Space Monkeys, the AGM, and November approaches!

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Space Monkeys, the AGM, and November approaches!

Usmanov – Now owns 30% of the club

The Arsenal AGM as reported appears to have taken a page out of the old Communist Politburo stage management of propaganda. Nothing that was newsworthy, save apparently rain falling on the exposed seats at the Emirates, as opposed to answering concerns about the possibility of dividends being paid to directors. Given that Kroenke owns two thirds of the shares, what better way to get even more profit than by taking money out of the club? Usmanov has reached 30% and now in theory he could make a takeover bid for the club, but will not, due to an apparent brokered agreement.

So what are Usmanov’s intentions?

Let us be frank and accept that his long-term intentions towards the club have not been clearly expressed in a manner that would prevent others making mischief. This is a pity, as it has allowed those who appear hostile towards him to fuel anxieties among the Gooner faithful, based upon what he has always asserted as being inaccurate allegations of his past. I have to confess that I too shared these anxieties. However, further detailed scrutiny of the archives clearly backs Mr Usmanov’s position. I am now convinced that it is clear that these inaccurate allegations have been based upon poor translations, the existence of two other individuals also called Alisher Usmanov, and the fact that no-one has published a detailed rebuttal based his presentation of the original charge sheet to Iain Cobain of the Guardian in 2007.

I welcome his decision to increase his holdings. I feel that now is the time to allow a positive gesture from the Board to Red and White Holdings which would benefit the club that we all profess to love. Remember, Őzil was paid for by BSkyB, not by Stan Kroenke or the Arsenal. In fact, after banking the extra £68 million from the Premier League, AFC will be over £10 million in profit before the commercial spin-offs are taken into account. What makes me angry is the waste of so many seasons whilst Wenger failed to strengthen the squad with world-class players. According to Wenger, he felt unloved by the fans, so that is more important than trophies??? WTF? Let’s hope Usmanov rips up the agreement and makes Kroenke an offer that he cannot refuse and we pension off Wenger and give someone like Laudrup £200 million to win us the Champions League.

NASA does not stand for “Need Another Seven Astronauts” a rather sick joke referring to the tragic loss of seven astronauts in the space shuttle Columbia on February 1st 2003. I recall watching the TV footage as the shuttle exploded shortly after take-off. It was so sad. Yet now apparently there is another NASA joke in town.

The furore over Roy Hodgson’s joke about space monkeys during half time of the Poland game has touched a raw nerve on both sides. On the side of the FA, the leaking of the comments to the press and the swift politically-correct apology by the man himself, shows that they wish to put this to bed as soon as possible. The fact that no player complained openly, they protest, is sufficient to give their manager a sound endorsement.

On the other side, there is an enraged player whose sensibilities have been offended and clearly didn’t like being turned into the betrayer of England team talks by the rest of the English speaking world. Apparently Roy Hodgson is suggesting the England players are becoming increasingly angry about the story. Ollie Holt of the Mirror feels that the misunderstanding has arisen because of the failure of young footballers to understand such erudite analogies by Hodgson, which was in fact a compliment to Andros Townsend. Humans should not over complicate things and sometimes doing the basics is more effective.

So here is the joke…

“NASA decided they’d finally send a man up in a capsule after sending only monkeys in the earlier missions.

“They fire the man and the monkey into space.

“The intercom crackles, ‘Monkey, fire the retros.’

“A little later, ‘Monkey, check the solid fuel supply.’

“Later still, ‘Monkey, check the life-support systems for the man.’

“The astronaut gets upset at being ignored and radios NASA, ‘When do I get to do something?’

“NASA replies, ‘Don’t touch anything, and in 15 minutes – feed the monkey.’”

The fact that the offended player failed to understand the joke is more embarrassing for him, and not a surprise, as the IQ of the majority of professional players is legendary for not being close to that of a rocket scientist. I can even imagine Hodgson finishing by summarising the joke by saying “So the moral of this joke is - don’t p*ss about, feed the monkey!”

It is also being reported that Manchester United are reportedly looking seriously at an FSF initiative of introducing safe standing areas in stadiums. Don’t expect the Politburo at Arsenal to move, as Comrade Gazidis has already said that the safety certificate for the Emirates specifically precludes standing areas. So, as in many areas, we mess around whilst Man Utd lead. Please support the FSF and put pressure on the Arsenal Board.

Finally, after victory on Saturday against Norwich, Arsenal remain top of the league for now. But remember that the curse of November approaches… with Liverpool, Dortmund and Man Utd calling. So what is it about the month of November and Arsenal having a dip in form? The curse of November appears to be a perennial malaise which causes us to doubt our sanity as well as reduce our chances of winning the league. Time was when we would go an entire season with only three defeats.

Followers of Witchcraft celebrate November for the Greek Goddess of Ghosts called Hecate. She was apparently revived after committing suicide by Artemis, and since then she has been the avenger of abused woman, a disciple of necromancy and a key symbol for curses and rituals intended to bring about misfortune. So she is clearly a Tottenham fan, and probably responsible for our recurrent run of form during November months.

Well, what else could be to blame? What many Gooners do not realise is that a Romany Gypsy who also happened to be a Tottenham supporter cursed the Emirates when it was being built. The Gypsy burnt an Arsenal shirt and then cursed its ashes. These ashes were then secretly brought on site by a labourer working on the new stadium who then buried the ashes in the concrete underneath the central area of the foundations to be laid underneath the Emirates pitch.

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    Oct 23, 2013, 19:22 #40821

    Eric- NASA Shuttle Columbia was destroyed on re-entry on Feb1 2003, NASA Shuttle that I refer to seeing was the Challenger which was destroyed 73 seconds after take-off, apologies for the confusion in my recollections. As for the other facts regarding the two Alisher Usmanovs, I can only assure you that I have seen translated accounts from the Russian. However I am not a Russian speaker, so there may be a failure to corroborate the untranslated version, but if you want the reference, let me know and you can see yourself. Brian Dawes - your comments are so ill informed they are more pointless than your assessment of my article. Jack - You must be the antithesis of an Wenger out then, someone who is blind and has a huge brown nose and no independent thinking possible. Before anyone criticises me for replying to the insults, don't give it out if you can't take it in return. Thanks to all the other rather more articulate and thoughtful commentees. Let's hope that something is osrted out at the club in due course. Is Hodgson a racist? of course not, is he a fool, probably, should he resign? No he has apologised and is less likely to use the word Monkey in any context in future. If he mounts a vendetta against the player concerned, then I reserve to change my views. Harry Rednapp would have been a better Manager in my view. As for Arsenal loss to Dortmund? Only Arsene Wenger would have the best playmaker in the world playing out on the right wing, rather than centrally behind Giroud.... Aaah but Arsene knows best doesn't

  2. Man United Killer

    Oct 22, 2013, 18:58 #40766

    Ramsey on the flanks again against Dortmund!I hope Wenger knows what he is going.

  3. The Reverand Richard

    Oct 22, 2013, 18:15 #40765

    There's no way Hodgson is a racist just a little silly,he just comes from an older generation where being a racist, homophobic or sexist was considered the norm. As far as society is concerned unregenerate man just follows whatever's PC at the time.

  4. Croker

    Oct 22, 2013, 12:15 #40760

    Thanks for supplying some handy info Amos.

  5. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 22, 2013, 12:15 #40759

    I don't think any of us believe Hodgson is a racist and he meant any offence with what he said, yes it certainly wasn't appropriate in this day and age, but we know what he meant get the ball to Townsend. But maybe if it had been another manager and not Hodgson who is such an FA luvvie and now after qualifying a player and media one, there would have been a bigger furore about the whole thing maybe even a resignation.

  6. Croker

    Oct 22, 2013, 11:33 #40758

    Rocky - you've likened the management of the Arsenal AGM to the old Communist Politburo but there is very little by way of free comment about Mr Usmanov out there on the interweb to read, thanks to our legal system. Much of what you write is tongue in cheek, funny in parts and carefully observed but be very careful if you genuinely wish for Mr Usmanov's money to be pumped into Arsenal.

  7. Ron

    Oct 22, 2013, 11:32 #40757

    Brian Dawes - Actually they bought the knackered old industies from the old regime in Russia for next to nothing and then sold them back again at a massive profit when the industries had been revamped and renewed. Yes, the likes of RA are in on the right side of Putin and his ex KGB cronies and he like many of the others all have their 'prices' to pay to him and have to comply with his bidding and whims in return. Im not sure where Usmanov sits in the spectrum of moguls from Russia but suspect he s created his wealth rather differently.

  8. Jack

    Oct 22, 2013, 11:26 #40756

    Usmanov is a spitting image of your average Wenger out, lets criticise everything Arsenal, glory hunting, wobble bellied, slap head loser, you often see creeping around these days.

  9. Ron

    Oct 22, 2013, 11:21 #40755

    People can argue abaut and debate Usmanov as often as they want but the truth is that he ll be a Board member or he ll take over eventually. Kroenke will sell out eventually when Arsenals share values peak which will be at the point of the stadium debt being cleared totally. Usmanov has had a bloody nose by the way this and the old board have outmanoevered him, but he s hung about only because he knows the strength of his holding will eventually get him where he wants to be.

  10. Amos

    Oct 22, 2013, 10:12 #40754

    There is no brokered agreement that prevents Usmanov making a takeover bid. Whether he has 30% or no shares at all. The 30% benchmark only applies in the absence of any majority shareholder. As Arsenal is controlled by Kroenke with almost 67% (two thirds) of the shares Usmanov is in the same position as all other minority shareholders. Anyone can make a takeover bid at anytime, even if they're not currently shareholders at all, but unless Kroenke is willing to sell it would be a complete waste of time. There is as much benefit in allowing Usmanov in the boardroom as there would be in allowing a fox into the hen house. Usmanov has lost - his vanity just prevents him from admitting it. Let the present owners get on with the job of running the club. They're making a decent job of it so far - and have spent as much in the last 5 transfer windows since Kroenke took over as we did in the previous 16 combined.

  11. Black Hei

    Oct 22, 2013, 9:34 #40753

    @CanadaGooner Don't make it a sin to be rich. Not every guy with some cash makes their buck by cheating and stealing and being dirty. As for Usmanov, the fear is not so much with him being some shady character. The fear is that he might turn Arsenal into Ursenal. Just like how RA turned Chelsea into Chelski. Rocky might trade in Arsenal's soul for that but no thanks really, not for all the trophies in the world. I rather Arsenal stays free.

  12. CanadaGooner

    Oct 22, 2013, 5:15 #40751

    @ Brian Dawes; i dont want usmanov either, but of all the sanctimonious crap i've ever read, your comment trumps 'em all. How else do you think rich people get rich? (surely, not by fleecing off the poor! How dare they?). Get with the real world Brian. Usmanov's money and how he got it isnt any dirtier than those of any other rich person (including the queen!). Everyone said Abramovich will be in and out in a year or two: 3 premier league titles, several FA Cups, 1 Champions League (yes, that trophy we are yet to win) and other trophies on, he's still there; and if he leaves tomorrow, not sure chelsea fans would have any regrets

  13. Brian Dawes

    Oct 21, 2013, 23:50 #40750

    What an irritating and pointless little article. Why would anyone want Usmanov running the Club, have you really no idea how all the Oligarchs got to be rich in the first place? Have you somehow missed the rape and pillage of the Motherlands where whole industrial empires were stolen from the people to feather the nest eggs of the new elite who just happened to have highly placed ex-KGB political friends in all the right places. Feathering their nests before buggering off and leaving all the plebs to take their chances with the Mafia? Yes let's have one of them owning the Club - what could possibly go wrong?

  14. VAVA Voom

    Oct 21, 2013, 21:29 #40748

    Majority of the supporters loves Wenger and full support is there.You can't siege this club because you wanted Wenger Out before, you want him out now and later.Will you please **** off from my Club.

  15. maguiresbridge gooner

    Oct 21, 2013, 15:59 #40741

    A big issue is always made out of AGM's and meetings with supporters groups, but they're all as pointless as watching a porno movie we all know whats coming (no pun intended) nothing will be learnt only that their still masters of spin telling us the same old what we want to hear or already know. Just like the recent one with the owner telling us it's good to be BACK, as others read or have learnt by heart the same pre perpared (by somebody else?)speech sit looking smug that we're on a good run and have a good chance of actually winning something (for a change)after eight years of failure, having bought a real world class player for the first time in years. I suppose if you can't beat them join them something a lot of fans have been wanting for a long time not necessarily on the same scale but thankfully it's happened at last, more so if we do the same again in Jan. And we'd have even more power in that department if Usmanov was allowed on board but i suppose that would be seen as trying to buy the prem and CL even though we've already made a decent start with a world class player of 40m plus but there again one player probably doesn't count. Good article.

  16. Eric

    Oct 21, 2013, 15:15 #40740

    This is proposterous. If you can't get simple facts about the Columbia space shuttle accident right, then what other nonsense have you misrepresented in here? The 2 other Usmanovs?

  17. CanadaGooner

    Oct 21, 2013, 9:50 #40728

    The 'space money' matter is quite simple in my eyes. When I went to work in Canada 8 years ago, I had to really reel myself in: they dont swear in meetings over there, and I also had to peg back on some of our typical crude british jokes as it would be deemed offensive over there. We all do this on a day to day basis: how we talk to our mates at a football game or our wife at home, is not the same as we talk to our parents or at work. Every day, we all go through those changes to remain civilized and PC when need be. So, I dont think it is that difficult to leave out speeches that have a potential to offend one group or the other. It's nothing to do with being politically correct, it's simply to do with switching from one mode to the other (hodgson can crack all the mokey jokes he wants when he's with his mates or at home with his wife, and nobody would care; when at work! which is where he was, like the rest of us, perharps it's worth cutting such nonsense out). You never know what would offend people these days, so, I dont think it's that difficult to be aware to such sensitivities (after all, we all do it each and every day; to avoid getting into such situations).

  18. Bard

    Oct 21, 2013, 9:13 #40726

    Amusing lighthearted post for a Monday morning. Usmanov's the elephant in the room. Sadly he's an irrelevance at present. There must be some way we can use some of his billions without ending up as his personal toy. what about asking him to stump up £50m in jan for Falcao or Suarez? Small change for a man of his wealth. The boards stance towards him speaks more of weakness and fear than strength.

  19. Westlower

    Oct 21, 2013, 9:07 #40725

    Tragic that so called Gooners are willing us to take a fall in November so they can sprout "told you so". Our good run is obviously upsetting those with agendas to destabilize AFC. Hang your heads in shame & crawl back under your stones!

  20. Black Hei

    Oct 21, 2013, 8:01 #40723

    "So, as in many areas, we mess around whilst Man Utd lead" Heh

  21. Mjc

    Oct 21, 2013, 7:38 #40722

    What is it with you and Usmanov? And you still want to get rid of Wenger? Weird.....!!