Ian Wright, Right, Right?

Should former Gunner be a figure of hate?

Ian Wright, Right, Right?

Always outspoken. But is he justified?

Thomas Jefferson once said ‘dissent is the truest form of patriotism’. Aside from the lack of the words ‘can be’ that’s a wise statement and a benchmark for free speech and democracy.

Therefore it disturbs me greatly to hear that Ian Wright has recently come out and said that he now receives more stick from Arsenal fans than he does from Tottenham - for the crime of being critical of the club’s hierarchy. This includes the audacity to criticise Wenger, which in some quarters has turned him into a disliked figure. The article on the Radio Times website includes comments below from Arsenal fans, which very much confirmed just how disliked Ian Wright now is by fans, many of whom are too young (or too JCL) to have witnessed a striker who played with unrivalled love and passion for Arsenal.

Wrighty attributes the venom directed at him for his ‘honesty’ and claims “Arsenal fans can’t handle that…It’s been eight years since they last won a trophy and yet the club are still talking a new deal for Arsène Wenger, so I don’t think he’s under the same pressure as other managers”.

You are free to disagree with Wright’s views on Wenger, but to resent him for it? The same Wrighty who broke the club’s scoring record in six enthralling years of incredible consistency? The same Wrighty who punched David Howells in the face in front of the swamp-dwellers at White Hart Lane? The same Wrighty who cried his heart out on receiving a yellow card which suspended him for the Cup Winners Cup Final in 1994? The same Wrighty who celebrated every goal like it was the winner in a cup final? The same Wrighty who scored against Tottenham on numerous occasions - is now hated more by Arsenal fans than them?! Welcome to the Twilight Zone.

Venom is also directed at the former striker from some fans because he advised his son to sign for Chelsea over us. That was nothing to be proud of, but when you compare that to the good times, it’s insignificant. The enjoyment I had watching Ian Wright overwhelms such relatively minor issues. If it doesn’t, and you hate him for it, then I’m sorry that you’d let such a thing null-and-void your love for the most natural goal-scorer ever to wear the red and white.

“If you don’t like it go and support Spurs or Man City.” This is the dictatorial attitude among some Arsenal fans to anybody who has the audacity to express a view that the board are a hindrance and that another manager might do a better job. The idea that being critical of the management makes someone anti-Arsenal is absurd and insulting. Should the millions of people who dislike this current government leave the UK? Is it unpatriotic to hate the Tories? Like the regime or lump it, isn’t that the attitude for bigots and fundamentalists?

Tony Adams, Ian Wright, Frank McLintock are just a few great names who have expressed concerns about the direction of the club. I can’t think of three former players who love Arsenal more and their honesty is certainly appreciated by some of us.

Matthew Bazell is the author of Theatre of Silence: The Lost Soul of Football.

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  1. silky black

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:16 #37568

    supposedly we did everything wright says wud we have a better arsenal or not..thats the question the arsenal fans shud be asking otherwise talk about wright is argumentative and irrelevant

  2. Rocky RIP

    Aug 17, 2013, 18:08 #37559

    As has been said, Wrighty the player is an absolute legend; Wrighty the pundit and writer in The Sun is as bad as the others on a long list of ex-players who seem to have little good to say about our club. I'm all for constructive criticism where it's warranted. It's bad enough having an anti-Arsenal media who love to bash our club up and call on a crisis at every opportunity, but when our ex players join in it's unbearable. Some of them seem apologetic to say anything positive for fear of bias (eg. Alan Smith); or have an agenda against us because they fell out with the club (eg. Brian Marwood.)Fair enough if you love the club like a wayward child and only make harsh comments as a form of tough love, but when it's incessant negativity which creates an image of a 'spiral of decline' then it's unforgivable. Can you imagine Garth Crooks, Les Ferdinand, Jamie Rednapp, Glen Hoddle, David Pleat, etc having such harsh words about their club? Not a chance. Who is their Stewart Robson? They keep quiet bout the huge amount to be negative about with that club and concentrate on bashing Arsenal wherever possible instead. Switch the positions of the two club over the last 20 years. We'd have been crucified in the media. Bob Wilson is one of very few media personalities who can be positive about us, whilst remaining intelligent and fair. Who are the others?

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 13:37 #37547

    Ted, when Arsenal finish third or fourth, we know your expectations and ambitions for the season. There must be a branch of the cult on craggy Island, i take it your the chairman or is it Dougal.

  4. Ron

    Aug 17, 2013, 12:20 #37545

    Ted - With all due respect, your comment there sums you up. Youre happy with '3rd or 4th' and lets be honest, its mainly 4th! Is that all you expect for your time and investment in the Club, the Club whove hiked the cost up to the present levels on the back of the lie that they moved from their true home to challenge Man U etc etc? Do you think a Club as wealthy as Arsenal shd be happy to make the numbers up? Do you think we shd grow players for the later use in their best years for Clubs who ve got real ambition? Do you like us aborting the Cups every season? Do you like the last ditch pathetic little skirmish with a plucky small Club like Tottenham in the battle for the coveted 4th every season? Do you like being in a CL tourny that you know ends every season in the group stage and often with a thrashing by the 1st decent team we play? Do you like having players who are bottlers when it comes to a fight and who shirk physical confrontation? Do you like being classed as a nice Club who play neat frilly football, who the likes of Fergie pat on the head and say ' there, there, carry on Arsenal while we win the pots'. Do you like the fact we buy 3rd rate no marks every season nearly and pay them the earth instead of spending the same cash on real players who want to achieve things with us, the same players who we then have to drop like hot potatoes when they fail due to the lack of nous and ability? Do you like and enjoy the embarrassment of losing to the Bradfords, Bhams and Blackburns of this World and only then hearing the Coach say 'we fought hard and showed great spirt', when your own eyes tell you we freaking well didnt? Do you like the spin and bollocks the Club and Wenger feed you every year that we re looking for players, yet never buy players of note? Do you like the mundane style of the Club with NIL players who can get you off your seat? Do you like sitting in a stadium thats so quiet due to the lack of energy shown by the team and a Coach who sits there kicking his bottle, holding his arms wide while dressed in a onesie with a broken zip he cant ever seem to fathom how to close, instead of doing something positive? Do you like Wengers whinging? Do you like being the fan of a Club who are so soft bellied theyre known as powder puffs throughout the game and able to be pushed about by the playground bully Clubs? Do you like NEVER actually pushing the top Clubs for the title? Do you like the fact we hardly ever win the odd 'big' game we play in? Are you happy with our pitiful performances v the top Clubs every season? Do you like being a Club whove spent millions to move yet, we re now Evertons rival, the Spuds rival, Liverpools rival, hell, even the freaking Toons rival and show nothing towards leaving them in our wake? Do you like having Clubs with coaches like Pulis and Allardyce thinking that Arsenal are there to be beaten instead of them thinking how can they keep the thrashing theyre gonna get respectable? Do you like Wengers excuses that have been trotted out for the last 9 years? For heavens sake, what is it that makes you and youre like such door mats? There is hardly little now that after nearly 10 years since our last successful team that can justify us having to pay a man over 7 MILLION quid p. a to lead us to an inevitable seasons concluion that 4th and pitiful Cup exits are the best that we can expect, becsue like it or not thats what hes been telling you for the last 6 years at least. Why cant you see whats before youre very eyes? NO other Club of note who purport to want to be at the top of their own domestic game would continue to tolerate institutional failure as we do with Wenger and i'd just like you or another of your AKB chums to tell me why we should all fall into line - PLEASE.

  5. ESB

    Aug 17, 2013, 6:56 #37529

    I really don't think he means any genuine any harm by it, and you know he loves the Arsenal, but he's always been a bit unhelpful when in front of a camera. Going back to complaining about the club not letting him move to Benfica publicly on motd. And he does still seem to be annoyed at Wenger, even though he was the only reason he ever got a league winners medal.

  6. Green Hut

    Aug 17, 2013, 0:02 #37528

    Ted- Many posters on here predict every year that we will win nothing with Wenger in charge and they are always right. The difference between finishing 6th and 4th means nothing, merely a load of money that Wenger won't spend to enter a competition we can't win. The difference between not winning a trophy and winning a trophy means everything.

  7. Ted

    Aug 16, 2013, 23:42 #37527

    It seems every season that the Anti Arsenal Arsenal and the media predicts that with the squad Arsenal have they are going to finish between 4th and 6th. Adrian Durham the self proclaimed leader of the AMG's and of which all his comments are repeated by his deluded followers regularly on this site. Has predicted Arsenal to finish 7th this season. So when Arsenal finish 3rd or 4th you would think by their logic they would have to say that Wenger has overachieved. No! Instead they say Arsenal have underachieved and Wenger is a busted flush. Where is the logic there?

  8. west facing cannon

    Aug 16, 2013, 23:04 #37526

    Ian Wright just wants Arsenal to show the ambition that the fans deserve. Wasn't that what Sir Henry Norris was all about ? Wenger thinks everything is about himself. Get rid now before he destroys our great club !

  9. Brigham

    Aug 16, 2013, 22:34 #37524

    WWW is an absolute legend at Arsenal or should I really say Highbury? For those who do not like his views or opinions, well, that is all they are. He is telling it like he sees it and he has played for our club; scored goals for our club and until TH14 came along, he was the club record goalscorer. He speaks his mind like a fan, a true fan. Wenger is washed up, he is done and needs to sod off as soon as possible, he is wasting our club and killing it off. I love Arsenal, but I will never love Wenger.

  10. allybear

    Aug 16, 2013, 22:28 #37523

    Great comments on this page and i was always a big Ian Wright fan and he is entitled to his opinions which i totally agree with. Wenger should not be given a new contract as he doesnt deserve one for his failures. We start the new season with a depleted squad and no additions. We all know the areas that badly need improving but still Wenger has done nothing. Its a shambles of a club managed by a man who is well past it.

  11. theopants superstar

    Aug 16, 2013, 21:03 #37521

    PPP: "but the smiple truth is this - Arsenal squad + Suarez kicks the cr&p out of Liverpool and everybody knows it. For the sake of argument Arsenal squad + Suarez + Fabregas = bookies favourites for the title. This alone makes me, an avid Wenger fan always ready to defend his record, very very dissapointed that we haven't signed a single star performer yet." Bloody hell, so something as flimsy as there being a possibility - no matter how small - that we might sign Suarez & Fabregas is enough of a reason for you to remain 'an avid Wenger fan and ready to defend him'? There really is no substance in that argument or rationale in your logic and it further proves that for some people the worsening state and reputation of our squad and club simply doesn't matter to you as much as Arsene does.

  12. Ron

    Aug 16, 2013, 17:54 #37514

    PPP - You make very good points yourself too. In fairness, many of AWs following do make good points and there are those of us on both sides of the divide who occasionally go overboard. The fact is that there are great arguments for and against! Its sad that its come to this, but it makes for great debate on here doesnt it? ( and often some really funny comments too from some posters!)The saddest thing from the point of view of one who thinks AW has been in the job 2 years too long now, is that there are enough anti Arsenal jerks in the media already (always have been) and our criticism sort of reinforces some of them, many of whom know or understand nothing about our Club i.e that thick, barking oaf Thompson who you mention to name just one.

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 15:54 #37510

    Alsace L T D, yes the wenger youth, all indoctrinated and know no better, how sad.

  14. Green Hut

    Aug 16, 2013, 15:36 #37509

    "The transfer market is a worry nowadays and it has always been". Possibly the most revealing, pathetic, defeatist statement ever from our pathetic, defeatist £7m a year manager. Someone give him the French national job now so he doesn't have to endure the horrors of having to spend money.

  15. ppp

    Aug 16, 2013, 15:21 #37508

    Ron, good points and obviously a considered view. I disagree that Wright has a point. We expect Liverpool to wheel out their lorry load of clowns (phil thompson, michael owen, john henry etc) to barf on about how wonderful Liverpool are and how awful Arsenal are but the smiple truth is this - Arsenal squad + Suarez kicks the cr&p out of Liverpool and everybody knows it. For the sake of argument Arsenal squad + Suarez + Fabregas = bookies favourites for the title. This alone makes me, an avid Wenger fan always ready to defend his record, very very dissapointed that we haven't signed a single star performer yet.

  16. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 16, 2013, 15:15 #37507

    Arseblog is the latest to question what's happening at the club's executive level. Listen to his most recent Arsecast, the first fifteen minutes sum up what Ian Wright and many of us are expressing at this time.

  17. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 16, 2013, 14:52 #37506

    Our wonderful and insightful meeeeeeeeedja have life very easy for them nowadays. Anything that moves, gets 50,000 ex-players rang up to ask for their opinion on it which is then posted to Twit,Talks..te, FB, online, News 24, SSN etc etc. Job done, right let's all go down the pub. Whilst I agree wholeheartedly with Ian Wright, lets not forget that some of our ex-players could barely spell the word "investment" let alone expound their opinions on it. I mean I saw this morning Chris Coleman that all-time legendary ex-Palace and Fulham player, who also managed in Spain and Coventry for about 5 minutes, saying that Luis Suarez would do well in Spain. I mean come on, what more of an endorsement do you want? No doubt that was what will be the deciding factor in the move. Football will eat itself. Or as someone almost said in the 1990's but about pop music

  18. Ron

    Aug 16, 2013, 14:46 #37505

    PPP - Agree or not agreeing with him is rather pointless in my view. His views are shaped largely by the size of the axe he still grinds with Wenger who sidelined him to a bit part player and so theyre prejudiced views. A bit like Hansen still clearly has an axe to grind over the fact that Kevin Richardson and Mickey Thomas ran his skinny body and aged old bones ragged in April 1989 hence his bile about Arsenal even today. On the point of Suarez,i can see the point Wright makes actually. If his drive is CL football, why would anybody advise Saurez to join Arsenal under the present regime? Its OK if the perenniel CL entry is the extent of the players ambition, but if it isnt and the player wants some realistic CL glory, then im sorry, but Arsenal arent the Club for that. Theyve no interest in winning it. Wengers managment methods makes that abundantly clear. If Suarex wantsed better money while he humped the leg of a real CL big hitting Club then Arsenal are a decent stepping stone to achieve that though. No question. I for one wouldnt touch Saurez with a Uraguayan bargepole and the fact that Wenger has pushed for it (if he truly has) shows just what an out of touch and naive Coach hes become.

  19. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 14:45 #37504

    Is Ted,Daniel Levi in disguise?

  20. ppp

    Aug 16, 2013, 14:15 #37503

    Wright's legend is inarguable. Anyone who tries to revise it looks foolish and loses credibility. The man was a real Arsenal hero the likes of which we would all kill for now. Suarez would be as good a signing and that's why he's so very very expensive because everyone knows it. Wright's legend as a pundit is far less assured. He talks rubbish and is easily brow beaten by Tottenham clowns. Witness him on Sky bowing down to Glenn Hoddle's perennial "I wouldn't swap any of our players for theirs" nonsense before we soundly beat them 5-2 or something.. His comment that Suarez should reject a move to Arsenal was ridiculous and frankly I was p*ssed off with him for saying it. If your a fan and you agree with him then your support for Arsenal is in question. In the world of Twatter and Facef*ck everyone spews hatred everyday. Wright should expect it if he spouts such obviously provocative stuff about the club that made him a legend. I love Wright and always will - but I will not agree with him just because he was one of the greatest players.

  21. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 16, 2013, 14:00 #37502

    Round of applause for FPGooner's excellent deconstruction of Ted's ludicrous post. To look at this summer alone, at the public statements from the club at the beginning of it compared to what has happened, or just the sheer fact the bench tomorrow will have to be stocked with youth team players, and still believe that 'all is well' and indeed to suggest otherwise means you are an 'anti-Arsenal traitor' suggests a person who doesn't even follow the goings on at the club. Or perhaps isn't intelligent enough to comprehend the goings on. Actually, I've just re-read Ted's post: It's the latter.

  22. Ron

    Aug 16, 2013, 13:57 #37501

    Dave - 'end of the Season'? Hes had at least the last 4 of them where his P45 should have been stuck up his jacksie and a taxi ordered for him. We may just have a situation here where Villa turn us over, followed by a very likely crumble in the heat and passion of Turkey, plus the real nailer, the spuds turning up and doing a number on Wengers flaky lot? Theres a scenario for you that might just blow the doors and roof off this fraudulent, house built on sand edifice that Wenger and the lying con artists on that Board have engineeered. His contract shouldnt been jack shi-- if it does pan out that way, not after this close season.

  23. Dave

    Aug 16, 2013, 13:46 #37499

    Completely agree with IWWW. However, le boss deserves to see out his contract. The big question is whether Gaz and the board have the stones to get rid of him at the end of the season.

  24. Ron

    Aug 16, 2013, 13:40 #37498

    Ted - Youve been slaughtering that Jack Daniels bottle again havent you? Good greif, that last post of yours is utter bollocks even by your normal, puerile standards.

  25. Graham Simons

    Aug 16, 2013, 13:15 #37496

    I'm not an AKB or an AMG but what I do know is tomorrow when I'm at the Emirates we'll have only 16 fit first teamers to take on Villa. That means everyone gets a place in the squad regardless of form because 16 is the number you're permitted to sit on the bench. We've done a great job of shifting the deadwood but we've forgotten the signing players part. My question is at what point does stupidity become negligence?

  26. Eddie

    Aug 16, 2013, 13:08 #37495

    The geezer speaks his heart......and in this case the truth. Same can be said with ex-players like Paul Merson on Soccer Saturday. Never should he (or they) be hated for it!! I grew up with Ian Wright at the helm....with, if anything....we were a weaker/even worse team than we are now, or a few years ago when we still had the likes of RVP and Cesc in our ranks. And that includes the times where we won things in the 90's. And I agree whole-heartedly with what he says about the current situation our club is in. Why should he mellow his thoughts just because he is an all time Arsenal legend?

  27. FPGooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 12:54 #37494

    Ted's post indicates that he knows or understands little of the turmoil at the Emirates and what is meant by loyalty. To go through his post 'Most AMG's I know have a sort of love hate relationship with Arsenal, they go from loving them when all's well to hating them and joining in with the enemy in knocking Arsenal when things are bad'. Utter nonsense. It's very simple, Ted. AMG, the abbreviation you used stands for 'Arsene must go'. Gooners who want a change in the downward direction in the fortunes of the club want this changed. Their minds are not swayed by the odd result here or there. My loyalty for the club is unchanged and unswerving and this is the part you seem to have difficulty understanding; Arsene is not Arsenal. Not sure if you understand the difference. My attitude about Arsene Wenger has not changed whether we beat a bunch of Ladyboys (as DANNY JW put it so well) in the far east or whether we are incapable of wining the Emirates cup in our own backyard. Tactically and strategically, we are bereft of ideas. Whether it is being able to buy a player or being to able to assess whether a player is sub-standard (Chamakh, Akmunia, Squillachi etc.), we have lost it. Moving on to 'The AMG's I know are very similar in their family life also, always cursing each other and busting one another's asses, it seems some people just thrive on drama and disorder.' I could go to town about this very basic and very ludicrous bit of pop-psychology, but it may get personal, so I will resist (although I question the emotional and mental makeup of someone who so slavishly and with such blind obedience follows a man clearly unsuited for the job). Next is 'There also seems to be a strange wanting from certain ex players for Arsenal to fail Wright, McLintock, Robson, seem only happy when their knocking Arsenal and pretending to be oh so humble with the media which is a bit sad'. Former players such as Wright and McLintock have given blood and guts and have more of a right than you and me to make their comments heard when they see the club going the wrong way. Interestingly, the only advocate of Wenger's methods are Bob 'Brown Nose' Wilson, also on the payroll at the Emirates. Next, and this was the paragraph which made respond to your article, but also the one that robs your post of any credibility by being so lacking in any logic, truth, understanding of the last eight years and part of the reason why we have won nothing. 'The same way the AMG's forced out a few of our best players like RVP, constantly telling the media that they don't blame players if they want to leave Arsenal, and giving the player an easy excuse to leave even though we all know it's just for the money,they like to say the player had more ambition which just belittles the club and suits their agenda'. Here's a bit of news, Ted. Players have a finite playing career; let's say about 15 years and all the good ones, like RVP, want to win things, you know like Cups, League titles etc. RVP was loyal to us, he wanted assurances from Wenger that we had the ambition and the aspiration to win things. He wanted to see us having the squad to achieve this; he wanted to see whether Wenger would do this and Wenger did not. It has been sad to see many outstanding players leave us in the past. But, AKBs, typical of an ostritch with its head in the sand, blame the fans, the players leaving, global warming, continental drift, anything but the deficiencies of their glorious leader. Indeed, AKBs have sneered at players leaving and have even said that we will be stronger for their leaving. Your final sentence 'There's simply no real love for Arsenal from the AMG's, that's why they have earned the nickname of half-goons'. Again, a sentence so lacking in intelligence in understanding, that I can only respond, in Ted's own language. Because Ted's brand of responding to criticism of Wenger is to use that hackneyed and arcane phrase '..go and support City, Chelsea, Spurs' etc followed by a quick howl at the moon. Ted, Wenger is taking down the reputation of my club, every day he is there. By his incompetence, he is making my club a laughing stock. SO, I am questioning your loyalty; are you loyal to Arsene or to Arsenal? Good post Ted, apart from one thing - the words.

  28. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 16, 2013, 12:06 #37493

    did you see that quote from the press conference today? "we are looking for quality, not quantity....." said OGL. Well, guess what.......quality costs WAKE UP AW YOU CLOWN START SPENDING FFS.....it has got to the level that a player decides to move to that European superpower Wolfsburg instead of the once mighty AFC. I haven't been this depressed at the start of a new season since 1986. But don't tell me that this season will be the same as that one

  29. dirkus

    Aug 16, 2013, 11:43 #37492

    How can you blame or hate Wrighty, a TRUE Arsenal legend for expressing a view which the vast majority of Arsenal fans and even fans of other clubs sympathize with. Our board are money obsessed dinosaurs who refuse to take the next step to reviving our chances of being serious contenders for ANY trophy and still trust a manager who was once a great innovator, who help chamge the premier league for the better but who now looks more and more confused. How many times this season will we hear the phrase "we showed great spirit" after yet another embarressing defeat uttered by Arsene? Joke of a transfer window, joke of a CEO, joke of board of directors! NO AMBITION. Wenger IS a LEGEND, but they are of the past let's look to the future.

  30. Green Hut

    Aug 16, 2013, 11:37 #37491

    Ted- Very entertaining post mate. It's remarkable that you have such detailed insight into the family dynamic of those Arsenal fans you know whose views are the polar opposite to yours. I'm sure you're not totally making it up, but when you've finished watching the Frasier box-set please send in more posts, they give us malcontents a rare chance to smile during these dark days.

  31. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 16, 2013, 11:19 #37490

    It seems the AKB’s no longer want discussion on whether Wenger’s winning record 9 years ago means that he should still be allowed to maintain his position, even though that position now looks beyond him in terms of his team coaching abilities and his managerial acumen when it comes to handling the modern transfer market and dealing with world-class players and the teams of agents and advisers that now surround them. Now it seems the vitriol of the AKB’s has reached the point where they are no longer satisfied simply attacking anybody/everybody who questions Wenger’s position by suggesting they “go support somebody else”! We’ve already seen at some matches mature AMG’s physically assault younger people who hold a different view on Wenger, and now some AMG “armchair warriors” are not only making personal attacks on former players who question the club’s direction, they seem to have decided any aspect of any AMG’s life is fair game, even comparing their dis-satisfaction with Wenger as some kind of comment on the relationships within their family! And they believe AMG’s are the UNLEARNED, BASE, INELOQUENT, EMOTIONAL, ANTI_ARSENAL, CLUB-DESTROYING, CLOWNS, IDIOTS, and TRAITORS??? Well, the line in the sand has truly been drawn. This has become a battle of principles. AFC is Arsenal Football Club, and definitely NOT Arsene Football Club, and this weekend may see the end of the beginning… WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  32. CanadaGooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 10:49 #37489

    Wrighty can talk his son into joining any bloody club he wants!It's like saying because you're an Arsenal fan, you cant buy a house outside North London or your kids cant watch any other football team on telly, other than Arsenal. The sort of loyalty players like Wright (or perhaps it was simply lack of opportunity that players have in today's game) cant be found anywhere these days, where players are simply mercenaries and will kiss any badge shoved in their faces. As for him being right about Wenger, that's hardly rocket-science is it? Only a numb-skull wont agree at this point in time, that the club needs a change of direction and definitely a change of personnel at the top (not just Wenger)

  33. theopants superstar

    Aug 16, 2013, 10:25 #37488

    Ted: I hope for your sake (and that of any patients!!) that you don't practise psychology for a living!!

  34. Muncher

    Aug 16, 2013, 10:25 #37487

    Oi! Ted, Is your surname Brown Nose Wenger, because you really are ypical of he AKB Sheeple.

  35. underachiever

    Aug 16, 2013, 10:08 #37486

    Unbelievable Ted, how can you honestly write such drivel? You appear to be as delusional and as arrogant as your great love Wenger.

  36. chris dee

    Aug 16, 2013, 9:11 #37485

    If Ian genuinely loves Arsenal then I fail to understand some of the vicious,spiteful and downright nasty critism he levels at the club.This naked dislike of Wenger first showed itself when he was a co presenter on Talk Bo****ks with that piece of S**t Ardrian Durham who positively drooled over the anti Arsenal diatribes Ian used to spout.Shame such a big player in the clubs history has knowingly made himself disliked because of his hatred of Wenger. Ian should remenber that after George Graham signed him the club never got near winning the League Championship. For me Alan Smith,who's career was affected by Ians arrival at Arsenal, was a far better team player than Ian while still reaching a century of goals for the Gunners and winning 2 League titles in the process. Ian has disrespected the club with his comments.Other ex players also critisise the club but you can tell they have the clubs well being at heart but with Ian it somehow feels the opposite.

  37. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Aug 16, 2013, 8:37 #37484

    I'm just off to find some manner of means to apologise to Mr I.E Wright (Arsenal and England)for the insanity of those who purport to support Arsenal Football Club who are hurling abuse at him. We can't pretend that this is a lunatic fringe of supporters at the club. There is a well stocked crew of "Wenger Youth" who will hear no wrong of OGL. It reminds me of certain "patriots" who were going round Berlin in Mayb 1945 lynching those who they perceived to be traitors as the Russians were banging on the Brandenburg Gate. Doubtless the individuals concerned were screaming that Victory was inevitable if only the dear leader were given more time. Wrighty loves Arsenal F.C. and unlike many who criticise him has actually played under Wenger. Wrighty may not be challenging Tony Adams to a discource on logical positivism but he knows the difference between a manager who is going somewhere and one who is fiddling whilst rome burns. The AKB's don't like him for his "heresy" and I'm afraid that they have my utter contempt and hatred. Ian Wright scored an extraordinary number of goals for us and when he kissed the badge he actually meant it. His loyalty to the club is not and cannot be in question. Let's see some of the more sentient AKB's come out an apologise for the disgraceful behaviour of their fellow wengerites.

  38. T

    Aug 16, 2013, 8:35 #37483

    Ian Wright told his son to go to Chelsea, he tells other players not to come to Arsenal, no wonder the AMG's love him as they also love licking up to the media with their anti everything Arsenal, they even tell our best players to leave. Traitors the lot of them.

  39. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 6:52 #37482

    Wenger should have been fired (or kicked upstairs) after 2-8 to the 'Ure, after losing to Bradford, after losing at home to Blackburn.... Only two things in this life are certain: Arsenal will never win another trophy under AW - and AW has a job for life under Stan Kroenke.

  40. DW Thomas

    Aug 16, 2013, 0:57 #37481

    Shame to hear so called fans bash someone who scored so many goals for our once might club! You can have your opinions, but it's impossible for me to listen at all to any and all arguments that Wenger is the end all be all. It is time to move on as the club is more about Arsene than winning or the fans. His total control and arrogance should be held accountable for the failure of the last 8 seasons. Can anyone name the last four 4th place teams of the last four World Cups? Or the Euros? Or the Olympics? I didn't think so. That's because 4th is and never was an accomplishment. Did we achieve 4th to sign Sanogo? I thought the whole stadium move and 4th place thing would push us past all others and we would lure the best. No? We can't even lure Gustavo if recent reports are true. The house of cards is starting to fall. Those who choose not to see the obvious things Wrighty talks of are like the ostrich. Head in the sand. Now Arteta is out for weeks, what does that do for our team? The club is run by fraudsters. Money the only glory they seek. Greed is better than winning for them. The facts don't lie. Just go back and look up their statements. They're either completely delusional or calculating and knowing. I think it's the latter two. Funny, but I still wish the best for the players. People slag Sagna, who I deem a lionheart, the type we need more of. Jack too! We just need and deserve more like them.

  41. ApolloGooner

    Aug 16, 2013, 0:54 #37480

    Great article Matthew, I completely agree. Nice to see so many comments defending Wrighty too. I must say I find it odd and somewhat ironic that the people who cannot handle seeing an Arsenal individual like Wenger being criticised respond to this by slagging off an Arsenal individual themselves. Wright is as much an Arsenal legend as Wenger is (if not more so) so why is it taboo to criticise Wenger but its okay to slag off Ian Wright?. Which one of the two is being more detrimental to the club right now? Which one appears to care the most? The guy speaking honestly about his frustrations and who clearly wants the club to show some long overdue ambition so they can compete again? Or the increasingly stubborn manager who after 8 years of no trophies and numerous humiliations still refuses to change his ways and use the huge resources us fans have provided him with?

  42. Ted

    Aug 16, 2013, 0:28 #37479

    Wrighty's a typical AMG a little base and mainly lives off his emotions. Most AMG's I know have a sort of love hate relationship with Arsenal, they go from loving them when all's well to hating them and joining in with the enemy in knocking Arsenal when things are bad.It's not just about Wenger either,they are the same whoever is Arsenal manager, the same as the so called AKB's are the same towards whoever is the Arsenal manager. The AMG's I know are very similar in their family life also, always cursing each other and busting one another's asses, it seems some people just thrive on drama and disorder. There also seems to be a strange wanting from certain ex players for Arsenal to fail Wright, McLintock, Robson, seem only happy when their knocking Arsenal and pretending to be oh so humble with the media which is a bit sad. The same way the AMG's forced out a few of our best players like RVP, constantly telling the media that they don't blame players if they want to leave Arsenal, and giving the player an easy excuse to leave even though we all know it's just for the money,they like to say the player had more ambition which just belittles the club and suits their agenda. There's simply no real love for Arsenal from the AMG's, that's why they have earned the nickname of half-goons.

  43. johnnyh

    Aug 15, 2013, 23:03 #37478

    unlike wenger arsekissers like ray parlour or john cross wrighty isnt afraid to call wenger out in the media when the manager spouts his usual bollocks about mental strength etc. thank god for people like him and merse. they are prepared to point out the emperor has no clothes.

  44. Rob

    Aug 15, 2013, 22:22 #37477

    Tony Adams, Ian Wright, Frank McLintock are just a few great names who have expressed concerns about the direction of the club. I can’t think of three former players who love Arsenal more and their honesty is certainly appreciated by some of us. Totally agree Matthew ! Wrighty is not always the most articulate of commentators but he speaks from the heart and cares DEEPLY about AFC. More power to him.

  45. theopants superstar

    Aug 15, 2013, 22:00 #37476

    Westlower: It wasn't Wrighty's fault that we didn't have a midfield at the time he was playing able to create chances like Anelka enjoyed. Just as his 'selfishness' wasn't the reason we didn't win the league during that period. Indeed, I'd go as far as to say that without his goals we wouldn't have even won the trophies we did do. Further than that I'm confident of the opinion that had the Ian Wright of 91-97 been playing with the midfield quality circa 1998 onwards, we'd have won a hell of a lot more.

  46. Gooner89

    Aug 15, 2013, 21:51 #37475

    Dear me. I have read some BS on here in the last couple of years form the AKB's but having a pop or worse at WWW is a joke. The geezer is a Gooner legend. Suppose you would rather have Gervinho, Almunia, Squillachi, Djorou, Arshavin, Denilson etc on the boards above the Emirates. Shame on you. We are NOT Arsene FC we are Arsenal FC. More hollow promises about buying players and NOTHING. Not a single penny. Meanwhile the Spuds spent 60 million on quality players but we can't finish a deal. You conveniently forget the losses to Bradford and Blackburn cause we finished 4th. Whoopy f***ing doo. Also as much as I want Wenger out I respect those who want him to stay. I don't say go and support Chelski, Spuds or City.It would be boring if it wasn't so sanctimonious and insulting. When you have something constructive to say come back and talk till then go and bore your cohorts at OGL central. WENGER OUT

  47. Westlower

    Aug 15, 2013, 20:44 #37474

    Ian Wright was one of the most exciting players to appear in an Arsenal shirt but we never looked like winning the league until Anelka replaced him. Wrighty was a prolific goal scorer who was loathe to share the goals with his team mates. He was a great Cup tie player but he held the team back with his selfish play in the league. The opposition found that if you stopped Wrighty, you stopped Arsenal. We became a League Champions when Anelka led the line and the goals were spread around the team.

  48. Stevieo

    Aug 15, 2013, 20:44 #37473

    Great stuff from Wrighty! Look how riled the AKB’s are. He’ll be getting death threats if he keeps asking for Wenger to be removed. So all past players should just keep schtum and allow Wenger to stick with his unambitious projects with no accountability. Yes, the legend Wrighty should never be allowed to step foot back in the Emirates ever again. Let’s litter the hospitality suites with the Bendtner’s, Chamack’s, Almunia’s, Denilson’s and Gervinho’s who should always be welcomed back. These players were the flagship of the last 8 golden years, and I’m sure we’d all rather listen to them praise Wenger for turning them in to millionaires at the expense of the club.

  49. Hibeegunner

    Aug 15, 2013, 20:34 #37472

    Danny JW Spot on this man Wenger has split the fans straight down the middle and he does not give a toss he needs to go now he has lost the dressing room. I think S.B. could do a better job getting the fans on board and would have the respect of the players in the short term. Board Members Please ACT NOW.

  50. Tom

    Aug 15, 2013, 20:29 #37471

    Some shocking comments by the AKB's.Wrighty is an all time great who played his heart out for the club unlike a lot of tossers in the team now.When was telling the truth a crime? I presume these were the same fans who booed Higuain.This is the modern Arsenal fan 2013.Glad i no longer go to the Soul-less Bowl

  51. Green Hut

    Aug 15, 2013, 20:09 #37470

    Gives JAMIE something to do in the school holidays.

  52. theopants superstar

    Aug 15, 2013, 19:34 #37469

    Fantastic article which reflects what I (and I'm sure many more old school gooners) have been thinking for a while now. Personally I think Wrighty has been proven spot on about most things these past few years but it's much easier for some gooners to throw around criticism and accusations of bitterness than to accept Wenger and the Board have cocked things up. To think that we left Highbury to compete with Europe's best yet we can't even fend of mid-table German teams for players!!

  53. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 15, 2013, 17:34 #37467

    Mark Stanley, there's a lot i could say about your comment but it's not worth the effort as the line, (yes there are certain things that need to be changed at Arsenal but sometimes one has to learn to shut their mouth) says everything and tells us all we need to know.

  54. DANNY JW

    Aug 15, 2013, 16:57 #37466

    At the beginning of the 2011/12 season when Cesc and Nasri had left and Arsenal had been on the wrong end of the mother of all beating to Manchester United someone at the club should have the footballs to tell Mr. Wenger enough is enough. Paying yourself, yes paying yourself, 7 million a year for repeated failures is one thing but being humiliated by your biggest (alright once biggest) rivals which results in 5 panic buys is another. Some Gooners think he should have gone before then but I think he had enough metaphorical stock in the bank before he reached his nadir. I liken it to my favorite Bond, Roger Moore, doing one movie to many when he used his Zimmer frame to stumble into the sack with an aggressive Grace Jones, it was just so wrong!!! Know when to bow out gracefully or Gracejonesfully if you prefer… 4. Signings or lack of: This leads on from number 5 with Wenger’s hesitancy in the transfer market now almost legendry. I have it on good authority that Arsene is married with a daughter but how he ever pulled is beyond me. Imagine a 16 year old Arsene all gel and pimples at the school disco as gorgeous French mademoiselle after French mademoiselle makes eye contact. He would have waited until the end of the night so not to spend any extra money on drinks and been left on his Jack Jones or taken home Quasimodo’s sister and she can’t score for toffee. I may be proved wrong but that tortured analogy aside I fear Arsenal may miss out on the best bargains again. 3. Our Rivals As I said in my opening gambit I am a glass half empty type of guy but even so I see our three main rivals for the title (apologies to Liverpool, Everton less so Tottenham) as having better squads are perhaps more importantly more money! When Arsenal were winning trophies, kids reading this check your history books, Manchester United were our only real rivals. Liverpool were perpetually rebuilding, Bates had taken Chelsea onto the brink of a Leeds style meltdown (I wish) and Manchester City well were Manchester City. Now the landscape has well and truly changed as if having a makeover from Alan Titchmarsh, Charlie Dimmock and the other bloke no one remembers! Chelsea and Manchester City have Sugar Daddies with bottomless pits and Arsenal and their board are pinning their hopes on financial fair play. Unfortunately I fear our rivals will find a way around this financial hand grenade and will be fighting our new rivals, (apologies to Liverpool, Everton less so Tottenham) for that mythical 4th place trophy. 2. Supporters I put my hand up here as clearly as Tony Adams in his heyday; we the Arsenal faithful are also to blame for our decline. Having been spoilt like a new royal baby (how’s that for topical!) in Arsene’s first eight years, us Gooners took it for granted and just sat back and expected it to return for ever. Thus our support at the Emirates became lazy as we were basked in our new stadium. Unfortunately, the team took its lead from us and we have struggled to ever make it a fortress. This has reached a head now between warring factions between ‘Arsene Knows Best’ and the ‘Arsene Must Go’ brigade and that has to have a negative on the team. If Arsenal has a bad start the atmosphere will only get worse and fourth place may not be enough to pacify the supporters. 1. The Squad Again at the time of writing, there’s many a slip twixt the cup and lip, Arsenal’s squad is not good enough to mount a serious title challenge as has been proved by the previous two seasons. It may look good on our pre season tour putting goals a plenty passed a assortment of Asian Ladyboys but I’m afraid Oliver Giroud isn’t going to be marked by ‘love you long time’ when the real season kicks off. We desperately need two top quality strikers, another centre half and most desperately of all a ball winning central midfielder. Hiquan, Suarez, Rooney, Williams, Fabregas and Bender have all been mentioned as real possibilities but so far just one injury prone free transfer has joined our ranks (Yaya Sanogo) Obviously when the new Vieira, (Abou Diaby) returns from his 1000th injury it will just like a new signing! So there we have it, I sincerely hoped I’m proved wrong but, at the time of writing 4th place (AGAIN) is the best we Gooners can hope for.

  55. Man United Killer

    Aug 15, 2013, 15:51 #37465

    FP Gooner you took the words righ tout of my mouth.Echoed my thoughts almost word for word.I particularly like the comparison you made with the advise you gave your son.Fantastic post mate...

  56. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 15, 2013, 15:27 #37463

    Excellent piece Matthew, Does it really surprise anybody ? it's one of the AKB'S commandments Thou must not take the name of our Messiah in vain, (even when he's wrong) and when someone breaks it another one comes swiftly into play (one of their favorites)which you've already recited (and it's so well rehearsed it rolls of their tongue with ease) if you don't like it go and support the spuds or city with some of them throwing in chelskie as well, (it's all they have left now) And your dead right the majority spitting the venom are JCL'S who have never seen him play, and do the things you mention and a lot more, hell they probably don't even know who he is. If some of the excuse for players brought to the club by their Lord and master wenger over the last six or seven years, and the ones we have now, were half as good as Ian Wright we wouldn't be in the state we are now.

  57. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 15, 2013, 15:02 #37462

    The AKB’s are out in force to attack Wrighty on this one, but I’m not surprised. Wrighty and Stuart Robson are AMG’s, and others like Adams and McLintock have expressed concerns about the direction Wenger is taking the club. Meanwhie, Merson, Parlour, and Keown regularly criticise what’s going on with the Arsenal, and Henry is in the Usmanov camp. Do the AKB’s have even ONE Legend taking their side other than Bob Wilson? WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION! Have Arsenal spent any money yet? NO! (1 day 23 hours 57 minutes 30 seconds until the start of the season!)

  58. UTU

    Aug 15, 2013, 14:19 #37461

    Ian Wright and The Merse are Bang On. They had done the business on the pitch for The Arsenal, won silverware and glory for the Club. Kroneke and Wenger are all about profit and their followers are a cult devoted to the enrichment of millionaires and billionaires. The Arsenal are a great club in hibernation. I look forward to the day when Kroneke and Wenger are gone, then the club can start investing in world class players with the capability of challenging for league titles, Domestic Cups and dare I say the 'Champions League'

  59. Ryan Taylor

    Aug 15, 2013, 13:56 #37460

    Ian Wright as a player legend! I understand his frustration with the lack of serious ambition that our club has shown in the last 5 years i can see it and say it, so why can't he?

  60. Wenger the tyre kicker.....aka Noodles!

    Aug 15, 2013, 13:55 #37459

    I find it hard to believe that anybody gives him still for telling the truth ..its the same as Stuart Robson getting abuse for dare saying that he wouldn't trust Wenger with a large budget as he wont know what to do with it ... And guess what!!!!!!!! I had lunch with an American Client this week and it transpired he was a Rams fan ... when i mentioned Silent Stan his mood changed to one of gloom and genuine anger of how F**king clueless he was and his club is going down the pan ....I wont to that again as the meeting was over after that!!! My point is we need more people like Ian Wright and Stuart Robson daring to challenge Wenger the tyre kicker and make him know that his failed policies and £7.5 million wage packed shouldn't be rewarded with a new contract....

  61. Ron

    Aug 15, 2013, 13:45 #37458

    Some great comments on this thread (unless youre an AKB of course!). It ought to be mentioned too that Ian possibly saved us from Sean Wright Phillips, so maybe his logic in advising his Son was the kind way to his Son while secretly saving Arsenal?

  62. Gee

    Aug 15, 2013, 13:26 #37457

    He comes out with some sensationalist stuff at times, but in the main I think he's speaking out of pure frustration as an Arsenal fan. Wenger is not above criticism. We laud him for creating the invincibles and overturning united in '98 and '02, so equally we should be able to criticise him and the club for their failings of recent years. It is difficult to understand what the club is trying to achieve nowadays. 4th and CL is clearly a major objective to achieve but beyond that it seems anything else is a bonus. Add into the mix a view that Wenger is actually on a personal crusade to achieve his objectives by not bowing to the trend of spending money to improve the squad and all becomes a bit murky to see what Arsenal actually want to become. In one breath they want to become the number 1 club in the world cracking lucrative sponsor deals and having an enormous following worldwide. In the other breath they want to achieve all of this on an absolute shoe-string being nothing more than a talent development ground. A bigger version of the modern Ajax if you will (although even they have won the CL). Whatever happens come Saturday I'm looking forward to kick off and the season that follows.

  63. Yanto

    Aug 15, 2013, 12:52 #37455

    With the (so called) War Chest of £70 - £100millionto spend this Transfer Window, Wenger was given the golden opportunity to put these past 8 seasons behind him (and US!)...and spend it wisely on the much needed Striker, Goalie, CB, Holding M-Fielder (and maybe Right Back, as sadly Bacs seems to have lost his desire and confidence). But what does the French fool do!? - He makes bids (well below par) for players he knows he /we will NEVER get at such Tesco re-ject/Lidl prices. The man HAS lost the plot and the sooner all the AKB Sheeple Wake Up! and Look at the 'Facts' the sooner the better. Wenger MUST Go if Arsenal are to Change this Groundhog mentality and actually challenge for Trophies and not just 4th place and the champions(cashiers) league. Wrighty is simply saying what many have been thinking and feeling for some time. I gave up my season ticket 2 seasons ago - Financial difficulties made it easier to do, BUT had we been challenging for trophies and the Prem Title, I would happily have gone without other things and paid up......Silent Stan will happily let Wenger carry on doing what he's doing (MIs-Managing the Team and Failing on the pitch) - Because he is making a profit for the syrup wearer. Until Gooners Start Protesting IN Earnest this will continue...Everytime I openly criticised wenger at any games the AKB's got all hot & bothered...they really are blind to the truth. Wrighty Isn't.

  64. FPGooner

    Aug 15, 2013, 12:32 #37454

    This is a classic case of shooting the messenger and not listening to what he has to say. During my 32 years as a gooner, I have been grateful for Wright's goals, but have not always agreed with him or particularly liked him, but he has a perfect right to make his comments. Rather than behaving like a restless lynch mob, take the time to listen to what he has to say and if after that, you disagree, that is your prerogative. He has said that he felt Suarez would be ill-advised to move to Arsenal. I personally dislike Suarez; he is a rancid, odious racist. Do I want him in an Arsenal shirt? Yes, it may help us win something. Does that make me hypocritical? Possibly. But I can see why people would advise Suarez from joining us, as we have won nothing for 8 years and every footballer wants to win trophies. Rather than acting like venomous puff-adders at anyone who criticizes us or our senile manager, we need to accept some of the criticism (something which Wenger is unable to do). We have spent the last few years looking on while Manure, Chelsea, even the Spuds etc have won things. Wenger carries on as if nothing is wrong. He carries on insulting us and our intelligence. August over the last few years have seemed like Groundhog Day. Wenger carries on saying that AFC will be strong title contenders and there are a number of fans who believe him. After 20 games, and the injuries have piled up and we lose matches we shouldn't have, he will blame the referees, the injuries, the pitch etc, anything but his intransigence. It will be the same this year, maybe even worse. Ten years ago, we had a defence that no team would consider 'bossing'. Now, teams like Stoke rub their hands with glee because they think they can just play rough and get a result. But we do not seemed to have learnt. Onto Wright's comments about advising his son to sign for Chelsea. I recently advised my son on which University to select. My heart wanted him to go to the one that I went, but I advised picking another one because he would be better served in later life. I advised him but asked him to make up his own mind. Should I expect a torrent of abuse from my University for wanting the best for my son. I am disappointed in Wright for doing it, but understand the reasons for doing it.

  65. Croker

    Aug 15, 2013, 11:42 #37453

    If this transfer window slams shut without any significant team stengthening having occurred, I will be interested to view any defence of Le Boss and his transfer stategy. I don't understand how we can wave stupid money at Suarez yet quibble at paying market price for a Higuain, Fellaini or any of the defensive midfield players being snapped up all around us. It's one thing righly having faith in the current squad but breathtakingly naive on the other to season after season have a cash rich club missing out on sucees through a lack of strength in depth outside of the core of quality players in the first team. A great manager learns from experience and improves the side season by season. If you don't want to get better, what is the point of going on?

  66. Kilkenny Cat

    Aug 15, 2013, 10:17 #37450

    Ex players like Ian Wright,Paul Merson etc.Have earned the right to say what they like.They were winners,and sweated blood for the club.What they say is out of frustration and anger,that most of us are feeling.Just because you dont agree doesn,t make them dis loyal traitors.Why is it people go on about free speech,then try to shut up anyone who has a different opinion.

  67. Radfordkennedy

    Aug 15, 2013, 10:01 #37449

    Lets be honest here neither Wrighty or Merse would trouble the selectors at an Oxbridge scholarship selection commitee,they are neither learned nor eloquent enough to have a command of the Queens english to be able to carry out a well honed reasoned argument,so they can let themselves down by making comments which are unwarrented or ill conceived, watching Merse on television can sometimes verge on the embarassing as he struggles to reach the end of a sentence without struggling for the next noun. Never forget they get paid to talk s##t,and no-one should really take offence at what they say as they are individuals who are of so little consequence to us as supporters or indeed the human race,and to use a phrase much loved by my Gran "they aint one of yer own", a 'sarf' london boy who came into the game late who follows palace and a diehard chelsea fan who the hell cares what they say,

  68. tpm

    Aug 15, 2013, 9:50 #37448

    this is 21st century arsenal for you, look at ome of the ridiculous comments above. Wrighty tells it like it is, none of what hes said is incorrect. jcl, and mad akbs, simply cannot face facts. the guy is paid to be a pundit, he is paid to give his opinion. he is being realistic, and is and always be a legend, how you can hate someone for telling the truth is beyond me, its refreshing that the likes of him and merse exist as otherwise even more of those fans that rely on the media for opinion would think everythings hunkydory. i sincerely hope when wenger finally goers, all this 'fans' such as mark stanley go with him.

  69. Mark

    Aug 15, 2013, 9:31 #37447

    Mark Stanley - what a load of s**t! Did you ever watch Wright play? Because if you did you would never say he hates Arsenal, he loves us and it's because he's a fan that he says these things. He's concerned that the club is going nowhere and he's absolutely right. The problem is fans like you who are obsessed with bashing people who come out and give their opinion if it's not flattering. So long as it goes on nothing at Arsenal will change. When Ian Wright talks about Arsenal he says "we", there is no one that loves Arsenal more than him, apart from perhaps Tony Adams. I love Wenger and he's given Arsenal fans so much over the years. He'll always be remembered fondly by me and lots of people but you can't deny the facts. He hasn't changed anything in the last few years and remains blinkered by his philosophy which, whilst admirable is costing us year after year. Arsenal have stood still and others have caught up. No one wants us to spend hundreds of millions and cripple the club but you can't keep charging the fans top dollar for mediocrity, people have had enough. Wenger should do the honourable thing and not sign a contract unless he wins us a trophy this season. The fact that you can do the same thing for 8 years and not be under any pressure from your employers is laughable and is why Arsenal are being left behind

  70. northbank123

    Aug 15, 2013, 9:27 #37446

    Wrighty is a **** pundit, no two ways about it. Some of his views are nonsense, and he struggles to articulate most of them properly. But the one thing Wrighty is is a genuine bloke. Even in these comments there are accusations like he has an agenda or he wants Wenger to fail. His criticisms are hardly detached from a large percentage of the fan base, and those people who think Wenger gets a tough ride in the press must be dreaming because despite perennially getting nowhere near success at the club the last year is the first time Wenger's really been under scrutiny. As for Merson being ludicrously anti-Wenger?? Absurd. His criticisms of Wenger are isolated and far less than what's coming from an increasing portion of the fanbase, he'd still have him in charge and in fact tipped us to win the title if we land Suarez. We have people like Mark Stanley above claiming to be disgusted on behalf of all Arsenal fans and putting Wrighty in the same bracket as the likes of Adebayor and Nasri. You just couldn't make it up.

  71. Harv Cape Town

    Aug 15, 2013, 9:20 #37445

    Stan Markley. I stopped reading after your "Henry and others have more respect amongst fans. He is bent on destroying the club" comment. Wright185 has my respect and adulation as opposed to Henry228 who, while being the club's greatest scorer, was shown up as a cheat and a destroyer of a player, albeit a soft Spaniard who couldn't take his rejection. His treatment of Reyes was disgraceful. Wrighty's more deserving of a statue in my book. No shirt of mine will ever bear the Frenchman's name...

  72. fozzy's mate

    Aug 15, 2013, 9:00 #37444

    Wrighty learnt his trade at talksport which is designed for white van man. His comments are designed to inflame and create vociferous debate. A bit like some of the dross mangers come out with in post match interviews. Just laugh and move on its the mans job to criticise. What Arsenal FC and the propaganda swallowers who think that Wenger invented Arsenal in 1996 erasing 110 years of history, can't abide is any criticism of OGL. Ex players these days are pundits and will be mobilised by the media to analyse and criticise for a few quid. Good luck to them. When any criticism of OGL is around the club are quick to mobilise the likes of Bob Wilson who need to be surgically removed from Wengers ass to harp back to 2004. Meanwhile Hill Wood gives his latest interview to that written equivalent of talksport the daily star/Hillwood telling the fleeced masses "you boys never had it so good and thanks for your interest in our affairs" before remarking "oh no not you lot again" towards anyone saying OGL should not be cannonised. That's football and all the while the eurozone bail out fund grows and our squad grows ever thinner.

  73. Justanothergooner

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:58 #37443

    Ian Wright is absolutely spot on with most of what he points out about the managerial decisions made at the football company at the Emirates. I just wish you kids out there would grow a pair and admit it to your selves. Invention is born from necessity and right now, whilst us gooners are happy to achieve 4th pace there is no necessity for the management to improve. WE ARE A JOKE. Look at us, infighting when there are obvious issues to be addressed. We will be destroyed by the spuds this year and have no one to blame but our selves. Demand more! Who runs this club/ the tempory few at the top or the many thousands of our permanently here gooners. Its your choise, but I suggest growing a pair.

  74. Garry Dinsley

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:57 #37442

    Unbelievable, some Arsenal fans leave me feeling deeply embarrassed,their behaviour towards an all time GREAT sorry LEGEND is a disgrace. Wake up you modern day GOONERS supporting your club is about up's and down's,thick and thin,come rain or shine. Football is what it is now and long after we have gone. If you can't take constructive criticism from any former Gunner,change the sport you follow. C.O.Y.G

  75. Peter Wain

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:33 #37441

    the trouble is what Wright says is right. We do need new players and until we buy players being chased by Man U, City or Chelski the chances are we are buying sub standard rubbish which Wenger seems to have developed a knack of doing. All the time we "compete" by bidding silly amounts for top players demeans us as a club and makes us a joke in world terms. The way this transfer window has been run is no surprise but how we can compete for 4th with the lack of new players is beyond me.

  76. Adrian

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:27 #37440

    It's amazing reading how some arsenal fans feel its a betrayal for wrighty and Merson to speak against the club. No one has a hidden agenda for Wenger, he is way past it. The truth hurts gooners! Van P and to some extent Cesc left due to lack of ambition. You can't surround world class players with mediocre players. Furthermore, Arsene is a hypocrite; he complains about enormous transfer fees yet we have sold players in their last year of contract for over £20 million. How can you justify selling that high but never buying close to that amount? Unless you're a stock broker or something; I thought we were a football club! And please don't go on about him being prudent, he's wasted wages on players like Bendtner, Park, Squillacci, Gervinho to mention a few. The man is living on his past glories and sad to say he is no longer fit to manage our great club

  77. Gooner Tatoos

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:01 #37439

    Ian Wright crossed the line when he cited that players like Suarez shouldnt come to Arsenal.If he `loves` Arsenal like he pretends to do then why suggest to players that they should shun Arsenal? He is a coward and is a wolf in sheep skin.His opinions are meant to please everybody who is anti-Arsenal.Him and Merson should never come near Emirates.You dont publicly criticise your own.

  78. Ron

    Aug 15, 2013, 8:00 #37438

    His punditry is strange. Its fueled partly by frustration in that the Club arent really progressing but also by a bit of an agenda v Wenger that goes back years to when he was sidelined by him. Add to the mix that Wright isn't the most educated or eloquent man and you then have the barbed criticisms that emerge. They all like to say stuff that keeps their profile to the fore and hes maybe a little worse than the rest as deep down he knows his limitations as a critic.

  79. Gooner1711

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:52 #37437

    Well spoken with Wrighty as well as other ex's being spot on for crticising/commenting on the direction. I love the "feck off down the Lane/Bridge/OT and support Chavs/Spuds/Mancs or whoever" shows their complete lack of wanting success for AFC. By the way AFC is Arsenal Football Club, not Arsene!

  80. JAY

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:52 #37436

    Bull****, they hate AW because they don't have any official duties in AFC.DB10 and TH14 never said such things coz they don't have a chip on their shoulder, you muppet.

  81. Waynegooner87

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:49 #37435

    I grew up idolising Ian wright he is my favourite player but Ian wright the pundit, sports presenter and ill advised father I don't idolise. I do not hate Ian wright as how can any gooner in the right mind? But seeing as you say it's freed of speech I have a right to disagree with what he says and advise he gives he son about joining Chelsea over the arsenal. He's always a legend but slightly tainted his image for me with his recent outbursts. He still is a gooner tho and he is rightfully regarded as a legend.

  82. Will

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:27 #37434

    The problem was when he said World Class players should not sign for Arsenal. That means he would never of played with Bergkamp et al. Don't mind his opinion but when he is telling players not to sign for us, he is crossing the line.

  83. S j little

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:20 #37433

    Ian Wright was more exciting than Henry. The new Empirate Arsenal fans are only aquantied with the boring sideway passing stuff served up by Wenger. We havnt had an exciting player since Lundberg.

  84. Ross

    Aug 15, 2013, 7:07 #37432

    Basically, his words cannot possibly have any positive effect on the club, only negative, so why do that to a club you love? That's why he gets hate, because the fans feel betrayed. @Marcus.. wow dude. I'm not happy but are things really that bad?? I think it's worth mentioning that our trophyless run has pretty much coincided with the relocation to a new stadium. Draw your own conclusions.

  85. Alan

    Aug 15, 2013, 6:57 #37431

    Mark, go and be a complete loser somewhere else. Find a job , get a girlfriend, maybe a house, preferably somewhere far away. Club needs to cleanse itself of losers like you and wenger. Give me a red button that I can push to eliminate the lot of you.

  86. since 66

    Aug 15, 2013, 6:46 #37430

    If Ian has a problem with the "stick" he should think abput what comes out of it before he puts his foot in it. criticism is welcome crass inane and dull deserve stick.

  87. Mark Stanley

    Aug 15, 2013, 6:45 #37429

    Sky Sports and all football commentary is full of pro-Man U pundits who always criticize Arsenal and ex-Gunners like Wright and Merson (who equally had controversies as players) to always sound anti-Arsenal is betrayal.Ray Parlour, Lee Dixon, Keown and Adams may criticise certain things about Arsenal but Wright is there to destroy our club.It shocks every Arsenal fan when idiots like Wright and Merson come out talking about Tottenham being suddenly a better club than Arsenal.They are traitors.Yes, there are certain things that need to be changed at Arsenal but sometimes one has to learn to shut their mouth.Wright is bitter because Henry and others have more respect amongst fans.He is bent on destroying the club and hates Arsenal.Maybe he thinks putting down Arsenal will make him more popular with newspapers because he knows he will never be a tv pundit again.Him, Adebayor, Nasri, Persie should never come near Emirates.Arsenal is a better run club than most clubs and better days will come back to Emirates and we will fly again.Gunner Tatoos 4ever - Southampton

  88. MARCUS

    Aug 15, 2013, 6:11 #37428

    100%, with what you said. This AKB'S love to use that go to card " GO AND SUPPORT MAN CITY, CHELSEA OR THE SPUDS" or " YOUR A PLASTIC" loool. Those tow are probably the two most common go to plays when you have the audacity to criticize their beloved leader Lord Wenger. Listen no one can tell me what team to support I'm Arsenal through and through, but I will not put up with lies and nonsense and this great club under performing on the pitch for 2 years let alone 8 years coming up to 9 that is a joke and they have the audacity to even contemplate offering this muppet a new contract. It beggars believe what the hell they take us for. I alos don't get why The corporate shill Gazidis would come out and say the stuff he did. Was it to put pressure on wenger?? or a bluff so the fans could go buy them season tickets. WHAT A DISGRACE. Look i said in 2009 and I will say it again as I still stand by it, ARSENAL WILL NOT WIN ANYTHING EVER UNDER WENGER as simple as that. 2013/2014 WILL BE ANOTHER GROUNDHOG SEASON BATTLING FOR FOURTH UTTER DISGRACE AND THESE FOLKS WANT TO GIVE WENGER A NEW CONTRACT FOR WHAT??? OH YEAH WINNING THE FOURTH PLACE TROPHY LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. YOU WOULD THING I WAS MAKING THIS STUFF UP LOL IF I TOLD YOU THIS SAY 2000-2005 LOOL

  89. Dark Hei

    Aug 15, 2013, 6:09 #37427

    The player is a legend, the pundit a clown. And he isn't criticising. Criticism has an once of credibility. But this is the same guy that declares we need another pair of fullbacks and centrebacks in order to compete. That is extremely disrespectful to the current crop of players at the club. And you know what, at the end of the day he is someone that seems to have something to pick against Wenger for dropping him out of the squad for a young Anelka. He wants Wenger to fail and would love him to fail for quitting on him. Is that love for the club in your book?