A response to the Negativity

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A response to the Negativity

Arsène – he’s right about the brainwashing

As a reader of The Gooner for many years it is becoming increasingly difficult to stomach your publication. First team results and lack of transfer activity aside, the amount of what my mother would call ‘malarkey’ is actually worrying. Every single day there is an article in your fanzine (I presume this means the website - Ed) lamenting the situation because a certain group of people have not ‘spent any f*****g money’. I am fine with this, after all, as a paying fan you expect your club to spend the resources it has. However, what I cannot stand is the ignorance. I would like to raise a few points I have regarding this ‘ignorance’. You may disagree with me and that is totally acceptable, after all this is just my honest opinion.

1. ‘Fake bids’
Many people that comment on your articles are under the influence that there has been no ‘actual’ attempt what so ever to bring players in. They have the audacity to even suggest the bids for players such as Suarez were just to make fans renew season tickets. Does this theory have any logic? From where I am standing I cannot understand why Wenger (a busy man at the best of times) and the board would even bother bidding for players without expecting

2. Wenger’s comments regarding ‘brainwashing’
As a frequent Daily Mail reader (God help me) I have to agree with him. Many of you will not but I will try and explain why I agree. You do not have to go very far to find an anti-Arsenal article, perhaps all fans will at one time think there is a media agenda against their club but with Arsenal there is an abundance of evidence. For example in one article ‘experts’ (and I use the term extremely lightly) were asked to share their thoughts on the transfer sagas of Bale, Suarez, Rooney and Fabregas. To shorten a long story almost all wanted Fabregas to move to United, one ‘expert’ even had the audacity to suggest he wanted Fabregas to move to Manchester and ‘score the winning goal at the E******s’. Such negativity towards our club and manager has created problems. After any defeat the media will jump on Wenger’s back and kick him while he is down. Defeats are often described as disasters and the club described to be in disarray. I do not know if it is or not, how can I? To all Arsenal fans defeats are painful, that I do not debate. Aston Villa was especially painful but to call it a disaster is a little far fetched. This is what Wenger means when he says we are all brainwashed. He means that the media create a mountain out of a molehill almost all of the time. This has an affect on fans because it makes them think the club is in trouble when really it is not. This is evident in The Gooner.

3. Negativity from the ‘Brainwashing’
When I read The Gooner feedback I often see negative comments. Sadly, most articles on The Gooner are now negative. The majority will describe anything and everything about Arsenal in a negative way without a hint of optimism. Even when we win comfortably ‘the cracks are still there’ and ‘its just Fulham/Fenebache’. It is not as if people even care about results anymore, they have just become fixated on outing the manager. If we beat Manchester United 5-0 at Old Trafford people would call it a fluke. If this happened now I actually think people would say: “Think what this squad could do with a competent manager”. The whole situation has become ridiculous and I am not even AKB! On the odd occasion that a positive article comes up it is shot down with negative anti-Wenger comments. This is not normal or healthy for a football club as fans should always be optimistic. Perhaps you are naturally pessimistic, who knows? I am not forcing you to smile or be patronising, just try having a different outlook on the situation. The Gooner is a very valuable resource for Arsenal news and views do not get me wrong here, just try and get a variety of views not just negative ones. I do not doubt that many of you are angry, and rightly so. I want to see players like everyone else, we seem to have waited long enough.

Ed’s note – The Gooner and onlinegooner.com publish what is submitted to us. If we get positive pieces, we do run them. The truth is the amount of critical pieces we receive outweigh the positive ones significantly, especially the online up to the minute stuff. We certainly cannot tell people what to write in the comments section. My feeling is that this generally reflects the fan-written Arsenal content online elsewhere. There is positive and negative stuff, but I’d say the critical content generally outweighs the positive. Why is this? Draw your own conclusions. However, anyone wishing to submit positive pieces to The Gooner and onlinegooner.com is welcome to email me – [email protected] - with their submissions. When Richard emailed this article to me, he started by saying - This is just my thoughts on the current Arsenal situation. Publish if you like, I doubt you'd want to but I just wanted to bring these points to light. The perception that I would not publish the views of fans that have a more optimistic outlook is one that I cannot control. However, as I often say on the website – contributions are welcome from all sides of the Arsenal supporting opinion spectrum. This is your platform, should you wish to use it. Everyone gets shot down in the comments, especially me. That is the nature of putting anything online.

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  1. Nav

    Sep 01, 2013, 7:13 #38644

    A Great Article from a Reality perspective & as a overseas Fan its heartening to read such articles in Online Gooner after a long time. thanks Editor...

  2. Matt R

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:02 #38622

    Absolute garbage. Take the blinkers off.

  3. Stuart L

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:40 #38576

    All this "negativity" has been self induced by the sheer arrogance of our manager thinking he knows better than everybody else in football and refusing to adapt to the modern game. The board are equally culpable by giving him carte blanche to run the whole club as he see's fit - basically no one strong enough to put him in his place. He has had it easy from the press for years on the back of playing lovely football that won admirers but no trophies. Now we do neither, while still expected to pay "dizzying prices" for 2nd rate players. Tick Tock Wenker your time is up. FROWN

  4. George

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:41 #38553

    My head isn't in the sand, let's have a look at the two clubs that spend big, Man City spend over 100 million pounds on new talent, and they lost to Arsenal in the pre-season in Helsinki, and they lost to Cardiff last week 3-2, Papers were saying for 2 months, that Man. City has made signing that would challenge for the title, Tottenham spent £105 million on new talent, they won 2 games by the score of 1-0 by virtue of gimmes aka Penalties, they needed help from a referee to beat a new promoted side, and a welsh side that isn't being considered a top 10 contender. Last time a team bought that many players ended up being relegated, that was QPR, and if they don't finish the sale of Bale, they're going to be in the Red and out of the Euro competition next year, if they make it to the top 5. When i look at Arsenal and what Arsene Wenger is doing i see the big picture, they needed a bigger stadium than Highbury to generate revenue to rival Chelsea's and Man. City, and it took them time to pay that debt off, net spending of 10 million in 8 years and they made the Champions league everytime, no other team in the world would be able to do that, when Tottenham starts construction of their so-called new stadium shaped like a freaking chicken egg, they'll be deep in debt. If i'm being optimistic about the club, because the transfer window isn't closed yet, yes i am, i'm reserving judgement until the window shuts, you don't like it, tough titties.


    Aug 31, 2013, 4:17 #38540

    What a joke of a article, Was this written by Lord Wenger himself or did it come straight out AKB headquarters??. Look we fans are tired of paying the dearest ticket prices in world football let alone europe to watch mediocre players that celebrate finishing fourth as if they have won a trophy see thats the mindset wenger has instilled in them i.e finishing 4th is like winning a trophy what utter nonsense. Look you might hate waht you call negativity on here, I call it REALITY, alot of fans have finally woken up from the BRAINWASHING wenger had over them. I was never brainwashed from wengers nonsense and I have always been consistent in my calls for him to go since 2009. How in the hell can you have a 70 million warchest and still not bought any players??? What the hell is going on??? We barely got fourth last season oh yeah it was by one point and this old man says we can win the league??????? I actually think his lost the plot, i think he is signing his own sacking papers, if we lose on sunday and I unfortunately believe we will than this old, out of date with the times man has to be seen the exit door. He has a big problem spending money on a player he believes is not worth what the club are demanding well sir this is 2013 and thats the way football is you either pay up or shut up. He has turned this club into a laughing stick with some of the weird stuff that comes out his mouth, he actually believes what his doing is right and will stick by his out of date principles to the bitter end, Like a dictator who knows it almost time up but can not see the writing on the wall. ITS TIME TO GO WENGER THANKS FRO THE FIRST 8 YEARS BUT THE SECOND HAVE BEEN A ABSOLUTELY DISASTER

  6. Limerickjack

    Aug 31, 2013, 2:14 #38537

    Oh shut up you tarts!!!! Cmon u reds Spuds on Sunday!!!

  7. Simon

    Aug 30, 2013, 23:07 #38534

    We know who said this..and we can see now how right he was.... "As announced earlier this year I had a meeting with the Boss and Mr. Gazidis after the season. This was a meeting about the club’s future strategy and their policy. Financial terms or a contract have not been discussed, since that is not my priority at all. "I personally have had a great season but my goal has been to win trophies with the team and to bring the club back to its glory days. "Out of my huge respect for Mr. Wenger, the players and the fans I don’t want to go into any details, but unfortunately in this meeting it has again become clear to me that we in many aspects disagree on the way Arsenal FC should move forward.


    Aug 30, 2013, 22:52 #38533

    @ Gooner S,I posted earlier, but shall repeat, I think the current issue of the Gooner is amongst the best I have read. Buy it, give it a try, you will be pleasantly surprised. I will vouch for that.

  9. Gooner S

    Aug 30, 2013, 22:39 #38532

    Dear Editor I very rarely read The Gooner and haven't done so for about 4 or 5 seasons due to the negativty. This despite buying every issue for years on end. Frankly I can't be bothered to read The Gooner much anymore. It is less relevant than it was. Came here today out of idle curiosity.

  10. Alfygun

    Aug 30, 2013, 22:21 #38530

    Nilz21 Well said mate agree 100% This Richard bloke is as insane as Mr Wenger

  11. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 30, 2013, 22:12 #38529

    The problem moaning about negativity on websites is that virtually every website has turned negative. Go back 6 years and it was obvious that the general view point was more positive. A large percentage of supporters are seriously concerned about lack of pre season preparation , lack of purchasing targets and the mixed messages coming out of Arsenal, symbolic maybe of factions forming. Over arching is the dreadful reign of Kronke that allows this great club to suffer. I'm watching a Great institution flounder neither knowing whether to stick or twist with an indecisive , paranoid out of touch manager. So of course negativity will reign until one of Wenger, Kronke, Gazidis or all three Go. All we can do is keep up the pressure for change.

  12. Ronster

    Aug 30, 2013, 20:57 #38528

    .....and 18 years to bag a European pot.

  13. Ronster

    Aug 30, 2013, 20:47 #38527

    Richard...I expect the Wenger apologists to allow the next manager 10 years to win the Premier League.

  14. nilz21

    Aug 30, 2013, 20:33 #38526

    What a poor written article. Absolutely no FACTS to back up while we as fans should remain positive. Just when you think the wenger supporters cant sink any lower..they now believe there's a global conspiracy against AFC...like we operate outside the realms of world football? What is there to be positive about you tell me?? There's majority negativity around arsenal fans on this site in particular, and any sites or message board associated with arsenal because that is the reality of the world we live in. It's a feelings of majority of arsenal fans now..they've seen though all the lies and spin PR with there own eyes and brains over the past 8 years. When wenger goes do one and go with him..we don't need insane sheep like you at the club. Just like to point out also that we support AFC not arsene fc. No ones bigger then the club..this man has destroyed his own legacy and standing in world football. Not to mention destroyed the pride and values this club once stood for. We were once a great club and will be again long after he, kroenke and grazidis are gone. The power is with the fans as its always been ..and they've had enough. Whatever grazidis is paying you to write such nonsense which is out of touch with reality..tell him to double it,,it still wont be enough to stop the storm thats coming.


    Aug 30, 2013, 20:17 #38525

    I think the current issue of The Gooner is amongst the best I've read. Thanks, Gooner Towers.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 20:02 #38522

    Richard, i assume you referring to the Online Gooner (as the Ed pointed out) as it's the only one that has articles everyday or maybe you just meant the Gooner when you said it is becoming increasingly difficult to stomach. I'm glad to say fans who think the opposite, and fans who don't and didn't agree with your article, and fans who think wenger is a has been, and past it, and should be replaced have shown a lot more class than the majority of his apologists, cult members who appear on here to defend their messiah and tell all concerned if they don't like it to F,off down the lane and go and support chelskie, to do something similar to you regarding you choice of reading material.

  17. Paddy

    Aug 30, 2013, 19:52 #38520

    Well done Richard. Not because I agree with the article, but I'm just pleased to see someone who is prepared to write something which is positive. People who complain The Gooner is negative have often been challenged in the past to write something which takes an alternative view, but very few have accepted. If you can't be bothered to make a contribution, then you have no right to criticise others who do. Incidentally, the fanzine itself has a much wider variety of content than the website and there seems to have been a conscious effort over the last year or so to keep the articles which people would perceive as negative to a reasonable level, so if you're put off buying the fanzine because it was once too negative for your liking or you think it will be too similar to the website, I'd urge you to rethink. The very future of The Gooner and therefore this website I'd imagine depends on people buying it. Long live The Gooner!

  18. Jamie

    Aug 30, 2013, 19:30 #38519

    Terrible article. The main fact of the matter is us fans pay our hard earned money to go and watch The Arsenal. We have consistently for the last few years been miles away from beating the best when we are paying the 'best prices'. The one way the clube can show the fans they care is by returning our money with an attempt to look like they are trying to improve our position. I we spend ans dtill fail then i think its time for arsene to go.. whcih makes me think is that whet he is scared of. Afterall he has got it good at the moment. 7 milltion a year and a football club he basically owns.

  19. Th14afc

    Aug 30, 2013, 19:23 #38517

    Here here,spot on article

  20. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2013, 18:53 #38516

    Arsenal stuffing the Tiny Totts and Wenger being given a 5 year contract extension would be the perfect weekend for all TRUE Gooners.

  21. Remove the Dictator

    Aug 30, 2013, 17:52 #38511

    @GoonerFan Spot on.Wenger does bid for players but the bids are grossly under what a player is worth.The penny-pinching would be funny if it wasnt so serious in recent seasons we have missed out on Alonso Mata Schwartzer and now Higuain because we didnt go the that extra mile.The club run by Wenger,yes he has the final say at the club is now a f***ing laughing stock.It will only end when the dictator is removed.In 2009 i stopped going to games until Wenger went.I just wish the sheep who still turn up every game giving Wenger a vote of confidence would do the same.Go to the mirror look in it and ask yourself to you support Arsenal or Arsene.If the answer is the former do something about it.No good complaining then giving your money to the club is it?

  22. BNG

    Aug 30, 2013, 16:30 #38509

    Don't panic everybody because over on untold Arsenal it's the referees fault and OGL clearly knows what he is doing and has a master plan that only a fool can't see.............yeah right.........welcome to la la land

  23. Gooner Fan

    Aug 30, 2013, 16:24 #38508

    "Fake bids" is taking it far, but making lower than expected bids what the other club were demanding is more Wenger and the board's doing. We have lost players this summer alone, because Wenger and co expect the selling clubs to give up their players at a lower price when other clubs can meet their demands. That's right about Wenger, Green Hut. Wenger has more power in the club throughout the years than his apologists would like to think. They think that way probably because if things don't turn out so well, he's absolved of any responsibility and blames it all but Wenger.

  24. Green Hut

    Aug 30, 2013, 15:26 #38506

    From John Cross earlier today: 'Money has been there, the ambition is there, the players have been lined up. But, ultimately, Wenger has the final say, the only say'. Would the last person leaving AKB Central Command please turn the lights off.

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 15:22 #38505

    Richard your entitled to your opinion and i respect that, but as the Ed has suggested i'll draw my own conclusions, with the evidence we see in front of us, and what we have been witnessing season after season now, not what other people think or their opinions. Your right all defeats are painful and so are the humiliations, or did these not happen and it's just the big bad press brainwashing us into thinking that they did. Maybe it was the Sun who picked the teams formation, maybe it was the Mirror who gave the team talks and tactics and how they should be adopted, and then gave excuses for said defeats and humiliations. Maybe the publication whose the most to blame for what's happening at our club is The Gooner, after all it was it who bought all those second and third rate players and gave them great contracts who've been stinking the place out for seasons, and stuck with them in the hope one day they'd come good (and in some cases we're still waiting), and we've only just got rid, and some we can't. Or could it be the Editor of the Online Gooner's fault that we haven't won any thing for eight years now, yes that's definitely it, those humiliations didn't happen, we've actually won 2 FA cup's, 2 Premier Leagues, and 2 League Cups in the last eight seasons and the Editor has brainwashed everybody into thinking we've won nothing.

  26. Ron

    Aug 30, 2013, 15:01 #38504

    Ha ha Jamie, for once i agree with you. Only said on here yesterday that i reckon we ll turn the spuds over ironically. It will only be a temporary high though. As things stand, get a few months into this season and that squad will be on its knees (as were so used to). PS Flamini coming back makes sense though, credit due to the Proff. Hopefully he ll get games at LB. He was quiet accomplished there back in 06 ish. Better there than in mid field in my view, where he was always a bit of a headless chicken.

  27. Goongoonergone

    Aug 30, 2013, 14:55 #38503

    Another Wenger butt-sucking acolyte who has washed up on Online Gooner shores with some of his butt-sucking buddies helping themselves to some comments too.

  28. Paul

    Aug 30, 2013, 14:49 #38502

    Perhaps the writer of the article should read back on the onlinegooner perhaps 4,5,6 years ago - and then he would realise that this is an evolution, not something that people have had from birth. Poor article with the weakest points possible. Could discredit line by line but I'm far to angry with that nincompoop Wenger and cad Kroenke.

  29. jack

    Aug 30, 2013, 14:01 #38498

    this article is the perfect example of the fans ruining this club, wake the **** up to yourself, arsenal are the biggest joke in football at the moment

  30. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2013, 13:47 #38495

    @Ron. It has always given me great pleasure pointing the likes of yourself and our excitable young friend Marcus in the right direction, and maybe even rescuing you from your own foolishness. Remember too long on the dark side and you'll loose all sense of credibility and may turn into Peter Wain or Tony Evans. Can't wait till Sunday 'goonna' give those Spuds one hell of a beating got myself a great pro Wenger banner made up, which should get the nostrils pumping and the steam oozing from the ears of the AMG's (just love it). Also, nice to see you back BADARSE.

  31. Where's Wally is a Gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 13:13 #38492

    As I gave up my season ticket in 2009,after 35 years,I'd like to reassure you that I've not been brainwashed.I was in a small minority then that thought Wenger was a fraud.Nothing he's done since has changed my mind.I think the Gooner has become a forum for some fans to express their disbelief at what has gone on at our club.Well done to the Gooner for standing up for long standing supporters and not just swallowing the rubbish coming out of the club and those who they have brainwashed.

  32. theopants superstar

    Aug 30, 2013, 13:10 #38491

    'Ignorance' - the right word but used wrongly by the author. It's correct use would have been to describe those that still can't understand why a lot of gooners are angry and fed-up with what's happening at the club!!

  33. Yanto

    Aug 30, 2013, 13:04 #38490

    Yet another AKB who thinks wenker walks on water. The sooner the turnip is gone the better. he ONCE WAS a great manager, but he (like all things eventually come to) Is past his sell by date. WENGER OUT! GAZIDIS (Slimey Tw*t) Out! Kroenke (You'd think ithh all that mooney he could at least afford a decent Wig!) OUT!


    Aug 30, 2013, 12:58 #38489

    In his Press conference today Arsene said he will never panic buy. He should have been asked if Santos and Park were considered buys at the close of the 2011 window! To make a mistake is unfortunate to repeat it is unforgivable!

  35. Ron

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:58 #38488

    Now look what youve gone and done Mr L. Youve awoken 'Jamie' from his slumbers and as ever, he brings his insults and barbs with him, just as hes supposed to be packing his pens, books and his apple for his favourite teacher into his satchel ready for the Autumn term. Well done, just as we thought he was comotose or in a young offenders institution somewhere!

  36. Graham Simons

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:39 #38486

    First Flamini, now Bendtner - mark my words he'll sign free agent Gallas next and our total transfer expenditure will be £0

  37. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:36 #38485

    I honestly don't read newspapers - even the free ones. They're full of their own agendas and pieces from rent-a-quote ex players who will say anything they're told to in order to get a cheque. Therefore, I am not brainwashed by the media. I have eyes that can see the dross that Wenger delivers and I have a nose that can smell the rot. And man, does it it stink.

  38. What was the point in leaving Highbury?

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:21 #38483

    What is there to be positive about? Nothing until most of the management team from the owner to the complete idiot in charge have left the building. I read a lot of blog and go on various chat rooms/ forums. Hardly anyone wants Wenger in charge and most fans have gone beyond angry and are now resigned to our fate. Just please please please God dont let this fool of man get anothe rocntract

  39. John Gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:14 #38482

    @ George - Clubs that have a better champions league record than us: Liverpool, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Chelsea, AC Milan, Porto, Bayern Munich, Barcelona, Inter Milan. Wow, we've qualified 16 consequtive Champions league group stages, so f***ing what! Take your head out of the sand mate and stop making excuses for people who are paid more than we could ever dream of for failure.

  40. Red Member

    Aug 30, 2013, 12:12 #38481

    the fan base is now split to such an extent that whatever it takes WENGER MUST NOW GO!

  41. Ronster

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:57 #38479

    Jamie...it's 'would HAVE loved'...I suggest you cut back on the head banging.

  42. Kevin

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:57 #38478

    **Breaking News** No one wants that useless tosser Billy Bender so he is staying.A player who has been on loan for the last 2 seasons.Thats our 3rd signing of the summer.At least he is better than Sanogo.Wonder what Denilson is doing?

  43. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:56 #38477

    Jamie, I can think of no better illustration of your 'brainwashing' by Wenger than the fact you've now picked up his 'brainwashing' term. It's further illustrated by the fact that, despite months of people pointing out to you, you still can't tell the difference between being anti-Arsene and anti-Arsenal. Or perhaps that's just a sign of being a bit dim.

  44. Lance

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:53 #38476

    You're doing exactly the same thing my dad does: 'If we beat Man U 5-0 at Old Trafford ...' It's not going to happen, and it's not pessimistic to say that because it's the truth. Neither is it pessimistic to point out that we were promised big transfers and have got nothing; it's the truth. It's not pessimistic either to point out that we pay ridiculous prices to go to games; it's the truth. It's not pessimistic to point out that our owner has no real interest in the day-to-day running of the club; it's the truth ... I could go on! Being pessimistic means saying things like 'we're going to get relegated this season'. No-one's saying that. All people are doing is calling it as they see it.

  45. John Gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:52 #38475

    I dunno about negativity, I for one am very positive about the idea of Wenger leaving and our club realising its massive potential. It's very hard to be positive about alsoran mediocrity; maybe you have very low expectations in life Richard? Do you not see the irony in writing negatively about perceived negativity?

  46. FPGooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:31 #38470

    The articles on this website and some of the comments are some of the best I have seen on the web about Arsenal. This article, however, is a notable exception. It is poorly written, naive and has a tentative grip on reality. The writer cannot see the reason why fake bids are made. Someone could explain to the writer why this has been used as a tactic by Wenger to allay widespread fury at his intransigence at investing in players. Regarding the brainwashing, I am not prejudiced by the writer being a self-confessed Daily Mail reader (but may explain some of the views expressed), but the article does not seem to understand the anger at the Villa result. It is not about losing one match - it is about the lack of preparation for the new season in terms of tactics, players and coaching; it is also about the prospect about another year in the failed project of our current manager. Last point regarding negativity - Along with other Wenger apologists, the writer fails to understand the simple difference between contempt for Arsenal and contempt for Arsene Wenger; they are two very different entities. People on this site, including myself, love Arsenal but have total contempt for Wenger. My love for the club was there long before Wenger came and will be there long after Wenger goes. Wenger has been given five years more than any other clubs would have done. At what point will Wenger apologists admit that his presence is detrimental to the ambitions and aspirations of the club? Another year of not winning anything? 3? 5? 10? 20? Ask yourself at what point will you admit to yourself that his failure to win anything tests your patience? At what point will his arrogance and excuses test you? At what what point will his refusal to re-invest our money push you to say enough is enough? Will you subconsciously lower your expectations, so that as you now take great comfort that we have been in the CL for 16 years running, but you may soon lower it further and start saying that we have been in the top tier of English football since 1919? That is true brainwashing - being able to lower the collective ambition of a bunch of fans even as you enter the ninth year of failure and have not spent a penny on investment in the club despite charging the highest ticket prices in the UK. Brainwashing? He is a latter day Pied Piper of Hamlin. I wonder if these staunch apologists will follow him to PSG next year.


    Aug 30, 2013, 11:31 #38469

    JAMIE, So you bang your head against the wall too buddy, ha ha. Getting to hurt a bit now. Well done for constantly carrying the fight Gooner.

  48. Tony Evans

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:19 #38467

    Just wondering whether Mandy Dodd has had a sex change operation and is now calling herself Jamie! Mind you I don't think even Mandy was as blinkered as Jamie appears to be.

  49. Croker

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:18 #38466

    As an optimist, I can see each season that we are merely a few quality players short of having a side that can reach and win finals. That this situation continues for season after season is frustrating and the people that air those frustrations on these pages do so because they love this Club. It is worse this summer because Ivan Gazidis has gone public concerning the funds available to Le Boss thereby raising the hopes and dreams of all of us. There is no need to throw silly sums of money at marquee signings like Suarez and we should have started strengthening throughout the side when the window opened rather than seemingly pinning our aspirations on a few particular targets. If Arsenal's management do not want to see the side improve and get better each season, what is the point in going on? They don't have Russian Oligarch money or petro dollars money to shower on a wish list of talent but a reasonably competent manager supported by a professional scouting and recruitment network should be able to strengthen the Team with a few shrewd purchases. I've understood needing to live with the financial constraints imposed by the stadium funding for a good few years but there have been and still are some unfathomable goings on (or non events)in terms of player recruitment. I hope my faith in our glorious Club is rewarded in the next few days with some intelligent purchases but recent history and the pessimist in me warns me to prepare to be disappointed. Sorry if that's too negative for you Richard but I write from my red and white heart and from considering the evidence that has accumulated season by season and which is stacking up against the Ardenal management.


    Aug 30, 2013, 11:17 #38465

    I stopped posting a while ago, as it felt a bit like banging my head against a wall. Roughly the same two dozen or so, 'regime change' merchants pedal the same line. 'Regime changers' are to be wary of, at all times. They offer not unintelligent views, perhaps thirty per cent are articulate, and informative. These people impress me. The rest are less impressive. It's the repetition that stupefies me.Look at one negative poster, go back through the archives and you will see, roughly speaking, the same post reworked. It is embarrassing! Discussions do not follow these rules, leastways sensible ones shouldn't. Amongst the posts are veiled racist attitudes, 'Another French Div 2 player', or homophobic sneers, as in,'Tippy Tappy football', and 'lightweight'. What an archaic mentality! Insults by using acronyms,'AKB, OGL', etc. It is mindless, and Arsenal Football Club deserves better. Is the club making monkeys out of us? Of course, all big organisations do nowadays, and the same little poster saying, 'Yah, boo, I don't like you!', is not going to change matters. Alsace, not always do I agree with your postings, but I have deep respect for you, in the way you conduct yourself, especially your last comment. Take note of how it should be done posters. Richard, your article was good, and from the heart, I do struggle with the idea that you openly admit to reading the ' Lying Mail' though.

  51. Kenny

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:06 #38463

    Why arent Gooners dancing in the street and putting flowers in each others hair.We are so lucky to have a manager who gets paid £7.m a year for EIGHT years of failure,who cant find any players good enough for Arsenal except Sanogo and Flamini.I am amazed some fans still defend the fool.Dont get me wrong between 98 and 05 he was a great manager but how any can anyone defend the last eight years is beyond reason.I sometimes wonder how bad things have to get for the last remaining AKB's to see the light

  52. rippy

    Aug 30, 2013, 11:01 #38462

    sorry ...making excuses for a tired manager who thinks that the fans are an irritation.lets be 100% clear here arsenal fans are very patient compared to other big clubs. we dont throw our toys out of the pram at every defeat. this situation has built up over seasons and years. i actually cant bear listening to wenger now. the brain washing quote was pure ****e. anyone can see the squad needs strenghtening. does that make us poor supporters for pointing out the obvious? seriously love arsenal not arsene.

  53. Radfordmachine

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:47 #38461

    We don't know what has gone on behind the scenes with certain transfers but the fact is Arsenal haven't invested a penny on the team in the last 10 years. During this period we've been spun all sorts of nonsense from Wenger and Gazidis about ability to spend, etc. Still no change and that's the reason why a section of the fans don't believe Wenger and co anymore. You can only let someone down so many times. My view is Wenger sold his soul to the number crunchers years ago and does not represent the playing side of the club. His brief is maximum return for minimum investment and I can't wait til his scrawny neck is cut! Vive la revolution

  54. N4

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:47 #38460

    I stopped reading halfway but only to realise that why does it annoy you to read what you don't like. Since this is from your honest opinion then why not respect others opinion whether negative or not! Your explanations do not make any sense to except from being on the side of Wenger and he's fantastic board who until now has still hasn't come out and talk to the fans about any rubbish that they hear from outside!!! Wake up and smell the coffee!

  55. JAMIE

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:30 #38459

    The best and most truthful article I have read for some time (10 star from me). The trouble is it's like banging your head against the wall trying to get through to the brainwashed fools who all come out with the same media(papers/Talk Sport)dung. Sometimes I will hear or read an anti Arsenal or Wenger comment and within hours the half wit fans will be copying the saying. You couldn't make it up how influenced by society these people are with no thoughts or mind of their own. Adolf Hitler would of loved these types of people, that man was a master of media spin. I would say to the pessimist Arsenal fan to wake up watch the other top sides, I watch all the other big teams games and then you can judge the quality of Arsenal and I think you will find Arsenal play a far more expansive and exciting game than any of the other sides. I've always been a fan of the Gooner and read it more than any other site and will continue to no matter how negative it becomes, because I enjoy the banter and correcting those easily influenced, I also read Untold Arsenal who give the alternative views to most on this site. Wake Up Gooners and don't let the media drip feed you this anti Arsenal nonsense.

  56. chris dee

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:14 #38458

    Negativity? Up to a couple of years ago I would have agreed,I understood the need to sell players to pay the stadium etc etc. But now we are strong financialy and can buy top class players.We have to invest in players to compliment the players already have.I want the club to be challenging for the Premiership come April ,I want the club to mount a serious challenge for the Champions League and not s**t ourselves because we have been drawn in a tough qualifying group.I don't want our club to be left behind by the likes of Chelsea,it was sickening enough watching them win the Champions League. In short I want the club to sit at the same table as Real,Barca,AC Milan,Inter,United etc. Ambitious? F*****g right!If the people who run the club are not aiming for the top and are happy to piddle along then get set for another 10 years of hurt.

  57. Graham Simons

    Aug 30, 2013, 10:00 #38456

    Richard, 8 years without silverware and we finally have funds to spend - more money I may add than our North London neighbours if you believe some sources - and they are turning up as our guests on Sunday with an array of new signings while we have two free transfers bolstering our squad. Whatever the truth is about how we are doing our business the fact we haven't done any business means someone clearly isn't doing their job. This should have been the summer in which the first game against Villa was a cake walk in which Arsenal's new signings blew away the opposition while our fans watched on in their shiny new yellow away shirts adorned with the names of our new signings - instead it was a match I felt I had to leave early because I knew a booing was coming and I wanted no part of it. Lose to Spurs and the fans will boo Wenger - like it or not and the negativity will spiral to new heights. The saddest thing is it all could have been oh so different.

  58. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Aug 30, 2013, 9:47 #38454

    "As a frequent Daily Mail reader...." and that's where you lost me. Oh well, the first two paragraphs were quite interesting.

  59. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Aug 30, 2013, 9:43 #38453

    It's actually the other way around. There is nothing more negative than being supportive of the status quo at the club, of this manager, of this executive set up. Those being supposedly 'negative' actually want positive change at the club. And a lot of what you call 'negativity' is the simple pointing out of facts. Gazidis said once that if Wenger's relationship with the fans broke down he wouldn't be able to continue. So, let's continue to moan and complain about him, be 'negative' about him until he finally goes. Can't think of anything that would be more positive for the club than that.

  60. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:56 #38450

    Why do people start their replies" the worst article ever". I couldn't agree with the content of this article less, but people are entitled to their say which is something the AKB's have always failed to understand. George, Mr Wenger's failure is cumilative and he has gradually brought us to the weakened position where other clubs can jerk us around for the fun of it. I wonder whether their doing so might have anything to do with OGL throwing his weight about in the past. Mere conjecture I know but I just think of his tactics in poaching young players.

  61. Kane

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:53 #38449

    "If we beat the scum on Sunday and Liverpool/United play out a draw then we are 1 point of the lead after three games. Hardly a club in crises". THIS IS THE PROBLEM! Who cares where we are after 3 games played? What is it that makes you believe this squad can compete on 4 fronts and remain competitive throughout the season?

  62. Paul Ellam

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:46 #38448

    What a load of bull. I was furious with AW's Brainwashing comments & he has lost what little repect I had left for him. I can & do think for myself & have no interest in the media & the sh*t they spout. The arrogance of the man is unbelievable. So AFC are run like a business rather than a football club? Well tell me Mr W what sort of business would leave themselves with such limited resources? In business would you leave yourselves with just 1 salesmen, 1 person managing IT etc. Of course not, but Mr Arrogant is prepared to leave us with 1 centre back in the club. OK, Kos is fit again (thank God) but what the hell would we have done last week if Mertesacker was injured or sent off early on v Fulham? Yes, our first XI is good (but not good enough to challenge for the League) but we have nothing whatsoever in depth.

  63. SirThomasAbbott

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:32 #38447

    Negativity will always outweigh the positives online, you only have to look at a review site or a trip adviser. When people are not happy they complain, when they are they just soak up the optimism and keep quiet. Every single Arsenal fan on this planet wants new players, that is undeniable, we also deserve this however our club is not in disarray as many of the keyboard warriors dictate. If we beat the scum on Sunday and Liverpool/United play out a draw then we are 1 point of the lead after three games. Hardly a club in crises.

  64. Kane

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:30 #38446

    Unfortunately the writer of this article glosses over the problems at Arsenal and instead seeks to discredit those who have issue with the club right now. Dress it up any way you want. Arsenal scrapped 4th place last season and apart from the defeat of Tottenham at the Emirates, failed to beat a top 6 club home or away. We also finished around 20 points off of the league winners - a weak United team who won the league as they signed our talisman - Robin Van Persie. Every gooner I know, swore this must never happen again and Wenger, Ivan and co vowed to make this Summer the Summer of change, promising fans that if they renewed their season tickets, they would see a new stronger more competitive Arsenal. There are 3 days until the end of the transfer window and we have signed 2 players on free transfers and failed to sign any of our targets. In any other industry, this would be seen as disgusting and immoral behaviour, but as it is football, weak fans suck it up out of supposed loyalty to the brand. Our opening home game of the season was a 3-1 defeat to a club that was almost relegated last year, a team who Chelsea and Liverpool have both beaten comfortably since. None of the above is "negitivity" - it is FACT. I, like most gooners - simply want the club I love to be competitive again - I will fight to highlight the deficiencies at the club and those in place who I believe are preventing us from progressing. Why are you so willing to sit back and watch the demise of our once great club - without putting up a fight, without making your disgust known? Or is being the 4th best team in the country, having no hope of winning the league or ECL and having an owner, board and manager who openly lie to the fans and sit on cash reserves of 70m good enough for you?

  65. Harshil Kachhawa

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:29 #38445

    Not that i don't agree with what all wrote. But the media and the fans are not amateurs mate. Just look at the other side and you'll see Man Utd not spending a penny this season as well but the reason why their fans trust the non-spending is trophies. Though i agree that 1 loss should not direct everything against the club but the thing with our club is that we have not won anything for the last 8 years now and we were not in contention to win it for a long time now. If Wenger wants to shut everyone down then he has to win something. If he feels that he has the perfect squad then we should prove it by trophies and not words. People see clubs spending 100m and compare them to us, i don't do that but i wait for a whole season for Wenger to prove he is right but that is not happening for almost a decade now.

  66. George

    Aug 30, 2013, 8:24 #38443

    you guys don't get it, Arsenal went after Gonzalo Higuain, they even had personal terms set up, and a fee agreed to between Real Madrid and Arsenal, then for some unknown reason, Real backs out and raises the price on Higuain, if someone sell you an item for £20, then changes it's mind and raises it to £30, you'd be ****ed off. As for Suarez, Pere Guardiola, Suarez's agent told Arsenal about the clause, and they made the bid, Liverpool balked at it and said the clause is only to inform Suarez, first set the price equal to Cavani at £53m and then tried to raise at Bale's £85m price tag. Did Arsenal really make a bid for Bernard of Athletico Miniero, no. Did Arsenal make a bid for Luiz Gustavo, yes they did, they offered more than Wolfsburg, but Luiz Gustavo wanted to stay in Germany, you can't force someone to come to the Premiership even if you offer him more money and made a bigger bid. Arsene Wenger was right, what did Luis Suarez say during his transfer saga, 'I want to play champions league football.' You can't attract marquee signings if you're not in the champions league. After they beat Fenerbahce, now they're more active in the transfer market, will they tell you who they bid, no, and why, because if they announce it, other clubs will hijack the bids, especially the sugar daddy ones, PSG's Laurent Blanc transfer plan is to outbid Arsene Wenger on any player he might be interested in. In terms of the so-called last minute bids, how do you know that Ivan Gazidis and Arsene Wenger didn't have a meeting with Florentino Perez, and Carlo Ancelloti in Monaco before and after the draw, The Champions league draw is where club owners meet to discuss transfers in private, face to face setting away from the tabloid media. Arsenal makes most of it's transfer business on the last week of the Transfer window, as they have for the past 8 years. I say stop being negative, have a look at the team's history and compare it to the Graham years, and the other coach's before George Graham and see where the club ended up, with the exception of Herbert Chapman(wish pnuemonia didn't kill him while he was making a championship dynasty out of Arsenal), Arsenal has been consistant in the upper echelon of english football, what more do you want? we are now 16 straight years in the champions league group stage, only Real Madrid and Manchester United have longer active streaks, as for the group stage, Dortmund fans tweeted how they dread playing Arsenal, Napoli fans didn't want to play Arsenal either, both teams wanted easier opponents, if the haters and the nega-arsenal fans want to say Arsenal will crash into the Europa league, they need to remember the last time that happened, Arsenal ended up in the UEFA cup final, nuff said

  67. chris

    Aug 30, 2013, 7:26 #38442

    Dear author of this piece, u can see it is a waste of time to write anything positive about arsenal because majority of us are negative within ourselves. It feels so bad to think we haven't make any bids. Some people are just senseless. Great write up though

  68. Dave

    Aug 30, 2013, 7:18 #38441

    None so blind as those who will not see! If you cannot see through the lies, the deceit, the intransigence, the stubborn immovability, the impertinence, the sheer criminal consequences of inaction, you are too blind for anyone to take seriously.

  69. Stonroy

    Aug 30, 2013, 7:13 #38440

    I'm sorry but neither of you are right, it's more something in the middle. Arsenal is a great club, very well run and with these new contracts with Puma and Emirates we're in a great position. HOWEVER, Wenger has been criminally negligent this summer. Look at Tottenham, they have handled this summer extremely well because all the power is not in one mans hands. Unfortunately I feel Wenger is the problem here and should leave after this final year. There is nothing that you could say to me that would make me think he's handled this summer anything short of being worthy of a sacking, I don't care who he buys in the final minutes of the transfer market. I agree the press have it in for him and Arsenal but he gives them all the ammunition they need.

  70. Steve Bould

    Aug 30, 2013, 7:08 #38439

    Big thumbs down to this article. You refuse to clearly mention why Wenger starts a transfer window saying that they are definitely in the market for players, then it dwindles down to finding players with a very specific requirement and then finally when it ends, he declares that there were no players better than what he had for the right price. That's four lies in total and it has been happening for more than three years now. His opinion of the right price is ridiculously low and sometimes ridiculously high too. He'd pay a Marouane Chamakh 75000 PPW on wages alone, yet penny-pinch and delay contract talks when Flamini and Cole were up for talks. There's no forgiving Arsenal's wage bill either, so it's never a question of lacking money. For players like Chamakh and Diaby, Arsene has spent over 15 million pounds on wages, these players have contributed almost zero. The whole model is not sustainable. It's baffling and even fans are aware of the whole situation.

  71. spencer george eie gooner

    Aug 30, 2013, 7:04 #38438

    mr wenger do yourself and arsenal a big big favour a f off we have had a enough of your lies over the last 8 years of hurt and to all you mickey mouse fans who say in a wenger we trust you can all f off as well you clueless mugs in wenger we rust not trust get him out now

  72. lekan daramola

    Aug 30, 2013, 6:57 #38437

    Arsenal will beat the noisy neighbors 2-1

  73. Amos

    Aug 30, 2013, 6:55 #38436

    Negativity is always more vocal than positivity. If you're ok with the way the club is being run then you'll probably only feel the need to make a noise on matchdays. Some football sites encourages that negativity in much the same way that phone in radio programmes will seek to incite listeners to call in - and this isn't known as the Online Groaner for nothing.

  74. Frank

    Aug 30, 2013, 6:52 #38435

    One of the worst articles ever.We are the 3rd richest club in the world and havent spent one penny.As for fake bids if we really wanted Suarez bid £50m plus not a fee Liverpool were never going to except.£40m plus a pound was embarassing for a club like Arsenal.The reason why there is negativity is we scrapped into 4th place and have not improved on bit.The club has become a laughing stock.Wenger says we will only sign Super Super quality so we sign Sanogo and Flamini

  75. Dan

    Aug 30, 2013, 6:48 #38433

    Grat article mate that's what I've been saying to other fans these last few weeks

  76. Benglian

    Aug 30, 2013, 6:42 #38432

    The reason The Gooner only receives negative input...is because the positive Arsenal fans, like me, have stopped reading it. This is not to say that The Gooner doesn't cater to a section of the Arsenal 'support', but in football, as in life, we tend to want to read opinions that agree with our own. I didn't like the negativity of The Gooner...so I stopped reading it, simple as that.