Ivan Gazidis clears up confusion over June statement

Just in case you misunderstood the CEO

Ivan Gazidis clears up confusion over June statement

Ivan Gazidis has corrected some of the confusion caused by the statement he made back in June regarding Arsenal’s spending power, and the lack of transfer activity which proceeded it.

‘I’ve been widely quoted as saying that we could rival Bayern Munich as one of football’s financial powerhouses,’ he told the Male on Tuesday. ‘I would like to make it abundantly clear, however, that this is not what I said at all. ‘What I actually said was that we were sitting on a cash reserve which dwarfed those of some struggling African states, but that we were planning on keeping it all in a large vault and going swimming in it once a week just like Scrooge McDuck used to do on the children’s television cartoon series, Duck Tales. I may have said something about reviling moon bits and power outages, so maybe that’s where the confusion has come from.’

When asked in June if Arsenal could afford to pay £25m for a player and put him on £200,000 a week, Gazidis was reported as saying, ‘of course we could – we could do more than that.’ He now claims that this was taken out of context. ‘The media have cherry picked certain parts of what I said to sell papers,’ he insisted. ‘I did say that, but I went on to say that this would only be possible if we had any kind of ambition or desire to do anything other than sit around wearing Monopoly-style top hats, smoking cigars and rubbing our hands together whilst cackling in a decidedly sinister fashion, which, of course, we don’t.’

When quizzed on the statement, ‘we also have new revenue streams coming on board and all of these things mean we can do some things which would excite you,’ he explained that what he had meant by ‘some things that would excite you,’ was putting up some more pictures of ex-players around the ground and pretending that this justified charging fans ticket prices that would require most of them to become high class prostitutes just to raise the cash to go to a midweek Capital One Cup fixture against Bournemouth. He went on to clarify his assertion that ‘what excites Arsène isn’t necessarily what excites you,’ by explaining that ‘what excites Arsène is the thought of buying a French player who hasn’t been born yet but has established himself in a certain position, then playing him in an entirely new position because this is what he did with Thierry Henry and it worked, so there is no reason why it shouldn’t work with every other player ever, then move him back into his preferred position where he’ll have one good game, then sell him for £25 million to Manchester City.’

He also addressed the issue of what he had meant when he said the club was moving into a ‘new phase where … we can compete with any club in the world.’ ‘No,’ he stated, ‘I said we were moving into a new phase of doing things in exactly the same way we’ve always done, a bit like how if you’re sitting in a room watching paint dry, you can move into a new phase of continuing to watch the paint dry. It’s a well-established concept – look it up!’

Gazidis was also asked whether he thought Arsène Wenger was doing a good job, at which point his eyes glazed over. ‘He is doing a fantastic job,’ he said in a robotic monotone, ‘and we are lucky to have him as our manager.’ He then walked out of the room, crashing into a wall as he did so.

NB: none of the above quotes are actually attributable to Ivan Gazidis, apart from the fantastical, implausible ones. I’ll leave you to work out which ones those are.

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  1. amani

    Aug 31, 2013, 22:06 #38631

    I don't know whether to laugh or to cry! Thanks for putting some humor into this depressing situation........... FOREVER A GUNNER!

  2. Kev

    Aug 31, 2013, 4:07 #38539

    Funny article...but i'm not sure whats funnier..that article itself or the majority of people on here believing these are ACTUAL Gazidis quotes?!?!

  3. gunnerstarz

    Aug 31, 2013, 2:49 #38538

    When these yankees came, that's the end for arsenal's hope.

  4. KG

    Aug 30, 2013, 23:09 #38535

    Wenger must go he has had his day, the club has become a joke. Must be something wrong when a club that plays in front of 60000 people every week and is again in the Champions league cannot attract the type of player that the mob up the road can even though they are only in the Europa league and playing in front of 35000 fans.

  5. The Cabbie

    Aug 30, 2013, 18:44 #38515

    Fans are treated as cash cows by the board and nothing else. The Spuds are striding forward and still charge half the price of season tickets.

  6. Rafi

    Aug 30, 2013, 18:41 #38514

    Steve mclaren messed up with ,Middlesborough those years ago and the funds simply through their season tickets at him in disgust. AW needs exactly the same pill. IN hind sight I can see now that all the tak of bids for Higuin, Jovetic, Suarez and others were just pretentions of ambition aimed at keeping fan anger in check. No doubt AW is now desparate that his team performs so well hence prove him right. But that will not wash this time arround. fans have given him enough rope. I remember as way back as 2007 when h was plaeding with fans to wait and judge him at the end of the season. We have now gone so many seasons and the story is the same, not trophies and he has lately been tring to convince us that 4th place is a trophy. see, just -- after not signing an player, when any of his injured players returns to the sqaud he claims its just like signing a new player - how hollow. those that have been compalining about AW have after all been in the right. AW is busy experimentuing with the minds of the clubs supporters for too long and his time is up. there i just no way arsenal can win the league let alon the CL with only his 'home growns' who in any case he allows to jump ship to rival clubs in the EPL - sthing his rivals no oubt wisely resist at all cost. ENOUGH.

  7. CHGooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 13:52 #38496

    Do some of th respondents actually understand the article? Some of the comments are weird. I see a few arsene apologists are trying to blame Gazidis for the fact that we haven't bought anyone. Sensational! It's his fault for talking the prices up apparently. If you don't understand what he was trying to do then you have clearly never seen a divided boradroom or even family operate. Gazidis knows the knives are out and the fans are sick of the current malaise. He knows that Wenger attempts to shift blame for failure on to him by making comments (Wenger has far more press time than Gazidis)that hint at 'constraints' and boardroom pressure that prevent him from succeeeding. Gazidis made his comments to ensure that the fans knew that was utter BS (and has been for years)as he wanted to ensure that if the team failed again he wouldn't be a scapegoat. Wenger was seething at this impunity I imagine and now we have a power struggle. Wenger thinks he has Stan's backing so is in effect flicking v's at Gazidis by not spending any money. Did you see the smirk on his face when the Suarez deal was pronounced dead? Gazidis had probably pushed the £40m +£1 thinking he was being really clever. When that didn't come off Gazidis had nowhere to go. It is all so pathetic really. Wenger, Gazidis (for not being strong enough)and mostly Stan and his 'yes-men' need to all go. It's a shambles and won't change while they are all there. Wenger is however the worst of them all, he is a hypocrite, a serial liar and a crap football coach. Oh and he makes £7.5m out of us. Terrific.

  8. CanadaGooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:44 #38473

    Onlinegooner Ed should step in; the colour commentary is needless and idiotic. What has Wenger's colour got to do with anything? And the reference to aparthied is just silly. The fact that Gazidis is from South Africa doesnt make him a racist. In any case, Arsenal is a multi-racial club and we should focus on the football and stop all the silly comments by 'prince adejuwon' or 'wale' whoever these folks are. Good to see we have fans in Africa, but this really isnt a forum for expressing of debating whether or not 'white' or 'black' men lie.

  9. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:09 #38457

    @Prince Adejuwon - I get your statement, but if you're looking for "white men lying" in sports management, have a look at the antics of our very own Henry Norris. He was better at his job than the current idiots, not only did he get us a new stadium, he got us up a division at the expense of the Spurts! Norris' skullduggery is something we could do with at board level and in the transfer market right now.

  10. rootz

    Aug 30, 2013, 5:18 #38428

    in arsene we have rusted,though arsenal has assisted me in managing stress through continuous lose,stress are over and bye arsenal club i better support small clubs,arsene is waiting for unborn/underperforming french players to pay them less,is he developinging french team.

  11. Prince Adejuwon

    Aug 30, 2013, 4:26 #38427

    Wenger and Gazidis were d first whitemen in sporting managerial post to LIE.Its high time all Nigeria based supporters should turn their back at d team.UK based supporters should stop attending stadium.


    Aug 30, 2013, 0:40 #38426


  13. declan burke

    Aug 29, 2013, 22:54 #38423

    I can understand fans having some sympathy for WENGER, personally I think he should have gone long before it got this sad, but I cannot understand any ARSENAL fan defending the likes of KROENKE, GAZIDIS and the board, I just don't get it. If they fail to deliver 2 major names and we lose to spurs on sunday there will be an all out revolt.

  14. johnnyhaleyloovinggooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 22:41 #38422

    well its AW what picks players.Has AW said the club will not buy them?Brady said last nite AW will not give in to pressure to buy just anyone.he will buy big or not at all.he seemed to think we are in for a good surprise.maybe i am too much cluching at straws in his comments but they rallied by droping spirits as i see spurs buying yet another player

  15. Man United Killer

    Aug 29, 2013, 22:04 #38420

    Exiled&Dangerous.We are not going to do a double this time.I can assure you of that.

  16. topboy339

    Aug 29, 2013, 21:57 #38419

    Got to love Satire to sort the wheat from the chaff. Curious though... What does a season ticket buy you? Does it buy you a right to moan when things get tough and your precious sensibilities as fan get hurt because of what the nasty Tottenham fan said...there there! or... Does it buy a Chairman a right to NOT give a stuff about what the fans want because they are never going to vote with there feet and dry up the money well that they all seem to think he is bleeding dry. I totally agree getting behind the team on the pitch, as yet I don't think Wilshere, Walcott and Ramsey deal with contracts in there spare time. I would still LOVE to see Arsene and the board turn around with a surprise line up including Messi, Captain America and God. Just like above none of the statements are attributable to above mentioned players Regards Topboy

  17. Linda parker

    Aug 29, 2013, 21:14 #38417

    Bring back Dein he could sign a player how embarrassing the club is becoming, 4,days and counting what premiership club has one half decent striker and that's itv????

  18. dannyb

    Aug 29, 2013, 20:32 #38416

    At last that special player arrives the one whom we lost for five years but now he resigns for three years on a free . What a shambles this great club has become

  19. Wale Kadiri

    Aug 29, 2013, 20:09 #38414

    Mr. Gazidis is an idiot for comparing a predominantly white owned football club to some African countries. I think he need to be reminded that the days of APARTHEID are over.

  20. CanadaGooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 19:39 #38412

    So, we've signed another freebie! Flamini - a player that shat all over us when he had half a decent season and left for more money. Wenger/Gazidis are criminals and a disgrace! bare-faced liars and cheats! We sold all our decent players, charge so much money for refreshments at every match at the emirates, charge expensive tickets and all that money isn't invested in the club (yes, we got a new stadium..... then what???). What they're doing is simply deplorable, and I can now see why the press and SKY TV and all the pundits have turned their backs on Arsenal. We have become laughing stock, and that's the reality. We are being made fools of, by these criminals! just fleecing the club and blatantly not giving a damn!

  21. Armontessler

    Aug 29, 2013, 19:36 #38411

    Wenger out he went stale years ago he thinks hes bigger than the club his football ideals are way out ov touch we might get results against the wba's soton and the cardiffs ov this world but when it comes to the cream ov the premiership we'll get our sorry arses kicked wont get 4th this season the fans must boycott the home games forcing the board to act hopefully the board will sell out to usmanov

  22. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 29, 2013, 19:25 #38410

    Man United Killer - I'm well ahead of the game, mate, I didn't renew my season ticket in 1997 because I couldn't afford it at the time. We went and won the double......

  23. dannyb

    Aug 29, 2013, 18:19 #38407

    CL draw done and we wont get through group stage .wont win leauge cup draw at the hawthornes wont get top 4 and wont win fa cup as this will be under par team same old same old.

  24. Marly Marl

    Aug 29, 2013, 18:17 #38406

    Ha ha ha ha!!! Obviously this is a made up story. Why is everyone believing it. Have a sense of humour guys

  25. The BearMan

    Aug 29, 2013, 18:07 #38405

    Ivan it would have been better that you simply apologised to the fans, then keep your mouth shut. Better than making statements which makes you look a BiGGeR idiot, with your cover up story several months later. Arsenal manager n board have lost the plot. The cry of wolf to entice fans, then have your laugh as fans expectations grew only to let them down is appalling. Now to say you were mis-quoted is to pour salt on the wounds. The truth is Arsenal n Arsene is having difficulty landing big signings. End off! The reputation of Arsenal having become a selling club is a contribution factor.

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 17:13 #38404

    Seven Kings Gooner, to late one already has, or maybe he's been in the posh seats to long to tell the difference between Ron and Ross.

  27. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 16:56 #38403

    Nothing like covering your big fat arse, my god how big is the hold wenger has over these people? he must really have them in the palm of his hand and just squeezes their balls whenever he feels like it, especially to put them back in their place (the person) if their getting to big for their boots. The power this man has at this club must be like something never seen at a football club ever before.

  28. The one with SENSE

    Aug 29, 2013, 16:54 #38402

    Guys read the article properly. Ivan Gazidis did not say will sit on the cash reserves and so on. (NB: none of the above quotes are actually attributable to Ivan Gazidis, apart from the fantastical, implausible ones. I’ll leave you to work out which ones those are.) Yes Arsenal have been frustrating at not making a big signing but judge them at the end of the transfer Window. A wise Gunner will do this. Stop crying on other forums and be patient. If not go to the spuds!!

  29. Tony

    Aug 29, 2013, 16:53 #38401

    Gazidis is a businessman not a football man who had no attactment to Arsenal when Stan brought him in as his puppet.David Dein was a football man who was sacked by Fisman and Kroenke.If Kroenke really cared about football he would get Dein back.I have given up all hope of us ever winning anything under Wenger,Gazidis and Kroenke.People have a go at Usmanov but if he didnt care about Arsenal he could have bought Spurs and blew us out of the water.He could buy Joe Louis out 10 times over.Usmanov is Britains richest man nearly twice as much money as Roman FFS yet we wont let him put a penny into the club.

  30. Naz

    Aug 29, 2013, 16:37 #38400

    Dont blame Gazidis. He is just Wengers puppet. A messenger to take the abuse. Direct the abuse where it is needed. Show the angst at games. Overcome the AKB. The AKB are the worst of them all.

  31. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Aug 29, 2013, 16:10 #38396

    Yep, a free transfer Flamini is back. Mind you would you rather have paid £23m for Fellaini or nowt for Flam? I've got to admit it's a good deal - if it's the same Flam that left in '08 that is.

  32. Man United Killer

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:56 #38395

    What can anyone do but watch helplessly as the pride gets taken out of our club. If you want to make a real difference stop putting your money into it.As long as the money comes in, no problems.It really hurts the way our club is being run. *For Heaven's sake STOP renewing your season tickets*

  33. Peter Wain

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:53 #38394

    whoop pi doo we got another free transfer, open top bus parade next!!!

  34. William89

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:36 #38392

    I am a child that writes child like blogs because I can... I also like spaghetti hoops... Be a real fan and talk like man...

  35. mohamedaziz

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:34 #38391

    why that is fantastic fooling by the ceo,why don't we do just that for them fool them by returning all their seasons tickets and demand a refund and never show up on sunday @emirates ever untill they all go away

  36. Chris

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:26 #38390

    I am so frustrated with how our club is being ran into the ground! What is it going to take for change to come around. God, please get rid of these idiots who constantly lie to the fan base and treat the club as a cash cow for their own means. We want to compete and WIN stuff, finishing fourth is for the birds!

  37. Green Hut

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:19 #38389

    It's clear that Gazidis didn't seek Wenger's approval before delivering his bold, ambitious vision of Arsenal's team-building future. And now Wenger is punishing him, along with the rest of us. John Gooner- Kroenke won't pull the trigger until the fans have clearly turned against Wenger, and despite all the lunacy of the last few years, the incredible truth is that they haven't. Jabba the goon- Stop deluding yourself mate, the money's always been there.

  38. Greenwich Gooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 15:03 #38388

    bravo, monsieur Beauregarde! (can see I'm not the only Gooner who's going manicly bonkers thanks to OGL)

  39. Man United Killer

    Aug 29, 2013, 14:39 #38385

    I really dislike thisb board andn manager!Signings flying here and there and not a single world class addition to our Arsenal.what a shame! *For Heaven's sake STOP renewing your season tickets*

  40. jabba the goon

    Aug 29, 2013, 14:18 #38383

    Can we just agree that since the american has taken control of the club we spend NO money on refreshing our squad.I dont want to big up the spunks from white wash lane,but they have proven that with an owner prepared to spend the (bale) cash(even without CL football)players will come!!!! Stop the blame game with Wenger he does not hold the purse strings he is a manager not a vulture(sorry owner). Have our club reinvested the Nasri Cesec clichy Song and the little boy cash?. The club is little more than a Fracking Cash Cow for the american. I think the dream of the Emirates died along with FIZMAN to transform our club by using the Fans money to reinvest and keep us in the race with the Sugar Daddy clubs,but since the american the fans money stays with him. I have been reading that the americans other frachised(hate that fracking over used word)appear to be run on the same model average teams making well above average profit for the owners. Who says foreign investment is good for football in the UK?the foreign investment model is going one way and one way only..it aint going to be nice,fan power at the emirates?season tickets not being renewed,memberships not being renewed,direct action is required.....kick em out.

  41. clubclassgooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 14:04 #38381

    Ron you are so right, spoilt brats all of them ooooh I am not supporting you if you aren`t winning stuff!!!! Pathetic I have supported the Arsenal since the mid sixtys through the rough and good times. Learn to loose before you learn to win you load of whingers. Support the players on the park and grow up

  42. Ross

    Aug 29, 2013, 13:39 #38379

    I'm as disappointed as the next Arsenal fan but you all need to start supporting the team that's on the pitch. It's not their fault that players aren't being brought in. There are SO many spoiled fans out there. You may think you aren't childish because you're over a certain age but believe me age has nothing to do with it.

  43. Ahmed

    Aug 29, 2013, 13:26 #38376

    What took him so long to clarify his message? Did he have to wait that long? Was a disclaimer necessary at this point? The truth he raised the hopes of alot of Gooners and fans and that is enough!! Disclaiming now says it all! I really wish we could have our David Dein could return!!

  44. John Gooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 12:54 #38375

    Well he made a noose for Wenger and good old Arsene has happily placed it around his neck; but what's this, no one has the guts to kick away the chair. "Go on, I dare you" Wenger is saying with a big grin on his face, but the old codgers all sit around heads hung low, playing with their watches hoping someone else will do something about it. He's called your bluff Gazidis, you spineless incompetent fool.

  45. The Real Yanto

    Aug 29, 2013, 12:47 #38374


  46. Rob

    Aug 29, 2013, 12:05 #38366

    Ha Ha ! quite brilliant. But like all the very best satire, it's true. And the joke is well and truly on us. What's the phrase ? ' Gallows Humour '

  47. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 11:52 #38365

    Careful Ron, there will be some out there who will believe you!


    Aug 29, 2013, 11:19 #38362

    The next 4 days are the most critical at MY CLUB since the early 80's-simple as.

  49. Wombledin

    Aug 29, 2013, 11:15 #38360

    It's all simply lies and spin to suck the regular season ticket holders into renewing their season tickets. It's kind of a bait and switch in reverse. Tell all the fans every year that there's a big kitty and exciting players can be brought, then do fark all. Gazidis and Wenger are just cock-teasers. Oldest trick in the game and muggins gooners everywhere fall for it season after season.

  50. Ron

    Aug 29, 2013, 10:40 #38356

    Dont worry, Gareth Barry s coming!

  51. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 29, 2013, 10:11 #38352

    Why are we getting ourselves so wound up? It's not like we didn't already know it was going to turn out this way. The trolley wheels won't be getting an oiling for another 48 hours at least.

  52. N4

    Aug 29, 2013, 9:55 #38351

    He sold us a story so people can renew their Season Tickets!!! Who's brainwashing now??!!! From the board to Ivan to the Manager they are all in it!!!

  53. Paul Adams

    Aug 29, 2013, 9:53 #38350

    What really pi**es me off is we have been told frequently that we need CL qualification to attract top players. What have the Spuds achieved? I"ll tell you what, have bought some excellent players, some which would improve our shrinking team.and are only in Europa Cup. Arsene and his henchmen need to talk to Daniel Levy about transfers as we are TOTALLY INCOMPETENT. I shudder for this season

  54. CanadaGooner

    Aug 29, 2013, 9:00 #38345

    "we were sitting on a cash reserve which dwarfed those of some struggling African states" so is Oprah, but she goes out shopping and buys £20,000 handbags when she needs to! What an idiot Gazidis is! you go and hire these sort to work at the club and they swan in, thinking they are arsenal! I dont care how much we have in our reserves, I do however care about us going out there to get 1 x decent goalkeeper (either to sit Chesney on the bench our get him to realize he isnt the next best thing since sliced bread!), 2 x decent defenders and 1 x proper/consistent goalscorer (to show walcott & giroud how to score consistently, and not just when the mood strikes them). This isnt too much to ask for! Tom

  55. R.DOT

    Aug 29, 2013, 8:34 #38343

    An amusing article as a committed arsenal fan I must say that AW and the board are slowly deteriorating the appeal of the club theres no pride in being an arsenal supporter because no one expects anything from the team except finish 4th n get that champions league money. Please Mr Wenger leave at the end of your tenure so we can start new with a different manager n show that no one is bigger than the club which is what we show by supporting this man oh yeah BUY SOME SOME ****ING PLAYERS FOR **** SAKE

  56. NW

    Aug 29, 2013, 8:17 #38339

    He tells everyone they r going to spend, driving expectations and prices up. That caused the fans to be unstable and difficulty in signing anyone on the cheap. And then say he didn't mean it. If he did not why did he not cone out a week after the news instead of two months? That is nonsense. Ok if in fact $$ wasn't as much as many think, the team still saves alot for letting quite a number of players go. Those included Gervhino who can still prove useful in some cases. Sun up all those wage saved and the club can still easily afford one player with high wage or two good bargains. What is he talking about?

  57. Delford Magaya

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:42 #38334

    It is very sad, those in authority, continue to promise that, they will bring big names for Arsenal,but as of today nothing has been done about it. I would like to warne Arsene Wenger that, if he still want to be an Arsenal Coach then, he should say the truth, if he do not buy players, it will be very difficult for him to stay in England, because he has been fooling supporters for so many years. Watch my words.

  58. Quince

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:36 #38332

    Most amusing. But I don't get it. Why did he bang on about what we could do? Surely it's merely driving the price up on every player we approach? Why not just actually buy them and then make some noise? Doesn't he look a bit foolish now? He'll be the boy who cried wolf next time. I just don't get it.

  59. spencer george

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:30 #38330

    its a shame to say this but the scum up the road will come above arsenal in the league and knock us out the top 4 watch and see in arsene wenger we rust not trust ok

  60. surreygunner

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:28 #38328

    Who has failed here? Who earns just under 2M Who is responsible? Who is accountable? Mr Gazidis

  61. JB

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:21 #38327

    Oh and there's me thinking ev thing was now ok as be beat a "2nd in their league" Turkish outfit - twice and "12th last season" Fulham at their place. oops though all was well again, oh dear i've been so fickle! NOT! You maybe brainwashing the staff and players AW, SK and IG, but not the TRUE Gooners

  62. spencer george

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:19 #38325

    and arsene wenger you can stop with all your lies to us fans covering up for the tight scum up stairs if you want to keep on with your lies you can get out as well because your lies don't work no more you mug 8 years without **** all who you fooling now no one ok in arsene we rust not trust where a laughing stock club though out Europe yes arsenal are now lvan gazidis **** off mug the lot of yous

  63. Andreas

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:16 #38323

    The man is completely ignorant on football matters. He is a cold blooded business man that all he cares about is his own pocket. Unless Arsenal gets rid of these men has no chance of competing with other big clubs.

  64. spencer george

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:09 #38322

    arsenal you make me sick aint even spent a pound arsenal are a laugh stock tight football club now the tight mugs up stairs get out of our club now

  65. francis

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:06 #38321

    Now we no its AW fault..

  66. Noz

    Aug 29, 2013, 7:00 #38320
