A Statistical Analysis of Arsenal's 2012-13 Form & Projections

We could have been contenders…

A Statistical Analysis of Arsenal's 2012-13 Form & Projections

Kos & the BFG – unbeatable? (if you forget Bayern at home!)

My analysis of Arsenal’s form this season shows champions form in Arsenal’s past 22 games, with a W/D/L of 15, 4 and 3 respectively. By percentage over 38 games, that form leads to a W/D/L of 26, 7 and 5, which equates to 85 points, the average for a champion of the Premier League.

Season Statistical Analysis before Game 38:

First Half of Season:
P: 15, W: 05, D: 06, L: 04, Total Points: 21/45
Second Half of Season:
P: 22, W: 15, D: 04, L: 03, Total Points: 49/66

First Half Rates:
W: 33.33%, D: 40.00%, L: 26.67%
Second Half Rates:
W: 68.18%, D: 18.18%, L: 13.64%

Season based on 1st Half Consistency:
P: 38, W: 13, D: 15, L: 10, Total Points: 54
Season based on 2nd Half Consistency:
P: 38, W: 26, D: 07, L: 05, Total Points: 85

Best Pairing: Kos/Mertesacker (Unbeaten in 17)
Worst Pairing: Verm/Mertesacker (Unbeaten in 1)
+10 goals: Cazorla, Walcott, Giroud, Podolski
Goals For: 71 (3rd in the League)
Goals Against: 37 (2nd in the League)

The Average Champions Point Tally in the 38 game EPL: 85.4

True Champions Form, as long as we are consistent.

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  1. David

    May 21, 2013, 11:48 #35089

    It's come to this? Gerry Francis once claimed that he was the second most successful Spurs manager because, over 2 seasons, his points tally for 40 games was bettered only by the double winning team. Stats schmats.

  2. @Swales1968

    May 20, 2013, 13:55 #35041

    After 19 games (1-19) Man U 46 pts GF 48 GA 28 Man C 39 pts GF 34 GA 16 Chelsea 38 pts GF 39 GA 18 Spuds 33 pts GF 34 GA 25 Arsenal 33 pts GF 32 GA 18 Everton 33pts GF 32 GA 23 2nd half of the season (20-38) Man U 43 pts GF 28 GA 15 Arsenal 40 pts GF 40 GA 19 Man C 39 pts GF 32 GA 18 Spurs 39 pts GF 32 GA 21 Chelsea 37 pts GF 36 GA 21 Everton 30 pts GF 23 GA 17

  3. billthered

    May 20, 2013, 6:37 #35003

    We all know that finishing fourth is not good enough but finishing above the spuds is definitely worth a little chuckle as they have had a great season and we have been pretty poor.But as I said last week lets be in it to win it and not be satisfied in just getting out of the group stage only to fall as soon as we meet a half decent team.A message to the club strengthen the squad with quality,get rid of all the dead wood,and lastly spend serious money for serious players so St Totteringhams day arrives in March or April as it used to.

  4. LOL

    May 20, 2013, 0:58 #35002

    Aaaah the famous "stats" argument! Ok since you love stats here's the key ones: 8 years, no trophies, £150m wage bill, manager on £7.5 mil. Zero wins against top 3, something even QPR, Southampton and West Ham have managed. Wigan, Swansea and Birmingham all won major trophies. Wenger nothing. Contenders? Arsenal always show form when they've no chance of actually winning anything! This is deluded guff.

  5. Billy Sunday

    May 20, 2013, 0:35 #35001

    The virtual trophy is my favourite trophy of them all.It is so mysterious it cannot be seen.Though we have all grown to love it and cherish it.Please don't ever take my virtual away.

  6. giveusacup

    May 20, 2013, 0:25 #35000

    Great to see the players celebrating in the correct manner, jumping up and down, dousing each other (okay it was only from a water bottle, no champers ), really excited. There should be a campaign now so that an actual cup is presented for 2nd, 3rd & 4th. I suggest 2nd is half size replica of the champions cup, 3rd a third and 4th would be a quarter. That way the players could have done a lap of honor, holding it aloft.

  7. William Romaine

    May 19, 2013, 23:52 #34998

    Now Wenger has secured champions league football in difficult circumstances yet again.He should be rewarded with a long 6 year contract to see what he can achieve while properly funded.

  8. EborGooner

    May 19, 2013, 23:16 #34997

    Bruce, why do you have 15 games in the first half of the season and 22 in the second? Surely the split should be 19/18? If you can't even work out half of 37 correctly it's difficult to take the rest of your statistical analysis seriously. Or would splitting the results correctly not have suited your argument? Remember, everyone, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics!

  9. JAMIE

    May 19, 2013, 22:27 #34996

    Why can't we celebrate finishing fourth.The rules are top 4 champions league so lets celebrate.I remember one year really celebrating making Eufa cup.If some Arsenal fans say we can only celebrate being champions that means we can only celebrate officially 8 times since the war.Obviously when we are champions again we can celebrate big time,maybe for a whole week,and if we win the champs league 2 weeks,so I think if it's alright with some fans we can celebrate for one evening.

  10. James

    May 19, 2013, 22:21 #34995

    Players celebrating like they won the CL.We finished 4th FFS.What next? an open top bus parade.Embarassing

  11. Guildford Gooner

    May 19, 2013, 20:23 #34994

    I agree,finishing in the top four again is an achievement but don't celebrate as if you have actually won something!

  12. Danny

    May 19, 2013, 20:05 #34993

    Did you guys see these idiots celebrating for finishing 4th Such is the brain watching, even the players are celebrating sickening

  13. Stumpy den

    May 19, 2013, 19:58 #34992

    I have said before now that we have qualified for the champions league Wenger needs to spend big. As far as I,am concerned this is his last season, spend now and win us the league . Ferguson has gone you are the last longest serving manager prove that you are he manager that you claim to be.SPend the money make us the new.Man ure. THey are the club you can compare us to and we have done sweet F.A in the last eight years compared to them. Everything else is the same, American managers, money the same but the spending and management are miles apart.

  14. Sir Sid James

    May 19, 2013, 19:00 #34990

    How much longer will Jack stay at a team with Ramsey Giroud Gervinho and Walcott?As Gary Neville say we need to buy BIG.Not rubbish from France we need to buy players for £30m.The sad thing about finishing 4th is Wenger remains while Benitez 3rd place and a European trophy goes.That sums up Arsenal FC 2013.Remember we finished one place lower than last season.

  15. Paul Adams

    May 19, 2013, 18:34 #34989

    Just finished watching Gooners in 4th place, it is like a trophy. Well played team &Arsene. Spuds are where they deserve playing Thursday nights

  16. CanadaGooner

    May 19, 2013, 15:03 #34987

    For a team that hasn't won anything in 9 years, I think losing to Blackburn and Bradford hurt us more. We need to win an FA cup or Capital One cup before we start dreaming about winning the league again.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    May 19, 2013, 13:57 #34986

    My Analysis is it's a pity we didn't show champions form when we needed to, and when there was actually something to play for, but i suppose we need the proper players for that.

  18. Ron

    May 19, 2013, 13:32 #34985

    Title are won over 38 games though Arsene,so you're best sticking to what you're good at and carry on playing at non entity also rans. Your 'analysis' suggests to me that even your selective vision is worsening and that you do now seriously and urgently need a top notch optometrist to address it.

  19. Peter Wain

    May 19, 2013, 13:05 #34984

    Which ever way its looked at this squad is very average and is luck to be in contention for 4th place. I think that they ill lose today and fimish fifth. Wenger is already at it buying another French striker two broken legs a year off with another injury who has only played in the French 2nd division. He does not learn.

  20. Ganesh

    May 19, 2013, 11:21 #34983

    How can the Vermaelen-Mertesacker partnership be only unbeaten in 1? They were our preferred CB pairing at the start of the season when we had that odd run of clean-sheets upto the Southampton game. We were 4 games unbeaten upto that point itself.

  21. silver

    May 19, 2013, 11:20 #34982

    I hope we win today

  22. Website Editor

    May 19, 2013, 11:11 #34981

    I think the use of the phrase 'Champions Form' needs to be read as an idea rather than an actual reality. 85 points would obviously not have been enough this season, unless Arsenal had gained three of those points at Old Trafford and United lose at West Brom.