Arsenal’s Inadequacies?

Thoughts on the squad requirements

Arsenal’s Inadequacies?

Fellaini: Tractor wheels?

Since transfer deadline day and in the weeks leading up to it I have seen many fans give their opinion of who and what we should have bought in the transfer window. Although I agree with a lot of the opinions I just wanted to give my view on why it is not as obvious as it seems. I have written this to try and put into words what I think has happened and the reasons for it. Think of it this way, this article is not giving reasons for why we do not need extra players rather why we did not get extra players in the recent window.

I will start with the goalkeeping. The general feeling of fans is that we should buy a relatively experienced keeper to provide a consistent and reliable service. Not a replacement for Szczesny but one that will keep him on his toes and is a reliable replacement when needed. A few names were mentioned but one of the most popular was Julio Cesar. His first season at QPR ended in relegation and throughout the season was subjected to intense attacking displays, which meant he had a great many shots to save. Although this may have looked good on the surface, he still made a number of mistakes. The problem with goalkeepers is, when they have a shot to save every five minutes they will be able to save the majority and look good. However when they have nothing to do for half an hour they become complacent and sloppy which results in mistakes. This can be seen in keepers such as Joe Hart who might be a brilliant shot stopper but is prone to errors. My point is that although Cesar might look good because of the goalkeeping displays at bottom of the league QPR, it is very different for the goalkeeper at the top clubs. I am not saying Cesar would not have been a success, he is a good keeper, I am just saying at Arsenal he might not have been the success people would have expected him to be.

Throughout the whole of last season, Arsenal lost one game with Per Mertesacker and Laurent Koscielny at the back together (Bayern Munich at home 1-3). I could spend all day telling you how important Mertesacker is to Arsenal with his calmness and being the first stage of attacks. Although Mertesacker lacks pace he is a very good centre back and his partnership with Koscielny (who according to Arsenal fans is our best defender) is obviously very effective. Thomas Vermaelen, who in my opinion was the weak link in the team for much of last season, is still a very good player and can do a good job when called upon.

Our full backs are the positions that most people are happy with. Jenkinson, Sagna, Gibbs and Monreal are all very talented individuals and all are reliable enough to play at this level. Many supporters have said Arsenal ‘need’ another central defender. Although ideally another player in any position would be nice I do not agree that we ‘need’ another. We have three quality international class central defenders that can be rotated. One of them (Vermaelen) is injured admittedly but a manager must construct a team for when all the players are available. We also have Bacary Sagna whom can move over to the middle to provide a service if two of the three defenders are injured/suspended. He is yet to be tested by one of the big clubs but the signs are very promising in my opinion.

That is seven defenders: two right backs Jenkinson and Sagna (Sagna can slot into centre back), three centre backs Mertesacker, Koscielny and Vermaelen and two left backs Gibbs and Monreal. You might be surprised to hear that Chelsea has exactly the same: Two right backs Azpilicueta and Ivanovic (Ivanovic can slot into centre back) three centre backs Luiz, Cahill and Terry and two left backs Cole and Bertrand. Yet nobody has said Chelsea need defensive improvement? My final point on this is: would we find a centre back as good as the ones we have got but willing to be fourth choice? Kolo Toure was mentioned, if Wenger had got him he would be ridiculed for getting another ‘free’ player.

Some have also said we need a defensive midfielder, a Patrick Vieira type player that will not take any nonsense in the midfield and will protect the defense. A case for this sort of player was shouted even louder when Özil arrived because he was another player who likes to pass it around. “He’s good but can he handle a rainy night in Stoke?” Fellaini and Wanayama were two of the players mentioned. Personally I did not want Fellaini to come to Arsenal, the reason is as follows. Buying Fellaini would be like fixing tractor wheels to a sports car to make it better off road (not a great analogy but I am rushed for time and cannot think of better one quickly). This is because what makes Arsenal a team that people are scared of is not the pace and power of Manchester United or the physicality of Stoke but the passing and movement that players like Wilshere, Ramsey, Arteta, Rosicky, Cazorla and now Özil possess.

To stick Fellaini in the middle would improve Arsenal in one area but then completely downgrade the area that makes Arsenal stand out. Like fixing tractor wheels to a sports car would improve it off road but would make it far worse on a racetrack. For example what would you rather see? A front 6 of Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott, Özil, Cazorla and Giroud or Fellaini, Wilshere, Ramsey, Walcott, Cazorla and Giroud? I do not doubt that Fellaini would have improved our attacking and defending at set pieces or protecting the back four more effectively than Arteta, Ramsey or Flamini. I just think he is an unnecessary attachment that would worsen the team overall. You might disagree there but that is just my opinion. Ramsey, Wilshere, Arteta and Flamini can all fill the two holding roles providing decent defensive cover as well as excellent attacking intent. Gustavo was not signed because Wenger could not promise him first team football (among other reasons). When everyone is available how are we going to fit Arteta, Wilshere, Ramsey, Cazorla, Özil, Walcott, Podolski and Giroud in the team, arguably all deserve first team football yet there are not enough spaces to fill.

Apparently we bid for Mascherano on deadline day. Whether we did or not, he is the sort of player that can play at centre back and defensive midfield, he is also very good on the ball and would not be like tractor wheels on a sports car.

I hope that this explanation has gone a little way to giving you my view on things. Although I would love to see new faces at Arsenal just as much as you, I think that there are valid reasons as to why we have not added to the squad. I have not explained why we do not need a striker, because in my opinion, we do need a striker. We were close to getting Ba on deadline day, which would have been good on loan. I would welcome a new centre back and defensive midfielder in January but do we desperately need them to win trophies? In my opinion, no.

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  1. northbank123

    Sep 15, 2013, 21:32 #39269

    How can strikers not be mentioned? Contrary to what some people seem to think you don't need two class players for each place but we do need quality up top and in goal as well as reinforcements in defence. Interesting comparison with Chelsea but it overlooks the fact that of our 7 defenders Vermaelen and Gibbs are perennially injured, Sagna has had two major injuries in the last two seasons (as well as an alarming dip in form) and Monreal and Jenkinson are both relatively untested and possibly out of their depth if asked to play week in week out.

  2. Paul

    Sep 15, 2013, 14:56 #39243

    Interesting stuff. Not buying what you say about Cesar though, it's not like he's just played one season for QPR, he's vastly experienced in teams full of quality where he'd be called upon far less. Even so,it wouldn't seem like he got complacent, as he still managed to be Serie A goalkeeper of the year on more than one occasion during his time at Inter. Plus being Brazil's first choice keeper must be a different experience than being no.1 at Loftus road! I personally thought if we could've got him at a reasonable price (I saw £1.5 - £3 mill suggested) he'd have been a great addition and a low risk one at that. Saying that we were linked with Mignolet... For me, Flamini could turn into the DM that everyone says we need, I think the only reason it seems less appealing to some people is cause he was free and a former player. It didn't help we'd only had one Wenger-esq free transfer when we got him and people (me included) wanted to actually see this "war chest" spent. It's still early days but he seems a better player than when he left us and people were sorry to see him go then. I like you was a little less concerned about getting a CB. People don't seem to realise we had the second best defensive record last season and actually had the best away record only conceding 14. When you consider we hadn't found the right balance until the latter stages of the season (TV out Kos in) this is impressive. Also, if TV is happy to try and win back his place then he'll provide excellent backup. What I do think we lack in our defence is a great right back. At left back Gibbs is fantastic and Monreal is more than adequate cover for him but I just don't think the right side of defence is on the same level. Sagna and Jenkinson are good but do you really think teams are scared of them in the same way players would be about having to face Dani Alves, Phillip lahm or even Zabaleta & Ivanovic? With the style we play I think it's more and more important to have full backs who have as much about them going forward as they do defending. Sagna's been okay going forward but he's not getting any younger and on the odd occasion even lost his ever reliable look about him last season. Maybe Jenkinson will be first choice one day but for now I think he still needs someone ahead of him. Also if missing out on Fellaini meant we got Ozil, I'm more than happy to see him go to United. More competition in positions is what we've missed in my opinion. RVP, Fab, Nasri, Song etc were all too comfortable and to have a situation where our clubs best player last season is having to up his game can only be a good thing. Cannot wait to see Ozil and Cazorla together! God dammit we need a striker.


    Sep 15, 2013, 8:25 #39224

    radfordkennedy, Copenhagen was a great gladiatorial performance, as you so rightly say. What about the ten men up at the Reebok a few seasons back, with ten men coming back from 2-0 down to win 2-3, in the very last minute? These are occasions when it seems as if a script has been written. I do think S.K.G has nailed it though. Monday, the 3rd of May, 1971, White Heart Lane, KO 7.30pm, Tottenham 0 Arsenal 1, (Kennedy). Arsenal, the champions of England! I think all have us, have just had our lives saved!

  4. radfordkennedy

    Sep 15, 2013, 8:10 #39223

    skg..ron...badarse..Indeed if i had to pick a team to play for my life then it would be difficult to look past that 71 team,for me it would be the team that destroyed manure even with best law and charlton et al where the hero of my youth Raddy got a hatrick...having said that of course those young men that night in wonderful wonderful copenhagen fouught like tigers


    Sep 15, 2013, 7:54 #39222

    Ted, you can never turn back the clock. Football, like most things has changed, and not for the better. Market forces. That is the expression; this consideration governs us all, I am afraid. If an object can be packaged and sold, then so it will be. If it loses 10% of it's core support, so be it, another 10% will just happen along. If that principle is in doubt cosmetic concerns are applied to assuage the customers. It breeds a form of stagnation and complacency, yet if that magical bottom line is looking healthy, then the policy, roughly speaking, continues. Some fans are accused of being 'plastic', quite an archaic term but it suits. I wonder if those yelling this word are aware that they, along with the rest of us, are responsible for the 'plastic' world we inhabit? Materialism gone mad, consuming with an avid hunger, then bitching that, 'It's not as good as it used to be!' This is what we have, this is all we have, and I don't want to be a prophet of doom, but guess what? It is deteriorating, and fast. This perhaps is, as good as it gets. What a great legacy to leave the kids! One other thing Ted, my pansy and whoopsy friends wouldn't be happy with those terms, in fact any homosexual AFC heroes of yesterday wouldn't either. Just thought I'd mention that pal. A great three points yesterday. That's one distant away day off the calendar. Only the two scousers unbeaten, our Invincible crown is almost secure for another season.

  6. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 14, 2013, 13:44 #39220

    cyril, only taking shape? it's a pity after eight years that's all he's managed.

  7. cyril

    Sep 14, 2013, 13:32 #39219

    Great to see the team taking shape. Keep it up Mr Wenger. Ok, the goalie issue - Casting back to 1998, we had D Seaman and A Manninger was the back up; Chesney is our Manninger. And so my honourable friends - Who is our D Seaman ? Come on you Arsenal !

  8. Mike

    Sep 14, 2013, 13:02 #39218

    The squad is good - If Giroud continues in the current form he will be world class - the issue is it is easy to pick one or two standout players from other teams - Put the team sheets for us versus Chelsea and there is not too much in it. There is not too many swops I would make

  9. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 14, 2013, 12:40 #39216

    Badarse: Really hard to pick the best ever teams but just thinking about Ron's point about so many good teams in the 60's and 70,s. You would get a tough game from any of the top ten teams. Everton, Man City, Liverpool, Leeds, Chelsea the "Spuds" Man U (although they were fading fast when we won the double in 71) were all top teams. If you think of the money the FA is spending to try and produce a World Cup winning team, the lavish facilities, the pampering of players, for what? - quarter final World Cup finish at best. The quality of teams and players in the sixties made winning the World Cup possible in 66. The number of world class players from Scotland in it's self was staggering - still IMO the greatest club performance ever by a British team was Celtic's 67 European cup win. As an example of how good British football was in those days, 1966 England win the World Cup, 1967 Celtic win the European Cup, 68 Man U win the European Cup, 69 Newcastle win the Fairs Cup, 70 Arsenal win the Fairs Cup. All the money in the world will not bring those days back - however footballers playing for the love of the game just might.


    Sep 14, 2013, 12:06 #39214

    S.K.G, I am sure you are right about Arsene Wenger not tolerating types like Charlie George, or the young wayward Tony Adams. I understand fully that line of reasoning. Don Howe and Frank McLintock were very loud noises, both on and off the pitch. Strong personalities, and respected. I still respect them, nearly half a century later. Sadly, no other individual can stand alongside the current manager, that is a serious flaw in our set up, I think. We did have some good heads in that '71 side. You often hear, 'a team of captains', that side epitomised it to me. Bob McNab, Bob Wilson, Snout, Stroller, Peter 'Stan' Simpson, as well as Frank. Pat Rice would become our skipper, we had so much maturity. Sorry my posts haven't been too clear recently, but I wanted to go with the '71 choice, if my life depended on it, S.K.G; my post wanted to draw a distinction between them and the 04 artists, for Ron, that's how they figured.

  11. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 14, 2013, 10:43 #39213

    Great Post Ron, Bardarse: So if your life depended on it you would call up the 04 team, a good choice. The 04 team would be my 4th choice, my second would be the 91 team and my third the 89 team. The beautiful football of 2004 was at times "heart stopping" but the most beautiful football moment for me in all my 52 years of watching Arsenal will always be Charlie George's Wembley winner. With that one strike we became double winners, finally silencing the Spuds and doing something that all the great northern teams had never achieved. Charlie George had hit a goal like that a few weeks earlier against Newcastle and this was a heavy leather ball, had it been today's lightweight ball even slow motion would not have been able to pick it up. As a fan I always felt Charlie was our link to the rest of the team and he was as tough as anyone in that 71 squad. Frank handled him brilliantly as did Don Howe but when both Frank and Don left Charlie lost his way. Tony Adams said, "to have a trophy winning squad you need 7 players prepared to fight the opposition in the tunnel", purist hate that analogy but in English football it is true. This squad IMO is not a title winning squad, older hands like me can recognize what is needed to win titles but I doubt whether Arsene would tolerate anymore a Charlie George, Tony Adams type - more is the pity.


    Sep 14, 2013, 0:35 #39211

    Ron, you would never convince anyone who hadn't witnessed those days that they were the best. For beautiful football I have to disagree. Arsene Wenger brought that to Arsenal, and I am thankful to have seen during his tenure, the greatest expression of football as an art form, that I could ever have envisaged seeing. As spirited Gunners, who gave more of themselves on a football pitch, than could ever be reasonably expected, the class of '71 stand apart. They were the truest of heroes. Sorry to put the cat amongst the pigeons fellas, but of course it is just my opinion. Nice to be discussing which AFC team were the best though.

  13. Ted

    Sep 13, 2013, 23:52 #39210

    Fellaini is serious second rate compared to Ozil. We'd be up in arms if Wenger had signed him and United pinched the German. I love the Arsenal but it will never be the same now as it used to be. Money has killed the game and has taken away any true affection we have towards the players. From the late 90's on wards football changed. The players have been given too much power and too much coin. It's win at all costs now which is a shame which causes blatant cheating, too many effeminate and woopsies associated with the game now.

  14. Ron

    Sep 13, 2013, 20:13 #39209

    S.K.G - Right with you there. That 1971 team was the pinnacle of Arsenals entire history for me. Replete with warriors, artists and a few finely skilled intelligent players. Great team chemistry. Won a title then that 5-6 Clubs genuinely could take a tilt at or fancy themselves to win.For me, that team leaves all of Wengers teams dead in the water by comparison and i include the class of 04 too. I'm sure many would argue with all sorts of angles and of variables to try and say i'm wrong and good arguments too maybe. Football generally now doesn't have the earthy honesty, substance, soul and vibrancy it had in those days though. Great teams won the title then and nobody ever doubted the team at the top deserved it. Unlike todays imitation game, populated by frauds, pansies, cheats and actors, many of whom would have been booted into the air by their own team mates, never mind opponents for the way they conduct themselves today.


    Sep 13, 2013, 19:08 #39208

    Mark C. Sorry, my post wasn't very clear.I wasn't playing devil's advocate, in fact just adding a little weight to your suggestion that we had a sports car of midfield men, and he would be a part of that group.

  16. Man United Killer

    Sep 13, 2013, 18:24 #39207

    Mark C. I don't necessarily think we have more strength in depth than Chelsea.Or maybe you have not considered the quality on the bench maybe?I think you have bought into the Per and Kos unbreakable partnership idea.It's a good partnership but a quick solid CB(not necessarily fourth choice) wont kill us.We struggle against quick teams and even though the Per-Kos partnership is good, it has not given us answers for such threats.As for options, there are many out there that I could list but I dont know if that is what you are asking.For starters we had been linked with sakho for years before the Scousers signed him.He is a fine defender. Finally Flamini is one player and so even though that gives us versatility, it doesnt necessarily give us more depth.A player can only play in one position at a time so all other thing being equal, another team that has a left back and defensive mid will automatically have more depth.

  17. Mark C

    Sep 13, 2013, 18:12 #39206

    BADARSE - Simply because Chamberlain isn't a goalkeeper, defender or defensive midfielder.


    Sep 13, 2013, 17:44 #39205

    Just to muddy the waters a little, which I think gives a point to Mark C, is that in the article, and in no posts, is the Ox mentioned; although currently injured, he would have figured highly in the manager's assessment of numbers. Not to mention Diaby!

  19. Mark C

    Sep 13, 2013, 17:32 #39204

    Man United Killer - Perhaps what wasn't explained thoroughly in the article is that I think another centre back would be nice and would add to our strength in depth but it isn't a disaster that we didn't get another one. I don't think the difference between winning and losing a trophy will come down to not having a proper 4th choice Centre Back. Also with the option of playing Flamini in a full back position we have more strength in depth that Chelsea. Given the choice who would you have bought?


    Sep 13, 2013, 17:26 #39203

    Seven Kings Gooner, a very novel idea, and a wonderful choice, if I may say so. That night those brave hearts, played for, and won, a match that has coloured my life since. I don't think that is too complimentary a statement to make, either. Think it would have to be my selection too.

  21. Seven Kings Gooner

    Sep 13, 2013, 16:45 #39200

    Here is a test I apply when discussing Arsenal teams & squads. The question is "if your life depended on it which Arsenal team would you want to play for you" For the record, my Arsenal would always be the one that turned up at WHL on the evening of May 3rd 1971.

  22. Man United Killer

    Sep 13, 2013, 15:32 #39197

    Your article defeated itself from the start when you said "Think of it this way, this article is not giving reasons for why we do not need extra players rather why we did not get extra players in the recent window." In an expensive venture like football and for a club is supposedly deep-seated in the priciples of saving money, I think it's fair to say buying something that we dont need (especially given the huge sums of money involved: wages,transfer fees,physio visits etc) is counter-productive .So following Wenger's/Arsenal's business model, the reason we did not GET extra players must be that we did not NEED extra players.And you use the word 'extra' as if the team reeks of depth.Wenger himself said that we had quality (that's another story) but only needed numbers. This is where it gets interesting; 1. The board and manager say we are trying to run the club in a financially efficient way.I would assume buying only what you need is the sensible thing to do given our business model. 2. Wenger says we NEED numbers but we are still left thin after the window. Put those two together and what do we get?An unsucessful transfer window- well except for the signing of Ozil.

  23. Graham Simons

    Sep 13, 2013, 15:30 #39196

    We have at least two players for every position except centre back and with Sagna a more than adequate fill-in I don't think we're that badly stocked actually. A striker and a centre back come January wouldn't go a miss though.

  24. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 13, 2013, 14:14 #39194

    Mark - apologies for the comments on a striker. Speed reading and typing not a strength of mine (am too old and at work!). I still abide by my other comments and I do genuinely think something has happened to Tommy - personally/psychologically? Cheers.

  25. Getyergooner

    Sep 13, 2013, 14:11 #39193

    Apart from Ozil, the re signing of Flamini was inspired, there's our holding midfield player, and for free. Got an Italian League winners medal too. Did you see how he played and how he organised the other players against Spurs? Also signed a good keeper, 6 caps for Italy and only being kept out by Buffon. Sagna is a very competent centre back and proved that long before he came to Arsenal. For me the only thing missing is another class striker and a couple more players in the squad. Time for the people who will blame Wenger for anything and everything, weather it's his fault or not, to stop moaning and get behind the team and the manager. If they don't fancy it I hear Barnet are looking for new fans!

  26. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 13, 2013, 13:59 #39192

    A top class keeper has been needed for years (and so has a coach)and because of a manager who doesn't want to be proved wrong that has been ignored for years, and with the signing of Viviano that's still the case. Sounds like another way of making excuses for a manager who has failed over the years to add the new faces we really need to win honors.

  27. Mark C

    Sep 13, 2013, 13:57 #39191

    Der Projekt ist Kaput - A player never becomes bad overnight, Vermaelen lost his form but he will find it again. You say Jenkinson, Gibbs and Monreal aren't good enough? I think one day you'll eat your words there. Perhaps Szczesny isn't the best now but he has enough talent to be one day. Thats why we shouldn't put him on the bench and holt his progress. I said quite clearly that we need a striker, that I am very certain. You say Fellaini has skill, desire and hunger. I don't disagree with you but in my opinion he doesn't possess the right qualities to play for Arsenal and improve the team. (Just my opinion)

  28. Der Projekt ist Kaput

    Sep 13, 2013, 13:45 #39190

    Fair enough, Cesar might not be all that and a bag of potato chips, but the fact is: neither is Szczesney. You say the general feeling is for Arsenal to get a keeper in not to replace Szczesney, but 'to keep him on his toes.' Really? I thought the general feeling (and one held for some time) was for us to get in a keeper who was dependable, calm, capable and world class - something which Szczesney clearly is not. We're happy with our full backs? I'm sorry, but as nice as the guys might be personally, Jenkinson, Gibbs and Monreal would never find themselves in a Chelsea/M Utd/Bayern/Barca/Madrid/ etc etc team because they're simply not that good enough. No room for improvement with our centre backs? Vermaelen is not a quality international player - he might have been once, but not now. Something's happened with Tommy. One day we'll find out what, but he's a shadow of the quality player he once was. The best we can hope for is the continued presence of the decent Per (who has no pace and hardly ever jumps) and the very good Kos (who, however, spends too long being suspended). It is principally the defects of our keeper and defence that handicaps us in our chase for silverware. We will never win a title or Champs League with such problems. I can't agree that the signing of Fellaini 'would worsen Arsenal overall.' He's a true quality player who has skill, desire and a hunger - something lacking in bucketfulls at Arsenal since the sudden and uneccessary demise of The Invincibles. Mascherano would have been a brilliant signing. We don't need a striker? What?! Mark, please - even Wenger tried to get Ba (on the cheap, naturally) because even he realised we're a tad thin there. We're currently an injury to Giroud away from having Sanogo or Billy Bender up front for us. Surely a quality striker is needed? With Ozil (a great signing), Arsenal MAY have a chance for silverware - but if it happens (and welcome it will be) it will be a minor cup. We need further investment in our team, particularly up front, in goal and in defence.

  29. Tony Evans

    Sep 13, 2013, 13:19 #39187

    Agree with Ron - it is a lack of character and 'heart' that has been the missing link for ages - and a squad which is never strong enough to cope with a full season. Always too many weaknesses - keeper and striker are the most obvious ones now.

  30. stuksta

    Sep 13, 2013, 12:48 #39185

    Ron, Wojciech Szczęsny's been at Arsenal since 2006.


    Sep 13, 2013, 12:45 #39184

    Thanks Mark. I have touched on a similar line in a few posts so am generally in accord. You, and myself,(in face to face chats), echo the numbers game; I think it is valid. I also think much of a team's ability is that unknown, mystery 'x' ingredient, or esprit de corps, which takes you beyond the snapping at the heels, to victory. Ron has offered to do a Dr. Christian Barnard, heart transplant, 'job lot'. He is very close to the problem I feel. I have always placed much by psychological strengths, and the men he mentioned were powerful medicine. radfordkennedy must be in a lather with all those names being mentioned, but I would say to him, you are not alone buddy. When I mention McLintock my blood flows through my veins faster; Koscielny will never be a Frank, no one ever, ever, will. Yet, Kos has heart. Sometimes a team step forward together, perhaps Flamini will tug them all along. We watch and wait in the wings, Theo just watches and waits on the wing.

  32. Peter Wain

    Sep 13, 2013, 12:30 #39183

    Neither left back fills me with confidence and we need another centre half and two more forwards.

  33. Croker

    Sep 13, 2013, 12:07 #39182

    Thanks Mark. This was getting really interesting and I was looking forward to your thoughts on the options up front. Perhaps you have a Boss like mine (or a missus or pesky kids)who appears to interrupt your thoughts just as you are in full flow on this website

  34. Ron

    Sep 13, 2013, 12:06 #39181

    Your take on the squad would be perfectly acceptable if 4 - 5 of them could have heart transplants. As the operating surgeon i would want an urgent admission for Koschielny to give him a McLintock heart. Ramsey would get a Storey heart. Walcott would get an Armstrong heart. Giroud would get a Radford heart. Wilshere a Parlour heart. Gibbs a Samsom heart and Sagna a Dixon heart. See where im going here? Its not so much skill and nous that Wengers sqauds have lacked for 8 years, its basic bottle and character. Ozil, will know whats in top players 'chemistry' and despite his nice words, he ll want to see it. If its not there or not bought in, he wont stay. PS Arsenal are desperate for a new top Keeper, with a Seaman heart. The Pole is back up standard and no more. A guy needs more than to purportedly 'hate' the spuds to play for us in goal for Arsenal. How a Pole can detest them so much is mystery anyway, esp as hes hardly been here 5 mins. All bulls---e from him.

  35. bidex

    Sep 13, 2013, 11:28 #39179

    To me d team is complete we just nid a no nonsense striker lik suarez,,rooney ..cavani..etc nt even benzema.,bt we still hv poldoski ,,walcolt to play up front..;just a playmaker lik messi wen things are hard..nd I think we can see dat in ozil..we ar gud to go

  36. RJ

    Sep 13, 2013, 10:39 #39178

    Mark - thanks. I like the comparison to Chelsea defence in particular - something I had not been aware of. But as @John Gooner says, can we have an end to the transfer window pieces until... the next transfer window and get behind the team we have - no trophies are won before Christmas, but we could be out of the running in three by then - so let's support our brave downtrodden boys, drive on from the belief that the signing of Ozil should bring, rejoice that he sees (however politically incorrectly) football as "a game for men" and get stuck in. COME ON YOU GOONERS.

  37. CanadaGooner

    Sep 13, 2013, 10:00 #39177

    Versus Blackburn, Bradford, Birmingham and teams like that is what Arsenal needs to look into. You dont lose a permier league title by losing to Man Utd or Chelsea; you lose it by countless drawn matches against Fulham, and losing at home against Aston Villa. Our team isnt too bad on paper, we just DO NOT have enough players who wish to stand up and be counted when it matters e.g. Viera, Henry, Pires, Adams, Flamini and players like that. And that is usually down to the Manager and style of management. Arshavin tried and he got hammered for it, so he lost interest. Ozil sounds like the type who will demand succes; hopefully it rubs off on the rest of our complacent team and perhaps that will get us something this season

  38. goonern

    Sep 13, 2013, 9:42 #39175

    Hhhmmmm I think flamini was a good signing, he is aggressive, enegertic and has gained experience at a top level and we still have abou glass diaby to come(hope)we needed another striker

  39. John Gooner

    Sep 13, 2013, 9:05 #39174

    Let us please end this post-mortem of the transfer window gone. What ever way the apologists spin it, we made a hash of it and missed a real opportunity to push for honours this year. Let's hope we can add a 'world class' striker to the ranks in January and that injuries are kind to us.

  40. Green Hut

    Sep 13, 2013, 9:00 #39173

    Which trophies do you believe we can win with the squad we have?