Thumbs Up for Members Day?

Account of Thursday’s annual pre-season event at the stadium

Thumbs Up for Members Day?

Arsène – All smiles

Having watched the televised Aisa tour and attended Day One of the E*****s Cup (we only came to see Eboue…..), it was now the turn of Members Day in our pre-season build up. In previous years we had queued outside the stadium for ages before being allowed in, however this year we tried a new tactic – turn up once the turnstiles have already opened! This worked a treat and we walked straight in, getting to our seats as Faye White was interviewed, although sadly the Ladies Team were not there to show off their silverware having recently won the FA Cup and last season’s FAWSL. Martin Keown was also interviewed before proceedings began.

Once the players came out they were lined up for a team photo with the fans behind them included in the shot, then proceeded to jog around and stretch to warm up. Nothing too strenuous guys, we don’t want any injuries! Arsene came over to say hello looking relaxed, a few people shouted “Sign Suarez”, although no response was given apart from a grin. I guess Arsene knows………. The teams played a mini match (most goals scored by Theo) and with a Ronaldo-style shot Podolski fired a ball into the crowd just missing my daughter Ceri who - unlike the poor boy at Bournemouth hit by Ronaldo’s free kick - managed to duck out of the way! Maria sang throughout the proceedings, it wouldn’t be the same without her “Come on you Gunnerrrsssss” echoing through the stadium.

Next up were the Junior Gunners – thirty youngsters had been chosen (sadly not my daughter), and wearing the new away kit with JG and numbers 1-30 on the back ran around the centre circle holding balloons which they released into the sky, all with a voucher for free membership attached! They then played against the first team with Gunnersaurus in goal who wasn’t “DENCH” enough to save Frimpong’s effort and was then flattened by Theo, Giroud and the gang landing on top of him! The Junior Gunners were desperate to score, and with the crowd behind them just about managed it (despite at one stage the whole goal being filled with the first team!). In the midst of all this chaos Theo was taken off for a photo with a section of the crowd who had all been given Theo masks – there’s only 300 Theo Walcotts……….

A small amount of footballs were kicked into the crowd (the real Theo managed to get one into Club Level) and then it was time to head off to the Question and Answer Session in Royal Oak. Unlike previous years there was no queue so again we walked straight in – I think they have finally got this one sussed as last time we queued for nearly two hours! As there were other sessions being held simultaneously in other parts of the stadium we did not know which players we would get (thankfully Gervinho was on a plane out of there), and were really pleased to find that our session hosted by Tom Watt would include Jack, Jenko, Bacary and TV5.

It was light hearted and the answers were what you would expect in terms of new signings, Suarez etc, but it was still interesting to hear the players reply to questions that hadn’t been submitted prior to the event. Jack said that his inspiration was David Beckham and his favourite player was Cesc, and that if he could play with one of the Invincibles it would be Thierry. He also said it was important to eat healthily (I think he had conveniently forgotten about all his trips to Nandos!). Bacary (looking slightly embarrassed) had to dance with one of the audience, whilst Tommy V said he would still be captain next season, hoping to be back to fitness in a couple of weeks time.

When asked what would be the ultimate trophy Jenkinson replied the World Cup although that would be “hard” – how about the Premiership, Champions League, FA Cup, Capital One Cup or even the E******s Cup for starters!! Then, somewhat bizarrely, they held a darts challenge (health and safety – whatever next?!) which Vermaelen won despite Jack and Carl’s best efforts – Bacary had no idea what was going on! We were told there would be no autographs as the players had “another engagement to get to”, although some fans were successful as in the crush the players did sign a few things.

We finally left the stadium at 3pm and headed to the JG Fanzone for my daughter to have a quick go on the mini tour and speed shot machine, then down to the Armoury where sadly the “free printing” queue was too long for us to join, although the rest of the shop was fairly quiet.

In summary, we enjoyed the day and felt that overall things had improved in terms of organisation and player/fan interaction than in previous years, especially for the Junior Gunners. Sadly the only new face was Sonogo, but it ain’t over until Maria sings……..

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 11, 2013, 13:47 #37313

    Wenger is the Daddy, there you are you've just said it, PRE SEASON FRIENDLIES, just wait and see what happens when it matters, and there's something to play for.

  2. Yanto

    Aug 11, 2013, 12:19 #37309

    Until Wenger is Gone - The same old Groundhog Transfer Windows and So Trophyless Seasons will continue...we have an owner who is toothless and a manager who is well past his sell by date. End Of.

  3. basil is a gooner

    Aug 11, 2013, 10:48 #37305

    In previous years they have had signing sessions but again the queue for these have been massive, and people missed out because the queuing system was so long. So I guess they scrapped it this year. But I agree, autographs and actually meeting the players are what the kiddies (and adults!)want!

  4. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 11, 2013, 0:13 #37296

    It's a shame that Faye and the ladies didn't get the opportunity to display their winnings, especially as they're the only team representing the club that have any silverware to show off. It seems these member's day events reflect the growing distance between players and fans - no autographs?!?!

  5. Wenger is the Daddy

    Aug 10, 2013, 23:16 #37295

    I've watched all the big sides in their pre-season friendlies and can honestly say Arsenal look better than anyone else. Arsenal in recent years have out footballed teams but have been bullied by spoilers like City, Manure and the chavs.This year they look much stronger and more mature and quicker in the pass. Believe you me the title is ours this year.

  6. Aug 10, 2013, 22:38 #37294

    @ 'wenger is the daddy' - keep smoking whatever it is you're smoking mate. even when wenger was at his very best, he still wasn't the best: he never managed back to back titles and fergie always outsmarted him. he couldn't handle mourinho, and even god old sam allardyce bullied him with Bolton for years. the man is one-dimensional, he has no alternatives, never did, never will. credit to him for the first 8 years, no one can take that away from him; but only an idiot will think arsenal will win the premiership this season.

  7. Sarah

    Aug 10, 2013, 22:28 #37292

    Jack said his favourite Player when he was growing up was David Beckham, shortly afterwards asked what player inspired him said well David Beckham as mentioned but during his early time at Arsenal Cesc.

  8. Wenger is still the Daddy

    Aug 10, 2013, 20:25 #37291

    Wenger will show all the turncoats that he is still the best in the business, by securing the title this year playing his usual brand of total Wengerball. There's no buying the title playing anti football like the Fergies and Mourinho's of this world. Up the Gunners.

  9. wot no players

    Aug 10, 2013, 18:52 #37290

    See we just beat the "best" squad in the premiership. Arsene is going to win the premiership with the thinnest and cheapest squad in the history of the modern game and prove that he is the best manager that ever graced these fair isles!It wouldn't surprise me if he walks across a lake to pick up the trophy.

  10. manu

    Aug 10, 2013, 18:41 #37288

    Great game against city...if we had lost you would have been moaning, we won and play rather well, scored some decent are still moaning....never can't buy happiness.....

  11. Me

    Aug 10, 2013, 18:13 #37286

    Winning against Man city in a meaningless friendly is one thing and beating them when it matters is another - not knocking them but its true. Another sobering thought we now have 17 recognised first team players and 23 days of the transfer market remaining - Well done Wenger and Gazidis and people wonder why Arsenal fans have no confidence in them at all...

  12. Terry

    Aug 10, 2013, 16:59 #37285

    Just watched the Arsenal City game. Arsenal look light years ahead of the City in there preparation and technique . The yank and Geordie commentators were excellent. YANK 'I suppose the Arsenal supporters will be very pleased with the way their team looks. GEORDIE 'Oh I they will, but knowing Arsenal supporters they will still find something to moan about'. How vey true.

  13. basil is a gooner

    Aug 10, 2013, 14:48 #37282

    No money is made out of members day apart from the extra revenue from the Armoury! Its a day out for the kids to see the players in a less formal environment, and a good opportunity to take small children to see the stadium. And hopefully while its going on Ivan and the gang are busy signing some decent players!

  14. Ronster

    Aug 10, 2013, 14:00 #37281

    Me...don't fret mate...Arsene still pocketed his daily 20K.

  15. Me

    Aug 10, 2013, 13:37 #37280

    Did Arsenal make money out of "members day" ? Bit pointless really isn't it ? Perhaps they should be focusing their energies on signing new players instead...