The Arsenal FC guide to the transfer window

Or… An anatomy of a farce

The Arsenal FC guide to the transfer window

Wenger and Gazidis: What’s it all about?

1. Publicly state in no uncertain terms that the club will be making some big signings this close-season, despite the fact that although the money might be available, the only person ambitious enough to make such deals happen was forced out of the club several years ago due to the fact that he was ambitious enough to make such deals happen

2. Sign an unknown, unproven French under-21 who has already had both his legs broken and, if he ever does prove himself to be a top quality player, will just leave for a bigger club that promises to triple his wages anyway

3. State your interest in a 25 year-old Argentinian international with a career average of a goal every two games for both club and country, who has spent most of his career playing at the very highest level

4. Agree personal terms with said player

5. Make an offer of around £10 million below what the player is actually worth in today’s transfer market

6. Get the hump and pull out of the deal when the selling club asks for something closer to a fair price

7. Out of spite, bid £25 million below the asking price of another player who:
A) most fans don’t want at the club,
B) is two years older than the Argentinian international, not as good, and would demand almost double the wages,
C) has previously angled for a move to Spain on the grounds that he has been victimised by the British media even though he brought it all on himself through diving, biting and the racial abuse of another player,
D) would have to miss the first few league games of the season through suspension,
E) isn’t even really worth half what you are offering due to the above reasons, and,
F) plays for a club who would rather not sell him to another Premier League side

8. Up your bid to £20 million below the asking price for no reason whatsoever

9. Up your bid to £14.999 (or something like that) million below the asking price to trigger a clause in his contract that forces his club to inform him of the bid, even though he can just read about it in the papers like everyone else

10. Watch the Argentinian international you were previously interested in move to Italy for £20 million less than the asking price of the player you are now pointlessly pursuing

11. Watch the club who just sold the Argentinian international use the money to sign the racist, diving, bitey, overpriced player who didn’t really want to play for you and whose club didn’t want to sell him to you but you pursued him to no avail anyway, leaving you facing the prospect of starting the new season without any major new signings

12. Refuse to sign any of the kinds of players everyone agrees you actually need, like defenders, defensive midfielders and goalkeepers

13. Scratch your head when you fail for the ninth season in a row to win any silverware and your ability to attract top players diminishes even more, sparking a downward spiral of decline that will inevitably lead to you being forced out of the top four and becoming the next Liverpool

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  1. Paul Heaton

    Aug 05, 2013, 23:53 #37041

    garyfootscrayaustralia - good shout with the John Lydon reference but if we're looking for the one song that sums up our current plight I think there's a better one even closer to home. "Same old Arsenal, taking the piss".

  2. binee

    Aug 05, 2013, 16:35 #37027

    Don't worry! Arsene Wenger still has 4 weeks to spend the money burning in his pocket. In France there is a rumour that Wenger is hoping to sign the twins Dupont & Dupont from Chiasse-sur-le-merde in Ligue 3. The deal has stalled so far because Dupont & Dupont wants 1.000 pr week + a free ticket for their uncle and his goat, but Wenger has informed them, that this is unacceptable. Arsenal's wage structure requires the club to pay 45.000 pr week minimum. Wenger consider Dupont & Dupont highly important in his attempt to retain the 4th position in the ELP, so Wenger has accepted a front row seat for the uncle and a seat in the director's box for the goat, where he will feel very much at home

  3. Jason B

    Aug 05, 2013, 0:37 #36993

    We got sucked into making a bid for Suarez because Real offered Higuain to Liverpool plus £20m cash. Liverpool turned it down, Napoli bid £10m more for Higuain and get their man.These clubs hear Arsenal are after their player and pump the price up, knowing that Chelsea or Man City will show an interest and Arsenal drop out.

  4. Block G Gooner

    Aug 04, 2013, 22:51 #36992

    Does anyone want my season ticket, seriously I can't handle another year of that idiot and his ridiculous excuses - just leave our club before you do some permanent damage!!!!!!!,

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 04, 2013, 21:41 #36991

    ApolloGooner, as my reply to Joe S 39737 said, it's all they've got left now.

  6. Danny

    Aug 04, 2013, 21:28 #36990

    So after watching the crap on show today, so you guys still believe this team is going to win the league a 35yr+ player came back and rips us apart again wenger out

  7. ApolloGooner

    Aug 04, 2013, 15:05 #36987

    Richard @ 23.50 - You are making up false arguments to support your point. I don’t know and haven’t seen anyone say they will only return to Arsenal when they start winning trophies. The argument in many cases is that they will return if the club stops ripping them off, stops blatantly lying to them and starts acting like a proper football club again. And you think anyone who wants Wenger to go and wants to see an end to this current regime is ‘summed up’ by a guy wearing an RvP Man United shirt? That is ridiculous beyond words.

  8. John Boy 2

    Aug 04, 2013, 6:08 #36982

    Dartford Gooner suggested "Moneys Too Tight To Mention" as our new theme tune, my pick is UB40's "One in Ten" to be played as we enter the field - this representing the chance per goal rating of our current strike force.

  9. Richard

    Aug 03, 2013, 23:50 #36980

    @goonergoal. I doubt the majority on here still give their support to Arsenal in attending games and buying merchandise anyway. Most are just grumblers who think up new ways each day they can attack the team and the true fans. Your revolution you talk about is nothing new a few hundred jokers who have passed on the batten from the sixties who are jealous of the true fans because they can only follow a winning team. They use these pitiful excuses about the board Wenger and the team so they don't have to get off their arses and be active for Arsenal. They say they will only return when Arsenal start winning trophies which in other words means they have no intention at all. Knowing that when the team starts winning again it will be virtually impossible to get tickets anyway. The ones I saw at the game today were drunk of their heads calling everybody AKB's one even had a RVP Man Utd shirt on.Sums them up really.

  10. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 03, 2013, 22:11 #36978

    Fine words, but the only way to truly act against what Arsenal have become is to STAND UP and make the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, as many have already done. It's short term loss for long term gain. Withdraw your investment in any aspect of the club until things change. Buy NO merchandise! Buy NO match day programmes! Buy NO match day tickets! Do NOT renew your season ticket! Make Kroenke want to sell because until he goes, nothing will change. Talk is cheap, it's time to DO THE RIGHT THING! WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2013, 22:01 #36977

    johnnyhawley, your right we do but the problem is they have no power to do it, they all have to report to, and go through the lord and master and he has the final say on everything, and what he says goes, and there lies the problem

  12. Ron

    Aug 03, 2013, 20:21 #36976

    Joe S - In fairness mate, i think Mark Hoffman isn't being pro Wenger? Maybe you've misread his post. Hes actually lamenting a new Wenger contract isn't he? Anyway guts, the secret for all of our fan who wants change is to just be patient. This sham at Arsenal is going to implode. I firmly believe it. Its just a matter of when. A few defeats early on will hasten it along. Just hang in there guys. Its all we can do. Eventually the spin machine will grind to whats going to be a depressing halt. It wont be pretty either.

  13. johnnyhawleylovinggooner

    Aug 03, 2013, 19:56 #36974

    pity we have not a major share holder who cuts deals every day who could help, or a major share holder who has family connections to one of the richest familys in the world who could get someone to cut deals, or maybe some one from the bank of england who could cut deals oh wait..we do.i know transfers a tricky but arsenal do seem to make a job of it.we needed to make a statement siging early. surely someone at the club knew this

  14. ApolloGooner

    Aug 03, 2013, 15:43 #36971

    If we are looking for apt song titles to reflect Arsenal’s summer and the current ethos at the club then look no further than legendary girl band BANANARAMA. Starting off with their classic hit I HEARD A RUMOUR (yeah haven’t we just?) This could be followed by IT AINT WHAT YOU DO, IT’S THE WAY THAT YOU DO IT (the way you do it must only be the Wenger way of course) meaning the song MEGALOMANIAC has to be included. Then there is PREACHERMAN ... and I see he is at it again over the FFP thing. REALLY SAYING SOMETHING has to be about Gazidis and his ability to talk the talk. Unfortunately LOVE, TRUTH AND HONESTY are definitely not what either Gazidis or Wenger are about so when it comes to delivering the goods and making new signings ROBERT DE NIRO’S WAITING, just like the rest of us are. This all makes us look at the club and think WHAT A SHAMBLES. Once again its been a CRUEL SUMMER (might as well play this one on repeat).

  15. jjetplane

    Aug 03, 2013, 13:23 #36970

    Wenger is all about himself and he is no Arsenal man. Adams carried us when we were winning with that prof git lurking at the wings and taking praise for what exactly. The record now shows that Wenger should have been forced out about the last time I saw Arsenal in the flesh. That he has stayed is because for all the talk of football and tradition what we have ended up with is a hedge fund juggernaut that makes millions by doing nadir. I hope we lose as many games as man ure before xmas and are sitting comfortably mid table and ready for the big push to overtake the spuds ....

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 03, 2013, 13:00 #36969

    Joe S. pitiful alright we can expect nothing else now ,it's all they've got left.

  17. Joe S.

    Aug 03, 2013, 4:27 #36968

    God MF you're a pathetetic piece of something or other. I wasn't going to write anything because I'd have only been shaking my head along with the other sage ones but your stuck in your Arsene pitiful jibe to support elsewhere smells of loser. I suppose you are excited by the players Arsenal have and the new season offers so much hope to you. Plus who could wish for better management than that offered by Wegner,Gazadis Laws and Kroenke. God you're lucky to be so stupid. As to those who expect something from financial fair play, Why do you trust Platini? I always thought it was a ploy to create a fairer playing feild for the French clubs. Now that they are cashed up it's anything goes and good luck to the richest, smartest and most ambitious.

  18. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Aug 03, 2013, 2:22 #36967

    why quote Mancunian misery - rock, when you can reference the wisdom of a local, Arsenal - supporting punk? As Mr. Lydon said correctly on more than one occasion, "ever get the feeling you've been cheated?"

  19. Getyergooner

    Aug 03, 2013, 0:16 #36964

    If you're going to write such a negative article at least stick to the truth and don't embellish it with what you'd like the truth to be. We are all hacked off but don't stick the boot in for the sake of it!

  20. Kevin Kong

    Aug 02, 2013, 22:51 #36961

    He will buy Loic Remy. Can see it coming a mile off. So long as the price can be haggled over for long enough.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 02, 2013, 21:34 #36959

    Fozzys mate, saw it myself and the way sky sports repeat everything i'm sure everybody has by now, predictable as ever, the line about being more concerned about spending money correctly after all the wasters he has signed says it all, and the solutions from within tells us everything we need to know (if we don't already) i was waiting for the great mental strength line but i suppose he's saving that for the weekend.

  22. Fozzys mate

    Aug 02, 2013, 18:59 #36955

    I have just seen OGL being interviewed this afternoon. The deadly phrase internal solutions along with the fact that Sanogo would nake headlines on the pitch. It took me back to two seasons ago when he said we had replaced Cesc and Nasri with Gervinho, Joel Campell and Myachi.

  23. John Gooner

    Aug 02, 2013, 15:49 #36954

    Roy, I think you've hit on something. It's amazing how many Smiths lyrics or song titles can be linked to our current plight - "Heaven knows I'm miserable now - Haven't had a dream in a long time - Please, please, please let me get what I want this time - Charming Man (Gazidis) - I decree today that life is simply taking and not giving (Stan) - Bigmouth strikes again" - I could go on, but it would be very annoying, so I won't.... He even has an album called 'Your Arsenal', if that's not a closet gooner...

  24. Roy

    Aug 02, 2013, 15:14 #36952

    As Morrissey used to wail "That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore, it's too close to home and it's too near the bone.". Pretty fair summing up,though.

  25. Mark Hoffman

    Aug 02, 2013, 14:14 #36951

    Regrettably the biggest financial deal this year for AFC will be a new contract for Arsene Wenger ...everything else is secondary . Depressing .

  26. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 02, 2013, 13:11 #36950

    I'm one of Wenger's biggest critics but funny enough I can kind of understand him biding his time. Allow me to explain: the state of football in general right now is pretty low quality, with a worldwide dearth of really really good players. The few good ones around are signed up with long-term contracts, so everyone else is scratching around trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Yes it is blindingly obvious that Felliani is needed and so is another striker (personally I will be physically sick if racist, cheating, one-game-away-from-a-ban Suarez joins our great club)but who??? The few Spanish players being snapped up were plying their trade for the lesser lights in La Liga. Expect to see a horrific season with three-quarters of the opposition parking the bus home and away, and the other quarter trying to pick each other off on the counter-attack. Methinks Sky might already have one eye on "repositioning" their market spend...............back to Le Boss, come 10pm on the 31st August, a phone call to the Merseyside slums, "no, he isn't for sale", resulting in an 11th hour bid for Marcus Bent on a heard it here first.....

  27. Gotang

    Aug 02, 2013, 13:10 #36949

    Don't worry all, when Diaby is fit again, he'll be just like a new Signing.

  28. seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 02, 2013, 13:01 #36948

    Ron : You sum up our leader brilliantly and I get your drift about "always being right" I sell tungsten tipped tools for a living so your last line really strikes a chord with me.

  29. Ron

    Aug 02, 2013, 11:58 #36946

    S.K.G - Putting aside all that we debate and say on here mate, i reckon your use of the word 'vanity' encapsulates in a single word the nub of the whole problem. It sums Wenger up in the best possible way. 15-18 years ago i worked in France for just over a year and his attitude's endemic in french management. Only they know best, they monopolise opinion and if their agenda (ofteN personal ones) isnt serviced, then they ignore all other input out of hand. Its riven in their culture. Lots of laudable stuff exists about France that we should follow, but they are arrogant pompous blighters, even when they know its to their own detriment very often. Always been the same throughout their history. Wenger is a true product. PS They teach in their schools that victory was in reality theirs at Trafalgar! They could distort tungsten!

  30. Seven Kings Gooners

    Aug 02, 2013, 11:33 #36945

    MgKev mentioned some 4 - 5 years ago about Wenger's obsession about building a team with youth players - which I understand he attempted at Monaco. I can envisage another Ramsey, Diaby situation occurring this season where some promising youth player is thrown in the deep end, away from home, and incurring a serious career threatening injury - all because of Wenger's personal vanity.

  31. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 02, 2013, 10:52 #36944

    For years many have cried "use the reources at your disposal". Unfortunately OGL still wants his get out of jail free card. It becomes harder to excuse every year as the resources grow ever larger. The 6.5% increase of a few years ago still a huge error.

  32. Vip

    Aug 02, 2013, 10:26 #36943

    We're all being mugged off and the lunatics have taken over the asylum!!

  33. chris dee

    Aug 02, 2013, 10:15 #36942

    Still a month to go in the transfer window ,but Arsenal fans are experiencing the 'I believe in my current players spirit' nightmares that occur every August.

  34. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 02, 2013, 10:12 #36941

    As i mentioned earlier one or two have broke cover and not the usual suspects either, like Alsace has said this one must have been sent over from akb central command (good one) but i'm sure you've all noticed didn't exactly say much in ogl's defence (i wonder why ?)but of course did as usual blame everybody else.

  35. MARCUS

    Aug 02, 2013, 9:41 #36940

    No one seems to get it. Media or not, Wenger has again played everyone, with the supporters of this club left with the most frustrating summer of all because of the boasts of the huge reserves available to Wenger from the Board, and his little doggie Gazidis. He has never had any intention of spending above his own egotistical evaluations for prospective players. He plays the game masterfully. Place bids for anyone well below market value, then wait until another team comes in, places a higher bid, and you lose the player to a rival club........again! But you publicly state that the evaluation was simply too high, and you move on with more ridiculous remarks echoing previous transfer window statements about just how difficult the market has now become. Well Arsene, if you want caviar, but are looking in a fish and chips shop, then you probably won't be successful. But this was your intention all along anyway, wasn't it.

  36. Tony Evans

    Aug 02, 2013, 8:57 #36939

    Richard - I don't really know why I am bothering to respond to your facile comment as you are obviously a bit of a dimwit. Do you really think that all the comments on here lamenting the situation at Arsenal are born out of hatred for the club? How idiotic is that because of course it is quite the reverse and those of us that have stopped going to matches and not renewed season tickets have done so out of our love of the club and see this as the only way to hopefully force some sort of change at the top. People like you that help prop up this tired and money orientated regime should take a long hard look at yourselves, because you are doing the club you profess to care about no favours at all.

  37. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 02, 2013, 8:52 #36938

    Richard : Many of the people you say "detest" Arsenal have supported the club for over 40 years and we do not like the way the club is being run. We have long since given up trying to convince the "corporate fan" of our viewpoint. However if the realistic tone of our comments offends you there are many "Alice in Wonderland" Arsenal sites designed just for you, I recommend you use them.

  38. 1975

    Aug 02, 2013, 8:29 #36937

    Not a great deal to cheer about. This article captures the annual pattern very well. Somehow earlier in the close season it felt that this time could be different. But so far we have achieved nothing. I did not renew my ST this season and feel better for it. I was done with giving my money to the club in advance, only to see the same lack of ambition, deception and rank incompetence. I still have my silver membership which allows me to make this relationship more conditional. Football has changed at the top level. We all love the club but I just could not carry on feeling like I was being taken for a ride. I will now be more of a pay as you go customer and buy tickets when I can. I want the club to earn back the commitmnet of fans rather than assume its there and take it for granted. The way to signal that is through what you spend, as money is everything at Arsenal and across the EPL. We still have 31 days in this transfer window. Im not hopeful of Suarez coming. Cant see it really. We need Feilani more than him, plus a good CB and goalie which many have suggested. If we dont...well take a look at our friends down the road...they have strengthened (Paulinho, Chadli, Soldado) whilst we have stood still. Winning the 4th place trophy by one point looks a lot harder Arsene....if they sell Bale...yes it will be a big problem for them, but they will have money to spend..perhaps on players we would have wanted. On a more positive note...there are good signs that the club is keen to clear out the dross, and Im still excited by the prospect of Bendtner and Gervinho going. Hope it happens. I guess we cant make money anymore from selling top players as we dont have any left apart from Wilshire (give it 2 seasons and expect a Man Utd or City bid). So we need to get the equivalent financial gain by getting rid of the pointless legion space wasters we seem to have accumulated. What are...a kind of battersea dogs home for rubbish players? You cannot escape results on the pitch and on the balance sheet.

  39. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 02, 2013, 7:57 #36936

    Dear Richard, We don't hate Arsenal, just actions of the old man which are grinding it slowly into the dust. I hope you enjoy the fiction and propaganda elsewhere. I know that we are just a bunch of miseryguts, but we don't like seeing the thing that we love get trashed. Try to understand. We would like to be enthuiastic for the new season but it is going to be groundhog day, and we are tired of being proved absolutely 100% correct season after season. Is it now a thoughtcrime at AKB central command to want to try and win something ?

  40. Ron

    Aug 02, 2013, 7:55 #36935

    Richard - Naff off then fella to one of your pro Arsenal sites. There you can toe the company line till your heart's content, revel in the Clubs spin and lamely accept your lot and never even have to contemplate the Clubs improvement or dread its demise. At least then we are saved from your nauseating, fear filled drivel. Close the door on your way out!

  41. Richard

    Aug 02, 2013, 6:52 #36934

    It's obvious to me that the majority of posters on this site detest Arsenal football club and will only be happy when they have brought about it's ruin. Also it seems most are just casual fans who very rarely attend games or don't attend anymore because Arsenal haven't been winning trophies. However their are Pro Arsenal sites who love Arsenal and everything it stands for and won't let the nominal fans spoil it for those who are dedicated.

  42. Nozzer

    Aug 02, 2013, 1:09 #36933

    Folks if we look at media staements since we moved to the grove, we have been told that there is money available to buy players. Each season this has not happened, I was sceptical of the annoucements made by Gazidis and Wenger at the end of last season. I have hoped that I will be proven wrong in the next month but I won't be.

  43. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 01, 2013, 23:44 #36932

    If you go to the Arsenal Website and look at the first team squad, you will find that we have 7 defenders, 8 midfielders (none of whom are a properly trained orthodox holding / destroying midfeilder) and nine (9) strikers. Clearly what we need is another striker. Think about how many of those players are actually playable in a season, and our inability to add to our squad and you begin to grasp what truly terrifying trouble we are in.

  44. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 01, 2013, 23:33 #36931

    Much talk here of forcing Wenger to resign. The problem about a regime which is in terminal decline but refuses to see it, is that in the end it cannot escape the natural consequences of its behaviour. The proof that we no longer have any good players is that no one is interested in poaching them. If no one will buy our players, then a plank of Wengers "balancing the books" through selling goes straight out the window. Even Stan will notice when £150 million in player wages go out this year and no balancing sale comes in to help with the shortfall. Wenger has a year on his contract to run. Perhaps the board under its new chairman are simply waiting for time to run out. Wenger will probably tell them that he has the right to be treated like a worker with a periodic contract, so that they have to sack him for misconduct or lack of capability or pay him off. He is probably planning to staple himself to his desk at the end of the coming season. I would pay him 20 million to go now, but then, I am blind to how truly wonderful he is.

  45. Big Dave

    Aug 01, 2013, 23:19 #36930

    100 percent spot on. Now lets protest no more A.I.S.A arse licking crap. The Gooner should be doing one thing and one thing only. Protest Ivan out Wenger Out

  46. Richard

    Aug 01, 2013, 23:17 #36929

    If Arsenal are so bad as the majority of contributors to this website seem to make out, why is it that you cannot get a season ticket for love and money and there's a huge waiting list. While the Champions Man Utd have more than 12,000 available and Man City and Chelsea still also have season tickets up for grabs with no waiting list. So it seems not everybody thinks your way as these teams spend vast sums though cannot attract the crowds. Surely it's not the sole aim of the bulk of posters on this site only to discredit Arsenal.

  47. MARCUS

    Aug 01, 2013, 22:41 #36928

    wenger is not interested in buying proven talent (such as suarez), wenger wants to buy an unknown player for £5m who will perform well in the league cup so the arsenal fans can hail him as 'legend' and scream out chants 'in arsene we trust' and this time next year man city will bid for that player, around £20m. wenger will sell and the fans will blur out 'we make players'. gazidis will ring the bells come season ticket renewal time and go on about war chests followed by a very tense press conference somewhere in asia where wenger with his serious face on says 'wilshere is back from injury and it's like a new signing'. arsenal fans will run to the club shop waving £60 for the new 3rd kit and walcott will twitter 'time to repay the boss'. kroenke will be busy counting the cash. usmanov will write a flippin long letter. arsenal will publish 1st quarter profits of a zillion pounds, fans will cheer 'financial prudence policy' etc etc. meanwhile..... chelsea & man utd, lift trophies

  48. johnnyh

    Aug 01, 2013, 22:26 #36927

    hopefully this summers embarrassing events will open the eyes of even the most ardent of wenger supporters. gazidis is a slimy yes man. he is the smithers to kroenkes mr burns and as for wenger, i will repeat what i have said before on this website. he is a tactically clueless conman and nothing will change until he leaves.

  49. Wombledin

    Aug 01, 2013, 22:22 #36926

    Arsenal has the most cynical management regime of any top flight club ever. We are officially being taken for a ride and have been for the last 8 seasons. The fans are being lied to and deceived. It is shameful. But how many of you mugs renewed your season ticket anyway?

  50. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 22:13 #36925

    A&F, good to hear from you again where have you been ? your right most of the comments we were writing and reading seasons ago are just as relevant today, says it all really nothing has changed except we had no asset to cash in on this time, and yes the regime and ogl are still being defended (a few have actually broke cover) but i do think more are waking up and coming out of the trance whether it's enough we'll have to wait and see.

  51. N4

    Aug 01, 2013, 22:04 #36924

    Apparently Arsenal are saving their money to buy spurs instead so that they don't to fight to finish above Spurs and fight for 4th place!

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 21:29 #36923

    Treble Double, your right, but you should have said this state of affairs would not be put up with by the fans of any other club in the world, well the fan's/clubs with any ambition anyway.

  53. The T

    Aug 01, 2013, 21:10 #36922

    Excellent summary! Couldn't agree more.

  54. DW Thomas

    Aug 01, 2013, 21:01 #36921

    I remember that CL game vs Barca when RVP got sent off for shooting the ball after the whistle. I believe that same game Jack made a great pass to Bendtner who bumbled it which should have been at least a great goal scoring chance that could have put us through if finished and score remained. My point is there have been too many of these type of situations in the past several years where we were missing that 1 or 2 quality players to make the difference. And none ever came. Now it is like 3-4 we need to compete again with the top clubs. It is this more than anything else, except maybe Wenger's snide, ego filled, take the piss comments, that really gets to me. I haven't had the same excitement or desire to watch games, even big cup games, since 2007-08, the last year we had a true chance and should have won the PL. Maybe my expectations are higher than the average Arsenal fan. 4th will just never excite me. Clearly no statement of any real intent has or probably will be made in this transfer market season. The snake oil salesmen continue on. And too many don't care or pay enough attention.

  55. Jude

    Aug 01, 2013, 20:43 #36920

    Gee: Agreed, mate. Signing Fellaini would "kill" Ramsey, and we know the manager won't do that. He also doesn't see a need for cover at centre half because we have Sagna. Shocking. Why sign any defensive cover at all when you have Ramsey available to step in? Equally shocking. The team's form over the final ten games last season, coupled with the success against Asian "dream teams" this summer will be cited as justification for no signings. Any reasonable person would look at our first team as it stands currently and conclude that we're woefully thin. At least Ivan's made it abundantly clear that the transfer handbrake is the manager's doing.

  56. Treble Double

    Aug 01, 2013, 20:06 #36919

    A horrible sense of déjà vu this summer. Unbelievable to hear Wengers comments about how the squad are good enough without additions. Good enough for what? Our negotiating tactics are embarrassing. This state of affairs would not be put up with by any other club in the world, yet we have to go through the same crap season after season and pay sky high prices for the privilege! The season starts in 2 weeks, oh what joy!!

  57. John Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 19:15 #36918

    You forgot to suggest '14. pointlessly wait around hoping that Liverpool will suddenly change their mind while Manchester United give up on signing Fabregas and make the simple purchase of Fellaini for around £25m.' I really hope for Wenger's sake that all of these bids have been bluffs, because if not, he has to be the most incompetent manager in the professional game. £30m for Higuain, £25-30m for Fellaini, I make that the asking price of Suarez, over simplifying I know - so shoot me!

  58. andy338

    Aug 01, 2013, 19:05 #36917

    Actually I forgot to add in my previous post that I knew things were grim when my mum who knows nothing about football innocently asked me a few years ago "why aren't Arsenal good anymore?" - In Arsene we rust.

  59. Andy338

    Aug 01, 2013, 18:54 #36916

    Arsenal used to be the only subject up for discussion between me and my colleagues at work but now we don't even bother talking about them as everything has been said and NOTHING will change until Wenger leaves our club. The worst thing is the pity shown by fans of top clubs towards gooners as they too acknowledge that we are no longer a threat and then ask the obvious question "why don't you buy anybody?" I've seen this lately in the media too with newspaper articles poking fun at our inability to actually sign a player, we've become a laughing stock and it's embarrassing. I can't bring myself to stop attending matches although I have reduced the number of games I go to each season and it's only my history with the club that keeps me interested. I wonder if kids getting into football now would bother choosing Arsenal as their club because to be totally honest the present setup wouldn't hook me in in the same way that the class outfit of the past did.

  60. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 01, 2013, 18:04 #36915

    Badrad - check your keyboard mate. Someone's been in overnight and moved all the keys around . . . . . . .

  61. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 01, 2013, 18:03 #36914

    Marcus - I don't know how long this status quo will last. But Arsenal has been a big part of me for 30 yrs. It is now Arsene FC but the now hapless OGL won't last forever. I'm stubborn on maybe stupid enough to see him out.

  62. Bard

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:58 #36913

    Couldnt agree more Lance. Truly a farce. Forest Gump comes to mind. Didnt want to pay extra for Higuain and now wanting to pay 20m+ more for the cannibal. Ludicrous. Dont worry too much guys Wenger will be gone by the end of the season. Not having the money was the reason we have had to endure the rubbish he's signed recently but having the money and still not buying 45 quality players is a death wish. 2 weeks to go till the season starts and we've signed no one.

  63. dartford gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:57 #36912

    The old song by Simply Red, Money's To Tight To Mention sums up whats going on at our club, the verse we are talking about that old man who is over the hill, says it all. Also just who is Dick Law and whats he ever done in football, any one know? Still can't give up going every week, it must be love.

  64. Madame W

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:43 #36911

    @badrad. Grammar deary!

  65. MARCUS

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:39 #36910

    Some great points made by my fellow gooners,I think Angry and Frustrated made great points. This same script could have been written 4 years ago smh,smh,smh. What is going on at this great club. I rang up the season ticket renewal hotline and I was told they have only lost 1400 previous season ticket holders and that they still have a 1600 season ticket waiting list smh,smh. The seemed so happy to tell me that. I than asked what would happen to me if I brought a banner entitled "WENGER OUT" or one saying "SPEND THE MONEY". I was told that i could not as it would incite people to fight against each other and the stewards would remove me, smh,smh. Do you see what this club has become it has become ARSENE PLC, what a disgrace. I then told the man this would never happen at any other top club in this country i.e manure, or chelski if there fans want to bring in banners showing their disapproval of a manager they would not be removed as its their right as ticket holders who have paid to watch. I then told the man that I would not be renewing my ticket to watch Giroud and Gervinho LOOOL. He then went on to tell me that wenger is the greatest manager we have ever had I said so?? He can not have a job for life we existed before he came and we will after his gone. Anyway the point im making is that this club should now be called WENEGR PLC OR FC what a utter disgrace we have become. If this man is offered a new contract and we start off poor he has to walk and there will be a civil war NO DOUBT

  66. badrad

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:26 #36909

    d time to judge our tranferdealings iz sept 1st. Untill den, unless U haz crystal ball, U iz spoutin hot mouthwash. On dat day if We gas not players to fight at top wenger iz over. Till den enjoy summer

  67. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 01, 2013, 17:02 #36908

    Apparently the board and Wenger are at stalemate, Amy Lawrence more or less indicated this on a blog as well. Maybe just maybe one of the board might decide to publicly resign rather than than us wait for an unlikely Wenger resignation in the short term. Just needs a board member to resign and say Wenger won't buy the players and he is truly cooked. I'm now really hoping we don't sign anyone. Instant pressure is then on the dinosaur. Wenger out!

  68. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 16:38 #36907

    Liar Liar, a lot of fans have seen through this a long time ago, and thankfully others have now woken up and are waking up, but others are brain washed to the extent they never will.

  69. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 01, 2013, 16:10 #36906

    Richard the Elect, is scrambling past a club of half the size and half the resources into 4th on the final day of the season really keeping them firmly in our wake? And by finishing above Chelsea, I assume you mean the season they won the European Cup? As for now looking the equal of the teams above them, have you been following the summer so far? Still, it's nice for you that you're happy with the status quo at AFC. Is that because we're so close now to the ultimate prize... a new contract for Arsene Wenger? Reckon that'll satiate your 'carnal instincts'.

  70. Tony Evans

    Aug 01, 2013, 15:55 #36905

    A&F is dead right - stop attending matches (a lot of us have done just that), it really is the only way to force the club to change it's ways. Surely that is what every real Gooner wants? I fail to understand why more fans do not see this simple fact - or are they happy with the way things are?

  71. Gooner1711

    Aug 01, 2013, 15:46 #36904

    The only decent thing he can do is resign. He won't do that so our club dies from within. We have to take a stand and cause chaos versus Villa.

  72. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 01, 2013, 15:17 #36903

    An anatomy of a farce indeed. Have not posted for a while as what's the point, any observations I or anybody else makes could have been written 4 years ago, and they would be as relevant now as they were then. The only thing that continues to utterly baffle me, is how on earth anybody can continue to defend the current regime, and Wenger in particular. I and others were advocating protests four years ago, but nothing apart from the occasional "you don't know what your doing" chant has been heard. What sickened me most of all, was watching Wenger and his players, plus all the travelling supporters celebrating on the last day of the season at Newcastle, as if they had just won the Champ League and the Premiership combined! That told me everything I need to know about the clubs and Wenger's brainwashed disciple supporters ambitions these days! As for transfer activity Lance you sum it up nicely and accurately, but again you could have posted this four years ago, and it would have been just as relevant! It's only continues protests we now need as we did then to actually force change, not keyboard warriors venting their spleens, as this farce will continue indefinitely if you let it. Wenger don't forget would be happy for the next 20 years to finish only in a Champ League berth without actual silverware, whilst lining his own pockets, as his socialist wage structure does not include him! Napoleon from Animal Farm springs to mind when I think of Wenger with his head so deeply in the trough he doesn't have time to buy quality replacements!! Those of you on here who have once again renewed your season tickets are partly to blame for this never ending nightmare, as money is the only language this regime understands or cares about and by giving your hard earned wages you give this regime legitimacy and all the oxygen they want or need. Whilst they in return continue to lie to you and more fool you for letting them shaft you once more, and force the rest of us to endure this no hope misery! For the record I stopped going 4 years ago, after having attended for 35 years plus regularly home and away, as losing my seat if things improve is worth it, just to hopefully one day see change! End of rant of for a lie down now! Vive La Revolution.

  73. Ken

    Aug 01, 2013, 15:10 #36902

    We have had managers who stayed for short spells and not won silverware, but with Wenger his way past his sell by date. Never have I seen fans going against fans and all this is because we were loyal to Wenger now he as had his time and we respect that. IT'S NOW TIME TO GO MR WENGER. Like some fans on hear I just felt like giving up but I can't. ARSENAL FOOTBALL CLUB FOREVER.

  74. Larry

    Aug 01, 2013, 15:02 #36901

    In Arsene I trust...baaaaaaaaa.

  75. Jason

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:58 #36900

    Don't know what all the fuss is about. The breaking news on the Arsenal website is...... the pitch is looking lovely!!!!

  76. Greenwich Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:49 #36899

    Vote with your feet guys. If we are crap to watch, the tourists will go to Chelsea instead rather than pay top prices to watch rubbish. Empty seats is the only weapon we have to get rid of this megalomaniac incompetent.

  77. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:34 #36898

    Ron 39635 spot on, the sheep have been fooled again.

  78. Fozzy's mate

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:14 #36897

    Like many I am apathetic now when 3 years ago I was incandescent. The clubs aim is to build the worlds biggest cash pile and have the highest earning CEO, manager and admission fees. As fans we should reserve our cheers for the totaliser on the big screens plotting these achievements displaying the figures. One thing that has upset me is to discover that one of my all time gooner heroes Kenny Sansom is a homeless drunk, living on a park bench. A great shame.

  79. Ron

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:13 #36896

    Gee - Mate, the 'worked up' stage came and went some years ago. Ive long been in the deflated and borderline disinterested epoch! It doesnt half help in coping with the Clubs lies and spin. Doesnt cost hardly a penny either, since the Season ticket was checked in. Others are following my route hence the mass e mails to red members offering season tickets i guess.

  80. jw

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:05 #36895

    Suarez is 1 year older not 2...your whoel argument is now null and void

  81. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 14:05 #36894

    Good one Lance, a farce alright, what wenger has been for seasons now, if it were any other club it would be funny and we'd be taking the piss, but it's not any other club it's our club, and still his sheep follow. You couldn't make it up.

  82. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 13:58 #36893

    @Richard the Elect-I suspect your opinion is more Richard the Third.

  83. Gee

    Aug 01, 2013, 13:31 #36892

    Not sure why people are so worked up. Have you not been around the last 8-10 transfer windows? They are all the same. Linked with names, club big us up, fill the coffers with ST renewals and then don't buy anyone. The manager is obsessed with value for money and development of youngsters. He won't buy Feillani, for example, as Ramsey or wilshere wouldn't get a runout. In his mind he wants to give kids every opportunity to succeed to the detriment of actually competing and winning titles. The financial horizon is incredibly positive we'll get +£20m for TV this year and as of next year you can add +£60m per annum to the bottom line every year with new sponsorships. Quite what Wenger is trying to achieve at the club has been a mystery for a few years now. He certainly doesn't want the pressure of competing for the league title. He'd rather be the martyr figting off all the oil money crying that "we cant compete with it" when in reality our turnover isn't far off Bayerns and we still don't want to utilise it. Very odd and will not change until Wenger goes

  84. Richard the Elect

    Aug 01, 2013, 13:16 #36891

    So many great armchair managers on this site It's a mystery why Arsenal really need one. Far too many focusing on spending money and short term policies, which in my opinion is just lazy let's chase the latest big name Mourinho style running of a club. I don't think those at Arsenal need to take advice from over emotional characters who make their judgements on carnal instincts. Considering what Arsenal have been up against in recent years ie. money doping by Chelsea and City and the juggernaut United who seem to have influences in the wide blue yonder. Arsenal have kept the rest (Liverpool, Spurs etc.who have had no distractions firmly in their wake and now look like they are the equal of those who finished above them last season. Remember Arsenal have often finished above City and Chelsea even after those clubs have spent big money so there's no need to doubt they will be up their again this season.

  85. Rob

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:44 #36890

    You've read my mind there Lance because it's word for word true. Don't forget 14 Bendtner will be 'like a new signing' when come September 2nd we're stuck with him and have signed no one of any note. I'm just waiting for Wenger to trot that line out.

  86. JJ Williams

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:38 #36889

    I agree with everything said apart from the Suarez part. At 50M he would be a better buy than Higuain at 34M. However with Gazidis & Wenger in charge of the cash we have no chance getting him or anyone else decent. Mr Gazidis is the highest paid chairman in the country?????? Wenger is one of the highest paid managers in the country?????? Kronke I hear pockets £20,000 of the gate receipts for home games???????

  87. Where are my bags David Hillier?

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:28 #36888

    A quote from A. Mineiro's president “Tottenham made an offer of €18 million for Bernard but they withdrew. Arsenal told us that they would bid but never did so. So what we have now is a €25m bid from Shakhtar,” Just says it all.

  88. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:17 #36887

    As soon as we won a few games on the Asian tour, with some good performances from some of the younger players I feared the worse. You can hear Arsene telling Ivan "I believe in these young players" The weekend games will give you an idea of how we are going to start the season. The truth is Arsenal is now too big a club to be run by a non footballing board and an inexperienced CEO. If Wenger is to continue it should be as a coach only and we should appoint a experienced Director of football immediately!

  89. Steve

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:15 #36886

    If we get to 31st August without major signings (and i'm not just refering to a striker, but also a GK, CB, and CM....and a winger if Gervinho leaves) then we need the fans to come together and conduct large scale protests before/after each home game. This spiral of decline at the fans expense (emotional and financial expense) is completely unacceptable and detrimental to the club we love. We have scraped 4th for the past two seasons and still arent strengthening with quality. The Manager and the board are accountable, and this farce cannot continue any longer, the board and manager are not only making the club look like a complete joke (RVP, £40m and a quid, pull out of Higuain deal, embarassing Wenger comments etc) but are sucking the life out of the fans - I dont ever remember feeling so disconnected from the football club I love. Protests need to commence, banners in the stadium need to be shown, its heart on sleeves time.

  90. GoonGer

    Aug 01, 2013, 12:06 #36885

    Perfect analysis.

  91. Clubclassgooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 11:57 #36884

    Such a brilliant piece and spot on. Wonder how empty the first game of the season will be.

  92. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 01, 2013, 11:54 #36883

    Everyone on this website can see it Lance but 50,000 or so will roll up in a couple of weeks time and lap up all the bull****e. The ARSENE KNOWS banner will still be there; the spin will be in full flow; prices will be still be the highest in world football and no trophies will turn up for the 9th season in a row. And - Lance my old mate, you forgot No. 14 = Sign crap like Amaury Bischoff / Joel Campbell / Wellington / Gervinho / Eboue / Song / Bendtner and tell everyone how brilliant they are.

  93. Liar Liar

    Aug 01, 2013, 11:46 #36882

    wenger and gazidis think nothing of telling lies to the fans. this does differentiate them in my view from several other clubs. theyve really taken to the style of a public american company where the management are always positive and happy to spin info. question is will the fans see through this and focus on the facts ? the club had no intention of spending £70m

  94. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 01, 2013, 11:42 #36881

    Nice one Lance, made me laugh. Then I thought some more and now I'm just depressed. Where's that bottle of rum....

  95. MARCUS

    Aug 01, 2013, 11:42 #36880

    I will have to disagree and say that SURAEZ is a better player than Higuain. Apart from that everything you said is true. This man wenger is killing this club off

  96. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:56 #36879

    The Yank aside I think the board shouldn't be blamed for the curent debacle. It's clear that they are trying to pressure Wenger to spend big. It's been clear for some time that we have a large cash mountain to spend. Wenger is a Champagne Socialist who's views are totally out of sink with the realities of the modern football world. Higuan like Suarez is a 1 in 2 goalscorer.Of course he's worth 35 million. Yet Wenger wants to pay the wrong price. He's an idealist who it seems doesn't really want to buy anyone but young French players and develop them. Arsenal have indulged Wenger for far too long. He should be running the France u-21 squad but that doesn't pay 8 million a year. At some point enough people will convince Stan that he has to be replaced. Until then we will remain in stagnation.

  97. Richard the Elect

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:22 #36878

    @billthered. And then one day the owner of the house next door loses his job and cannot pay the mortgage. He cannot pay his debts and he's lost all he has. A biblical lesson for all you worldlings, you can't build a house on sand ie with money not generated by your self. May look good in the short term but sooner or later the floods will come and all will be washed away.

  98. Ron

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:22 #36877

    All this talk of 'Wenger shd go' is far too belated. A boss of a Club like Villa when trounced 8-0 at Chelsea supposedly offered to resign to his owner who in turn said, 'No, stay and carry on building etc etc'. Absolutely fine even for such a proud Club as Villa. In Arsenals case, the 8-2 at Man Utd back in 2011 should have seen Wenger sacked immediately after that game, taking into account the gutless, disjointed performance and the clear lack of fight, motivation and more importantly, the fear that Wenger and those players showed that awful day. That he survived that tells me that hes far too brass necked and arrogant to tender his resignation and the Board are far too limp wristed to sack the deluded French autocratic busted flush.Im past caring now. Hes there for as long as he wants to be. End of. What a prospect and how utterly boring the prospect of each football season has become at Arsenal.

  99. billthered

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:07 #36876

    I like many others own my house and will not let it get into a bad state of disrepair.Because when that happens it takes a long time to have it in good order,I would certainly not wait nine years before acting on putting it in order.Next door have less money than the rest of the street but I think they must borrow or re mortgage to have their house looking very marketable.FFP does'nt work down our way and this fellow Platini who lives around the corner has since buttoned his lip since his family have had an outside injection of money.

  100. Red Member

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:05 #36875

    Wenger must go now! this summer has been clueless in the extreme. We went into the summer in a much more stable position than the other top 3 clubs and yet....we have bought no one!!!! It really is almost unbelievable. Forget this pursuit of a striker (which ok I admit we do need) but what about the other glaring deficiencies in the squad? GOALKEEPER?? CENTRAL DEFENDER?? DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER??? Fellaini has been available all summer. Just buy him, take a chance. Surely it has to be an improvement on what we have already got. When is the first protest, march etc??

  101. Kilkenny Cat

    Aug 01, 2013, 10:04 #36874

    Wenger should have gone a long time ago.When he started breaking up the invincibles,and replacing them with inferior or unknown players,it was obvious he had lost his sparkle.I wish he had gone with dignity,so he was remembered for the great times.Now he will be remembered for the bad times,No trophies.embarrasing defeats etc.Trouble is now,who is going to sack him,when he,s making money,and who at the club would have the faintest idea on who to bring in.Cant see any stella signings,just unknown french league dross,which we,ll pay silly wages and not be able to sell.The club is rotten from top to bottom,and and i cant see change for quite a while. 4th is no guarantee,neither is getting to group stages of the champions league.As Morrissey said heaven knows im miserable now.

  102. dirkus

    Aug 01, 2013, 9:45 #36873

    once again all smoke and mirrors. Ivan is Terrible, at bringing any class players to our great club. Who would want to sign or stay for such a totally unambitious manager. Another contract you're having a laugh. Hope Higuain scores a hat trick against us at weekend!

  103. Dan h

    Aug 01, 2013, 9:37 #36872

    14.State this the strongest squad you have ever worked with at the close of the window. 15.After taking a early season beating tell the fans to have belief & get behind the team.'I believe in the spirit & quality of this team we are getting stronger & stronger.' 16.Mid season leak the news that 'we were very,very close to signing a number of world class players & if needed money is available in January should the right targets at the right price become available.' May 2014 repeat the process again 'I am going to the world cup with the chequebook open,we are only on the market for top quality players' repeat step 1.

  104. Steve H

    Aug 01, 2013, 9:25 #36871

    spot on Lance its quite pathetic - the so called transfers are all a smoke screen - we won't sign anyone of note before the deadline i am afraid. I am not really shocked that this has happened as stopped trusting OGL a few seasons ago

  105. Croker

    Aug 01, 2013, 9:14 #36870

    Just read that Bernard looks like he has also slipped through our butter fingered management's grasp. This utter uselessness is just so sad. Season after season, we are a few signings short of being trophy winners so compound that over what is nearly a decade and those years of neglect and shopping at car boot sales for signings leaves us well short of even competing with the top sides, who incidentally, are all re-strengthening. If Arsenal do not strengthen the core of the side this summer then its time for a clear out.

  106. Ron

    Aug 01, 2013, 9:09 #36869

    Its only a farce if you thought that something extravagant was going to happen in the transfer market anyway. Not many did and many have actually given up caring.

  107. Andy P

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:57 #36868

    My sentiments entirely! As a staunch Gooner pretty much all my life I am getting increasingly likely to reduce my interest to a passing glance at their results due to the lack of commitment in purchasing any decent players. I have spoken to a number of Gooners and like me they believe the good deals are done early to give the players time to settle in to the team and make a contribution from the off - not after 5-6 games!

  108. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:56 #36867

    Bit harsh Lance - we still have the Em*r*tes Cup this weekend!

  109. Mike

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:49 #36866

    Absolutely spot-on!

  110. Jefflee

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:48 #36865

    The same old story for nine yrs now,they were using the new stadium as an excuse, i wonder what excuse Wenger and Gazidis will give us this time around.I hang my faith on natural laws to prevail, i believe Wenger and Gazidis will submit there resignation letter soonest without anybody forcing them to do so. Wenger believe me you have lost it all and it will backfire on you. Lets keep our fingers cross.

  111. arsenal-steve

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:28 #36864

    At last the true Wenger. What you have written in my mind could be a translated statement from Wenger, which to my mind would go something like this. It would be in an accent in a mad professor. "F**k you all. F**k the supporters. F**k the pundits. F**k Gazidis. F**k Usmanov. F**k Dein. F**k all the old players telling me to buy. F**k any of our squad telling me to buy." That's what I hear. Somewhere in a basement Dr Frankenwenger has nearly finished his experiment and the clone he has been making will be signed next week. Rumours are Arsenal will pay him £100, 000, 000 for it.

  112. MF

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:24 #36863

    I'm amazed that all you fabulously knowledgeable "experts" are not in demand by Europes top clubs to snap your fingers and produce the perfect team for them! But until the phone calls come in ,begging your help ,why don't you eternal moaners buy a shirt with a cockerel on it and take your "support ??" Elsewhere. Cue predictable abuse...

  113. Tony Evans

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:21 #36862

    Nice one, and sadly an accurate picture of the farcical nature of Wenger's transfer dealings.

  114. Peter Lavelle

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:19 #36861

    How many empty seats for the Emirates Cup I wonder?

  115. Paul Ellam

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:15 #36860

    Yep - Spot On. I never thought after the 1992 Bond disgrace that I would be saying it, but by God we miss David Dein in the transfer negotiations (well they're not really negotiations with AW are they - we'll offer X & that's it!).

  116. sparksy

    Aug 01, 2013, 8:13 #36859

    If it weren't so serious it would be laughable. How a "company" the size of Arsenal can deal in such a way really is farcical. That the highest paid manager in British football can't even make a signing of any note is ineptitude of the highest order. Gazidis preaches FFP but pays himself and the manager a wage far and away anything near their worth. A case of filling our boots??? We are witnessing the biggest scam British football has ever seen and we are the ones being stung.

  117. Peter Wain

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:57 #36858

    this may be funny but then again not but it is true. The sooner this useless manager board and owner depart the sooner the better.

  118. AB

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:53 #36857

    Suarez>>>>>Higuan you don't understand football.

  119. Noodles

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:49 #36856

    Its just not funny anymore ...Ive just got to stop caring as its really starting to hurt! I've said before that Wenger is a Tyre Kicker and a waste of time in the market! I used to love Wenger and would panic when Madrid would be reported to be tempting him ... now just his face on the TV gets me worked up and angry. I really loath him as its so clear that he truly believes he is bigger than Arsenal Football Club .....

  120. Warren

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:40 #36855

    Brilliantly stated ! So funny and so sad at the same time

  121. TheRealWorld

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:35 #36854

    This Dein obsession is gone way past ridiculous. There are many top football clubs around the world with good-enough negotiators who are already completing good deals in each transfer window. We just need a good negotiator, not David Dein.

  122. garyfootscrayaustralia

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:19 #36853

    14. Pray to the football gods that FFP might have some kind of regulatory power in future. Gazidis views FFP as the European football equivalent of the salary cap well - known to observers of North American and Australasian ball sports. He'll be keeping his fingers crossed that the goodwill between Arsene and the Platini family will bear fruit without spending a cent / penny / euro. (Look up the history between Platini's dad and Arsene's appointment as Nancy manager, if you haven't already).

  123. DanielGooner

    Aug 01, 2013, 7:18 #36852

    Yes sums our summer transfer activity - clueless. This is a manager who is the third highest paid in the world according to reports. Not one decent player have we signed since the window opened and yet spuds have signed new players. Time to vote - need a change of ownership.