Winter Is Coming

Looking forward to the new season

Winter Is Coming

New Season Checklist:
Shiny new season ticket after two years of jacking it in - now in the noisier Northbank. Check
Shiny new season ticket wallet from Arsenal - nope. Gee thanks for that - never got checked Tolerable amount of optimism - nah, that's already gone West - Uncheck
Foreboding, fear, resignation, resentment and realization that the club have already collectively p***ed away the season before a ball is kicked - sadly check.

We are still locked into Austerity Arsenal mode whatever the dancing monkey sings about money to burn. Still trying to chisel out a low cost deal for a decent centreback or strangest of all lap dancing around the least likeable, most bannable, striking liability since Jack the Ripper pulled on a number 9 shirt and turned out for the Whitechapel 11.

So what do we do now? Clearly the people who run this club are inept, hidebound and failing fast. As the clock drags its weary hand around the face of a window so dirty and unopened that Victorian skeletons are barely glimpsed inside we jabber away in the frustrated arena of cyberspace. Which emotion are you channelling right now? Embarrassment? Rage? Wrist biting frustration? (at least we can keep company with the most unlikely, unpleasant and unwelcome transfer ghost flitting behind the window) or near carbonised anger?

We have no first choice team. We have an only choice team that has had 50 foot neon letters blinking on and off since May, no, since two seasons ago, saying these positions need filling. Bale has not left their building, several very decent players have arrived down at the Lane and we have kept our powder dry. Indeed we have so much bloody powder that N5 could go up in some sort of mushroom cloud of dissipated rage and sadness.

What final confirmation do we need that our undoubtedly gifted and charming manager has driven this club into the shallows of another underachieveing season? He and the motley crew of technocrats and absentee owner have done the one thing they had no reason to do. Possibly they are mad, most definitely they are useless, quite possibly, in ways only a really good therapist can get at, they hate us.

Imagine the scene. You awake in the middle of a state of the art but somewhat abandoned futuristic stadium, its sides curving to the sky, a lonely fan tied to a chair. We are Bond getting our nads whacked over and over again whilst the screaming, snarling face of evil genius leans in and screams, with spittle flecking their lips. Somewhere, off camera hovers a malicious little imp with a deadly bowler hat and metallic teeth with shreds of football shirt between the steel dentures, throwing himself to the floor with gleeful abandon and watching his master with a mixture of sadistic delight and expectation. (He is on loan from another story, another cracked empire)

'How much money Mr Bond?' whack, wince. 'How much money Mr Bond? - deranged laugh, whack, wince.
"Let me tell you." The villain grips the fans head, leaning in even further. "We have more money than you can dream of, sooooo much money we can control the world, money piled as high as the North Bank and all we have to do Mr Bond, all we simply have to do is snap our fingers and buy those players that will bring us world domination. With our new centre forward, holding mid, right back and goalkeeper there won't be a club in the world that can compete"

You mutter through gritted teeth "Spend it, just spend it-go on do it - blow them all sky high"

The eagle lookalike twitches; the dvd's, glossies from scouts and opta index sheets blow amongst the emptied out promise of the stadium. "But just think, if we spend we become like them, like all the rest of mewling dreamers. If we don't spend we prove our strength, our dignity, our power, our control."

And he keeps screaming and screaming and hitting until you black out and the season starts and you realize they are like every blowhard Bond villain, a major f***up, although clearly never actually investing, kidnapping or borrowing the actual shiny toys of destruction and the large explosion at the end carries no gratification.

So what do we bloody do? Scream about spending money at an appropriate point against Villa when Benteke has muscled one in the net - too negative. Sit sullenly outside the stadium on the roundabout for 15 minutes into kickoff - where's the fun in that? Write letters to the club - they must have bloody sackfuls. Tweet, blog and stroke the keyboard until we feel better - well, we don't. We can E-petition them - gather thousands of signatures stating we collectively deplore the club's transfer strategy and failure to improve the squad? Maybe, I'm game, but it's not going to change the horror show of the season about to unfold.

Like little Alex with his eyes jammed open we are about to get the full Ludovico treament of a season except there is no cure that works.

Like Jack wandering the Overlook Hotel, the ghosts of the past have driven us mad.

No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy… No signings and no hope make Jack a dull boy…

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  1. Daradji

    Aug 23, 2013, 18:35 #38096

    I shouldn't laugh but I did . I haven't ingtstivaeed too far but I'm pretty sure some of the people who have found me have an unhealthy relationship with high heeled shoes unlike my own perfectly normal relationship with high heels I think I'd rather be Old and Boring

  2. billthered

    Aug 19, 2013, 10:32 #37697

    Not going this season due to lack of spending OUR money,not giving them any of my hard earned for yankeedoodledandy to put in his American slush fund.Next season could be different as I think OGL will be ousted as mid table beckons and we can start from scratch next year with someone who knows what he is doing and not afraid to spend.I have got £1000 in my drawer but no food in the house and guess what the shop just shut and wont be open for five months.

  3. TinyLovesArsenal

    Aug 18, 2013, 9:20 #37591

    Someone mentioned Klopp.. I'm listening! I've been thinking about that for a while

  4. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 18, 2013, 8:28 #37587

    Beaten 1-3 at home by those perennial midtablers and midlands nonentities Aston Villa..........come on then you AKB'ers, what's your defence for your hero now? A long hard season of mid-table mediocrity beckons.

  5. CanadaGooner

    Aug 18, 2013, 8:23 #37586

    What are you all yippy-yapping about?? Is yesterday's result surprising? Get yourselves ready for more of the same. Only a mad man will continue to do the same things and expect a different outcome (Einstein said that didnt he?)

  6. BNG

    Aug 18, 2013, 8:15 #37585

    why does anybody bother replying to the trolling spud Jamie ? it's how he gets his sexual kicks

  7. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 18, 2013, 7:25 #37584

    M. Wenger - le temps d'aller a venir.....

  8. smithy

    Aug 18, 2013, 6:42 #37583

    Having said earlier what I thought about the state of the club-I forgot to mention Wengers training and Conditioning methods.Our record on injuries over the past few years is not unlucky- it must be caused by his training or conditioning philosphy.To have 10 players injured on day 1 of the prem and none of the 17 released replaced is sheer incompetence.The Glory days were all built on GG's good work Unfortunately as those players moved on,the winning ethic went with them.The great coach thing is a myth- he is often found tatically inept.

  9. underacheiver

    Aug 18, 2013, 3:01 #37582

    Dont expect any thing different from the deluded old fool. He's coming out with the same old cr@ap:- "It was difficult but I must praise the spirit - until the last minute the players gave everything and the team showed great quality. It's a great disappointment but the spirit and attitude of the players was fantastic."

  10. Joe S.

    Aug 18, 2013, 1:35 #37581

    At least this was the quickest and purist way to destroy all illusions.So much for the making of the new invicables. Even the likes of Arseblog must be close to the edge. Lets have no more gutless stupidities as to the questiopn of who will replcae the great man. He has to go full stop. Why has he never come out screaming and called the board a bunch of greedy penny pinching shysters, I'll never know , nor do I ever want to because his mythical book if it ever comes out will be full of self glorifyingditortions. Wegner is the man who gave the thumbs up to Gazadis, something that should never be forgiven.

  11. Man United Killer

    Aug 18, 2013, 1:12 #37580

    @JAMIE..You expect Arsenal to lose to the Spuds so that you can get better photos? You're something else.You are a spud in a Gooner-impersonation act.Get off our website!

  12. Danny

    Aug 18, 2013, 0:51 #37579

    i like to see Arsenal right the year off and spend the money to get Klopp. He wil be biggest coup of of decade. Fire teh french sod and go all out for the germain genius will kroneke do that - NOOOOOOOOOOO!

  13. JAMIE

    Aug 17, 2013, 23:56 #37578

    I did notice there were quite a few AMG's getting very wound up today, some indeed getting violent. It's pure comedy gold watching some of these people, my friend and I always have a photo competition at the Arsenal home games. This year we're doing the angriest fan, got a great one today of this guy I was winding up at half time. Can't wait for the Spuds game.

  14. Wombledin

    Aug 17, 2013, 23:48 #37577

    Yes! It does feel like I'm trapped in some kind of surreal nightmare written by Kafka himself. It's like one of those dreams where you are trying to run from some terrible threat but your legs just won't move. Or you've suddenly lost your clothes out in public and everyone can see you. That's what my Club has become: a place of surreal distortion of reality with an impending sense of danger. When will this Kafkaesque nightmare end?

  15. Jason B

    Aug 17, 2013, 23:25 #37576

    Its strange that most of us are calling for his head,yet no one has come up with his replacement.I also believe there is a rift between Wenger and the board regarding transfers.Yes,I was there today and stayed until the end.He must go,even for the sake of his own reputation.I think we missed a trick by not replacing him with Benitez in the summer.Ironically a free agent.Now that's a man who knows how to win trophies.

  16. Michael

    Aug 17, 2013, 23:10 #37575

    @ppp Do I sense you have joined the dark side? Oh my what will those at AKB central think.

  17. Torbay gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 22:43 #37574

    Just compare our bench to Manure's they had Rooney,Smalling Zahar, Kagawa and Anderson and we had Poldoski,Sanagoo,Frimpong,Jenkinson and Carozola. Btw Arsene you can make us happy by spending some bl***y money(not on players from the french 2nd division either) or failing that head for the nearest exit.

  18. ppp

    Aug 17, 2013, 22:33 #37573

    I love Wenger but he has only himself to blame for today's shambles. Not seizing the moment this summer has killed us. That wasn't a practise match today it was three points thrown away. The worst thing about it is that arsene is proving his critics right. Obviously I want him to turn it round but the laughable inactivity in the transfer market (after all the boasting) has left me feeling unconvinced. I feel as if he will now buy players with fourth in mind when it was quite possible a decent summer would have kicked us up to contenders. It feels like we aren't prepared to do it. Incredibly disappointing.

  19. ATID

    Aug 17, 2013, 22:01 #37572

    Plenty of fights between fans today as our season began to unravel. No doubt a few "Jamies" were doing their usual party piece in winding up those fans who know that it is time for a change. Everyone round me was taking it pretty calmly and stayed to clap off the players. it is not their fault that the manager has sat on his hands all summer and f***** it up again. Cue more panic buys in the next two weeks.

  20. 2 Pounds Your T-Shirt

    Aug 17, 2013, 21:04 #37571

    Why Wenger drives me INSANE. From his post match press conference - "Could we have won the game with the players that were on the pitch today? That's for me the real question. And I say yes" [BUT WE DIDN'T WIN - WE LOST!!!]. "What is important for us is to win football games with the players who are on the pitch and continue with what we did last year at the end of the season" [BUT WE HAVEN'T CONTINUED THAT, WE'VE JUST LOST!!!]. "We couldn't go out at five to three and buy six players." [THAT'S WHY YOU'VE HAD ALL SUMMER!!]. "People always say 'buy players, buy players, buy players'. When you tell them 'tell me who?' it becomes much more problematic.[THAT'S YOUR JOB! NO-ONE ELSES! THAT'S WHY YOU GET PAID 7 MILLION PER YEAR]

  21. smithy

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:55 #37570

    Kronke,Gazidis and Arsene will not care about this result or the current state of the club as it is doing what they want - to make money.The pitch results are not that important so long as they don't affect the Bank balance.For the club to progress Wenger,Gazidis and Kronke must go and usminov,Dean and a short term combination of Berkhamp and Bould taking over to stabilise the club.Deja vu is happening- it is just like Brian Cloughs last days at Forest.The game in 2013 has passed Stan,Ivan and Arsene by- they are just embarassing us now.

  22. Michael

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:40 #37569

    Jamie are you for real?? blaming the ref instead of admitting he has cocked it up.thankfully the numbers are growing day by day.his position is untenable and the discontent is there for all and sundry to see.there is no hiding place for him now.I ASK you Jamie what happens when we don't get past fenerbache over 2 legs will your support for Wenger ever change?

  23. Canterbury Gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:16 #37567

    That's right, Jamie, if you're opposed to the manager's policies you aren't a supporter of the club. Like if you don't agree with Tory policy you can't be patriotic- it's so obvious! That, or, maybe, you have the IQ of a cornflake?

  24. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:12 #37566

    It least it's all coming to head now - at least I hope it is. The support for Wenger is ever dwindling, his position is becoming untenable. Of course you've still got the hardcore likes of Jamie who really do support Arsene above Arsenal but there cannot be enough of them to keep propping him up.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 20:07 #37565

    WOW, one has already broke cover.

  26. DW Thomas

    Aug 17, 2013, 19:53 #37564

    Astounding! Can't blame anyone but ourselves. RVP scored 2 and United won 4-1 away. We score first in 6 minutes and lose 3-1 at home. United still has Rooney, Liverpool Suarez, but we sell RVP and now look at us and look at them! Shambolic! Our club is run on principles of failure when it comes to the football. Wenger's post match comments defy belief! How can he possibly say it is difficult to find players of the "right quality" when all around us spend. Agbonlahor always makes us look bad. I have never seen a penalty where th keeper saves it and pops it up back to the taker who scores with a header! You can't make it up! And no everybody is injured!? We get physically outplayed by everyone these days. It is so embarrassing to watch this team! Sure we had chances. Sure ref was terrible. Same old excuses. At least Wenger won't be able to blame the pitch! He says we are ready to buy players that are good enough. That we have 11 Internationals that stared today. What about Higuain, Guatavo, Williams, Fellaini, Jovetic, et al.? None of them would add to our team? He is delusional! We are lightweight, thin as paper, lack tactics, and have no team heart. All that reflects the man in charge. How long will he be given to take this club down? I know, I know. It's only one game. That's BS! Every game matters to winners! We need people and players who know what they are doing! No more excuses. It's already too bad! How much worse will it get?

  27. JAMIE

    Aug 17, 2013, 19:45 #37563

    Wenger summed it up perfectly in his post match interview. 'I'm sorry for the fans who love Arsenal. The rest ie (the AAA) can go to hell'.

  28. Ronster

    Aug 17, 2013, 19:07 #37562

    Robin has just bagged his 4th of the season.....

  29. Rocky RIP

    Aug 17, 2013, 18:37 #37561

    Just to remind ourselves: our last 10 premier league games last season so us go on a fantastic run with 8 wins and 2 draws, 26 points from 30 is excellent form. No key players left to upset this. We have the core of a strong team but it just needed strengthening, backed up by more money than most clubs have available. Deadwood cleared - check. It was all there for us!?!*V Ferguson out the way. Big opportunity. But no. At the next Q&A I'd like to ask whoever is responsible and quote Jack Torrance in The Shining, asking - 'Are you outta your f***ing mind?'

  30. Man United Killer

    Aug 17, 2013, 18:27 #37560

    @Ronster good point.How the heck do you sell a player like RVP to your closest rival.One Answer --> Arsene Wenger!

  31. Ronster

    Aug 17, 2013, 18:07 #37558

    Van Persie has just put Utd 1-0 up.......

  32. Michael

    Aug 17, 2013, 18:01 #37557

    Well reap what you sowe WENGER AND GAZIDES we need to get rid now just seen his post match comments.usaul we have great spirit and could have won the game with the players we had on the field today.WELL WE DIDN't you f*****g senile old t**t. Spend £100m never mind £70m or go.No CL this season and it's all over after 1 game well done.Cometh the AKB's let's be having you try defend that.oh wait a minute it's all the refs fault I forgot ready made excuse.WAKE UP PEOPLE we are f****d.

  33. Man United Killer

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:55 #37556

    The Wenger apolpogetics have long had readied layers of excuses for such abysmal showings and admiting our persistence with constant modiocrity isn't one of them.It's groundhog all over again so I guess it's about time to buckle up.The thought of playing Arsenal used to bring an unnerving fear now opponents line up and rub their hands in glee to collect 3 points.It will take more than a few signings to bring the ruthlessness of The True Arsenal to the fore.I fear Arsene has more than lost the plot.His tactical ineptitude and inabillity to sign quality and motivate players has been clearly exposed.How this has seemingly evaded the board defies belief. *For Heaven'sake STOP renewing your season tickets*

  34. Nilz21

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:55 #37555

    hers's another fantastic statistic for you wenger lovers. Opening day defeat at home - First in 20 years. On top of the worst start to the league in 100 years ( last season ) And record defeat - man utd 8-2 Again what will it take for this man to be fired. Wouldnt suprise me if his statue gets vandilized at some point this season.

  35. Peter Wain

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:32 #37554

    forget the penalty and the referee we were abject today. Poor defensively slow in midfield and toothless in attack. Was Walcott on the field if so he did not appear especially second half. Defensively the hype surronding Kos amd Mert looks overblown and why did we not bid for Bentecke looked far more dangerous than Giroud. Also why did Aston Villa look so much fitter than us. looking bad for Turkey and as for next Saturday will we have 11 players? Forget Suarez buy some defenders and midfielders or else we will get relegated.

  36. Nilz21

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:20 #37553

    Well that was a complete UN suprise. How this man is still in a job is beyond the laws of this world. 'Cue it was all the refs fault' and ' we are suffering from confidance ' for the next 9 months.

  37. That Norwegian fella

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:07 #37552

    Mandy Dodd,ppp,Ted,Jamie,Mike,Bob Wilson,GoonerRon,Tom Watt,Arsene Wenger...your boys took a hell of a beating!

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:05 #37551

    Peter Wain, I don't think we'll have to wait for a bid mate, he'll be handing in a transfer request soon enough.

  39. Steve H

    Aug 17, 2013, 17:04 #37550

    anyone surprised what a joke! Mr champagne socialist and non existent transfer policy and lies what else do you expect? plus more injuries so the trip to Turkey looks even more precarious now - what an utter shambles

  40. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 15:02 #37549

    Winter is coming and the geese are getting fat and their all about to put more money in the fat cats hat. And no matter how much we have that's what it's all about, if we spend real money and buy real top top quality players we've become like them, OGL has lost, his project hasn't worked, he's given in, he's been wrong all these years in thinking and trying to prove to everybody you can win something on the cheap, and that would never do, heaven forbid OGL having to admit he was wrong, heaven forbid any body started to think arsene doesn't know best, because as long as he remains at our club nothings ever going to change.

  41. don froth

    Aug 17, 2013, 13:41 #37548

    The only thing i feel truly pleased about with the season approaching is the return to the traditional yellow and blue away kit.

  42. Ron

    Aug 17, 2013, 12:47 #37546

    So true and really imaginitive stuff, but alas, just look at the oh so sad and predictable responses of the Wenger acolytes. Until theyre expunged nothings gonna alter fella!

  43. OzGoonerGuy

    Aug 17, 2013, 11:45 #37544

    As much as AW's dithering and stubbornness frustrate me to hell (because he's holding the team back and grossly underperforming) I struggle with blind fans that still cry IAWT and think he's wonderful. My favourite saying: Anyone who's a good a loser! I want to fíng win! This club should be winning trophies, and we've got the money to build a squad to do it. If AW isn't capable of doing it, he should leave. Any idiot can say "I think I'm the best person to manage the club", but when the results aren't there, for * years, something needs to change, i.e. the manager!

  44. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 11:11 #37543

    Oh Mark what a mood you are capturing. The reasoning behind our no transfers policy is simple. If we had bought in 3 - 4 top players the expectations would be to challenge for the title, that is way too much pressure for Wenger. However if you do not buy anyone, no sane person would expect us to win the league and to finish fourth, with this threadbare squad, would be an achievement. The whole expectation of the club is hugely downgraded by our inactivity in the transfer market and keeps AW firmly in his 7 million a year gold plated comfort zone. A bit of mischief by any top club now in trying to buy Jack or Kos really would unsettle the club..... the nonsense continues.

  45. don froth

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:46 #37542

    since 66, your a bore mate! Terrific article!

  46. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:26 #37541

    Jassi says "we were losers for most of the 70s, 80's and 90s" AFC record in the 90s: 91 Champs, 93 League Cup & FA Cup, 94 Cup Winners Cup, 98 Double (Wenger's first trophies). Another example of AKB revisionism of AFC history. These people just keep illustrating again and again where their support truly lies.

  47. paul Adams

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:21 #37540

    Great article which it epitomises my fears for today.(1 day at a time) before I take my seat on the NorthBank today I am ashamed to say I will be hitting the Brandy bottle hard so when 3.00pm arrives I will be in some induced comatose state which will soften the blow which I am sure will arrive. The worst scenario of this debacle is I really believe the Spuds will be above us come end of season. My pessimism has only occurred recently as I have been an AKB since 1998,but not anymore

  48. Peter Wain

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:15 #37539

    Surprised that the Mancs have not bid for WIltshire as their midfield is so weak. With out management he would surely be let go and would be the prefect end to the transfer window. Think of the bonuses for Wenger and the snake oil sales man. Long hard season with no signings means lower half of table distinct possibility

  49. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:11 #37538

    What's to look forward to? Yet another Groundhog season? An analysis this week by the blogger ‘Swiss Ramble’, whose grasp of football finances is admired within boardrooms across Europe, estimated that ARSENAL had an AVAILABLE CASH BALANCE of £154MILLION. To put that in some context, the combined cash balance of the other 19 Premier League clubs was put at £181million. But, has the great dictator spent any money yet? NO! (0 days 04 hours 56 minutes 10 seconds until the start of the season…) Enough said. WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  50. Danish Gooner

    Aug 17, 2013, 10:05 #37537

    The Shining and A clockwork Orange,two of my favourite movies,goddamit that Kubrick was a genius. If we lose it will be more like The Alamo(on Wenger) another great flick.

  51. Redfox

    Aug 17, 2013, 9:57 #37536

    hahahahaha! Great read!

  52. Eddie

    Aug 17, 2013, 9:29 #37535

    Best thing I've read since I got my results from the clinic back in March. 'Arsenal through and through' before any of the goody-goody optimistic wankers pop up with "oh your a good fan" taunts, but SO SO SO SO true!!

  53. Praveen

    Aug 17, 2013, 9:28 #37534

    Sell santi, Wilshere, Walcott, some school kids who are playing well at school competition....we will have great team after 10 years...Wenger out....

  54. BNG

    Aug 17, 2013, 9:14 #37533

    summed up nicely mate, but the deluded,bloody-minded, egotistical fraudster and his money trousering boss couldn't give a toss as 60,000 enter the cash cow, It could get very poisonous today if Villa take the lead but the 23% who reckon that we will finish 1st or 2nd this season on the official website poll should drown out the abuse by singing Arsene Wenger is magic...........springtime for Wenger and Arsenal

  55. Jassi Khangura

    Aug 17, 2013, 9:01 #37532

    I bet you are like this on your birthdays! For God's sake, give it a chance. No future manager will deliver 16 odd years of consecutive Champions League football. Savour it whilst it lasts because we were losers for most of the 70s, 80's and 90s and I don't want those days to return. I started supporting Arsenal when I was 8, I am 49 now and the Wenger era has been the best for Arsenal in my lifetime. So if you can't cheer up a little, see the doctor!

  56. Since 66

    Aug 17, 2013, 8:11 #37531

    Wow u r saddest of Gooners - bye - refuse to allow pessimists and sad sacks to ruin my 48 season of supporting Gunners in the most positive way I can

  57. Allan

    Aug 17, 2013, 7:44 #37530

    Nicely written and mostly, horribly true. You should read Untold Arsenal. Apparently things have never, ever, ever been better. If we don't win it's all the fault of the corrupt referees anyway. There is solace in that I think..... On second thoughts though..don't bother. I feel your pain