Job Done

Match View: Arsenal 2 Fenerbahce 0, 27 August 2013

Job Done

(photo by Marcia Milnes)

This match was an unexpected treat for me in so many ways. Following our defeat to Totterington at their grim place back at the beginning of last March, any chance of us pinching the coveted fourth place trophy was going to resemble being the first to reach the top of a very big mountain. As luck would have it, and with a plentiful supply of ropes, pulleys, carabineers and crampons, we just about made it to the summit before that other lot from down the road. The last two months of the season were not good for my blood pressure, which has only just returned to normal following our usual summer of inactivity.

Our plum Champions League qualifier against the Turks had two distinct advantages. Firstly, we were drawn away in the first leg, which meant that I wasn’t going to miss out on any live action. Having booked a holiday last week I was able to watch the game in Spanish as the sole viewer in a La Gomera beach bar. An interpreter wasn’t required for me to realise that both Happy Jack and Orville Cazorla were still both well off the pace. And as for Walnutt, having had to suffer watching him for the past seven years, I remain convinced that for most of the time he is completely useless. I wish he’d stick to motor racing where he’s been far more successful.

The second distinct advantage was being able to look forward to the return leg and greet a couple of old adversaries, namely that loathsome Kuyt who, for many years, was a regular dismal Scouser and to whom I took an instant dislike. A win double comes in the form of Kuyt’s Neanderthal mate Meireles, who possessed two bits of bad blood, by not only being a Scouser, but also an Odious Chav, thus making him very much a thug in wolf’s clothing. Being able to stand for the whole match near the front of Block 5, this gave me ample opportunity for offering regular comment and cheery waves.

The match itself was a rather regulation affair which seemed to start with as many empty seats as people inside the stadium. However, more concerning was watching Monreal giving a good impression of Fatty Santos defending and Sagna constantly drifting out right. For most of the first half, our goal frame became our best defender until BFG Motorcycle took control. Clumsey took his two goals well. Alarm bells started ringing when he hobbled off just before the end as we could do with him being patched up for the Totts game as he’s clearly our best performing midfielder this season. As for Podolski, he busted a gut chasing a ball right at the start of the second half and ended up leaving the field on a stretcher. Surely, with our vast array of trainers and physios, somebody would have thought about getting the players properly warmed up for impending action.

Yet again, attention now shifts to which teams come out of the hat along with The Arse for Thursday’s group stage. Olympiakos, Basel and Napoli anyone?

(Ed’s note – Will post an online ed on last night’s match later this afternoon. It has been one of those days here at Gooner Towers, so apologies about later than normal posting)

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  1. rellends

    Aug 29, 2013, 3:37 #38318

    one swallow does not make a summer. i'm now resigned to nobody - bar flamini on a free - coming in before the deadline. the people at the club need to be held accountable for this mess. unfortunately they won't. when you read about spurs opening talks with eriksen it's sickening. it's a ****ing omnishambles. really looking forward to the agm. although that will all be carefully stage managed by the thought police to make sure we get the usual party line guff.


    Aug 29, 2013, 0:05 #38315

    Look Lee and Jack, Im what you call a realist Im not some deluded fool who actually believes we can win the prem with this squad sorry but its just not a good enough team. Its not a bad team but its not a good team its a average team that will be battling for fourth again mark my words. What annoys me the most is the way the one almighty weneger loves to say we have a team capable of winning the league that is utter drivel and any unbias reasonable person knows we are far off from winning or even competing for the league with this current squad. Also im not a glory hunter and im under the age of 30 so not some old guy as you stated Jack. Im what you call a realist, I support arsenal football club not a old 65 year french man. Who seems to have a job for life at arsenal and can do what ever he wants. He has way too much power that is just ridiculous. He is stuck in his old ways thinking you can win stuff on the cheap, it has not worked for 8 years and counting. I said in 2009 that we will enevr win anything ever again under wenger and I stand by that in 2013, sorry but the truth hurts. I'm just a realist not a deluded any type of guy who accepts anything. I'm not a man worshiper like alot of wenger apologists and his cult lovers. This is a football club that was here before he came and will be when his finally put out to grass. Also I love that line by the wenger lovers i.e go and support the spuds or chelsea loool. Also the notion that we are playing great football is just nonsense we have not played that great football we were known for, for atleast a season now. As we dont have the players we had. The only player in are team that would have got into any of wengers three best teams i.e 1997/1998, 2001/2003 and 2003/2004 would have been Cazrola the rest I DONT THINK SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. underachiever

    Aug 28, 2013, 23:54 #38314

    "if you don't like it you can always go and watch the Spuds backward passing or the Chavvies hoof ball.' YAWN!

  4. Jack

    Aug 28, 2013, 22:09 #38307

    marcus, You sound like a typical glory hunter either you've come on board over the last decade or your a grumbling old fart from the 1960's West Upper.Either way stop spewing the same old ring talk, if you don't like it you can always go and watch the Spuds backward passing or the Chavvies hoof ball.

  5. lee afc

    Aug 28, 2013, 21:57 #38304

    MARCUS....''this win means nothing'' just guessing mate but it means a chance to pit our wits against europes elite again.....''to watch average players like giroud'' 3 or 4 games in and we have yet another donkey striker according to the masses....


    Aug 28, 2013, 19:25 #38302

    I rang up the arsenal ticket box office to ask, what was up with all the empty seats loool. I was told that they had to under sell hmmmmmmmm YEAH RIGHT LOOOOOOOOOOOOL, apparently because there would have been problems with the Fernacbe fans like there was apparently when we faced Galasary loool. What utter nonsense. I know they are lying as I had the ringing me up offering me free tickets loooooooooool also alot of my friends where getting offers of tickets for nice seats. People are just tired of paying the highest tickets in the country to watch average players like Giroud please dont insult me. Im not going to pay extortionate fees to watch a mediocre team

  7. Gus

    Aug 28, 2013, 18:31 #38297

    I can only assume this is meant to be an attempt at humour (albeit very very poor). Did you even watch the game? Podolski did his hamstring crossing a ball not chasing a ball down. The goal frame only stopped a shot once Shezza turned the ball onto the post. What's with the nicknames as well? Why would alarm bells start ringing if a player you refer to as Clumsey went off? Ramsey has improved beyond belief in the last 6 months (not just this season)Its drivel like this that is the main reason why people are turning their backs on this site and the fanzine in their droves. Sort it out. I'm all for pointing out the faults of our club (and there are loads lets be honest.) but the players on the pitch have performed well since the opening day debacle. Stop slagging off the players and get behind them - it isn't their fault we are in this mess. All anger and moaning should be aimed at the manager and the board not the players and nicknames such as Clumsy - are you 5?

  8. Th14afc

    Aug 28, 2013, 17:54 #38295

    Such a negative piece to say we won the tie easily over 2 legs when all the press slag us off every day and it was all doom and gloom after villa


    Aug 28, 2013, 16:49 #38292

    While we have been unlucky with injuries, if Aaron and Jack fail to recover for Sunday against Tottenham, yes Tottenham, we will be left with a threadbare team with zero options off the bench. That I am afraid is shambolic planning from all concerned and somebody should be held accountable

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 28, 2013, 15:36 #38288

    Job done alright Fozzy and it didn't take a great effort over the two legs against a poor team. Judging by the empty seats a lot of fans didn't make much of an effort either (i wonder why)including myself who was offered a freebie in the posh section and declined, maybe news on the transfer front with super super quality before Sunday will get us motivated again but knowing wengers super super quality the motivation will be minimal .

  11. Rod Stiffington

    Aug 28, 2013, 14:47 #38287

    Yawn. Nothing like analysis from Fozzy and Fozzy's mates. All the nicknames and immense originality. Must be a blast being part of their social circle.

  12. Greg

    Aug 28, 2013, 14:25 #38285

    Don't forget this was a Fenerbache side who as recently as 2008 had beaten Chelsea, Inter Milan, Seville and CSKA Moscow in the champions league. We outclassed a side with Meireles, Kuyt, Alves and Erkin, all world class players, and still people moan! The knee-jerk reaction to the Villa defeat (well robbery) was well over the top, this Arsenal squad will prove to be one Wenger's very best.

  13. MARCUS

    Aug 28, 2013, 14:19 #38284

    As usual the wenger apologists are already starting to beat their drums lool. Look this win means nothing, it was against a very pathetic club who where just plain awful. Look this man for me i.e LORD WENGER is just a man I despise as he clearly takes us fans for fools and he things he can do anything and we will accept it. WENGER OUT ASAP