Does anyone care how?

Online Ed: Key win at QPR

Does anyone care how?

I had no intention of attending yesterday’s match at Loftus Road, due to the price Rangers charge away fans for a poor view in poor conditions. However, I was offered a pitchside upper tier freebie (thanks to Liam and Michael) amongst the home fans and having survived watching Arsenal beat Spurs at Highbury in 1990 in the away end (the North Bank was a lockout by the time I arrived for the match), I felt few qualms about my ability to merge with the regulars.

Actually, it was more a case of the back of the seat in front merging with my kneecaps. If you are six feet tall, watching a game at Loftus Road sitting down is akin to Chinese Water Torture, and I am not talking about the action on the pitch. I was fortunate in that my neighbour on one side decided against returning after the interval, meaning I could park my legs in his space.

As for the match itself, for Arsenal it is a matter of what they achieve rather than how right now. There will be few complaints at an extremely average display because the key aim – three points – was achieved. There were hopes that Spurs might drop key points, failing to score against Southampton for so much of their home game, but it wasn’t to be. So a win was critical in the chase for a top four berth and nerves were settled within 30 seconds thanks to Theo Walcott’s taking advantage of poor defending to open the scoring. He hit the post later in the half, but that chance aside, the Gunners were anonymous between the goal and the 65th minute.

Then they put pressure on Rangers again, but were unable to make life more comfortable with an extra goal cushion. Credit to Wenger’s team defensively. Harry Redknapp’s side were largely restricted to long range efforts, although Szczesny did have to pull off a couple of decent saves to ensure the clean sheet.

I wonder how Arsene Wenger feels about many of the displays on this recent run of wins and draws. Creatively, his team has gone to pot, the style of the football he likes them to play largely abandoned. Whether this is deliberate or simply down to a lack of quality is one to debate. However, Arsenal have turned into a more efficient machine. Games have been won when the team has not been easy on the eye. These games would be a lot more satisfying if there was a genuine trophy at stake, as happened in 1993 and 1994 under George Graham, when much of Arsenal’s football was anathema to how Wenger believes the game should be played.

Initially, the fixture list looked like it might be kind to Arsenal in the run-in. Lots of winnable games. However, Wigan and probably Newcastle will need results against Arsenal to retain their Premier League status. The Gunners will have to play better than they did at Loftus Road if they are to remain in the top four, unless Chelsea and Spurs drop points of their own. It’s going to be tight.

I don’t have anything else to say about the match yesterday. It was a beautiful afternoon until the sun went in early in the second half, but as a spectacle, largely forgettable. Neither team offered very much, but the Gunners got what they came for. It will be a tough sell getting people to buy this at Arsenal on a continued regular basis, a significant amount of the football this season has been distinctly average. It will be interesting to see how this is addressed in the summer.

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  1. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 08, 2013, 9:22 #34655

    Schesney's remrks cause anger because they are stupid. A comment like that motivates the opposition. Separately, I disagree with some on the site who say that all the players are useless. They aren't all useless. They simply need decent management and inspiration as well as the help of some buys in key positions, particularly the goalkeeper.

  2. Red Rufus

    May 08, 2013, 0:18 #34653

    Seems that our keepers remarks against Tottenham have caused such consternation amongst a couple on here. Wonder why that can be?

  3. HowardL

    May 07, 2013, 22:28 #34649

    And in addition to everything else, after tonight's debacle the pressure is really on Wigan to win at the Grove. Now what happened last season?

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 07, 2013, 21:32 #34645

    HowardL your right, i was thinking something similar myself,if the spuds are one up with ten or fifteen minutes to go lets hope Benitez and the chavs put more of an effort in than red nose and the mancs.But is there actually a manager in the prem that would do him/us a favor if the matter arose ? it would be easier to name the managers who wouldn't.

  5. HowardL

    May 07, 2013, 18:46 #34643

    @maguiresbridge and @CanadaGooner - thanks; I'd forgotten the childish disrespect for the Guard of Honour for runaway champions. It could be very relevant to United rolling over in the way they did yesterday. Let's hope Wenger hasn't also upset Benitez as Chelski could do likewise tomorrow, confident that they and the Spuds can each win their other two remaining games.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 07, 2013, 15:35 #34638

    Tony Evans, your spot on there mate he always seems to do enough,or somebody comes to his rescue,like a dogy keeper this season it will be the same, something or someone will crop up to help him out like the fact the spuds and the chavs have to play each other now.

  7. Ron

    May 07, 2013, 15:32 #34637

    Tony - On your money spending point, its a fair bet he ll chase Loic flipping Remy and that other pretender, Jovetic if the press are anything to go by at the week end. More foreign flotsam that the top and even the rubbish defenders around will trample on like the lightframed gnats they both are. Theres 22 Mill gone on 'more of the same' Wenger type players, but hey ho, they might be nice, respectful boys and tow the offical ' i must be a nice boy line' until both are sold to 2nd Division French/ Italian Clubs in 2 years time for next to nothing or maybe sent on lifetime loans aka Denny, Bendtner and Vela et al.

  8. Ron

    May 07, 2013, 15:06 #34634

    That idiot goalkeeper (i use the word reservedly)Scezney, does it to bolster the 'cult' position he thinks hes got with the fans. For my part he d be one of the 1st ones out the door. He is a fine specimen of something that starts with C and end in T, theres a slight single letter change mid way through the original word. He lives off a reputation Bob Wilson once saying he was 'great' - BW eyes must be worsening with age and his last barmy anti spuds tirade about 18 months back. Brian Clough once called a Polish Keeper a Clown. I dread to think what Cloughie would call Shezney. Hes so vital, that ive still not mastered spelling the fools name as its just never seemed worth it.Hes another faceless nonentity that merges with all the others in that weak kneed sqaud, that he cd just as well be a midfield/come winger like the reast of the entire sqaud that Wengers assembled. They all merge into one dont they?

  9. jjetplane

    May 07, 2013, 14:47 #34633

    We will not make top 4 because Wigan will beat us - as will Newcastle and watch the newer spin of how on modest resources due to Emirates blah top club blah competing blah young English nucleus blah my bank account blah you are all spuds blah as we wind into summer where more people will buy tickets for the fun of it as going to see the Arsenal will be like watching baseball in Kansas where the food and drink take precedence over the field product and most of 'the fans' will be smiling as the opposition score. Wenger will spin all this and that is why the hot dog man gives him 8 million a year. Support that and you do not understand football, period.

  10. Gaz

    May 07, 2013, 14:09 #34632

    Sadly I think a lot of us are going to be dissapointed because if we finish in the top four I'm pretty certain the board will offer Wenger a new deal that he'll be only too happy to sign. Changing subjects how effing stupid are our PR people? They honestly believe the most atractive way of advertising membership renewals is by doing it alongside a picture of......Gervinho!!! Wow, thats certainly gonna make me want to renew asap....

  11. Tony Evans

    May 07, 2013, 14:05 #34631

    Ron - Wouldn't it be great if Wenger went this summer (not that he will I know) before he wastes yet more money on distinctly average players. Apart from Jack (just about) there is not one Arsenal player in the squad that I have any empathy with - they all seem like clones of each other. Unfortunately you are also right in that it will take a very poor season to see any real changes at Arsenal and a new contract for Wenger will be trotted out soon. He just manages to do enough doesn't he? What about that prat Sceszney winding the Spuds up? If I really cared about 4th I would be furious with him.

  12. Ron

    May 07, 2013, 12:55 #34628

    Lets be brutally honest Tony, the Club needs an abject Season ie finishing 11th or whatever. Its going to take a seismic blast to shake Arsenal and Wenger. Youre right too. I cdt care a fig either about 4th.Its only the spuds involvement that prompts a look at the scores as this flat, empty and putrid season (yes another one - but it feels worse doesnt it?) grinds laboriously to an end. For me, Wenger can go this close season and every player in the squad too Theres not one that would be missed in truth.

  13. Ronster

    May 07, 2013, 12:46 #34627

    I'd be fully behind any visionaries prepared to kick start our own club.Supporters of Arse-ne FC could of course 'go 4th and multiply'.

  14. Tony Evans

    May 07, 2013, 12:26 #34626

    I reckon there are shedloads of us, John, probably mostly older supporters that can see through all the spin and have lost all faith in Wenger. I am hoping and praying Wenger does not get offered a new contract.

  15. Johnc

    May 07, 2013, 9:19 #34620

    Great to read your comment as ever Tony Evans. Always makes me feel good to know there are others who feel exactly the same way, as a counterpoint to the endless spin from the club and the media. Today, it is 7 years since that magical and sad last Highbury game v Wigan. I look at my pictures of the day, and it feels like another lifetime. It felt like the end, and it really was.

  16. Tony Evans

    May 07, 2013, 8:15 #34619

    Virtually disinterested at the moment - This battle for a top 4 spot and CL football again leaves me cold. I have a horrible feeling we will achieve it and that will probably mean another contract for Wenger - depressing times indeed.

  17. CanadaGooner

    May 06, 2013, 23:04 #34618

    Wenger is the product of the british press. What he has become is the only way any manager can survive in England. They (the press) brought in all the 'big 4' nonsense and turned a CL qualification into an exciting tournament/trophy; because Sky wont want viewings to go down soon as one team runs away with the title. Soon, they will extend the 'big 4' to the 'big 6' and Arsenal's phoney glory days will continue as we'll continue to rejoice in the lunacy created by SkySports and Wenger. The goo news is, some of us who have been going to wtach arsenal for more than 35 years have seen enough to know that Wenger will leave sooner or later, and 8 trophyless seasons or not, we will win again soon. The only shame is that we could have won so much more in the past 16 years. Missed opportunity indeed!

  18. SilverGooner

    May 06, 2013, 22:16 #34617

    If anyone bothered to watch Wenger's post-match comments on ESPN, they would have heard him say "QPR are a good side". The 'good side' that OGL is referring to is the one that is already relegated, is bottom of the table and have only won 4 games out of 36. Yet more evidence that Wenger has either lost his marbles or he is treating us all like mugs!

  19. Big Dave

    May 06, 2013, 19:15 #34616

    Lets face it we're ****

  20. Danny

    May 06, 2013, 18:59 #34615

    I want this french geezer out fast, as i cannot see much change happening with the squad in the summer. The sooner , you dopes realize this the better I am hoping for a SPURS win on Wednesday and i have a sneaking feeling the Arsenal will draw with Wigan lose at Newcastle

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 06, 2013, 16:58 #34614

    HowardL,as Canada says Fergie had no complaints and why would he, why indeed, maybe if there had been more respect shown by us,instead of threats by fans to turn their backs on the guard of honor, and the booing of RVP maybe they, and RVP would have put more effort in.

  22. CanadaGooner

    May 06, 2013, 15:18 #34613

    @HowardL; apparently Fergie said he had no complaints about yesterday's game/result: why would he? disgraceful display, seeing their players are already miles away on vacation (in their heads); and the pathetic display they put up could now put arsenal in jeopardy (who's to blame though?). 4th place has become our only annual pursuit

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 06, 2013, 13:22 #34612

    Gaz, just read the piece by Clash on the Forum and it's first class and so true,especially the finale of the Championship unlike our boring fourth place trophy run in.

  24. HowardL

    May 06, 2013, 12:34 #34611

    Why didn't United play against us like they did yesterday? All it takes now is for Spurs to beat Chelsea (why shouldn't they) and the 4th place trophy is out of our hands. At least the recent fight has added some interest but I think it's a question of the chase being more exciting than the conquest.

  25. Mike

    May 06, 2013, 11:54 #34610

    All the games were flat this weekend - I had to watch nearly 180 minutes of football yesterday before I saw one goal. At least ours was in the first minute - the Merseyside derby was a non event and Manchester vs Chelsea was like watching a training match - until the 87 minute

  26. Jamie M

    May 06, 2013, 11:23 #34609

    Once again a performance that had everyone falling asleep by half-time. The win is what matters but eventually we're gonna come unstuck if we keep playing like this. One thing that really annoys me is the fact that we will not play a Centre Forward as a Centre Forward! So sick of seeing whoever is playing there dropping deeper than Arteta so they can 'link up' the play. Let your midfielders create & forwards score! And also, if you need your striker dropping deep, perhaps that tells you to sign some better midfield players!

  27. The Happening

    May 06, 2013, 10:30 #34608

    Is it me or has the EPL just totally lost it? Kevin, I watched this game too and couldnt help but wonder.....where has the spark gone...the adrenalin the EPL amazement?? A club with a 150mil wage bill V a club who blew 50mil on transfers who are relegated?? Ashes to Ashes!! My initial enthusiasm fizzed away like a cheap bottle of Prosecco... totally flat 90mins of football, all this money cantering around the pitch, Arabian horses out to pasture...soon to ride the gravy train again next season! Wigan and then Newcastle and then Europa League which I think would do us some good!

  28. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 06, 2013, 8:37 #34607

    Interesting isn't it that the team can pick up wins when there is something at stake which Wenger cares about, namely his job and champions league qualification. It will get even worse next season when he is back in his self deluding comfort zone. It will actually be quite interesting to see what he does with a Europa League situation. Perhaps he will play the ladies team in that competition in order to rest the squad for the league and his job. They certainly have more experience of reaching european finals and of achieving in recent years so it wouldn't be a bad idea. Fortunately no one at the club has had the brass neck to utter the words "contract extension". The thought that he would be nearly gone this time next year is too wonderful to contemplate.

  29. Ron

    May 06, 2013, 7:26 #34606

    The kind of game that reinforces the fact of how the Club has gone to the dogs. Its a poor team in a poor league and so badly needs shaking from its lethargy right from the very top to the absolute bottom. Just go Wenger and take the entire squad with you, they're truly anemic.

  30. Gaz

    May 06, 2013, 6:32 #34605

    Just read a brilliant post (by Clash@4:26) on the 'how many matches have you enjoyed this season' thread on the main forum. Really sums up how a lot of true fans feel about this current side and situation.

  31. The Noise

    May 06, 2013, 1:31 #34604

    JackL... Spot on!!!

  32. Joe S.

    May 05, 2013, 23:51 #34603

    Still hoping that we won't finish fourth, if only to spite the Wegnerite's and force some real change, regardless of what it brings. Would anyone have cared about this exciting finish in 1989 outside of a few London tribalists beating their breasts over nothing. I agree with Arse 2 Mule that 4th, place will elicit only a feeling of relief similarly to escaping relegation. We are after all supposed to be a top club. In terms of laying a platform for a successful 13-14, I convincedJOeJoe S.Joe that this season Arsenal have gone even further backwards. Do the AKBs really expect Ramsey, Giroud, Podolski, Walcott, Arteta,Gervinhi or Rosicky to form the backbone of a Championship winning team? If so I don't know what you guys have been watching but good luck to you and please keep filling those coffers so that, that nice Mr Wegner and Kroenke can continue to reap the rewards they deserve.

  33. CanadaGooner

    May 05, 2013, 22:04 #34602

    Spurs will stumble away to stoke and get a draw on Wednesday against Chelsea, which will leave them 4 points behind arsenal after 37 games (we will beat wigan at home by crook or con). But the reality here is: can we sit around and celebrate? Wenger said yesterday that it was very exciting to chase a top 4 place; how pathetic is that eh? Is there anyone on here who thinks Arsenal will fare better next season? There's something fundamentally missing at arsenal with regards how our players react to the beginning of the season and any early challenges we face in the first few matches. I can guarantee you all, we'll be right here, saying exactly the same things in May 2014 after we've been eliminated from every competition and left fighting for 4th place yet again

  34. JackL

    May 05, 2013, 21:51 #34601

    At this stage of the season 3 points are 3 points but the display was terrible, and absolutely identical to Fulham (and others). Of this 'good' run we're on since Spurs away, apart from Reading, virtually every game was so unconvincing, scraping points here and there. If the team would have stepped up 10% yesterday after the goal, the game would have been won easily with no stress (for us!). Remember the days of Bergkamp, Pires, and Henry (perhaps not a fair comparison), we would be 2 or 3 up by half time-yes there may not have been any more goals in the second half but the game was well and truly won. I've barely missed a match since 1963 and this is perhaps one of the most difficult periods. Yes it was bad at times with Terry Neill etc but then I believe most players gave 100%, even if some of them were not quite up to the mark. Sadly it all seems more about the money now and that is disappointing. Only yesterday I read that AW spoke of now being financially secure. What does that mean? Just extra £££ going to SK and bonuses for the rest without that desire to compete for trophies. Ray Houghton said on TS this week that it was not right that AFC supporters wanted AW out because of a a lack of trophies-he doesn't realise that is not right. All true AFC supporters, while obviously wanting trophies, just want to see Arsenal COMPETE for trophies. If we did that at least we would have a chance of winning something. I've always liked AW but next season will certainly be the same as this season. Either AW should come clean and say he really is financially restricted or he should think about whether he cannot take us any further (if we are not going to spend). And I am so fed up with AW's post-match interviews, that I don't even listen now. Despite the above and my ramblings Arsenal are my team and i just hope things will change next season. Come on you Gunners and Chelsea (just for Wednesday v Spurs though).

  35. Danny

    May 05, 2013, 21:04 #34600

    we have to get rid of this stupid coach, otherwise it will the same next year and he thinks this is his best squad. what a laugh

  36. ppp

    May 05, 2013, 20:55 #34599

    The whingers don't like it when we play well and lose. They don't like it when we play badly and win. To be honest they don't even like it when we play well AND win! The same old moaners come on here and spew forth a load of hopeless cobblers. Most of them are Spurs fans, George only knows who the rest are. Simply put, we're doing okay. It's not brilliant and it's very frustrating but we're doing okay. Support the team or sod off!

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2013, 20:13 #34598

    ZLZAb3, we've been asking that question for season after season now, i suppose it's easier to turn over lower teams and relegation fodder when there's no pressure, you don't need real mental strength for that,and the bonuses are a lot bigger for an imaginary trophy.

  38. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    May 05, 2013, 19:40 #34597

    A win is a win but what a poor squad we have. The defence has been more solid lately but going forward is chronic. So slow and too many passes across the pitch. Perhaps Wenger is trying to bore the opposition into defeat. George Graham was called boring with players like Rocky,Limpar,Merson and Wright but they were more thrilling to watch than most of this current lot. 4th place, better than nothing I suppose but who really cares?

  39. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2013, 18:30 #34596

    @ James - your assessment of Giroud and Podolski as ridiculous in my opinion. It's fair to say they haven't delivered in every game but they've both got better than one goal every three games. Cut it whichever way you want but 31 goals and 20 assists between them can be called many things, an unmitigated disaster is not one.

  40. Gooner Dave

    May 05, 2013, 17:47 #34595

    Andy,in case you were edging your bet's Collymore works for Talk****e,not 5Live.If any one think's that talk****e has'nt got an agenda against Arsenal (and Brazil in particular)then listen to Friday's programme when he(Brazil) does'nt mention Arsenal in Saturdays fixture list.

  41. The Noise

    May 05, 2013, 17:12 #34594

    Jamie... Would that be the winning football that has seen us get knocked out of every competition by the end of February AGAIN? Some Gooners are so easily pleased these days, it's pathetic!

  42. Reg

    May 05, 2013, 17:01 #34593

    @Jamie - If you think Man U have been playing like that for years then you clearly haven't been watching!

  43. The Noise

    May 05, 2013, 16:58 #34592

    Wearebuilding... It WAS a Pre-season season friendly in my eyes. This Gooner no longer falls for this CL & top 4 BS!! Football is about the glory & challenging for honours... Fighting tooth & nail to qualify for a competition we have absolutely no chance if winning is not a successful season! We had the situation last year where Liverpool could have won a domestics cup double and yet, all I read was pundits saying "They can't really call it a successful season if they don't get into the CL..." Makes my f**king blood boil! Growing to loathe the modern game and my boyhood team! :/

  44. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 05, 2013, 16:45 #34590

    Did anyone else see Franck Ribery skin Dmitri Song Billong the other night? Less valuable than the points against QPR, but times ten for hilarity and entertainment.

  45. Jude

    May 05, 2013, 15:49 #34588

    Despite a well dodgy pitch, I thought we deserved the points. It wouldn’t have surprised me to see someone get injured as a result of it (e.g., Mertesacker away to Sunderland last season). I think Podolski should return to the left against Wigan, and Theo and Oxlade-Chamberlain should be deployed in the center and right respectively. While he’s shown improvement, I still view Ramsey as a timid tackler who offers very little in the final third. His high (sideways and backward) pass completion percentage is often cited, but his attempts at goal are rubbish on a good day. I know he’s a fan favorite and he continues to receive plaudits, but is he really good enough for our first 11? Surely there’s more to football than having a good engine.

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 05, 2013, 15:34 #34587

    Kev does anyone care period ? it's got to the stage where more and more fans care less what happens,with just the imaginary trophy keeping what interest we have for another season (as usual)and the sooner it's over the better. Another very average display against another relegated powerhouse(aren't they all) huffing and puffing with the football we once played long abandoned as you need the players for that, with the same old story unable to kill a game/team off (you need the players for that also) a forgettable game,apart from the three points,and maybe that we made history with the fastest goal in the prem from the 100k a week man is there a trophy for that ?

  47. Andy

    May 05, 2013, 15:11 #34586

    Listened to the match on 5live and found myself agreeing with Stan Collymore, he was saying that the problem with us is down to coaching and even if we bought 2 or 3 decent players in the summer it wouldn't matter because they'd soon drop to the level we're at which is basically our players playing at 60% most of the time. Complete lack of competitiveness and motivation in the squad and it will not change until we get a new manager. I'm not looking forward to more of the same next season.

  48. Lee

    May 05, 2013, 15:10 #34585

    James I couldn't agree with you more, I have absolutely NOTHING against Podolski at all and I actually really like him always have as a player, however he is nowhere hear the class of old Germany or bayern Podolski and that's the reason we signed him!!! We just don't and can't attract the big big players anymore! We are in a much better , I believe, position than atletico madrid but they sold augero one of best players in the world but didn't go out bargain basement shopping NO they just spent the money on FALCAO! Like for like! This summer we should be looking at CAVANI but already were bargain hunting ! I gonna rename wenger David Dickinson !!

  49. Boring

    May 05, 2013, 15:10 #34584

    pretty poor perfprmance. Paddleski is really not a premier league player. he hides all the all, has no bottle, adds nothing, gets a game because he has left foot and wenger likes the balance. its pretty boring watching arsenal these days in fact. villa v sunderland showed twice as much passion

  50. JAMIE

    May 05, 2013, 12:27 #34583

    Fergies United have been playing like that for the past 25 years but a lot on here seem to like praising them for it and attacking Arsenal's pretty football.When Arsenal have to dig out one nils people start moaning that there's not enough quality in the play.Wenger is giving you whingers what you asked for winning football.

  51. Gaz

    May 05, 2013, 11:48 #34582

    Lacklustre performance but at this stage of the season its a results game only. As I said a few days ago I've absolutely no interest in what we do this season and really couldn't be arsed whether we finish third, fourth or fifth. As far as I'm concerned I'll start showing some interest again once the seasons over as I'm 'hoping'-once again-that the kind of signings we're hearing about (gosh, is it ST renewal time!!) are forthcoming. Of course this does lead to a certain ammount of confusion in my own limited mind. Because whilst part of me is always hopeful that a fifth place finish might just put some pressure on Wenger (leading to him leaving the Club) in the real world I know he's going nowhere and is more than likely about to get offered-and sign-a new deal. Therefore a top four finish is vital as I think we all know if we really are to push the boat out as far as big signings are concerned a champions league spot is essential. Yet I also still believe we'll never win another major trophy under Wenger yet a top four finish will be seen by the useless Gazidis and kroenke as 'success' and they'll be eager for him to sign that new deal. Damned if we do and damned if we don't if you like! As for the game itself what did it tell us? Walcott-despite his goals is still really poor for the majority of games. Podolski-who I had really high hopes for-continues to look like he's sleepwalking through games. As for QPR if we really are being linked with Loic Remmy and IF he was our 'new' striker signing then I despair because he really is quite useless. Anyway onwards and upwards...

  52. James

    May 05, 2013, 11:38 #34581

    This is my 27th season as a fan and i can honestly say this has been the least enjoyable.The quality of our football has been poor.This tippy tappy square ball passing is dull.Denilson would have fitted in perfectly yesterday.Yes 93-94 wasnt great football but we won 3 trophies.I said to my mate after 5 games of the season Podolski has come for one last pay day.Yet he seems imune from any criticism.I read the other day he has only once completed 90 mins all season.We need a complete overhaul at Arsenal.The like we had when GG took over in 86.Because at the moment we are sleepwalking through every season.We keep being told we have £75m to spend does anyone really believe Wenger will spend it wisely? Out of last summers signings only Cazorla could be called a limted success as his form has fallen away in the new year.Giroud and Podolski have been unmitigated failures. I believe we need 6 major signings just to compete with United.Today we are linked with Remy that tells you all you need to know

  53. GoonerRon

    May 05, 2013, 11:18 #34579

    Crap game. Average performance. 3 points. Clean sheet. Job done. Only 7 goals conceded in the last 12 league games which is very impressive for a team who supposedly can't defend.

  54. ZLZAb3

    May 05, 2013, 11:13 #34578

    a win is a win at this stage of the season but you have to ask where were these kind of streetwise displays when there were trophies to be played for? i would happily take this kind of professional performance if it meant we could sustain a title challenge. no team can win 4 or 5 nil every week. maybe at long last the penny has dropped with wenger that defensive solidity is just as important as attscking flair. we can only hope.

  55. Gare Kekeke

    May 05, 2013, 11:07 #34577

    Average performance at best but we got the win and that’s what matters in the grand scheme of things. I still think we’ll finish top as I have stated all season. It will happen not because I have complete faith and trust in Wenger; because I don’t. But because of our experience in similar situations in the past. Great that we kept another clean sheet too. I still think that we could do with another top class centre back and defensive midfielder but I’d prefer if Wenger persisted with Szczesny in goal rather than bring in another goalkeeper who I don’t think would be much better. And Wenger’s record on goalkeepers isn’t particularly great either. Back to Szczesny, for me, he’s got the ability. It’s just that massive ego of his needs to be deflated a few times. Whether Wenger is the manager to do that is debatable. And his attitude has to change also. Perhaps keeping a few clean sheets as he has done recently has finally taught him the remit of a goalkeeper. Any goalkeeper who says he’s not bothered about not keeping clean sheets (as he did two months ago) is an idiot. Podolski was anonymous again. So much for the pre-season predictions from the Wenger apologists that he and Giroud would make light of RVP’s sale to Man Utd. Take away his goals, he offers very little in terms of our general play. And Walcott’s scoring again too. What’s his motivation now after going missing for two months? Playing for England in next year’s World Cup should England qualify? I’m not his biggest fan but Walcott scoring again to earn us points does us no harm at all. Here’s hoping for Man Utd to beat Chelsea and Chelsea v Tottenham at the Bridge to end up as a draw. Up The Arsenal!

  56. Paul

    May 05, 2013, 10:45 #34576

    If you turned up at Loftus road yesterday not knowing who was going for 4th place you would have had a hard job working it out.This was another poor performance which we sneaked a win.Some of our players yesterday Ramsey Cazorla Walcott Rosicky and Podolski may as well have brought a sun bed onto the pitch.To think some of our fans were praying for Podolski to play as the main striker.They wont have to wash his shirt after yesterday he wasnt interested.When your keeper is man of the match against an already relegated side you know you have played bad.The biggest fault in our game now lack of pace in our game.We pass now for the sake of passing.We are ponderous.We havent played with a striker all season.But as long as we have a manager like Wenger nothing will change.Wenger has been left behind.

  57. LOL

    May 05, 2013, 10:38 #34575

    I'll tell you what is funny Kevin. When for 8 years we've been winning sweet FA, the only excuse the AKB could come out with was "we play the best football". But now the football is appalling and "winning is whet counts". Ok. Do of winning is what counts, can someone please explain the past 8 years of failure? Also, I'd like to know WHY people are desperate for "top 4"? What so we can attract all those superstar signings like we have been with Giroud, Gervinho and Chamakh? Really? Or so we can enjoy the group stages before last 16 elimination! It's groundhog day. Finishing 4 th will merely make AW smug. The performances from Arsenal have been a joke. £150mil wage bill, we apparently "cannot compete" with teams with greater money, yet the Spuds have been competing with Arsenal all season long, despite spending £50mil less on wages! How? Scraped a win home to Norwich, scraped past Fulham, scrape QPR, jammy win at WBA clinging on. It's pathetic for a team with Wenger's resources and just shows how shocking a manager he truly is. 4th is not an achievement and never will be. On a side note, makes me sick how small time Wenger has become. He's now one of Fergie's bitches. Apart from handing him the title on a Dutch RVP plate, I see Fergie's said he "promised" AW he'd do his best to beat Chelski for him. Wow Arsene's what a trade! We'll hand you the title, you help us get..errrr...4th! Pathetic.

  58. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 05, 2013, 10:17 #34574

    An absolutely awful game, felt like a pre-season friendly. Quiet crowd, no ideas on the pitch, quite simply crap. Still, 3 points. And the torture continues.

  59. Peter Wain

    May 05, 2013, 9:53 #34573

    Great result from a pretty poor squad. The forward play was awful and quite how Podborski claims to be a striker is a mystery. Our £100k a week man was also largely annoymous aprt from the goal and one other strike. Cazorla seems to have a problem of when to pass holding onto to the ball for too long and delivering after the striker has made the run. Defensively we were sound but the left full back got a chsing from the scums third choice wide player. So Wenger is now saying how well we have done. Next will be we dont need much except top top quality to be followed by some free transfer. Nothing ever changes.