Why despite Özil, Stan is still not the man

Do people believe club line that Kroenke was involved in record transfer deal?

Why despite Özil, Stan is still not the man

Mesut Özil will play his first few games under the gaze of many Gooners who will hold their breath and hope that the tag of being the best number 10 in the world will not affect his game.

Indeed so heavy is the weight of expectation that one can be forgiven if life takes on a sense of meaningless whilst awaiting the outcome of his first game.

For this Marquee signing, will galvanize Arsenal at all levels from the Boardroom down. However he nearly didn't make it to Arsenal but for a little luck and a lot of common sense on Özil's part. Now it seems the signing will take on the air of a legal soap opera as warring parties face off over claims and counter-claims between the player and his ex-owners. It seems that Real Madrid are not just content with selling the player, it would appear the professionalism of Özil displayed throughout this transfer is not being matched allegedly by one Señor Florentino Pérez.

Compare this development with the manner of Arsène Wenger's handling of the deal and his subsequent acknowledgment of division at Arsenal Football club by not entering into contract negotiations until results improve. However I remain incensed however by the propaganda machine at AFC trying to shore up Stan Kroenke before this year's AGM. Does Ivan Gazidis really expect us all to swallow the spin that the Özil deal was as a direct result of three months planning with Stan Kroenke being kept constantly informed by many of phone calls or should we deal with reality and check the facts?

Fact 1:
Despite an early enquiry by Arsenal for Özil, the player himself had no intention of leaving Real Madrid.
Fact 2:
Real Madrid tried to sell a triumvirate of players Di Maria, Özil and Benzema across Europe during the run up to concluding of the transfer window, in order to pay for expected signings of Bale and Luis Suarez.
Fact 3:
Real Madrid were undone by Daniel Levy's desire to increase the amount of cash paid up front for Bale rather than by instalments, he did not delay the deal to aggravate Arsenal as some pundits have suggested, he merely wanted to make sure that Spurs had real cash in hand. By this time also Liverpool had finally turned down the prospect of selling Suarez, which meant Pérez had to close the deal with Arsenal to secure Bale as a matter of pride.
Fact 4
Guillem Balague retweeted via the Spanish column source AS on 29/8/13
"Mesut Özil, who is signing shirts at the club shop at the Bernabéu, confirmed that he will be staying at Real Madrid amid interest from MUFC."
Why MUFC were still fixated over Cesc Fabregas despite having the opportunity to bid for Özil will remain a mystery.
Fact 5
Özil remained the subject of bids from several clubs after Real Madrid indicated its intention of player availability. In response interest was being firmly expressed by PSG and AFC.

Observation: 1
Guillem Balague tweets the following on 29/8/13,
"Özil said no to Manchester United and Arsenal. So they are targeting big players"
Observation: 2
On Sept 2 Guillem tweeted the latest concerning Özil
"According to Cope Radio, Özil COULD leave for PSG or Arsenal. Both offers on the table"
Observation: 3
During the final days before the deal was agreed by Real Madrid with Arsenal, Özil himself made a strong personal statement that he was contracted to Real Madrid and he wanted to stay at the club.
Observation: 4
Guillem tweeted on Sept 2 (@GuillemBalague):
"Real Madrid have negotiated with Arsenal and agreed a fee. But player (upset with the club) not agreed anything with anybody"
Observation: 5
Hours passed as Real Madrid made it clear via Carlo Ancelotti, that Özil would not be guaranteed a first team spot in a World Cup season and that it would be in his interest that he should move. At this stage Real Madrid were desperate for cash to conclude the Bale signing. This soured the long standing relationship between club and player. Now it was only a question of where he would move to, not if or when…
Observation: 6
A late PSG offer to try and hijack the deal for Özil was thankfully declined by Real Madrid as they had entered into an agreement with Arsenal FC and they felt that it would be wrong to renege upon this. This was the luck that I referred to earlier.

Özil later signs for AFC and the rest is flawed history as full credit is given to Ivan Gazidis and Stan Kroenke by briefed journalists despite the fact that in the end it was Arsène Wenger's words that made the difference to Özil agreeing to join the club. So why do I feel the need to point out these semantics?

Well despite our major destruction of the transfer record at Arsenal, the team remains short of a striker, a left winger and a centre back. Are you really telling me that we cannot work on more than one transfer deal at a time? Or was Arsène distracted by the possibility of Karim Benzema? My guess is that as before Arsène's valuation of Benzema did not match Real's own valuation plus Pérez was thought to be against the sale of his favourite striker.

So despite this major signing I would wager that at this year’s Arsenal FC AGM, Ivan Gazidis will try and have you believe that all is well on the Board and his plans are on track at the club for its revival, with Stan Kroenke being the one to thank for the new culture shift. Granted Stan Kroenke would have had to give final approval for this world class signing, but really can Kroenke truly take such credit?

Anyway, whoever you believe, let's hope that fans do not end up paying for Özil with higher season ticket prices next year as Arsenal FC had plenty enough cash to fund the transfer. This was mainly through the extra £60 million due to the club via the Sky Premier League TV deal. So there is no genuine excuse to raise ticket prices unless Stan is greedy.

I am therefore calling upon fans who really love this club, to keep up the pressure on the Board as I still feel that Stan Kroenke is a hindrance to our future prosperity. We need to see major changes in the Boardroom and a new manager with the funds to match before I am willing to give him that trust. He was content to sit by and say nothing whilst Arsenal burned with the flames of internecine warfare on the terraces.

So despite Arsène Wenger’s late conversion to the principle of spending our hard earned cash, he has long since forfeited the right to continue managing Arsenal FC by his refusal to change at a time when we could have cemented unity within the club. By so doing he has not only damaged his legacy of being the most successful manager in the club’s history but also been responsible for some distressing irreconcilable divisions at the club which has been very damaging in all respects not just in Trophy terms.

What do you think?


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  1. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 19, 2013, 8:39 #39435

    B.A. It is absolutely pure conjecture. They could all be simpering morons like OGL, but statistics militate against it. Conjecture again but i'm just hoping that the corporate knives finally are out for the luckiest man in football. If he annoys the Cr*p out of us and has forced the departure of lots of talented people from the club, then again statistically, he might well have hacked off Stan and Ivan.


    Sep 18, 2013, 11:31 #39403

    Ah, Alsace, if only, eh? Bergkamp is not ready to come yet. I believe the noises coming from the Netherlands suggest that; they also hint at him coming back 'home' one day. We shall see. Keown would be a key inclusion, without any doubt. Once more it seems unlikely as what would Bouldy feel? Your perception of who did what, and who was and wasn't involved, and to what extent, in the Ozil transfer is conjecture. I feel there is too much of this commodity on this website. It invades the fabric of everything in our society, it isn't always helpful, as many cannot think individual thoughts and like ready formed concepts that they can take off the shelf; it's why the 'red tops' have such a readership. As for your question, it is extremely difficult. Nowadays, from top to bottom, people are softly shunted or nudged into cul de sacs, if no obvious blind alley is available, the status quo continues.

  3. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Sep 18, 2013, 9:17 #39387

    Have any of you considered the very considerable problems of engineering the departire of an idiot in a powerful place in ones organisation, even if you are in a position of power? We are all guessing about the transfer and how it happened. My gut feeling is that both Gazidis and Stan are capable and that Gazidis got Stan over to stop Wenger screwing the deal up. We won't win anything because OGL can't see that our best and strongest midfield is Rosicky, Ramsey, Ozil and Flamini. Wilshire should rest for 3 months and the lightweight Spaniard remain unused unless absolutely necessary in the League cup. The League is won and lost in the midfield and we need men not injured children and girls in there. OGL will make atrocious tactical decisions and will fail to make the necessary practical steps to bolster the defence. There is no transfer window for coaches and he should be going out an getting Martin Keown now. We should also get Bergkamp on board, yesterday. For the first time in a long time I am looking fowrad to the season but we can do even better in terms of bolstering our chances. Get some coaches who do know what they are doing in, and put Wenger in the kitchen.


    Sep 17, 2013, 22:30 #39379

    No, sorry Ron, I've still got my Joe Baker quiff, though it looks a bit odd, as the rest of my head is bald!

  5. Ron

    Sep 17, 2013, 22:15 #39377

    BADARSE - Great post. So funny mate. Love it! Some really good observations. I bet my Joe Baker 'quiff' was better than yours mate, in those days of yesteryear when hair was taken for granted!!!


    Sep 17, 2013, 21:06 #39374

    radfordkennedy, as an answer to the question you posed I can offer a view. I think nowadays circumstances are so convoluted that a real answer perhaps arrives via a number of factors, and perhaps some we overlook completely. I am sure modern technology and the 'stay at home' mentality that Ron touched on, play the biggest part. A secondary offering from me is the observation, via my grandson's team; it's that is everyone wants to be a Messi, or someone similar. When I was a lad, back in the stone age, we couldn't indulge in the way today's kids can. Yes we wanted to be Joe Baker, or the flavour of the month, but we didn't have TV and all the trimmings. So we just tore about, kicking the ball. Now kids arrive at the pitch and trot around flicking the ball up behind them, and doing little party pieces. The game kicks off and many are lost on the pitch. Practising a neat little flick hasn't helped at all. This is the lack of substance Ron also touched on. When I was younger I was on the go constantly. Now kids are lethargic, diets don't help, and our culture defeats them. Everyone wants to be a superstar, as a plain star isn't enough. Pop Idol and other instant success influences have damaged the minds of the young. Is it a common occurrence in other countries? No, but it's going that way. We are just in the vanguard, following the USA. Kids who loved football used to recognise early in life that they would never be a Ronaldo, but loved the game, so utilised their physical attributes more favourably. Now I suppose those kids are not interested in being a left back, or centre half, so throw in the towel. OK, my suggestion is a little trite but it is close to the truth, I am fairly sure. Now if you ask a nipper where he plays, or would like to, most just say, 'in midfield'. Of course our society is loaded down with 'image' frailties, which compounds the problem. Here is an example to support that statement. In Holland due to the flat ground everyone cycles. The bike is the 'King of the Road', however they ride old fashioned style bikes. We used to call them 'sit up and beg' bikes. They are invariably black, and all look the same, strdy, safe and functional. I am certain most people in this country, if you could get their expansive posteriors on a saddle in the first place, they would die of embarrassment to have to ride such a 'monstrosity'. They would want a sleek and glossy variety. Oh, yes, and the Dutch play some wonderful football!


    Sep 17, 2013, 17:30 #39366


  8. Ron

    Sep 17, 2013, 15:36 #39353

    Fair points. Ive never played in a team though where all of the players were 'at one'. Utter contempt occured in some instances yet on the field it was all forgotten. CG is right in that a Club needs dissenting voices in the dressing room, provided it remains respectful and doesnt rock the Coach/players balance.Its healthy and a Coach needs it and feeds off it in my view. A room full of sychophants bowing and scraping doesnt achieve anything i assure you. Fergie tolerated and respected it and only bounced them out when they thought they were bigger than him. (Ask Keane, Hughes , Beckham and RVN)

  9. Mike

    Sep 17, 2013, 13:53 #39342

    @ canada- of course it is and its not about player- manager relationships -it is about in house fighting and sulking between players - ie, Gallas and Nasri, Bendtner and Adebayour -this team has a unity which has not bee seen in years. They are playing for each other - I don't know about you, but in the small amount of competitive sport I've played a team of fairly average players have overturned teams of talented individuals on numerous times - something is beginning to gel with this team. With the influence and leadership in the form of Arteta to return, it can only get better

  10. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 17, 2013, 13:10 #39335

    Canada, when i said everybody had folded i certainly wasn't applying that you had caved in and was back behind wenger, it was a reference to him playing his trumph/get out of jail card with the signing of Ozil therefore keeping everybody happy including myself and winning himself more time.Although as we both agree and a lot of others as well, it doesn't make us great again and erase the last eight years.

  11. CanadaGooner

    Sep 17, 2013, 12:20 #39328

    @ Ron - indeed sir. I do not disagree. @ Mike - it's not having egos in the dressing room that's made Wenger into the stubborn fool he now is. You need players like Ronaldo, Rooney, Henry, Pires, Viera, Roy Keane; who are prepared to challenge the manager every now and again for the best of the team. Wenger has cleverly eliminated players of that nature by filling the team with compliant players like Walcott, who will never challenge him. Arshavin challenged the manager and got detroyed. Wlishere is a player that will hopefully challenge our lack of silverware at some point, but unfortunately, his decision would probably be to leave the club and go win silverware elsewhere, like RVP and others have done. Too much ego is not great, but not having any player in the dressing room, to lift the players on a day a 1 - 0 result is required will only get us Top 4 yet again

  12. Mike

    Sep 17, 2013, 11:19 #39327

    The difference with the current team to the previous years is two fold imo - Firstly we did not lose any players critical to the great run in we had last season - meaning that there is no reason it cant kick on - in fact it has been improved upon - Secondly, the changing room problems have gone - no more egos in the squad like RVP, Nasri, Adebayour, Gallas - even the Bould/AW relationship seems good - the team is in a good place at the moment. It is a long time since I have seen that at the beginning of the season - do I think the current squad will cope with United and City - yes depending on injuries

  13. Ron

    Sep 17, 2013, 11:19 #39326

    Radford/Kennedy - I think all Clubs acedemies are struggling in the UK mate. Kids dont play at school, they dont play in their spare time ie no jumpers for goalposts mentality exists anywhere, theyre largely gripped by their own culturally imposed sedentary, computer driven lifestyles. Without it, theres no natural football crazed starting point at early ages for kids who then later get to acedmemies. The acedmeies are therefore trying to create off the shelf footballers, designed for a purpose hence so many fail and dont become fit for purpose. In our day if say, an Arsenal Centre forward was your hero, you'd practice like mad to be like him and your develpment came naturally. Theres none of that now. The motivation factor seems redundant. Im not sure the coaches today can do much more than they do. If theyre not careful in this Country good footballers will be as rare as good Tennis players. Its that bad. In fact, we might already be at that point arguably. As for Arsenal, the whole coaching set up is governed by Wengers 'philosophy' it seems to me ie small and lightweight plus mobilty players only. Its a straitjacket hes imposed on us, to an extent successfully it has to be said. His 'philosophy' is his master though and not his slave, thats where he falls down in my view.

  14. Gare K

    Sep 17, 2013, 11:06 #39325

    For all the criticism Wenger gets from the likes of me, I will at times cut him some slack because of what he has done for The Arsenal overall and I’ll give him credit for it as every Gooner should regardless of where we stand on him. What I don’t get are Gooners who will vehemently defend Kroenke & Gazidis as if they are the best things that The Arsenal have had since Wenger’s appointment in September 1996 or even in the club’s history. Certainly in Blighty, in recent years we as a nation have bemoaned the bonus culture that exists in the City of London after the financial crash in 2008 but when Gazidis personally pocketed more that £400k in bonuses in 2011/12, a lot of Gooners refuse to question it especially as that money and more could be used to bring in and pay a better quality of player. Add to the fact that we only made a profit because of the big money sales of Messrs Fabregas & Nasri. For me Kroenke’s aim is profit off the pitch and not success on it and those who defend him should look at most of sports franchises in his native US. And I do think eventually he will sell his shares when they reach a very high value. Back to Gazidis, apart from the big bucks commercial deals he has negotiated and he deserves credit for that, despite being the club’s CEO, it seems as if he’s Wenger’s boss rather than the other way round. I want the club’s CEO’s to constantly put pressure on the manager to succeed and not overindulge him to dress up constant on pitch failures.

  15. Ron

    Sep 17, 2013, 10:57 #39324

    CG - Morning mate. On the comparison point, to be honest im not sure its possible to be accurate when trying to provide one. I can see your point on us being more like the lower clubs than Utd Chelsea etc etc but we are in the CL every Season, they arent so the criteria to compare isnt there. Are we like Liveerpool? Club size wise id say we are, yet theyre not CL either and dont look like getting there soon. We are for sure nowhere near Chelsea or Utd and City are pulling away (althought theyre a confusing Club and always seem like a nothing Club to me no matter how much cash they have). We re just in there some where a way from being true title challengers but quite a way abaove those who aspire to CL and Title wins. A sort of unique no mans land, which makes us all feel that with the right guidance and coaching it wdt be too large a bridge to cross. Its whether AW can take us over that bridge. I dont feel he can personally as the transition years due to stadium change have taken far too much out of him as the game has changed. It needs new impetus and new motivation plus at least 3 new quality squad additions. On your Fulhmam point, theyre a lovely Club but wont likely ever win anything, arent set up to win anything and dont truly expect too either. Its a Club whos designs are merely survival. At our worst, we re not at that level hence me saying youre over the top by using them as a comparitive. It opens up the old debates doesnt ie what is a big Club and when is a big Club not a big Club?At the moment, in many respects Arsenal arent a 'big' Club. In modern parlance and use a Club needs a CL under its belt to be considered one, yet are Chelsea a truly Big Club? I dont think so. The debate is endless.

  16. Janer

    Sep 17, 2013, 10:54 #39323

    Spot on, I was always loyal to Arsenal's 'official way' until about 2 years ago unlike my brother who has been critical the last 4, I have friends saying it's great the signing bla bla but why were we not doing these signings 18-24 months ago and why could we not hold onto Nasri/Van Persie like Liverpool pld hardball with Suarez? I know RVP's contract was winding down but at least sell him to a european club, Man U and Chelsea wouldn't sell Rooney and Mata to fellow english clubs. I still worry about our defence...we need a proper disciplined holding defensive midfield player.

  17. Black Hei

    Sep 17, 2013, 10:47 #39322

    I will agree that Stan Kroenke hasn't proven anything. But wouldn't turn my back on Wenger. If he goes, it will be on his own terms, he has earned it. BTW, what you are suggesting is stupid. If we burn down the house now after signing Ozil, and second on the league tables, we are either very stupid, or we are all mind controlled by a certain Russian and our existence have no meaning.

  18. Peter

    Sep 17, 2013, 10:36 #39321

    I think we are going to be surprised this year by how well we are going to do. Sure we are short of some players, but I think we are stronger than we like to think we are. Maybe we should get behind the club rather than pulling it apart. The fact that AW finally got a major star to sign will make it easier for another big name to [ hopefully] come.

  19. radfordkennedy

    Sep 17, 2013, 9:51 #39320

    Ron...I agree with you mate,Kos plays his heart out bless him but i always feel that a ricket is not far away..what really worries me is that in our entire club to include the youth team and the reserves we dont seem to have a centre-half,or a striker who could come in and do a job in their respective specialist positions,we always seem to patch up and make do,surely to God there must be someone who has the talent and bottle to step up to the plate even if just for 2 or 3 games as cover..when these kids arrive were told that theyre a under 17 or 19 international and an undoubted talent but it seems tommorrow never comes for these kids,and it makes me wonder that if our so called acadamy cannot produce one single specialist position player instead of an endless stream of identical height,weight utility square peg players,who have the ability to grab a golden chance when it comes,then either our coaching or scouting set up is seriously floored.id be interested in your thoughts on this Ron or anybody else who can shed some light on this

  20. CanadaGooner

    Sep 17, 2013, 8:06 #39319

    Ron - I will respond to your comments because your posts are usually full of insight (I wont bother taking Westlower on; as I dont see the need for a debate on this topic): where exactly are Arsenal right now? Are we on par with Man Utd and Chelsea then? - it is always so funny to see how people cant accept reality. Liverpool were once Kings of English Football and last week, Gerrard said they will try to compete (and he mentioned Man Utd and Chelsea; without mentioning Arsenal), the semi-illiterate idiot forgot that right now, Liverpool will need to compete against Everton,Spurs, Fulham, Villa etc., to get to Arsenal, and then perhaps, one day, get back to competing against the Manchester teams and Chelsea. That is the stark reality. There was a time (years back) when Villa were champions of Europe! If a club goes 8 years without a trophy (but gets a new stadium), that doesnt equal being on par with clubs who have spent those 8 years piling in the trophies. Right now, we are still much better than Fulham, because the addition of 1 classy player could raise our game to a level we want (which means we must already have a fairly decent team; albeit demotivated), and finishing consecutively in the top 4 still means we're one of the 4 best teams in England; but it ends there friends! The rest is just HISTORY (same history Liverpool are clinging on to; al beit, they HAVENT gone 8 years without a trophy; so, in my opinion, their plight is still far better than ours right now). To my mate (maguiresbridge gooner): No, I havent caved in, and I'm definitely not back behind Wenger; but as always, once the season kicks off (and you know the manager will never get sacked anyway), I get behind the team (and that includes whoever is managing it: and in this case, it happens to be Wenger - still!)and hope for the best, without getting carried away. I genuinely think that with the current morale (hoping it lasts for a few weeks), we might be a bit more competitive this year (and even if we fail, while trying! I am happier, as opposed to what Wenger has done the past 8 years; allowing the players to believe their ONLY goal for the year is to secure a CL spot!). If anyone thinks Arsenal are still on the same level as Man Utd, City and Chelsea (or have been in the last 8 years), then you do need your heads examining!

  21. N4

    Sep 17, 2013, 0:45 #39318

    Agree with your article

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 22:14 #39317

    Paddy, your right about the go support the spuds brigade, the regulars on here just ignore them as their not worth replying to, and in fairness to the regulars who support Arsene FC they don't say it because they realise how stupid it sounds, but you still get the morons who know no better.

  23. lee afc

    Sep 16, 2013, 21:50 #39316

    A few years ago I had some respect for you and I am fully aware that your AW respect has gone. We have gone from a Highbury stadium to an Ashburton Grove stadium in the space of time that we have won jack shi.t but lets face facts, we are still better than most of the premier league sides. We are not bottom 4, mid table, top 8...we are, and have been, a top 4 club throughout AW's reign and once in a while Champions. We have no divine right to win the league every year. Get the monkey off your back buddy and get behind the team. Wenger will be long gone, my club will still be here. FACT


    Sep 16, 2013, 21:39 #39315

    OK, I am perplexed. We play a game, win it and find ourselves top of the league. What happens? The moany ones start griping at Arsene Wenger, saying, guess what? He has to go! Others then say, no he shouldn't! Is this groundhog day, or what? Haven't we had these posts on here before? Is that the strength of it? Let's grumble about the manager, whilst the opposition step forward to defend. It is not very interesting. People are making judgements for the best of reasons, but nothing changes. Two groups in the house vote on an issue. Benefit of the doubt that they are honourable and vote with their consciences. It is a close run thing but one side just reaches the line and then crosses it. Decision made! Here we have roughly speaking two groups standing toe to toe, arguing and bringing out the same old tosh to support their case. No decision, because there never will be. Next day we resurrect the topic and go around again. This is repeated daily. It's pretty mindless guys, pretty mindless, trust me on that one. Let me just explain in case you are in doubt. Arsene Wenger is the manager, whether you like that fact or not. He will, or won't get a new contract. We will or won't strengthen in January. Next question?

  25. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 19:09 #39313

    CanadaGooner, 42118, Good shout he's got his way out alright played his get out of jail card if you like and everybody else has folded and he's won the pot (more time) but it doesn't and never will erase the last eight years.

  26. HowardL

    Sep 16, 2013, 18:59 #39312

    Thanks Gary - "try and enjoy the moment without losing sight of the fact we still have issues" - I totally agree. So much negative cr*p here still from people who doubted AW and now cannot admit they might have been wrong. I think he has made some appalling decisions and signings, but for me if this one works out - and I think it might - all will be forgiven. And thanks also Pete for reminding all of us that - WE ARE TOP OF THE LEAGUE! - which I hadn't actually realised until SKY pointed it out on Saturday evening. So enjoy it (for the next couple of hours at least). Ramsey, Giroud, Ozil, even Walcott and what looks like a 1971-style team spirit to me. Many reasons for optimism.

  27. Ron

    Sep 16, 2013, 17:34 #39310

    Westlower - I agree CG has gone over the top saying we re on a level with Fulham. However, youre perspective is tainted badly too. Over the last 8 years, Wenger chose and persisted with the dross that cleary werent going to make it and im not naming them as i suspect you know full well the whole dismal catalogue of them. While he indulged his dross squad for so long, he passed up on signing better players at far from mega prices ie Alonso, Given, Barry, Schwartzer et al who could and would have stymied the extent of Arsenals decline since 04. Had he have done that, maybe the prsesnt financial burden of arresting the present mediocrity level wdt be near so steep as it is. Wenger has continued the sorry saga of the Bendtners, Denny s and Diabys and Djorous etc. Nobody else. Penny pinching and his own stubborness in the face of the crtics was the fuel that made him do it. It was Wenger who forced out Gilberto. Wenger who forgot Flamini's contract and most of all it was Wenger who fielded weak teams for so often and for so many vital winnable games over the last 8 years. Yes, the stadium shift has taken its toll on team development, but not much more than Wengers ideals and barmy 'philosophies' have curtailed it. Far lesser Clubs have achieved honours while he fiddled with 'project weak kneed youth'. For me, one quality signing doesnt re write history and certainly doesnt erase the embarrassments we ve endured for so long and so often.

  28. Paddy

    Sep 16, 2013, 17:22 #39309

    Bard - Whenever anyone tells someone on here to go and support Spurs, I know I can immediately discount their views as being those of a fake football fan because they are the only sort of person who could seriously suggest someone goes to support another team. True Gooners will always be Gooners and just because they don't agree with each other does not change that fact. I'm over the moon about signing Ozil and am desperately hoping he is going to be the player who does make us forget the last eight years without a trophy. However, there is a nagging doubt at the back of my mind who keeps tapping me on the shoulder and saying "come on, be realistic, you know you still need a striker at the very least and this goalkeeper and defence will no stand up to scrutiny over a whole season". At the moment, I dismiss this negative stance, but deep down I know it's probably right.

  29. maguiresbridge gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 17:18 #39308

    Where TKOP is involved you can be dammed sure there will be plenty of it dished out It was obviously OGL's conversations with Ozil that persuaded him to join and he has to be congratulated for that, but it can't have been by the success we've had in the last eight years that's for sure so you wonder what it was, but he was persuaded anyway and that's all that matters. But i can't help thinking if old red nose was still in the driving seat at man u and if they were actually in for him would it have been different, but thankfully we'll never know. But it does make you wonder with someone with OGL's principles and philosophies over the years that he would suddenly go out and spend forty plus mil on a player, was he persuaded to? made to? by others, was it to appease fans? save reputations/jobs? or is it just a simple case of Arsene seeing the light and changing his ways? I agree Rocky regardless of the reasons (and we'll never know the truth)or the change of heart it's time for change and it has been for three four years now the last eight seasons of failure and humiliations just can't be ignored just because of one signing, although there's plenty who have done just that and still are.

  30. Bard

    Sep 16, 2013, 17:10 #39307

    Stroud Green Road Boy am in total agreement. Asking questions or criticising Wenger seems to bring out all the fundamentalists. There is such a desperation for success that some on the site seem lose all sense of perspective. Buying Ozil will make us a better side but wont turn us into winners. I've supported the Arsenal for 50 years so don't tell me to go and support the Spuds because I have the nerve to question the current euphoria.

  31. Jack

    Sep 16, 2013, 17:05 #39306

    westlower So having bad teams years ago covers Wenger from the likes of signing Silvestre Chamakh Santos Park Gervinho Squillaci,it covers Wenger from awarding long term massive contracts to dross like Denilson Diaby Almunia Bendtner.That had nothing to do with having to fund a new stadium.A bad player is a bad player whether you are rich or poor.Its amazing that signing Ozil has wiped out the last 8 years from the memory of a lot of our fans.The turth is Wenger took us from the Invincibles to a club struggling to finish 1pt ahead of the Spuds. It was Wenger who told us 4th is a trophy.We may have had a poor side in 94 but we won a European trophy something Wenger couldnt do with the great players of 1998-2006

  32. Graham Simons

    Sep 16, 2013, 16:58 #39305

    Rome wasn't built in a day. The fact is during the thrifty times of the past few years we have seen the quality of our squad rapidly diminish. It has only been this season that we've had cash to splash and Wenger has chosen to make room in the squad by jettisoning quite a few players deemed below the standard we now require. The best forwards don't want to sign for us currently because they are judging us on the last 8 years or so - give Ozil time to bed in and hopefully come January the world class forward we all want will join - preferably a right footer who can play alongside or instead of Giroud and also offers Walcott some competition.

  33. Westlower

    Sep 16, 2013, 16:17 #39304

    Canada Gooner, You live in cloud cuckoo land. What part of 'we built a new stadium in the past 8 years' don't you understand? The manager has been forced to offload our best players while buying players of lesser quality but miraculously he's kept us in the CL. What part of that don't you understand? We're on the same level as Fulham?? Behave yourself If only AW had your foresight in knowing which player was going to make it and which one would become 'dead wood.' I suspect you've never seen a bad Arsenal side aka, 60's, GG's final year, even the year we won the European Cup Winners Cup we were pants in the League with Wrighty & Smudge as strikers . You may not appreciate it but these are the good times! When we finish below Fulham get back to me.

  34. Tony Evans

    Sep 16, 2013, 16:05 #39302

    Ron - I think you have summed things up very well. Wenger will be going all out for the CL, and domestic trophies will get even less of a look in than normal. Defending (once the Invincibles back line had gone) has always been poor under Wenger and without a solid base you are always going to struggle. Flamini is better than nothing, but no more than that as a holding midfielder, central defence is still an issue, as is the keeper. Wenger's defensive blind spot has cost us dear and probably will this time around as well.

  35. Kenny

    Sep 16, 2013, 15:25 #39301

    Wenger has to win a major trophy to get a new contract.That should on how a new contract will be awarded.And i mean major not the domestic cups he hasnt bothered about for 8 years.And 4th is not success.The days of Wenger telling us 4th is a trophy are over.Ozil wont hang around for long if we are going to get knocked out in the last 16 of the CL and finish 4th.The non signing of a striker was nothing short of criminal.It was the number 1 priority at the start of the summer and has to be in jan but Wenger will probably buy another midfielder

  36. Ron

    Sep 16, 2013, 14:56 #39299

    Tony - Very fair comments. It amazes me that people speak of Koschielny as they do now. Hes a very, very weak link with his rash challenges.In fact as you say, the entire defence wont cope with a quality attack probing it. Both full backs just arent up to it. Im not commenting again on the Keeper. I do feel that the noises from the Club indicate that its the last chance saloon for AW. Hes even talking like he knows it is, albeit in his couched and guarded manner. I said hed go in 2013, but hes not done so and now think he ll go next Summer whatever occurs. I dont think there ll be any mickey mouse Cup. In fact i think it will aborted even earlier than usual. A scratch team wont get past W B Albion away for starters. No, the emphasis will be unashamedly on the CL and EPL and the fans will simply have to lump it. The FAC wont get a look in either. No lip service to either Cups this time. I feel AW will want to go out (if he is going out) leaving us top 4 and with at least the the usual inglorious CL campaign. The tough group in the CL has more or less consigned the domestic Cups to the dustbin early this time, not to mention us having no striker save for Giroud. Can you see Bendner firing a team of kids and stiffs to Mickey Mouse glory? No, nor can i mate.

  37. CanadaGooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 14:53 #39298

    I dont think people truly realise what has happened at Arsenal in the last 8 years. We have gone from being invincible, and leading in London, to watching Chelsea win the Champions League (which we have never won), the Europa Cup (which we should have won under Wenger when we messed up against Galatasaray - and everyone said, it's all good; Europa Cup is rubbish anyway), several FA Cups, and now we are just another team in London (on the same platform as Fulham probably). Love or hate Wenger, the last 8 years neednt have happened, if he was just a tad less stubborn! Now, he wants a way out: he's now gone out there to spend $42million on a single player (a player who was available for about half that price some years back); we could have done so much more as a team in the last 8 years. But as Tony and some of the other commentators on here have stated, if the introduction of one classy player proves the point and galvanizes the team to do better, and if we win at least one trophy this season, all credit to the fans who wouldnt back down, and kept voicing their displeasure till something got done at the club (albeit just a baby step, and wont reverse the last 8 years).

  38. johnnyhawleyloovinggooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 14:51 #39297

    can not see a major shareholder not knowing we were going to spend 40mil on a player.the board (remember stan is a major share holder NOT the owner)would of agreed it was ok to spend 40mil earlier in the year.why are you so sure Mr balague is correct and everyone else including the player is wrong?wonderful send up online somewhere of hitler being told we signed Ozil,watch it and it will cheer you up.football, every ex-pro keeps telling us is about confidence,well Ozil seems to have brought a massive injection of it to fans and players.after 8 hardish years lets see if things have changed.the january transfer window will tell us more.

  39. Tony Evans

    Sep 16, 2013, 14:30 #39296

    Having been an arch critic of Wenger for years I am still not convinced by him or by Kronke. It is great to see us top of the pile, even if it is after just 3 games; and to see a truly top, top player signed at long last. I am enjoying the moment but am certainly not getting carried away by it. I saw enough holes at the back against Sunderland to convince me that our usual defensive Achilles heal is still very much in evidence. In this critical season for Arsenal and Wenger I am hoping for either mega success (obviously the preferred option) or mega failure. The worst case scenario for me is if Wenger scrapes 4th or wins the Mickey Mouse cup and gets a new contract on the strength of that. It has to come to a head this season once and for all - Wenger either shows the world that he is a truly great manager (and the last 8 years can be forgotten about) or he fails utterly and leaves the board no option but to sack him and we can all move on and unite behind a new man.


    Sep 16, 2013, 13:38 #39293

    Ron, not for the first time have you encapsulated the mood, and just told it as it is, in a few sentences. Well played buddy.

  41. CanadaGooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 13:17 #39292

    Nevermind Stan not being the man; it's all about Wenger and those 8 wasted years! Stubborn git! Look at the impetus ONE proper buy has brought the team!! If he had listed and pooled the money he's wasted on Silvestre, Squillaci, Bendtner and those other useless projects of his, we could have been able to buy one or two decent players each summer; and Fabregas and Nasri would have stayed, and we would never have had those 8 trophyless season! Fans would have been making less noise by requesting back to back titles or champions league trophy; and we wouldnt have had this UGLY divide btw AMGs and AKBs etc. All this for one stubborn man's pride!

  42. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Sep 16, 2013, 12:16 #39290

    I've noticed a trend start to develop in the comments section recently where saying anything vaguely critical is immediately condemned as 'negative' by the newly emboldened fans of Arsene FC. Lots of talk of 'positivity', which sounds suspiciously American to me. Give me some good old fashioned British moaning any day. More seriously, there is space to both enjoy the current upturn of on field events and make critiques of the broader, longer term picture at AFC in terms of manager, owner, governance structure and so on. There are plenty of sites for undiluted fawning if that's what you really want, or if you simply wish to shout 'Top of the league, top of the league' then go ahead, no one is stopping you. Just don't attempt to silence others through this 'positive / negative' dichotomy.

  43. chris dee

    Sep 16, 2013, 12:07 #39289

    The proof of the pudding etc. If and when we reach a stage of the season and we cannot win any trophy then by all means complain. Ozil's a world class player and will lift the rest of the squad and the crowd,but the two players who stood our for me against Sunderland were obviously Aaron Ramsey and Mat Flamini who could turn out to be a clever signing by Arsene.It warmed the cockles seeing a player talking to the rest of the team and demanding more effort and even,excuse while I get up of the floor,winning 50/50 tackles.

  44. Ron

    Sep 16, 2013, 12:05 #39288

    I dont think it was a panic buy. Not at that price. Hes such a Wenger type player too. The deal was pretty much like all deals. Messy and hedged with double speak. Its done. We move on. The transfer dealings have been shabby for a few years, but not this one whatever the various views on AW are as i see it.


    Sep 16, 2013, 11:56 #39287

    Ha ha ha. Top of the league, 5 straight wins, CL group qualification, good away win at Sunderland in the last match, 14 straight away wins,3 of 6 games kept a clean sheet, scored 3 in each of 3 away games, best provider in perhaps the world, signing for us, smashing our transfer record. In a tacky footballing world he comes equipped with nothing but good to say about arsenal, the manager, and us, the fans. So what do we get today? The usual bun fight! Seriously, you couldn't make it up, this posting business is often like a script from the 'Three Stooges'. Please mature a little, gentlemen. I know you mean well, and have the club's interests at heart, so just come down a level. Enjoy the moment, or, if you prefer, as Pooh Bear might say, ' Just be!' Look out! There's another custard pie!

  46. John Gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 10:54 #39286

    Rocky, I agree with the overriding sentiment of your article, if not the finer points. The biggest crime of the current regime is the creation of this divide between the fans. The fact that morons think it's OK to tell you to 'go and support spurs' only underlines the issue. You will be remembered for fighting the good fight when all these fans with the memory of a goldfish are crooning over 1 decent signing after 9 years of disappointment.

  47. Ali

    Sep 16, 2013, 10:49 #39285

    I believe that by signing Mesut Ozil and recent improvements on the playing field, Arsene Wenger has earned the right to manage Arsenal for this season. If he ends the season with a major trophy and strong performances in all competitions, for me it is fair to give him a new contract. But if he fails to win anything this season, it is time to search for a new manager.

  48. Charlie

    Sep 16, 2013, 10:42 #39284

    To the first 6 posts if Kroenke and Gazidis are doing such a good job why is the squad threadbare.Why have we one fit striker at the club?.The Ozil signing while a great one was an opportunist one done in the last few days of the window.The reat of the summer we were only after one target Suarez and look how the club handled that.Also we were told we had £70m to spend by Gazidis back in may.We spent £42m of it that left us with nearly £30m left over to get a striker we so desperately needed.We didnt

  49. Adelaide Gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 10:07 #39283

    Chill Rocky, I, like many of the fans, are sick and tired of all the negativity. Let's get behind the team, hope we don't get any more injuries and enjoy the arrival of Mesut.

  50. Gary

    Sep 16, 2013, 9:52 #39282

    I would like to make a few pints to try and keep things in perspective. I assume I will be attacked from both sides, but I will try give a middle ground. Please only respond to points I actually make, not to things I haven't said (as sadly many posts here respond to things that were never written in the first place). 1. Wenger has no valid excuse for a lack of a trophy in the last 8 years. Even in 2008, when we lost the league coz of the leg break to eduardo, he should in january have bought anelka who was available at the time. 2. wenger has been operating under huge financial constraints for the last 8 years - especially compared to now 3. in the last 8 years wenger spent plenty of money on transfers and wages, and even though he was under constraints, had he bought 1 world class player for every 3 awful players using the combined transfer and wages for 3 bad players to fund 1 amazing player, we could over the 8 years have bought 1 world class player every year over the last 8 years and kept those amazing players who left as well. 4. Arsenal lost to villa based on a mix of poor defending and bad refereeing decisions. Since then we have gone on to win every game we have played and in most games have played better each time. 5. To those who still complain now, I say try and enjoy the moment without losing sight of the fact we still have issues. Complain and try and change things, but do it without withdrawing support for the TEAM. Do it before the game or after but not during and make it clear the players know we support them and it's the others we have issues with. And make sure you praise players when it is going well even if the board and others still need criticism. 6. To those who say don't complain now things are going well and we have ozil I say remember 2008 coz I think wenger's refusal to sign a striker (esp anelka) that jan is what cost us the league. had he done so we would have won it even with the leg break to eduardo. at the same time you are correct to say we should be enjoying the moment as our form is good, we are top of the league and we have signed a high quality player with the manager admitting we need another striker in public, meaning we will prob get one in jan (but not guarenteed). 7. I would like to point out that the BFG is not our best defender in terms of his own ability , however he is the best defender we have in terms of what he does to the defensive unit. He is a calming presence and the stats about games we win and goals conceeded with him in the team vs without shows he should be our first choice cb. Again, on his own he isn't the best, but as part of the unit he is better than penalty boy, i mean kos (even though kos is a better defender in terms of attributes, as part of back 4 he is not first choice esp when he keeps going to ground for no reason or mistiming challenges in the box). 9. The truth is no one knowns what goes on in most transfers, and even all the people involved don't know every detail. Had we missed out on Ozil people would say "how could you not get him, he was available)and now we have him people are saying "it was luck". I think this is stupid - praise the team for getting him (however it came about) and then criticise for failure of other bids and not buying the cb, left winger and striker we needed. I'm sorry "rocky the king" but i think your article is childish and has a very flimsy if any basis. I am not attacking u as a person (as can happen on here and is stupid when it does) but i find what you wrote to be based on conjecture, 1 person's opinion in the main, missing other info given by other people involved and a waste of a potential to make a great point. If the main point is about not letting this 1 transfer make everyone have a love-in at the AGM, then i agree 100% but base that on other failed bids or the lack of strengthening in other areas - don't base it on the transfer we got right and conjecture surrounding it. Top of the league! Come on you gunners.

  51. Born Gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 9:43 #39281

    So.... after a good display from the team, and a great one from Ozil and Ramsey in particular on Saturday, I was looking forward to reading what was on offer on onlinegooner this morning. And this is what you've decided to come up with? Do you wake up in the morning and wonder what the hell you can moan about today?

  52. Bard

    Sep 16, 2013, 9:26 #39280

    You are absolutely right Rocky. Arsenals transfer policy has been a mess for years. They never were in for Ozil until they realised that they were going to have to explain why they hadn't been able to secure any of their preferred targets. It was a great panic buy in the end. It's also had the desired effect of putting fan discontent on hold as the posts in response to your article prove. Sure there will be good results from time to time but does anyone think this side is remotely good enough to win anything but the Capital cup. Let's hope Wenger sticks to his promise to walk if we don't win anything.

  53. Goonerjim

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:59 #39279

    "So despite Arsène Wenger’s late conversion to the principle of spending our hard earned cash, he has long since forfeited the right to continue managing Arsenal FC" Oh for the love of.......... You've forfeited the right to a place in my newsnow stream

  54. theres_only_One

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:56 #39278

    Hi Alisher, it's great that you've taken time out of your busy schedule to post an article on a fan site. It's the little things that win us fans over, and this will go a long way. It's just that you sometimes forget that we fans really do love this club and as much as we sometimes want to burn down the house, collect the insurance, and start rebuilding, it's just so tough to do. But please do continue to post here, we'd love to keep hear your propaganda...err... i mean thoughts. Pass my regards to Dave.

  55. Westlower

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:41 #39277

    Rocky, There is little substance to your argument which is based on guess work & Giullem Balague tweets. Balague is a Madrid puppet and I wouldn't take his statements as gospel. The deal most certainly wouldn't have happened without the involvement of Gazidis & the blessing of Kroenke. Far from being a hindrance, Kroenke is ensuring our future prosperity. AFC hasn't many betters when it comes to managing a football club. Most transfers have an element of luck attached when the player involved has a choice of club to decide on. Why do you not mention Ozil's version of events that the phone call from Wenger swung the deal in Arsenal's favour? Whether you dissenter's like it or not, AFC is in the greatest shape in it's history. I've been an avid supporter for six decades and I've never seen my club so strong. When we get some of the injured players back we're going to be a real force this season and beyond. It's too early to judge if AW is damaging his legacy as his story has yet to run it's full course!

  56. Gooner

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:32 #39276

    Please go and support Spuds you deserve each other

  57. Harry Barracuda

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:24 #39275

    Those last two paragraphs are asinine at best. Impatient and ignorant people like yourself are the ones causing problems at the club, you're in the minority. As the saying goes, "empty vessels make most noise".

  58. Amos

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:17 #39274

    Observation: in the 3 seasons since Kroenke took full control of Arsenal the total transfer spending is as great as the total transfer spend of the previous 8 seasons combined.

  59. Pete

    Sep 16, 2013, 8:17 #39273

    Can you not take a quick break from the negativity to enjoy being top of the League?