Mash the Spuds

Arsenal are playing Spurs at just the right time

Mash the Spuds

We all know that our lack of transfer activity this summer has been quite farcical while Tottenham look set to have broken their transfer record for the third time this summer (by the end of today) with the capture of Erik Lamela for £30m despite their failure to qualify for the Champions league for the last 16 consecutive seasons. I also hear that the Spuds from up the road are close to signing Christian Eriksen from Ajax which I must say brought a lump to my throat and a tear to my eye because he is a player that I rate quite highly and would have loved to have seen him in an Arsenal shirt one day. Yes It's frustrating, Yes It's depressing and we feel like we are all being taken for a ride by the club that we all adore but we have no choice but to carry on supporting the team with all of our Gooner hearts even if we have taken the difficult decision to withdraw our financial support from the club.

I feel a lot better now that I've given up my £1,500 season ticket and I'm no longer contributing to the ever burgeoning cash reserve at Arsenal P.L.C. but, I can't help but wish the team well, after all it's not the fault of our players that the board and Manager refuse to strengthen the squad. Many of our players have actually been quite vocal about our need for new signings and they should be applauded for their efforts.

The good news is that with Tottenham signing so many new players in the last two summer transfer windows they have had relatively little time to gel into a potent attacking force, as of yet, and it is for that reason that Arsenal should be thanking their lucky stars that the North London derby is taking place so early on in the season. Tottenham have yet to score a single goal from open play in the premiership so far while we have scored four in our games against Aston Villa and Fulham not to mention the five that we put past Fenerbache over two games.

Tottenham look like they are going to be a tough team to score against this season with Dawson and Vertonghen looking solid in central defence while Capoue, Dembele and Paulinho have the attributes to offer decent defensive cover from central midfield but, fortunately for us, It looks as though they are struggling to provide adequate service for the dangerous Roberto Soldado because Andre Villas-Boas is building a whole new team and is concentrating on making them harder to beat than they have been in previous seasons, putting defensive discipline and organisation before attacking flair. Tottenham will of course score a fair amount of goals this season with players like Soldado, Defoe, Lamela and possibly Eriksen in their team but there is little evidence so far to suggest that they offer as much going forward as we do at this moment in time.

Losing Lukas Podolski and Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain to injury has no doubt put a dent into our attacking options from the bench but we still have Walcott, Giroud, Cazorla and the steadily improving Aaron Ramsey who are all more than capable of putting the ball into the back of the net so, as long as we can keep it tight at the back we should be alright against a Tottenham side who are still to gel into a completely cohesive unit. Of course it's easier said than done and Arsene Wenger hasn't exactly made life easy for himself by refusing to sign a centre half or a holding midfielder but, as long as we can continue to score goals freely we should be able to beat Tottenham by a goal or two.

Danny Rose has been starting at left back for the Spuds in the last couple of games and he is the only weak link that I can identify in their defensive unit, mainly due to his relative inexperience more than anything else. If Theo Walcott wants to justify his £100,000 a week wages to the Arsenal faithful he will have no better chance than this Sunday to do it because, Danny Rose is no Evra, Cole or Baines and to put it quite frankly, If Theo can't run a few rings around a very raw and inexperienced left back like Danny Rose then his use to Arsenal as a right sided attacker should be up for urgent review. I would like to see Cazorla and Theo swap sides during this game (at times) to confuse the opposition and allow Theo to cut inside on his right foot while also allowing our gifted Spaniard the chance to humiliate Rose on the right but, as it's never happened before I don't expect Wenger to try this during the game.

Olivier Giroud has been in fine form this season and looks to have lost a bit of weight over the summer making his movement much sharper and if he can pull on to Dawson rather than Vertonghen at set pieces then I fancy him to have the beating of the Englishman in the air. I hope that Jack, Tomas and Aaron are all fully fit and firing for this one because we will need them to press Tottenham's midfield and win the ball back quickly as well as to provide the front three with enough ammunition to maintain our record of scoring five goals against the Spuds every time they rock up at the Grove with the silly idea that THEY are somehow better than US. Not yet they aren't.... Not yet.

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    Sep 01, 2013, 12:20 #38690

    JAMIE, I hope you do care what this particular poster calls you. I regard you as a little warrior, and am very amused and supportive of your words. I do not agree with some of what you say, but that generally has to do with the way you couch your arguments; in terms of principle I stand alongside all you say. Voltaire, a man a bit brighter than both of us, (not a French Div.2 player), said, 'I may not agree with what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it!' Kind of says what you were saying, doesn't it?

  2. JAMIE

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:32 #38687

    Look there's a lot more of you (unhappy) posting on this site than there is of us (happy) posting on this site. I couldn't care what anybody calls me, as I believe in free speech and if people don't like what I say that's their problem, I make my assumptions by what I see and hear not by what the latest media saying is like you people. Remember it was you people who first had a beef against those who are pro-Wenger and started calling us AKB's and tourists. If you think we're just going to lye down and be bullied by the loudmouth protestors think again mister.

  3. Jumpers for Goalposts

    Sep 01, 2013, 11:02 #38682

    JAMIE - if you took your car to your local garage and they charged you top dollar, but lied to you and kept on messing up the repairs, leaving you broken down on every A road or motorway - would you ----- A) Keep going back to a greedy and failing organisation out of blind loyalty or ----- B) Demand that they provided a better service in return for the huge amount of money you and other customers paid in, thereby providing them with a fabulous standard of living. Your loyalty to Arsenal is admirable mate but it is also massively mis-placed. Being "loyal" to a failing regime does NOT make you a better fan than the man next to you . . . . .


    Sep 01, 2013, 7:58 #38651

    @Alpha6bw, the reactions of one poster to another often is fuelled by an irritated sense of justification. That's the nature, sadly, of these websites. They are artificial strands of communications, and need to be regarded as such. Once understood they only then become a tiny bit more useful. The key aspect is the lack of respect shown to each other, which separates. I try really hard to ensure personal insults never enter my vocabulary. So as a member of this fictional group, ' super fans', I offer a 'clan' apology. Though isn't, "so called super fans", a little demeaning? You see insult begets insult. If a group of Gooners met, say in a train, they would chat, speak of alternative views but it would be hardly likely to descend into a fray. If the discussion headed that way, I would head the other! I began posting in recent times, engaged in head-to-head debates and enjoyed them, learning different facets of the topic. Then the subject came around again, and again, and again! I baled out. Enough! I stopped, but have had a rethink and am now posting again but in a different fashion. I will not continually kick the dead dog of a theme, but I will offer my own personal sense of logic from time to time. You obviously are an Arsenal fan, probably react much like me buddy. We just have to try to keep it real with the actions, and subsequential reactions.

  5. Alpha6bw

    Sep 01, 2013, 1:47 #38639

    @ Jamie and all you other so called "super Fans" hang your heads in shame calling your fellow Arsenal Supporting Brothers names such as Glory Hunters, Anti Arsenal and brain washed and then add the worst insult of "Go and support Sp*rs" No REAL Arsenal supporter For or Against Wenger should EVER say that to a fellow gooner to side with the enemy (Sp*rs)just because they don't share your point of view is nothing more than Sickening! A win would only fuel Wenger Ego saying that our depleted squad can challenge for the title (Which is a lie and a slap in the face to anyone's intelligence) and no need for new quality players which means we'll have to rely on what available players we have until January's Transfer Window! It should never had to come to a loss against that lot to know the team is not good enough and is unacceptable as the Arsenal IS A BIGGER CLUB than Sp*rs, Wenger and the board should be finding solutions to whatever is holding this great club back because last time I checked Losers used excuses and Sp*rs most famous excuse is "When we have our first 11 we can beat anyone on the day" which LOSERS like them USE We Are ARSENAL not Sp*rs so if Wenger and the board cannot push this club to a higher level then Wenger and the current board should leave it to another manager and new boardroom. Before someone says we should be throwing money around like confetti I.E Manchester City, Manchester United and Chelsea Arsenal title winning sides were built by shrewd purchase of experience Players outside of the club and bringing good players from the academy to learn from, this was against teams that had a lot money most notably Liverpool (the 1980's were at Liverpool height of winning league titles until 1989) and Manchester United in the 1990's and the first decade of the 21st Century when Fergie bought the likes of Veron for 28 million Van Niselrooy for 19 Million and Rio for 30 million and WE STILL WON THE League in 2001 - 2002 and 2003-2004 so hiding behind the excuse of we now have to spend stupid amounts of money to the win the league is nothing more than a cop out when Arsenal never did that in the first place to WIN Trophies!

  6. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 31, 2013, 22:04 #38630

    Jamie, by your logic we mustn't celebrate victory "victim glory hunter" but must not complain in defeat as it is Treason" Would you like to tell us what to say and when? I'm debating whether you are more cult aka "David Koresh" Davidian or ultra controlling Stalinist party Cadre type. Either way it takes all sorts.

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 31, 2013, 21:49 #38628

    Arsene Knows Best, You're right great idea, half empty stadiums are brilliant , Kronke will crap himself and either sell up or sack Wenger. Both are very good options in my book. Cheers for the sensible suggestion.

  8. WITD

    Aug 31, 2013, 20:32 #38620

    mancster. Bugger off to your northern swamp.RVP at Arsenal was just another player,but at the home of hoof he's your main man. I can't see you lot getting out of the group stages this year with the bug eyed sky baller in charge. Still should be a good one when you and the Spuds meet up for your annual rugby match.

  9. Mancster

    Aug 31, 2013, 19:58 #38619

    Oh dear,are we getting worried? Worried the South London team will be beaten by the(true)north London team. The truth is barring Rose, Tottenham are stronger in all other positions. I'm sure that Europa team will know to watch for the runs of Walcott. You mention swapping wings with Carzola, but that would mean putting Walcott up against Walker. This is pointless, as proved in the victory at the Lane Walker will outstrip Walcott all day. He's also a hell of a lot stronger than walker. Ramsey, Wiltshire and Tomas stand no chance up against the might of Paulinho, Capoue and Dembele. Look at what Dembele did to our team (the champions). What chance a weak midfield trio? This ones ending 0-3. And Paulinho is scoring two of those.

  10. Wenger is the Daddy

    Aug 31, 2013, 16:55 #38608

    We'll smash those Spuds. I can't stand those dreamers with their made up history,their passionless ****ty long ball football.Their geeky specky fans,their pig ugly women and their tiny swamp toilet for a ground.

  11. barloo

    Aug 31, 2013, 14:18 #38599

    Jamie dont worry im sure your 16th birthday is not far away and you will be allowed to go the games soon on your own with your friends ....

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 14:17 #38598

    Joe, you can be dammed sure any player we the fans rate highly or want you'll not see in an arsenal shirt OGL will see to that, because as we know he listens to no one and will not be told what to do even if it is for the good of the club. Now if it was an unknown who nobody had ever mentioned or heard off and cheap, and maybe injury prone that would be a different matter he'd snap him up, and if by some miracle he did become good OGL would be able to take the glory himself without having to share it with anybody. Yes it's about time the 100k a week man started earning his over inflated salary, mind you we've been saying that since it was awarded. As usual he's been talking a good game again ahead of the NLD lets hope he puts it into practice for a change. We'll mash the spuds tomorrow alright as usual, and it'll be no thanks to wenger and we'll keep supporting Arsenal FC no matter what happens, as i'm sure others will continue to support arsene fc.


    Aug 31, 2013, 14:04 #38597

    @Miami,number13, a good and well balanced post.

  14. Torbay gooner

    Aug 31, 2013, 14:04 #38596

    Miami number 13, with the greatest respect think that you may have wandered on to the wrong site, so just toddle off back to planetspurs there's a good chap.

  15. Miami, number 13

    Aug 31, 2013, 13:13 #38593

    Here's a Spurs take on your comments........... You make some very good points there Joe. We have spent a lot of money rapidly ala the Rent Boys from West London and Man ****ty. Suddenly we are a 'Buy success at any cost club?' That disturbs me and it does not sit comfortably as I want to see Spurs bring through youth from the academy and do it the honest way. But sadly the game as we knew it is pretty much ****ed. Clubs have always bought players but since a one season wonder on a smaller scale at Blackburn Abramovich came in and polluted the game. Well, actually the break away and formation of the premier league nailed a significant length of metal into the coffin lid. But the corrupt and dirty Russian changed the structure of the transfer market and the wages paid simply because he could afford to. If you dig deeper you will become aware of how Chelsea is a convenience for him. Dirty? He cannot be cleansed. Then Man City entered the fray and now we are making moves. It must be murdering you lot to suffer what is happening. You have the new stadium, you're filling it and they are trousering a lot of your hard earned. Yes, you are continuously dining out at Europes top table, but you are coming up short. I only see two realistic contenders in Europe. The rent boy, because the Russian will throw money at it, and Man Ure because they are good enough to be up there. That said, I see it being either Barca or Bayern. I believe that on paper we are now better than you. We have closed the gap, we have been chipping away at you long enough. But it will take this season to prove it. For me this game has come too early in the season. If you are honest you are not all that these days, but you are a unit that is together, wheras we are a team in transition. We signed three more yesterday! None of which I expect to make their debuts tomorrow. We are still bonding. It is that which causes me concern. We will not be firing on all cylinders yet. It is the timing of this game as much as you at home that may give you the victory. But if we can start servicing Soldado in that final third he can destroy you. He is very good, but thus far we have not been able to get the ball to him. Oh and of course we have no Bale to tear you a new arsehole lol. This must surely be a significant season for Wenger. If there are no magic rabbits pulled out of the hat before midnight on Monday and you are sliding by xmas then January will be your spending time to rescue your season. But if as I hope, come the end of the season you are scraping for a uefa cup spot around 5th or 6th then surely he will go? He would have a few jobs to choose from, such is the comfort afforded to football managers. I'll be back on here after Sundays game, hopefully with a smile on my face.

  16. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:46 #38592

    The victim glory hunters will all be there celebrating when Arsenal triumph. Though come the next defeat they'll all be there with their media friends and their comrades from Spuds and Mancsville plotting their next treason against The Arsenal.

  17. Tony

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:18 #38587

    You might as well take £1500 out of the bank and set fire to it.All your season ticket money is going into Wenger and his team of losers pockets and not one penny has been spent on world class signings.We may win the battle tomorrow but we will lose the war.Wenger Kroenke Gazidis OUT

  18. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Aug 31, 2013, 12:16 #38586

    George- I realise that a lot of people won't understand my decision to give up my season ticket but I believe that it's the only way for the fans to fight back against the people who are slowly but surely ruining our chances of challenging for the title by refusing to invest in the team season after season, after season.

  19. N4

    Aug 31, 2013, 11:45 #38582

    10 star for giving up your Season Ticket. Well done! Some people are still dreaming!

  20. RK

    Aug 31, 2013, 11:08 #38579

    Are you forgetting to mention the 8 goals spurs scored against Dynamo? Selective memory I see.

  21. Steve

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:07 #38568

    Well said Jamie! Come on you gunners!

  22. Arsene Knows Best

    Aug 31, 2013, 10:07 #38567

    So glad all these glory hunting supporters are giving up their season tickets!! The matches are so much better when the stadium is half empty and the ones who did turn up are at each others throats - It's great, I totally agree with JAMIE! The problem is not Wenger or the board, it's the plastic fans who are so fickle and impatient they can't wait 10 years for the team to show signs of improvement. Look at those other joke clubs - United, City, Chelski, Liverpool - sure they win stuff, but they don't have Wenger, so who's really winning? Arsenal FC will be so much better when all these glory hunting fans who want to see the team improve have F'd off down the road to Spurs. IAWT, AKB.

  23. JAMIE

    Aug 31, 2013, 9:53 #38566

    I think it's great when the glory hunters give up their season tickets as proper Gooners get the chance to watch Arsenal. A lot of the season tickets were given to local residents when Arsenal moved to keep them happy though they have no real love for Arsenal and most of them can only support a team wining trophies every season. So as these supposed victims give up their tickets, gradually all the proper Arsenal are getting back into the Emirates and it's starting to feel like a real home. Do what I do at every game and make life as unpleasant as possible for the anti Arsenal Arsenal, then before long the ground will be full of TRUE Gooners not the phonies. Stand up for Arsene and his boys and don't let the media, the AAA and sugar daddies destroy Arsenal.

  24. Vin

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:59 #38561

    Goongoonergone- Glad to see your totally behind the lads on the eve of our biggest game! Save it for Monday mate ffs.

  25. Goongoonergone

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:27 #38548

    "Tottenham have yet to score a single goal from open play in the premiership so far while we have scored four in our games against Aston Villa and Fulham not to mention the five that we put past Fenerbache over two games." Mate, when you consider our porous defence, Tots will start scoring goals from open play tomorrow.


    Aug 31, 2013, 8:24 #38547

    Enjoyed that Joe, thanks. Any sort of a victory will do, and we are capable of that, even with our missing personnel, and criticisms levelled at the team. Good Old Arsenal.

  27. Dave Dasch

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:24 #38546

    Always a Gooner just get that feeling a trio deal will be done just in time though !!

  28. George

    Aug 31, 2013, 8:18 #38544

    You give up too easily, couldn't you wait until 2.9.2013 to give up on your season ticket card?