A letter to the Manager

Doubt M.Wenger will read this, but you can…

A letter to the Manager

Dear Arsène,

This letter is coming from a fan of over 30 years.

I have supported this club through various spells both lean and victorious. I understand the transient nature of football, and winning isn’t always possible. Some times are tougher, and you take the rough with the smooth. I respect you as a football manager for your achievements and hard work for Arsenal and there is no question that you will forever be remembered by generations of fans.

A football club has a social contract with its fans and is supposed to share a bond. In return for the hard earned money and unconditional support the fans give over, the manager and club are to do absolutely everything within their power to ensure success. To my mind, and that of thousands of Arsenal fans I speak to, this is not happening under your tenure – and has not been for several years.

It appears that your individual principles, and the manner in which you individually see football, take precedence over what Arsenal FC requires. Hence, if Arsène Wenger decides a player valuation is not to his liking then, irrespective of the glaring deficiencies in the squad, Arsène Wenger’s principles will win (to the detriment of the club). For an individual with a much-feted degree in economics, it is rather incredible that you fail to grasp the vagaries of the modern-day transfer market, and that price is determined by supply and demand. Hence a player is not worth whatever Arsène Wenger deems the player to be worth – he is deemed what the market determines he is worth. This point is exacerbated by the fact that you appear perfectly aware of how the market functions when it comes to making profits for the club: Adebayor sold for over £25 million, Nasri sold for over £24 million (despite having just one year of his contract left), Cesc Fabregas sold for £35 million. And yet, you are still to pay more than £20 million for a single player.

Teams like Aston Villa, Tottenham and Liverpool have all exceeded Arsenal’s transfer records, despite not having the luxury of Champions League television revenue. This is inexcusable, and more so in light of the fact that you personally defended the club hiking season ticket prices by 6.5%. This was allegedly done to ‘be more competitive in a testing transfer market’.

It is admirable to an extent that you have a strong philosophical belief in financial fair play, and a dislike for the excesses of vast oil wealth. Again, however, you have not opposed profiting from clubs such as Manchester City and Chelsea, selling players to them for vastly inflated fees – hence fuelling the success of these ‘financially-doped’ clubs and ironically, inflating the market whose very inflation you rail against. Despite your consistent deploring of the excessive wages that players demand, it is well-documented that your personal salary packet is, itself, huge.

There is only so much that oil money and financial doping can legislate for. It cannot legislate for any Arsenal manager citing fourth place as a ‘trophy’. It cannot legislate for domestic competition exits to Bradford and Blackburn in the same season. It cannot legislate for deliberately fielding weakened sides in serious cup competitions, and then dismissing the FA Cup as ‘not a trophy’. I think you will find that if you look around Arsenal’s honours in the Emirates stadium, the FA Cup of 2005 is noted as the last trophy the club won. You cannot begin to redefine which trophies can be selectively called trophies, because football and the history books do not distinguish between trophies.

I understand that you cannot win everything, every year. Unfortunate things happen in football that can throw plans into disarray. However the well-known saying is that if you fail to prepare, you must prepare to fail.

There is no excuse for becoming the first Premier League club to throw away a four-goal lead. There is no excuse for becoming the first Arsenal manager to suffer the ignominy of suffering an 8-2 humiliation at Old Trafford. This defeat was a direct consequence of a failure to prepare your team adequately for the season. There is never an excuse for a manager of your individual standing to look at the past eight years, and see that you have achieved less trophy prestige than the past and present managers of Swansea FC, Wigan Athletic, Portsmouth FC and Birmingham FC.

There is no excuse for losing a cup final to a Birmingham team that was subsequently relegated. Again, this defeat was a direct consequence of a failure to prepare, and a certain superiority complex that has appeared all too common at the club over the past few years, whereby ‘inferior’ opposition are not treated with the respect and seriousness they deserve. So, as the Birmingham players all turned up to Wembley early, dressed in suits and ties; the Arsenal ensemble arrived dressed in tracksuits and trainers, and appeared to think they only needed to turn up.

This is not the Arsenal way.

However, Arsène, two more recent incidents have occurred, which now serve to confirm absolutely that your time as manager of Arsenal must come to an end.

The first is the absolutely unacceptable preparation for the current season. Arsenal are one of the richest clubs in Europe. This is confirmed by Deloitte and by Forbes. Their cash reserves are immense, their financial health has been documented and analysed by the likes of Swiss Ramble. The glaring deficiencies in the team are well known to almost everyone, and Arsenal had the advantage of having settled management to steal a march on the likes of rivals Manchester City and Chelsea. The summer however, irrespective of what may occur in the next two weeks, has been an unmitigated disaster, and a shining example of how not to prepare. For this there are no excuses.

What is even more staggering however, is that you have openly stated that, despite spending ’24 hours a day’ analysing every player in Europe, you have been unable to find players of better quality than the ones you currently possess. This would be the same group of players incapable of mounting any credible challenge for the league last season, and that were embarrassed in the domestic cup competitions. You have even gone so far as to ask journalists and fans to immediately name-check the players better than your current ones. This is supposed to be your job, not that of the journalists. It is what you are paid to specialise in. If it is indeed true that you have been unable to identify anyone better than these players; then this is a sure sign that your tenure as Arsenal manager must end.

It is simply unacceptable for a club of Arsenal’s prestige and standing to be subjected to a scenario where there is barely a left-footed defender available in the whole squad, where there are barely 16 top-level players available for selection in the entire club, where an erratic goalkeeper continues to make key errors knowing there are no credible consequences for his actions; and whereby the team ends a match with an international attacker at left-back, a midfielder at centre-back, and a right-back playing out of position on the left. This does not happen at non-league clubs and it certainly should not be happening to a club with aspirations of winning the Champions League.

The second incident which occurred was the sale of Robin van Persie to Manchester United. Now, as fans, we understand that the player wanted to go and that it is difficult to keep an unhappy player. However this was the Arsenal captain and the best striker in the division. Having competed with Manchester United for so many seasons; it goes against the competitive spirit to sell van Persie to them. This summer has proved again that there was an alternative to selling van Persie. Liverpool, who have nowhere near the financial resources of Arsenal, dug their heels in with Luis Suarez and refused to sell him to Arsenal. This was despite not having Champions League football and despite a mammoth offer. Manchester United, likewise, have refused to entertain the notion of selling Wayne Rooney to a domestic rival, despite the offers on the table. In fact, looking further afield, even Borussia Dortmund held on to Robert Lewandowski despite his being a free agent next summer. Their manager emphasised that footballing ambition and rivalry would always supersede money (Goetze had left only because of a legal clause in his contract – Dortmund have learned from this and now removed all clauses from future contracts).

However van Persie was gift-wrapped to Manchester United with the sign-off from you to Alex Ferguson that ‘he is better than you think’.

I believe this is a huge betrayal of the Arsenal fans.

You have been at Arsenal many years and you have done a lot for Arsenal – but Arsenal has done even more for you. There is absolutely no chance that any other elite club would tolerate three years without a single trophy, let alone eight. It is unthinkable. Arsenal fans have patiently backed you for eight fruitless years. They have stood silent as you derisorily told them they ‘had not worked half a day in football’ (a peculiar observation, as it would mean film critics would all have to retire, not having worked half a day as directors). They still said nothing as you again accused them of wanting caviar on a daily basis. You even went as far as to blame these fans for Gervinho’s failure as a footballer just a few days ago. You have failed to take personal responsibility for Arsenal’s current state, whereby it is deemed ok to celebrate fourth place with champagne, and sell your best players to domestic rivals.

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  1. Tume

    Aug 24, 2013, 4:19 #38109

    My sentiments exactly! Very well written. I wish every fan would copy this letter and send it to AFC. I know that I will!

  2. Michael Mason

    Aug 22, 2013, 11:51 #38023

    Cher M.Wenger As a fan for 58 years (from the days when Arsenal used to hang around the middle of the First Division), as one who was at Wembley for the 3-2 win over Manchester Utd in the 1979 Cup Final and who never thought he'd experience a greater moment in the club's history, coming as it did in barren years, as one who yawned through George Graham matches, I fall about laughing at the fans who say YOU have let the club down. I hope than when I die you will still be managing the club even if from your wheelchair, a nurse on either side. Never has Arsenal played more exciting football than under your direction when the whole of the League was jealous of Arsenal fans for the weekly entertainment you provided. Congratulations on your latest "failure" - the 3-0 away win against Fernerbahce. Michael

  3. Gaz

    Aug 21, 2013, 19:15 #37992

    Exeptionally well written, i think it covers all the points & say exactly what the majority of supporters think. I have for years backed Arsene, i thank him with all my heart for what he has given the club i love & for what his legacy will be but enough is enough, we are better than this, we are The Arsenal & that always meat class when i was growing up..........we are losing that class & respect from the football world now on a day basis!! It is time now Arsene for you to walk away & be remembered for all tbe good things you have done for Arsenal Football Club.

  4. Alex Songinho

    Aug 21, 2013, 18:31 #37987

    Naijaboy - Maybe when you learn how to spell the word "sort" then we might just take what you write seriously. Naija Clown!

  5. Andyspur

    Aug 21, 2013, 18:06 #37985

    Very well written letter. You can guess who I suport and as such hope Arsene doesn't read this letter and stays your manager :)

  6. Gooner1711

    Aug 21, 2013, 17:48 #37984

    Represents my views perfectly.

  7. Naijaboy

    Aug 21, 2013, 17:48 #37983

    Hahahaha... What a stupid article from a pathetic moaner. How many of you posting on this article really know what is happening at the club? How many of you can really tell who is responsible for what, and why things are the way they are? How many of you know what is available for spending? You moaners should go sought out your sad lives and stop using the name of Arsenal in vain.

  8. Cam

    Aug 21, 2013, 17:47 #37982

    Superb letter. Eloquent, erudite and most of all accurate. Save our club, wenger out

  9. 1962er

    Aug 21, 2013, 12:25 #37948

    A superb summary of the situation at Arsenal, and Mr Wenger's contribution to our current situation, but not forgetting his past glories. It is right to call for the managers' resignation, as there has been a total dereliction of duties during the close season. We were all expecting this season to be the one where we were finally in a position to challenge for the title, and progress further in the Champions League; perhaps win a cup. The three main challengers for the title all have new managers, so this was our big chance, but Wenger has blown it big time. I seriously doubt we will get a player of any stature as every club will be upping the price by at least £5m at this late stage, and you cannot fault them for doing so. I my opinion we need a new goalkeeper, centre half, defensive mid-fielder, and a proven goal scorer in the team NOW in order to make a substantial challenge, but I fear we will not get one of these, as Wenger is still looking to buy players similar to what we have, and no improvement on what we have either. It looks like being a very long, disappointing season. Here's hoping I am wrong.

  10. Herbert Chapman

    Aug 21, 2013, 11:39 #37931

    I say to you from beyond the grave, "Mancini in, Wenger out!!!"

  11. We Need to Talk about Arsene

    Aug 21, 2013, 11:27 #37929

    Apparently the Board's changing the motto to 'Quartus Concordia Crescit'. If we condemn the gross mismanagement which has occurred over the Summer that doesn't stop us supporting the players - who themselves have been pleading for signings.


    Aug 21, 2013, 11:19 #37927

    Westlower: If we finish 4th this season (and at the time of writing it's a big if) and eneded trophyless again, would you consider this a success? In my opinion you can not guarentee trophies but it should be your amition to challenge for them.

  13. Westlower

    Aug 21, 2013, 11:02 #37926

    When we were regularly contesting the league it literally was a 2 horse race. Now life is so much tougher with 6-8 teams capable of 70 points or more. To stay financially viable while building a new stadium and stay in the top 4 during this period is nothing short of miraculous. This club has a motto "VICTORY THROUGH HARMONY," so let's have less dissent and more support. It can't be easy for the players to perform to their full potential in front of so many critical fans.

  14. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 21, 2013, 10:33 #37925

    Westlower, the factual evidence of decline is in the fact that a few seasons ago, the team at least challenged for the league for a while before dropping away. Now they don't challenge at all, for anything, at any stage of the season. That's the only true barometer. Still, at least you gave us something to think about for a bit, the first apologist to manage that so far. Which makes it all the more of a shame you embarrassed yourself with your final three sentences.

  15. Josh

    Aug 21, 2013, 10:23 #37924

    I love Arsene, but it is so true what you have just said. I Dont know why we dint straight away offer £50m for suarez and £30 for faleni and be done with it.As Pardew said we bid to low for players and clubs dont take us seriously

  16. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 21, 2013, 10:19 #37923

    Excellent article - really the best (and most temperate) analysis I have seen through all the media froth and lather surrounding the 'should he go or should he stay debate'. The answer to that question is clear...

  17. Angle Grinder

    Aug 21, 2013, 10:12 #37921

    After being pointed in the direction of the Swiss Ramble I read the article 3 times over. One thing that stood out to me was the financials for 11/12. Without the £65.5m profit on player sales we would have made a loss of (£28.9m) in that financial year. Bearing in mind that FY11/12 was the first year that the FFFP will look at a clubs' financial performance then it would seem that Wenger had his hand played for him to some degree. With a worrying trend in increasing player salaries year on year and the fact that the revenue streams from the Stadia is nearly maxed out then until the debt is paid off Arsenal are in a corner financially. It's easy to say that spending £70m is indeed possible (it is) but prudence tells you that FFFP will take that spend into consideration going forward. I know we have new sponsorship deals and increased TV money etc but most of that sponsorship revenue is based on performance (which isn't a given). I believe we have about £40m max to spend to keep us within the FFFP guidelines and that is probably offset against the increased TV and sponsorship money. Anything more than that and we're taking risks financially IMO.

  18. john groeger

    Aug 21, 2013, 10:03 #37920

    absolutely brilliant "in arsene we rust"

  19. Westlower

    Aug 21, 2013, 9:48 #37919

    There needs to be some recognition of the quality of our present squad. Last season they improved on the previous two years PL points total. 10/11, 68; 11/12, 70; 12/13 73. Even with RVP leading the line up to 11/12 we only scored 2 goals less last season, but 5 more than 2010/11. This is the squad of Fabregas, Nasri, Song, RVP. Defensively we conceded 12 goals less in 2012/13 than we did in 2011/12. Where is the factual evidence this squad is dropping in quality? OK, it's disappointing to lose to Villa but keep it in perspective all you knee jerk whingers! Maybe you are letting off steam after being frustrated for so long by last seasons unbeaten run. Enjoy your new signings at the Lane when you switch allegiance!

  20. billthered

    Aug 21, 2013, 9:39 #37918

    Great article but I fear he will not read this so I suggest you copy and send it to him pronto.Incidently have you seen his latest comments about trusting him in the transfer market as he has got it right in the last sixteen years and been very successful,well lets throw in a couple of his biggest successes shall we,Cygan,Stepanovs,Squillachi,Silvestre there is to many to mention but these are just a few of the great centre backs OGL must be talking about.Cheers Arsene.

  21. Phil

    Aug 21, 2013, 9:21 #37916

    It is always difficult to be critical of someone you love and I do love Wenger because of all he has done for the club. He showed me that football could be even better than 'just' winning (which was the way I was brought up with Arsenal and would actually be happy to go back to now!) but that it could be exhilarating too. From December 2001-October 2004 (game 49) the football had you out of your seat virtually all the time. The tragedy was that they didn't win all three leagues in that time or the Champions League in 2004, as the were good enough to. Since then it has been a pretty steady decline and I am now reluctantly convinced that Arsene should go, and perhaps for the sake of his own health as much as anything. If you still doubt this please consider: 1) How you would fare in your own job if you had 8.5 good years and 8.5 bad years ?(I'll give you a clue- the second 8.5 years wouldn't happen. Try it with 2 years if you want.) 2) Arsene's approach of deflecting the real questions by asking what is a seductive but false question (e.g. 'could the team on the pitch have won the game against Villa?') when the real question is actually something else ( if we had moved well in the market could we have had a team on the pitch with a better chance of beating Villa?) 3. We now have regular races and dialogues about finishing above Spurs. Since when have they been relevant to us? This club has been virtually my whole life for well over 40 years and I would never be critical of players or the manager at matches but I have never felt the way I do at the moment. Where is this club going?

  22. maena

    Aug 21, 2013, 8:16 #37915

    Perhaps the most sober and most eloquent criticism of Wenger I've read here!

  23. Bard

    Aug 21, 2013, 8:01 #37914

    A lot of the stuff posted here in response to Emmanuel's letter is plain stupid. i have yet to read a comment suggesting Wenger term at Arsenal is all rubbish far from it.The jist of the comments is that he's past his sell by date and the evidence supports that view. This squad were miles off Man U last season. He's had since May to identify who he needs, he's had the money to buy them and here we are 1 week into the new season having made absolutely no significant signings. i would like to hear a coherent argument from the Wenger supporters to justify this rather than cheap accusations about lack of loyalty. i am openminded enough to accept that I have misread the situation and he has a master plan up his sleeve. Explain !

  24. Wenger is on Profit Share agreement

    Aug 21, 2013, 5:28 #37913

    linked to move to Emirates, Wenger deal at AFC changed and the greed kicked in of making huge money rather than winning sporting events. he does not want the fans to know his true motivations these days. He is no longer the coach that arrived from Japan in 96. He is no longer a coach full stop. huge money can change people and in his case it has done. he has lost his sporting edge. he does not plan 24/7 like he used to and he is no longer obsessed by winning.

  25. Van de Ed

    Aug 21, 2013, 2:39 #37912

    Excellent write up with brilliantly articulated arguments!! As I utterly REFUSE to believe there are any human beings out there with access to a PC who are as pitifully stupid as these JAMIE & In Arsene We Trust characters, they should be considered wind up merchants/clowns who are best ignored.

  26. Danny

    Aug 21, 2013, 1:43 #37911

    Where is the coward Gazidis. Not a word from teh board we need to get rid of deadwood like Wenger fast and get a more ambitious coach like Klopp Did anyone see the idiots press conference today. Nothing changes

  27. DW Thomas

    Aug 21, 2013, 1:32 #37910

    Some great responses to one of the best letters/articles I have read in a while. What AKBs fail to understand or choose not to is that sport at some point has to be about winning and competing to win. Sure style is important and the Invincibles were pure joy to watch. But, they also had grit and fight. They were tough and had a winning mentality. Maybe not each one at all times, but the leaders carried the others to victory. Who are our leaders now?

  28. Chingford Gooner (again)

    Aug 21, 2013, 1:11 #37909

    Project Youth Is Over. Did you see how many kids he released? Did they upset him so he fired the whole class? What was the explanation there? Either way we’re not really turning them out and we need to buy proper players. We have plenty of "kids" already. Oxo, Gibbs and Walcott and still waiting for them to mature. We need more Men out there not Kids. Anyone who is still pro-Wenger, sorry but there's no point even talking to you as you'll probably follow him all the way out of the Prem league and in to the French 3rd division. Fine, I get why you like the guy and he did good. But that was a very long time ago and he has now slowly diluted the team so much that we can’t even field a proper first XI and 3 experience subs. We were supposed to be challenging for the league this year. That's not going to happen unless we sign Fellaini, Cabaye, Williams, Cesar, or players of that calibre. We need 5 or 6. Not 1 or 2. And that's just to try to retain 4th. Face it, your season ticket money is going towards lining the pockets of football millionaires and all you are going to get back this year is promises and disappointment. Wenger is laughing his head off as the value of shares is soaring while he spends no money. He is a shareholder which is where the problem lies. No manager should be a shareholder. A manager should be pushing for funds to spend and the chairman getting him to justify it. Our Chairman tells us there’s money to spend if Weger wants it but Wenger won’t spend it because no one else is either a) available or b) better than what we have. Wenger's an Economist so he’s trying to do things as cheaply as possible to make up for the last 9 wasteful years. (I have a degree in Economics myself and I know how it messes with your thinking - believe me!!) Unless you vote with your feet, nothing will change. It’s a simple as that. Do yourselves a favour and take your kids to the cinema or the gym or something instead so the board get the message. I’d rather run the risk of losing my season ticket (if I had one) than keeping it and watching the same awkward loser standing there like a lost librarian week in week out, scratching his chin. Spurs have signed Paulinho, £17m. Nacer Chadli £7m. Roberto Soldado £25.8m. Etienne Capoue £8.6. ..Possibly Willan soon. That's serious investment. That's how you move if you want to improve your team. We only inched ahead of Spurs on the last day last season...so you work out how good they will be this year. And Sandro was injured most of last year. We got Sanogo...on a free. Whoopeee. Spurs found world class players and paid the going rate. Its quite simple. Its how other clubs make money. They want to sell players. Other clubs want to by players. Its what keeps clubs and agents in business and how players get pay rises and go to better (or worse) teams. Agents want to do business. Wenger use to say his phone does not stop. Something has happened lately. He is not the same man at all. He is under pressure. Apparently no one in the football world likes him or wants to help him out in his time of need. He screwed other clubs by taking their best and their brightest and he is getting his pay back for it. When was the last time Man U, Chelsea or City sold anyone to us? The world has moved on and Wenger is still stuck on 2005. AKB’s will always be AKB’s. Pity them. Ignore them. They know nothing about football. Laugh at them when we come 5th. (Or cry). But they will be happy as Wenger will probably get another contract extension if he scrapes past Fenerbace and makes it to the group stages. It will be 1 failure in 16 to qualify again. But enough to earn him a pat on the back and another 5 years. That way the board avoid the awkward problem of having to make a decision as to who should replace him. BTW: Fenerbace have Dirk Kuyt and Raul Meireles in their team. It wont be an easy tie. But I will be 100pct behind the players. And 0pct behind Wenger. His eye is not on the team anymore. He is too busy make programmes for Al Jazeera and too tired from working 24 hours a day singing, er, no one.

  29. DW Thomas

    Aug 21, 2013, 0:06 #37908

    Sad to see so many fighting with words on here, but it might take some verbal blood to clear away the club leadership that has stagnated this great club. The pen is mightier than the sword. You can't possibly take Wenget seriously anymore, can you? Looks like Spurs are buying William to replace Bale. Hmmmm. Have we ever done that? Buy a player to replace one going out? FFS, we still haven't replaced Cesc, RVP, or Jens for at matter. All our club does is lie and say no one is going anywhere until ST renewals are in and then we sell and replace with mediocre players. Wenger says we've always had quality? Really? Denilson, Bendtner, Park, Squillaci ring a bell? If they were so quality why are they now shipped off for th most part? Why will no one buy TGSTEL? Wenger is bonkers with his statements, absolutely out of this world! The list of failures is too long, we just can't forget anymore. He has had his time to tinker and dream with his so called project. I can't believe everyone doesn't see it now. It is sad too see him fall from a once great manager, but, he chooses not change. That is the key. He had chance after chance to build on a very good core squad but either chose inaction or mediocre players. We can't let him waste anymore seasons/games.

  30. Goonerwoody

    Aug 21, 2013, 0:05 #37907

    Why don't all fans stop talking about the very obvious deficiencies in the running of the club and TAKE MEANINGFUL ACTION? Someone who represents the fans in a position of authority (a reputable fanzine maybe?) needs to coordinate a boycott of a game or something that hurts the club commercially and doesn't involve booing the players or whinging on here.

  31. Ken Dodd

    Aug 21, 2013, 0:03 #37906

    Yeah com'on Mandy,I'm redundant at the mo!

  32. RichardS

    Aug 21, 2013, 0:02 #37905

    God what a mess. What a total mess. We have the fans insulting each other on this forum, fights breaking out in the stands against Villa. In all my 36 years of supporting Arsenal, I can only remember one time close to this, just before Terry Neill left. Jamie; I completely agree with you that wanting Arsenal to lose, is ridiculous and something I could never do. However, I do think that some of your observations are bizarre. I never doubt the players effort and many of them tried hard to turn it around against Villa. But I also saw a team that was leaderless and tactically very naive. There can be no doubt that we simply do not have a team capable of challenging for the title. Wenger MUST know this. If he doesn't, then he really has fallen down in my estimation. Even the players know this. That is why Arteta, Wilshere, Jenkinson, Sagna, Giroud (and others that I can't remember), have ALL stated that we need new additions to the team. Therefore, you can only assume 2 things; either Wenger is completely inept in the transfer market, or the players we want will not sign for us. If it is the latter, then who is to blame for this? It could be the board, but considering how much control Wenger has at our club, then he must be involved. It is a legacy of so many years of failure to secure silverware. I think this aspect is more worrying than the issue of Wenger himself. If we cannot encourage top players to come to Arsenal, then we have a difficult future. I do not hate Wenger, but I do believe that a new Manager is needed at the club.....and soon. Wenger-bashing is easy and the majority on this site want to see him gone. But he has created this mess, so you can hardly blame people for having a pop at him. He has also does nothing to help matters with his petulant manner and excruciating post match interviews. It is very hard to be committed to a man who seems to act more bizarrely by the day. I desperately hope that Wenger can pull us out of this mess, but I simply do not believe it. Too much time, too many mistakes, poor motivation and tactics of the team......I could go on. If you are right, Jamie, then I will be the first one at the bar to buy you a beer.

  33. El Cid

    Aug 20, 2013, 23:52 #37904

    Did he write this 5 years ago?

  34. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 20, 2013, 23:40 #37903

    I haven't seen any comments from Mandy Dodd recently. Do you think that she might be willing to come over from the Dark Side?

  35. Wenger is the Daddy

    Aug 20, 2013, 23:20 #37902

    I would love to see the Emirates packed with proper Arsenal fans the ones you call AKB's. If I was Arsenal I would ban all the Half-Goons or make them sit with the away fans,that would be quite fun as most of them seem to be old lags and hoolies. I thought Wenger looked pretty much on form today and wasn't taking any crap from the reporters and is looking more his old self. I know most of you would love Arsenal to fail but I can see a great season ahead and the players look really up for it.

  36. David

    Aug 20, 2013, 22:57 #37901

    Very whingey and tedious, even if many of the statements are true! yo-yoing between 3rd and 4th is nowhere near a trophy, although it is not atrophy either. Even if Project Youth was a bridge too far, there is still a platform for success at the club - just needs the right bloke in charge (not AW), and boardroom stability. At the moment, AWs shortcomings as manager are a smokescreen for the bigger issue: the Russo-American boardroom Cold War. it doesn't matter who manages Arsenal because the real money required to compete isn't available. £70 million might be a lot for one season, but unless similar funds are continually available season after season, the manager cannot afford an expensive dud like Torres, Andy Carroll or Veron. Every signing has to work because there's no more where that came from. The Ruskie needs to kick some Yank ass and pour his money into the club.

  37. Sheilsy

    Aug 20, 2013, 22:42 #37900

    Mr Fyle, A tremendous letter that you put a lot of thought into, so it needs to be read by those who can change something (even though they may not). Forget the petitions, buy some expensive envelopes and with a good pen and neat handwriting, send it individually to Mr Wenger and each member of the board Make sure you write "Strictly Addressee Only" on the envelope and then you'll get a better than half a chance that they will read it. The pressure is mounting and the games against Fenerbahce and Spurs could be catalysts for change. Things may need to get worse still at the club, before they get better, but one day they will and let's all hope that that time is not too far away.

  38. russ99

    Aug 20, 2013, 21:59 #37899

    This year's transfer debacle can be at least partially solved, but I have to admit the Van Persie sale really bothers me. All of a sudden, clubs don't want to give away their best players anymore and we gave ours to our biggest rivals, for a weak fee of $20M - and all due to a lack of ambition. That alone should bring about Wenger's departure. But I think it solves nothing to ask him to resign or sack him now, they need to let him go to PSG next summer and let the new manager decide how to turn things around.

  39. TC

    Aug 20, 2013, 21:24 #37898

    Well said N4 in response to Jamie, Arsenal need to communicate to the fans effectively to at least claw back some respect. Jamie, RVP was offered more money at Citeh than Man UTD, the reasons of his exit are far deeper than financial gain.

  40. Vince

    Aug 20, 2013, 20:59 #37897

    I totally agree. Ideally we also need some changes in the ownership, but I cannot see that happening unless Stan decides to sell or share more power with Usmanov. A new manager (if someone with strong credentials) would at least provide an opportunity to set a new direction and get us out of the rut we are in. I am sad to see this happen for all the good that Arsene has done us in the past, but we need an injection of new thinking and someone (whether that is Arsene or Gazidis fault) who is more decisive in the transfer market.

  41. jjetplane

    Aug 20, 2013, 20:45 #37896

    Ron -you said it. Even when we used tostand in the pub post match in the days of trophies I always felt uncomfortable with him and it was the titans on the pitch - and jeez - there were many! that gave me the goosebumps. When the pubs went quiet to hear his post match talk I always thought 'time for more grogg' while quietly thinking 'who the f... is he? - now we know. Le Plonker. Gave up my st in 2004 having watched alot of Arsenal since the mid-60s - what timing! Never been to the Emirates and now watching Ryman-type footer and like you Ron think that the PL is beginning to look and sound like american f...... baseball! Ironically the best fun I have had in the past few years was following College Basketball for a year in Yankeeland - the premier stuff was sh...! As we say though Once Arsenal, always. Now PO Prof. and take your bags of money with ya.


    Aug 20, 2013, 20:44 #37895

    Emmanuel, as a fan of this great club for over fifty years, I have to agree with everything you have said in this excellent post. Mr Wenger has done marvellous things for this club but he must see that what he is doing now is destroying the very fabric of the club in totally splitting the support of the fans. For a man of supposed intelligence why can he not see the glaring evidence of the on going mistakes made, game after game after game. I genuinely fear for this season as I have done for the last 2 or 3. Heaven forbid that we find ourselves in a relegation battle as I cannot see any players, apart from Jack, up for the fight. The way Wenger is going with the quality of this team he could be the 1st manager to take us down in over a hundred years. With reference to Jamie, In Arsene We trust etc. CAN YOU NOT SEE WHAT IS GOING ON. Are you happy at being a laughing stock at the way our club is run? I can only assume that you and your like are not true supporters if you are happy with this total shambles that is being played out before our eyes. Just because we voice our concerns for the situation we are branded as moaners, but if we do not do anything the club we all love will slip further and further behind our rivals. Lastly, to Mr Dein, if you read these posts and comments, please, please have a word with your old friend and ask him what the **** is going on at the club I once was so proud of.

  43. TC

    Aug 20, 2013, 20:29 #37894

    I come from a family of life long Arsenal fans. Robin Van Persie to Man UTD broke my heart. Wenger didn't back Robin up with players of similar caliber so he left. Remember the days of Vieira and Keane? When are we likely to see a battle like that again? Fail to prepare - prepare to fail, why on earth haven't we bought anyone apart from the French kid and integrated them into the squad! What did Paul Labert say, even he doesn't want to be scratching around after the season has started looking for talent. We need a proven football player negotiator like David Dein to sign players and buy them but highly unlikely he will be a regular in the board room. So even though he has transformed the club, Wenger has to go and the board need a serious re-shuffle. There is no heart and guile. It's a hedge fund. I prefer the cannon the other way round.

  44. LJB

    Aug 20, 2013, 19:55 #37893

    Ha ha has everyone heard Wengers latest claptrap? How we have been really successful with transfers over the past 16 yrs (i wish someone would give me a tenner every time he reminds everyone how long he has been here)Well Arsene why have we had to get rid of so many of your super quality transfers this summer?He was also using the old solution is not to spend garbage.Des anyone at Arsenal have the brains to realise that with Spurs building a seriously brilliant squad we may not get CL for the foreseeable future?How this will lead to a half empty stadium and the club being forced to reduce ticket prices?How we won't get all the much touted commercial revenue,as the Emirates deal has penalty clauses and contrary to popular opinion the Puma deal is not signed yet.How that will mean that we will NEVER be able to compete in the transfer market again.Does anyone care? Bayern Munich? More like Blackburn Rovers.All together now "You built a new stadium and you f****d it up"

  45. underacheiver

    Aug 20, 2013, 19:45 #37892

    The spuds have just signed Willian for 30 million. They know they are getting a huge sum for Bale and are investing it rather than using it to increase the share price. Of course he is no where near good enough for us when we have Giroud. Our only hope when we play them in a few weeks is that they haven't bed in all these new players,or it could be humiliating.

  46. Andy Hadlow 52 years

    Aug 20, 2013, 19:37 #37891

    I feel better for reading the above. This has put my own unspoken feelings into words better than I could ever hope to myself. I am currently waiting to hear what games I will be able to attend this season. But feel I am being taken for a fool. To MR WENGER, I feel that you are fast becoming the manager remembered more for his failings rather than his successes.

  47. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 17:52 #37890

    I can honestly say hand on heart that in all my time visiting the Online Gooner i've never laughed at an article, post/comment, no matter what the persons views were, not even JAMIE maybe a chuckle now and again with plenty shakes or the head, but never openly laughed,that is until now, Tuesday 20th August 2013, my son even heard me and asked what i was laughing at, step forward, In Arsene we Trust,40633

  48. Johnny Lynch

    Aug 20, 2013, 17:46 #37889

    I hate Wenger with every breath I've got .. Duplicitous . Lying , busted flush who has dragged this club out of the elite and into mediocrity

  49. underachiever

    Aug 20, 2013, 17:41 #37888

    I took the liberty of forwarding the letter by email to Arsenals feedback email address, subject line "Letter for Mr Wenger". Apparently it has been passed to Mr Wengers office, where no doubt it will be deleted without being read.

  50. Aabbs7

    Aug 20, 2013, 17:25 #37887

    Not going to lie, it is hard to defend Wenger from the points you just made, if he is to blame that is. Arsene Wenger is an employee of Stan Kroenke, Stan is the man who sets the agenda for the club, and its down to him to get on Wengers case about our poor showing. The only thing Stan cares about is the money, so the best thing we can do as Arsenal fans is not give him any, until he falls into line. I really do fear now that we are finished as a "big club", but whats even worse is the fact that we are a corporation now. Soulless, devoid of character and Most expensive club to see in the world yet the most miserly with transfers, fans who go games are mugs. I'm Arsenal thru and thru, but I refuse to part with my hard earned money for the sake of some American who's going to go buy a yacht or a helicopter with is face on the side with my money. Go **** yourselves corporate Arsenal.

  51. Gaz

    Aug 20, 2013, 17:19 #37886

    Think I'll sum this up in one word. Brilliant...

  52. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 16:44 #37885

    Karl hick, agents don't give a damm who they deal/negotiate with, whether a football person or not, or what respect they have,they would've dealt with saddam or bin laden if the price was right and they were getting what they want for themselves and their client/player. Regardless who is doing the negotiating at Arsenal (that's if Any's going on at all, and it's not wenger himself) it will all have to be run past OGL anyway nothing happens or goes on without his say so, or his knowledge, he has his big hooter stuck into everything and that's the problem.

  53. Richard

    Aug 20, 2013, 16:43 #37884

    Hear ! Hear !


    Aug 20, 2013, 16:08 #37883

    Westlower. While I admire your loyalty to Mr Wenger, what I don't get is your childish responce to the agruements put forward by fellow Gooners. Personally I don't expect perfection but a little clarity and truth would be nice!

  55. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 20, 2013, 16:06 #37882

    'We Need To Talk About Arsene' - what a great name!

  56. Westlower

    Aug 20, 2013, 16:00 #37881

    Common sense dictates that you get rid of the deadwood before you add to the squad. How do you know which of the deadwood you're going to be stuck with? Fortunately it looks as though only Bendtner has still to be offloaded. There are no guarantees that any new £40m+ signing won't also be termed deadwood by the end of the new season. Whoever ends up playing for Arsenal better have a thick skin because they will have to appease supporters who condemn every error, every mistake, as unacceptable. The new players had better be inch perfect because only brilliance is tolerated at the Emirates! Anything less must be Wengers fault!!

  57. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:57 #37880

    Anyone else notice the difference in 'quality' (to use one of Wenger's favourite words) between the pro-Wenger and anti-Wenger comments here? Yep, me too. This is all Wenger has left now - the sheep-like followers who long ago decided thinking was too hard and so they blindly lap up even the most patently ridiculous of his statements without even a cursory examination, make crass assertions which they don't see the need to back up, and use hackneyed, meaningless, cut 'n' paste phrases like 'get behind the team'. They do all this in the mistaken belief it makes them better, more loyal supporters.

  58. We Need to Talk about Arsene

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:56 #37879

    Anglegrinder - the November 2012 accounts show that of a cash balance of £123m, £24m is set aside for the loans taken out to finance the stadium. That left Arsene with £99m, a figure which had undoubtedly increased by the Summer. Next excuse?

  59. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:53 #37878

    Yes, he won't pay the going rate or market price for a player alright but has no problem profiting himself, and certainly no problem profiting from the club with his own hugely overinflated salary, he's not to worried about financial doping there. There's been far to many incidents and mistakes over the years far to many to count or even remember and a lot of them were unacceptable and your right were down to one man, OGL, and would never have been accepted or tolerated by any other fans or by any other club but they were by this club and especially his apologists, and that's why he's still here, and they're still happening,like you've said right up to the start of this season with all his followers/apologists being fooled yet again, and it will continue to happen nothing will change whether the wengerites want to believe it or not, until his resignation is tendered and he walks away, or is dragged screaming and kicking.


    Aug 20, 2013, 15:46 #37877

    'The season starts with the first game, not the close of the window' That's what I don't get why sacrifice the first three games every season just to save on wages. Someone please explain why no one every asks this question at a press conference?

  61. Westlower

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:32 #37876

    FPGOONER, My missing ID was not deliberately left off and I resent my piece using 'Westlower' but the original was put up. So crack on and abuse 'westlower' should you feel fit to do so.

  62. Chingford Gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:31 #37875

    While we are Wenger bashing, I'd just like to also remind everyone how tactically poor he is too. How many times have you seen us losing a game and he'll take off an attacking player and put on a more defensive minded one. Or winning a game yet throws it away by not shutting up shop. He only knows how to play one way and now he hasn’t got the players to do it. He lost the plot years ago. This wouldn't happen at any other club at the Chairman would have stepped in by now. The papers would have been all over it. But because of the corporate world we live in, no one will dare publish an article against him in case they don’t get invited to the Arsenal Media Christmas Party. How hypercritical the press are. If a player is down, and his life in ruins, they are all over it. If there is a real sporting story to be told, they look away because they want to protect their careers. I won’t be returning to the Emirates until I see a competitive team out there. I feel sorry for the players that are left as they have been sucked in to the same transfer stories we heard about only to be let down as usual. Highest ticket prices. Highest paid manager. Negative net investment again and again. Profit for Wenger and the shareholders. Shame on you. Shame on YOU ALL. The finances for investment are there. That was the whole point of the new stadium. Anyone who says they are not does not know what they are talking about and does not understand the world of finance. We have a manageable dept and interest rates are at an all time low, which allows businesses to make reasonable predictions for the next 2-3 years. We were told when we moved to the new stadium that the debt would be paid off after 5-7 years. Well it’s been that long. If it’s not paid off it’s because the board choose not to pay it off because they can off set the interest against profits and reduce their tax bill. Also, they choose to pay themselves and Wenger huge wages. The guy earns around £140k per week !!!! If he can get together a squad of at least 24 decent first team players with the time (and years) he's had, then he clearly isn't up to the job anymore. I say 24 players, also an example used by Mr. Mourihno who believes, like me, that you need at least 2 players in each position if you want to challenge on 4 fronts. Thats a minimum. We are struggling with 3 or 4 injuries just one week in to the season. Thats not unfortunate. Thats bad preparation. Very bad. Wenger "The season starts with the first game, not the close of the window." Fact. If you don’t get that, get out.

  63. Shu

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:27 #37874

    Possibly the best article i have read on this subject , can someone get this out to the press and also you send copies to Wenger , Gazadis , Kronke . I agree with this 100% .

  64. Ronster

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:26 #37873

    Angle Grinder...explain how Klopp managed to bag the German title and reach the Champions League final on a shoestring.Explain the Keystone Cops defending we witnessed last Saturday...something GG could sort out in one afternoon.SSssssshhhh!

  65. FPGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:23 #37872

    'Man up' says the guy too scared to leave a name. The media have been irritatingly easy on Wenger, although I am sure that will change now that he has started to bait them. Here's some news for you, oh anonymous one, the International friendlies affected most of the top teams, but they had managers who knew if they had just flown in from 1000s of miles away and made the necessary adjustments; but that would require two things 1) A manager who wasn't senile and knew something about tactics and making tactical changes 2) Having players with which to make the change of personnel. We are not very far away from playing our tealady tomorrow. Whose fault is that? Let me see; "I will do the heroic thing and clear out all the deadwood that I bought previously. Good, all done. Wait, we seem to be a bit thin on the ground with our squad. By the way, our best player of the last 50 years, Abou Diaby, has been very lonely in the treatment room over the last few years, so I have pulled off a master stroke and bought someone he can bond with in the treatment room - an injury prone 20 year old from Division 2 in France (Auxerre seemed very keen to get rid of the lad; they even offered me a year's supply of baguettes)". Yes, mate, standards others can only dream of. Can you see any of our competitors buying Sanogo as their new striker? If he was as good as Wenger said he was last week, why didn't he play him on Saturday? This is not rocket science. 'Injuries' in sport are not a new invention of the devil, a good manager builds up depth in the team to cater for it. To cite injuries after 1 match??? you must write Wenger's post-match interviews, but even he wouldn't use the 'injury' excuse after 1 match. What is holding us back is having Wenger as manager, but also supporters without the awareness, sense or intelligence just blindly follow their equally blind messiah. This is not a good time to be an AKB, but I wish they would stop using the immature and ridiculous phases 'get behind the team', 'get behind the manager' etc, meaningless and idiotic phrases uttered only by brain donors.

  66. Ronster

    Aug 20, 2013, 15:03 #37871

    Angle Grinder...read 'The Swiss Ramble' article of 12th August...it blows your argument out of the water.

  67. Angle Grinder

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:57 #37870

    One day, I'm certain, the truth will come out with regards to how much Wenger has had his hands tied due to financial restraints at our club. It wouldn't surprise me if the £150m or so cash that sits on the balance sheet is actually frozen because it's used as collateral against our huge mountain of debt. The people running the club aren't going to want to make this known as the vultures will start circling more than they have in the past and finish off plucking our youngsters away. This, I believe, is why Gazidis talks us up in the media to keep the jackels at bay and Wenger is willing to place his manhood on the chopping block and be seen as the penny pinching miser. One day we may all just come to realise that what Wenger managed to achieve in keeping the club afloat on his own was indeed worth more than any trophy in the game. One day.

  68. Aug 20, 2013, 14:50 #37869

    Man up you moaning wimps and stop wallowing in your pathetic self pity. We lost the opening game (first loss in 11 PL games) but how many teams could cope with two penalty decisions (that's twice as many as Man U had at OT in an entire season) and a red card against them. We've been unlucky with injuries and the International friendlies three days before the season started (Cazorla in Equador). We knew how to sign players when Monreal, Cazorla & Giroud signed and what's so wrong in not paying way over the odds for a player that the selling club overrates? We are not Portsmouth under street trader Harry. We are the Arsenal and we have standards most of the others can only dream about. Stop feeding ammo to the mischievous media, who are absolutely loving all this Arsenal bashing from within. Wenger will remain manager for at least this season so get behind the team and grow up!!!

  69. ApolloGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:31 #37868

    Well done on a brilliant piece of writing Emmanuel - I agree with it 200% (that means I read it twice and agreed 100% both times :-).

  70. Bob

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:29 #37867

    Spot on. How many "one more chances" does he expect. Judge me in May....no, wait make that August....or perhaps now the stadium debt has been paid....or wait, here comes FFP....enough, no more, be gone!

  71. Ken

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:21 #37866

    @JAMIE. You have had your say but the odds are against you mate and there will be plenty more, I think your missing the point that it's NOT a Wenger hate campaign, You don't need a degree to see what's happening at the club don't forget that more and more fans are waking up to the fact that it's NOT working. Wenger WAS the BEST give up mate it's time for a clear out and you know it.

  72. Truth

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:17 #37865

    Sadly - I can only agree with everything you've written! Excellent letter, I pray Mr Wenger gets to read it!

  73. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:14 #37864

    Emmanuel 1, Jamie 0.

  74. PerryG

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:12 #37863

    Great article Emmanuel, i commend your brilliantly written piece. Re: Jamie and In Arsene we rust eh sorry trust, there's just no talking to people like yourselves. You both have your heads stuck firmly in the ground. Pull it out and see what's in front of you. The only people that want Wenger to stay are fans of rival clubs, no true gooner could possibly want him to stay as our slow painful decline continues inexorably.

  75. Hughie

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:08 #37861

    I'm really behind the sentiment of this letter, I just hope people at AFC are reading this and other blogs which are pretty much in agreement. Time to go Wenger, should have been after the 8-2 manure debacle for me but now there is such a groundswell of opinion against him and the damage he is causing..... Wenger OUT

  76. Tony Evans

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:08 #37862

    Wenger is destroying the club bit by bit as each year passes, with the board sitting idly by counting their money. What part Wenger played in building it up in the first place is open to debate but largely irrelevant as what has happened over the last 8 years is now the over-riding concern. In my opinion though, which I have held with more and more conviction as each year of Wenger's idiocy passes, is that without the bedrock players he inherited from GG his early successes may not have even happened. The fact that die-hard supporters of many, many years have had to resort to wanting Arsenal to lose in order to get rid of Wenger is nothing short of scandalous. It should never have got this far and the board are equally to blame for indulging the manager for such a long, long time. It's not as if anything has improved over the last few years to justify the boards inaction. A very sorry state of affairs and a long road back I fear.

  77. LJB

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:03 #37860

    Superb article.Ron,u legend! Have said EVERYTHING i think,but have chickened out of saying.The responses of Jamie,Patric and IAWWT illustrate perfectly the arrogance Wenger has engendered into some of the fans with all the "we built a stadium so we deserve success,Other clubs cheat" b******t"There are no laws that say it is illegal to spend money.Just Wengers petty hypocritical morals.As for the "Spurs haven't bought anyone better" nonsense,HA HA HA HA PMSL! Well they are getting Willian,Lamela and Coentro now and are better IN EVERY SINGLE POSITION. Oh but they haven't built their stadium yet cry the AKBs! Well they WILL build it,it will be better than the soulless bowl and it won't stop them spending money for 10 yrs.Hell.it will be paid off before 2031 as well.Seriously.the way things are going,if we continue with this regime we will be in the CHAMPIONSHIP.Things are THAT bad.I hope the AKBs leave with their Lord Wenger because in the words of that w****r PHW "We don't want your sort here"

  78. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 20, 2013, 14:02 #37859

    @ Jamie & In Arsene We Trust - nobody can give valid arguments? Have you read the article you're actually posting under? Either you haven't, or you have but don't understand it. The complete opposite is true - not one of you Wenger apologists has given a single valid argument for his behaviour. There is a reason - it is not possible.

  79. Aug 20, 2013, 13:56 #37858

    In arsene we trust - you distort the truth just like your glorious leader. I have not seen anyone on here say spend 80 million on 1 player. But don't let the facts get in the way of your untenable defense of the deluded manager of Arsenal FC. Great letter Emmanuel

  80. Elliot

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:54 #37857

    In Arsene We Trust - are you mad? The board are not stopping Arsene Wenger, it's Arsene Wenger that has the final say on all transfer matters. They are not halting him in the slightest. If you're going to argue that he's still the man for the job then at least make an argument that makes sense.

  81. allybear

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:53 #37856

    Emmanuel you have written a brilliant piece and i congradulate you,very well done. Pity that prat Wenger wont see it.

  82. Dyutiman

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:51 #37855

    freakingly top class! Wenger OUT!! NOW!!!

  83. Chingford Gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:35 #37854

    Excellent. Well said. He couldn’t keep hold of his best players, Fabregas, Van Persie. Sold the likes of Henry, Viera, Pires etc way too soon. Allowed players like Flamini to leave instead of securing him on long term contract. Had he stayed Fabregas would probably still be here as they formed an excellent partnership together. Pays the mediocre players way over the top. But wont pay top players top wages, hence we dont have any. Persisted with players like Diaby, Djorou, Bentner for too long and still can’t get them off the books. Put too much pressure too soon on Vermaelen and destroyed him and didn’t correct it quick enough. Made rash sigingings like Santos. Now he can't attract talent, has lost the art of negotiation and is turning on the fans and the media. His world has fallen apart. Someone needs to put a close to the situation before he completely destroys Arsenal.

  84. In Arsene We Trust

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:34 #37853

    Excellent post, Jamie. But don't go looking for common sense from these anti-Wenger rabble. The best they can do is call people names and say it's all Wenger's fault for not spending 80 million on one player.

  85. Bobby 7

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:33 #37852

    I commend you on writing this letter. It speaks right to my heart, and i'm sure to most Gunners these days. Bravo!

  86. Peter Wain

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:29 #37851

    No Wenger is at fault but please do not excuse the snake oil sales man or the owner. With ownership and power comes responsibilities and they and all of the board are as responsible for the mess as the manager. They could and should have acted to ensure this did not happen not shy away from the problem.

  87. AussieRussianGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:27 #37850

    Excellent piece of writing. I would be happy to sign this letter as I agree concur with every word of it.

  88. Ronster

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:24 #37849

    Have a look at the online 'Independent' article today that reveals Arsenal must hand over £10,000 to Southampton every time Oxlade-Chamberlain plays 20 minutes or more and the fact that many of the Ox's appearances last season were from the bench after...yes you've guessed it...71 minutes! However the incompetent Wenger and Gazidis have had to pay up nonetheless when Southampton pointed out he would have been on the pitch during 'add on' time.Unbelievable...!


    Aug 20, 2013, 13:22 #37848

    That it has come to this again, like a deranged contestant on Supermarket Sweep rushing round looking for bargains when all the quality has been snapped up. We are not even in the market for Wiliam with liverpool and Spurs surely he would improve our squad???

  90. In Arsene We Trust

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:20 #37846

    If Wenger was to respond to your letter, as if he has the time to answer every whiny glory hunter that moans every time something goes bad at Arsenal, but let's say he did. He would write, you whiny fans owe me to see his project at the end, he's has the club at his best interest to not bankrupt it by recklessly spending like Chelsea, Manu and Man City just to get short term success that you muppets will forget in a few years just like you forgot what Wenger did for this club since coming here. Lastly, anyone with a brain knows that the board is the one either stopping Wenger from spending on the players he wants or totally rubbish in negotiating for players. Wenger isn't the one to blame in this. So stop your bitching and support the team and the manager. Arsene knows best.

  91. Guv

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:10 #37845

    Brilliant piece.Sums up the the disgraceful situ at the club.Years of neglect and papering over cracks getting deeper and deeper should be brought to a close asap.

  92. FPGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:08 #37844

    Superb article Emmanuel. Very well written. I am sure however that it will still not convince people like Jamie. It was said by Schopenhauer that all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. It is clear that Jamie does not see why 'spoilt middle aged portly balding men' as he puts it, are upset. Did you rejoice at the result on Saturday, Jamie? Do you think the match on Saturday was 'some of the best football has to offer'? Do you not see how that result could have been avoided? Do you think the team were ill-prepared and inadequately coached? do you not think that the inactivity during the transfer window, despite the considerable funds available had a direct impact on the team? You need to grasp some simple but very salient facts, Jamie. The anger felt by gooners on this forum, Man United Killer, Stroud Green Road Boy, CanadaGooner and many, many others are not aimed at Arsenal Football Club, but at the person presiding over this disaster, Arsene Wenger. Do you question our loyalty towards the club because we want better? At some stage, you will be able to differentiate between the two, a misguided bunker loyalty for your fuhrer, or loyalty for Arsenal, something that is, increasingly, mutually exclusive. You compared us to Newcastle and Liverpool; in your words, they are worse than us. Having ambition means comparing ourselves to the best and demanding better. How would you compare us against Manure, City or Chelsea? Superficial fans take comfort in the fact that we play pretty football, have played CL football for 16 years etc, but you fail to see or acknowledge the direction that Wenger is taking us. Will your words of comfort soon be that we have been in the top tier of English football since 1919? You went on to say that we made a stack of money and a pile of money there; why does that make you proud when we as fans of AFC pay the highest ticket prices in the world and these millions which you mention only benefit the board, the major share-holders and our dinosaur of a manager. AFC are not on the breadline or on the verge of bankruptcy, so rather than taking pride and pleasure in the sale of our players for large amounts, you as a fan should be upset and annoyed that our team has been decimated over the past few years, to the extent that we have no one left to be of any interest for teams like Barcelona, Real Madrid and Manure. You mentioned that Tottenham and Liverpool have achieved nothing. You are clearly not one for using facts to back up your arguments. Spend a few minutes to see if these teams have won anything in the last eight years; I can't bring myself to mention things that the Spuds or the Pool have won. You compared our thrashing to the one that Manure suffered. What do you think we learnt from it? Wenger did his supermarket sweep and got in Sunday League players of the calibre of Andre Santos and Park Chu Young. What did Ferguson do? he won the championship the following season. You said that 'Any pro Wenger person could write a similar article'. Go on, I am taking you at your word. We are all very fair and objective here, and open to reasoned and rational arguments. I await your article, in praise of Wenger. You said that 'young Arsenal players giving their all and even suffering injury for the cause'. Emotional words indeed, but totally lacking in intelligence and sense. No one here has anything bad to say about Arsenal Football Club or the players who went out on Saturday. The anger is being vented because we barely had enough fit players to fill the bench, we had a striker who instead of being brought on when we were chasing the game at 2-1 down and instead brought on at 3-1 down to play in defence, there was chaos all over the place. Does the lack of decent players, the tactical naivety, the lack of proper coaching, the lack of preparation, all indicate to you that Wenger is not to blame? You said that if you write an article praising Wenger, you would get 1 star as opposed to 9 stars for an article condemning him; that indicates that you are in a minority of 10% still in denial. Is it not?

  93. JAMIE

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:04 #37843

    As per usual nobody can give valid arguments except the usual grunt 'Wenger is to blame for everything' At least by giving no proper explanations for your brainwashed way of thinking you are showing me that secretly you acknowledge that I am 100% correct and you my friends are all deluded clowns.

  94. Disgruntled of Ashburton Grove

    Aug 20, 2013, 13:03 #37842

    Amen. Never a truer word said.

  95. Taxi for wenger

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:53 #37840

    Well said sir!!! Lets hope Wenger gets to read this and falls on his sword Arsene you don't know any more and we don't believe anymore WENGER OUT

  96. Sean Spillane, Corcaigh, Ireland

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:45 #37839

    Excellent piece of writing and accurately reflects my own feelings. The King is dead...Long Live the King...

  97. John Gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:43 #37838

    @JAMIE, please do as you say and enlighten us by writing a valid pro-Wenger article... O wait, no you can't because it is impossible. Grow up mate!

  98. HowardL

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:42 #37837

    Excellent letter, says it all. Thank you A for all the great times but it's now time to say goodbye.

  99. graham clarke

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:29 #37836

    Excellent writing,I'm sure if Arsene read it though he would just blindly and stubbornly disagree wiv it all!!

  100. Gooner forever

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:20 #37835

    Emmanuel, Thanks for putting in to words so much of what the silent majority feel. Enough is enough

  101. 71guns

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:17 #37834

    I'm too bored to moan anymore. We all saying the same thing but whats the point? I took my boy to the park on Saturday and had a great time...

  102. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:15 #37833

    Perfect letter and I have an idea. As the AST & BSM both published letters this week that received some much needed publicity why not donate this to the Gooner to submit to the Club as well.?

  103. Adam

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:01 #37832

    An excellent letter full of fact and pain but, as we see, there are still deluded people out there that believe the club's propaganda. Unbelievable really.

  104. Tony Evans

    Aug 20, 2013, 12:00 #37831

    Sums up what every true Gooner must be feeling and would like to say to Wenger.

  105. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:59 #37830

    Very well spelt out, particularly Wenger's hypocrisy when it comes to fees and salaries. Even his much vaunted 'principles' are hollow. @Euskadi, it is well documented that Ferguson rang Wenger to secure the signing of RVP, look it up. Wenger calls all the shots at AFC, Kroenke is a big picture guy who just sees his share value rising. It's dysfunctional, but that's how it current works at AFC. @Robert_S, if the Gazidis statement put players out of our price range then how come Napoli - a club with considerably less resources than AFC - were able to secure the signing of Higuian. @Jamie, if the penny hasn't dropped after one of the most grossly mismanaged summers in football history, it never will. The club has been clearly damaged by Wenger's (in)action so if you're still supportive of him I think you need to think about what, or rather who, you really support.

  106. Toondey

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:56 #37829

    Lovely piece Emmanuel....Wenger has broken lots of heart over d years,its time he knows he is no longer indespensable...

  107. Nick

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:45 #37828

    Was going to write in myself but this article is spot on in every way. Ultimately the mess we're in now is a result of the power Wenger holds at the club and the structure of the heirachy. We have a hands off chairman who doesnt give a toss about success on the pitch and only cares about the bottom line, a significant shareholder with no seat on the board and Wenger who seemingly has carte blanche even to the point of having a hand in appointing his boss! No successful organisation in the world is run like that for the very good reason that top jobs are always based and reviewed on performance...but not at Arsenal! The bit I cannot understand is how the board dont seem to appreciate the correlation between success on the pitch and profits off it, until now its holding up because we get fourth spot and the ground is filled but I suspect that is about to change dramatically. We've dodged the bullet for 2 seasons now, not least how different would it all be now if sp*rs had held on to that 2 goal lead at the bowl a couple of seasons ago....we've only finished fourth because the scum havent closed the deal. This should have been the summer where we cashed in on our luck and spent big and early in June. The luck will run out this season and Wengers reign will end in tears...it should never have come to this!!!

  108. Red Member

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:38 #37827

    best article posted on here all summer. Jamie - you are a deluded fool. I feel sorry for you.

  109. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:27 #37826

    Emmanuel - this is absolutely first class. Mark from Aylesbury suggests using this piece with an online petition. This I think is a great idea. Can it be done?

  110. Ken

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:25 #37825

    @Jamie. Look at Arsenal at the moment with the team we have do you think we can win silverware? We are NOT anti Arsenal and as for Wenger you must be blind if you can't see what he is doing at our club ,Time for him to go. More and more Arsenal fans are understanding that there are problems made by the board and the manager. I for one want my club back.

  111. alex

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:21 #37824


  112. Guy in Jersey

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:21 #37823

    P.S. Patric (post 40584) writes "i have not seen a player this summer join Spurs yet that i would love at our club". Sorry Patric, but Paulinho, Soldado and Chadli would all improve our squad (and Paulinho is EXACTLY what we need). Not sure about Capoue. Would also take Lloris, Vertonghen, Dembele and Friedel from the Spuds. We could've signed the first three and Friedel would have been worth bringing in last season (although I'm not sure how much longer he can play on for). The only problem is that, according to Arsene, he can't find any players in Europe who are better than the ones we already have!

  113. N4

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:18 #37822

    @JAMIE>>> If what you say is right then what does it cost the board or the Manager to come and tell us that then!!!!?! You are in dreamland...my friend!

  114. Guy in Jersey

    Aug 20, 2013, 11:10 #37821

    Emmanuel, this is a great letter. It gives credit where's it's due, and avoids vituperative language, while pointing out Wenger's many failings and contradictions. We're in a mess and Wenger is to blame.

  115. JAMIE

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:49 #37820

    Another over the top negative rant from a supposed Arsenal fan. The way certain people were crying on Talk Sport yesterday to an overjoyed Durham and Gough was another new low for so called Arsenal supporters. Imagine what supporters of teams like Newcastle and Liverpool (who are far worse than us) must be thinking when they see spoilt middle aged portly balding men who are basically given some of the best football has to offer, protesting and blubbing like big girls because Arsenal lost to Villa their first defeat in 12. I could understand if we were 10 games into the season and mid table but this is ridiculous. I notice you mention Adebayor the fact Arsenal made £25,000,000 on such an over-rated fool should be applauded,lesser teams like Man City and Spurs could barely get a note out of the man. Also £24,000,000 was excellent business for Nasri a man who was regularly slated on here. Cesc was always going to go to his boyhood idol, and as Wenger has stated Van Persie went for an extra £100,000 a week though you gullible people believe he went for the glory. All that money went towards stadia debt and other expenses and now Arsenal have the money to compete. Just because the money hasn't been spend immediately as you would have liked doesn't mean to say it won't. You state teams like Aston Villa, Tottenham and Liverpool have all exceeded Arsenal's transfer records. Yes and all these three teams have achieved nothing in doing so. As for mentioning the 4-4 and 8-2, read Phil Dowd and United losing 1-6 AT HOME that same season to City. Any pro Wenger person could write a similar article mentioning only the positives instead of only the negatives and he would get a rating of 1 star instead of 9 as folk on here only believe what they want to. The fact that many Arsenal fans want Arsenal to lose on Wednesday show's that Arsenal have reached a new low, people on here say they don't mind Arsenal losing as long as they show commitment, what I saw on Saturday was young Arsenal players giving their all and even suffering injury for the cause. You people need a reality check it's so easy sitting there eating your pork pie and waving your spend flags, far harder to achieve the perfection you people seek.

  116. N4

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:44 #37819

    Wow! I wish I could write something like this ;)! Well Written but the chance of anyone at Arsenal reading this is very slim since they must be very busy buying Top Top Quality players....!

  117. GoonerGoal!

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:41 #37818

    Excellent stuff! Completely on point, and total vindication of the belief that "now is the hour when we must say goodbye...." WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  118. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:39 #37817

    Excellent piece, where are our fan groups to support these very well made points?

  119. Martym

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:34 #37816

    I'm going to print off this letter and frame it. Well written and spot on! Thank you.

  120. Jean

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:27 #37815

    Spot on with this letter. Wish there was a way he could read this. What he is doing to this club and the rest of the board is unforgiving. Time we do something. This can not continue. Feels like my heart has been stepped, spitted on and kicked around.

  121. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 20, 2013, 10:01 #37814

    Alan Pardew - dead man walking just like Le Boss - laughably spoke about the bid for Cabaye unsettling the NUFC team so bad they got tonked by Man City. Hey perhaps it was all part of the OGL masterplan, to get one of our relegation rivals in a bad mindset . Our goal difference is already 2 better than theirs! The masterplan continues mwhahahahahahahahahaha

  122. Ken

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:59 #37813


  123. CanadaGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:57 #37812

    @ 'The Happening' dont be such a comedy queen! Bouldy?! he's compromised. We need a clean break from anything Wenger, if/when he leaves. A young manager who's never managed in the premiership + an ex-gooner as his deputy is what we need.

  124. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:55 #37811

    Great letter Emmanuel, and bang on the money. My observation these last couple of days post Villa is that Wenger is shocked and completely surprised by the fans reaction, as he genuinely believed his squad was good enough, and had zero intention of buying in any quality players, as he wanted to show another transfer window profit. When you are a dictator and surrounded by yes men, you are not prepared to be challenged by anyone, especially the filthy unwashed pheasant fans who have a bare faced cheek to ask for more! His comments post Villa are that of someone severely riled and quite frankly completely deranged, for this alone he should be put out of his misery. He wont read this letter, though he should, because as you have said he truly believes the mantra that "Arsene Knows", hence his way is the only way. Emmanuel, you like me belong in the unwashed category, hence why would he read anything written by you, as in his eyes our opinions are not worthy of his time, us fans being mere inconvenient plebs, who should just pay up and then shut up!

  125. sanjay

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:53 #37810

    This is a better letter than any of the fans groups with their own personal agendas have come up with. I really cant add any more to it, 100% agree. Fairplay emmanuel sir !

  126. The Happening

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:38 #37809

    Cometh the Hour...Cometh the Man...Enter BOULDY!!

  127. Arsene Wenger (as dictated over the phone to RJ)

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:32 #37808

    Dear Emmanuel Thank you for your letter. As I have publically stated, I am working 24 hours a day looking for players. You point out very well the profits that were made on players like Adebayor, Nasri and Fabregas. In the current market, it is virtually impossible to find players of this quality and mental strength at prices on which we can make substantial 1000%+ profits. My only hope at the moment is that Cazorla will generate a profit next Summer, and Wilshere remains fit enough for us to make money on the following year. Gervinho and Chamakh have been a huge disappointment in this respect. Oh, and of course Diaby will be back soon. It is clear you have never worked half a day as an economist. I should also reveal that each season, Mr Kroenke and I have a bet as to how badly we can start the season and still win the highly coveted "qualifying for the Champions League Group stages" Trophy before we turn our minds to the true Gold Medal of football - "the 4th place" trophy. This year, I have told him we will lose the first four EPL games with a goal difference of -10, scrape through against Fenerbahche 6-5 on aggregate, have a squad of fewer than 20 fit players and 2 defenders and end up fifth behind Tottenham, but then be promoted into the Champion's League when Tottenham are disqualified for fielding an ineligible player in their final game of the season. So it is written. He thinks he will win the bet this year. Hehehehehehehe. Keep the faith mes amies. Cordialement Arsene

  128. Tomas Wojtyga

    Aug 20, 2013, 9:06 #37807

    A well thoughtout and written letter. It boggles the mind that with all the nonsense , adversity, disappointment and broken promises Arsenal fans had to put up in the last eight years , some have the audacity to call them fickle. If I can only add just one thing on the transfer strategy debate , it would be this. Some would want us to believe that there's this sophisticated approach to transfers by Wenger and his team. They study players 24/7 , look at tapes of matches , compare statistics and study graphs and then arrive at the appropriate amount to submit a bid with. I find it to be untrue, so lets look at four examples of failed transfers from most expensive to least . First one , the infamous saga of Suarez' transfer. Liverpool stated player was not for sale , but if he was the price would be in the 55 million and up range - Wenger bid 40 million. Higuain sold for 34 million- Wenger was willing to pay 23million. Gustavo went to Wolfsburg for 20 million- Wenger offered 14 million. Gary Cahill formerly of Bolton was sold to Chelsea in 2012 for 7 million. Arsenal were linked heavily with the player but Wenger only thought him to be worth 4 million , which was less than the 5 million Bolton paid for him. What is the significance of all this you ask ? Well, just that Wenger's transfer strategy resembles more paint by numbers approach( much like his substitutions) than anything else . In each aforementioned case Wenger's evaluatin was about 30 percent lower than the market value of a player. Is there any wonder no club( unless in financial distress ) wants to do business with him.

  129. Bard

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:43 #37806

    Emmanuel its a good post but you underestimate the chaos that is Arsenal. The real question is not how far can Wenger take us up but how far he can take us down. Forget the Suarez issue, we currently only have about 16 players in the first team squad so he needs to get in maybe 6-8 top class players. That is not going to happen. There's a good piece in the Independent about the shambles that is the Arsenal youth set up just to add further fuel to the fire The failure to sign anyone let alone a world class player is crazy. How about this for a thought. Jack goes in the January window. Hold tight guys the ships going down.

  130. JSK

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:34 #37805

    Another very important point is that if Wenger doesn't go and is allowed to continue with his weak self deluded management then our best players will vote with their feet next season - or be highly susceptible to offers from Arsenal's main competitors (or what should be!). Wilshere to Man U, Cazorla to Real - don't think it won't happen...

  131. BNG

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:25 #37804

    OGL aka Brian of Nazareth...........I'll give you 16 shekels for the beard and the gourd

  132. PauL Ellam

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:25 #37803

    Spot on. I think that sums up most people's feelings.

  133. John Gooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:24 #37802

    Couldn't have put it better myself! You weren't exhaustive on the reasons why he should depart, but the ones you gave were more than enough for any sane person to accept.

  134. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:21 #37801

    Emmanuel, Have you thought about raising an online petition with this letter. With current situation and the likes of BSM attatracting 4000 members. I would think that a multiple thousand signature is not unobtainable. Great letter!

  135. James Olurinde

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:19 #37800

    You guys have done excellently well voicing out your anger... I'm an Arsenal fan myself from Nigeria and I know how many times I've been told by Man United fans, Chelsea fans, most recently, Man City fans to shut up when they're talking. Who knows, very soon even our so called bitter rival in Tottenham will ask me to shut up. All of these is because of Wenger unwillinglness to spend big. I was almost in tears watching Tottenham bringing in expensive players such as Paulinho, Soldado and a very decent addition to their defensive midfield in Capoue. These are players that were waiting for Arsene to make offers for them... Capoue for example. Arsene doesn't have an excuse, he's lost it completely. If he wants to make money, let him go set up a business from the money he's made from Arsenal football club. Don't be surprise no big name player would sign for the club under him ever again. If he doesn't resign, let's boot him out... We've had enough of him. Very soon, David Moyes of yesterday would become a better manager than him. Is Arsene trying to tell me that Sanago he bought for free is better than Giroud or Poldoski? Why is lying to us that it is difficult to get quality players out there who are better than the present ones he's got? Tomorrow when the players he has refused to buy are doing well for their respective clubs, he'll come out to say he was close to signing them and he is regretting not to have brought them in. I think this Man knows what he's doing. He should just leave since he cannot attract big names to the Emirate anymore. I'm sure the senior players in the team will be asking the kind of a man he is. We haven't seen enough of him if don't tackle this out now. As a matter of fact, Ivan should also resign since they can't have him sacked. Stan should please sell is shares to those who are willing bring back glory to the club... This shouldn't be all about profit alone, it's clearing they don't have the fans at heart. I'm so bittered and afraid for tomorrow with the club. The fans should stop going to the Emirate stadium to see a match, maybe it will serve as a wake up call for the board. None of them (The board) is bigger than Arsenal football club. Enough is enough!!! If we don't act fast now, we'll be talking about 10 years without a single trophy.

  136. Patric

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:18 #37799

    The article itself although well written and very much to the point unfortunately offers very little except more fuel for fire to idiots to slate the manager. Bloody hell how many articles do fans have to read that are full of drivel about how the team have crumbled, the players are crap, inaduquate, wengers **** blah blah, were out of the champs league before we have even kicked a ball in it - as a season ticket holder & fan of over 30 years myself i was at the game on saturday and the lack of a signing didnt lose us that game...but anti-wenger visionary's will use it as a stick to kick off again. Im not PRO WENGER by any means...Im PRO ARSENAL and yes something stinks if we dont start competing in this or the next season after pur hands being tied for a few years..I think fans with half a brain will understand we have just built a stadium Across the road without the help of an arab or a russian...and placed a lot of trust in a property market that did not initially yeald the kind of return it should have done..... The manager has put himself in this position by not signing the players needed early. But lets not talk bollox...Nobody else is signing players either barring City who continue to overspend on players and i have not seen a player this summer join Spurs yet that i would love at our club.. The window is not closed yet....Although true that business should have been done by now - lets wait until its dine to see where we stand

  137. Gabriel onyeabor

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:18 #37798

    Wenger has taken enough, his time is up. He doesn't pay what the market want on a curtain player, but he want he big salary from the club. Football is all about fans only wenger doesn't consider fans. He is sturbon, sting, figtius stupid. He is too old to reason fast. He is being tormented by evil spirit because of his past record many still think he remains with value he has finished. His time is up

  138. JSK

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:16 #37797

    Totally agree with the thrust of this and very well put. One point though, RVP's departure versus LFC holding on to Suarez. You're not comparing like with like here. RVP only had a year to run on his contract, Suarez recently signed up to a four year contract (and riddled with badly written clauses it would seem!). Having said that RVP only left because of the chronic lack of ambition shown by AW - or put it another way, a chronic lack of investment that no business of the size of AFC can sustain if it wishes to compete (both as a sporting entity as well as a business). What is happening at AFC is symptomatic of a board that has completely lost its way. If AFC shares were being traded publicly the price would have bombed...

  139. Yifru Waktole

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:15 #37796

    What a true story. I hope he can [Arsene] read the letter. The problem is he Stubborn and not ready to adjust himself to the context. Always out of context/ reality.

  140. Ron

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:11 #37795

    Kav - You're behind the times my friend. Theres not much 'talent' there now save for Wilshere and arguably Cazorla. Most of them left wouldn't be out of place playing for us if we re already in the Championship. On Saurez, he wdt cure the flaws in that squad. The back division plus keeper has been feeble for years, staffed by 3rd rate journeymen all bought on the cheap. All those advising Saurez not to join Arsenal are advising him well. Its career suicide for a top forward to join us.

  141. CanadaGooner

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:07 #37794

    If hope some of our ranting gets some results. The panic buy it led to last summer didnt work, and we're heading for another dosage of the same. It is unlikely Wenger will go before the end of this season; so, realistically, what can we do? Let's keep on ranting and it will continue to affect the players as well, and the results will get worse. I dont have an answer, but my suggestion is that we support the players and the team and get to the end of the season (but Wenger will sabotage all that anyway), but we need to carry on ranting against Wenger and the board, in the hope of ridding ourselves of that vermin (Gazidis). I think we're in a totally hopeless situation though

  142. abdul

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:02 #37793

    Absolutley ok. We dont want Arsene to keep on with our historic club. Arsene is a looser we need someone to come as a winner. 8 years without a trophy is radiclous. What a shame Arsene u brough to us. Please leave we dnt want u no more.

  143. Enyinnaya

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:01 #37792

    I only wish Mr.Wenger will read this latter & truth to himself that he has fail Arsenal Fc & fans,walk away from my darling club & stop causing me pain always,our Club is been ridicled by everyone.pls mr Wenger resign pls

  144. Ron

    Aug 20, 2013, 8:00 #37791

    Robert S - His pitiful failure in the transfer market has nothing to do with those Clubs. Mata, Alonso, Scwartzzer, Barry, Given? All players down the years who he could have bought and who wanted to join the Club in some cases who he lost due to penny pinching principles. Hes not needed heavy cash reserves to buy better than he has for the last 5 years. You're just falling for his ready made excuses and his pathetic red herrings.

  145. Green Hut

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:57 #37790

    Agree with Larry but a superb piece nonetheless, congratulations Emmanuel. Should have been printed in The Sun this morning instead of the ridiculous article by Ian Wright. Such a shame the man has bottled it and let us down just when we needed him most.

  146. Kav

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:54 #37789

    Liverpool fan here and I fully support this article. I think most fans round the country can't believe what's going on at Arsenal. It's a shame, you need 3-4 strong signings in key positions to turn a good side into a championship team but all this mucking about over transfer fees is crazy. I've been banging on about this aswell, but in a season where 4 of the top 6 clubs have changed managers, this is the season to make inroads into the top 4 and challenge for the title. For arsenal this is such a wasted opportunity to actually have a crack at winning the title by bringing in some proper talent Suarez would be yours if you'd bid £50+m for him but the 40+1 thing just riled LFCs mgmt from what I've heard. The one thing I'd also say from bitter experience is that if you drop out of the top 4 (entirely possible this year) watch all your best talent agitate for moves away from the emirates (not mentioned in the above post). That is much worse than 'only just making 4th each season. The arsenal board should be strong now. If you don't bring players in over the next couple of weeks, then they terminate Wengers contract and bring in someone new and try to keep in touching distance of the top 4 by Jan and then spend like crazy. I think Spurs have 4th wrapped up already. Everton and Liverpool haven't strengthened enough nor have the gunners.

  147. Karl hick

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:54 #37788

    I agree with emmanuels comments but my biggest problem is arsene knew last years team was probably 20 per cent off the pace of the top clubs. He knew they would improve by 10 per cent so we are now 30 per cent behind and all the top players we needed have gone at realistic prices like jovetic Selgardo Wanamaker cappooe etc . The biggest issue is mertesker is not good enough nor podolski szezney so arsenal need 2 centre backs a central def midfielder striker and a goalkeeper like mignonet who was available also . This team can come 5 th or 6 th at the very best and why have Swansea Southampton Norwich gone out and improved their squads when we can't . Gazides is a poor negotiator and can't convince anyone to come to the emirates as no one respects him . He is not well known as a footballer or football man so agents don't and won't deal with him . The club needs to deal with that

  148. Robert_S

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:47 #37787

    I agree that there are plenty of valid criticisms, but take away Chelsea and City's sugar daddy money and we would only have been second to United this last eight years in the league, in spite of the enormously restricted budget. He has given us the best of possible foundations to build on with the new stadium and financial security. It's hardly his fault that Gazidis has come out with the loadsamoney speech, instantly putting 50% onto the asking price for any decent players, or that Real Mad are offering stupid money for GB, also wrecking the market with a similar knock on effect for other top targets. Not saying he should stay forever, but also there should be some perspective here, and there's still time to bring in a few new players.

  149. Simon Taylor

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:45 #37786

    Sad but true. Massive club, Champions league football, enormous financial clout and less transfer activity and expenditure than conference clubs. 8 years without a trophy is no surprise when we continue to miss opportunities to sign great players whilst at the same time allowing our best players to leave.

  150. gary

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:44 #37785

    In Wenger we are seeing a modern day Brian Clough.Its amazing that the longest serving manager in the premiership has won nothing for eight years yet Gazidis is talking about a new contract.We keep being told Wenger loves the club if he did he would have resigned after the 8-2.He wont quit and he wont be sacked so the pain and agony will continue till 2017.

  151. Ron

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:44 #37784

    He understands 'economics' better than you think. Hes knows how to fill his own pocket first whenever,however and as often as it takes. Maybe employment law isn't his bag though ie you can be sacked for gross incompetence. Wengers arrogance is his downfall. He fell in love with the ridiculous 'Arsene knows' mantra years ago. Many of us have had doubts about him for nigh on 10 years, yet have spent 10 years being slagged off for having the temerity to question him. The fans who've worshipped him for years deserve whats happening now and the 'snob' element of our fans with their 'youve only come to see the Arsenal' songs sang for years to other Clubs fans is looking as laughable as it ever did. Wenger has cultivated a snobbishness as you rightly say amongst our fan base. Now hes on the brink of falling on his sword maybe some of them who've gone for that approach will be a little more humble. Hes a total hypocrite as you say. He sell to the highest bidder but insults most sellers and has done it for years. Hes insulted so many Clubs and fellow bosses down the years, either for what they say, how they set their teams up or whatever else he feels they do that doesn't conform to his precious 'philosophy' on how the game is played. Its justice now that those Clubs and Coaches wont budge an inch in the transfer market dealings to assist him. Hes had it coming for years and his ignorance, aloofness and indifference to other Clubs and coaches will and is now haunting the arrogant pri-k and rightly so. Its their turn now to watch and snigger as he squirms and wriggles in desperation like a maggott on a hook. Theres nothing worse than a self styled 'academic' and thats what Wenger is. The fact is that hes sounded like a rambling basket case for years. The soner hes gone, the sooner the Club can find its roots and real philosophy again. For me, his european, cosmopolitan, shoulder shrugging, gallic ways suck big time but more importantly, its 'sucked the Arsenal out of Arsenal' I don't like him, never have and never will like him and find the bloke rude and anal. It was only a matter of time before he ran out of fuel and i for one aren't sorry its happening now. Wenger out!

  152. Daryl Marshall

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:44 #37783

    Well said! I think you have hit every nail on the head. I used to be such a passionate Arsenal fan, If I could not get to a game I would scream and shout at the TV, have belief in the players that they wanted to win. I's always buy the new shirt. But now...........now the passion has gone. I feel like there is a hole in my life because I don't ant to give up, but the truth be told, this club will never sign a big name under Wenger because he has given himself a reputation and the club a reputation that means the likes of Higuian, Gustavo and more would rather join smaller clubs not in the champions league than a club that seems more intent on 4th place than winning trophies.

  153. mohammed

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:34 #37782

    Wenger we not like what you are doin try two sign player we need more player wenegr try two leave the money you are not the one dat gati the money pls spend it sign player ok

  154. Dagne

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:24 #37781

    200% agreed!

  155. justice

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:23 #37780

    wow, hw i wish he can see this nd pls tell those lazy arsenal fans in UK they are the once letting us down at least wen u show ur real hunger but destorin its house, car nd that of d so call stupid american shareholder stan keronke. Up gunners frm Nigeria

  156. Aceandy

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:21 #37778

    Spot on, nothing else to say. The nail has well and truely been hit on the head. Man-up and move on, your time is up Arsene. RIP

  157. Larry

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:21 #37779

    Spot on you just forgot to tell him about all the dross he has sighned over the years

  158. Euskadi

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:19 #37777

    The final decision to sell RVP was surely taken by he owner who runs the club as a business in a classic private equity fashion. It is is naive to think that the important financial decisions are taken by an employee of a private business owned by a single erson whose main business is indeed pro sport. US businessmen are very controlling, and also very arrogant, even if European soccer is vastly different than US pro sports who are 100% business.

  159. Gooner of the day

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:19 #37776

    Emmanuel,this is a superb letter which i'm sure represents the feelings of so many long suffering gooners. Many thanks! A rattling good show sir!

  160. Ken Leather

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:16 #37775

    Agreed. It is not the 8 years without a trophy nonsense, it's the shambles that is AFC. The incoherent transfer policy, the state of the playing squad, and the total disregard for the fans. The club are about to implode with the worst start to a season for decades, elimination from the Champions League, and a series of ill conceived panic transfers involving inflated fees for over rated players.

  161. osiemo

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:09 #37774

    sir you have spoken nothing but the plain truth and it is high time wenger parks and leaves arsenal for the club to realise success.we are tired of being branded competitors for next season.thanks fellow gunner

  162. emeka

    Aug 20, 2013, 7:06 #37773

    Well written... Wish he(wenger) could just come across this. I can't open my mouth to say I'm an Arsenal fan anymore. So sad...