Gooner Survey Results – Part 4

Your thoughts on the owners and the Board.

Gooner Survey Results – Part 4

The Three Stooges

In the previous articles, I’ve already looked at the results of questions which related to last season, the playing staff and manager, and more general issues like ticket pricing and merchandise (links to these articles can be found at the end of this piece). Now it’s time to turn our attention upstairs to the directors box.

When The Gooner Survey was first run at the conclusion of the 1988/89 season the questions posed were almost exclusively about what happened on the pitch with a few about things like inflatables and membership cards thrown in for good measure. However, as more and more money has filtered into the game we’ve had to concern ourselves with ownership matters and business models, so for the last few years we’ve included questions relating to these areas, some of which members of the Arsenal Supporters Trust may recognise from the Trust’s own annual survey.

We started by asking for your thoughts on the self-sustainability business model which the club operates, where they only spend the revenues they raise, and whether this was the most appropriate course of action given the wealth of our major share holders, Stan Kroenke and Alisher Usmanov, the latter of whom was earlier this year revealed as the wealthiest man in Britain.

For the first time, a small majority (53%) now feel that we should seek investment from them and compete with the clubs such as Chelsea and Manchester City (and others throughout Europe) which appear to be funded by wealthy owners. This represents an increase of 3% compared to last year and as a result the number who support the self-sustaining model has fallen from 42% last year to 37% this time round. However in the AST survey, there was still a very strong backing for self-sustainability with 61% backing it as the model for the Club to follow.

At the time of writing I think I’m right in saying that we have the largest cash reserves of any club in the world, so I’m not sure how much good it would do if Stan and Alisher dipped into their bulging wallets to add to the cash pile! Perhaps the self-sustaining route is still viable given the increased revenues which the club are now generating from pre-season tours as well as new television and sponsorship deals. However, unless the money is spent wisely to help the performance on the pitch, it will be seen by many as failing model.


The next question concerned Stan Kroenke who has now been our majority shareholder for two years and we queried how satisfied you were with the way he has managed the club to date. Last year, 9% were “happy” with his ownership, but this year that number had fallen to just 3.5% who were either very satisfied or quite satisfied.

Whilst the survey was running, I took to Twitter to express surprise at the number of people who had said they were very satisfied and one of them, Jon Moody, came forward and pointed out that his reasons were contained in his article in defence of Gazidis in the last issue. His view was that Gazidis has the control and Stan lets him get on with it, which in Jon’s view is the right approach. Clearly not everyone agrees, but Jon certainly put a strong case for the defence.

Just under one in five people who answered this question were “fence-sitters”, which leaves a sizeable majority who are either quite (38%) or very (40%) dissatisfied. This result suggests Gooner readers are a harder bunch to please than AST members because in the AST survey, the percentage of dissatisfied voters was 15% lower.


Given the levels of dissatisfaction with Stan, it’s no surprise that Alisher Usmanov is now more popular than at any time since he first arrived on the scene six years ago. There is strong support (83%) for Usmanov’s investment vehicle Red and White Holdings, who own very close to 30% of the shares in Arsenal, to have representation on the Arsenal Board, but Ivan Gazidis batted away questions on this topic at the end of season Q&A and it seems quite clear that there is no likelihood of Usmanov or any of his people being invited into the Club’s inner sanctum any time soon.

An alternative approach might be if Red & White Holdings launched a formal takeover bid for the club, which incidentally they are not obligated to do if and when they reach a 30% stakeholding contrary to some misplaced speculation. There are no signs that Kroenke would accept an offer for his shares, but 42% of you would support a takeover, whilst only 18% would oppose. Of course, without knowing what their plans would be, it’s hard to decide which camp you would be in, but it’s clear there are some who feel that it couldn’t be any worse than the current regime.

Gazidis and the Board

What about the man tasked by Kroenke with over-seeing the smooth running of the club, Ivan Gazidis? He’s one smooth operator and has a politician’s ability to answer questions in such a long-winded manner that by the time he’s finished you can’t remember what the question was, let alone work out whether or not he actually answered it! Gooner Editor Kevin actually reprimanded him for this prior to the end of season Q&A session and he did seem to take the hint.

We simply asked how satisfied you were with his performance as Chief Executive and only 16% of you said you were, which is comparable to the 17% who said that he was doing a good job when we asked 12 months ago. Just over one in three sat on the fence and said they were neither satisfied or dissatisfied, which left 49% who were dissatisfied, including 22% who were very dissatisfied.

He has been at the helm as we have secured increased sponsorship deals and grown the revenues generated which is what he believes is his primary goal, so he certainly deserves some credit for that. However, whilst he is happy to leave the football side of things to Arsene Wenger, there is a view that Gazidis does not hold him accountable enough and given that it’s commonly accepted that Ivan was interviewed by Wenger prior to be offered the role, it’s easy to see why there are question marks about who is whose boss!

Gazidis is by far the youngest member of the Arsenal Board at 48 and it’s been suggested for some time that new appointments are needed. An overwhelming 86% of you share this viewpoint and many of those commented that we need a football man back in the Boardroom, something which has been missing since David Dein’s acrimonious departure. Just 2% did not feel any new appointments were required, with the remainder either “not sure” or did not have a view.

With Peter Hill-Wood stepping down from his role as Chairman at the start of the summer, it seemed liked a perfect opportunity to introduce someone who could bring new skills to the table but instead it was decided to promote from within and Sir Chips Keswick will be the man who leads the AGM meeting this year.

Tim Payton of the Arsenal Supporters Trust wrote an interesting article for Le Grove recently which is well worth a read and suggests a couple of names from the business world who are both Arsenal fans and would undoubtedly enhance the Board.


I’m a proud member of Arsenal Fanshare and currently own 12 Fanshares which represent 0.12% of one share or about 0.000192873% of the club. I know it’s not much, but I love the fact that I am a part owner of my club. As we’ve seen with events at Portsmouth, fan ownership can be vital, so it’s encouraging to learn that Fanshare now has around 2000 members who collectively own 90 shares in the club which are worth approximately £1.4m.

The problem Fanshare has is that very few shares get offered for sale thesedays and Alisher Usmanov’s Red & White Holdings have snaffled most of those that have been, which has taken them to a 29.99% holding, as of 26th July which was when the last figures were published on the Arsenal website.

Therefore, we asked whether you felt it was important that Stan Kroenke actively supported the Fanshare scheme and almost half of you (48%) said that they felt it was “very important” with a further 31% saying it was “quite important”. That’s a pretty clear message, but one which has so far fallen on deaf ears.

The Arsenal Supporters Trust had asked Kroenke to show his backing for supporter ownership by issuing the scheme with 125 more shares (in recognition of the Club’s recent 125th anniversary) or even to sell a small percentage of his current holding to the scheme (something they have also asked Red & White Holdings to consider), but they are yet to receive a positive response.

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    Jul 31, 2013, 21:09 #36841

    Oh i see Jamie cannot debate me. So is running off awww. Look Jamie atleast have some decency to answer my question, let me ask it again. So what would it take for you to finally say enough is enough, where even you say wenger must go??? Come on give me a answer or will you always be a supporter of ARSENE PLC

  2. JAMIE

    Jul 31, 2013, 20:41 #36838

    The Emerites cup is sold out second day, only a few hundred left for day one. As for you Marcus sorry but you're just too bone to debate with.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 16:38 #36831

    JAMIE, going by the ticket availability on the second day isn't sold out and has a way to go yet, and the first day has quite a way to go and that includes club level with numerous seats still available,and you forgot to mention it's all general sale where any non member tourist can buy a ticket. You've obviously been listening to TKOS again.


    Jul 31, 2013, 14:52 #36824

    Jamie fans like you are the reason this once great club is in delcine footballing wise. You keep propping up wenger his a disgrace and is turning this club into a laughing stock. No one has a job for life its time to move on and he needs to take Gazidis and Kronke with him. So what Jamie do you think this current arsenal squad is capable of mounting a title challenge looool. If you do then dammm you are as deluded as wenger and co smh,smh. Why exactly do you talk of arsenal as some sought of holier than water club??? like we do stuff different all that talk means nothing if you are winning ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. This is modern football the market is what it is and is not going to change because wenger believes its unfair boo hoo. I'm tired of even looking at wenger he has to go ASAP. Also when he does i hope he takes his sheep with him his cult lovers the AKBS. The deluded folk. Oh yeah Jamie let me ask you a question, what would it take for you to finally realize that wenger needs to be sacked?? losing 5 in a row??, not qualifying for champions league which one is it??

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 12:33 #36819

    Aka Noodles, your right no one is bigger than the club, but one man now thinks he is, and has done so for a while,and that's the reason for his stubbornness its been discussed on here on numerous occasions over the seasons the more fans want something, ie proper players, sing it, shout it, chant it, the less chance we are of getting it, his ego just won't allow him to be told what to do.

  6. Ken

    Jul 31, 2013, 2:19 #36792

    I MUST BE THE SPY LOL. I only state the FACTS We must be loyal to MR Wenger, with a team like ours we send fear to all the clubs in the pl. oh by the way we are going to win the cl next season LOL. LETS FACE IT WOULD OTHER BIG CLUBS PUT UP WITH A MANAGER LIKE OURS / YOURS I WONDER.......

  7. JAMIE

    Jul 30, 2013, 23:53 #36791

    Marcus, Sorry I don't qualify as a in your words 'REAL ARSENAL FAN'. Maybe if I become a sheep like you and spout the same boring one liners as you and the rest of the no brainers then you might let me join your club. As for the Russian, no thanks buying trophies isn't my style or Arsenal becoming another Chelski or Citeh doesn't fill me with joy either.


    Jul 30, 2013, 23:14 #36790

    So Jamie you love this same pathetic squad. The emirates cup has become a embarrassment to the REAL ARSENAL FANS. Whats going on that this ONCE great club smh,smh. Look wenger must go ASAP. You can no longer defend him anymore. He has run out of excuses. He also needs to take Gazidis and The silent one with him. Also Usmanov would be a great owner as he loves football, he loves the game. It seems to be the silent one only loves the profits and the plaudits he gets for owning arsenal. His the worst kind of owner you could ever have . We are in great decline footballing wise all those deals mean nothing to us fans if the money is not being reinvested back in to the squad with real talent and quality not the likes of Santos,Park,Squacli eww awful smh. WENEGR IS A GREAT MANAGER RIGHT LOL

  9. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Jul 30, 2013, 23:03 #36789

    Too many infiltrators / trollers from other clubs on here now. I can only assume that their club's fanbase is too small to justify running an online forum such as this for themselves. Oh well, look on the bright side - The Arsenal / Online Gooner must be doing something of significance to attract all this outside interest. It would be great if that "something of significance" was the addition of players to the squad, but you can't have it all. In the meantime I'll continue to get a good laugh out of the sleepers and spies that prove my point by predictably making their way here.

  10. sid

    Jul 30, 2013, 22:56 #36788

    I have a radical idea. All fans stop spending any money with the club for a few years. No season tickets, no merchandise, nothing. Inevitably this loss of revenue will result in a sharp decline in the club's value which will be very painful medicine to swallow for a time BUT as kroenke, usmanov other shareholders lose interest at their rapidly dwindling investments, fanshare holders can then snap up the shares on the cheap and soon become like Barcelona , the true model for all football clubs. Fan owned.

  11. JAMIE

    Jul 30, 2013, 22:13 #36787

    The second day of the Emerites cup is sold out and the first day is due to sell out over the next few days hardly a stayaway day as some have said. Probably the same people who say there's no body on the season ticket waiting list.

  12. theopants superstar

    Jul 30, 2013, 21:55 #36786

    Mike 13:26pm 30th Jul 2013 "This result suggests Gooner readers are a harder bunch to please than AST members". Or it could mean that AST members are more astute and Online Gooner readers are more fickle................the reason I gave up buying the Gooner years ago.............far too negative about everything - Post No. 39529. More fickle? And what exactly has there been to be positive about these last few years? Was it the selling of our old stadium which was supposed to help us challenge but instead preceded the disposal of nearly all our best players? Or the purchasing of many duds as replacements? Perhaps it's the way our style of football has deteriorated whilst the prices charged to watch the team have increased? Should we be content just because we managed to finish in the top 4? Or is the delirium because we stayed ahead of Spurs? Explain exactly what there is to be excited about Mike. Or are you one of those that is happy with the way things have gone the past few years and thinks that a club like Arsenal shouldn't have ambitions to be the winners again?

  13. Frank

    Jul 30, 2013, 21:48 #36785

    Kroenke is about making money Usmanov would be about spending money.He would be our Abramovich.Since 2005 its Chelsea 10 Arsenal 0 in trophies won.Who would have even dreamed of that 10 years ago?Kroenke is killing our club by death of a thousand cuts.Without investment we cant compete.Its all about the balance sheet not the league table for our absent yank.As for the AST they dont speak for the vast majority of Gooners.

  14. Ken

    Jul 30, 2013, 20:55 #36782

    Would it be any better if I said that Arsenal will buy 3 world class players. We will do the double next season and Wenger will extend his contract. ONLY JOKING.

  15. Wenger the tyre kicker ... Aka Noodles

    Jul 30, 2013, 20:54 #36781

    It makes no difference if Usmanov took control an gave Wenger a £200 million war chest as he would still stick to is stubben ways and bring in no one after wasting other clubs time with silly bids ...people say that there is no one bigger than the club! sadly I now firmly believe Wenger thinks he his and is acting like it...BBC 2 had an intresting interview with Amy lawrence last night, she says there is a rift with the board who want Wenger the tyre kicker to spend and Wenger now digging his heals in as he doesn't like being told .....I'm boycotting this weekend and I've said for years that we choose a game and boycott the over priced foods in the stadium as that old piss off delerware north and the club would start getting the massage as they would rather keep a major supplier happy than a lowly " haven't worked half a day in Footie" fan? Keep the faith

  16. Reg

    Jul 30, 2013, 19:48 #36780

    Check out #BoycottBuyingTheArsenalKit

  17. HowardL

    Jul 30, 2013, 19:26 #36779

    Judging by the number of online competitions for tickets the Emirates Cup is a 'stayaway day' but it is unlikely to produce any effect. Whatever, I'm quite confident about the coming season, but then I'm a "glass half full" person...

  18. Mark from aylesbury

    Jul 30, 2013, 18:55 #36778

    I've always felt a stay away day would send out a strong message. It's too much I'd guess to ask season ticket holders / membership holders not to renew but a mass stay away sends out a a very strong message and embarassment to the board.

  19. clockendjim

    Jul 30, 2013, 18:41 #36777

    I was at a party at the weekend and the usual group of men gathered to discuss football. I was the only Arsenal supporter surrounded by Man Utd, Man City & Chelsea fans. The reaction I got from these to my frustration at another close season with no new signings as yet with the supposed £70m to spend was surprising. It was sympathy and pity, not a feeling I enjoyed. I don't want to be pitied, I just want Wenger to actually open his wallet and sign the 2 or 3 class players that could turn our basically good squad into a trophy winning one

  20. Nix

    Jul 30, 2013, 18:35 #36776

    @Andred, is there a link to the shirt boycott? Great idea.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 30, 2013, 17:48 #36775

    It wouldn't matter what new appointments were made to the board or who they were, or what skills they had,as Wenger would probably have a say on who they were, and they'd have no real power anyway,until all the power is removed from one man nothing will change.

  22. BNG

    Jul 30, 2013, 16:41 #36774

    Stan is a huge fan and that is why he wears the Arteta wig

  23. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jul 30, 2013, 16:40 #36773

    I think Gazidis has a major problem. He has little power over the team as the yank loves Wenger. He's come out and said we've got **** loads of cash to put pressure on Wenger and still the miser digs his heels in and tries not to spend it. It seems like it will end with Gazidis or Wenger leaving. Sadly it will probably be the former, who despite his corporate PR talk has attempted to engage with the fans and do some good deals off the pitch.

  24. andred

    Jul 30, 2013, 16:01 #36772

    im boycotting arsenal new kit there is actually a movement started by NIKI WAINWRIGHT and has a fb page called arsenal action basically we don't buy the shirt and we as fans don't spend and money until they do. Join us lets just see how much the heirachy value the fans

  25. Canterbury Gooner

    Jul 30, 2013, 15:18 #36771

    "Russian mobster who supports Manure"- evidence of that claim?

  26. JAMIE

    Jul 30, 2013, 14:34 #36770

    It seems crazy that a Russian mobster who supports Manure and a yank who loves baseball can practically own a great English institution as Arsenal.

  27. DW Thomas

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:43 #36767

    The question regarding the owners and board is simply this: Are they responsible for the lack of success and stagnation at the club? Yes, but, to a lesser extent than Wenger IMO. Unless his hands have been completely tied, he bears the weight of our lack of trophies or even competing to the end of competitions. He decides who come in, who plays, wages, etc. The list of failures compared to successes is embarrassing and reason for change. There can be no more " one more season" to get it right or the club will remain in a perpetual cycle of mediocrity for a long time. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that so many fans aren't crying out for more, for a competitive team. They seem to take the odd small glimmer of success like the away win at Bayern last year and that crumb sustains them for far too long when losses like Blackburn and others in the recent past simply cannot be ignored anymore. This is the team that Arsene built. Perhaps the worst recent dealing is RVP now that we seem to be wanting Suarez for $15 million more at least than we sold him for. And look what he achieved at United! If the +1 pound rumors are true about the Suarez deal, this club has no more moral high ground in the transfer realm. Wenger's arrogance and lack of change are his biggest issues. Wish I could be more positive, but when you're standing in s..t, you can't convince me it's roses.

  28. billthered

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:39 #36766

    We do not have to have sugar daddies or as OGL puts it financial doping.All we want is spend some of the money we have accumalated these past few seasons instead of selling our best players and replacing with overpaid dross.

  29. Jam

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:26 #36765

    Red and White holdings and the Arsenal Supporters trust are cancers.

  30. Mike

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:26 #36764

    "This result suggests Gooner readers are a harder bunch to please than AST members". Or it could mean that AST members are more astute and Online Gooner readers are more fickle................the reason I gave up buying the Gooner years ago.............far too negative about everything

  31. Passion to be winner

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:17 #36763

    Alisher Usmanov loves football and loves Arsenal. Stan is a businessman we will not win anything ever again

  32. carlito

    Jul 30, 2013, 13:15 #36761

    From a football point of view, Kroenke has been a disaster for Arsenal. He's mainly a businessman with the balance sheet a priority. He knows nothing of soccer/football, let along English football. We need a more proactive owner who cares about the club and actually comes to the games.