Why Arsenal need Luis Suarez

Ruthless streak is lacking at club today

Why Arsenal need Luis Suarez

Suarez: Revels in being disliked

Arsenal should sign Luis Suarez. In fact they must sign Luis Suarez. The controversial Uruguayan is exactly what we need. This is not just because of his goal-scoring ability, which is beyond doubt having scored 23 goals last year, but because of the attitude he has, which is truly one of “they all hate me, and I don’t care”, after his controversies with Patrice Evra and Branislav Ivanovic. He revels in being disliked, like Jose Mourinho or Sir Alex Ferguson. This is a clear sign of a true winner. And this is exactly what Arsenal need.

In recent years one of Arsenal’s problems is that they have lacked a ruthless streak. They have almost been too nice, afraid to take the lesser teams to the cleaners, despite having a much better team on paper. Signing Luis Suarez will help to give the team more of a tougher edge against mid and lower table opposition. This is because of his burning desire to win, which frequently leads him into controversies.

This was described by his Groningen team-mate Hugo Alves: "He does anything to win, he is a winner. And because of his way of thinking, if he is in the heat of the moment, full of emotion, he makes these kind of mistakes”.

His handball on the line which stopped Ghana winning the World Cup quarter final well illustrates what sort of player he is. That incident showed a selfless streak in him, which cannot be said for some of the players who have passed through the E******s in recent years. Having him in the team will make us much more likely to kill off the likes of Aston Villa and Sunderland, and so be more likely to avoid those disappointing results that for so long have held us back.

Of course many will disagree with me on this. Many will say that a player who uses racist language, albeit because of a cultural misunderstanding (not that that was an any valid excuse) and bites people is not the right kind of player for Arsenal. Well I say to these people: do you want to carry on signing the likes of Eboue and Denilson and sneak into fourth place every year while winning nothing, or do you want to sign Suarez and actually try and push on to win something? Do we really want to be like Tottenham or Real Madrid, where the belief that the team had to play in the “right” way has held them back for years, and in the case of Real Madrid led to the hounding out of one of the best managers football has ever seen?

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  1. Tony Tadley

    Aug 02, 2013, 22:46 #36960

    It's all very well saying "we need Fellani" but he's not going to join us if it won't further his career. Sign Suarez and all of a sudden it makes a statement to other players. They believe this is a club going places and one over the top signing is all it takes to make others join up. If we had Suarez sorted last week I think we could have signed Fellani for £8million less than it would take today. Instead we have Bentdner coming back because nobody wants him and of course our new signing Diaby!

  2. Bard

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:11 #36851

    We need more than Suarez. The notion that Arsenal are going to spend 40m on one player is ridiculous. As others have said its all PR spin. Would be more hopeful if we bought Fellani and a decent GK. Its more likely that we will buy a couple of nobodies late in the window

  3. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 6:49 #36850

    Radfordkennedy - nice one ) Not so sure that he runs mini cabs though...

  4. radfordkennedy

    Aug 01, 2013, 6:24 #36849

    Moscow gooner...my god its worse than I thought do you mean to tell me on top of everything else suarez owns a mini cab firm and lives of the immoral earnings from two hookers in the flat above,as well as having a pub where he's stashes the plates used to make counterfeit sovereigns!!! Its worse than I thought

  5. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 5:57 #36848

    Unless something changes dramatically in the next two weeks, this will be a season of bitter division. I gave up my season ticket over the Summer in part to avoid having to watch this civil war play itself out. AW is a fanatic; sadly he now believes that he is bigger than the Club - as do some (but far from all) of his disciples. I think he will fight on in the bunker until the bitter end, tearing the club apart: a real personal tragedy given what he has delivered for Arsenal over the years. The lack of brave and clear-sighted advisers around him - and the docility of most fans - has created this situation. For Kroenke and co. there is very little to gain from making the necessary changes, or from investing in the team: the value of the club will continue to rise (on the escalator provided by richer TV rights) until it is time to sell out and pocket the gains. No team can succeed against a backdrop of anger and acrimony spilling from the stands: and Gazidis played his part in all this by inflating expectations (to flog season tickets of course) which AW had no real intent to deliver on.


    Aug 01, 2013, 4:40 #36847

    @ARSENALFAN No im a realist not a deluded AKB. Look this team is in terminal decline and needs the required investment to challenge for the league it is as simple as that

  7. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 2:04 #36846

    I agree with the general premise that signing Suarez would be a very good move for the club. But I think it will help us in the bigger games, rather than to dispose of the likes of Villa and Sunderland. Liverpool have often drawn those games 0:0 with Suarez in the side, and there is a good reason for that. To beat smaller teams easily you need overall class across you lineup, which they don't have enough of. I believe Suarez will be a much bigger help in the big games, when his competitive edge, winner mentality and individual brilliance are required. It's time to make a statement.

  8. AFCasap

    Jul 31, 2013, 23:37 #36845

    yes! arsenal fan....marcus is basically and totally/completely saying the arsene fan club supporters are not ARSENAL FC...why do you support him and his Ponzi schemers...lining their pockets and lying through their teeth about all and sundry for years on end! imagine Liverpool accept the 40 mil and a quid!! wenger will back out sharpish, we are a joke with this circus of bullshyte

  9. Arsenal Fan

    Jul 31, 2013, 22:59 #36844

    @Marcus. So what your basically saying is that unless you want Wenger out you cannot be considered a fan. Why should a jumped up little stereotype like you decide who is and who is not a real Arsenal fan. Stick to your banner weaving and BSM marching and let those who want to get behind the team do exactly that.

  10. MARCUS

    Jul 31, 2013, 22:35 #36843

    maguiresbridge gooner, You are 100% right. Those akbs are killing are club footballing wise. They defend wenger to the tilt its becoming embarrassing to even say i support arsenal we are now called the DELUDED LOT smh,smh. I just ask those akbs what will it take even for you to realize we are no longer going forward with wenger in charge and his cohorts i.e GAZIDIS AND KRONKE to realize we need a change and they cannot answer me. Its a damm shame we have this folks around propping up this man and it will probably take civil war to get rid of this man and his fellow cohorts. It seems these akbs support WENGER PLC not ARSENAL FC utter disgrace

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 21:32 #36842

    Greg71, don't bet on it, he will still have his fair share of akb's and apologists, i've even read where one such fan has said maybe we don't need to strengthen that much after all (talk about getting your excuse in early) you couldn't make it up, as i asked earlier whats it going to take ?

  12. Noz

    Jul 31, 2013, 21:02 #36840

    Bollox! If anything we are flat track bullies, our trouble is beating the teams near the top and Suarez will be banned or sent off during those games because the better players know how to play him and wind him up. RVP is a better player and was ruthless (even to the point of leaving Arsenal for success) but still we have won bugger all. At most we are a stepping stone for Suarez to get to a giant of Europe, Madrid, Barca, Bayern and that ruthless streak you love means he won't mind screwing us over to get there, why do you think he is leaving Liverpool in the first place!

  13. Greg71

    Jul 31, 2013, 20:56 #36839

    no champions league qualification and no signings should spell the end of the fans division.DO NOT take the qualifier for granted Arsene plc fans !

  14. Torbay gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 20:25 #36837

    This is all academic as others have said we have no intention of meeting Liverpool's valuation. However, fact is Suarez is a disgrace to the game, what next we go after John Terry?

  15. Fozzy's mate

    Jul 31, 2013, 18:39 #36836

    Wenger was right. Yaya Sanogo would never have signed if we weren't in the top 4. As Simon and Garfunkel once said yet again its the sound of silence. Another tedious fight for the FPT awaits as the Denver Dough Trouserer, Mr Self Sustainable and OGL line their pockets. With those three at the helm it won't change. Never mind sir Chips will make allthe difference. Snore

  16. Moscow Gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 17:38 #36835

    And I realise there won''t be many of you who caught the highlights but who was that scoring a class goal for Zenit against Kuban Krasnodar last Friday night and looking very much a world class player at the centre of the Zenit attack....?

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 17:30 #36834

    Red Member, spot on mate, when is everybody going to wake up ? what's it going to take ? the amount of time fans bend over and allow themselves to be shafted by wenger and TKOS amazes me.

  18. Moscow Gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 17:24 #36833

    To those who are squeamish about signing Suarez, two words: Peter Storey. Four more words: win at all costs. We want a team of winners - not a team of politically-correct saints.

  19. Happy Days

    Jul 31, 2013, 17:05 #36832

    If Suarez arrives (and at least 2 other quality signings), we may at last start to compete, but if this pre-season goes the same way as the previous half dozen or so pre-season's, (i.e. lies after lies, good players leaving and no quality signings) then that will be it for me in terms of trusting Wenger and the board and if Fabregas joins United (as seems likely) that will be the clearest signal that the fans don't matter and that we are merely a money machine for the shareholders (which won't last in a half empty stadium), the current situation would be laughable if it wasn't so sad !!!

  20. Noodles

    Jul 31, 2013, 16:31 #36830

    The clause in his contract says £40,000,000 from a club in the champions leauge ...we still haven't got there yet so expect a long wait!!! Can we also have a keeper and a Center back please

  21. Mrs W

    Jul 31, 2013, 16:18 #36829

    Bendtner will be like a new signing

  22. Roy

    Jul 31, 2013, 15:47 #36828

    A good point well made stating both sides of the argument without being padded out with all the usual irrelevant rubbish. I , like most people, don't think it will happen, but I've watched Suarez many times and thought how I wish he was playing for us. His movement off the ball is excellent as is his workrate - the guy never stops - and allied to the obvious finishing attributes must make him an utter nightmare to defend against. World class talent or racist cannibal ? I know where I stand, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, though what is not in question is that he would improve any team. The really sad thing about all of this though is that us fans are caught up debating on the horns of a moral dilemma caused by our clubs indecisiveness, where we have now worked ourselves into a position where it looks like Suarez or bust - and the need to smash our transfer record more than 3 times over to get him. But it looks like we'll be reduced to more bargain basement shopping at the tail end of the transfer window and as already stated on here, Suarez alone won't be enough to win the league title anyway. Interesting reading the final part of the Gooner survey yesterday, a lot of which I'm not qualified to comment on, but what is not in doubt is that there are a few from the manager upwards who need to take a good long hard look at themselves. Arsenal people ? I think not.

  23. Hibeegunner

    Jul 31, 2013, 15:07 #36827

    Has nobody at the club got the balls to stand up to Wenger. He has divided the fan base and before long we will have a civil war on our hands akb's against the rest of us. This man needs to be removed from his post before he drags the good name of our club further down the gutter. Time for board members to stand up and be counted.

  24. MARCUS

    Jul 31, 2013, 15:04 #36826

    We wont get him. Its all been a PR spin by the almighty one and the slimy Gazidis and the silent Stan. What a utter disgrace smh. What is going on folks?? How can you still defend wenger anymore?? Its to much to take. Every other top 4 club have strengthened well apart from manure but they will and we are here still with the same squad that barely got fourth smh. Its a embarrassment and frankly wenger needs to pack his bags and take his cohorts with him. ITS ALL PR FOLKS.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 15:03 #36825

    Yes Thomas he's exactly what we need it would make a change to be buying one instead of selling them, it's been a long time since we've been disliked for winning, with rival fans and teams hoping and praying we'd be beat especially during the 03/04 season. How times have changed, now those rivals are taking the piss and very confident of taking three points or beating the nice boys at every opportunity, just ask Blackburn etc,etc. Any way one real top top class player is not going to be enough to make any difference we need at least three, and there's no chance of that just the same way there's no chance of dracula, TKOP and ogl have again done a great job, and yet again a lot have fallen for it, what will be the excuse/excuses this time ?

  26. Dan h

    Jul 31, 2013, 14:28 #36823

    Suarez is the sort of player that would no doubt improve us regardless of the baggage he no doubt brings.It's all talk OGL has overseen many a poorly planned transfer window make no mistake this squad is paper thin at present.What proof is there that this window has been managed any better none.No major signings again & any additions we may make have to hit the ground running with no time to settle in it's so predictable.The recent noises from OGL regarding the squad are just repeats of previous summers.This farce has been played out time & again at the end of last season myself & many others posted unless we use our resources to buy quality players I honestly rather we bought nobody!Why because as we have managed to pay off several of the managers mistakes do we really need more 'bargains'like Santos,Gervinho,Park,Chamakh etc coming in?When the injuries,suspensions bite he can then have a side in quality similar to the one that should of resulted in his resignation post OT.The club can use the massive transfer pot then to not only refund more shameful performances but also give out more 'Gazidis vouchers'like at Wigan!I couldn't give a toss if the club will hit £300m in turnover in the next year or so pointless figures to a fanbase that never sees anything reinvested in the only part of the club that matters the team.

  27. DW Thomas

    Jul 31, 2013, 13:48 #36822

    So tired of of rumors. The club are not what they used to be and my desire to follow them is at its lowest. We all know if no new signings of significance come in then it will be Groundhog season once again. The sad part is we have very close to a real top squad. Only one or two missing pieces. I'll use the Ferrari analogy again. It's like we have the car, it's beautiful, but we can't drive it because the engine is missing a key part. We all know what it is, even Wenger deep down, but he refuses to buy, telling himself over and over that the car is fine, it will run. All evidence points to the contrary. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Just depressing. Even our players are talking about the "lift" they'd get from new signings.

  28. CT Gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 13:15 #36821

    Agree with most, red member and red tav specifically. I shouldn't say this summer is the last straw, as I crossed that line 2 years ago, I just hoped for the sake of Arsenal that Wenger could and would change! It looks sadly like he hasn't, which leaves me very worried for the club. When it becomes obvious that we won't be competing to win anything and 4th place won't be achieved, how will the AKBs react to non-believing goners?

  29. Bob

    Jul 31, 2013, 13:12 #36820

    I agree with you on the main thrust of your argument - our focus should be on whether the players have both the ability and the hunger to win things for the club. The rest is incidental. I am sick of the defeatest approach to the transfer market. While it's probably true that the failure to land our targets is as much down to the hapless Gazidas as Wenger, it is ultimately the manager who creates the winning team which will attract big names to join. Man United did not get RvP because they had a wizard negotiator on the board - they did so because of their manager's reputation as a winner to the end.

  30. Red Tav

    Jul 31, 2013, 11:54 #36818

    Getting ready for yet another close season of resentment and utter disappointment. Luis Suarez may be an absolute animal but he should be 'our' animal and is exactly what we need. The last bid of £40M was placed over a week ago and in true Wenger style, we've seemingly done sod all to follow it up once Liverpool made it clear, YET AGAIN, that our valuation is nowhere near theirs, and who can blame them, it's just downright cheeky...Suarez is a £50M+ player in the current market so why do we persist with such derisory bids in the knowledge they will be unsuccessful?? I know none of us are privy to the ins and outs of any bid and must take it on face value but if we are serious about winning just pay the bloody money and get him in, apparently cash is not an issue. Wenger is already lining up his excuses, stating our current squad will compete without additions...makes you wonder whether all these bids are simply a PR stunt so he can tell us he did 'all he could' to bring in the talent when we sign nobody of note, yet again. Tired of being forced to pay for caviar and being served up McDonalds...problem is I love my club, I'll always pay and the board know it.

  31. Paul Adams

    Jul 31, 2013, 11:47 #36817

    Come on Arsene,sign Suarez & Felliani,stop messing about & pay the asking price. Is it me being cynical as I have noticed that transfers out (Nasri, RVP, Cesc etc) are rushed thru' very quickly, is it because they pay the ASKING PRICE, think about that Arsene.

  32. John Gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 11:16 #36816

    I don't think you can say revelling in being disliked is the sign of a true winner, just the sign of an unsavoury character, but I totally agree with the sentiment of your article. Suarez and Fellaini are the kind of players we should be signing, I don't care if they assualt Stoke cavemen or bite Chelsea chavs as long as they care about the team and are committed to giving everything to win. Had Suarez abused Evra in any other way than racial, I would be fully in support of him; let's face it, everyone hates Evra!

  33. Hamza

    Jul 31, 2013, 11:06 #36815

    He eats what he wants, he eats what he waaaaaants. Luis Suarez, he eats what he wants. We need to steal that chant when he arrives. It will be awesome.

  34. 2 pounds your t-shirt

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:55 #36814

    We do need Suarez, and any Arsenal fan in their right mind would concurr with that. Unless they are taking the 'holier than thou' approach to his past misdemeanours of course - whilst forgetting about the likes of Ian Wright who kicked, punched, abused, spat and v-signed his way into AFC record books and the hearts of all fans. It appears academic now anyway as this £40m + £1 bid does not trigger any release clause - as stated by LFC - who I assume have taken sound legal advice on. I think we now have to set our sights on other targets in the striking department as we are not going to meet LFC valuation of £55m. Why all this has prevented us strengthening in other areas so far this summer god only knows. Have we only got Dick "The Dick" Law on the case? Can't we just hire David Dein as an out and out negotiator without it becoming a board-room issue? Just a thought....

  35. JJB

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:53 #36813

    Wenger has to get out of the club immediately, but he wont and the board wont do anything. We have embarrassed ourselves with this ridiculous £1 bid on top of 40m, its clear now his contract doesn't include this clause so we listened to bogus information and now liverpool will not entertain another bid for him. We are acting like amateurs and AW is destroying the club and its reputation! If some of you still think we are going to sign any "big" players then you are clearly still very naive! Why bother with these lucrative tours to Asia when NONE OF THE MONEY IS REINVESTED! Name me one other manager of any large club who would have lots of money at his disposal and not reinvest it in the team? Its madness and its ruining our Arsenal!

  36. Tony Evans

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:53 #36812

    Red Member - could not agree more.

  37. BNG

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:39 #36811

    The best thing for OGL is bitey boy being banned at the start of the season so he can wait until 23.59pm on the 31/08/13 to sign him for a reduced rate of £37.50p,Diaby and a set of steak knives

  38. Kilkenny Cat

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:18 #36810

    Cant believe some Arsenal fans dont want Suarez. forget the baggage,he is one of the world,s top strikers,and his work rate is 2nd to none. Just the type of player we need. Ian Wright was no angel,but was the best finisher ive seen.

  39. Ron

    Jul 31, 2013, 10:18 #36809

    Lighweight players with little stomach for a battle is a massive problem in Wengers teams and we all know it. Suarez want to go to Spain, he s not bothered about Arseal as theyre his passport from Anfield only. We cd spend the big money on him and he s there with an eye on winkling his way to his next move to Madrid before you can blink. Wengers cd use that money on 2-3 positions that need strengthening elsewhere. One quality striker wont cure Arsenals fallibilities in goal, at CB and full back plus the weak midfield. Leave him there Wenger and to you Saurez, take your goofy teeth and your cheating to Spain if thats what you want, just dont 'use' us as platform to do it. To you Rodgers, go and pretend youre a big time Coach by all means, but dont waste our time as we know youre a nondescript lightweight whos well out of your depth.

  40. Dominic

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:48 #36808

    What pleases me more about the approach for Suarex is not so much the player but rather does this signal and end to the style of play we have adopted over the last few seasons. We have constantly moved the ball slowly up the pitch allowing the opposition all the time to organise the defense. If Suarez is an indication that we are going back to the days when the opposition were almost afraid to take a corner against us as they knew that within 10 seconds we could be bearing down on their goal, then I'm all for it. At the recent Confederation Cup Brazi took Spain apart with fast skillful counter-attacking.

  41. billthered

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:28 #36807

    As I have stated before we will not buy anyone till the last minute.Wages saved on last minute deals account for plenty within the walls of the Grove.But we also run the risk of missing out on potential players some of which have already been snapped up.

  42. JAMIE

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:26 #36806

    What you say is true, Suarez can only strengthen us. If we win the majority of our opening six we know we have a great striker to strengthen us. If we get of to a poor start we know we have Suarez to improve us.Though to use Tottenham as an example along side Real Madrid is laughable. The spuds tried to play football in the 60's when they copied the style of Arsenal under George Swindon, as Jimmy Greaves pointed out. Since then they have been more like Stoke in their approach in general. Whereas Real Madrid are the biggest club side in world football their 1950's sides are up their with the best football wise, though their current teams have paid second fiddle to Barca in aesthetics I don't think it really bothers them.

  43. Red Member

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:24 #36805

    why are people still talking about a possible Suarez transfer?? IT WILL NOT HAPPEN. The fact that people are thinking that it might is what the club wants everyone to think, so that there is not too much dissent at the upcoming Emirates Cup, early season PL games. then a day after the NLD the club will turn around and say oh well we tried. Next transfer window we have £100 million to spend. And on we go. Until Arsenal fans stop falling for this then the cycle will continue

  44. Abia George

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:23 #36804

    You are absolutely correct if Wenger doesn't make this signing we are doomed and our performances become the same story every year

  45. Jaden

    Jul 31, 2013, 9:09 #36803

    Nothing else will make me happier as an Arsenal fan next season other than seeing Luis Suarez in Arsenal color. Whether he's racist or an animal, I just want to see him in Arsenal color period. I'm an African.

  46. smithy

    Jul 31, 2013, 8:54 #36802

    We will not sign anyone of any merit.Suarez will go to Madrid and Rooney to chelsea.Unfortunately the transfers are being badly mismanaged and have been so for several seasons.We really need a Berkamp,Henry or Wright but arsene knows best...

  47. Mike

    Jul 31, 2013, 8:54 #36801

    The valuations of players is madness but my thoughts are that Suarez is just what we need at the Arsenal. In many ways we are "too nice" as a team and need the attitude shown by Chelsea and Man United, at present we only have Wilshire and Kos with that sort of desire so Suarez is worth the money. Pay the £50 million and sort this out Arsene before Spurs use the Bale money to make Liverpool an offer they would rather accept.

  48. Inspector Clueless racks up another £8m

    Jul 31, 2013, 8:27 #36800

    yes we we know we all agree we need winners and a few less nice guys which characterises wenger's teams of last 4 years; journeymen who listen to him but have absolutely no change to an upper gear. crikey its going to be very boring next season again unless we have a suarez or a rooney

  49. Tony Evans

    Jul 31, 2013, 8:21 #36799

    The team certainly needs winners and 'toughening up', and has done for years, but not a foul mouthed hot head like Suarez. You can still be a winner, and fight tooth and nail to get a result, without behaving like a thug.

  50. nse usung

    Jul 31, 2013, 8:17 #36798

    all truth gunners should speak in one vioce, we need suarez, pls proff sig suarez, we are tire of 4 position.

  51. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Jul 31, 2013, 7:55 #36797

    If we buy him,which I doubt,it will be a Gazidis signing. It goes against everything Wenger stands for. I expect a loan deal for Loic Remy in the last few minutes of the window.

  52. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Jul 31, 2013, 7:48 #36796

    For what it's worth, I have very little personal regard for Suarez due to the well documented contraversies surrounding him. But God knows, Arsenal desperately need players of his ability. The trouble is, even if we do sign him, Arsenal will still need at least 3 more marquee players to make us genuine contenders. That will cost big money. And that's as likely as Stan getting hair curlers for Christmas.

  53. die 4 arsenal

    Jul 31, 2013, 7:40 #36794

    ya i truly agree wit de artical. wanger plz get des man.

  54. Tunde Okeya Omole

    Jul 31, 2013, 7:35 #36793

    All you have said is absolutely corrrect, Arsenal needs Luis Suarez