Arsene Knows What Exactly?

Has Le Boss lost his magic in the transfer market?

Arsene Knows What Exactly?

Amaury Bischoff – An example of super, super quality?

I write this the night before the first leg against Fenerbahçe. Hopefully, by the time you read it, we’ll have one foot on the Champions League group stage, and the purse strings will have been loosened to strengthen our squad, which was predictably exposed as paper-thin during the horrific opening day of the season.

There’s already been plenty of opinions voiced on the relative blameworthiness of Messrs Wenger, Kroenke and Gazidis for our failure to strengthen this summer. Personally, I blame them all to one degree or another, but I’ll leave that debate to others. I am, however, not sure if there is anyone left out there who still believes that “Arsène knows”. Still, for those who do and for those Wenger apologists who have shouted down any dissenting voices amongst the faithful with accusations of treason over the last few season, I invite you to consider the following statement from Le Boss, uttered during his remarkably terse pre-game press conference:

“I would just like to reiterate in the last 16 years we have been very successful with transfers”

That is, at first blush, a fantastically flawed attempt to justify our current inactivity in the market by reference to past successes that involved not one of the players in our current squad. It’s like Rick Astley arguing that he should be voted pop star of the year because he used to knock out hit records back in the day. Nobody is arguing that Wenger didn’t sign good players when we used to win trophies. But that was in the distant past. A far more relevant test is to look at the players he has brought in during the eight full seasons since we last won a trophy. As you are reading this, try remembering that during the same period we have sold every single one of the Invincibles, Cesc and RvP.

This was a relatively busy year by our standards. We brought in Bentdner, Mannone, Traore, Hleb, Diaby, Adebayor, Walcott and Poom. Only Walcott can even arguably be counted as a success, if only a qualified one. Still, being generous and discounting the non-playing Poom, that makes one success and six failures. Not a good start for Arsène, but it’s early days.

This year saw us bring in Song, Rosicky, the Beast (on loan), Gallas and Denilson. The two boys from Brazil were unqualified failures, and I would argue that the rest also fall into the “fail” camp. Song had one half-decent season (although a vastly overrated one in my view), before buggering off. Le Grande Sulk disgraced the armband like nobody before him and Thomas, although showing signs of resurgence recently, can hardly be considered a success given his limited contribution over the course of his tenure. That makes it 11-1 against Wenger.

Any season in which we signed Fabianski can only be remembered as a poor one, and his fellow new arrivals this year fared little better. Nordveit never got a game for us and Eduardo can’t be considered a success, despite his cult popularity with fans following his horrific injury. Diarra had promise but was inexplicably sold half-way through the season. That leaves the sole success of Sagna, and a running total of 15-2 against.

This season saw the arrival of two very promising players in Nasri and Arshavin. The latter was a disaster, and the former was only a success if you’re the club accountant, which I’m not. Add Fergie’s Silvestre-shaped practical joke and the ever-mysterious Bischoff in the failure column, and we are left with Ramsey. Being generous, the jury is still out on him, so I’ll count him as neither a failure nor a success for now. That’s 19-2. Oh dear.

As the new decade dawned, we had one of our quietest years. Aside from Sol’s brief return and the signing of young Galindo (neither of which I will count for obvious reasons), our only acquisition was Vermaelen. I still have serious doubts about our current skipper, but he’s the first holder of the armband not to agitate for a move since Tony Adams (I know we sold Vieira when he had finally settled down, but don’t forget his annual flirtations with Madrid before then), so I’ll chalk that up as a success. 19-3 then.

This was the year that saw us sign Chamakh and Squillaci, both such epic failures that I’d be justified in giving them double points in that category, but one each it is. Koscielny, though certainly no true great yet, has done enough to be considered a tentative success, which only leaves Miyaichi (forgetting Lehmann’s brief return). Ryo might still prove me wrong, but the signs are not good, and if Kos gets a plus mark for the work he has done so far, Ryo must surely get a negative mark against his name for now. 22-4. Not long to go.

With a post 8-2 trolley-dash, this turned out to be a very busy year. As I can sense I am losing your attention (as I myself am losing the will to continue), I will rush through them. Arteta, Mertz and the Ox all have their limitations but, being generous, they have each made enough of a positive contribution to get a plus mark. Jenkinson gets no mark either way, as it is too early to tell whether he has what it takes (my head says not, but he’s a true Gooner so my heart gives him the benefit of the doubt). Clear fail marks for Gervinho, Joel Campbell, Eisfeld, Santos and Park take us to 27-7. Almost there.

It’s a bit harsh to judge any player on one season or less, so Podolski and Monreal get neutral scores. Both look like they might have something to offer, but need to show a lot more of it to be considered a success in the long run. Santi gets a plus, of course. He is the one real gem amongst all of the above. Giroud, however, gets a fail. I hope he proves me wrong, but he just doesn’t take a high enough proportion of his chances to lead our line. A good squad player perhaps, but that is not what he was bought for, so it’s a fail for him. All told, that’s 28 failures to 8 successes.

So, in summary, either Arsène really is indeed trying to justify his £7m+ annual salary by ignoring recent history and relying entirely on the glories of almost a decade ago, or he thinks that signing three and a half flops for every success is not just acceptable, but counts as “very successful”. I suppose that’s what we should expect from a man who repeatedly talks up fourth place like its a trophy.

Like all Arsenal fans, I dearly hope we spend now and I would even love nothing more than to see Arsène himself pick up a meaningful trophy at the end of the season. However, we should be careful what we wish for. As the above shows, when he does spend money, the players he brings in are, more often than not, not enough to turn around our fortunes. Maybe that will change if we ever start spending real money, but I have my doubts.

I have hoped for his peaceful departure at the end of each of the last few seasons, but that ship has sailed for another year. The board needs to step in now, sack him and install a new manager (such as the available Gus Hiddink) while he still has time to spend our supposedly bulging transfer kitty on his own men. Unfortunately, that has about as much chance of happening as Cliff Richard does of opening Glastonbury this year. It is going to be another long hard season, Gooners. Brace yourselves.

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  1. Jedi

    Aug 28, 2013, 14:04 #38283

    Selling a player for profit doesn't dictate whether they were a success or not. The players listed such as Nasri and Ade were both successful at Arsenal, the fact they made money on them is irrelevant.

  2. greg

    Aug 28, 2013, 13:13 #38282

    Early days I know but Sanogo looks like another gem Arsene has unearthed. Electric pace like Anelka, brings others into play, strong, excellent vision. Granted looks a bit raw and maybe lacking in confidence a bit but that will come, remember Henry took time to get off the mark. But this boy is going to be massive. No other manager on our budget could continually find talent like this. One or two signings before Monday and with Chelsea, Utd and City all looking poor the EPL could be ours once again!

  3. Rob

    Aug 27, 2013, 18:35 #38270

    Jumpers - Spot on. Wenger's definition of transfer market success is turning a buck. It used to be finding a player that became part of a winning side. Funny how all the 'Wenger cultists' have gone with the Messiah's flow and now regard the balance sheet as the main objective rather than a decent team ?

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 18:07 #38269

    Jumpers for Goalposts, dead right mate a decent player leaves in order to win something and be a success, and a profit is made on him, and that is deemed by some a success, now that's what you call REAL BRAINWASHING.

  5. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 27, 2013, 16:25 #38268

    The saddest thing is all of the comments on here by Gooners that think a player is a success if we sell him for a profit. How is that success?? It doesn't bring trophies just more money for the greedy buggers running our Club - and worse still, the money isn't being re-invested in the playing squad. Arsenal is supposed to be a Football Club not a sodding hedge fund!!!!

  6. Ron

    Aug 27, 2013, 15:23 #38263

    I think your distinction between flop and success is a bit dodgy, but the money paid to the undoubted flops that you have identified in wages is enough to condemn Wenger's transfer dealing record. Im sure im not alone in still waiting for the 'super super' players promised (more or less) in 2007.

  7. Jedi

    Aug 27, 2013, 14:07 #38259

    What a terribly written piece. You don't count Ade, Nasri, Rosicky, Podolski or Song as Arsenal success stories? You must be deluded. Ade was unheard of and unknown, Wenger turned him into a 30 goal a season striker who went downhill after his Arsenal move. Song who maybe didn't have the best of times in an Arsenal shirt came good when we needed him to and helped us to win vital points to secure a champions league place (his influence which earned him attention from Barcelona, a move he didn't want). Rosicky although plagued by injuries runs through walls for the team and puts in the shift when others don't, although not on the teamsheet all the time, he rarely goes missing when he plays. Nasri played fantastically for Arsenal and was clearly fuelled by money in his departure but just because we made money on him doesn't mean he wasn't a success. And Podolski. The man barely played more than an hour a game last season and had the best conversion rate in the premiership.....from the wing, out of position and injured. I don't even rate him that highly but to me that stat shows success. And even though he flopped, i'd argue that Arshavin was a good signing, wasn't through lack of ability that he didn't succeed at Arsenal. It was because he was played out of position by Wenger.

  8. Tony Evans

    Aug 27, 2013, 12:58 #38255

    When you count up the awful players Wenger has signed since 2005/06 it makes his latest ludicrous comment about Arsenal only signing 'special' players seem even more idiotic. How much longer do we have to suffer this fool?

  9. Spaced

    Aug 27, 2013, 12:49 #38254

    Ridiculous article. . Surely a signing can be considered a success if he achieves one of these two criteria -- 1, He plays a significant amount of games, therefore, makes a decent contribution (this probably should be relative to money spent). 2, Is sold for more than paid for (therefore, recognised as a success externally).

  10. Croker

    Aug 27, 2013, 10:25 #38247

    Bear in mind that if Le Boss is genuinely bidding for players of special quality from the likes of Madrid then such players will be awaiting the outcome of the home leg tonight versus Fenerbache before committing to The Arsenal.If all goes well tonight but nobody of that description arrives then it is time to get seriously worried about this season. We've got a decent (only decent) core of players but no strength in depth or outright match winners.

  11. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:22 #38241

    I would think a fairer split would be 18/18: and some of the failures (Arshavin and to a lesser extent, Chamakh, come to mind) were never properly used by AW anyway. As for Song - wasn't he driven out of the Club rather than 'buggering off' of his own accord?? However: 'very successful with transfers' - particularly when you look at the added idiocy of allowing RvP to join United, of allowing players like Song and Flamini to leave ahead of time, is a massive overstatement. A huge amount of money has been wasted on salaries for players who were never going to make the grade. It's been at best a 'mediocre to average' record. And it doesn't look as if it's going to get any better... Time for change.

  12. Green Hut

    Aug 26, 2013, 23:49 #38230

    Maguiresbridge- Yes I'm sure if Wilshere wasn't the Great Young English Hope he'd have been slaughtered for what he said, but I guess he's sadly symptomatic of the problem we face right now. Arsenal FC fans first and foremost want the team to win trophies, everything else is secondary. Arsene FC fans first and foremost want Wenger to remain as manager, everything else is secondary.

  13. Jack

    Aug 26, 2013, 23:25 #38229

    @MARCUS,Maguirebridge gooner,Peter Wain.Do you three normally go under the name of 'The Three Stooges'

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 26, 2013, 21:35 #38228

    MARCUS, yes i can't believe there hasn't been more about what Wilshere said or supposed to have said either way it's seems to have been quietly forgotten, is it because he's English? Arsenal bred, one of our own? would there have been as much silence if it would have been one of the others? he certainly hasn't set the Emirates alight and like walcott believes the hype, well jack my boy that's all it is hype because you've proved nothing yet and still have it all to do and it doesn't look like your going to do it any time soon. And until you do, and you have arrived you'd be wiser to keep comments like that to yourself. He's supposed to love Arsenal have Arsenal blood/DNA that's not the talk of someone with those traits i'd imagine someone with those traits would want to stay at the club for life no matter what happened or who the manager was. Probably a lot to ask in this day and age, but maybe the fact is he loves Arsene fc more, then maybe when the time comes he should head off with arsene and all his other arsene fc supporters.

  15. MARCUS

    Aug 26, 2013, 20:08 #38227

    The comment about fans being "BRAINWASHED" is disgusting and sums up this man. He loves to insult his OWN FANS who dear question his weird and bizarre behavior. A great point was made by Peter Wain when he said if we paid a fee for a player but could not sell him and had to wait for his contract to expire than clearly that player was a bust his absolutely right. I can name a few hmmmmmmmmmmmmm one is still on are books now the tall Danish fella. whose on 55k a week for what oh. This man and his fans seem to be happy because we beat A awful Fernachbe and Fulham two pathetic teams. The test will come against Tottenham.

  16. MARCUS

    Aug 26, 2013, 19:41 #38226

    Wonderful article pal, it sums up Lord Wenker for what he is. He loves talking about "I have got it right for 16 years" so trust me loool. Do you see how he puts in the whole 16 years of his tenure, so we can forget the atrocious second 8 years. The man never takes blame for his own shortcomings he likes to blame everyone else apart from his self what a fool. He is now saying we have been brainwashed sorry but I have been consistent with my calls for this man to go i.e since 2009 after the bashing we took from manure in the champions league. Wenger in my opinion has a problem spending money sorry that's not even his??????????? The man would have been a great investment banker in the city of London but this is football and its a results based business based on winning trophies especially at the big clubs and he has failed on that front for 8 years now going on 9 years. I said in 2009 and I will say it again now as it still applies. We will not win NOTHING again under wenger. Also i read what Wilshere said, he said that he would consider his future if wenger left, wait a minute i thought he was loyal to the CLUB???? or is he loyal to LOrd wenger??? which one is it. Its like alot of lord wenger apologist they are more loyal to their cult leader i.e wenger not the club. Wilshere for me is overrated he has stalled for me and is still the same 2010/2011 player he has not improved one bit but all the hype from the English media clearly gets to his little head and he believes it loool. I read the telegraph ratings of the players for the arsenal vs fulham match and whilster got a higher rating than Cazorla loooooooooooooool who was are best player on the pitch that day and should have won MOTM not Ramsey . Well goal readers got it right and gave Cazorla MOTM so they know what they are seeing and not being fooled by the English media or British. I said at the end of last season that we need at least 5 wc players but that is looking increasingly unlikely as this MAN who I really dislike now seems to see different things we mortals dont see. He must see Bayern Munich on the training pitch looool. I call it a illness of deluded old man

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 26, 2013, 18:23 #38225

    Well OGL has managed to make p***ks of us all again especially the lambs more commonly known as wengerites who lapped up all the bullshyte spin about spending all this money on top top players we were supposedly after and need, but never materialised,yet again he has managed to do just enough to have fans thinking their not needed (well not them all) cue the signing of three or four (if we're lucky)of more of the same as we already have and had, which will allow him to continue to USE this club to try and pursue and fulfill his favorite pet project of all, to try and prove everybody wrong by winning something on the cheap. And that pet project will continue as long as he remains at this club.

  18. Peter Wain

    Aug 26, 2013, 17:57 #38224

    the proof of Wenger's failings in the transfer market is the number of player bought for a fee and let go on a free transfer because none else will buy them. Irrespective of who he buys Wenger must be sacked this year. The club is in a real mess all of its teams are suffering and we need a fresh perspective.

  19. TinyTim

    Aug 26, 2013, 17:56 #38223

    Any player that is bought in for under £5m and sold for over £15m is a success full stop.

  20. The end of Wenger is nigh

    Aug 26, 2013, 17:25 #38222

    Wenger has said it a million times he will only sign players that improve the team.Super super quality he calls it.So he believes Bischoff Silvestre Chamakh Squillaci Santos Park Gervinho Sanogo are super super quality.Just look at the rubbish we have cleared out this summer and still the AKB's defend Wenger.In the last 3 years only Cazorla has improved us on what we had.If Sanogo starts 5 league games i will walk around the Emirates naked.You can get away with the odd donkey in your squad if you have great players around them like Utd have but we lack great players.How many of our team would get in the 2004 side?answer none.The trophy cabinet is proof of Wengers failure in the transfer market

  21. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 26, 2013, 16:52 #38221

    Wenger has signed some extra-ordinarily good players in the past, and some that have not been of sufficient quality. The percentage per buy of the latter class of players has increased in recent years and the fault has been compounded by Wenger deluding himself that such players were good and were worth long and good contracts. You have at least another class of players who were good or potentially good but were either treated with contempt by OGL, or had their careers destroyed by him. The smart competant ones have realised early that he was actually a simpering moron (or shall we charitably say had significant lacunae in his management facilities) and have cleared out. I know that it's heresy but I am beginning to wonder if the first of these were not only Patrick Vieira, who couldn't wait to get away (and who earned my intense displeasure for what I perceived to be his disloyalty) but also Cashley. Was the break up of the invincible side due to a collective realisation that OGL didn't really know what he was doing? He doesn't like being challenged or found out. Maybe that's why we have no news of Flamini being brought in. Anyhoo, we are now playing games with Sagna in Central Defence. What's next? Will Wenger promise Bendtner a game if he plays at Centre Half? The empirical facts are beginning to hit the fan that Mr Wenger uses to screen himself from reality.

  22. allybear

    Aug 26, 2013, 16:28 #38220

    Enjoyed your article Gary and Wenger definately has a record of buying poor players. Some on here would suggest that he is a genius and i think because of 2 victories are getting carried away. The 2 games were against very poor teams. Why wait so long to strenghten the squad? Well i think that he is satisfied with what he has got! Hopefully at least we wont be getting Suarez now.

  23. Westlower

    Aug 26, 2013, 14:42 #38218

    Jumpers for Goalposts, No it's not Ivan it's Shaun and I'm one good looking sheep!!!

  24. Aleksander Wlodarz

    Aug 26, 2013, 14:32 #38217

    too critical - in your judgment even Jesus would be underperforming :)

  25. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 26, 2013, 14:02 #38215

    To the person posting as westlower - - - Ivan, is that you???? Baaaa

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 26, 2013, 13:59 #38214

    Gary, there's only one person to blame and we all know who, even his apologists know, though they'd never admit it, and are keeping a low profile although there are a couple who do venture out from central command now and again especially after a win to try and tell us all's well and he knows what he's doing, but even they have run out of ways to defend him and have stopped using past successes, but it hasn't stopped OGL trying to use them himself now as a feeble attempt to justify his incompetence in the transfer market and tell us what a great success that has been in the past using 16 years and not 8, as has been pointed out by yourself a Myth with not one player we have now we can truly call a success or a great, and expect it to continue. Good piece.

  27. The Manchurian Candidate

    Aug 26, 2013, 13:39 #38213

    After showing great mental strength I managed to emerge from the media induced brainwashing to find that our great club does not need any new signings,it is ambitious, wants to win trophies and keeping the fans happy is the top priority. "O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Arsene Wenger."

  28. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 26, 2013, 13:18 #38212

    The apologists have found their voice again after two victories, as overconfident as Wenger himself has suddenly become with his disgraceful 'brainwashed' comments. We can see in this comments section though that there is a saner end of the pro-Wenger spectrum with M Faber, then the lunatic fringe as represented by In Arsene We Trust, who is STILL peddling the 'board is holding him back' line in the face of the clear, unambiguous statements from the club - and indeed from Wenger himself - that he has the money and he's in charge of spending it. IAWT, you embarrass yourself and, if he cared what anyone thought, you'd embarrass Wenger as well.

  29. underachiever

    Aug 26, 2013, 13:04 #38211

    What will be highly amusing is when Wenger becomes manager of France and In Arsene we Trust and the other Wenger loving rabble start wearing bérets, hooped t shirts and growing curly mustaches. We certainly wont be able to call them plastic Wenger fans

  30. theopants superstar

    Aug 26, 2013, 12:57 #38210

    We all have differing views on who could be considered successful signings or those not, so writing something like this is always going to open one up for criticism. Although I don't agree with a lot of the authors selections, what can't be denied by even the most ardent Wenger supporter is that there have been a lot more misses than hits. Some will put that down to the financial restrictions in place during the period, but that doesn't excuse some of the down-right awful players that not only have been bought, but even worse, were giving such big contracts that we couldn't get rid of them when it was clear to even Wenger that they weren't good enough. Some of that wasted money invested on one or two proven quality signings to supplement the good players we did already have would almost certainly have bought success to the club and there wouldn't be all this opprobrium towards the manager.

  31. Westlower

    Aug 26, 2013, 12:56 #38209

    Jumpers for Goalposts, Better a loyal sheep than an anti-Arsenal media puppet or should that be muppet?.

  32. Mr Plastic

    Aug 26, 2013, 12:37 #38208

    If Wenger doesn't sign anybody, I'm going to cry and then I'm off to watch Mourinho's Chelsea, as they luuuve signing players.

  33. Westlower

    Aug 26, 2013, 12:10 #38207

    Gary, Crawl back under your stone and see how the World looks in MAY 2014. Then maybe you can continue your anti-Arsenal rhetoric. Where and when did we pick up these hapless pretend Gooners? AW has forgotten more than his critics know about football. Man City's £200m+ team couldn't beat Cardiff. Buying players is a risky business and doesn't guarantee anything.

  34. Chuks

    Aug 26, 2013, 11:41 #38206

    Great article Gary Thwaites. Succinctly encapsulates all that is wrong at Arsenal currently. Wenger is our greatest ever manager. However all good things must come to an end. He is behaving like a despotic African ruler desperately clinging on to power. As one politician said to Neville Chamberlain in the dark early days of World War 2, 'Wenger in the name of God please go!!!' Rant over

  35. Chris

    Aug 26, 2013, 11:07 #38205

    M Faber - spot on. You have to understand what Wenger has been trying to achieve before you can judge success or otherwise. Beyond that, you can judge the strategy but that's something else....

  36. M Faber

    Aug 26, 2013, 10:29 #38204

    I think you have not understood Wenger's statement. What he considers success is the net positive cash flows he has generated whilst keeping us competitive. These cash flows are due in large part to his transfer dealings. Wenger has bought and sold incredibly well AND kept us competitive. However that was then and this is now. He has money. He must spend. He is hopefully not blind to this and I am expecting the signings to appear this week.

  37. In Arsene We Trust

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:48 #38202

    What a joke of an article. I guess this is the standard from this website. Some of these players aren't failures like the writer puts it. So better stop whatever the hell you're smoking. Selling players like Adebayor, Song and Hleb were good moves. Those players don't want to stay at the club and we made a lot from their sales. They never reach the forms they had playing for Arsenal, so good riddance! Three things that you anti-Wenger rabble have to consider as to why Wenger shouldn't be blame for the transfers. 1) Clubs make unreasonable demands from Arsenal. Higuian was set to go, but Real Madrid upped the price. I'm glad the Arsene didn't meet their demands. You people can be Real's bitch, but he won't. 2) Players gets greedy. Case in point, RVP, Nasri, Hleb, Adebayor etc. Some are just total nutters like Gustavo who rather play for Wolfsburg than a top club that will play in the Champions League. I guess Wolfsburg pays him a lot. And 3) the board continue not to provide the money for Wenger to spend on top players, despite what you read. You people can be really gullible to believe the board. They are covering their asses and letting Wenger take the fall. Also, the board are joke when it comes to negotiating. One thing I agree with you anti-Wenger rabble is to bring back David Dein. With him back, he will work with Wenger in bringing the players we need that the current board cannot do. I hope this has been educational for you glory hunters. Now stop your whining, support BOTH the club and the manager. Wenger will bring in the players we need. Even if he doesn't, no need for you people to be so whiny. It won't do the club any good, with you people doing your stupid chants or hold up your dumb signs to spend. Besides, the most important signing this season will be when Wenger signs a new contract. The sooner he does, the sooner you plastic fans go away and support some other club. Arsene knows best.

  38. Jack

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:43 #38201

    Typical hyper AMG dung. Hleb and Diaby weren't failures just never played a lot. As FOR Adebayor Wenger was the only manager who got him to reach his potential. Song Rosicky Gallas, How stupid are you? Even the beast and Denilson had their moments. Fabianski, Eduardo, Diarra? O.K squad players the latter two good buys. Nasri and Arshaven both negatives really? Ramsay a neutral are you taking the proverbial.

  39. Paul

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:37 #38200

    Wenger has always signed dross and i mean real dross even when he was a good manager.Mendez,Maltz,Boa Morte,Diawara,Stephanovs,Cygan,Inamoto and Jeffers all terrible players.But we won things because we had great world class players.We had 4 or 5 world class players in the first eleven.Now we have none.You can get away with signing dross like Sir Alex did if you have great players around them.We just have enough great players.

  40. will

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:28 #38199

    Wenger is wrong about arsenal fans being brainwashed they will have to have a brain in first place specialty this writer

  41. Tony

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:25 #38198

    Since 2006 only Cazorla and Sagna could be called super quality.Its fair to say 70% of Wengers signings have been poor.I still have nightmares over Silvestre Squillaci Flappy Santos Bendtner Chamakh Park Gervinho rotten signings.And you can add Sanogo to that list.

  42. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 26, 2013, 9:06 #38197

    I agree with the gist of your arguement. But would score it more 2 to 1 bad to good. You've been a bit harsh on some of the recent signings but you're right to point out that there have been some real howlers. No one seems to have made much about how we've blown millions on Chamak's and others wages and paid him off to go..Also how we got really low fees for Henry,Fab and Van Persie. Sadly Levi has wiped the floor with Arsenal in how to sell a player. You can't tell me that Bale is anywhere near the player as any of the 3 club captains we gifted to other clubs.

  43. The BearMan

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:57 #38196

    This is a very fair assessment of Arsenal n Arsene's performance in the transfer window in the last decade. We have to also bear in mind the fact that he sought to, and managed to persuade many these were all quality players. I hope he (Wenger) proves me wrong in this window, so far, not many quality players want to play under Le Boss. Is it because he no longer has that winning mentality? The pay structure of the club where everyone earns the same, whether you play every game in the season or park your butt on the bench? The motto finishing 4th proves you are a winner? But this I am sure of, had Arsenal won all matches until the close of the transfer market. Wenger would tell us his team is good enough to compete the entire season long without new additions.

  44. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:56 #38195

    Good article Gary, except for one fatal flaw. Wenger is brilliant in the transfer market because he makes a profit each season and that is all that matters at Arsenal PLC these days. 4th place + Profits = SUCCESS!!!! And the sheep lap it up . . . . .

  45. Rob

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:42 #38194

    At last Arsene's greatest weakness is documented in full, I think the Bischoff deal sums up Wenger at his worst. I know we were building a new stadium but there have been some dreadful attempts to get the fans to buy in to his doctrine - and he says we are "being brain washed" by the Media!

  46. Bard

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:40 #38193

    I dont agree with all your assessments but even allowing for a few more in the 'plus' column its still a dismal transfer record. Wenger's statement that we have been successful in the transfer market over the last 16 years is , as you point out, a complete fabrication. Dont take any notice of the 'anti' comments, too many pro Wenger supporters would rather deal in fantasy and blind faith than fact.

  47. Lee afc

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:34 #38192

    Well said red and dread.......Gary "giroud gets a fail"..????

  48. niran

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:25 #38191

    Its not like I'm pro-wenger but I'm fair in my assesment of things and seems like you my fellow gooner are too biased. Are u saying because Hleb, Song,Adebayor and Nasri are failures because they decided they didn't want to be at the club? Secondly, there isn't a way on earth you can say players like eduardo and rosicky are failures because its not written on their head that they'd be injury prone no manager can predict that both very good players that were derailed by injury. Finally, u say carzola is a plus and Giroud is a fail but u also say podolski who was signed at the same transfer window cannot be judged because he can't be judged by one season. This article is poor and you we're probably upset by the villa loss when you wrote this.

  49. Leon

    Aug 26, 2013, 8:15 #38190

    I think it is fair to say if Wenger fails to sign anyone before next Monday and we have another trophy less season then he should be moved on - no one at the club is bigger than the club - and that especially includes Wenger....

  50. james

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:58 #38189

    Man much they spent..Pellegrini what's he won in the last 9 years

  51. Malaysian gunner

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:49 #38188

    When the defence needed a top class gk,he went for one promising kid to compete with the super goalies at MU/Chelsea/Mc.How to win trophies?. These teams aint afraid to win ugly as Chelsea did in the cl. Me thinks if Arsenal can't compete by Xmas,the board shd get another guy.Hopefully this guy will go for direct football and shoot asap.

  52. colesy

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:39 #38187

    Point is though Kee, Utd won stuff during that period. They had plenty of success. Wenger tries to deflect us from the truth all the time and he wants us to talk about transfers and the past so we don't concentrate on the present (lack of success). Wenger out!!

  53. Theo

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:39 #38186

    Calling hleb,nasri,adebayor,rosicky,song,gallas,eduardo, giroud as bad singnings mean you know nothing about football fullstop.

  54. Colin

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:37 #38185

    This is probably the worst article i ever read on news now How do people like you even get your drivel up here Ridiculous article from a ridiculous poster I wish we could vote on the kwality of web pages appearing on news now. We wouldnt have to read this crap then.

  55. RedandDread

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:35 #38184

    I'm bracing myself for the piece of absolute tosh that you're going to write. Please stick to your day job mate and save us the agony. Adebayor was such a failure that Citeh paid 25 million quid for him. No less Song was that absolute failure that Barcelona snapped up for a kewl 15 million squid. Just 2 of your ridiculous assessments in my not too humble opinion. Chamkah's failure to regain his starting spot was down to the brilliance of RVP nothing else. He did a darn good job leading the line in RVP's absence. Hleb a failure for Arsenal- you obviosuly didn't watch him. Another person who failed so badly at Arsenal that Barcelona (again) poached him. Honestly with all the ****e been written about Arsenal at the moment at least if you are going to be critical of the club write something that adds up and makes sense.

  56. kee ming

    Aug 26, 2013, 7:28 #38183

    by your line of reasoning and calculations of whether one is a success or not, even Fergie would have failed your esteemed high standards over the past 6 seasons.. I supposed you count among the failures - Ashley Young, Nani, De Gea, Lindegard, Kagawa, Rafael, Fabio Da Silva, Owen, Obertan, Smalling, Phil Jones, Berbatov