A response to negativity Part II

More from an ‘Arsenal Centrist’

A response to negativity Part II

Ozil: Just to please the fans?

When I submitted my original article last week I was interested to find out the readers’ views regarding what I considered to be a cloud of negativity over our Club. The response was expected and taken on board. I would just like to offer an extended clarification on the points I made because I do not feel I explained them to the appropriate degree.

Firstly I would like to state that I am not an ‘Arsene Knows Best’ OR ‘Wenger Out’. Instead I described myself as a centrist, this is not code for AKB as was pointed out. Just moderate views on the situation and neither extreme hate or love for Wenger. Admittedly some of my points were similar to AKB views but this is because I sympathise/agree with Wenger on the particular point. It does not mean all my views correspond with Wenger’s, I am not blindly defending Wenger, rather what he has said/done that I felt needed rectifying.

My first point was that Wenger does not just bid for players to make Arsenal seem more ambitious, thus enticing fans to renew tickets. From the responses it was viewed that I must be AKB because I believe Wenger would never use such cunning and Machiavellian tactics to fleece loyal supporters. To approach this from a different angle and ulterior view would be this: if he is not being deliberately incompetent on purpose, then by definition, he must really be incompetent! Some of you suggested that Wenger was in his own little world when bidding for players. I agree that he bids what HE thinks for players and not what the market rate dictates, this is described as frugality and mocked by the media. Personally, I think that is common sense more than anything and would say that out of all 20 managers in the league Wenger is the one with his feet most firmly on the ground. However, I also believe you will never reach your full potential with your feet on the ground and any successful manager will spend over the odds if the player was right. In an economical sense Wenger’s decision making is second to none, perhaps even the ‘WO’ brigade would agree on that, after all they often claim that Wenger is there to make money out of them. Price is important when buying a player (as well as other things such as personality, attitude and mental strength. Yes really!) and Wenger is often put off by big price tags. To do so does not make him wrong but just biting his tongue and going ahead with it would make him a much more successful manager and that is where everyone agrees.

Development – Wenger Bids €50m for Mesut Özil which is accepted. Case closed. No fake bids.

My second and third points, both to do with negativity, perhaps lacked explanation. The main point I was trying to make was that many Gooners now resent Arsene so much that anything positive he or his team does is glossed over. We won away to Bayern Munich (arguably the best team in the world) but apparently ‘they didn’t care’ about the result because they already had one foot in the next round. This could be true but is it the usual viewpoint from a football fan? On the other hand everything negative is highlighted and Wenger is often deemed responsible. Aston Villa for example, Wenger failed to prepare his team for the new season. A perfectly valid criticism and one I agree with. However what I did not agree with was the Media/Blogging/Twitter sh*t storm that followed. I do not understand why it has become so extreme, it is like listening to a Spurs fan describe the situation. We have arrived at a stage where fans (who are usually very loyal) want us to lose matches to quicken the departure of Wenger. They think that Wenger leaving would mean a more ambitious manager would come in, spend some money and win some trophies (Short term failure = long term success). Perhaps that would happen? I just do not think that the team and manager are treated fairly given the job they are doing. If that makes me AKB, then by definition…

To finish I have a question.

At the time of writing (Ed’s note – Monday morning) Arsenal have bid €50m for Mesut Özil. In the comment section can you please give your reason as to why you still want Wenger out? Some of you have hated the Club’s situation for a long time because of the obvious lack of ambition and failure to invest the Club’s vast wealth properly. What is your opinion now? Do you still feel the same way or have you become more faithful in Wenger? The other problems are still there admittedly – ticket pricing, no trophies etc. but the Club is finally showing the ambition we wanted and paying good money for it too.

I will imagine someone will put: “Just because we’ve bought Özil doesn’t mean we’re ambitious, it’s just to please fans” or something along those lines. That is the sort of attitude on which both my articles are based upon.

I will not be returning with Part III you will be pleased to hear although if a similar situation should arise next summer I will be sure to raise my ugly head.

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  1. Jason B

    Sep 09, 2013, 23:35 #39061

    On the subject of ticket prices, people always have and always will complain. Something that season ticket holders should remember is that the club reduced the price of season tickets because we had a left over cup tie credit from last season. Further more, we haven't got to apply for tickets for every home match, unlike silver and red members.

  2. Munintionsman

    Sep 07, 2013, 3:22 #39011

    Ozil puts us back in contention for 4th. And changes the feel of the club. More stagnation or the first step on a glorious path. Time will tell. Could be either.

  3. northbank123

    Sep 06, 2013, 21:13 #39003

    Mr Arsenal 123 - You're the one circumventing the obvious. Ramsey obviously had ability and potential but for 11/12 and most of 12/13, Wenger mostly played Ramsey out of position (either as playmaker or out wide). Ramsey was well below par throughout this time and looked well out of his depth. Since getting substantial playing time in his favoured position at the back end of last season and start of this one, Ramsey has looked twice the player. I don't think it's unreasonable to draw the conclusion that those were a wasted 2 years for his development. And in any event it's pretty absurd to suggest playing on the wing improved his breathing (????) or encourage him to play in tighter spaces (unlike a 3-man CM???).


    Sep 06, 2013, 20:00 #38998

    croker, thank you. Victoria Concordia Crescit, right back at you buddy.

  5. Croker

    Sep 06, 2013, 19:26 #38997

    Nicely said and done, Badarse.


    Sep 06, 2013, 16:11 #38986

    @TPM, Re: Post 41702. As no one has answered you I felt I should. One question first, do you really want to know what someone else thinks? I feel not. You have a locked-in mind set, and I don't think a few words from me, or anyone else will convince you otherwise. This is not a personal criticism, it's just how people are. Your questions are pertinent, but let's be honest, you have an agenda, 'sack the manager', and that won't change. How can I, or anyone else, seriously answer your criticisms? I don't know why this or that happened, I can but guess, and that's just speculation, which doesn't carry debates. AKB? No, just a fan. If you couch a question in such confrontational terms, and dare a response, guess what? People come straight back at you. I won't, as I see you as an opponent , but a sensible one. I have said so often that those howling at the moon, generally fall either side of an invisible line. Those who are joined up, and those less so. You quite clearly are of the former, though as I intimated, I can take exception to name-calling and derogatory acronyms. The whole transfer scenario has been less than satisfactory, we can all agree on that. Why? The most demanding word in the OED, (that's a reasonable acronym), but I can't give you the answer you are looking for, as I don't know! My generalised views would differ to yours, but here goes. I think Sir Chesney is a good keeper, and we have a new on loan back up. I don't think we could shift Fabianski so we run with what we have. DM? Flamini has to be the man to cover this position, Aaron can do a job there, as can Arteta, though again, not ideal. Defensive cover has to be addressed, but I think he has gone with Verminator coming back, and as we have a surfeit of full backs, Sagna can also do a seemingly good job. Easy to put him in the middle and bring one of our full backs into the line up. Once more it is a little like 'flying by the seat of your pants', and it would be a killer if a championship run was halted because of a shortage of numbers. The striker role is most difficult of all grievances to answer, but I think it was decided to run with the bare bones, a case being made for Bendtner as a back up. I also think that we may adapt our style, should injuries prove awkward, and we could see a swarm of fast-moving, clever midfielders, compensating, or at least trying to, for Giroud's absence. I hope you take this reply in the spirit intended. I am a fan, not ecstatic by circumstances, but grizzled enough to know real life is not as simplistic as it may seem. Let's see how we are placed at the turn of the year, we may yet build on the squad we have, in January.

  7. TPM

    Sep 06, 2013, 15:07 #38980

    how come ramsey was good before he got injured, hed never played on the winf then? and how come bendtner is still awful despite playign on the wing, likewise eboue, AA etc. does arsene also make the sunrise in the mornings? idiots. when this season turns out like last i wonder where you will all be.

  8. Mr.Arsenal123

    Sep 06, 2013, 15:01 #38979

    northbank123 - Do you not get it? As Mark said when Ramsey was on the wing he improved his first touch, ability to play in smaller areas, dribbling, his decision making has to be sharper and improved breathing. Wenger didn't waste him on the wing he improved him. When Wenger felt that he had improved he put him back into the middle, do you think its a coincidence? The facts are there but you are bypassing them and going for the anti Wenger version.

  9. Eddie

    Sep 06, 2013, 11:27 #38961

    All I'm gonna say is.....wait until Oliver Giroud get's injured. Or suspended. Where will the positives be then?? When we will have to endure either Sanogo or Bendtner leading the frontline. But either way, buzzing with Mesut Ozil!! Roll on the Stadium of light on the 14th!!

  10. Croker

    Sep 06, 2013, 10:53 #38960

    Thanks for both of your articles Richard. Ozil is a fantastic signing and I hope this is just the first step in some overdue strengthening of the side and injecting some true top ranking quality. As covered by lots of posters above, the rest of the squad is still looking a bit threadbare so Le Boss has taken a gamble by not signing another striker or stiffening up the defensive side of the team with a Makelele type or a new centre back. I've no idea why we need a new 3rd choice keeper. Whether the lack of further signings is due to market forces or poor organisation, I can't say but it does repeat the pattern of previous transfer windows for which I think the club deserves criticism. I'd like some insight into how sucessfully Steve Bould is able to work on the training pitch but I think we can see that the defensive side of the Team is much improved although the concern remains that we may run out of defenders through injuries and suspensions. I have become critical of some of the organisation of the side out on the pitch, defending set pieces and being caught on the break and would still like to see Le Boss further overhaul his backroom team. The criticism was that his ideas had become stale and he seemed immune to change. Note I'm not calling for him to go, just to make changes. I believe the coaching set up for the younger players is in flux with the departure of Chippy and its disappointing we have not seen that previous system produce a young striker or central defenders when (again) we were found lacking bodies in those positions. I hope Wenger is now giving that a serious overhaul and the goalkeeper coaching also needs a review. So, I can be critical and sound a bit negative but that's because I love the club can see that with a few changes and some team strengthening, we can go on and improve. I found the pursuit of Higuain and Suarez baffling and so too, the failure to reinforce the midfield and defence early on in the window when targets should already have been scouted, lined up and bid for. I'm sure that could have been done without spending Ozillions on those positions. Anyway, delighted we've got Ozil, a true rabbit out of the hat and this has lifted my spirits for the season.

  11. northbank123

    Sep 06, 2013, 7:58 #38953

    mr Arsenal 123 - Let me get this right: Ramsey is played all over the park and out of position for nearly two seasons, looking out of his depth. He then actually gets a run of games towards the end of last season and the start of this one in his actual position, and has played well. Wenger wasted 18 months by playing him all over the park, since when do players need to learn how to play in other positions to improve their game???

  12. Steve

    Sep 06, 2013, 6:56 #38951

    The whole transfer window by Wenger and the board was a shambles right up to trying to get Ba on deadline day.That showed Wenger knew we are not strong upfront but waited till the last day to address it.And dont con youself if either of the Higuain and Suarez deals had gone through Ozil would not have been signed.What must happen is no new contract should be offered to Wenger till the end of the season and when there is a trophy won.If not he should be told enough is enough

  13. Stevieo

    Sep 06, 2013, 6:36 #38950

    I see the AKB's have started to take on board what Mourinho has to say now he thinks Arsenal can be title challengers. Of course we can, with the right manager. However, when he ridiculed Wenger that he'd be out of a job at any other big club, the AKB's couldn't care less about what Mourinho had to say. The point is, we've always had the players to compete for the title. We've just been badly mismanaged. Try asking Mourinho if he thinks Wenger is the manager that can win the title, and he'll struggle to keep a straight face.

  14. CT Gooner

    Sep 06, 2013, 1:47 #38949

    My god Terry, what a response. So you think Fergie was always right huh? Tell that to the the man ure fathful stuck with Moyes!! I don't think they're laughing right now! He made arsenal look good. Bottom line for me, I don't give a hoot about what the media say, or other managers, I base my judgment on our manager by watching our games. I've seen a drop in standards over the last 5 years, I've seen very poor team/formation selection, I've seen a stubbornness that borders on insanity. I'll be fair though, I've seen glimmers this season of change, so I'm on board....but if he gets credit for the good, he must also be held responsible for the bad.

  15. GG89

    Sep 06, 2013, 1:25 #38948

    Ozil is a step in the right direction... when AW goes (and that´ll be very soon) Ozil will still be in the team... One more signing like that then a better manager will come much sooner... WO WO WO WO..... Then a trophy might just be ours... 9 effing years.... and people still think he is a good manager... FFS.... ahhhhhhh!

  16. Mark

    Sep 05, 2013, 23:10 #38947

    Canterbury Gooner - When Ramsey played against Man City and Chelsea on the wing we had Walcott AND Chamberlain on the bench. I agree with what you say and belive it to be part of the decision. Also Jenkinson was quite inexperienced then so putting an attacking winger on was quite risky.

  17. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 23:06 #38946

    Walcott was on the bench when he was holding out for a new contract and saying he wanted to play as a striker. Also the point is that wingers are not as important in the modern game, especially with the formation we play, it's the reason Wenger prefers just wingers who can cut inside and chip in with goals.

  18. Mark

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:56 #38945

    TPM- Ramsey was good before he got injured yes, very good infact. The thing was though that the injury knocked his confidence a lot, this is evident from the hesitation that was in his play, which wasn't helped by the Emirates crowd. When you watched him you could see he'd think about a pass and then reconsider and look for an easier option, when he did try a pass that didn't come off crowd would get on his back. To restore his confidence Wenger put him on the wing so he didn't have time to debate whether or not a poor pass would get the crowd on his back. I hope that answers your question. Canterbury Gooner - a lot of the time that Ramsey was on the wing Theo Walcott was on the bench. Check it.

  19. Canterbury Gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:47 #38944

    Ramsey played on the wing because of other players being injured or suspended. Just because he said it helped him doesn't mean it was planned- he could just as likely have been saying he made the best of it. The modern game doesn't place much emphasis on wingers either...

  20. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:46 #38943

    funny how ramsey was looking pretty damn good b4 he got destroyed by some stoke thug...but hey he hadnt played on the wing, so he was obviously crap before then. funny how its taken him time to get back to where he was after that now hes playing where hes meant to...why hasnt it worked with bendtner then mr fifa licence...yawn

  21. Mark

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:40 #38942

    Before Ramsey played on the wing he was often criticised for being too hesitant on the ball. Ramsey himself has said in interviews that playing on the wing helped him with this because it made him think differently and adapt to different situations. There is less space on the wing which means you have less time on the ball, therefore needing to think more quickly and play a pass more quickly. When he was put back into the middle he had more time to play a pass but had the confidence to play the pass. Anyone with a FIFA license like my self and Wenger will tell you this is common practice for improving players.

  22. David

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:37 #38941

    It's just a shame that it's taken the loss of all those players to make AW realise that money talks and...

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:23 #38940

    northbank123, quite right lets hope he already knows Ozil's best position, and doesn't start playing him all over the place to try and find it, or give him experience.

  24. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:20 #38939

    BREAKING NEWS player plays in his correct position and gets better shocker!!! didnt work for bendtner

  25. Mr.Arsenal123

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:13 #38938

    northbank123 - do you just think it's a fluke that Ramsey has improved so much recently? It's no fluke that Wenger plays Ramsey in a difficult position for him and then a few months later there is a vast improvement in his abilities. You're the sort of person who moaned when Henry was played up front aren't you? I agree with Richard when he says that anything Wenger does is glossed over, but any mistakes he makes are lit up like guy forks night.

  26. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:03 #38937

    another general point to make to clear up some misconceptions here, is that arteta IS NOT a defensive midfielder, never has been never will be. he can play a HOLDING role, but this is nothing like the same thing. and moaninho didnt say (if he even said anything at all, find me a proper source on this) we are contenders with ozil, he supposedly said, giving us BA would make us contenders given that we\'d signed ozil (so thus the combination of ozil putting thru balls for ba would make us challenge, which i think it would) as it is ozil could be putting thru balls to the prince of denmark, which wont make us contenders...

  27. northbank123

    Sep 05, 2013, 22:02 #38936

    Jim - if 99% of his decisions have ended up beneficial how come we've regressed so much from a decade ago? Signing Santos, Gervinho, Chamakh, Park, Silvestre, Squillaci - I think after that some scrutiny and questioning of his transfer policy is pretty justified regardless of how long he's worked in the game. As for Ramsey I hardly think it was a brainwave for Wenger to spend two seasons playing him out of position and given his return over the last two years it hardly did wonders for Ramsey either. Now that Wenger appears to have found his best role he's starting to prosper - can only hope the same happens with Wilshere because having him running round like a headless chicken every week isn't going to do him much good going forward.

  28. Jim

    Sep 05, 2013, 21:52 #38935

    @TPM - no I'm not saying that, I just think that Wenger has more experience than any Arsenal fan and how ever ridiculous his decision making seems to us he is not an idiot and he knows what he's doing. You might disagree there but If you look back you'll see that 99% of Wenger's decisions turn out to be beneficial for the club. Ramsey on the wing for example, it would have been a terrible tactical decision but It wasn't. Wenger put him there to develop him as a player (less space on the wing - better control etc.) , the improvement is obvious. Would Barry have done this? No he'd have sold him years ago.

  29. CanadaGooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 21:42 #38934

    @terry white - which trophy winning club in any of the british (man utd? man city? Chelsea?), Italian (Milan? juve?) or Spanish (real? Barcelona?) will sign Wenger? NONE! they all have managers who know winning a trophy isn't the same as champions league qualification. In 2006 Real Madrid wanted Wenger, but I doubt they will swap Ancelotti for Wenger right now after 9 years of him winning toss all! As for your comments about me being in Canada or just wanting to moan about Wenger, it only proves one thing: you're either new to this site or to arsenal or you just don't pay attention @ Maguirebridge goner - absolutely mate @ CT Gooner - indeed. Bradford and Blackburn and Birmingham in the Carling Cup final, are teams spending much less than us, and those are potential opportunities to have won a trophy. Anyone who doesn't see any fault in Wenger right now, is simply a moron.

  30. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 21:40 #38933

    @jim, i dont think any sane wob, wanted arsenal to sign ashley williams. where is your eveidence for this, ive never come across anyone, who wanted us to sign williams, wob or not. so arsene cannot be questioned, is that what your saying???

  31. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 21:30 #38932

    still waiting for a sensible,reasoned, rational response from an 'centrist' or 'akb' on my points i make in post 41702. still nothing? thanks. to clarify im delighted with ozil, but until we address the other defieciencies that have been present for years, we will fall short. hopefully ozil will stop the unedfying scrap with the scum for 4th, but i dont think, unless we sign another striker in jan, we will challenge the top 2 (chelsea/city...i can see 3rd being up 4 grabs as united i think will struggle big time and moyes will lose the dressing room)

  32. Jim

    Sep 05, 2013, 20:55 #38931

    Who is more qualified to decide who to buy? Arsene Wenger - worked in football all his life, numerous trophies, 18 years at Arsenal, bought Thierry Henry, Sol Campbell etc. Or Barry, WOB fanatic, watches MOTD every week, thinks Fellaini and Williams are the players we should have bought this transfer window.

  33. terrywhite

    Sep 05, 2013, 20:52 #38930

    Canadagooner "Wenger protecting his job" perhaps you are actually in Canada and not aware that clubs had been queing up almost to take on board Wenger. That is probably part of your negativity, the facts aren`t important ! The Emirates stadium which i wrote about earlier. Wenger was indeed in favour of The Emirates, wise man Danny Fiszman as largest shareholder authorised the move from Highbury to The Emirates but insisted that the deal was "self-financing", that is no debt was involved. What Highbury was sold for would pay for The Emirates, Great ! Except the Finance Dept. screwed up ! The Finance Dept sold options, NOT sold the Apartments, but they reported that the apartments were sold Danny gave approval to go ahead then found the board needed to borrow a fortune to pay for the Emirates Exactly what he had instructed to avoid Because Arsenal was now in debt and over a barrel, the banks screwed us in the financing the sponsors screwed us in so far as they knew we were up to the ears in debt, we would have to accept whatever we offered for the naming rights So, Arsenal was in deep SH*T finacially, they had to issue a bond to pay for the Emirates xactly what Danny tried to avoid THIS is why over the past 7 years or so, Arsenal have not had any spare money. Wenger has not been able to spend money on players and lost players he wanted to keep NOW, most of that debt is paid off, but still about £100 million outstanding The sponsoring deals have run out and we can renew not under finacial pressure New TV rights also mean we have cash to spend All that time Wenger has kept us afloat All this details has been in the press. nobody phoned me up from Arsenal to say sorry Terry we are debt Now, the news might not have been in Comic Cuts, I dont know But one good thing is we have Gazidis as Fin Director and Tom Fox running the Commercial Dept One other thing, one reason why Arsenal prices are so high is because of the screw-up over the finacing of the Emirates,cash had to come from somewhere over a short period of time that should start to sort itself out The whole point of my bothering to type this lot out is that Canadagooner, you are probably one of the people the Blog was aimed at "The facts don`t matter, I just want to moan" Wenger may be a prat, I don`t know, all I know is that most of his players think the sun shines out of his orifice and many clubs would sign him tommorrow Perhaps they are all wrong and the facts don`t matter.# I`ve supported this club for more than 50 years and it pees me off to see so much negativity Fergie,in response to Arsenal fans negativity towards Wenger said "be careful what you wish for !" and he wasn`t a fan of anybody except Fergie Why did i bother wasting my time on writing this, carry on looking at page 3 of the Sun, even if you get that upside down the boobs will still stand out

  34. Frederick

    Sep 05, 2013, 20:41 #38929

    I like how many people think they know better than Wenger when it comes to transfers. If fans could decide we'd end up with players like Christopher Samba, Gareth Barry and choose a manager like Owen Coyle or Harry Redkanpp.

  35. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 18:12 #38928

    Yes Canada, surely Ozil can give the players a lift the way it has the fans, and surely it can also make the players up their game, that's if their capable of doing it, and if they are are they capable of doing it under this manager because he's still here, and that's one of the points i was trying to make when i said nothings changed, and asked due to one big signing has OGL suddenly changed after all these years? Is he suddenly going to become more competent in the tactics department, substitution department, coaching department? Due to one big signing has he suddenly found the capabilities to get the team up for games not just the big boys but also the relegation candidates and teams like Bradford so we can avoid more humiliations (he hasn't before so what's going to change) are we going to hear no more excuses, spin. Has he the ability to get the best out of a real big player a winner? and manage him properly and get the best out of the others who we expect to step up now. Or sadly like you've mentioned will it be another Arshavin scenario.As much as the Ozil signing is welcome and good to see, nothings going to change, and it's been proven already as we're still way short with millions to spare, because we still have the same manager and he's never going to change.

  36. northbank123

    Sep 05, 2013, 17:54 #38927

    Ozil is a brilliant player and I'm delighted we've signed him - never thought we could (never mind would) get such a class player. But with Szczesny in goal and more importantly Giroud playing lone striker every week the transfer window has been unsuccessful imo. Absolutely ridiculous that we'd spend that on Ozil but wouldn't buy Higuain when we could have sealed the deal promptly for no more than 30m probably.

  37. Man United Killer

    Sep 05, 2013, 17:35 #38926

    I think most of the disgruntled fans are reasonable people who rightly felt there was a need for a show of more ambition.Numbers dont lie and it was obvious that we had more financial muscle to flex.Fans were not calling on the manager and the board to pull a citeh,a psg or a monaco kind of stunt with spending but something more in line with a club of Arsenal's stature.Ozil is a great purchase and kudos to Wenger and his board for pulling it off but there are still gaps in the team that need to be filled with world class players to make us genuine title challengers. Ozil has been a breath of fresh air but the fact still remains that we made a mess of the transfer window by not addressing our deficiencies fully.Hopefully by January, when we have another chance to make ammends we wont be too far back in the title race-if we are in contention.

  38. Feeling slightly better but..

    Sep 05, 2013, 17:28 #38925

    pleased about Flamini; always liked him; up for it, passionate, likes a tackle, backs up more talented players always did. he wont hide at OT or away games. pleased about Ozil also. but still upset why we did not bolster forward line ? our nett spend in 2013 is £33.70m and -£9.90m since 2009 i.e. we could easily have afforded to add another forward and THIS is the seaon that we should have BEEN BRAVE and GONE FOR IT

  39. CT Gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 17:24 #38924

    Richard, the reason I've lost respect for Wenger has nothing to do with his dreadful close season dealings. I won't go into that, as it's been said in the above posts. No the reason I've lost respect for him is that he coaching and tactical knowledge are verging on inept! Playing players out of position, sticking with a formation designed for players with skill sets our current squad doesn't possess, etc, etc. I'll come back to a point Canada keeps making, even if our squad isn't as good as we'd hope or has been, how do we keep losing to lower league oponents???

  40. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 05, 2013, 16:50 #38923

    Another aspect of the acquisitions made recently is that we now have a German spine, albeit consisting partly of pleasing Polish and Turkish origin. It is quite possible that this will together with Flamini, impose some sort of structure and discipline. Many apologies to the AKB's for a Crypto AMG such as myself being positive, but we may now see some practical progress imposed from personalities on the pitch. Such necessities certainly won't be imposed from off the pitch. OOh er. Positive for the fortunes of the team and negative about the Dear Leader. Does not compute?

  41. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 05, 2013, 16:24 #38922

    Westlower: So – let’s get this right: voting against a regime that you disagree with is democracy, but reasoned argument against the way your football team is being managed is not the mark of a true supporter, indeed it is destabilising. In essence then, anyone who criticises their team is little more than a saboteur. Thank you for that insight.

  42. Benny2

    Sep 05, 2013, 16:12 #38921

    Yes, we don't have a second striker but is that really a good enough reason for a manager to be sacked? The things like lack of ambition, lack of trophies make this detail miniscule. Arsenal have picked up the most league points in 2013, if they continue to do so (striker or not) then surely you can't complain?

  43. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2013, 16:10 #38920

    Der Projekt ist Kaput, Voting for the political party of your choice is democracy. Attempting to destabilise the football club you support is self defeating.

  44. jjetplane

    Sep 05, 2013, 16:00 #38919

    Plonkers unite! Exercise your negative capability! And above all (according to Todd) Ozil out! He will be - give it two seasons of bench warming ...... Alsace/Ron/Tony - voices of reason and knowledge. Just love the smell of smoking empires - I wish I wish ......

  45. Reg

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:59 #38918

    Yeah great we have signed a truly class player but lets not get carried away. Fact remains that since breaking up the invincibles in 2005 (Selling Paddy was in my view when we started becoming a selling club),even with the Ozil signing we have still received more in transfers than we've spent. Until that changes over a sustained period I'm not getting the bunting out. Wenger is still in the negative because he has lied and spun his way through this period to an extent that the fan base is deeply divided.

  46. Bard

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:49 #38917

    Baz did you make a typo "we're not short of numbers and quality'. Can you explain why we ended up having to play 4 full backs against the spuds? Every club gets injuries the thought that our success rides on the back of Barry Bender morphing into the worlds best striker tells you all you need to know about the strength and quality of the squad.

  47. CanadaGooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:39 #38916

    @ maguiresbridge gooner - mate, one can only hope that the psychological effect of signing Ozil outweighs the actual physical impact (as he cant be the better goalie we need and the better striker we dont have as well as the better defendence we havent had since 2001!); we are hoping that the buzz that has been created will make the other players wake up a little, and his winning mentality (as we currently have too many players who havent won anything and are comfortable with top 4) could rub off on the others. But in reality, what will happen is what happened to Arshavin; he will start and give his best, and try to push the team and Wenger to aim higher, and they'll crush him. Wenger will bench him and we'll all say he's too lazy, and he'll be back in Spain within 2 seasons. Arsenal under Wenger is now a team that celebrates 4th place finish, and there's no room for any player aiming higher.

  48. Big Andy

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:36 #38915

    It's gonna be very interesting to view this website and others later in the season, when reality bites us on the bottom. Ozil is a great player, but he was not the type of player that we actually needed. A top striker was the absolute priority, followed by a defensive midfielder and lastly a top-quality goalkeeper. You can't defy the laws of football. The fans who think that signing one world-class attacking midfielder will solve our other problems are just thick. But don't believe me: just look what happens over the next few weeks. Spurs's spending was greater and far more efficient than ours: they solved problems all over the pitch, and crucially, the have provided themselves with strength in depth - something that we severly lack. Wenger is past it and should go, this incompetent transfer window buying sums up just how much he has lost it. But let's just see.


    Sep 05, 2013, 15:36 #38914

    Thought I would just pitch this into the middle of the two sides playing verbal tennis; much sense from both sides, and some threads not so sensible, as usual. I happen to think Sir Chesney is a better than good goalkeeper. True he is raw, has weaknesses, and his development may go one of two ways, yet to criticise his arrogance is naïve. A man is who he is. I am happy with someone saying they are the greatest if they set about proving it, like Ali. Oh, and thank you Richard.

  50. giri SHARMA

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:16 #38913

    Arsenal have never been big spenders and never will be .. they spent this on Ozil but really with sales only spent 35mill.. so compared to what they have they will never spend big, which i,m ok with.. So if a new manager comes in the board are NOT gonna say here's 100 mill.. no chance.. Each window if we add just 1 quality player then we will be challenging soon

  51. Green Hut

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:11 #38912

    If you thought Wenger sat on his hands for all bar one day of this empty Summer, wait till next year when there is a World Cup on the other side of the planet to give him a whole new set of lame excuses for failure.

  52. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 05, 2013, 15:02 #38911

    Westlower - for goodness sake, being critical does not make you disloyal. In fact, it can be a good measurement on how much you care. By your own logic, if a person votes against the incumbent government, they must be traitorous. Reason, argument or debate to a 'My country, right or wrong' person is not only wasted - it's also proof of disloyalty. That, Sir, is not a badge of honour - it is the sign of a fool.

  53. Todd

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:56 #38910

    People who still want Ozil out lack patience and miss the point. Players are at Arsenal BECAUSE OF WENGER. That is the truth you must deal with if you want to get past your negativity. Ozil publicly said one phone call with Wenger made him come to Arsenal because he has the faith from the manager. Jack publicly said, if Wenger goes I go. I could go on and on. When are you Wenger haters going to put your ego aside and actually look at the truth of what is in front of you? I am not saying the man is perfect, he has made mistakes. Have you? The difference is you think you have the God given right to judge his mistakes and you do not give him the opportunity to judge yours. Get behind the man with a little faith and respect. He has earned that. Trust that in the next two windows more will come because our squad is thin and he knows it. Ozil would NOT have come if he actually lacked trust and belief in the manager and the club. FACT. Ozil stated that he sees the ambition and hinted himself he knows more will come after him. Time to eat some humble pie and get behind your club! Sorry for the rant, but I think most Arsenal fans are really sick of hearing the BS especially now that Ozil has come and there is a shining light of hope and expectation for the future.

  54. GaryFootscrayAustralia

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:56 #38909

    Shipping out Ivorian Rick James and bringing in Turkish Bruno Mars represents improvement. I've been tracking TBM since his Werder days. We all know he's class. However, failing to add a striker represents negligence. So, a bit from both pots as per usual. On the Ba saga - depends on what order the player shuffle happened at the end of the window as well, maybe? I'm assuming Arsenal inquired about Ba before Lukaku went out on loan, as I'm pretty sure Mourinho wouldn't leave himself with only one recognised experienced striker. That would be the actions of a crazy man. Now, whatever happened to the other 60 or so million? My guess is it's in the vault marked "End of January sales".

  55. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:40 #38908

    As much as Ozil is a fantastic signing (whoever brokered the deal)it changes nothing, is it suddenly going to make us contenders again? are we going to clean up now? the answer is no, as we all know we're still way short, (nothing changes there)and the money was there to do something about it,(nothing changes there)the chance was there to make us really competitive again with another couple in the class of Ozil, and as others have pointed out over the last month probably the best chance we'll ever have,that would have been a real statement to the Prem League and all the rest that Arsenal are back and we mean business. But no we didn't take it (i wonder why). Does one big signing minutes from the deadline mean OGL has suddenly changed after all these years? the fact we still needed/need strengthening and there's still upwards of 50m that has remained unspent and is now sloshing about somewhere tells us the answer to that. Should one big signing (as good as it is)suddenly mean we should all just forget the last eight seasons of incompetence, humiliations, trophyless ,spin/excuses, second third rate signings,Bradfords and the rest, that are all down to wenger just because after all these years of failure he's actually managed to sign one real class player? As i said yesterday the signing of Ozil may have appeased the fans but it doesn't and hasn't erased memories.

  56. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:35 #38907

    All through the 'Invincible' season people around me in the West Lower were occasionally moaning about the football they were witnessing. I remember telling them this is the 'good times' and they'd do well to treasure it as they'll never see the like again. Henry & DB, both lame ducks intially. No ambition shown by the Arsenal manager, there must be better strikers around. These critical fans expected so much more for their money. The Invincible's couldn't even win the League Cup, must be the clueless managers fault! Even Fergie said, "without question, Arsenal drew too many matches." Talksports Adrian Durham would have ripped the Invincible's to pieces and his disciples would have believed every word, without question! Back in 70/71, the double winners talented midfielder Jon Sammels was booed relentlessly by 'loyal Gooners.' You discontents are an embarrassment to AFC. Learn to handle your anxiety when we lose because it's unhelpful to slag off the players and management. Stay away if you are unable to control your tempers & support the team when things aren't going as well as hoped for. Victory Through Harmony.

  57. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:27 #38906

    Glorious Leader, The matters alleged against you are as follows. 1. Despite the backing of substantial sums of money through gate receipts and television receipts, you have failed to win any sort of trophy since May 2005. No comparable position in any club of standing tolerates failure on this scale. 2. You have failed to win any sort of trophy ( amongst other things)because your allocation of resources to each competition has been inadequate and unrealistic, on one occasion turning up to a major competition tie at Wembley Stadium without the first team being on the pitch. 3. You have failed to afford relevant players contract lengths or wages appropriate to their quality (as measured, if you wish by your own willingness to play them or even have them at the club)as players. 4. You have driven out world class players from the club, who were themselves fiercely loyal to the club, but left in the certain knowledge that to stay would mean spending the rest of their careers in the graveyard of non achievement. 5. You have allowed the stadium to be adorned with at least two facsimilies of your own image, one a huge metal curtain and the other a bronze statue, indicative of an inflated view of your own importance as an employee of the club. 6. You have completely abandoned the provision of competent defensive play in either the rear 5 players or in the midfield, choosing to expose players who are unsuited to the defensive role to injury through non preparation or protection. No competent manager at any level abandons the defence, especially not if they are a successor to Mr Herbert Chapman, Mr George Allison, Mr Tom Whittaker and Mr George Graham. 7. These failures are repeated year in and year out. We do not believe that you are capable of improving, because over many years, you do not do so 8. You do not use the money available to you with anything approaching economy. Your trophies to resources ratio is perhaps one of the poorest in the league. 9. Good players careers wilt and die under the inertia of your regime. 10. Substitutions are not made on time or in the correct order or in response to what is going on on the field. 11. There is a significant body of professional opinion to substantiate the above issues and allegations not limited to retired players of significant stature in the media. Will that do for starters Richard or would you like me to go on?

  58. Arsenal 71

    Sep 05, 2013, 14:19 #38905

    Dear Richard, I will have faith if we do better than just ending up 4th again. If he wins a cup as well, any cup even LC and are 4th and better then I will be happy. The fact is 8 years is too long with no silverware for a club like Arsenal and I do not think that any AKB's or AO's would disagree, so my question to you RICHARD is, are you willing to have Wenger and our usual set up for another 1-2-3 years if we still win nothing and end up 4th?? If yes then you must have shares in the club and are not acting like a fan, as financially that will be great. Us fans deserve more, and if signing Ozil will get us what I want, which is success on the field, not in the bank, then great, otherwise it seems if it is just fan management to buy Ozil, so we do not really start boycotting games and cause too much pressure on the manager and the board when we loose two games in a row, and that means we fell for it again, as if Wenger get another 7.5m contract and shares go up for being in CL and we win nothing, then who give a ---- if we have signed Ozil or not in reality. It's a results game, and no club ambitious for silverware will keep a manger (highest paid) for 8 years and more with no success unless they do not care about that part of the football club.

  59. Lee

    Sep 05, 2013, 13:48 #38904

    Sorry to poke me nose in, i only really caught the beginning and tail end of your article, you are rightly entitled to your opinion as we all are without being lambasted, however surely eight years without a trophy for a 'big club' is sufficient enough in itself to want the manager out? What other top club would allow a manager free reign and complete control? just an idea.

  60. Peter Wain

    Sep 05, 2013, 13:25 #38903

    It is quite simple the reason Wenger must be sacked is the management of the transfer window taken overall. The quote " In an economical sense Wenger’s decision making is second to none, perhaps even the ‘WO’ brigade would agree on that" is laughable. If his judgement was so good from an economic view point why were so many players let go on free transfers. Most probably like Santos and Bendtner they were over paid and could not be transferred. Yes the transfer of Ozil is a great piece of business but the fact that we have no additional centre back. a tall defence midfield player and additional strikers is of more concern. I do not call for Wenger to go because I hate him I call for his dismissal based on the last nine years of poor management in both the players we have signed and the ones we have let go. Both United and Liverpool gave our management a lesson in ensuring that they kept players irrespective of the desire of the players to leave. We sold Fabregas, Nasiri and RVP. I do not say that the club lacks ambition but they have never shown ambition before. And also it is not a case of Wenger out - it is a case of owner out, Gazidis out and the board out. They all bear responsibility regarding the dithering and indecisiveness which is shown up in our transfer dealings. People forget this is the first transfer window in some time when we have spent more than we received usually it is the other way around.

  61. Henry

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:54 #38902

    Good news the signing of a true world class player.Cazorla and Wilshere are good but this guy is a level above them.Bad news we went the whole window without signing a striker(except George Weah's cousin of course).And striker as well as a top class keeper was the priority.As fans of a club that has the highest ticket price we have every right to moan.Not all of us our members of the Cult of Wenger.Success now for Wenger? he has to start winning real trophies not one's he makes up.4th place this season is unexceptable

  62. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:50 #38901

    Another transfer window – another fiasco. For a football club like Arsenal to rely on its current forward line is nothing short of disgraceful. As another poster has said – we’re an injury to Giroud away from Bendtner or an untried Ligue 2 kid from being our ‘strikeforce’. Jesus, Wenger out.

  63. Tony Evans

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:43 #38900

    Westlower - Hope you are right about goals from midfield, but don't agree with you that better striking options could not have been secured.

  64. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:25 #38899

    Tony Evans, None of the best strikers currently playing in Europe are available, i.e Lewandowski, Ronaldo, Benzema, Suarez. Doubtless we made enquiries for three of those. Until a class act becomes available you go with what you have. I wouldn't have paid £35m for Higuain but that's just my opinion. In the meantime Arsenal are capable of following the Spanish model with an emphasis on technically gifted midfielders running into the box in support of the greatly improved Giroud.

  65. Dom

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:19 #38898

    There's still pessimistic fans. Yes there are issues but can't you see the positive in this transfer?? We have attracted one of the top 10 players in the world.. We. Arsenal... Can't you all see what this will now do in future years.. I think this current squad depth will at least last until January. Touch wood.. Then you can all come out and be negative again in the next window. I bet a few of you are wishing for injuries to occur just so you can say "I told you so" when we have a lack of players to choose.... Pitiful fans. Go support man city.

  66. Baz

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:12 #38897

    I don't share the opinion we are short in numbers and quality. Arteta and Flamini are both good DMs. We have brought in another quality Keeper. We have two left backs and two right backs, and three international centre halves. Add to that, Ozil, Wilshere, Cazorla, Ramsey, Walcott, and The Ox and Podolski when they come back. We won't need a DM at this rate, because we'll have our opponents on the back foot. Come on you Gooners !!!

  67. Sanj

    Sep 05, 2013, 12:12 #38896

    What does it tell you when mourinho personally blocked the Ba loan deal to us commenting “We didn’t accept Arsenal’s offer for Demba Ba because the signing of Ozil makes them title contenders.” I lost patience with wenger last season, but when you have to sit up and listen to moaninho when he says stuff like that. If we become competitive this season and I dont mean actually winning something but looking like we are a threat again not to the spuds but the top three then thats good enough for me. I think wenger has finally caved in and from now on we can expect to see more marquee signings. Perhaps the plastics can calm down now, all I want to do is support the club I love. BTW, on sunday the gooners in the emirates where amazing just shows what can be done when we pull together.

  68. Johnny Lynch

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:50 #38895

    Lets get this into perspective. Wenger has left us (our club, not his) with the very real prospect of having the world's greatest striker no top club in the world wants leading the line anytime soon .. and as Van Persie and Cesc before him must have looked around the dressing room at five to three or twenty to eight and thought 'really?' so will Ozil and eventually Santi and Jack .. And for all you carping about Mourinho and Ba , the former was looking after Chelsea and the latter has had a luck escape .. Wenger remains a disgrace to Arsenal and it's supporters

  69. GoonerGoal!

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:26 #38894

    Well, my car really needs a change of spark plugs, a new air filter, and a new set of drive belts. So applying the Wenger theory, I have gone out and bought a new set of top quality tyres even though none of the originals required changing. Everything is bound to be ok, isn't it? VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  70. Markus

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:21 #38893

    I have reached the conclusion that there are people you couldn't pay to be happy. I mean we just signed a player of immense talent and yet people are talking about we have all these phantom needs that we have.... I mean Barcelona won almost everything the world of football had to offer with false nines and a ton of midfielders. Plus there is a January window so what is the matter? These blubbering bastions of negativity forget they cried about a DM and they got Flamini. Just this Sunday everyone was euphoric about his performance and yet we are still talking about the same tired line of adding a DM, CB and Striker. I mean we have Kos, Mert, Sagna and TV5. Where would this new CB play? I mean how much better would a new untested, unfamiliar DM perform in comparison to Flamini? We went after Strikers but we refused to pay over the odds and I love a manager who stands his ground. Secondly we were willing to buy a super quality striker in suarez but it takes two. So whats the noise for? We have only seen 15 minutes of Sanogo so how do we know he isn't adequate? We have Gnabry and Akpom all raring to go... while they are not world class, they aren't walkovers neither.

  71. CanadaGooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:20 #38892

    @ Terry White "we were in serious financial trouble (new stadium)"? what planet are you from Sir? - it was Wenger that cried and begged for the new stadium - apparently to make arsenal compete with the bigh boys.... ironic aint it?

  72. Tony Evans

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:15 #38891

    Westlower - I agree it's not fantasy football but you are not telling me that there is not a striker out there that would be a better back up to Giroud than Bendntner and Sanogo or, heaven forbid, actually better than Giroud and he becomes the back-up. Or is that too ambitious for you?

  73. Ron

    Sep 05, 2013, 11:03 #38890

    TPM - Smack on! Adebayor just became burned out by Feb of 08 and the goals dried up plus Eddie had been 'Taylored'. They were in fact looking a lethal combo at the time. Hleb had been good too in spells (i was never a big fan - just too skinny to cope with the Prem in my view), yet certainly more proven that Cazorla in my view, who just looks lost v the better sides. He was poor v the spuds i thought.

  74. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:48 #38889

    @amos, what you state simply isnt true.in 07/08 adebayor was on fire. (as he has been at most his clubs before he got a pay rise), and we had decent back up in RVP and eduardo, likewise we had a young fit flamini, and back up to him. you cannot compare our striking resources and squad then with now, they were far superior in 07/08 season, and adebayor had not shown any donkey tendencies by then. as for this season pod isnt fit, hes out for a long time. if giroud gets injured we are in trouble. walcott is unproven upfront, and cannot paly in the system we do as a lone forward, and your just clutching at straws with the postmen and dane, you cannot compare them with the class of 07/08. as for chesney, well thats your opinion, i tend to look at facts, and dont see de gea rushing out giving away penealties, mouthing off etc. why bring hart into it, hes no great shakes. and as for the negativity damaging the club, dont be so stupid and precious.

  75. Amos

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:27 #38888

    TPM. We mounted a decent, if ultimately unsuccessful, injury afflicted challenge back in 2007-2008 with a 'donkey' called Adebayor up front. We did so because we had a midfield sharing the creative talents of Rosicky, Cesc and Hleb. This season, when fit, we have Giroud, Walcott, Poldi, Sanogo and Bendtner to try to put the ball into the net in front of a midfield that promises to be every bit as creative as the '07-'08 midfield. As for GK's, Szczesny looks as good as Hart to me, better than De Gea but maybe Cech would still get the nod ahead of him but (with the Italian no 2 now on board)do we really have a goalkeeping problem? City, Chelsea and maybe ManU still have stronger overall squads ( and will do for a couple of seasons yet) but we're not that far away and are getting closer - much closer I feel. Richard's 'centrist' perspective isn't at all extreme - the resolutely negative vision is though - and has harmed the club for some time.

  76. Terry White

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:17 #38887

    How I agree with englishmik ! Arsenal were in BIG financial problems (new stadium ) Wenger saved us !. The debts incurred HE has paid off Now he can spend ! do you plonkers really believe he doesn`t know what he is doing ? but you do ? PSG, Real, Bayern etc all think he does, yet you lot know better. Even Mourinho realises that with the addition of Ba we are title challengers, but still you can`t see it This is a waste of my time I know, most of you plonkers don`t know how many financial fingers make five

  77. Ron

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:16 #38886

    I think all of this moanaing about our moaning and groaning is grossly over the top. Whats better than a drain like groan especially when a moan doesnt hit the spot? Just whinging isnt any good. A whinge leaves one still on the edge and feeling theres still something unfinished. Moaning is therapuetic and grizzling and damning all things footie has to be good for the soul. A deep grumble can be satisfying at times though when short of time. These tend to be longer and can really burn into the listeners ears. I love a whine, especially when coupled with a succession of little moans and topped off with a bellyaching, groan that really slams into the subject matter of the groan. Join us guys! You ll love it!! Seriously, Ozil is a great lad, but we would have done well to have bought Fellaini as well so to give us that much needed thuggery element we so lack plus maybe Williams. Hopefully the Keeper, will force a 1st team slot for himself too.

  78. Bard

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:08 #38885

    I can't get my head around the posts. Is the argument that now we have bought Ozil we are now well placed to win something? Not in my book. He's a fantastic player but we're still well short in numbers and quality. It's not negative just realistic. Coming out of the window with 1 striker seems pretty risky to me. Or is that too negative? Is it really bad luck that we had 3 months to buy one and came up empty handed ? I don't think so.

  79. TPM

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:07 #38884

    richard, yes wenger is still very much in negative credit. he still has failed to address the known and clear fundamental issues that we have suffered for years, notably, GK, defensive cover, defensive midfield, and striker. now, flamini is a good signing, i wanted him back, buts its quite a risk to have him, a player who has struggled big time with injry in the last few years, as your only truly defensive, tough tackling midfielder. ozil is fantastic signing, world class, pees all over other PL signings in the last few years by a distance. can't wait to watch him, but it still doesnt move away from the fundamental issues i mention above, we are still worryingly thin in key areas, and no akb can deny that. if giroud gets injured (and i still think we need someone better than him as the main man up front, decent though he is), and with pod out for a while, we will have the prince of denmark up front or SQP...(wally cannot be the loan front man in our system, and i wont even mention the postmen) if that happens, we could have ozil, messi, iniesta in midfield, but with a donkey up front we wont get far. Can richard or an akb please quell my fears rationally?? AW clealry knew we are thin up front, as suarez, higuan and ba cahses show, and he said it too, as such, i simply dont understand how he didnt move heaven and earth to get someone else in. i refuse to believe there were not relatively inexpensive (and even so we have the money for an expensive striker, and our need is such that we shouldnt care about paying over the odds...if you are starving but have a load of money, would you not buy a loaf of bread as you think the shopkeeper is charging too much, would you rather starve?) strikers available that were better than sqp and prince of denmark. higuain and suarez deals died weeks ago. surely a moderate striker should and could have been secured before the deadline day dash for ba??? or can the club only work on one deal at a time...

  80. gooner52

    Sep 05, 2013, 10:01 #38883

    This slating of our manager has got to stop, fact there is not another manager on the planet that could have kept us as competative through the last 8 years with the financial restrictions the debt of the new ground placed on our club, we do not use anyone elses money we live within the means of the club, we clear our debts, if you do not like the class shown by the way our club is run then go and support Man City or Che$ea. The debt has now been cleared we have shown our intent in buying one of the best players on the planet, Arsene signes also Flamini for nothing he would have been a snip at 18 mil, he was outstanding on Sunday,. Be very very carefull of what you wish for, Arsene has Arsenal in his blood just like me and many others,Osil signed for us because of the reputation this great manager has end of. 16 years qualify for CL 8 of those with huge financial restrictions, players that have kicked him in the nuts after he made them world class, he has overcome all of this and more, I cant believe anyone that supposedly supports Arsenal could slag this man off, he has taken AFC to a level that could only have been dreamed about before he arrived. Grow up and stop throwing your dummies out of the pram.

  81. CanadaGooner

    Sep 05, 2013, 9:54 #38882

    @Richard Lancaster; good article Richard. I joined this site some years back MAINLY to get the fans to work together as the 12th man, which is one of our main functions, and I was more critical of the players (with the massive wages they earn) and very defensive of Arsene Wenger, as there always comes a point where the players have to stand up to be counted. However, over the past 4 years, it is very difficult to see past Wenger and his stubbornness, as far as our lack of trophies go: in order to safeguard his job, he lowered our expectations to accept 4th place as success and a lot of us bought it for the first 5 years of the 9 years trophyless spell, but at this point in time, that just wont do anymore. Buying Ozil will make a difference, and you can only say that about a handful of players in the world. If Wenger can raise the expectations of his players a little, so that they know 4th place isnt all they need to achieve, then we might get back to winning ways. But Wenger wont do that, as he is now so scared of being seen as a failure. So, keeping expectations low, bodes very well for the manager

  82. Westlower

    Sep 05, 2013, 9:30 #38881

    Tony Evans, It's not 'Fantasy Football'. Having money in the bank doesn't equate to being able to get any player you take a fancy to. The other club has to be willing to sell that player. The 'selling club' is in the driving seat. With wages, Ozil is an £80m+ commitment by AFC. Arsenal had more success in the transfer window than mega rich Man U. How wise/stupid are RM paying £80m+ for Bale and losing Ozil in the process? We just need normal luck on the injury front to be major PL contenders this season, or am I being too optimistic for you anti's?

  83. Englishmik

    Sep 05, 2013, 9:14 #38880

    Most of you plonkers don't deserve to have a team like Arsenal. If you are unhappy about how the club is run then go and support another team. Why don't you go and support teams like Hull and Stoke with their exciting brand of football. We managed to attract a world class talent only because of the reputation of Arsene Wenger. Most of our youth prospects were attracted by Arsene Wenger. OK we didn't get a striker, but Flamini is a shrewd move and will add bite. But the most important thing is we don't have an Arab or Russian benefactor who could lose interest at any time and leave a club devestated. We are self sufficient with a fabulous buisness model, fabulous stadium (almost paid for) and we could still spend $42.5 mill. This lets people know we are not a selling club but an ambitious club. If Mesul is pleased to sign for us, watch others follow. They don't want Moyes (even RVP is complaining) they want Wenger. So be careful what you wish for. On another note, I would opt for Akprom over Bendtner any day of the week. Lets give the kid a chanch.

  84. King of the WOB's

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:49 #38879

    I'm still not happy, I wish we would have signed ten average players like Tottenham for 110 million then I could have moaned about the lack of marquee signings. Still a least I can moan about the lack of strikers and our squad being thin and Wenger's incompetence.

  85. Tony Evans

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:43 #38877

    Richard - I still want Wenger out because Ozil on his own is not enough, and his signing is not the statement of intent that says Arsenal really mean business this year. A top quality striker, keeper and commanding centre half are still the missing links (in my opinion) to give us a squad that will really challenge, and after 8 years there are no excuses left. The club has money in the bank, there must be players out there and yet Wenger has left us short yet again. Not good enough.

  86. Amos

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:39 #38875

    Hiring Demba Ba for a year wouldn't have been a bad idea which is why Mourinho and not Arsenal pulled the plug on the deal. Even so a fully fit and focussed Bendtner intent on earning himself a contract elsewhere either in January or summer 2014(admittedly not an idea you could have complete faith in hence the consideration of loaning someone else's cast off rather than using our own) is arguably as good a choice of player as Ba. In the end not getting Ba and retaining an otherwise departing Bendtner for a year leaves the numbers in the same place. As for centre backs Sagna has proved more competent than previous 4th choice centre backs like Squillaci and Sylvestre which is probably what 4th choice will get you. With Flamini able to cover as an emergency RB that becomes an option in the absence of a good one being available for transfer. Yes Arsenal still has money in the bank and there are still other transfer windows in which to spend it so that's a good thing isn't it. The Ozil deal was possible because we were one of the few clubs that could genuinely stump up the upfront payment. Having money in the bank is good. It allows you to take advantages of real opportunities as and when they become available and not just add numbers to appease fans. One more observation to counter media conditioning, and the default leanings of the Online Groaner, is that in the 3 years since Kroenke took full control in 2011 the club has spent more on transfers than in the previous 8 seasons from 2003 to 2010.

  87. Ken

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:30 #38874

    Website editor - your parroting of what you read about Ba was contradicted by Mourinho. Once Arsenal signed Ozil, then the Ba deal was off, money was not an issue.

  88. Website Editor

    Sep 05, 2013, 8:17 #38873

    One point I would raise is that although Ozil is a great signing, the fact that Arsenal failed to secure a striker to relieve the burden on Giroud and also enquired about Mascherano indictates that they were aware strengthening was required in two other positions which they ultimately failed to address. They has approx £100m to spend on transfers and the first year's wages of any new arrivals. There is an awful lot left in the bank. Of course, if Giroud stays fit and in form, it won't be an issue. Also, it assumes the team can field two fit and in form centre backs. However, there is an argument to say a gamble is being taken due to the club's inability to get two more players that could have strengthened the first team. They certainly had the money to do so. Was paying £3m for a year of Demba Ba really such an outrageous idea?