may have spent a not inconsiderable portion of this game screaming at him that he was ‘worse than his brother’. Along with telling a certain Teddy Sheringham that although he ‘went to Man United’ he was ‘still a c**t’. Played in the pouring rain this game and the atmosphere inside Highbury was irresistible. Early on the ball spun loose and quick as a flash Anelka fired in a low shot that beat Schmeichel at the near post. Cue pandemonium in the Clock End, my heart reflecting the chaos as it clubbed away fuelled by adrenaline.

A corner that was headed out seven minutes later fell to Vieira, who swept the ball over onrushing players and swerving past a shocked Dane. 2-0. In the madness Vieira slid to the ground and promptly tweaked knee ligaments that put him out for a month. As we went for the jugular roared on by another passionate Highbury crowd soaked in the rain but loving it, gaps appeared for United. The player we all loved to hate Sheringham got in between our centre halves and headed a goal back. Just before half time a snatched shot by the same player saw United level. It was only to set up a dramatic finale late in the second with David Platt meeting a corner and burying the ball in the net. Cue more pandemonium.

For me this period provided examples of the archetypal Arsenal United game: tough, passionate, skilful, full of snarling respect between the sides on the pitch and utter hatred off it. Shame it only lasted less than two decades. For many of us the gap feels as large as it has been in a long time. Mind you I hear a certain Dutchman may be playing this Sunday to enliven proceedings…

2) 2004/05.FA Cup Final 21 May 2005. Arsenal 0 Manchester United 0 (Arsenal win 5-4 on pens) Millennium Stadium Cardiff, att 71,876
There used to be a little sports memorabilia shop round the back of Liverpool St Station a few years ago. The bloke also sold sporting postcards for 50p. Seeing as I couldn’t really justify a grand for a pair of signed Ali gloves (or afford them) I used to buy the postcards instead. I bought one of Patrick Vieira’s last ever kick in an Arsenal shirt. It was the only thing I really remember about that Cup Final. As Cardiff veterans by 2005 we knew where to park, where to drink, where to go in the evenings in that wonderful city that turns bonkers after dark. We also knew where to avoid too. I remember running into some well-oiled United fans after the game – though to be fair so were we. ‘You must be embarrassed by that’, one bloke clad in a United top said to us in a pious Brummie accent. Apart from laughing our heads off at the ridiculousness of his statement before serenading him with continuous verses of ‘we won the cup/we won the cup/ eei I addio we won the cup’ looking back he did have appoint I admit. I can’t recall a more defensive display from an Arsene led side. 4-5-1 - or was it 5-4-1 turning to 5-4-0 after Reyes got sent off? - can quickly turn into a more attacking 4-3-3 if you push the wide men forward on a counter, but in Cardiff on that day there was no chance of that happening. But do you know what? Who cares. I grew up watching Don Howe and George Graham teams. There’s nothing wrong in being pragmatic at times. There were over 20 of us enjoying ourselves in Cardiff that night, along with thousands of other gooners, who wouldn’t have done so had we played our normal attacking game and got picked off by a powerful United side (well we all would probably have drunk as much if not more but that’s a different story). Sometimes in football the ends justify the means.

That summer I took my 6 month old daughter to have her photo taken with the FA Cup in the North Bank concourse at Highbury. I told her we’d build a collection of photos of her with the trophies Arsenal would win in the future. With an 8 year old’s deadly accuracy of questioning she still asks me when we’ll be getting another picture of her with a trophy. I should have known far better than to tempt fate where The Arsenal is concerned….

1) PL 2001/02 8 May 2001. Man United 0 Arsenal 1, Wiltord att 67,580
I have a confession to make: unlike the other 10 I didn’t actually attend this particular game. I happened to be travelling in Central America at the time. Nicaragua to be exact. As you do. Managing to find a dusty back street bar full of Spanish speaking locals and one very gutted United fan I got very drunk that night watching Wiltord win the league for us, in my Arsenal shirt that I would later swap for an all-night lock in with a barman in Guatemala. Afterward I stumbled across a street called ‘Calle en Arsenal’ and stood under the sign singing Arsenal songs until I was threatened with arrest. It was a great night in a crazy, stunning, memorable country. I probably don’t have to tell you I would still rather have been at Old Trafford.


Layth has written a piece on the 1986/87 season that can be read in the new issue of The Gooner, on sale outside the stadium at tomorrow’s game. It is a bumper 64 page end of season edition with a £3 cover price. It can also be bought online here.

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  1. Clock end gooners

    May 01, 2013, 15:51 #34478

    Sold a spare ticket to a Manc for 120 quid... put a fiver on a 3 - 1 win in the 03 season I think... went home with over 300 quid in my pocket and saw the gunners destroy ManUre, "Give it to Bartez"... Great... but it doesn´t outdo the game when someone in the north bank threw a bag of chips at nicky butt whilst taking a corner, great shot, right on the back of his head and from some distance back. Butt didn´t complain at all. Conversely, another united game I went to was scuppered by the guy next to me shouting "u p@@ie C@@@" once to often (winding up Keane some what) as the P@@ie C@@@ stood at the near post for corner kicks and c@@@ scored twice later in the game...

  2. Sasha

    Apr 30, 2013, 9:02 #34434

    Great memories in 10 minutes read. Well done , Layth! and thanks for the opportunity to see the historical matches in your eyes.

  3. Peter Wain

    Apr 29, 2013, 7:39 #34387

    judging by yesterday all we will have are memories because if we cannot when when their is nothing riding on the result what chance do we have if the Mancs play for real. Very average performance by a bunch of very average players. Quite why Walcott is paid £100k is beyond me the mismanagement of him is the most depressing thing about this season.

  4. Ron's boyfriend

    Apr 29, 2013, 1:56 #34386

    Ron. Calm yourself down dear or you'll do yourself a mischief. This is an article on nostalgia. Stick your miserable present day reality up articles detailing the present predicament and not here.

  5. Noz

    Apr 28, 2013, 13:37 #34384

    Great article, I enjoyed but at the same time felt very sad and angry as it shows how far we have fallen, in my opinion needlessly. @ Big Andy, yes that was such a great night and as a 17 year old anything in football terms or life itself seemed possible. @ Ron, spot on fella. I'm dreading the game today, Of course I will go, I'm a Gooner and in it for thick and thin like us all. I won't slag off RVP and for once I won't even slag off Wenger, I just feel a sickly numbness about the whole thing. Come on the Arsenal today, lets take the shine off United's parade and worry the hell out of the Spuds!

  6. jjetplane

    Apr 28, 2013, 13:01 #34383

    As Wenger has spent the whole week working for the Utd cause it seems to me he thinks Fergie will go easy on us. Somehow I reckon secretly Fergie is telling his players to give clueless Wenger and his comfort team a right royal spanking. Some medicine is tough but do we want another season of average players like Walnutt looking forward to feathering his nest at our expense. Nice one Ron - you always make some sense of the blindness. For me its the Sussex leagues taking up my time - believe me - its a lot more fun than Emirate style 'showtime'. Yeah I know - 'f... off up the road' I have its called non-league.

  7. Tony

    Apr 28, 2013, 11:54 #34382

    The most shameful performances worse even than the 8-2 was the 2009 CL semi finals.In both games we didnt play well for even one minute.Total and unmitigating humiliation.That is when Wenger should have quit.United are no longer our rivals they are the Spuds Everton and Liverpool

  8. Joe S.

    Apr 27, 2013, 23:36 #34380

    These trips down memory lane usally imply that there is not much else happening.As a distaction they give us something to read if not always smile about.As far as today's game is concerned there is only one ream which needs the points. Manure can do what they like and are probably thinking for better or worse of their Australia/ Asia trip and then on to next season.Whether or how RVP plays is irrelevant to the scheme of things.Arsenal have to win United only have to show up.My favorite win is of course the 78? FA Cup final with Arsenal bouncing back immediately after it appeared that the momentum of the game had swung agaist them. The raw emotion of that moment is impossible to bottle. Another favorite memory was the FA Cup win at Old Trafford where Ferguson kicked the shoe at Beckham for having suggested that Arsene Wegner had tactically gotten the better of him. Ah those were the days.It doesn't get much better than that. Not so satisfying was the 2005 FA Cup.The win was great for the history books however outside of relief and stealing victory over the enemy there was little joy. How could Arsenal have played so badly? Layth mentions that United had a powerful team but we were only one year out from the invincibles. Fergueson totally outsmarted, outmotivated his opposite. Early days of course for those of us who believed in Arsene Wegners infallibility but it was an ominous sign of things to come - roll on the Champions League semi final. Arsenal 0 - Man U. 2. Now that was a moment for reflection.

  9. Jon Sage

    Apr 27, 2013, 21:19 #34378

    Nice piece Layth.....I was at the jan 87 terry Gibson the utd end.....I was considered too young to go on me own...but went with me sisters boyfriend a man utd fan Dirty bastards !!!

  10. Ron

    Apr 27, 2013, 19:44 #34377

    Stop punishing yourself with all of this recollection fella.the days when Wenger, his players and the Club in general actually thought they could make realistic challenges to Man U are long gone and under the present regime aren't returning any time soon. The most significant was August 2011 - 8 - 2 to Utd. Those of us there cheered the team after the game, but there was lots of talk that Wengers time had come and that he should have resigned or have been sacked. The manner of that defeat, the obvious fear by those players of Utd even as they walked on to the pitch was clear to see. The same fear was there at OT in the FAC a few years earlier, another shameful humbling (4-0) at Utd s hands. The CL qtr final v Utd was another episode of cowardice. The three games betray the fact that Arsenal under Wenger have become a powder puff, bottling outfit and there have been many other games v other Clubs as well that have reinforced my view. Its the ones v Utd that stick out though like sore thumbs. There will be more to come unless the Club is given its pride, is fight and its honour back. Wenger and his diet of lightweight recruits won't manage it though. New Coach, new owners and a new outlook badly required there. The only thing giving the Club a semblance of respectability still is the fact of the poor standard of teams in that Prem Lge, allowing Arsenal to stay above the dross beneath them.

  11. Big Andy

    Apr 27, 2013, 18:16 #34374

    One of my favourite Arsenal v Man United memories happened on Monday May 6th, 1991. I remember being in a pub on the Holloway Road watching Liverpool lose to Nottingham Forest to hand us the title; then walking to the ground to join in the title party. We beat an uninterested United 3-1 while slagging them off for never being able to win the League. Fantastic night!

  12. usb

    Apr 27, 2013, 15:02 #34372

    '1987/88 FA Cup 5th Round 1988: Arsenal 2, Man United 1, Smith & og, att 54,161 Winterburn got in McClair’s face before his penalty accusing him of diving to win it and willing him to miss it in no uncertain terms' You can't have had a very good view because it was Whiteside who dived to win the penalty not McClair

  13. Guy

    Apr 27, 2013, 14:51 #34371

    Cracking read, great memories, fcuk RVP, let's add to the list tomorrow and send out a signal that good times lie round the corner and your little girl will soon be getting get photo taken with a shiny silver cup!

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 27, 2013, 14:33 #34370

    Enjoyed the read Layth, good memories, my favorite or the one i remember the most was 01/02 and Kanu effortlessly jumping over wiltord in celebration.I watched that match in a pub with a mixture of everybody,mancs,scousers(pool)and would you believe it spuds, fair play to the scousers, they didn't exactly become gooners for the night but they didn't want the mancs winning and were cheering on arsenal no need to say where the spuds loyalty lay, and they cleared out pretty quick after the final whistle.I doubt very much i could put as much away now as i did that night but it would be great to have the opportunity again to try.

  15. Paul

    Apr 27, 2013, 13:48 #34369

    @BigJenny How could you forget you were having the meat and two veg removed at the time.No longer Big Johnny

  16. Big Jenny

    Apr 27, 2013, 12:39 #34368

    I will not tolerate any celebrations from the supporters of Manchester United,I hope these people will respect who I am and what I represent.I am not a violent man in fact I deplore it,I just hope these people can understand this and that the day passes by with an Arsenal victory and I am not forced into any altercations with the above mentioned supporters.As for the games above I was at them all except no.9 where I was forced to stay at home for reasons I cannot remember exactly why, but will let you know if I remember.

  17. Gare Kekeke

    Apr 27, 2013, 11:54 #34367

    Great article. Fantastic read. So many memories. How we yearn for them so much today. I was at Old Trafford when we won the league and it’s arguably the most memorable and most enjoyable football that I have ever been to. On match three, Roy Keane didn’t actually play as he was injured at the time (and boy did that help us that season). Still, as I have said, a fantastic read. Up The Arsenal!

  18. Paul

    Apr 27, 2013, 11:07 #34364

    Strangely no mention of Man Utd 0 Arsenal 0 in 2003.The game that defined the Invincible season.Man Utd has also seen some of the worst memories ever.1999 semi,the 50th game and of course 8-2 which Wenger should have resigned at the final whistle