That Familiar Feeling?

Can Arsenal land the Groundhog Day Trophy once again?

That Familiar Feeling?

The Spanish Ray Wilkins?

During the 2012 London Olympics, 4th place was the one that nobody wanted. Fast forward 10 months however, and it is the only position occupying the minds of Arsenal’s manager and Board of Directors, because once again we’re in the merry month of May with no chance of silverware and the only thing left to play for is the Groundhog Day Trophy.

Many Gooners I speak to are sick to death of this “4th place is success” nonsense. Our on-field decline and chronic mis-management since 2006 has left us light years away from having a squad that could win the Premier or Champions League. The Club’s primary objective is Champions League qualification but participation in the tournament no longer excites most fans as it serves only to enrich Kroenke, Wenger and Gazidis.

The endless cycle of high priced stagnation has become –
• Beat enough smaller teams to scrape into 4th;
• Try to claim 4th as a great success;
• Stroll through an uninspiring Champions League group;
• Get rogered royally in the Round of 16;
• Scrape into 4th again;
• Repeat ad nauseum.

Our recent European record makes grim and repetitive reading:-
2007 – Round of 16. Limped out to PSV Eindhoven, managing only 1 goal in 180 minutes
2008 – ¼ final. Shot ourselves in both feet at Anfield, conceding 2 goals in the last 5 minutes
2009 – ½ final. Totally outclassed by Man Utd. Lost 0-1 away and 1-3 at home.
2010 – ¼ final. Outclassed by Barcelona. 6-3 on aggregate.
2011 – Round of 16. Outclassed yet again by Barcelona, becoming the only team in CL history not to have a shot on goal during a match.
2012 – Round of 16. Unable to recover from a 4-0 thumping in Milan.
2013 – Round of 16. Unable to recover from a 1-3 battering by Bayern Munich.

All in all, Arsène Wenger’s European record is poor. Even though we qualify every year, only to reach one final in 16 attempts surely cannot be judged a success. Even Bill Murray finally realised that the only way to get out of Punxsutawney was to change the way he was doing things.

But will Wenger change? Will Kroenke change? All the evidence suggests that they won’t, despite the fact that our manager never misses a chance to claim that Champions League football will attract stellar names to Arsenal. By saying that, he demonstrates that he knows we need such players to compete but - stellar names are Franck Ribery, Javi Martinez, Mario Gotze or Neven Subotic, not Gervinho, Giroud or Arteta (the Spanish Ray Wilkins).

Finishing 4th would be the worst thing that could happen because it will be accompanied by a barrage of self-congratulatory bullshit from Wenger and the Board telling us what a great achievement it was, before they put the prices up and carry on in their enormous comfort zone.

Arsenal is a huge Club and unless we invest to win the Champions League, what is the point of being in it? We should be competing for the big trophies, rather than sitting back and collecting profits. Ferguson never, ever accepted 2nd place and whenever his team fell short he did whatever was necessary to outdo any challengers. What does our manager do? Says that he will happily accept 2nd place for the next 20 years.

So despite being an ardent Gooner for well over 30 years, I won’t lose any sleep if we finish 5th. Let’s face it, we’re not going to win the Champions League as our manager won’t / can’t buy the players necessary. Even the argument that “if we fail, Spurs get the CL slot” shows just how small minded many of our supporters have become. For years we laughed at Spurs because of the way they revelled in our occasional defeats; well that’s what many Gooners are turning into and we should be much, much better than that.

Arsenal won the league unbeaten less than a decade ago, followed 2 years later by a water-tight run to the Champions League final. Wenger deserves enormous credit for that but those achievements are history. Football has changed but he hasn’t and he now presides over a Club that is scrapping for the leftovers with Spurs and Everton.

What we need is either a complete change of leadership or a total change of direction but finishing 4th will simply ensure that we remain locked into the cycle of high-priced mediocrity. If they want a couple of thousand pounds a season from each of us, that is not good enough.

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  1. Brady79

    May 15, 2013, 19:47 #34893

    There is a clear distinction between success and minimum requirements. For any Gooner, minimum requirements of each season are as follows: i) beat Spuds in any match we play against them; ii) finish at least one place above Spuds in League; iii) go at least 1 round further tahn Spuds in any cup competition we're both in; iv) as Mark says CL qualification is not success, in this day and age it's a minimum requirement. Success is actually winning a pot, even if it's only the League Cup. Sorry, but I can never accept that a true fan could want to see the team lose a match to achieve an off-field objective. Go down that road and you open the way to a truly corrupt game with backhanders for referees and players from overseas betting syndicates.

  2. Ando

    May 15, 2013, 18:43 #34891

    Dont panic, look forward to the return of Diaby he will make the difference between being winners or loosers and the CL berth will allow the club to attract more players like Giroud and gervinohno.Just keep on coughing up the highest prices on the planet-simples

  3. Ron

    May 15, 2013, 15:36 #34888

    Dixon Arsene etc etc - Point takem pal. My post does read a little heavy criticising your points which are all fine by the way. I didnt mean to sound barbed at all. Sorry.I think to be honest i didnt quite read the entirity of your post correctly. I reckon we d all like to be more positive, but the way things have been for so long, we ve all looked through the Clubs bull s--t now and its difficult to dredge any positivity about them. However poor a team we've had in years past, ive never known it quite like this Have you? In th bad Howe and Neill days, we could still laugh about things. I just think its the price they charge now that generates so much anti club sentiment, even though we still love em deep down!!!

  4. Dixon Arsene Seaman

    May 15, 2013, 9:43 #34862

    @Ron - I know your point about the mindset at the club and I'm weary if 'if onlys' and excuses too, but you don't know my mindset in fairness. I seriously wish we had a winners mentality again. I was just pointing out that the 'facts' stated about our CL exits listed were one-sided ie. focused purely and conveniently on the negative aspects and ignored the full story of the two legs in each season. (eg. no shots on goal in the camp nou mentioned, but our extremely impressive victory over the best side in the world at home entirely overlooked.) There is nothing wrong with a bit of balance. We all demand the best of our club, so if standards and ambitions don't match our own, then we have a right to complain. It's part of our job to put pressure on the club. That said, there seems to be a trend to never say anything positive about our own club that we claim to love. You'll just get shot down in flames. (And I'm not oblivious to certain stuff at our club, I was on the BSM - who get my full backing - walk after all.)

  5. Wombledin

    May 15, 2013, 8:58 #34859

    Manures's decision to appoint a manager who has never won a single piece of silver in 11 seasons in the premiership puts an interesting perspective on Wenger's similar lack of silver for the last 8 seasons. Fergie was already a proven winner, Moyes isn't. Rather, Moyes has consistently got Everton to punch above it's economic weight. That is one of the main defenses of Wenger's ongoing tenure. The difference of course is that Man U will not be satisfied with being also-rans and Moyes will be expected to win silverware almost instantly. Arsenal, on the other hand, are happy for Wenger to just continue perpetually as some kind of Moyes like figure achieving the bottom-line but winning nothing. Ironically, Moyes replacing Fergie means we now have a better chance of actually challenging for the title as it's quite likely that Man U will suffer a wee dip following Fungusmoan's retirement. And with new Managers, Al bin Citeh and the bluescum will probably not be red hot next season. And so it is that even if we finish 5th Wenger will be retained and no big money will be spent, since it appears the prospects of doing better next season than this season will be better more by our top four rivals looking weaker next season than stronger.

  6. Tony Evans

    May 15, 2013, 8:35 #34858

    Ron - I know what you mean re the Spuds and I just wish it was not that lot we were in a contest with for a top four finish. Of course also finishing 5th will not guarantee Wenger's exit but it would not do him any favours either. In all my years of support I have never been so confused and left wondering whether it is better in the long term for Arsenal to fail. Thanks a bunch Wenger and Kronke!

  7. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    May 15, 2013, 8:20 #34857

    I'm just about to go and buy my season ticket. The only reason I am doing so is because I don't want to lose good seats. I am investing in the hope that Wenger will retire. I'm certainly not investing because I want to watch Mr Wenger's idea of how to play football. There is something truly disgusting about enthusiasm for a bad cause, and a wish to see AW remain in place is a very bad one. I am an enthusiast for the Rooney purchase, because the Spud will not remain silent when he sees what a farce the club is when compared to how a proper manager runs things.

  8. AussieRussianGooner

    May 15, 2013, 5:49 #34856

    Great post. I agree with most of it, but call me naive, I still want to be in CL. Why? Because 5th place won't force any changes anyway. Kroenke won't sell and Wenger will not go. So we may as well at least be in CL, and hope for a better draw in the round of 16, while this groundhog day keeps happening.

  9. CanadaGooner

    May 14, 2013, 23:27 #34855

    @Ron, add Van Der Sar to the 4 players you named and it is very glaring what we could have achieved with a decent goalie over the years. Wenger was a very bright manager, but he slowly surrounded himself with people who simply couldnt find any fault in him (like several of our fans who still defend him now, after 8 trophyless seasons) and that isnt a good recipe for improvement; but a great recipe for stubbornness! And that, my friend, is how the post-2004 Wenger was born!

  10. Ron

    May 14, 2013, 22:25 #34854

    Dixon Arsene etc.... You make a fair point but you have to place your point in context that those 'if onlys' have been the one and only consistent thing about Arsenal since 2003/4. So much so, that they're tedious and smack of Wenger type whinge mode. With a few choice buys in the last 9 years, my guess is the 'if only' mindset, that's become so ingrained in the Club that its now part of the Clubs DNA (as they say these days)) would have been converted more into one of ' we'll win that this time'. We didn't need massive big cash buys either. You only have to look at the players we cd have got but didnt through penny pinching. Schwartzer Alonso Jagielka and Mata to name but 3 only.Your mindset with all due respect to you just gives Wenger oxygen and a ready made excuse to remain happy with his also ran status plus Gazadis would kiss your rear if he read your implied acceptance.

  11. jjetplane

    May 14, 2013, 20:27 #34853

    I mentioned earlier I wanted Wigan down regardless but after the brilliant performance against Citeh in the Cup (wozzat!) I hope they win tonight because it would be good for football. Arsenal now look like a dodgy bank working a new line called Top 4 ventures. It does nothing for the paying customer but it certainly lines the pockets of its literally offshore owners/sharks. It's the Wenger apologists who are the spuds-in-waiting and a bit of Europa for a couple of years might just be what WE need.

  12. johnnyh

    May 14, 2013, 19:32 #34852

    totally agree. we have fallen for this 4th place trophy con job for long enough. as the old saying goes you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cant fool all of the people all of the time. more and more gooners are opening their eyes. the only thing finishing 4th ensures is huge bonuses for wenger and gazidis and the adding to the value of kroenkes shares. i am prepared to finish 5th if that is what it takes to get rid of this french buffoon and get in someone else. frank de boer and dennis bergkamp from ajax would at least give us hope for the beginning of next season.

  13. Carlos

    May 14, 2013, 18:45 #34851

    Bang on the money Mark Halfpenny. Only the manager's apologists believe that he has the capacity to return the club to the elite. To the rest he is a deceitful has-been who constantly moves the goalposts for what constitutes success to suit his continuing to rake in his exorbitant salary. If we fail to win tonight it will be because we haven't played in 10 days. If we had played on Sunday it would be because we were "short physically". The same manager who on the tenth anniversary of his appointment claimed never to look back, only forwards; will no doubt remind us of his continued success in qualifying for the Champions' League should we end up 5th. Ferguson went at 71, who can bear the thought of the manager continuing to that age?

  14. Guy in Jersey

    May 14, 2013, 17:53 #34850

    It's a sad state of affairs when loyal fans, such as danluvsafc (post 37576), come in for abuse for having the temerity to question whether the time, money and emotion we invest in Arsenal is still worth it. It seems that if you're not toeing the party line, which is that everything is still fantastic, then you should f'ck off to Spurs or Chelsea. As far as I'm concerned, if you've supported Arsenal for 30 years (as he has and other fans have), you can say what the hell you like - and dickheads like Jassi and Black Hei can take a running jump. I know who I'd rather have a drink with - even if, at the moment, it's a case of drowning our sorrows after yet another underwhelming season. (P.S. To the numpty who claims we weren't completely outclassed by Barca for over 3/4s of the tie in 2010-2011 - you obviously know NOTHING about football! We were an embarrassment at Camp Nou.)

  15. Terry

    May 14, 2013, 17:36 #34849

    Good news for the Wenger Out droves on here,and the I can only support Arsenal if we win something mob.Mike Dein is the referee tonight so you might get your wish of Arsenal finishing 5th and the Spuds 4th.

  16. JAMIE

    May 14, 2013, 17:21 #34848

    Typical OG nonesense exagerate the negatives and don't mention the positives,any proper Arsenal fan can see through this and it's oh so boring.Give a fair review or don't bother.

  17. Mike

    May 14, 2013, 17:15 #34847

    Mancini got axed because he spent all that money on players with a winning mentality like Clichy, Nasri, Toure to name a few - good riddance to them - Giroud and Arteta will leave Arsenal as legends in time to come and coming in the top four keeping Spurs out of it by a single point is well worth the season - I for one will be cheering my team on -with all their supposedly brilliant buys -Dempsey, Verthogen, Parker and the brilliant manager and our supposed duds led by a clown they still can't get past us

  18. Dixon Arsene Seaman

    May 14, 2013, 16:40 #34846

    I know ultimately we lost in each of these which is all that ultimately counts, but you make it sound far, far worse than it was... 2011 – Round of 16. Outclassed yet again by Barcelona, becoming the only team in CL history not to have a shot on goal during a match - Did we not Barcelona 2-1 in the home leg, have RVP sent off totally unfairly and come within a Bendtner winner in the final moments?? 2012 – Round of 16. Unable to recover from a 4-0 thumping in Milan. - Did we not come within an RVP fluffed dink over the keeper of one of the biggest comebacks in CL history?? 2013 – Round of 16. Unable to recover from a 1-3 battering by Bayern Munich. - Were we not the only side to beat Bayern in Munich this calendar year.?? Apart from this, it's hard to argue with the article. The only thing is that that lot from Middlesex will have a victory parade and release a DVD if they make the top 4, whereas we'll want our manager strung up if he achieves it.

  19. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2013, 15:53 #34845

    All this crap doing the rounds about this being,a must win game,the players have to be up for it,we can't afford any mistakes,get behind the team,etc,(where have we heard all that before ?)it's sad that we're talking like that (again) in the first place and it says a hell of a lot about this team and their manager if they can't get up for a game against a Wigan team who ran their hearts out and gave everything for ninety minutes in an FA Cup final three days ago while we have been prancing about the training ground having our photo's taken receiving massages and resting up not having played for ten days,if we can't get a result against Wigan tonight would the last person leaving the Emirates please turn out the lights.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 14, 2013, 15:02 #34844

    It's not only the minds of the Manager and Directors it's occupying Mark there's the fans as well, who just love it, the high light of their season,and the fact the spuds are involved makes it more exciting, and it probably still would be even if by some miracle we did win a proper pot.You just have to listen to some of them, massive game tonight,most important game in our history,we have to keep our nerve (i like that one) i would have thought games against Blackburn,Bradford,etc,etc,were just as important if not more where we could actually win something but obviously not.The Groundhog day Trophy will be achieved alright Mark even if we don't receive all these favors we've been hoping for, remember it's got all that lovely CL dough attached to it.Because of that all the stops will be pulled out tonight and Sunday you can be sure of that, and the spin machine will go into overdrive as we hear what an achievement it is and all the self congratulatory crap that goes with it.

  21. Ron

    May 14, 2013, 14:53 #34843

    Its the Spuds involvement in the '4th place Cup' run that represents the one tiny flicker of interest in this putrid season, but even if they get it, they wont do a thing in the CL so at least the futilty of that CL charade will be avoided. Due to them, i cant quite wish 5th place on us, though i agree that a poor season is needed to change atitudes at Arsenal.Ive detseted the Spuds ever since the days of Greaves, Gilzean and Mike England et al and can only EVER wish for the worst for them. Awful Club, awful fans, awful ground, awful area just an overall bag of rubbish are the spuds. Having said all this, the Spuds have done us a massive favour. Their favour is getting parity with Arsenal as if they can do it, any team can. Be sure that Liverpool and Everton can for sure. This means we should thank the Spuds as we ask Wenger to change or leave (preferably leave as hes failed to change his perspectives on the game and is too old to do so now i guess) and as for the Board, they should start to read Arsenal history, learn it good and learn it fast as until 2005 ish 'bottling' and accepting the Club as runners up and worse wasnt ever on the agenda as acceptable, however poor the team was. If they continue to disrespect the Clubs traditions and history by use of lies and spin, they need to go too. I venture to suggest that if all of those fans whove been forced away from supporting the Club since the move to that soulless stadium were still in place and if the Club was still at Highbury, while running this same weak kneed 'also ran' regime, the level of fan animosity would have forced change by now. As it is the 'new set' are content with their wide soft seats and 9.00 quid hot dogs and most wdt know a good team from a poor one. Arsenal are laughing their nuts off and milking them for all its worth and why shouldnt they, i do! Get 4th and you can look towards a good few years more of Wenger and the same tripe theyve dished up for the last 6 years. Gteed.

  22. Bard

    May 14, 2013, 14:50 #34842

    Good piece Mark. I have mixed feelings about the run in but on balance I want us to secure 4th. To slip out of the top 4 places is the kiss of death, look at Liverpool. I don't buy the argument that next season will be more of the same. It could be but it could also trigger a real revamp ( unlikely but possible) of the club. Wenger may be stubborn but he is not stupid. Even a moron can see we are miles behind an average Untd side. They need to buy some top class players and I happen to think Wenger is sufficiently concerned about his legacy to want to enter the last year of his contract with a side capable of challenging for the title. If he just repeats the pattern of the last few years he is effectively signing his own death warrant. I think he's a busted flush but I also think, hope, he's smart enough to see the writing on the wall, despite his bull about mental strength.

  23. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    May 14, 2013, 14:26 #34841

    i like arteta think he has done well as injuries to midfielders means he is constantly having to adapt his game.i want fourth as thursday football will be hard to take.If things go badly tonite can those who want to jeer/leave early etc please take it out on the board and not the manager as it may be his last home game and he deserves better than that. i dont want spud fans etc enjoying us turn on him.

  24. Stroud Green Road Boy

    May 14, 2013, 13:57 #34840

    @Jassi: "Remember the years from 79 to 89?" My response: Yes. 79 FA Cup winners. 87 League Cup winners. 89 League Champions. Remember the years from 06 to 13? "Pound for pound we have the best manager the top tier has ever had." My response: HaHaHaHaHaHa

  25. danluvsafc

    May 14, 2013, 13:50 #34839

    Tonights game is my last game as a season ticket holder for over 20 years.Particularly for the past 2-3 years i have become totally dissilusioned with everything to do with this current arsenal set-up.Its even become depressing to me at the thought of actually even attending games in the knowledge that we will probably play *hit or even end up losing or surrending a comfortable lead by lack of basic defending etc. I will still be going to games next season using a mates silver membership but just cant justify putting another £1300 up front into this current dictatorships pockets even before a balls kicked in the new season.I never thought i would ever feel this way about a club or a manager who i used to hold as more important to my life than anything else. I missed weddings,funerals relative parties and many important other occasions ,made excuses just so i could watch my beloved arsenal home and away.Its a sorry state of affairs but its a situation that i hear many more other gooners are like me and totally cheesed off with things gone stale and not looking like changing anytime soon

  26. ATID

    May 14, 2013, 13:48 #34838

    Yes, that is a pretty good summary. Why bother to qualify for the CL if you have no chance of winning it unless you just want the money. The whole "fourth place trophy" nonsense sums up what Arsenal has become; little more than a bloated corporate cash cow. With our current owner and manager it is a platform to nowhere. If Wigan win tonight it may well be because they have fought tooth and nail for it and deserve it. Indeed, to me, if our opponents were to win their last two games and avoid relegation that would be a far more inspiring sporting story than for us to come fourth.

  27. CanadaGooner

    May 14, 2013, 13:39 #34837

    According to SkySports this morning "Wenger was being coy about Rooney". I don't think "Coy" was how Fergie was about RVP when he snapped him up and got himself a parting trophy. Wenger is always coy about buying decent players, because he won't get them anyway. In any case, there's a lot more wrong with our current squad than adding Rooney. We all know Wenger won't be getting a parting trophy next season (because he won't leave! He has it way too good at Arsenal). Look at Mancini - it should be a results oriented process. He won the premiership unconvincingly last season (thanks to QPR) and gets the boot this season, not because his bosses think he's rubbish, but because they don't think he'll get them a double or treble next season either. They want to make history. At arsenal, we think we've already made history and our owner and manager now only want to make money!

  28. inspector clueless

    May 14, 2013, 13:35 #34836

    im quite torn re 4th spot between the Arsenal I dearly love and the Arsenel board and management today that I hate for what they have done to our club & their personal greed and lack of sporting passion

  29. Tony Evans

    May 14, 2013, 13:16 #34835

    Amazingly there still seems to be fans (mugs) out there that care more about Wenger or the bragging rights in North London for a year then they do about their own team. How do they fail to see the stagnation, the mediocre players, the self interested egotistical manager and the board that sticks two fingers up and laughs all the way to the bank? If they do see it why do they not want to try and do something about it? Is 4th place really worth another 3 or 4 years of Wenger? For goodness sake stop being so short sighted!

  30. Gooner

    May 14, 2013, 13:02 #34834

    I don't pay 'A couple of thousand pounds a season' I pay £980ish. Works out about £38.00 per game. Not too bad considering. But hey, if distorting facts to suit your arguement makes you feel better then go ahead.

  31. nilz21

    May 14, 2013, 12:56 #34833

    Bang on the money piece Mark ! Well done Seems like facing up to reality still hurts for some so called arsenal fans on here..or are you grazidiz PR cronies in disguise ?

  32. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    May 14, 2013, 12:55 #34832

    sorry,were we really outclassed by Barca in 2010-11? The season before, yeah, but not the one after. OG at Camp Nou had us 3-2 in front on aggregate then RVP sent off for kicking the ball away......even with 10 men Bendtner should have put us through on away goals. Don't even begin to compare Wiggy with Gervinho or Giroud. Mikel is a good solid pro and has been for a long time

  33. Badger

    May 14, 2013, 12:45 #34831

    I care that Arsenal finish in the top four. Yes your right, we never look like winning the Champions League, but wait until we are not in it, then see how much you want to be in it. Most importantly of all though, I don't have the slightest of interest, after all these years in the Champions League, of seeing us play on a Thursday night againt the Famagusta Fox & Goose XI, in the Europa League and then playing every home match on a Sunday, that's why, most of all, I want us in the Champions League.

  34. Wenger Must Go

    May 14, 2013, 12:19 #34830

    Fantastic piece Mark Halfpenny. I want change too but you can't seriously want Arsenal to finish below Tottenham because you'll be hearing the words 'North London power shift' for at least the next 11 months if that happens!

  35. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    May 14, 2013, 12:19 #34829

    Bit harsh on Arteta. I bet he didn't expect to find himself playing the defensive screen job in midfield when he signed. He's not a natural in that position but has done rather well adjusting to the "square peg round hole" coaching policy. Not only that, but for somebody who's not a natural defensive midfielder, he's more efficient at getting his work done in that area than the bloke who preceded him and has now left to become a terrible substitute centre half somewhere else. At least Arteta's a talker and organiser on the pitch too, something we seem desperately short of. The rest of your piece is good though. Rant over.

  36. Danish-Gunner

    May 14, 2013, 11:39 #34828

    I fint it apalling that you have actually written that? How can you even suggest that a team you have supported for 30 years, its allright they finish outside top4? If you ask me youre tje one whos small minded. Just suck it up, and support TheArsenal. Whinning sureley doesnt help

  37. Paul Adams

    May 14, 2013, 11:09 #34827

    Sorry Mark I agree most of your comments, but it's in my Soccer DNA that I detest everything about the Spuds, & have done so since 1971. So please AFC beat Wigan & Geordies & I can start getting interested in us retaining the Ashes. (Less stressful) Have a good Summer all you Gooners out there.

  38. Old Timer

    May 14, 2013, 10:48 #34826

    The tone is set at the top. Man City's owners sacked Mancini this morning because for them second place in the EPL and a Cup Final appearance wasn't good enough. Stan obviously is quite happy with a profitable 4th place and that sets the target for the manager. So I don't expect much to change whether Arsene continues in post or not. The Club will keep on milking the fans - Silver membership renewal up from £38 to £45 this month. Was £30 just 2 years ago. The mediocrity will continue to get more expensive I fear.

  39. Elliot

    May 14, 2013, 10:44 #34825

    Agree with everything you say Mark, change needs to be made and it needs to be made irrespective of what happens between now and 6pm on Sunday.

  40. Johnc

    May 14, 2013, 9:54 #34824

    That is a superb post. Well said Mark.

  41. Black Hei

    May 14, 2013, 9:28 #34823

    Another dude that has been supporting the gunners for well over 30 years. Why not hop over to the boys in white on the 31st, you won't be missed. If a total change in direction means morphing into City or Chelsea, no thanks.

  42. Jassi Khangura

    May 14, 2013, 9:15 #34822

    Stop moaning. Remember the years from 79 to 89? Pound for pound we have the best manager the top tier has ever had. Enjoy, because you will rue the day when Wenger eventually hangs up his boots. You cannot change the owner, do not risk meddling with the manager. Is the "Gooner" in permanent depression? See a doctor. For a fanzine it is atrociously negative. Get a life.

  43. Angry & Frustrated

    May 14, 2013, 9:07 #34821

    Agree with every word, but it might get worse, because if they reach their holy grail of fourth again the chances are that Wenger will be given a contract extension, which he will accept (that will be another £30 million down the toilet). Everybody knows that any manager can not go into a final year of his contract without the constant distraction from the media asking will he won't he sign. His authority would be undermined regardless, because players would be thinking he probably won't be around much longer and perform accordingly. We have seen these scenarios played out before elsewhere, and they simply don't work. This is why it's crucial that Arsenal don't scrape into fourth this time around, because it will be much harder for the board to offer Wenger an extension when he in reality will have failed miserably, considering the resources available to him compared to the Spuds. So in summary it's fourth and another 4 years of this groundhog day, or fifth and possibly much needed change. Those of you attending tonight who share the authors views should make it crystal clear to everybody on the board that a contract extension is not wanted and that it's time for change as this is your last opportunity to do so. It might also help if Usmanov's name was sung out loud!

  44. Arsene Knows He's Finished

    May 14, 2013, 8:56 #34820

    Look I don't understand all this nonsense rubbish lies said about Arsene. Man U just had a massive trophy parade but our trophy count under Wenger the past 7/8 years is actually as good as anyone out there. Who can match Arsene's record of - The Self-sustainability trophy - The anti-financial doping trophy - The Balance sheet trophy - Back to back 4th place trophies - The League cup runners up trophy - The CL runners up trophy - The FA Cup quarter finalist trophy - The New stadium trophy - The Emirates cup trophy - The Financial Fair Play trophy So quit your bloody negativity and get behind our glorious manager. Never forget he's being held over a barrel by the board who have treated him absolutely disgracefully! They've paid him just £56 million over 8 years. I mean that's nothing when u look at all the trophies he's won I just mentioned. He's just not had the funds which explains why our wage bill is so low at a paltry £152 mil. If he could compete with petro-dollars financially doped managers like Laudrup, Martinez, McLeish and McLaren (who've all won other trophies) then Arsene would do an even better job. In Arsene I trust.

  45. Tony Evans

    May 14, 2013, 8:53 #34819

    Quite right, Mark. I also do not really care whether Arsenal finish 4th or not. In fact for the long term finishing 5th would probably be better. Anything that weakens Wenger's hand in this critical final year of his contract has to be good. Also without the distraction of CL football more priority will be given to the domestic cup competitions which we actually have a chance of winning. And Spurs qualify for the CL? Well big deal - they will do about as well as we did.