We must learn a lesson this time

You don't have to let the transfer window shatter your strategy

We must learn a lesson this time

Sir Chips – Ineffective chairman

I have a rule which I am just about to break, which is not under any circumstances to say anything constructive or good about Tottenham Hotspur. I detest the club with a loathing that comes from so many experiences and encounters, yet I want to spend a little bit of time explaining why they have adapted much better to the modern world of transfer politics.

I need to say that when I die, hopefully in many years to come, my loved ones will drape my coffin in red and white and play 'Good Old Arsenal ' and other Gooner ditties as I am laid to rest. I hope this establishes my Arsenal credentials, because what I am going to say may antagonise some readers and I have no wish to do this. But I think we need to be honest about our failings and this year for many of us has seen a totally unacceptable performance by the Arsenal management and board. They need to read this and weep and understand the humiliation they have heaped on Arsenal supporters.

Two close seasons ago we suffered dreadfully as there was huge speculation about the futures of Cesc Fabregas and Samir Nasri. It dominated our agenda, and despite Arsène Wenger saying that big clubs don't sell their best players, we did - far too late and with no adequate replacement plan in place. This led directly to a totally inadequate side losing 8-2 to United and the mad trolley dash to sign players before the deadline. It was a disastrous close season and, although we recovered to finish a distant third, we should have taken the lessons on board fully and ensured it never happened again.

Last close season was better in that we at least signed three decent players (one extremely good) before we sold off our star player to United - thus guaranteeing them the title - and selling Song to Barcelona, books nicely balanced for Mr. Kroenke's benefit at the end of the window. We failed to stop RvP dominating our news agenda and, while last season was moderately successful, for the second year running we were out of contention for the League some months before the season ended.

Everyone knows that this season was going to be so different and that with no obvious star player to leave we would get onto the front foot and make sure we built the best squad we have had going into a season for ten years. At the time of writing the window has been an unmitigated disaster.

Our sworn enemies down the Seven Sisters Road have been duly mocked for failing, despite our transfer shortcomings, to overtake us and the fourth place we achieved last season was made sweeter by the false hope that Lord Sugar spread to the assembled masses at the Lane that Newcastle were on terms and the Champions League beckoned. Not so my Lord.

Going into this season it was all going to be so exciting. We had money to invest, and Spurs were going to have the same problem as we had with RvP. A one-man team - and boy was Bale that last season - losing its one man. Yes, we speculated, this will dominate your news agenda all summer.

Now this is where it gets tricky, because things didn't work like that at all. Rather than remain paralysed by the uncertainty surrounding departures as we were with Cesc, Nasri and RvP, Spurs have gone about building a quality squad, shipping off their less stellar contributors like Huddlestone and Parker (though Caulker was a surprise) and bringing in real quality - Soldado, Paulinho, Capoué, and striving to purchase the brilliant Willian. Coming back they have a much improved Danny Rose and Andros Townsend who proved so tricky for QPR against us when we played in May. This - and I hate to say it - is a high-quality squad which has been assembled despite the soap opera surrounding Bale. He will probably leave close to the end of the window for a seriously obscene amount of money (about £10 million more than we got in total for RvP, Cesc, Nasri and Song) but the whole saga has not derailed the club or left it uncertain what they can spend before receiving transfer fees in. If Bale stays (highly unlikely now) their squad would be frightening, but they have given themselves a range of options. We began the season with Yaya Sanogo and a bulging bank balance that we seem to have no idea how to spend.

The pain of this summer will live with me for years, just as 2011 did. Arsenal have proved that they have not learned key lessons and there must be grave doubts that the current management knows how to improve the squad. I write this before a vital two-leg UCL tie that we just have to win. If we do scrape through, as we did against Udinese two years ago, it will save face but it also underlines how poor our preparation has been that we risk so much with a squad that is so thin and lacking in key areas, judged by the top standards (which are the ones we need and want to be judged by).

I have no doubt that the Arsenal Board and absentee landlord, Kroenke, feel the pain this time and I sincerely hope it cuts through them and reminds them of their negligence and dereliction of duty. Wenger has lost a huge amount of the respect that Arsenal fans had for him as he has signally failed to adapt to a new environment. Sadly, our less successful neighbours, who we should have been able to keep in our shadow for generations move coherently and with real strategic intent as we teeter precariously towards September 2nd.

Sir Chips Keswick has had a highly ineffective start to his reign as Chairman. I think it falls to him to ensure that this time we identify exactly what has caused this ridiculous paralysis of action. It would seem to me that the root cause may be dysfunction in the relationship between Gazidis and Wenger but, whatever the cause (or, more likely, causes), they need to be rooted out and action taken so that it never happens again. It matters not a jot to the supporters of this club if we have the most effective business model in the world if we make diabolical mistakes in putting our football team together. Perhaps Mr. Kroenke might consider who ultimately a football club exists to serve, especially when the fans have to contribute so much to follow it.

I am a proud Gooner and have rarely felt we have anything to learn from our near-neighbours. But if Sir Chips wants to see how a better transfer window can be conducted, perhaps he might look up the Seven Sisters Road. I sincerely hope we don't have to rue the consequences of this come next May. We have always managed to get over the line before, but in a world of continually higher stakes and improving standards our dysfunctionality may cost us this time.

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  1. Aabbs7

    Aug 29, 2013, 0:47 #38317

    Cant disagree with anything you said 2 b honest, Spurs r looking stronger than last year, anyone who cant see that doesn't know about football. What I really want 2 know, and what I think most Gooners need 2 know is, who is in charge of transfer policy, is it Wenger? Is it the board? is it down to 1 man on the board? this **** needs 2 get sorted or we WILL be a mid table side. I didn't like Jack Wilsheres comments during the week either by the way. Some madness is going on behind the scenes. ****eries.

  2. GoonerGoel!

    Aug 28, 2013, 18:29 #38296

    4 days 23 hours 30 minutes 17 seconds until the window closes, and have Arsenal spent any money yet? NO!WENGER/GAZIDIS/KROENKE OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  3. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 28, 2013, 14:27 #38286

    Does Sir Chips have any power? Wenger runs the football side top to bottom.Gazidis runs the off pitch.The rest of the Board are just there to make up the numbers surely. Kroenke has the ultimate power of course but seems happy to indulge Wenger as long as he delivers fourth. I suspect a few of the Board are utterly f****d off with Wenger.At least they have free tickets,nice nosh and a comfy seat to soften the blow.

  4. Peter Wain

    Aug 28, 2013, 12:49 #38281

    looks as if all the transfer will happen on Monday what an absolute disgrace. Wenger should be sacked immediately

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 28, 2013, 12:48 #38280

    Terry, your right spuds fans are the most stupid and deluded in the prem, but if they haven't already been overtaken they've got serious contenders.

  6. Roy

    Aug 28, 2013, 12:10 #38279

    Interesting article indeed, and this season our luck could well run out. I say luck, but I had no doubts that the last couple of seasons we would finish above them and had it not been for Bale, it wouldn't even have been close last May. However, things now have a rather different feel to them. It is not difficult to argue that they now have a better squad top to bottom than us and although it remains to be seen how their signings adapt to the Prem, my own opinion is that they've been quite shrewd once they accepted Bale was leaving. Compare that to ourselves when we knew RVP was going. Yes, I know players came in before he went, but they weren't ones that gave the squad a better balance as a whole, we're they ? Podolski is now out for a month and with a lot of the deadwood moved on, we simply have to sign somebody to bolster the numbers otherwise we could be on our knees by the end of November. I still rate our first X1 slightly better than theirs, but If S***s were to finish above us and end our Champs Lge odyssey purely because they had more depth than us, the call for certain individuals to fall on their swords would be deafening. And rightly so. All the signs are there, and we ignore them at our peril. A tough tackling DM who can also play a bit before Monday please, Arsene. It would be a start. Oh, ok ,anyone will do. Oh no - what am I saying ?!!! . See how desperate you've made us all ?

  7. Nozzer

    Aug 28, 2013, 11:24 #38278

    Interesting article but the spuds signings may not adapt to English football, they have rightly bought before they lose bale but none of their signings have premiership experience but they have bought and are trying to improve their squad. Our squad is not down in terms of quality as all the players gone were surplus to requirements, but we are low on numbers. It's a big few days for wenger and gazidis, if they don't deliver, they will have lied to fans yet again

  8. CanadaGooner

    Aug 28, 2013, 10:32 #38277

    As I stated in my article some weeks back: the whole trasnfer saga is just a ruse! Wenger and Gazidis know exactly how to press our buttons. They have successfully lied to and fooled all arsenal fans! They had NO PLANS whatsoever to spend any money. They knew they could put forward ridiculous bids that the selling clubs would reject, while giving flase hope to the fans calling for new players. With every press conference you can see that that was indeed the case. Now, the bumbling idiot (Wenger) has won 3 matches and all is suddenly well, and his promises to improve and buy new players, made at the end of last season is now all history. What a pathetic setup!

  9. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 28, 2013, 8:44 #38276

    Last night's game was a bit of a landmark for me. I hadn't left a game early since Alan Smith scored a late equalizer in a 2-2 draw at Highbury in the early 90's I think. I have always participated in the " is there a fire drill" song that greets early leavers, or which used to. The players work rate and enthusiasm and willingness to get the job done is not in doubt, but they are playing against the background of an ever increasing black hole in our on the field resources. This season is not going to have the remotest iota of fun in it. Whether OGL can wing it for another term or finally and obviously get found out is anyone's guess. I was cojecturing with friends as to whether Eddie McGoldrick would shine out as a star player in the present team? Our new striker certainly reminded me of John Hawley or Ray Hankin. Super Super quality.

  10. Dan h

    Aug 27, 2013, 19:16 #38275

    Well written Peter.My view this summer should of been about what we have done to improve our squad but it seems another year passes by & we are window licking at the transfer sweet shop.This has been the summer of bold transfer moves & large budget's (IG) that fooled all Arsenal bloggers & so called ITK social media fans.We have a well documented cash mountain so all targets linked we could afford them.Cryptic quotes from OGL talking of quality then quantity to we try to the end of the window to strengthen.Still we have a signing a free transfer & yet another transfer profit as we stand another pathetic summer.We actually held a decent set of cards at the start of the summer looks like we have folded all too easily.Still we signed......Sanago,Flamini to probably follow.....great....

  11. Rob

    Aug 27, 2013, 19:14 #38274

    Good article Peter. All true as well.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 18:53 #38273

    Moscow Gooner, it's because we're threadbare due to OGL's incompetence in the transfer market and there's no body else he can trust (not that Jack is trustworthy he has still a lot to prove and it's all right for him to run him into the ground) but he knows if he rests players and plays a couple of unknowns and we go a goal or two down we're in the shyte, and he can't take that chance (incompetence in the transfer market again),and we all know OGL's Holy grail takes precedence over any poxy NLD.

  13. Kevin Kong

    Aug 27, 2013, 18:50 #38272

    Everyone on here talking up Spurs` purchases- Remember a couple of seasons ago when King Kenny was spending like mad buying up the supposed next generation of homegrown british talent and everyone was complaining on here because they had `left us behind`--How did that one work out??

  14. Terry

    Aug 27, 2013, 18:49 #38271

    Spurs will do nothing this year their fans must be the most deluded and stupid in the Premiership, as each year they tell everybody they will win the league or finish above us and each year they fail miserably. They are like Dick Dastardly and Mutley in the Wacky Races or the villain in a Columbo episode,you know the result before it starts. I wouldn't want any of their new signings at Arsenal, It's all sideways and back passing with Spurs and go down whenever you are touched. Their no goals in open play shows they haven't improved and I can see a similar score line on Sunday to the previous two years. This could be a good season for us after watching Man Utd and Chelsea playing hoof ball with each other last night neither impressed me. A couple of good signings and I can't see any problems.

  15. Angry & Frustrated

    Aug 27, 2013, 16:13 #38267

    @Tony Evans answer to your question "Are they blind, stupid or both?" - Brainwashed!!!

  16. Bard

    Aug 27, 2013, 16:10 #38266

    Peter the idea that we compare ourselves to the hapless Spuds just shows how far we have fallen. The days when we locked horns with Manure seems a lifetime ago. Now we're scrabbling around with the also rans. I've posted before things will turn very nasty if we get tonked on Sunday, irrespective of who we sign.

  17. Man United Killer

    Aug 27, 2013, 15:51 #38265

    @Tony Evans..Good question.."Are they blind, stupid or both?"..i will attempt to answer...they are something more than the worst combination of both.

  18. Gare K

    Aug 27, 2013, 15:44 #38264

    Another great article from you Peter. An insightful read as always. Has the club learnt from the transfer failures of the past? If this summer is anything to go by then probably not. For Wenger to claim that the transfer window for him opened AFTER the start of our season (after the second game to be precise) is baffling. Like 2011/12, for the second time in three years we have gone into a season underprepared and to constantly repeat the mistakes of the past is pure negligence. Regardless of that lot down the Seven Sisters Road (please let us beat them very soon!); our squad needed some serious reinforcements in certain areas during the close season. Everyone bar a few Wenger apologists (and even most of them think our squad IF fully fit is still short) can see this but Wenger himself. Waiting for injury prone players like Vermaelen, Arteta & even worse Diaby is almost insane. What if these guys (especially Diaby) and others break down again? Wenger & co. however deserve credit for clearing out the ‘deadwood’. I for one am not surprised on the lack of arrivals despite the squad being short on numbers. Think back to September 2008 when Wenger said that had he signed Goklan Inler, Gareth Barry or Xabi Alonso (my preference was for Inler who would have improved us in my view) it would have ‘killed’ Denilson, Song & Diaby. Only the latter of that trio is still with us and there’s more chance of seeing Elvis at a festival than there is seeing Diaby playing for The Arsenal again! Many thought it was a crass statement by Wenger at the time and almost five years later, the doubters (me being one of them) have been proved right (sadly). I’ll do what I always do every time the transfer window closes, work on the nightshift, follow the hype on Sky Sports News (and speak to some of my friends there) & BBC Radio 5 Live and not expect anything spectacular on The Arsenal.

  19. tpm

    Aug 27, 2013, 14:52 #38262

    @liam, aka spurs fan look at their/your accounts. they/you dont have these cash reserves to spend. if they dont sell bale they will be putting the club into massive dept, given what they have spent this summer. its not difficult just look into the revenue streams and the cash reserves. the only other way they could fund it is with joe lewis reaching into his pockets as he usually does. as for saying its amazing how they have improved when up against oil barons etc, well joe lewis invests loads!! you have your own sugar daddy. arsenal have 2 but one isnt allowed to, and one chooses not to invest. as for your stadium, please. its still nothing but a pipe dream and everyone knows it. you have failed to get anyone to lend, are are struggling big time on getting anything ff the drawing board. yes you have a decent squad, but arsenal are being grossly mismanged. once the moron in charge finally go's arsenal will be back and you will be well behind again.

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 14:33 #38261

    But we haven't Learn't and never do, and probably by now never will, this year has been totally unacceptable from the management especially the manager alright, but lets not forget all the others, and for this management to be honest about those/his failings? that's unacceptable to them, just the same way it's unacceptable to the managers fans. Two many people unwilling to accept anything, especially that there's something wrong, even when they can see it and know it and that's the problem. Ah this season was going to be so different we were all excited with all this dough to spend, top top players on their way, and it was lapped up, then cocked up, and guess what? it's been accepted again, from the usual apologists, and no doubt the rest of the management who feel no pain and the only thing it reminds then off is how fat their bank balance is, and the price of their shares, and to them that's one thing that's very acceptable. Good read.

  21. Croker

    Aug 27, 2013, 14:18 #38260

    Peter is horrifically spot on - the Totts look stronger on paper than us for perhaps the first time since the 1980s. Perhaps all these special signings will be on their way subject to Champions League qualification, hence everything might (emphasis on "might" as Le Boss has previous in this department) happen late in the transfer window.

  22. Tony Evans

    Aug 27, 2013, 13:14 #38258

    A good, honest article, Peter. Spurs (for the first time in ages) have a better squad than us at the moment, in my opinion. Whether it is or isn't is immaterial for me though, what is indisputable is that they have gone out and spent some money, and shown some real ambition. Contrast this with Arsenal and Wenger's dreadful performance during the summer. I can hardly believe we are still awaiting our first decent signing of the summer (although with Wenger in charge I should have expected it) and yet some folks on here still defend Wenger to the hilt! Are they blind, stupid or both!

  23. Green Hut

    Aug 27, 2013, 13:09 #38257

    September 2nd is irrelevant, Wenger has already proved to all bar his most devoted Cult members that he will never change and that he holds all who want him to in utter contempt. The date that mattered was the first day of the season, by which time he'd sat back and watched all our closest rivals (bar Man Utd who won the league by 11 points) buy at least 3 new players each to strengthen their squads, many for serious money. And then we lose to Villa. There has never been an excuse for this, as the money has been there for him to spend in previous transfer windows, but how people can argue that we should wait and see what he does in these last few days before we judge him is beyond belief.

  24. Peter Wain

    Aug 27, 2013, 12:58 #38256

    who care who the scum buy I only care about out team and we have performed consistently poorly in the transfer windows over the last eight years. Our esteemed manager has failed to identify even good players and has wasted many millions on a succession of overpaid duds. He should go now I do not care who we buy in the next seven days Wenger has mismanaged the transfer window totally and must be sacked along with the board and the snake oil sales man called a CEO.

  25. DubaiGooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 11:45 #38251

    What's makes Arsenal's inactivity so far in the transfer market even more inexplicable is that Wenger claims to want the window to close before the season starts. If this is the case why does he keep leaving it so late to force a trolley dash for squad fillers so close to transfer deadline day?

  26. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 11:31 #38250

    OK Liam if the "Spuds" keep Bale I'll accept I got it wrong.

  27. Moscow Gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 10:38 #38248

    Off message, but why is AW playing Jack tonight?! On the bench certainly, but with our biggest game of the season coming up on Sunday it seems like madness to risk him breaking down in a tie that's already won. (Particularly when he is urging England - quite rightly - to rest him versus Moldavia.) Can one of the Wenger loyalists explain the great man's thinking on this? I know he always knows best...

  28. Liam

    Aug 27, 2013, 10:20 #38246

    In response to Seven Kings; can you prove that Daniel Levy has 'spent the Bale money'? That is a very weird accusation considering you've never seen Tottenham's books. You don't know a thing about any clubs money situation so shouldnt comment. The term clutching at straws comes to mind. Tottenham have done well and should be given credit where due. Arsenal went undefeated, spurs were bottom half. Ten years later, 1 point seperates the two. They've spent money but they are not posting debt either, which also points to good management add board level again, recycling players they have aquired through good scouting and shrewd business i.e berba 10 mill out 34 mill in, modric 16 out 30+ in, vdv 7mill out 11 in, they even made profit on zakora!! The difference is they are reinvesting wisely, arsenal are sitting on the money. Remember they have also built a world class training centre, and have a stadium in the process. Compared to others who have oil money, Tottenham have grown despite the odds stacked against them. For a club to be in the top 15 richest list without a big stadium or regular champs league footie shows that they have room to grow as well. Never under estimate your rivals.......arrogance is weakness.

  29. Ron

    Aug 27, 2013, 10:03 #38245

    Sean - You're obviously not all familiar with any of my views or perspectives on our Club, Wenger, football generally or whatever else for that matter. My reply to Peter was based on what i see as the general over reaction to the Spuds signings (in my view). I may have to sing a different tune after the NLD! In the meantime don't assume that you know where i stand on things or what i represent, seeing as i, nor many others here i suspect are remotely familiar with you. If you cant post without the attitude towards a view of another that you don't much agree with, just concentrate on your homework, as Autumn term starts soon doesn't it?

  30. Wombledin

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:53 #38244

    They should call you Sir Muggins. What pain exactly is Kroenke "no doubt" feeling this time? How naive can you get. Kroenke's delighted, Wenger is his perfect puppet who perennially gets the yankee's football cashcow into the Champions League money every year without prostituting himself to the transfer market. That's who Wenger sees himself. He's perfectly fulfilling the plastic yankees financial strategy. Gazidis doesn't give a toss, he's a fatcat collecting a fat salary who will soon move on. And all this tosh about learning from the totts. They've finished below us the last two seasons, so if anything Wenger's anti transfer policy is vindicated compared to them up the road. And you can bet your bottom dollar we'll finish above the spuds again this year too!

  31. Ian

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:52 #38243

    A very well written article.As us usual you get the likes of Ron who let there hatred of Spurs blinker everything.We have gone from the Invincibles 9 years ago that is now struggling evey season to finish 4th.And we are supposed to praise the club for the way it is run.Two free transfers and Cabaye will not improve our team.All that bull abut signing Suarez Rooney Higuain Benzama was just that bull.I am still waiting for the club to spend the Toure/Greedybayor money

  32. Sean

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:33 #38242

    Well done Peter for a great article, it's nice to see an Arsenal fan with their eyes open and can see the problems your football club have. Being a supporter doesn't mean you have to be positive all the time and be deluded and in denial. Too many fans are using Spurs to be in denial at the failings. As long as Spurs finish lower then what a great season. You have a team that were winning titles and challenging for it but now are just scraping Champions League football. Man Utd or Chelsea fans wouldn't accept this. Peter had giving me faith that there were fans out there with their eyes open but sadly the comments from Ron have spoilt your article. Another deluded, evrything is great Arsenal fan with an obsession with Spurs.

  33. john

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:08 #38240

    I see west lower refers to the fa cup as a tin pot. You gooners would have given your right arm for any sort of trophy in the last 8 years. I hear the lock has jammed on the arsenal trophy cabinet apparently from lack of use

  34. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:01 #38239

    Ah - Westlower. Another AKB making the old "Portsmouth / Leeds" argument whereby any team that spends money will surely go bust. Well Man Utd spend money and rather than going bust they've won trophy after trophy after trophy. Disgruntled Gooners aren't demanding reckless spending, what we want is sensible purchases to address the weaknesses in our squad and far, far less money wasted on s h i t e like Gervinho, Santos, Park, Bendtner, Denilson etc. etc. etc. And can you try to explain exactly why you think that Wenger is ever going to return to winning ways, because nothing I've seen in the last 8 years gives me any confidence in him.

  35. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 9:00 #38238

    Whatever anyone thinks about Wenger, to leave it to the last minute to buy any player is a very dangerous game to play. We are not just short of some world class players in key positions, we are short of players period! Any problems with any late signing targets and we simply will not have a big enough squad to compete. I think the job of running Arsenal Football Club is now too big for the current management and I have said before we need a proper "Director of Football". However using the "Spuds" as an example is frankly laughable - they have already spent the Bale money without having sold him! What is to stop Real Madrid from saying, we will give you 40 million, take it or leave it! Levy is now negotiating from a position of real weakness, so to be fair, our Arsenal board has not put at risk it's whole transfer kitty as Levy has just done. As for on the pitch, I have seen many so called "title winning" sides from WHL get turned over by a young aggressive Arsenal team that I think we should wait and see just how good these so called "top top players" (as Harry likes to call them)really are. Learn lessons from Tottenham on how to run a football club? - I really don't think so.

  36. Tom

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:53 #38237

    They have bought some real top top quality there - and the worst bit? They haven't finished. Makes me sick.

  37. John Gooner

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:47 #38236

    Good article! I don't however class 4th place as getting over the line; these last 8 years have been nothing short of abject failure. Yes Spurs have always been behind us, but using them as a yard stick is ridiculous! Why not compare us to Leyton Orient if you're going to compare us to Spurs? Where were Spurs when we were invincible? As a club we should be looking forwards rather than behind us and that is one of the major indictments of this current regime; they have succeeded in lowering our expectations to the point at which we are constantly compared with the scum..... Wenger out!

  38. Westlower

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:30 #38235

    Any fool can spend money. A certain ex-spud manager destroyed Portsmouth in the process of winning a tin pot. Leeds spent recklessly in reaching for the Champions League. Real Madrid are still spending money they don't have! You've written this article a week to soon Peter,the transfer window isn't over yet!!

  39. subir kumar roy

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:20 #38234

    A thoroughly balanced perspective. It really stupefies us Gooners, that the so called "business model" does not seem to accommodate acquisition of some quality players without paying over the odds. This is compounded further by the fact that our club has all the prerequisites to acquire quality players, CL qualification, world class stadium and training facilities to name a few... The less said about Silent Stan and glib talker Gazidis, the better. Nothing but an embarrassment to the club.

  40. Steve H

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:18 #38233

    A well written article Peter and I agree with your points of view - the club has definitely missed an opportunity to invest in the squad that would keep us comfortably ahead of the spuds. As Ron rightly points out they have made a lovely habit of choking or imploding when they have signed big names before - we can only hope that 3 or 4 players can be signed before the deadline but I am not holding my breath. I can only see a last minute trolley dash next monday if we get turned over on Sunday. The whole fiasco of this transfer window could have been avoided with some form of strategy in place after the last season finished


    Aug 27, 2013, 8:02 #38232

    Thank you Peter. This is a strongly, and fairly constructed article. I enjoyed it immensley. Succinct, honest and to the point, without rancour and rhetoric. It puts the rantings and ravings, of many who post on this website, into sharp, and I might add, hilarious perspective. No spiteful personal attacks, no veiled, insulting, racist, sexist, or homophobic remarks. No vitriol or 'Mister Angry', responses. Just a clear-sighted observation, assessing the likely position of a 'team' failure of members, responsible for our club. Thank you again; and you are completely forgiven, no messenger-shooting from this quarter my friend.

  42. Ron

    Aug 27, 2013, 8:00 #38231

    Learn from that rabble up the road? How many times have Tottenham been on spending sprees down the decades? How many times has it made a real substantive difference to the Club? Well, they've done it time and time again and its never made much difference either. How good are those players they've bought really? At best the jury's out and at worst, they're not genuine top class. If they were, why would they be joining Tottenham? We've dallied in the market or so it seems to be that way, but you're losing your perspective a bit with ll due respect. Tottenhams squad isn't anything to write home about in my view. Its had a lot of media coverage arising only from Bale's impending departure and our failure to command transfer headlines.