Arsenal can become Bayern Munich

Online Ed: Just give us a couple of years, says Ivan Gazidis at annual q&a

Arsenal can become Bayern Munich

Arsenal CEO – Arsène is the right man for the job

Ivan Gazidis addressed Arsenal supporters in what has now become an annual event after the season’s conclusion. These q&a sessions began life as an Arsenal Supporters Trust event, and over the years, have been hosted by Keith Edelman, Ken Friar and now Gazidis. Last year, it ceased to become an exclusively Trust event and was opened up to shareholders, AISA members (saving Gazidis the separate commitment of addressing the AISA AGM as had happened in the past in the late summer) and other supporters groups, such as RedAction, supporters clubs and in the spirit of glasnost, I imagine even the Black Scarf Movement (I did spot some BSM faces there anyway).

The format is now pre-submitted questions followed by questions being opened to the floor and is hosted by Dan Roebuck, of Arsenal TV. One imagines it will be available on Arsenal TV at some point in the next day or two.

I had the chance to have a brief chat with Ivan Gazidis before the meeting got into full flow and he admitted that the once annual Arsene Wenger q&a event was now a thing of the past due to the way that anything Arsene said was sensationalized by the media. So much for the manager’s statement at the October AGM that he would meet fans at the end of the season if they needed him to explain anything. The CEO also expressed the dangers of people tweeting soundbites from events such as these, which do not give the full context of answers and explanations. I pointed out that the event would be more productive if he could give briefer answers and likened his style at previous q&a’s to that of the late 1980s American Football team the New York Giants - who had a reputation as fearsome eaters of the clock. He understood where I was coming from and in fairness, his answers in 2013 were more succinct than previous years.

The key messages relayed to the audience were already given to the press last week and can be read here relayed by John Cross of the Mirror.

Really, for this observer, the most significant aspect of Gazidis’ words in recent weeks is that he has pretty much hung out his manager to dry, whilst still playing the white man and defending him. The unequivocal message that Arsène Wenger has very significant funds to spend and that Arsenal are willing to pay the market rate in transfers and wages means that if the club do fail to improve the team with quality this summer, then it will be down to the manager. In my few moments of conversation with the CEO before the event, he inexplicitly agreed with this view. I suspect an element of frustration carried over from past transfer windows and the attendant flak has persuaded Gazidis to lay his cards on the table so there is no possible argument about whether the funds are available to spend.

The message that Wenger is still the best man for the job will be one that depresses many, with the indication that the board are ready and willing to extend his contract. However, the continuous message that Arsenal ‘outperform their spend’ is one that grates with this listener. Arsenal do not outperform their spend by any means. They spend the fourth highest amount in wages and transfers in England. So fourth place, by Gazidis’ logic, is actually performing at the level that should be expected. But football does not work like that, which is why Manchester United have won so many trophies since the arrival of Roman Abramovich at Chelsea and Sheikh Mansour at Manchester City. A great manager can buck the odds and land silverware.

At the conclusion of the evening, I was chatting with other fans, some of whom want to believe that Arsène can replicate the glory days, and the agreement was that, in terms of the players he has signed in recent years, he has lost his mojo. He does not recruit the quality of player he once did, and this, as much as anything, is why the club have stopped being contenders. It isn’t just about having less money to spend. Bargain players can still be found that have genuine impact in English football, but most of Arsenal’s do not. The club have spent a fair amount in recent seasons, but by and large, they have not spent well.

I wanted to ask a question, but did not get picked from the sea of hands. I would have asked for the CEO’s personal view on why Arsenal are so far behind Manchester United, and Tottenham so close to Arsenal based on the spending of the last two years. Here are the figures I have been given for transfer and wages spending from 2011-2013
Manchester United £418m
Arsenal £397m
Tottenham £259m
Everton £152m
These are not reflected in the relevant points gaps between the teams at season’s end.

It suggests to me inefficiency. My neighbour at the event, Gooner contributor Ian Henry, reminded Gazidis that at a q&a event in 2009, he had said he would be looking at Arsenal’s wage bill with “laser focus” to identify inefficiency, and asked what happened with this and would he be trying harder going forward. The CEO responded with a line about words coming back to haunt him, but it is obvious that when Gazidis did try to get involved in the wages, he was told to butt out by the manager. It is not a healthy situation, as the manager should inform the board which players he wants and leave it to others to do all the transfer negotiations and wage discussions. That Wenger is left to do this has meant that many targets have been missed in recent seasons. He once spent three months coming to agreement with Benfica over a loan deal for Armand Traore to spend a season in Portugal. In the words of Martin Tyler, “that sums it all up.”

Gazidis said that there has been no transfer activity so far this summer because things are still settling down at many clubs with new managers arriving. However, he was conscious that the situation of signing five players at the last minute in 2011 was one that was very undesirable and should not be repeated. The proof of the pudding is of course in the eating, but he seemed fairly bullish that the club would be doing business in good time.

There is no reason Arsenal cannot be like Bayern Munich, he stated. It would take about another two years. Bayern have made three of the last four Champions League finals. A cynic might suggest Arsenal could be more like Bayern Munich a lot more quickly if they replaced Arsène Wenger with Jupp Heynkes, but the reality looks to be more Wenger until 2018. He did once make a Champions League final of course, but we seemed to have better players in those days. However, in the days when the club were winning titles, he never got past the last eight of the competition, so it is difficult to envisage that changing now – the conclusion being that tactically, he is not really up to it.

Gazidis told the meeting that Robin Van Persie’s departure was not about money. There were other issues. He did not specify, but it was quite obvious that footballing ambition and a loss of faith in the club’s ability to satisfy those ambitions were what he meant – not least because the player has said as much. The former captain’s talking up of Alex Ferguson as a manager after eight years under Wenger kind of says it all.

A transcript of the evening has been posted by Tim Stillman here.

A couple of quotes that stuck out for me from my own notes were as follows –

Regarding the coaching staff and their input – “they are not shy in coming forward”. This tallies with reports of a couple of major bust-ups between Wenger and Bould over the course of the season, the suspicion being that Wenger relented after the home defeat to Bayern with a change in the team’s defensive discipline. It will be fascinating to see if the more conservative approach is retained at the start of next season.

On Financial Fair Play – “We hope, we expect, we push but we do not control it. We cannot rely on it. What would we be doing differently with no FFP? Nothing. Bayern Munich are doing the same.”

Conclusion – Gazidis realizes that with Arsenal’s stature and income, trophies are attainable, not least because other clubs have done it. Having seen Arsène Wenger steer the club through what he considers financially lean times, they are going to give the manager the opportunity to return Arsenal to the glory days with a new contract and the increased financial resources those seasons will bring (ironically, said resources will also mean it is more affordable to move him on before 2018, if need be). The notion that Arsène Wenger has “outperformed his spend” is PR guff of the highest order, but the CEO is not going to say anything detrimental about his manager. However, by going public on what the club can do now – “We are now going to have to pay market rates for top players. If we are going to be a world class football team our wage structure will have to evolve – Arsène is on board with that. Arsène is not afraid to pay world class players world class salaries.” – he has made things abundantly clear.

The question then, is whether Arsène Wenger is prepared to pay the market rate for top players? Can a leopard change its spots? Let’s hope it’s an interesting summer for all the right reasons.

Postscript – I chatted to a number of people last night, but one thing I had never heard before was that the club had a long and hard look at Alisher Usmanov to find out about the man’s background, presumably with serious consideration to inviting him on the board. Apparently, some of the things they discovered would preclude any such invitation. So the idea that Usmanov is not welcome because of historic connections with David Dein are wide of the mark. I think, to use Peter Hill-Wood’s famous words about a certain Enos Stanley Kroenke, “We don’t want his sort here” would be closer to the truth.

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  1. Green Hut

    Jun 17, 2013, 22:48 #35848

    Chris- Much as I expected, as I was amazed you were looking to John Cross to support your argument considering how much I have read and heard from him re Wenger's reluctance to spend available cash and the board's frustration with him (a particularly good article on this, Feb 21st). On his latest quotes, I probably did read them and thought nothing of them as we ALL know there's more money to spend this year due to the new TV and sponsorship deal, it's no secret, and of course Wenger knows he has to strengthen, it's hardly bombshell stuff. I didn't say I hadn't seen any press reports that Wenger's budget was restricted (think you're up to your old trick of putting words into people's mouths), I said I hadn't read anyone say he had little or no money to spend (ie he had used all the available funds). Of course his budget was and is restricted to an extent just like everyone elses (I'm sure he's not had £100m to spend all in one go, for instance), but he HAS had plenty enough to make a difference and take us over the line in maybe 2008 and definitely 2010 and 2011. Still don't understand why you're so taken with my 'gets it' remark, it really doesn't mean very much, but good luck with your amateur psychology evening class.

  2. Chris

    Jun 17, 2013, 19:06 #35842

    Green Hut - I don't know what you've been reading from John Cross but if you'd check out the Mirror website recently you would have found an article where he spelt out quite clearly that Wenger had sizable funds available which were not previously, and that he was fully aware of the need to bring in top quality players - several articles in the national press have agreed on the latter. If you really haven't read an article where it's suggested that Wenger has been restrcited in what he can spend, you must have a sixth sense that enables you to avoid them - becuase there have been plenty - so I can only suggest that in fact you have a very selctive memory. Your 'get it' comment seems to confirm that you are viewing things in a simplistic, black and white fashion, when reality is in fact rarely like that. You're welcome to my previous last sentence - but if your memory wasn't so selective you'd realise that it was nopthing that I hadn't said more than once before on this very site...

  3. Green Hut

    Jun 15, 2013, 14:34 #35797

    Chris- On the contrary, John Cross has for years consistently stated that Wenger has money to spend but is reluctant to do so. Is he retracting on that now? Matt Scott and Amy Lawrence have also recently stated that Wenger has for years had substantial money to spend. The press information really isn't very conflicting at all, as much as you would like it to be, I've yet to read an article that says Wenger has had little or no money to spend, and while of course we have more money this year along with everyone else, the fact that the 2008 Fiszman quote that Shaun Custis used included a specific figure of £30m for a player really doesn't do your argument any favours. If my 'get it' comment genuinely worried you, I apologise, I didn't realise you were such a sensitive soul. I simply meant that his view concurs with mine. And thanks for your last sentence, an admission of sorts that Wenger's false economies have cost Arsenal dearly.

  4. Chris

    Jun 15, 2013, 8:46 #35783

    Green Hut - Well I'll see your Shaun Custis and raise you a John Cross... Thanks for pointing that out though - simply illustrates what I have said seemingly thousands of times now, ie that you can't read much into what's said in the printed press becuase there's so much conflicting information. What I find worrying about your post is the statment that Custis "gets it" - as if you KNOW you're right and e.g. John Corss (a man acknowledged to have the inside track on Arsenal) is wrong. Not very open-minded is it? In reality, I suspect the situation is, as ever, something between the two extremes. E.g. Wenger has had money to spend, but not as much as people think and not enough to get him his top targets (recently suggested by Tim Stillman, for instance), hence he has felt it better to hold on to it because the players he could get wouldn't see him competing for the title and he could get top 4 without the. The latter is demonstrably true - the former more debatable given that we all know there have been some holes that could have been filled by second tier type players to good effect...

  5. ando

    Jun 14, 2013, 19:02 #35772

    i seem to remember the two year wait starting last year (gazidis words then)???? now its two years again???? is this the same groundhog 2 years that the club think we will all believe again and again. over and over and over again will it be two years again next season ivan????

  6. Chris

    Jun 14, 2013, 12:07 #35747

    Green Hut - Get's what? Haven't seen it so can't comment. Am off out but will take a look and comment when I'm back.

  7. Green Hut

    Jun 14, 2013, 12:04 #35746

    Chris- Even Shaun Custis in today's Sun gets it.

  8. Ron

    Jun 14, 2013, 11:12 #35745

    Rocky RIP - Greatt points mate. Total respect for your view as ever, esp on away trips. Ive only ever done 3 euro trips, but still love away day league games, now and then, and i would defy anybody or any Club who suggests they have a better away fan support than us lot. The away days for me now are 99% of the games i do still go to for all the reasons you state. Isnt it sad, when we avoid our own ground!I really dislike the sterilty of the place. Im sure changes throughout the Club from top to bottom can alter it, provided theyre the right changes. Highbury was often far from a throbbing cauldron but it had many moments when it was. In 7 years of this place i can honestly refer to 3 games tops where the roof was coming off and in one of those games, the fervour only lasted 9 mins!! The younger fans are the future and they do need to kick up about things now in ways which us older set rarely did. I hope they do and also hope youre right that Clubs are re thinking the fans place in the grander scheme of things.

  9. Chris

    Jun 14, 2013, 10:59 #35744

    Green Hut - Well let's see what happens this window. I'm not going to go back on what I've said before - I'm still expecting proper spending on proper players and if it doesn't happen, I'll re-assess in the light of what does. As for the past, as you know either side of the 'unexpended resources' deabte and point to 'evidence' to support their case so I think that argument is moot for the timebeing.

  10. Green Hut

    Jun 14, 2013, 10:43 #35743

    Chris- Glad you added 'with what has been spent' at the end of your post, because until Wenger is brave and ambitious enough to use all the financial resourses at his disposal, there will be no achievement worth talking about.

  11. Chris

    Jun 14, 2013, 10:14 #35742

    No comment on the veracity of those figures from Kevin? One correction and clarification I would make to my earlier post is that, on re-reading, I can see Kevin is probably talking about total outgoings without taking into account tranfer revenue. In my opinion, that's doesn't make much sense. I'm still curious about what period the figures are for, and would also point out that for every Man Utd, Tottenham and Everton who, like Arsenal I would add, have over-achieved, there's a Man City, Chelsea and Liverpool... If you don't get the actualities correct, your conclusions are less likely to be correct and it's still demonstrable that with what has been spent, Arsenal have over-achieved....


    Jun 14, 2013, 10:09 #35741

    Rocky RIP,just a couple of points,in replying to your last post.I need to say and endorse this,no group of peoples has a monopoly on passion.So I agree wholeheartedly with you on this aspect.In the '69 Final with Swindon,a ball,close to the end of time,with us losing 0-1,came into the goalmouth we were attacking,I was right behind the goal.Stroller just needed to touch it and it was a goal.He couldn't quite get a toe to it,and it rolled wide,(Bobby Gould scored a moment later to take us into extra time).We had been pounding them,and as Stroller missed the touch, I stamped down so hard in frustration I hurt my spine.I suffer with back problems today partly due to this.Passion?Yeah,there was passion tied up in that frustrated action certainly.Passion,love of a club,is universal,it is an axiom.However,having established,and agreed upon the fact that they,whoever they happen to be,are not more passionate,or love their club any more than us,I have to mention the following.Passion,being a human trait,means it is not exclusive,or displayed in one obvious style,like the idiocy of my pent-up foot stamping. Why even sedate,conservative operatic audiences are pasionate.This brings me onto the 'plastics' and 'daytrippers'.Just a word of advice for you,it's not wise to tarnish all with the same brush,just because they fit certain criteria.I may well be one you talk of,and yet, am sure if we met,face to face,we would instantly become Gooner buddies.You see I live a way away from the Grove,have many commitments,and not enough time or dosh to become a core supporter.Many boring reasons so won't go into them,but listen pal,in spirit at least,I stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

  13. Rocky RIP

    Jun 14, 2013, 9:23 #35738

    @Ron - I take all your points, and pretty much agree, sadly. Although I'm not having it for one moment that northern fans are more passionate, care more and are more wedded to their clubs. We have as many, if not more, fans of this ilk, who live, breathe and sh*t Arsenal. Unfortunately they are diluted by the plastics, daytrippers, JCLs and corporates at home games. It's at far flung European aways in some god forsaken sh*t hole on a miserable Tuesday night that you see the core support and Arsenal more than hold their own. The idea that the geordies, for example, are somehow more loyal, passionate, etc is utter drivel - a myth. Their attendances can fluctuate wildly to levels we'd never stoop to. Clubs like Liverpool and Everton do have a solidarity we lack, but I blame that on the shifting fanbase at Arsenal, which I detest. Anyway, I agree about the 'customers' bit and how we're just a cash cow, bums on seats, no voice, etc. However, I think clubs are starting to wake up a bit and realise that, indeed, football without fans is nothing. Modern football has played a perilous game with the loyalty of fans for too long, pushing many to the brink with extortionate prices, alienating them with a bland, sanitised 'matchday experience' and if it isn't careful it'll bite it on the a***. If you treat fans as customers, you end up with the passionless, slient, daytripping fans you deserve. However, we are not poweless against this trend. People speaking up in numbers can and does make a difference.


    Jun 14, 2013, 8:54 #35736

    Ron,I like a lot of what you have to say.Your post to Rocky RIP,NO.38480,was full of sense.I would just pitch in my two penn'orth.There is a big difference between north-south attitudes,as you so rightly say.As a Londoner,but with a northern father,I,like you, could see those differences at first hand.Without the north(Scotland specifically included),we would always have a Tory Government,and no change-that is effectively what conservatism seeks to protect,the status quo.Mobilisation to acquire change?No chance at Arsenal.Generally the only time people mobilise from these quarters,the south,is when their masters tell them to go off and fight some imagined enemy,then they can't go fast enough.

  15. Rob

    Jun 14, 2013, 7:59 #35734

    So we're the next Bayern are we ? I thought we were going to be the next Barca'? Has anyone ever stopped to think how nice it would be if we could just be 'Arsenal' ? Fellani for £23 million seems eminently reasonable and if you paid £11 million for Gervinhio, he - Fellani - is a bargain. Perhaps Wenger thinks Everton should give him to us for nothing ? Our rivals are all moving on the Transfer market front and Jose in particular doesn't hang about. Any sign of Wenger ? Or is he off on holiday. By this time next month, we'll doubtless find out.

  16. Gaz

    Jun 14, 2013, 7:46 #35733

    @Ron: Don't want to agree with you but I think you're spot on. I honestly reckon if this exact same scenario (Wenger going nine years without a trophy and us being owned by the useless kroenke) were being played out in the north east/west Wenger would have gone two years ago and kroenke would have been hounded out by now. Indeed the lack of protests against kroenke absolutely staggers me.

  17. Ron

    Jun 14, 2013, 7:33 #35731

    Rocky - The thing is mate is that is isn't 'our Club'. Its a corporate and its no more ours than Sainsburys is, unless you've got a few shares of course. The first duty of a business is to its shareholders and Arsenal do that, whether we like it or not. Fans are nearly irrelevant in modern day football, so much so that they're a bit of a nuisance actually, though the Club will never of course say it. Thats what footballs become. You and me are just customers, in my case now, an occasional one. On your point about fans, those who support the northern Clubs are by and large more passionate and ingrained in their Clubs still.London fans in my view (and i say this as an exiled Londoner) have never been wedded to Clubs like they are in the central and northern areas. Not near to it. Football is just another thing in London and isn't in the main ingrained in the natives psyche. Look how that rabble of plastics at Chelsea turned on their own boss - Benitez. I couldn't see that happening anywhere except at a London Club i'm sad to say. My partner is an Everton fan so i know how they are. Our fans have been putty in the Clubs hands as long as ever i can recall. Far too tolerant and compliant.

  18. Rocky RIP

    Jun 13, 2013, 22:29 #35727

    @Moscow - ''Interesting also that Everton supporters - 22,500 of them apparently - have blocked the 'infantilisation' of their club crest, while we've have to put up with an embarrassing Disney cannon. Why can't we mobilise as effectively to save our club and protect its history??'' - we can and do. The BSM/Where has our Arsenal gone? started as a reaction to things such as the rebranding of the club and the tacky cartoon cannon. Despite serious misconceptions, it's about preserving the club's heritage and image. Things that made us fall in love with Arsenal before the corporate rebranding. Most members are Arsenal to the core and care passionately about stuff such as club crests, proper away kit colours, having a bona fide Clock End, etc. Although I agree, we should mobilise against having such an abominations thrust upon us like Everton have done. It's OUR club.

  19. Ray

    Jun 13, 2013, 18:54 #35722

    Tell me please what world beaters we added to our squad for the 2003/04 season which tipped the balance and made us go the whole season unbeaten. The WOB's have all gone quiet.


    Jun 13, 2013, 14:35 #35709

    Touche!Stroud Green Road Boy. You make a good point.I don't disagree with much of what you say,it's obviously well thought out,and comes from the heart.I just disagree with the approach,and,or,the remedy.We do want the same thing though.One thing,I know it is an injury thing,but I think Rosicky has more football in his little finger than Theo has in his entire body!Hang on a minute,make that his little toe,he's just hurt his little finger.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 13:48 #35708

    Gaz,not sure that there would be that much of a back lash if he were to be sacked, would it really come as a surprise, if there was any anger it would probably be because many reckon he should have at least one more chance at glory and to put everything right then go out on a high with dignity even though he's already had eight seasons. TKOP has certainly put pressure on ogl to spend now and spend big and if he doesn't there will certainly be a back lash alright from all fans no matter what side of the fence they sit, surely his most ardent apologists couldn't defend him then.Maybe as you say TKOP knows this he's certainly covering his own arse at the minute and maybe that's intentional because he knows what we all know ogl is stubborn and won't be dictated to and can see whats coming.

  22. Ron

    Jun 13, 2013, 13:47 #35707

    Gaz - No mate, dont worry. Diaby is cemented in as 'like a new signing ' already. The stuff about Fellaini is just tosh. Abou is safe and we ll enjoy his 4 starts next season as per the norm! How would the Club manage without him?

  23. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 13, 2013, 13:30 #35705

    Why yes, Badarse, now you've landed the 'below the belt' blow of CL football, I'm doubled up and there is no way I can respond. Yes, imagine no CL football at AFC - we wouldn't be able to keep hold of our best players, we wouldn't be able to sign those top, top quality players we do, we wouldn't be able to challenge strongly for trophies as we did once again last season. Yes, imagine if we had Joe Cole instead of Gervinho, or instead of relying on Rosicky and Diaby. The consequences don't bear thinking about.

  24. Gaz

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:54 #35703

    @maguiresbridge gooner: Was wondering why Gazidis/Kroenke would stand for it and this came to me. Immagine that in reality they're both unhappy with Wengers performance and secretly would like a change of manager. They can't simply sack him because they know the general reaction from fans would be one of anger and it would be directed right back at them. They can't even question him because they know the press/fans would pick up on it straight away with rumours of rifts etc. Once again if sides were to be taken the majority of fans would still side with Wenger. So they decide to back him 100% but lay the foundations for pressure to be put on Wenger with comments about how much he has to spend etc. They know full well that Wenger being Wenger will dig his heels in yet the seeds have been sown and if we dont make some big signings the fans will have to make the difficult decision of blaming Wenger. I reckon the split amongst fans is 33% in favour of him, 33% against him, and 33% slap bang in the middle. It wont take much for them to move against him though and another poor summer coupled with a bad start to the season might just see them move over to the 'dark side'. And with that ammount of fan pressure against Wenger it might just be enough to make him walk. Gazidis once said that ultimately the fans will decide Wengers fate and this way those same fans might just do a job they're unwilling to do themselves.

  25. Moscow Gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:46 #35702

    Ray - 'only an idiot...' etc. you don't get titles for finishing the season well, or starting it well for that matter. Since 2004 we have been unable to mount a season long challenge. That's why we need to strengthen the squad. But zero confidence that we will: AW has become bigger than the club and will be around for as long as Putin is President of Russia, ie until about 2030... As a supporter since '68 and a season ticket holder since '97, I've had enough of the spin: no more ST for me. Interesting also that Everton supporters - 22,500 of them apparently - have blocked the 'infantilisation' of their club crest, while we've have to put up with an embarrassing Disney cannon. Why can't we mobilise as effectively to save our club and protect its history??

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:33 #35700

    Gaz, yes exactly the same scenario was discussed on here some time ago, the more fans call for something the less chance they are of getting it, another example of nobody's going to tell me what to do ?

  27. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:31 #35699

    Ray - I now see the light. I am an idiot. There is no need to strengthen the Arsenal squad and trophies are definitely coming with who we already have. Honestly, I'm such a numpty sometimes...

  28. Gaz

    Jun 13, 2013, 12:23 #35698

    @R C Sproul: I see your point. I mean missing out on them allowed us to sign the likes of Park, Squillaci and Santos....


    Jun 13, 2013, 11:37 #35690

    Well Stroud Green Road Boy,I assume your question was legitimate,rather than ironic,so here goes.I mentioned Joe Cole.Had he been signed our season may have been worse than it was.These are the assumptions and mental gymnastics we,each of us perform,when making judgements and predictions.I think this is going to seem a bit below the belt,and I promise you it isnt,we may have just missed Champions League football.Whoops,I've said it now,haha.

  30. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Jun 13, 2013, 10:49 #35687

    BadArse and RC Sprout - what would have been the terrible consequences if we had bought some of those names you mentioned? We wouldn't have won any trophies in recent years?


    Jun 13, 2013, 10:36 #35685

    A very perceptive observation R C Sprout.It's so easy to say buy.The consequences are always there to haunt you.Conveniently many names proffered by supporters,not bought,are then forgotten as life moves on.A reflection,as in your comment,is a good case to answer.Most fans would have rubbed their hands together at the little spiv,Joe Cole becoming an Arsenal player.I was relieved he didn't arrive.I get no plaudits for my view on this.I give you mine.

  32. R C Sproul

    Jun 13, 2013, 10:09 #35683

    The trouble is Gaz Wenger is normally right and you gits are normally wrong. If you dullards would have had your way we would have Parker, Samba, Jo Cole, and a host of other losers playing for us now.

  33. Gaz

    Jun 13, 2013, 9:49 #35682

    Interesting discussion on twitter suggesting they've (a regular and well respected 'tweeter') been told that the more Wengers pushed into buying players the more he simply digs his heels in. A reply suggested they'd heard the same thing (lets face it we've ALL heard it!) and its his dithering that see's us miss out on the bigger targets. I think we can safely say the more we hear about us buying big name players the more Wenger won't in a bid to prove he's right and everybody else is wrong...

  34. Ray

    Jun 13, 2013, 8:49 #35677

    Only an idiot would say we had to strengthen. With the finish to the season we had with comfortably beating the European champions on their home soil and winning 10 and drawing 2 of our last 12 league games it would be silly to upset the balance of the team. Plus the younger players are all improving and will be better this year round and new signings could knock their confidence. Also the times we've been champions in the past we haven't relied on big signings, this is the usual quick fix the WOB's call for every year.

  35. Reg

    Jun 13, 2013, 7:53 #35675

    Lets face it all this £70m to spend was just to get fans to renew ST's.It happens every year.Fellaini has a buy out clause like Mata did two years ago but are we going to match the buy out clause? not a chance.We will sign some dross from Ligue 2 and a couple of 17 year old Africans.Its Wengers way.And its the wrong way.Gazidis is footballs answer to Alistair Campbell spin spin spin

  36. Gaz

    Jun 13, 2013, 6:45 #35673

    Had to laugh at the Mirrors story this morning that Wengers stalling on a move for Fellani. Don't want to believe it but boy oh boy does that sound like typical Wenger! My guess is that there's probably an element of truth in it in that we are interested but Wengers waiting for a progress report on......yep you've guessed it, DIABY!!!

  37. 1975

    Jun 12, 2013, 20:49 #35665

    Gazidis and, to a certain extent, Wenger have both stressed more emphatically that they are now ready to spend in a way that they have not done before. Of course Im cynical that these were announcements to get season ticket waverers over the line. Still, if nothing apart from the normal mediocre players are bought in then I think there will be real anger amongst the fans who will feel that they have been betrayed again. The irony is that even if the club do go after the very best, would those players come even if we make every effort to sign them? Have Arsenal now established a reputation as a club in decline, where the best players have left and the manager is past his glorious best. I guess it depends on what other offers they get. I dont get the sense that Arsenal would be a first choice for Rooney, Higuain, Jovetic, Lewandoski or Cesc for that matter. It depends on who else shows an interest in these and other top players.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 12, 2013, 18:17 #35662

    Joe S. I couldn't agree more with your post, apart from the piece where Gazidis is a second rate spin doctor he's not mate, he's the best, at the top of his profession, the king of spin.

  39. Toby

    Jun 12, 2013, 17:18 #35661

    Mourinho said in an interview yesterday that he was hoping to finish fourth, though many on here often quote Mourinho as someone who wouldn't tolerate fourth. AVB said today Spurs cannot finish in fourth and would happily finish fifth again and Brendon Rogers said he'd be happy with sixth as that meant Liverpool were improving, so that leaves Arsenal fighting it out with the Mancs for the title. I can't wait for the new season to start, can you?

  40. gary

    Jun 12, 2013, 16:50 #35660

    The trouble is Wenger is under no pressure in his job.We all know even if we had missed out on CL football next year the loser would have kept his job.He should be set a target now bollocks to 4th place if he doesnt win the league next season he is out end of.No more celebrating a fourth place finish like its a CL win.I want a manager who treats 4th as failure.His contract runs out next year anyway so the board should do the honourable thing and sack him.Talk about giving him a new contract now like Gazidis the snake is doing is total bull****

  41. jjetplane

    Jun 12, 2013, 16:09 #35659

    Play the what man! Any more of that and you will ready for a job at that other russian club. I look forward to the day when our team has at least two chechens on the board who will kick out all the freeloaders starting with elder clubsman Wenger! And you know with Fabgas probably going to manchester and 'special one' going back to your other club Kev (just ribbing) the PL is definitely moving like the tory party - backwards and getting richer by the minute. Myself - cannot wait for the Ryman to kick off again. Even Blue Sq is getting too lairee for my liking. .... For one more da di da.

  42. Ken

    Jun 12, 2013, 15:38 #35657


  43. Joe S.

    Jun 12, 2013, 14:03 #35655

    What a laugh, something akin to swollowing razor blades, hearing Gazidize's ambitions for Arsenal.The problem of comparing Arsenal to Bayern Munich is that the German club are run by true footballing people,often ex players who know football and have played some part in their club's rich history. People who live and breathe the club in other words. Where do Gazidis and his boss Stan the man fit in comparison. As a second rate spin doctor he can say what he wants but in the real world he is just talking through his arse.

  44. mkherd89

    Jun 12, 2013, 8:17 #35653


  45. DW Thomas

    Jun 12, 2013, 2:56 #35652

    Bayern Munich? He's taking the piss. What team would go undefeated, then get to a CL final, and fall as far as we have? No one, that's who! All of this decline has come under Wenger's watch. I say give him one more year to get a serious challenge for at least 2 or 3 titles next season before even thinking of offering him a new contract. This should be his last chance, no more. He is still living off past glories, but, that has dried up. Bayern got to 3 finals in the last 4, should have won it last year as well, and just hired Guardiola. Plus they nabbed Gotze, another one Wenger failed to get. That is why they are champions my friends! Despite my doubts, he is probably still owed one more shot, but it must start with the summer. If no significant improvements are made and we are out of the title race by Feb. again, then h must be removed. Rebuild with new ideas. Need we remind ourselves of the Man U 8-2 thrashing, Milan 4-0, thi year's cup exits, the deadwood players, Almunia, lost transfer targets, losing two captains in 2 years, the list goes on and on. Again, the time he earned from past success is used up. Success or its time to start new! Show the intent this summer.

  46. Ray

    Jun 11, 2013, 23:59 #35651

    The line about 'playing the white man' goes further back than British colonialism, it actually goes back to the American wild west of around 1860 and the punishments dished out by the American cavalries and the native Indians. An Indian found innocent on trial would be given 2 years hard labour for wasting the courts time or be hanged if found guilty. A white cavalryman if found innocent by the Indians would be scalped and sent home. If found guilty he would suffer the horrible punishment of being hung by his codlings from a totem pole. Hence the expression to 'play the white man' is better.

  47. gee

    Jun 11, 2013, 22:21 #35650

    Haha be like bayern?? They have some top class players yet every year they buy a 25m+ signing. Wenger is so scared of squad competition hed never do such a thing As long as he's here we will not buy world class talent to push us to the next level as he's obsessed with value

  48. Mark

    Jun 11, 2013, 21:01 #35649

    Great article. Well done. Unfortunately, our club is being taken to the dogs by a pack of wolves. If I had any tears left, it would bring me to tears....

  49. Arsenal4Life

    Jun 11, 2013, 20:57 #35648

    I think we can become a major force in european football. Wenger is not only the best manager in England, but the best in the world! And he has to get another chance to prove it now.


    Jun 11, 2013, 20:02 #35646

    Well Green Hut,I'm not sure about the moral high ground,but anyway,back to business,which I do differently to you.I find much in life amusing,if I didn't try to laugh when I could I'd probably just go under.Kev's piece?As earlier stated,informative,and a great service he did the likes of me.My views on the meeting?Well I think it was a cleverly(?)staged PR job.Gazidis treads the corporate party line like a well practised tightrope walker.I am sure he has been more than happy that the manager has consistently brought home the bacon.His promises are whisps of smoke.I don't think he is hanging the manager out to dry either.It is either understood policy that money will be spent,therefore his words are empty,or if money isn't spent there will be an excuse.I have no faith in anyone who controls my personal interests.Cynical,yes,pessimistic,almost certainly,but a lifetime of putting trust in these types makes you apply a different approach to their intentions.What to do about it?Search me.Things will change when the wheel stops spinning,at the moment it still revolves.Still,I live in hope of better days to come.I think that's humble enough.

  51. Carlos

    Jun 11, 2013, 19:51 #35645

    Totally agree that the CEO is hanging the manager out to dry. I think the two sides of the debate over whether or not or by how much the manager was hamstrung in his transfer dealings in the immediate aftermath of the stadium move, are irreconcilable and should be lain to rest. The truth now would appear to be that there is a great deal of money available for buying top top players, without whom we have no hope of competing. As you ask however, can the leopard change its spots? I doubt it, and believe that the more the CEO is implicitly critical of him in the press the more stubborn he will become, especially if he feels it is he who has the owner's ear. Judge him in September

  52. Phillip J. Fry

    Jun 11, 2013, 19:46 #35644

    Words! Nothing but sweet, sweet words that turn into bitter orange wax in my ears.

  53. Enough is Enough

    Jun 11, 2013, 18:48 #35642

    Remember the Robert Redford/Paul Newman film "The Sting" that had nothing on what Wenger/Gazidis/Kroenke are doing to our club.Every year tell the fans we have £70m to spent watch the poor fools renew their season tickets.Then come september 1st turn around and say the quality players we wanted to sign were not avaiable.So here have Gervinho Santos Squillaci Chamakh Park and Le Champman instead.They do it every year and the fans fall for it.Just to remind you Wenger and Gazidis took £10m out of the club in wages last season.And they will do it for the next 4 season because Wenger aint going nowhere till 2018.If Kroenke and Gazidis really cared about Arsenal as a succesful football club on the pitch Wenger would be sacked and replaced by Jepp Heynckes but as we all know Arsenal has nothing to do with football.Only Usmanov can save us now but it maybe too later.

  54. Whinger_OUT_NOW

    Jun 11, 2013, 17:54 #35641

    Kevin, going soft on Gazidis are we? He might well be laying the blame on Whinger now insinuating that the blame lies with Whinger for not spending but where's the blame for acting as Whinger's cuckold for the last 4 years? Why was he content being a rubber stamp, at a salary in excess of a million a year, when Whinger was signing Squilacci on 55k/week? Or when WHinger was overpaying for a fat Santos while Enrique went to Pool? Or being a silent observer to the indulgence of Diaby in the last 3 years? What's the money count blown on Diaby so far? A good 15-16M, I would reckon? As the CEO, was it not his duty to reign in the manager on such mad decisions? That you should allow him so much leeway after he's spent the last 4 years being Whinger's cuckold is unacceptable. And as someone else pointed out in the comments, how about critisizing him for talking bollocks about being Bayern Part 2 whilst unable to match Birmingham, Swansea and Wigan's trophy count in the last 8 years?

  55. Ron

    Jun 11, 2013, 17:35 #35640

    Why do people get so offended by anything to do with race. I live in a house where there's four different races eight people altogether. When we are annoyed with each other we call each other every name under the sun. There were twelve of us at one time but four got offended and left over the years, which just shows that they are self righteous insecure characters.

  56. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Jun 11, 2013, 17:01 #35637

    Website Ed. The term "playing the white man" is almost certainly an anachronistic phrase, from the days when phrases which would now be considered racist were common, but I do not think that it is connected with race prejudice other than that people who uttered it saw correct behaviour as the obligation of the colonial powers and especially britain. A better term then or now would be "playing with a straight bat" to denote compliance with the rules and ethics of cricket. In any event what I think was meant to be conveyed was more that Gazidis maintained something equivalent to "cabinet responsibility" or maintaining publicly that relationship of trust and confidence which must exist between employer (the club) and employee (OGL). Semantics aside, let us hope for all our sakes that the contract negotiations are essentially window dressing and that Wenger will simply be allowed to leave at the end of another dreadful season. His departure cannot come soon enough, and as he embarks on the final chapter of his dacade of failure, I find myself regretting that he ever came. The highs were lovely but the lows are intolerable and endless.

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 11, 2013, 16:48 #35636

    Kev,it's sad apologies were necessary, as regulars on here know that there was absolutely nothing racial or bigoted meant or intended,just as we know nothing like that would be tolerated from yourself, or anyone of us.

  58. Green Hut

    Jun 11, 2013, 16:34 #35635

    BADARSE- Give it a rest, everyone can see after 6 posts you've established the high moral ground over a couple of throwaway words from Kev. Anything to comment on re the content of his substantial editorial bar those 2 words? Gazidis's clear frustration with Wenger perhaps?

  59. Ron

    Jun 11, 2013, 16:06 #35634

    Just substitute 70 Mill for the 30 Mill figure they used to trot out until about 2 years back. Theyre spending no cash down there, other than what it takes to buy some more Afro/ French skinny Diaby look alikes. It all bull****e and aimed at those idiots that still want to believe it.

  60. Barry

    Jun 11, 2013, 16:02 #35633

    Bayern would never keep on a manager who had won nothing for 8 years would they Gazidis?Fergie was asked in one of his last interviews what would happen if he went 5 years without a trophy at Utd.He said it would never happen.Never.Arsenal have become a club that excepts 4th place as success.We pay a manager £7.5m a year and a CEO £2.5m for what? A football club is judged on what happens on the pitch not the bank balance and history is made by winning titles and cups.Between 99-05 if we finished 2nd it was a disappointment and that was in a 38,000 stadium. It is now an achievement according to Ivan the Terrible to creep into the top 4 every year.Gazidis should be selling used cars in Barking


    Jun 11, 2013, 15:36 #35632

    Kevin,the black/white thing is trial and error.I am not a wordsmith,but I believe that providing it isn't aimed at people in a comparative way it's fine.So it's OK to say blacklist,blackmail,black look,black mood,and courtesy of The Rolling Stones,paint it black.Hope this hasn't blackened my name.


    Jun 11, 2013, 15:21 #35630

    Green van, er I mean Green Man, just a little straightener, Kev meant what he wrote, it is an archaic term and it carries with it the curse of our colonial ancestors. He is a good lad and retracted it immediately,job done.PC,is a horrible expression to me.It is usually used by the right-wing mobsters to sneak in any criticisms of sensible-minded people under cloak of darkness.Remember without PC we would have children going up chimneys again,and football clubs charging the earth for admission.Well done for defending Kevin though,you too are a top man and a 'top gun'

  63. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jun 11, 2013, 14:59 #35629

    Good to hear from you again Kev, I'm sure TKOS was on good form isn't he always ? just like the 100k a week man he can sure talk a good game. This unequivocal message that we've all been hearing over and over again lately, or going public(some have another name for it)is that the moneys there now, along with ambition, to help take us back to the top again but it's up to wenger,yes TKOS is keeping himself right and covering his back,( he's showing good faith) but at the end of the day it's not him who scouts,buys,selects the players,gives team talks,etc,so it's over to ogl to show us if he has still got it, to show us he's still up to it,to show us he's REALLY STILL the right man for the job,to get us back to where we belong, competing with the top teams, challenging for real honors,and even winning them, regardless the length of his new contract we'll not have long to wait.

  64. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Jun 11, 2013, 14:48 #35628

    well ivan,if we are a buying club now, please get on with it and not let chelsea et all steal your targets after arsenal have done all the scouting and we are left looking at fourth choices again.

  65. Green Hut

    Jun 11, 2013, 14:43 #35627

    Bard- Considering 1. last week Gazidis almost guaranteed Wenger a new contract and 2. the amount of hand-wringers on this site and others, there will continue to be very little pressure on the manager to actually win trophies, other than from the press. Would be fascinating to see Rooney come in on £200k a week though, would that mean to satisfy Wenger's principles and egalitarian wage policy the likes of Chamakh and Djourou would get a rise to £150k? Money well spent I'm sure.

  66. Bard

    Jun 11, 2013, 14:39 #35626

    Peter Wain totally agree. Doesn't matter how much we have to spend if he keeps buying rubbish. No one decent is going to come to us unless we start paying proper money. He will have to outbid other clubs. At present it seems like ours is the starting point and the others just come in with a few monre millions and at that point Wenger throws in the towel.

  67. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Jun 11, 2013, 14:10 #35625

    I don't trust or believe in anything Gazidis says. He's the archetypal twenty first century corporate vessel.

  68. Bard

    Jun 11, 2013, 13:42 #35624

    Interesting read Kev. Reading between the lines he seems to be making clear that there is money to spend and that the ball is in Wengers court. I wonder whether he is suggesting that the Boss is under pressure now in a way he hasn't before. Reading your article would suggest that he can no longer hide behind the 'no oney'argument. The pictures complicated because I don't believe that Wenger would be willing to pay the required wages (£200k per week) to get the top players, as we all know he loves to bargain shop.

  69. Seven Kings Gooner

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:57 #35622

    Sign Cesc? - and miss out on a hefty signing on clause, you must be having "tinny"

  70. Gaz

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:55 #35621

    Excellent stuff Kev. Must admit as much as I detest the general running of the Club theres no doubt that Gazidis does his job well and he should be commended for at least having the bottle to face up to the fans (wheres Wenger?). As for what he said it sure does feel like he's saying they've done their jobs and now its up to Wenger to do his (better!). As for Wenger and this new deal despite my own reservations I can kind of see why the board would offer him one rather than look elsewhere. After all-and despite my own critisism-we really are just a Higuain and Fellani away from really competing WITH Wenger whereas a new man would probably want time to settle and might even want to change things the Club feel uncomfortable about. My God!!! Thats just about the first remotely positive thing I've said in regards to Wenger in three years!!! Thing is as negative as I've been the simple fact is he's going nowhere so I may as well (for now at least) hope he does the right thing...

  71. The Light Green Man

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:53 #35620

    Lol, BADARSE Yeah, I can't stand this PC World we live in. We're getting shafted by politicians and bankers on a daily basis and people get riled up about the use of the words 'black & white.' Sad. Although, I do think Kev's use of the word here is a tad naughty... I just think he got it mixed up with White Knight which is a commonly used (and non-offensive) phrase. He definitely didn't mean anything by it though, just one of those things...

  72. Hawley and Hankin

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:50 #35619

    Whilst I agree that a comparitive transfer and wages spend needs to be offset by transfer income received, I still think that Spurs have been doing much better business in the last few years. Vertongen, Lloris and Dembele were great signings which they brought in from the sale of players such as Modric (£27million). If you consider that Gervinho, Podolski and Giroud cost in the region of £35 million and have a goal per game ratio of 5, 3 and 3 it is not comparable to the £5 million that they spent on Adebayour (I’m not suggesting Arsenal signed him) who has a goal every 2.5 games. Granted Sigurdsson and Dempsey haven’t pulled up any trees for the £13 million spent on them but Dempsey still bagged a few from a wide position. In 2011 they somehow managed to bag £12 million for Crouch, the majority of which was shrewdly spent on Scott Parker. In 2010 Arsenal brought in Chamakh on a free but on an estimated £95k per week. He’s managed 5 goals in 40 appearances. The same year Spurs brought in Van der Vart for £8 million who netted 24 in 63 games aside from his overall contribution to their game. They also pocketed £10 for him when he left. You’d also have to ask the question Bale or Walcott? For all the flannel we hear about the Champions League bringing better players to the club I reckon Spurs did better business than Arsenal last year without getting qualification. Ok they didn’t make the CL this year but if they pocket £75million for Cheetah I bet they spend it better than Arsene


    Jun 11, 2013, 12:41 #35618

    Green Man,White man,yes,now black knight,white knight,don't confuse us,Green Man,haha.Oh,boy,I'm feeling blue.Come on noodles,sink your teeth into this one.

  74. Peter Wain

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:35 #35616

    Personally I see little attraction in going along and being lied to year after year by the snake oil salesman. Every year we start the transfer window off full of promises indeed the year when we bought 5 players on the last day were preceded by reams of articles claiming the club were negotiating for every player under the sun. This year has started off the same and I have little hope of any meaningful investment in the team. The truth is that the money we have had has been poorly spent. How we scouted fatty Santos Gervinho and Giroud is beyond me. Santos is a Sunday league full back at best and with a Sunday league stomach to boot and unless the scout was myopic he could not failed to have see that. As far as Gervinho he is by some margin the worst player we have bought in over a decade Again any decent scout could see he was worse than useless. As for Giroud great commitment but far too slow for the premiership. So far this window linked with Jovetic (but will go to Juve) linked to Rooney (will not come to us) and linked to Higuain (again go to Juve). All we have bought is a French 2 tier striker who has had 2 broken legs. And then there is fabregas we have first option but where will he go Manchester no doubt. So that leaves lots of money to be spent on who? We need at least 5 players but more likely will get only 2 or 3 and substandard recruits at that. At the end of the window a lecture of how difficult it is to buy players and how we have the strongest squad in our history. Sounds familiar sounds like the last eight transfer windows past.

  75. Chris

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:35 #35615

    Kevin - Interested to see the figures on wages + transfers for "2011-13" - so presumably this season and last? Where did they come from?! The figures for the financial period encompassing this season aren't published and the period has only just ended.... Man Utd's wage bill was around £20m per year bigger than Arsenal's for each of the five year's ending 2008-12 and they spent £25m per year on average more than Arsenal each of the six years ending 2007-2012 (from summaries in Swiss Ramble) - giving an average yearly out-spend of Arsenal by Man Utd for around £45m. So your figures don't add up i the slightest - man U have out spend Arsenal by considerably more than your figures suggest. Further points: 1) I don't have figures to hand but I'd be extremely surprised if Liverpool's spend (net transfers + wages) wasn't higher than Arsenal's, making FIFTH the par-point for our club; 2)the law of diminishing returns means greater investment is required for each increment in performance the higher your absolute level of performance (ie as you go higher up the table), so your concept of efficiency may be flawed; 3) Why not include Chelsea and Man City for context? The examples you give are the very best in terms of spend vs performance - and of course, Man Utd have until very recently had the 'best manager of all time'....


    Jun 11, 2013, 12:31 #35614

    Ease up Len. It's dealt with.

  77. Website Editor

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:29 #35613

    Len - Read down a bit before putting me on some kind of blacklist (ok, that was deliberate, but can anyone tell me what is the correct version of that word today?)

  78. The Green Man

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:29 #35612

    I think he meant to say WHITE KNIGHT. As in white denoting light, and black denoting dark. One has good intentions (light), one has bad (dark).

  79. Len

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:13 #35610

    "whilst still playing the white man and defending him" - I completely agree with underacheiver. What on earth are you suggesting with this? Seems completely uneccessary and you should consider retracting it immediately!

  80. Fed up

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:13 #35609

    2006: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2007: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2008: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2009: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2010: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2011: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2012: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years 2013: We'll dominate just give us a couple of years Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. YAWN. I'll tell you what Ivan sure. What's another couple of years between friends....Oh wait. Another 2 years will mark the TEN YEAR anniversary of Arsenal being trophyless you say?! SIGN ME UP! WOW what an achievement by Lord Arsene! A WHOLE DECADE in which he'd have managed to win less trophies than Wigan, Birmingham, Swansea, Portsmouth and Liverpool! And all for £7.5 mil a year! (maybe his new contract will reward him with a payrise, as Wenger FC is a club built on rewarding rubbish. The worse you are at your job, the more money you'll get!)

  81. Matt

    Jun 11, 2013, 12:13 #35608

    How much do Bayern Munich with their fantastic new stadium and Champions League title charge their loyal supporters to watch them? Any thoughts Arsenal fans?


    Jun 11, 2013, 12:04 #35607

    Well done Kevin.We inherit the zeitgeist of our formative years;sadly our history was so pock-marked with injustices and bigotry, that our language became a veritable minefield.You are a top man, a top Gooner!

  83. Website Editor

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:56 #35606

    Apologies for offence caused by the 'playing the white man' phrase. In truth, I don't get over-hung up with stuff like this. My own son is mixed race, so I would hope that use of un-PC phrases do not suggest I am a racial bigot. Worse crimes have been committed today, but I won't use it again as I guess that one is now on the banned list. Didn't really think about it at the time. Guess some of these are engrained over a lifetime, which I accept does not make them right.

  84. underacheiver

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:55 #35605

    Paddy - I don't for a minute think Kevin is raciest but of course the phrase has racial connotations - white man = decent & honest which infers that other colors aren't. Probably has its origins in the days of the British empire

  85. Green Hut

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:53 #35604

    You couldn't make it up, a CEO having to drag his manager kicking and screaming into spending ambitiously with readily available cash. And this has been happening for years. Unfortunately Wenger will always find a new excuse to do things his way, and while in the eyes of so many fans (to quote a recent poster on here) he will always be forgiven, nothing will change.

  86. Paddy

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:46 #35603

    Underachiever - Perhaps it's not a phrase you are familiar with, but if you are suggesting it has racial conotations, you are well wide of the mark in my opinion. It's typically used to suggest someone is being decent and trustworthy. I suggest you Google it's meaning.


    Jun 11, 2013, 11:43 #35602

    Thank you for the info Kevin, you have performed a real service.'Playing the white man',is a bit archaic though,don't you think?I put it down to an oversight. Thanks once more.

  88. LOL

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:40 #35601

    Great piece Kev. I mean this club is such a farce it's untrue but I have to say one thing, and that is that Gazidis has done his job well. He ha been very crafty and shifted the blame onto Wenger. Gazidis has gained Arsenal record revenue streams, which condiering we are a joke club that wins nothing, 8 years and counting, is remarkable work. Gazidis does not sign Gervinho, Giroud and Chamakh. Wenger does. Gazidis has made it 100% clear that there is BIG money there to be spent. All focus must be on Wenger, There's not been any excuses in my opinion, money has been there in reserves since 2008 but this incompetent manager is more desperate to prove he's some kind of footballing visionary by winning through spending nothing. Meanwhile, Martinez, McLeish and Laudrup have won trophies he couldn't dream of winning these days! Nothign will change this summer. All the Fabregas talk? He will join ManU if he comes back to UK. Please remember, he left because he was fed up of being surrounded by losers. COming back to realign with Djourou, Fabianski, Giroud, Gervinho, Ramsey and Scezney after winning trophies with Messi, Iniesta, Xavi, Villa and Busquets is not sthg he will want to do. As for Arsenal being the next Bayern? ROFL. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Bayern just won a Treble. Bayern have fired managers for finishing 2nd, meanwhile we have a loser who cannot beat Bradford and says 'I would take 2nd place for the next 20 years'. Say that s**** at a Bayern and you're sacked immediately. Bayern spend £40 mil on a big player every summer. Our idiot manager has Yaya Sanogo and shops in France. Bayern have a minimum objective trophy requirement for all managers, each season. The Arsenal manager is set no targets, but thinks 4th place is a trophy worth celebrating with champers on the final day of the season. I could go on, but until the incompetent overpaid manager who continues to blow our money on garbage players, and try to please his ego and not the Arsenal fans...we will go nowhere. Bayern? How about we try match Birmingham's trophy count over the past 8 years first.

  89. underacheiver

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:33 #35600

    I'm uncomfortable with your use of the phrase "playing the white man"


    Jun 11, 2013, 11:30 #35599

    While I agree with the sentiment you cannot just compare transfer and wages spent without taking off transfer income received. When this is taken into account I'm sure we would be 'mid table' with regard to our net spend. As a result we are punching above our weight. Whether we should be applauding this strategy however is another matter. The stadium project was supposed to be ring-fenced with regard to finances, but clearly this has not been the case. I wait with bated breath to see if this is the year we finally take the legendary 'handbrake' off our transfer spending!

  91. Harv Cape Town

    Jun 11, 2013, 11:21 #35598

    5 more years of bollocks and despair coming up, peeps....

  92. Tony

    Jun 11, 2013, 10:45 #35596

    We could be like Bayern.If.........We had a quality manager and bought quality players.Bayern have just appointed the world's best manager in Guardiola.Arsenal lack ambition.We are stuck with loser Wenger.Eight years and the penny still hasnt dropped.We are stuck in no mans land while the profits come rolling in year after year.Kroenke Gazidis and Wenger are killing our club.But the fans are just sitting back and taking it.Sad to hear you have fallen for the Usmanov smears by the board Kev.They dont want his sort here because he would sack Wenger and spend money