Arsenal: Blood on the Carpet

A view of the recent boardroom saga

Arsenal: Blood on the Carpet

Eric Morecambe – Reminiscent of the Arsenal board?

The new issue of the Gooner has via the editor and the Spy more or less nailed the state of play at the moment in the Arsenal boardroom. Dein and the board over the last 20 odd years have arrived at the right decisions at the right time (bar one or two near misses). However cut adrift from Dein’s footballing acumen this board is as the Spy rightly says the same board than ran Arsenal in the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. It is the same board that only allowed the club captain into the offices - other players were barred - it is the same board that appointed Billy Wright when Man United had Busby and Liverpool had Shankly.

It is the same board that appointed Steve Burtenshaw to fill Don Howe’s shoes after winning the double. It is the same board that lost great talent like Charlie George, Liam Brady, this board supported the sale of Frank McLintock a decision which nearly relegated Arsenal. Left alone this board appointed Terry Neill because he was the “blue eyed boy” and chose Bobby Campbell because he was strict, yet this is the board that brilliantly coped with building the new stadium on time more or less to budget (albeit a moving budget) and phased out our time at Highbury. This board are very capable at non-footballing matters but are a disaster zone when they have to make a serious decision on matters on the field. The dismissal of Dein would have been made in an instant once the true picture became clear; this board are not frightened of making decisions.

Like Eric Morecombe playing the piano, they play all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order.

Wenger at this present moment is in a very powerful position - he could demand and get almost anything he wished. The board do at least realise this and the next decision Wenger makes over who is to fill Dein’s boots will be the most important decision for the club for the next few years. However we hear that the board are going to meet Mr Kroenke in the next few weeks to “hear him out” (Mr Hill-Wood he wants your club!) We could yet end up with the best of both worlds, we have our new stadium and we might just get the money Dein craved for. Dein might end up chairman of a new board and an Arsenal team capable of adding some world class stars to complement the brilliant young talent Wenger has nurtured over the last two years.

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