Arsenal and Spurs Q and A

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Arsenal and Spurs Q and A

I love football me. Big Spurs Fan.
Are you?
Yes. Can’t wait to play at the Olympic Stadium.
But you’re not. You lost the bid.
Did we? But I thought we bugged the -
That’s enough.
Sorry. Where is the ground then?
White Hart Lane.
But we’ve got one there already. Why do we need another one?
For Champions League Football.
But we’re not in the Champions League. We finished fifth.
Although I do recall White Hart Lane celebrating Newcastle’s equaliser against Arsenal that meant we moved up to fourth on the last day of the season.
So do I.

Bah. Anyway we still have glorious memories of the night we beat Inter Milan, when Gareth Bale scored that hattrick in the San Siro.
You lost the game 4-3.
Did we? Funny I don’t seem to remember that.
Nor do many other Spurs fans.
But the Champions League needs us. Jose Mourinho told us that when we played at the Bernabeu.
Just after they beat you 4-0.
You’re just bitter cos you’re not in the Champions League.
We are. And have been for the last 16 seasons.
But you haven’t won it like Chelsea.
Ahh Chelsea. The poor relations of London. A club without a history.
At least that’s one thing we can agree on. I must say I’m looking forward to seeing Gareth Bale play this weekend.
He’s not playing.
He’s got a buttock injury. And he’s sulking because he wants to go to the Bernabeu.
But he went when we lost 4-0.
He wants to play there.
I suppose that would be a first.
So, about Bale…
Yes, he’s a Tottenham legend. At least he’ll knuckle down and give his all unless Daniel Levy decides to sell him for the highest price.
Well actually he’s sulking and not talking to anyone to try and engineer a move.
That’s nonsense. Who told you that?
Andre Villa Boas. Your manager.
Harry’s not there anymore then?
No he left the summer after his court case.
For England?

What do you think of Adebayor?
Adebayor. Hate the Arsenal ****. Lazy, mercenary, only plays well till he’s signed a long term contract.
He plays for you.
Does he?
After he signed a four year deal for £12 million on £80,000 a week plus substantial signing on fee.
But I thought Daniel Levy had a reputation of being a tough negotiator.
That’s what you tell us. Continually.
Oh well. At least we’ve got our glorious history. Unlike Arsenal or Chelsea.
Actually Arsenal have won the league at White Hart Lane as many times as Spurs.
But we’ve always had a history of glorious players and attacking football.
Was it under Doug Livermore?
Used to be Spurs manager. Along with Ray Clemence in 1992. And with Trevor Hartley in 1987.
Oh. Talking of 1987 didn’t we get to Wembley that year?
You did. Chas n Dave brought out a single for the 1987 Cup Final called ‘Hot Shot Tottenham’. One of the lines was ‘Seven times we won the cup/Now number eight is coming up’. It didn’t. You lost to Coventry City.
Still. The kit was good that year wasn’t it. Sponsored by Holtsen Pils as well.
Well to a point. Only half the team wore tops with the sponsor’s name on. The kit man was sacked soon after.
Was it Trevor Hartley?
Stop it.

Anyway I thought David Pleat was manager at Wembley?
He was. He only left after he appeared on the front page of the Sun with the headline ‘Spurs Boss Caught Kerb Crawling’.
At least we are a honourable institution who is a real community neighbour to the residents of N17.
Well up to a point.
What do you mean?
Haringey council has agreed to drop the original provision for affordable homes contained within the £400 million regeneration plans for the new Stadium and surrounding area. Their planning committee gave the green light to amended plans for the Northumberland Development Project submitted by Tottenham Hotspur. Under section 106 agreements in the original proposals, the regeneration would have provided 200 new homes – 100 of which would be ‘affordable’. This was subsequently ditched and the new outline planning application proposed 285 flats – all for sale on the open market.
Who cares about the locals. They’ll only be smashing up the area soon.
They did. In 2011. As a protest against the dichotomy between between a rich football club on the doorstep of one of the most socially deprived areas in the UK.
Just proves are fans are harder than yours.
That’s what it’s all about isn’t it.
Well at least Spurs are a dignified football club.
Well up to a point.
Here we go again. What do you mean?
During the immortal Littlewoods League Cup Semi Final of 1987 at White Hart Lane, when Arsenal were one nil down at half time the man on the Spurs tannoy announced how Tottenham fans could purchase their cup final tickets. Arsenal won 2-1. Spurs fans may deny this. But it is true. I was there and heard it with my own ears.
Pah! That’s ancient history. Not like Gazza scoring that free kick against you at Wembley in 1991. There’s nothing you can say to that is there?
You’re right. He was on fire that day. But I do still have a t-shirt with a picture of Justin Edinburgh crying inconsolably after the 1993 FA Cup Semi Final defeat to the Gunners at Wembley a mere two years later.

Not interested. Anyway, we’ve always been a progressive club. Alan Sugar said so.
Was that before he passed on signing Denis Bergkamp, preferring instead to berate a mythical player known as Carlos Kick-a-ball?
Look. He’s an astute businessman. And he never gets fleeced.
What about the £2 million compensation package he had to pay Christian Gross after he sacked him only months into the job.
Christian Gross. You know. Came with a big reputation to his first press conference at Tottenham. He also came by tube. Talked of Harry Hotspur. And jealousy. Well we thought it was the word jealousy. What he was actually saying was Chelsea. Who he lost to 6-1. In his first game. At White Hart Lane.
£2million is petty cash to a man like Sir Alan.
Talking of petty cash. Do you remember when Manu Petit talked to Spurs out of courtesy? And then got Spurs to pay for a cab out of petty cash straight to Arsenal where he signed immediately?
What about us giving you David Bentley, Rohan Ricketts, Jamie O’Hara and Terry Neill as manager.
And who have we given you?
Sol Campbell. Who won the league twice with the double in 2002.
Ha! That’s ages.
Almost as long as 1961.
I’m sorry?
Don’t apologise it’s not your fault.
What, on being a Spurs fan? Never. “Ohhhhh wheeeeennnnn da Spuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrssss goooooo maaaaaaaarching iiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn……”

Follow Layth on Twitter@laythy29

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 01, 2013, 22:47 #38706

    Paul Adams, i know with wenger it's me me me, but i thought this was supposed to be a team game, but at least we know what team you support.

  2. Paul Adams

    Sep 01, 2013, 18:00 #38702

    We were brilliant today. Spuds have spent 105 million,but we had the desire. Well done Arsene!

  3. WITD

    Sep 01, 2013, 12:33 #38692

    I bet the girl on the left is undefeated at arm wrestling.


    Sep 01, 2013, 9:31 #38668

    Well said Alsace! Don Howe was a master.

  5. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 01, 2013, 8:54 #38665

    Do you mean the Don Howe who was resposible for one and partially responsible for a second impregnable defence in the club's history? Do I wish he was manager, no. Do I wish he was coaching the defence, absolutely right.


    Sep 01, 2013, 8:11 #38656

    No, I'm Spartacus! er, JAMIE. By the way interloper, you are a real 'rib - tickler'. I suppose occasionally you take yourself by surprise by suddenly looking in the mirror and shouting, 'Boo!' I bet you are a riot to be with when you've had a drink. Dancing on tables, falling off, spilling beer on people. Still, enjoy. Oh, guess what? We've twigged you're not really JAMIE.

  7. Wenger is still the Daddy

    Aug 31, 2013, 23:17 #38635

    Am I right in thinking the skinny guy in the picture is the leader of the Black Scarf Movement.

  8. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 23:07 #38634

    The two Spud girls in the picture were tonight seen heading off to the West End with a couple of AMG's to the Pink Pussy Cat bar where they will spend a licentious evening praising up the Spuds and slagging off everything Arsenal.

  9. DW Thomas

    Aug 31, 2013, 22:39 #38632

    Oh boy! We beat Spurs, then what? We will still not possibly challenge for trophies with the lack of depth we have. I worry about players like Jack, Santi, and Sagna among others being run into the ground because Wenger thinks we're good enough. It is not and never has been a question of buying because every other good club does. It is a question of giving the team a larger depth to really compete. They sure have "excited" us fans haven't they!? Two days to go and Bendtner is our "new" big striker. A total shambles.

  10. Lance

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:54 #38629

    Daniel Levy's not as clever as he thinks he is: he's been delaying the Bale move to make it more difficult for us to raid the Real Madrid squad, but he's completely ignored the fact that there's no chance of us signing anyone from Real Madrid anyway because the club is currently being run by a group of monkeys sitting at typewriters. He could have got Bale off the books weeks ago and saved his club a few hundred grand in wages! Idiot!

  11. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 19:15 #38618

    Tony, your spot on, there was a time when winning honors doing doubles and breaking proper records were the norm for Arsenal and the most important thing, and we used to swat the spuds and teams like them aside as an inconvenience. Now our expectations have been lowered so much by wenger that a game against the spuds is the highlight of the season (apart from finishing fourth) and is now treated like you say as a cup final by all the JCL's, tourists, and wengerites who don't care about real silverware. Sad indeed.

  12. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 19:11 #38617

    Post41417. Your obviously a fat balding duffer who wishes Don Howe was still in charge. I know you wish you were me so I forgive you for using my name. I bet the two spud girls in the picture are the type of chicks who you have over at the weekend.

  13. Alsace Lorraine De Totteridge

    Aug 31, 2013, 19:02 #38616

    Yes Jamie, anyone who wants Wenger out is a secret spurs fan. It's not the stupidest thing that you have said I suppose. The Mirror correspondent considers that D Levy Esq is keeping the Bale Transfer hanging out until the last minute until OGL cannot possibly sign the players who become surplus to requirements upon his arrival at Real Madrid. If it's true then the friendship which formerly existed between the clubs, if not the fans must be a busted flush. However annoying Totteringham Hotspurs may be on or off the field, they are not the main target. Wenger must go. However I do not believe that there are any circumstances in which the AKB's will accept his dismissal. We could be playing in the Conference and they would still believe. Things look very rosy for Spurs and are likely to remain so while OGL remains in situ. There are 48 hours to go to the closure of the window. Spurs have spent £100 million apprently sensibly and we have spent not one penny. Please Jamie, how do you twist those facts round to a positive outcome for AFC? Your continued support of OGL is in fact pro-Tottenham. You may not wear a sick chicken blalancing upon a basketball next to your skin at bedtime, but you are good news for those who do.

  14. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 18:20 #38611

    I find all the AKB's to be pretty hideous with their wobbly bellies and bald pates and ugly faces. Plenty of mirrors in my flat.

  15. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 17:31 #38610

    Funny how a lot of the Wenger out never criticize the Spuds, I wonder why that could be?

  16. ppp

    Aug 31, 2013, 16:40 #38607

    Excellent article! Much better from the gooner. Love all the responses from the desperate spuds. Clutching at straws, they really are the most deluded fools in all of football history. The hilarious truth is they're probably keeping arsene in his job at the moment. We might be a bit dodgy at the moment but we always get to laugh at the bitter, teeth gnashing spurters. We're spoiled!

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 15:04 #38603

    Good one Layth you can almost see the spuds fans walking around with the blank bubble above their heads. FOREVER IN OUR SHADOW.

  18. John Gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 14:20 #38600

    Don't the scum have their own websites to comment on?


    Aug 31, 2013, 12:39 #38590

    Amusing Layth, thanks.

  20. Tony

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:28 #38589

    Sadly the modern day JCL's have become like Spuds fans.A game that used to be taken for granted and an easy 3 points has now turned into our cup final.Just like it was the Spuds cup final year after year since GG became our manager.Beat Spurs and everything is well at the club.Beating the Spuds is now celebrated as much as a 4th place finish

  21. Our 'enry

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:46 #38577

    You made me laugh, even as a spurs fan. I like that!

  22. Lincoln

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:14 #38572

    Very good Layth! Unfortunately (unless signings of quality are made), it may be us Gooners kicking around on Thursday nights next season. I, for one, will therefore cheering London's fourth biggest club all the way in the Europa Cup. Can you imagine? We finish fifth and Spurs win an extra Champs Lge place for winning Europa Cup. Has a sweet sound to it, don't you think? See you at game on sunday.

  23. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:11 #38571

    Why are all Spuds fans so strange looking? I think it's a good thing basically as it keeps their numbers down. Mind you the AMG's are also pretty hideous with their wobbly bellies and bald pates and red faces. Maybe we could transfer them to the Spuds then they'd really have something to moan about.

  24. Tspurs1

    Aug 31, 2013, 9:40 #38564

    How boring , love the fact all the goners are writing nervous comments, we will be getting stronger and stronger this season and your bunch just can't buy a player just freebies Just love the nervous goners.

  25. snarklife

    Aug 31, 2013, 9:16 #38563

    Doffs cap. Nice to see some wit for a change. COYS.

  26. Founded1882

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:55 #38559

    Great article with lots of funny references. Typical attack from a **** scared bully. Looking back is all you are good for. COYS!!!!!!!!

  27. Steve

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:47 #38557

    very amusing. As a Spurs fan who quite likes Arsenal (there are some of us) i found this not atall bitter and very funny. Sunday will be interesting to say the least, I think Wenger might be clutching at straws when he says it will take a long time for the new players to bed in. What you will find is that this season Spurs will be difficult to beat, and will not suffer if (when) they get a few injuries, not sure the same can be said about the gunners.

  28. Danny Carter

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:45 #38556

    Mind the gap ?

  29. Theo

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:43 #38555

    This is weak

  30. Mcspur

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:40 #38552

    Little club syndrome.expressed in words.

  31. Colin Stuart-Campbell

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:30 #38550

    Not difficult to discern the perspective of the writer of this is it. As a Spurs fan I do not find it difficult to acknowledge Arsenal have had a winning formula for many years. Empires rise and eventually crumble, it is probably hard to see the slow dismemberment of your club. There is no need to take your anger out on us, we at least have always been positive (with some grumpy exceptions on either side) , no matter how the odds have been stacked in your favour. You may find it more practical to redirect you vitriol at the people that are harming you, we are merely competition (and before you deny that .. 1 point? you can't get closer competition than that).

  32. ****field General

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:30 #38549

    As a Spurs fan I found this a good read and a nice bit of banter. Don't take it too seriously, if you sniff around you'll find plenty to take the piss out of any club. COYS!

  33. Lodatz

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:21 #38545

    Worried about Sunday, I see.

  34. Ceebee

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:17 #38543

    So bitter, so jealous, so sad.....

  35. Jduds

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:15 #38542

    Lolz. It's funny how hard all arsenal fans are talking what's going on right now. We are all looking to the future and now you are the ones holding on to the past. A team in a rusting decline x