For a few months at least, it's over again

Post deadline day reflections

For a few months at least, it's over again

Özil – Let’s pinch ourselves

Closed shut on Jim White hyperbole and fourteen-year-old kids playing football agents on Twitter. Sixth-form kids and grown men scuttle away from behind news presenters in front of stadiums, waiting for a job or a Big Brother eviction.

That the window finishes with The Arsenal spending £42.5m on the wonder of Özil makes the days preceding a little easier to digest, albeit without full forgiveness.

It started with the noise of much promise and a genuine interest in Rooney, Higuain and Suarez. Anyone can be interested. The Higuain deal still rankles. Having identified him as a target and initially agreeing a fee with Madrid, I believe we should have followed their goal posts when they were moved by £7m. That's £7m that we got back for Gervinho. Free money in that respect.

It's £7m which insures against the situation we are in now, by securing a top-class centre forward, rather than relying on Giroud. It's also a signing that could have been wrapped up months ago. Added to the money spent on Monday, it would have left us in a seriously good position from which to challenge. Perhaps we still are.

Disgusted by Madrid's escalation in their value of the Argentine, our eyes were distracted by the potential of signing Luis Suarez. Any businessman worth his six-figure salary and bonus would have asked to see the contract and the clause which encouraged us to bid such a precise figure as £40,000,001.00. It didn't take an idiot like Gordon Taylor long to read the contract and realise the clause was worthless, our bid subsequently antagonising by its suggestion that we knew something we didn't. It was amateurish by Arsenal, and allowed Napoli to move in and secure Higuain, whilst Liverpool stood firm and insulted. Despite his public plea to be released, Suarez would have gone to further extremes to get away had Real Madrid's interest been firmer, a future dilemma for Liverpool to face. I tally up the wasted hours of moral debates as to whether signing such a man was worth the hassle considering the player.

Gustavo was identified as the man to carry out defensive midfield duties, only to turn us down in favour of Wolfsburg and higher wages. Money, a guarantee of first team football and a chance to stay in Germany saw our advances rejected. Despite the reasons offered, I am left disappointed that any player would choose Wolfsburg over Arsenal. Our pull ought to have outweighed the comforts of Germany. The wages we offered ought to have matched those on the table from Wolfsburg. I heard people say that Gustavo should not have been the top paid player at the club. He wouldn't have been for very long.

As the club shed its wage bill of those who’d failed to contribute, the squad was in need of padding out. I'd never heard of Emiliano Viviano, brought in on a season-long loan from Palmero. But if the Italian international is capable of deputising for Gianluigi Buffon, then let’s hope he can do the same for Szczesny and provide the Pole with further competition.

The cheap option was also taken in the re-signing of Mathieu Flamini. Should we not have been interested in Fellaini? This 'signing' agitated in its short-term fix appearance. It fell into our laps and was hardly the move of a club crowing financial clout.

Can Flamini still cover the ground he did in the San Siro and throughout that season? He certainly offers versatility. Who can forget his stint at left-back en route to the Champions League Final (suggesting he could do the same at right-back too)? It didn't take long for me to warm to the signing, as Flamini thunderously flew into tackles against Spurs and barked orders throughout his appearance. I did enjoy Arsène Wenger's apology for Flamini not costing £25m, and, on the face of it, the signing of an AC Milan 29-year-old defensive midfielder wouldn't be so ridiculed had he not been free and followed the well-trodden path of Sol Campbell, Jens Lehmann and Thierry Henry.

Ivan had talked of the club’s capabilities to excite the fans with new signings. Until transfer deadline day, you'd have thought he was taking the p***. Tensions increased as Spurs spent their Bale money on seven internationals whom Arsène seemingly ignored as they didn't improve on the little we had.

On Sunday, I caught wind of Arsenal's interest in Mesut Özil, as a couple of texts came through from friends with a credible source and without 'in the know' bollocks.

"Özil is done". And so it was late on Monday night.

Firstly - let's pinch ourselves; Arsenal Football Club have spent £42.5m on a world-class German midfielder from Real Madrid. Let’s also thank the special partnership forged between Spurs and Real Madrid which paved the way for Özil's arrival, despite the best efforts and delays of Daniel Levy.

Özil spoke in glowing terms of his discussions with Arsène Wenger. A sign that the world’s top players maintain a respect for our manager that many fans have long since lost. The signing also cements the importance of Champions League Football. A player like Özil doesn't sign for a club because they've won the Capital Milk Cup.

On its own, the signing is probably not enough to propel Arsenal to title-contenders with a squad still creaking with flaws. The bigger picture demonstrates a club emerging from the restraints of a mortgage with intent, fuelled by an increase in commercial income.

As wonderful as the signing of Özil is for the immediate season ahead, it's also significant because it proves we can attract players of such stature again in the future. In doing so, the club can really start to challenge for the top honours again, rather than just the top four.

I look out of the closed window and see Özil and Santi taking the p*** out of Stoke City and I hold the hope that the Arsenal are on their way back.

***Follow my Arsenal ramblings on Twitter @TheArsenal_

(Ed’s note – Apologies we were offline for most of yesterday. This was to do with a bandwidth problem which caught us unawares)

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  1. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:48 #38878

    If the fans unrest has caused the board/Wenger/Gazidis to finally buy quality then I am all for it! Ozil will improve the team but we still need 3 more world class players to really make a proper challenge. Flamini in good form will also improve the team but I can't help thinking come the end of November/December the lightness of the squad will begin to take it's toll. Remember we are just one injury away from Bendtner leading the line, a forward we cannot give away!

  2. Chris

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:42 #38876

    Man Utd Killer - I agree, we are singing similar songs and like you, I hope the lack of a striker signing doesn't undermine the season. It seems really daft we didn't get someone in. Having said that, I think last season our top league scorers were Walcott and Cazrola so if Ozil can chip in as well, as could see an increase i goals scord anyway. Time wil tell.

  3. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 05, 2013, 7:22 #38872

    Well said Alsace and other posters who have not been fooled by another transfer deadline fiasco. Ozil is world class certainly, but we needed more to make up for the losses of our best players over recent seasons. I got really excited by the prospect of Benzema and di Maria also coming - but that would have cost money (that we actually have!), so the great Professeur put the kybosh to that one. No, instead let's get people in on frees - at the last possible moment of course. Take the Ozil signing for what it is - a token signing from a desperate man. Vive la revolution!

  4. Wenger the tyre kicker aka Noodles

    Sep 05, 2013, 7:10 #38871

    Much that Ozil cheered us all up it's still the same old Wenger who for some reason will allways leave us one signing short and it's always 'what if' ..what if we had paid 2 mill more for Alonso .. What if we had replaced Viara properly ... What if we had just paid the extra for Higuian Etc etc .... I have to aggree with Spectrum on this one as I still feel wenger has let us down not just this year but for the last 7 ... People say Wenger should have gone last year after the old Trafford spanking but I say he should have gone after another old Trafford spanking 5 years ago when me and 9,000 others when up their in the FA cup for another 4.0 spanking because wengers anti cup philosophy and let's give flapanddropski a run out (Jesus) ..let's be united in still saying that Wenger must not be given a new contract unless we win something this year.... In wenger we have rusted!

  5. Jim

    Sep 05, 2013, 6:49 #38870

    So how will we judge the success of the Ozil transfer? A title challenge?a trophy?a top 4 finish? The bar has now been raised surely just finishing 4th will be seen as failure by the fans if not by the board.I find it ridiculous that some of our fans are suggesting the Ozil signing has earned Wenger a new contract how stupid can you get.Forget the last 8 years.Wenger cant come out with his usual excuses that he didnt have money this summer.Its time to deliver this season Wenger or time to pack your bags to Paris.

  6. AussieRussianGooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 1:54 #38869

    Apparently in the case of Gustavo, it wasn't so much his decision or salary question, but rather an "inside" deal done by Bayern, whose board member happens to be a Chairman of VW, which owns Wolfsburg.

  7. DW Thomas

    Sep 05, 2013, 0:16 #38868

    Ozil is a start, but that's it. We need significantly more. His signing hid the fact we got Viviano. Who? We still need a top striker like Suarez but without all his baggage. I saw him score goals last year that reminded me a lot of Henry. Perhaps Ozil is the catalyst for the much needed change. Still seemed desperate to me and Wenger got lucky I think. Yet, he is class and I can't wait to see him with Jack and Santi. If Flamini would start at DM things might be really looking up.

  8. GoonerRon

    Sep 04, 2013, 23:50 #38867

    @Benny2 - I totally and completely agree with everything you say.

  9. Ronster

    Sep 04, 2013, 23:37 #38866

    Watch him tail off from March onwards...he has bigger fish to fry in South America next summer.

  10. 1975

    Sep 04, 2013, 23:36 #38865

    Amazing how a top class signing lifts the whole club. Increases belief, optimism and confidence on and off the pitch.

  11. Zoey

    Sep 04, 2013, 22:56 #38864

    I can't make my mind up who has been our best signing this summer. My friend Trisha says Ozil but I think Flamini followed by Sanogo. Also my favourite player is Olivier, do you think he looks better in red or yellow.

  12. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 04, 2013, 22:43 #38863

    Here's what we know. Wenger tried to sign a bloke who bites other players for £40 million. He failed. Thank goodness. He failed to sign Higuain. Flamini, out of contract, asked to come and train and made himself available.Wenger was reluctant. As the time ticked away with nothing happening that deal was done. Having seen Flamini's effect on the second half of the Spurs game, Wenger performs an international class volte face and describes the signing as a no brainer. On the last day of the transfer window, we tried to get Ba on loan. Nope. On the final day of the window, Stan gets on his plane and arrives in Europe to sanction £42 million purchase of a player that on paper and probably in practice is better than the most hated player in the league who OGL tried to buy. Now I know that we don't have the whole picture ( because they won't tell anyone what goes on), but does any of this look coherent or logical or organised to you? Conclusion, Wenger is the same creature that we all think he is and will not change. Either you worship the ground he walks upon, or wish he were in the ground instead. Frankly I don't care, because we have Flanimal back and a very good creative midfielder as well-both from top drawer sides where things are done properly. Ergo- it is possible that we will have some enjoyment this season rather than the sea of despair that we have lived in for the past few years. If you believe , as I do, that Wenger is good at a few limited things (player diet and fitness, passing in triangles, talking b*ll*cks)and very very bad at others (team discipline, defensive play of any kind, tactical and strategic awareness, making substitutions on time and in the correct order), then the presence of other people in the club who can cover the many many areas which he cannot is very helpful. Stan perhaps being nervous about the use of the money to such an extent that he actually turned up is very very interesting. He's either neurotic, or Gazidis got him over to make sure that the deal didn't go belly up because of the reluctance of OGL to make any decision at anything other than a snail's pace. I favour the latter possibility, because the deal was done very quickly with no apparent interference from other clubs. Wenger out - forward Arsenal.

  13. mark from aylesbury

    Sep 04, 2013, 22:41 #38862

    The Ozil purchase looks like it is dragging the two wings of the Arsenal family back towards the middle. A good thing I think. From my point of view I do not want Wenger to have a new contract and feel that he is falling behind the pace with the modern game. However a big signing in the January window or at least a good loan for a forward and we will have a very strong team. Ozil sends out a message as well, thankfully a positive message and haven't we waited for that. From my point of view we are now starting to act like the football club we can be, using our revenue to buy the best. At the same time this puts pressure back on Wenger as he now has to show he can handle big players. I'm happy that the balance of pressure is now far more healthy. The board delivers big players. Now Wenger show us what you can do!

  14. Th14afc

    Sep 04, 2013, 22:36 #38861

    It's the first time in a long time I've been buzzin constantly about the gunners and it's thanks to that 1 master stroke alone!ozil is pure class and I believe it's the start of our fortunes turning for the for Ricoh saying ozil isn't like bergkamp signin,I think people are meanin more in terms of it been a landmark moment/signin rather than comparing them as players...can't wait for this season now,pitty we didn't get Ba though....come on you gunners

  15. Man United Killer

    Sep 04, 2013, 21:40 #38860

    Chris,I was just curious based on your shared perspectives.The window has slammed shut and not much can be now about it now anyways but I feel if we were going to make a statement like signing Ozil we could have gone ahead and addressed other blatant issues as well to make us genuine title contenders.Ozil is undoubtedly a great player but I am not sure how much he will impact our end result if we have no reliable strikers to finsih off his work.Giroud gets sidelined or experiences and dip and we will practically be back to square one.Remember the difference between securing a trophy or not can easily be a matter of scoring more goals.SAF signed RVP for this purpose following Citeh's caputre of the title.I dont think you and I are singing completely different songs but like I said I was just curious about what you thought of our chances of silverware.

  16. Luke

    Sep 04, 2013, 21:23 #38859

    We've just beaten Spurs. Signed a great player. Lets enjoy it. Give the team we have some backing. US including Wenger, Stan, Ivan, etc against THEM. and thats everyone else. In Arsene we trust and rust....Charlie Nicholas, Ian Wright, Dennis, Ozil..All exciting days...GOONERS!

  17. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 21:18 #38858

    Man Utd Killer - why are you interested in what I think? FWIW, in common with most, I think the squad is short of a couple of players to make a serious challenge for the league. I think the 1st team isn't far off although with Higuain as well as Ozil we'd be looking alot better off. Does that help?

  18. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 20:53 #38857

    maguiresbridge- Very true, sir. Irrespective of the bigger picture, Sunday was wonderful.

  19. Benny2

    Sep 04, 2013, 20:47 #38856

    Same old people want 'a defensive mid and centre half'. Give it a rest and have faith in the players we have. The system we play means that we have two 'holding players' for these two positions we have - Arteta, Flamini, Wilshere and Ramsey. All four can do a good job, why go for a 5th? We didn't get Gustavo because we couldn't promise him regular football, which ends that. At centre back we have Mertesacker and Koscielny, one of the best partnerships in the league, as well as our Captain Vermaelen who is a decent player, almost too good for the bench. We also have Sagna who can do a very good job at centre back, anyone who watched the display at Fulham will tell you this. We have 7 good players when fully fit, which is enough. If we got Williams or another defender when were they expected to play? We would not have found a player who minds the bench but is good enough to improve us!

  20. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 20:42 #38855

    It's good to see no matter what the spuds do(or try to do) they're always over shadowed by Arsenal and put firmly back in their place.

  21. Carlos

    Sep 04, 2013, 20:30 #38854

    Great read, reflecting the views of good number of fans. Ozil is a fantastic player and will be great for attracting further top talent. I'm sure he wouldn't have come if the manager hadn't offered some form of assurance regarding future plans to bring in world class players.

  22. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:59 #38853

    Chris- I agree, and I think Ozil is a fantastic box office player who will improve the team, but I believe Higuain would have improved the team to a greater degree.

  23. Peter Wain

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:51 #38852

    the best bit is levy phoning to plead with perez not to sell Ozil to us. All the rubbish they have bought now comes home to roost.

  24. Hibeegunner

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:44 #38851

    I wonder what lies Wenger told ozil to convince him to sign. Whatever way you look at it this window has been a shambles. Spend 42 million on one player to save his his job. Wenger Out.

  25. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:34 #38850

    Green Hut - I think there was undoubtedly a cock up there. Whether it was down to Arsenal being put out by the price hike, or whether they believed they would get better value elsewhere, or whether they under-estimated the amount other teams would be willing to play, I obviously don't know, but I suspect wenger would privately admit it was a mistake not paying up for Higuain. Would we have still ended up with Ozil? Possibly not.

  26. Man United Killer

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:31 #38849

    Chris, if you will please engage me I want to know your thoughts on what you think of our chances of silverware particularly the league and the champions league.

  27. Man United Killer

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:17 #38848

    Spectrum, Hello Old friend and how have you been.Yes,Ozil is a great signing but why we didnt go the whole distance to plug the obvious gaps in the team namely striker, defensive mid and center half is beyond me.It almost seems as if there is no direction on the transfer front.I hope that this Ozil signing is a sign of good things to come and not something that was done to shut disgruntled fans up or give Wenger a new contract when he has clearly not been hitting the mark for some time now.If we dont show more intent here on in, we can be sure that Ozil will be on the move in 2 years.

  28. Lance

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:07 #38847

    Basically, what we've just done is, we've spaffed our load after engaging in foreplay all evening, and now we're lying there thinking 'okay, she was fit, but I was supposed to take the bins out tonight, and now they'll be overflowing until the bin man comes again next week.' Seriously though, as someone at work said to me today, if Giroud gets injured, who is Ozil going to be creating chances for? According to the book 'Football, a Numbers Game', the best teams are the ones whose worst players are better than the best players of most other teams, a bit like how a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Our weakest link is still Niklas Bendtner. Two seasons ago, Man U lost out on the league title because they didn't score enough goals. They didn't go out and buy a defender, they bought RVP and last season won the league. The other point I wanted to make is that, as someone has already pointed out, we've had players as good as Ozil before and not won anything: Fabregas, RVP and, of course, Emmanuel Eboue. I hope this signing is an indication that we'll buy more ambitiously in future, but the fact is, we could have seriously challenged for silverware if we'd done our business well this season, but now that the window is closed, we're still not in a position to do that yet.

  29. My Father is a Hero

    Sep 04, 2013, 19:03 #38846

    Spectrum I understand your grief but I want you to name 5 players you think Wenger can sign to make you confident that we are title contenders.

  30. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:59 #38845

    Bob- Higuain is 25 and has a strike rate for club and country of better than 1 in 2 playing alongside the greediest player in football history. Wenger obviously thought he was super quality but wouldn't pay the going rate for him, though maybe he should wait forever for super super super quality and give himself another excuse for doing bugger all about our biggest problem.

  31. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:49 #38844

    manu fan just told me RVP unhappy at manu-does not rate new manager. if true would we be happy to buy him back in Jan?it is wonderful Low and top Madrid players surprised/unhappy at ozil sale.great that chavs new manager is being blamed for blocking Ba move.-after his comments on manu not selling rooney to them!

  32. Bob

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:37 #38843

    Green Hut- No. Better than Higuain and younger.

  33. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:33 #38842

    Bob- 'the right £30m striker'- you mean like Higuain?

  34. Marco

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:16 #38841

    In the last 15 matches we have lost 1 drawn 2 and won 13. No matter how bad the squad is, with this record you cannot complain!

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 18:09 #38840

    Judge me in May, good post, reference the lets see if he has the tactical acumen and motivation skills we've known the answer to that for seasons now, and the excuses have been exhausted a long time ago.

  36. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 17:51 #38839

    Wenger has nowhere to hide anymore, he has run out of excuses. Everything was in his favour this summer but once again he's left us seriously short after spending just £35m net. Beyond the vitriol, even Wenger apologists admit this but predictably blind loyalty and guilt mean the line of credit to the great man is simply extended to the next transfer window and the next and the next. With the Ozil deal bringing all the recent waiverers now firmly back onside we can only pray that Wenger will view the French managers job, without the resident evil of a transfer window, too tempting to pass up at his age and hand the Arsenal reins over at the end of the season to a younger, more capable man.

  37. Bob

    Sep 04, 2013, 17:48 #38838

    Wenger is obviously building for the future. The final stages of the long term plan are almost complete and only now the club can start to invest in quality players. Ozil is the first, notice that Wenger only wanted Ba on Loan. This points to Wenger waiting for the right £30m striker to come along, instead of splashing out on a player he isn’t sure of.

  38. Torbay gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 17:45 #38837

    Great picture and an exciting signing at last for the team, however have to agree with Tony Evans we are still well short of challenging for the title let alone the Champions League. Not inconceivable that a couple of injuries could see the return of 'St Nick' which would be hard to take given his attitude. If no more significant signings in the next window(and always harder to sign players mid season) will supporters be happy with another 4th place and embarassing final game celebration?

  39. Ron

    Sep 04, 2013, 17:19 #38836

    jjetplane - Absolutely right. I reckon the Bergkamp comparisons are well over the top too.Your summation that Ozil 'needs the graft around him' is spot on. Still great to have him though. Pity we hadnt bought Fellaini to go with him.I suppose Flamini s return takes on added significance now. There are worse guys to have than the Flam. Played well v the Spuds.

  40. Tony Evans

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:52 #38835

    Chris - Obviously I hope you are right about the CH and GK. I just wish we weren't always in this hope for the best and keep your fingers crossed situation all the time. I agree that Wenger is not totally incompetent but he does leave a great deal to be desired.

  41. JJB

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:52 #38834

    Laughing hard at this fool Spectrum! Classic keyboard warrior, great stuff can’t wait for my retort. Why don’t you give your tiring angry fingers a rest? If you can’t get excited about signing a player like Ozil then you are not only a fool, but you have no business being a fan so please do us a favour and go away, go on, runaway angry little man….Oh, and before I get labelled an AKB (by the way only idiots divide the fan base into two factions) I’m not saying I’m happy with our transfer business overall, but for the moment I’m going to join my fellow fans in enjoying this rare feeling. You silly little boy!

  42. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:49 #38833

    Spectrum, Nobody can legislate for long term injuries. How can you predict Shawcross smashing AR's leg? Rosicky missing 2 seasons, JW missing last season, TV's back issues, Ox damaging his knee, Podolski & Arteta badly tearing muscles, Sagna suffering 2 leg breaks. Kos missing nearly half of last season, RVP missing countless games in his AFC career, Diaby, etc. You are only allowed 25 players + kids in the PL squad so luck is needed re injuries. It seldom works that injuries are evenly spread through the team but sod's law states you can lose all your goalkeepers, full/centre backs/midfield/strikers at the same time. You simply cannot plan for worst case possibilities. That's why AW goes for versatile players who can cover in emergencies.

  43. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:42 #38832

    Tony - You are not alone in that frustration, even if I don't thinkthe situaiton is as bad as yo make out. I think our CHs (and GKs) are just baout good enough to challenge but we'll struggle if a couple get injured. I agree that it was very bad to fail to sign a striker but that doesn't make Wenger the totally incompetent A*hole some here make him out to be. The fact is we did try and cocked up. You'd have thought that with 35m left of the budget we'd have sorted something out, I agree, but sometimes things don't work out - David Villa could have been had cheaply earlier in the window for sintance, but not later. I'm not absolving Wenger, just saying it's not a hanging offence and that **** happens....

  44. Tony Evans

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:34 #38831

    Chris - Wenger may have tried to sign a striker but still ended up without one, and made no attempt whatsoever to sign a top quality centre half and keeper, which are both equally as important to the squad. In my book that is negligent in the extreme and again leaves us (as usual) 2 or 3 players short of a team that will challenge for the Prem and CL. I am totally fed up with this situation always being our undoing and Wenger thinking that he can get round it by playing players out of position or by riding his luck with injuries which he should know damn well by now will scupper our chances at the business end of the season if by some miracle we are still in with a shout by then.

  45. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:34 #38830

    Man Utd. Killer - Nice to make your acquaintance again. Long time no hear. I guess you've given up on that other A.K.B. blogsite ( which we shan't name )? I don't blame you if you have. Yes, Ozil is a top signing, that goes without saying. I've given my analysis of why it's happened.I just hope that you don'tsuccumb to the exuberant hype that has predictably stemmed from it. Nothing has changed. As the saying goes ; "Same ****, different season." We should add to that "Same manager." Keep the ( realist ) faith. " In Arsene we rust."

  46. Peter

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:29 #38829

    Ozil great signing no doubt about it.But it is criminal that in 3 months with £70m burning a hole in Wengers pocket we couldnt sign a top class striker.I dont believe Bendtner will ever play for us again so its Walcott upfront if Giroud gets injured.And mark my words Feo aint no striker.Will Ozil make us title contenders?NO.But what he will do is seal 4th place for us.And after all thats what Arsenal 2013 are all about isnt it.Still a GK a CH and a striker short sadly

  47. Judge me in May

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:23 #38828

    To the very shortsighted and irrational people singing Wenger's praises and absolving him of all responsibility after he signed Ozil: Credit to Arsene for pulling off the signing, but this is only the first step. Ok we've signed a top top top player, but so have many other managers (Mancini, Ancelotti, Mourinho). It's ridiculous that people are hailing Wenger for simply using the resources at his disposal (and very belatedly at that). The real test comes now; Wenger will be under scrutiny like never before, and has everything to prove after the failure of the past 8 yrs. Let's see if he has the tactical acumen and motivation skills to steer us to trophies this year. No more excuses for failure. In his own words: Judge me in May.

  48. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:21 #38827

    Don't worry Speckers, dispite my 'limited thinking' I was able to deduce that your post was aimed at me, as you can see above. Wenger - new contract? Still a lot to do before that's warranted. Happy?

  49. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:17 #38826

    I forgot to address my previous post ( no. 41641 ) at Chris.So go on Chris, let's hear your latest excuse ( sorry - justification ) for Wenger to get a new contract. He's certainly fooled you into thinking he's showing ambition and changing the spending habits of a lifetime literally overnight ! Then you said ; "So if you really think Wenger doesn't or can't assess the squad, though, then more fool you "! Well it's taken him five years or so to recognise and DO SOMETHING about getting a better goalkeeper ( though it's dubious that Viviano IS any better )to name just one quick example. And if he can assess the squad,how come he didn't analyse the injury stats and realise that our squad only averages 29 games a season due to ongoing injury problems ? 29 games ! Perhaps he's too busy blaming bad refereeing or the fans "negativity" instead of noticing this, and acting on it ? " In Arsene we rust."

  50. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:10 #38825

    Spectrum - if you weant to know what I think, why not read the extensive reply I posted to yours already, 'over there' at AT? You'll discover that as usual you've made a complete misjudgement of the situation. As I posted there, imo the Ozil signing partially balances out the worrying incompetence we have seen in the rest of the window which leaves of short of a player or 2 (another dangerous striker and back up CH IMO - your obsession with WORLD CLASS this that and the other demonstrates how out of touch and unrealistic you are). How is that a whitewash? Oh- and I think it was you and AT who brought up the peculiar 'wrap around' statistic of how Arsenal had done in 2012 about this time last year - personally I don't hold much store by it by as I said then but it makes interesting reading... *At Spectrum We Laugh*

  51. TinyTim

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:06 #38824

    What gets me really annoyed is the people saying that the reason Wenger has finally spent is because fans have pressured him. Whether this is true or not, the utter arrogance of some people to act like they are still the ones in the right and Wenger has seen ‘the error of his ways’. Since when has Wenger listened to anyone, let alone the fans?

  52. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 16:00 #38823

    Your comment predictably, shows a total lack of perspective.Clutching at the Ozil straw in an attempt to whitewash all the previous shambles, eh ? You're so excitable, aren't you ? And now after you having said that you will wait until the transfer deadline has passed before you judge Wenger - how do you feel about that now ? Don't tell me - you're elated ( of course ). Who'd have guessed ? Never mind the small matter of most of us ( including even you ? ) complaining that Wenger always leaves us two or three players short of a ( supposedly ) title winning team. Well guess what? By NOT signing a WORLD CLASS defensive midfielder,WORLD CLASS centre back and WORLD CLASS striker - he's done just THAT again !!! And so that, according to you doesn't constitute continued neglectful failure ? But hey, "We've got Ozil, and that's all that matters." What very limited thinking you show.And this team which has accumulated so many points in 2013 - how many points did it finish behind the champions last season - and the one before that ? See what I mean by lack of perspective ? Don't worry though, you're an A.K.B. in denial, so you just can't help yourself, can you ? "In Arsene we rust."

  53. Man United Killer

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:34 #38822

    If the reports are true then F*ck Sp*rs and F*ck Levy.No class.Cant compete fairly for sh*t.

  54. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:34 #38821

    Tony - no I don't think the squad could not be improved on or that there hasn't been a great deal of incompetence in this transfer windowthat has left us short of a couple of players that we all know the squad needs. But we did try very hard to get another dangerous striker in this window, that being the most obvious problem area in my opinion. So if you really think Wenger doesn't or can't assess the squad, though, then more fool you! As for Wenger trying to keep his job - you see it like that because of the lens through which you have learnt to view all things Arsenal. It is not, however, a very rational view in my opinion, any more than Spectrum's rantings are.

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:33 #38820

    It's been reported Ozil turned down man yoo even though they're denying even being in for him, but if true it would have been very interesting to see if he would have done so if old red nose were still at the helm.

  56. Tony Evans

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:28 #38819

    Chris - I take it then that you think the squad is complete and that there are no weaknesses that Wenger has ignored? Well more fool you. As for Ozil being a sop to the fans I stand by my opinion, as it is obvious that Wenger has virtually been forced to break his scrooge like habits in a last ditch attempt to keep his job.

  57. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:22 #38818

    Spectrum - "However when someone is a member of his cult,they don't know any different. They'll always follow him no matter how bad things become." So bad that we have just signed one of the top players in the world at a time when we have amassed the most points of any PL team in 2013, even? Tsk..

  58. Gaz

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:22 #38817

    Totally understand all the opinions on the summers transfer business and obviously it’s hard not to cast a critical eye over the whole darn thing. Personally speaking though I’ve been so critical for so long that I’d forgotten what it was like to enjoy an Arsenal game and quite frankly I hated feeling this way. I mean if I’m not getting any enjoyment out of it all what’s the bloody point? That’s why last summer I convinced myself that the business we’d done was good and that we were finally heading in the right direction. And with early wins versus West ham and Liverpool and a draw at Man City it sure did feel that way and I enjoyed being a real part of it all again. Then came Norwich away and after that I lost all faith and hope and never enjoyed other game for the rest of the season. This summer is similar for different reasons. Yes it’s been poor in some respect but for me the signing of Ozil is such a big move that it almost negates everything else that’s happened. And whilst I might be forcing this opinion on myself I’m convinced this really is the start of us acting like the big Club we are. I also believe that Ozil will inspire those good players around him and we’ll be a lot stronger than last season. I’m certainly now looking forward to the next game and delighted to have got some of the passion back for the Club that’s been sadly missing for some time. Of course there could be another ‘Norwich’ down the line and if truth be known it wouldn’t surprise me on little bit. I also certainly don’t subscribe to the opinion that a corners been turned by Wenger even though I’m willing to believe he might be now be looking in the right direction at last! I guess I’m just happy to have found an excuse to enjoy my football again. Hell I might even have to buy that brilliant away shirt now!!!

  59. Man United Killer

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:18 #38816

    Fantastic signing but why not fill in the loopholes in the team once and for all as Ozil cant play Striker, Holding Mid and defender at the same time.We should have gotten Aston Villa's Benteke, New Castle's Moussa Sissoko (as we missed out on Fellaini) and a central defender to remedy our deficiencies once and for all.We would have been right up there with the Big Bad Wolves!We have made a solid statement-true but if we dont follow this great signing up with other signings we will lose Ozil in the next couple of seasons because of lack of show of ambition.We're getting close but there is still some ways to go.

  60. Graham Simons

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:18 #38815

    We never won anything with RVP and Fabregas because RVP was always injured - van Persie played fewer than HALF the number of potential games he could have at Arsenal as he spent most of his time injured and as for Cesc comparing with Ozil - go and look at their stats for assists and you'll see there is no comparison. We wanted a world class signing and a statement of intent and we got them - add to that the fact the team spirit is better than it's been in years and the fact the atmosphere when Ozil does take his bow in the league and you're looking at quite a season ahead.

  61. jjetplane

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:14 #38814

    We have seen Carzola, Walcott go missing in so many big games and if Ozil is not more of the same - well strike down the 70 per cent of real gooners on here who are not persuaded by this marketing ploy. Spending the loose change of 8 years of stashing it at the Scrooge FC will not overnight change the fortunes of a potential 4th placed club. How anyone can compare Ozil with God 10 I do not know. God was a beast along with the skills. Ozil at his best is a silky player but he needs serious graft around him in order to shine. With all that it is good to see a big stage player turn up and again falling into a trap too where Ozil was bought/Wenger sneaks new contract. If that is all it takes then there are alot of people who really do not understand what Arsenal really means. Its alright - I ****ed off years ago to watch Div2, conference and other football. Wishing you a luvverly season and all that.

  62. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:12 #38813

    jw said ; " Ozil has joined us, in no small part cos of his respect for Wenger". I'm pretty sure Cesc and Van Persie had respect for him as well when they first joined us, and into the subsequent years.Until they saw the lack of ambition he and the club demonstrates.Then they left.And if Wenger keeps to his target of happily making top four, how long will it be before Ozil too, realises he made a mistake coming here, and gets restless ? After the last eight years and this latest transfer window fiasco, I'm amazed Wenger still has respect from ANYONE.However when someone is a member of his cult,they don't know any different.They'll always follow him no matter how bad things become. " In Arsene we rust."


    Sep 04, 2013, 15:11 #38812

    Thank you Joe. It is calming to read a clear-headed analysis of the transfer saga, and it's ending. One observation, and choice offered to all, Suarez or Ozil? I personally would have found it trying to welcome the likes of the vampire, or come to that Shrek, into our midst. Ozil is class, and I am telling my grandsons his type is Arsenal through and through. Good Old Arsenal.

  64. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:07 #38811

    As much as the Ozil signing is welcome does it suddenly make up for the last eight years? trophy less, the lies/spin, pet projects, humiliations, Blackburns, Bradfords and the rest, the dross, tactics/lack off, performances, excuses, etc,etc,? it might keep the fans happy but it hasn't and never will erase memories.

  65. underachiever

    Sep 04, 2013, 15:05 #38810

    Although a Wenger cynic I am happy how this has all worked out (even if it had an element of fly by the seat of your pants). We will see if he has truly changed his modus operandi come the January window. Will he use the remaining resources he has and really push for the title by bringing in a "top top" striker or yet again be too conservative as he has been in the recent past and settle for 4th?

  66. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:47 #38809

    The Ozil signing is not a statement of intent, as many of you have been sucked into believing. It was an illusion of intent – a self serving desperate survival move, due to pressure from the board / Gazidis to avoid a fan revolt, and provide the excuse and ” justification” to extend Wenger’s contract, following an appalling window of mismanagement and incompetence. And it has worked a charm, judging from the effusive comments of praise for him, Then there are the A.K.B.’s and other assorted nutters, who are already claiming we’ll blitz the league. But then, when you’re dying of success thirst in a barren footballing desert, every mirage looks like an oasis, doesn’t it ? Do you REALLY think Wenger has changed his frugal spending phobia ? That this will herald the dawn of a new golden age of success ? That Ozil ( brilliant as he is ) will help win us the league ? Don’t want to burst your euphoric bubbles people, but let’s keep things in perspective ; we had a brilliant creative midfielder for many years in Cesc Fabregas – certainly a match for Ozil talent wise. But for eight years we won nothing even WITH HIM. In fact, we also had Van Persie – and STILL we couldn’t win anything ! Why ? Because we still had the French fool overseeing the whole show – and still DO. How shortsighted and gullible some are. Pessimistic ? a “doomer” ? negative ? No – I’m simply a cynical* ( *from experience ) realist, who is not as easily swayed as many by the brazen con men who run our club. Sadly, many already have been once again – witness the exploding sales of Ozil shirts, when only last week we were saying we should boycott the club’s merchandise e.t.c. Some people never learn, do they ? ” In Arsene we rust.”

  67. Chris

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:44 #38808

    Tony Evans - "At no time do you get the impression that Wenger has analysed weaknesses in his squad and gone out and done something about it." Yes that's right - I'm quite sure that Wenger has got where he is and has achieved what he has without having the nouse to do that. Of course, your analysis might be more perceptive than his and you may have a better idea of what we need than him, but I'll reserve the right to decide for myself on that point. And as for the signing being a sop to the fans - you and others have spent YEARS telling us that Wenger disrespects and doesn't care two hoots for the fans, and is a miser to boot, and now you're telling us he has just TRIPLED the club tranfer recorsd to placate them? Really, you couldn't make it up...

  68. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:41 #38807

    you are right to thank mr levy and the tots for making ozil levy so so good a deal maker he asked for money instead of ozil as part of a deal,really clever that!this guy is a game changer-teams will play corner and freekicks differently now.when things go wrong we have someone like DB10 or TH14 who can change things.It will also now be easier to sign another marquee player and keep those we have.flamini for free or fellaini for 25m? easy famini should never been allowed to go.good to see our new player turned down manu and PSG to play with AW. perhaps AW got lucky with matt but he appears to have been a factor in Ozil comming,so he should get credit for it. game on now.

  69. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:33 #38806

    Spectrum, What a bad week you're having. If you feel in need of counselling then call the Samaritans! Do you have anything positive to say about AFC? Give yourself a break and go enjoy Daniel's new signings at the Lane.

  70. Joe Mardon

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:24 #38805

    Cheers to Spectrum for demonstrating that erosion of respect for Arsène I referred to. Ron - do you not think Suarez's team have a copy of their clients contract which they'd have been happy to flash? Naivety over rules the quaint.

  71. Dave

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:09 #38804

    While Ozil is a great signing and no one could argue about that.This was an opportunist signing by Wenger after Ozil became surplus to demands after Madrid got Bale.He was never on Wengers radar in June.Lets be honest up until we signed Ozil this transfer window has been a shambles.Gazidis who came out with the statement that we had £70m to spend(we spent only spent £42m of it)should resign.He was too bothered about the Asian tour than signing anyone.The Higuain and Suarez fiasco's were an embarassment to the clu.Even up until the window closed we balls it up with the Ba deal yes Chelsea pulled out of the deal but we should have had another striker lined up.So it meant we are stuck with "the worlds best striker" still on the books.Lessons need to be learned.The men who do the transfer business at Arsenal do not know how to do their job.Not a patch on David Dein

  72. jw

    Sep 04, 2013, 14:06 #38803

    Spectrum - i am sure i speak for many a Gooner on here. Go away. Go and join a spuds forum, go talk to them about your hate fo Wenger. Ozil has joined us, in no small part cos of his respect Wenger. If you can't be happy about this signing, go away and don't come back! OZIL IS A GOONER, OZIL IS A GOONER

  73. Spectrum

    Sep 04, 2013, 13:33 #38802

    Gazidis - ( quote ) “Like all of us, Mr Kroenke wants to see Arsenal winning titles and trophies and he has absolute faith and belief in our manager to achieve that. We will continue to work towards that goal and look forward to an exciting season.” HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA ! ” In Arsene we rust.”

  74. Ron

    Sep 04, 2013, 13:31 #38801

    Ovil - Great signing and much welcomed. Your ideas on asking to see Saurez's contract are quaint. Do you really think Liverpool would have produced it had we just have asked for a look? Clearly, data protection and confidentiality doesnt exist in your World. Arse you sure those signings that the spuds have spunked a fortune on are really that much better than what we have. They all look 2nd tier to me and to assume that theyre all so great is very premature. Theyve had a lot of press largely as we werent active in the market. No other reason. How do you know that Felliani wasnt nailed on for Utd via his Moyes link? Agree on the Keeper point, but i still reckon we need a new keeper not a 'shadow' one. Flamini . Its good hes back, for however long that might be. Decent player and a harrier. The striker issue is a worrying one as you say. Suspect January might be interesting and until then prepare for that oaf Bendtner to get a few outings. Real acted poorly over Higuain on the price hike and i can see Arsenals annoyance over the increase.

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 13:24 #38800

    Yes it's over again and thank god, there's only so much hyping up you can listen to from Sky and Jim White, they went to the break and came back and he was in the chair and it all started in earnest. But in the end it was worth putting up with and worth the wait when news eventually came through that we'd signed ozil, i'm looking forward to OGL describing him, as he has described dross players in the past as top top quality what term is he going to use for real top top quality? A fantastic signing alright,a great bit of business,who ever brokered the deal. I can't remember the last time i got excited over a signing, and when i was looking forward to our next match as much, and seeing the new player i've no doubt there will be a buzz around the ground like never before. But is one real class player going to be enough? are we now suddenly world beaters again? are we going to win all round us now? the team still needs strengthening in other areas,where is the rest of this war chest? 40m or more, why was it not used as well? maybe he's keeping his powder dry. It was interesting to note on this occasion the club were very keen to let every body know the fee, i wonder what happened to the undisclosed fee line. Anyway roll on the next game we've something to look forward again.

  76. Tony Evans

    Sep 04, 2013, 13:13 #38799

    Bard - good point on Ozil being a sop to the fans. I thought exactly the same thing because, as you say, there really does not appear to be any coherent transfer strategy at all. At no time do you get the impression that Wenger has analysed weaknesses in his squad and gone out and done something about it.

  77. Graham Simons

    Sep 04, 2013, 13:04 #38798

    I wasn't too sure of the reasoning behind Ozil but which striker wouldn't want to play in front of him? Maybe the plan is to get us in the mix for silverware come January and then add the world class striker we've been lacking for the run-in. Also at 24 I'm not sure anyone can say the boy is on the decline! We now have the league's best player - stop your moaning! The Holloway road had quite a few gooners wearing their colours yesterday - it's good to see pride restored.

  78. Ken

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:59 #38797

    We have been crying out for some one like Ozil and now we have him great signing.

  79. Bard

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:57 #38796

    like all gooners am delighted we' ve signed Ozil but am I alone in finding it odd that we've spent all summer chasing a striker and then at the last minute buy a midfield player. As things stand we have half a dozen midfield players and one striker. Could it be that buying Ozil was to appease supporter unrest rather than it being part of a coherent strategy.

  80. Still confused

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:55 #38795

    pleased about Ozil but to be honest why sell RVP 1 year ago to your main rival when you knew in one years time that a) you could afford to keep him and b) you were going to add to the squad top players as RVP had asked ? why is this a good business strategy ? Ozil with RVP in the front line and then I would have been a believer

  81. Loyal sice 1980

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:38 #38794

    I think the signing of Ozil is great and will now kickstart us buying quality 'world class' players in future windows.Other quality players will now look and be tempted to join. When we signed Bergkamp in 1995, i had to read it over and over again on teletext just to make sure it was true! The Ozil signing had the same effect on my son (age 17), he was watching Sky sports well into the night as he just couldn't beleive we had signed a top, top player. Next window, we need a top striker. On a separate note, i read in reports today that the little ****e levy asked RM to block the ozil move to Arsenal. Did not surprise me if it were true, that club have no class!

  82. allybear

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:38 #38793

    Very good articles and a good signing albeit forgetting defenceve cover as per usual Wenger. 1 player in the last minute is hardly a sign of better things to come! Agree with you Tony Evans&i still want Wenger out.

  83. John Gooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:26 #38792

    A balanced, fair and well-written assessment of our summer dealings. Maybe you're a little easy on those who failed miserably with some of our summer negotiations, but on the whole I wouldn't argue with you. I cannot wait to see Cazorla and Ozil playing together!

  84. Gaz

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:10 #38791

    The signing of Ozil doesn't strengthen the weakest areas of the squad BUT it does strengthen one of the strongest areas and thats precisly what I've wanted us to do for a long time. After all as good as this side undoubtly is the fact is it wasn't nearly good enough to get anywhere near trophies recently. For me though this one signing goes far beyond the mere signing of a great player. It signals a complete change of direction within the Club and for someone who's been ultra critical of late this is a good thing. Because I've been looking/hoping for one thing that makes me believe the Club is changing and this sure is it. Does this mean I've exonherated Wenger of the past 5/6 years? No not at all. But if he's willing to change then I'm willing to give him one more chance on the basis I really can see this as being the start of something big. And tbh I've not felt this excited about an upcoming game in a long time and for that alone it makes the Ozil signing more than worth it.

  85. Cyril

    Sep 04, 2013, 12:09 #38790

    "Ozil plays for arsenal " etc etc . Lets get that going at next game...

  86. Westlower

    Sep 04, 2013, 11:56 #38789

    Who would drop Giroud for Higuain? How would you line up and who would you drop to accommodate both? Gustavo, opted for the softer option at Wolfsburg because AW wouldn't guarantee him a starting place. Flamini will do nicely in that position, thanks very much! People who critise the AFC transfer policy conveniently forget the recent signings of Monreal, Cazorla, Giroud, Podolski, Mertesacker. We DO know how to complete a deal! We've 20 full Internationals in our squad, how many teams can better that?

  87. ppp

    Sep 04, 2013, 11:41 #38788

    It's a superb signing and the stories about levy's sh*tting his pants are equally superb. Well done Wenger and about time! I would agree with an element of the glass half empty crew however. We are definitely praying for some much deserved luck with injuries.

  88. CanadaGooner

    Sep 04, 2013, 11:04 #38787

    I have to hold my hand up and say I didnt see us closing the Ozil deal. He's a very impressive player, and one can only hope the fact that Real Madrid were ok to let him go means he's on a decline. But then, a declining Ozil is still worth more than most players. Hoping he settles in quickly and we can get on with winning something this season!

  89. UTU

    Sep 04, 2013, 10:52 #38786

    Its a move in the right direction but we must sign a more world class players to compete for silverware. Happy with Ozil coming in and beating sp*rs. Good Week for The Arsenal !

  90. Green Hut

    Sep 04, 2013, 10:47 #38785

    Wenger certainly did make a statement of intent this summer. That no matter how much time he has, no matter how many areas of the team need strengthening, no matter how much he is pushed, prodded and shouted at, he will NEVER spend more than half of the money he has available. I'm sure our shiny new marquee player will get him a new £7m a year contract offer though, so he wins twice over. But let's hope for no more injuries, eh?

  91. Amos

    Sep 04, 2013, 10:07 #38784

    According to Real's president Florentino Perez, Arsenal didn't bid for Higuain in which case how could a fee have been agreed for him? Higuain was always going to Napoli once it was clear Cavani was on his way to PSG. All the rest of the nonsense around it, whether from members of Higuain's family, agents or compliant media working for Real was simply designed to get the best deal for the club and the player out of Napoli. Any interest Arsenal may have had was tempered by that knowledge so they didn't waste a lot of time on it.

  92. Fozzy's mate

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:53 #38782

    Ozil is a stunning signing and I feelthe comparisons with Bergkamp are apt. After the likes of Gervinho and Chamakh, Ozil is a welcome change as King Dennis was after Kiwomya and Helder. Our squad still is a little thin in size and I understand the frustration of some re the unspent funds. But at last we are shopping where a club of our resources should be and not scraping around like a mid table regional outfit.

  93. Tony Evans

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:50 #38781

    Great to see a genuine talent arrive, but without the top notch striker, central defender and keeper required can't see much changing. Shame because with a little more nous and effort we could be genuinely excited about the season for the first time in years.

  94. Wombledin

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:43 #38779

    For the first time in a long time I feel hope again. I can feel the faint zephyr of the winds of a cool change blowing refreshingly on my parched soul. A German back-bone infused in readiness for Joachim Low?

  95. HowardL

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:27 #38778

    Nice balance Joe. I would rather watch Ozil every week in an ArsenalShirt than have the Capital One Cup rusting on some shelf in the cellars of the E*******. Perhaps Mesut is our 4th place trophy? ;-)

  96. N4

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:18 #38777

    Very good article and well written. It's funny that during the break that Ivan was no where to be seen then suddenly comes out and made comments about the purchase of Ozil. I admit it's good to have Ozil but as you rightly said we need more players. I can't believe we spend all summer to buy 1 player at the last minute. It seems the cash reserve has once again been reluctant to spend. Arsenal professionalism is really going durther down when it comes to dealing!!!

  97. Bould

    Sep 04, 2013, 9:04 #38776

    I doubt if we'd have signed Ozil if we had signed Higuain too.