
Or rather, the lack of it


Wenger at OT - Unacceptable abuse from stands

The racist abuse suffered by Yaya Toure and other black or mixed race players in Moscow has rightly been condemned by the international footballing community while Tottenham fans who insist upon using the "Y" word at every available opportunity (even though it offends many Jewish football fans) just goes to show that for all of the "Kick it out" and "Respect" campaigns rolled out by the FA, UEFA and FIFA some football fans will have to be dragged in to the 21st century kicking and screaming.

CSKA Moscow have been ordered to temporarily close one of their stands as a consequence of their fans’ inability to recognise that people of all colours and nationalities should be allowed to participate in the beautiful game while it is rumoured that one idiotic Tottenham fan was arrested after screaming the "Y" word in the face of a policeman while thousands of others got away with it due to the anonymity of the crowd. Are these lenient punishments going to be enough to stop these idiots? I don't believe that they will. Until Sepp Blatter, Michel Platini and our FA decide to finally grow a pair and start deducting points and banning offending teams from participation in European tournaments things will never change, simply because these moronic individuals don't care if their club gets a £200,000 fine and they attempt to justify their disgusting behaviour to themselves and others as "banter" or "having a laugh". I think that the vast majority of people would agree that it’s high time that football moved on from monkey chants and racial slurs dressed up as "banter", but until we accept that points deductions and European bans are the only way to influence these so called fans then it's all just a case of all talk and no action from the powers that be.

Arsené Wenger was again subjected to 90 minutes of "sit down you paedophile" at Old Trafford on Sunday which to my mind is equally as bad as any racial slur or monkey chant. Being called a paedophile is probably the worst insult that any self respecting man could ever have the misfortune to suffer during his lifetime but Arsenè Wenger has taken this abuse for years and has hardly ever complained about it.

I think that it's time that we as Arsenal fans petitioned the FA to deduct points from Manchester United for their years of targeted personal abuse against our manager. Even if we aren't successful we should highlight to the world what Manchester United are really about, even on Remembrance Sunday. Those dead heroes must be spinning in their graves at the thought that Manchester United fans couldn't resist targeting an innocent man with the vilest of abuse on a day that is supposed to be all about honour and respect. Shame on them.

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  1. Gus Caesar's curvaceous bottom

    Nov 19, 2013, 13:38 #41997

    I think it's a tremendous idea to dock points from teams who's fans sing abusive and nasty songs. It would mean every team finishing on 0 points every season meaning we'd win the league by virtue of our superior alphabetical advantage. Of course we would need a re-think if Accrington Stanley ever get promoted to the Premiership, or indeed AFC Bournemouth.

  2. Green Hut

    Nov 18, 2013, 17:26 #41980

    Ron- Don't know if you've seen the famous photo of the game at Stamford Bridge 69/70 season (maybe you were there?), their prized Shed end split in two by a twenty yard no-mans land lined by police, with Arsenal fans one side and Chelsea the other. Maybe that's why they took to wrecking trains.

  3. Ron

    Nov 18, 2013, 16:27 #41971

    Green Hut - Personally i dont even consider them as having any fans. They just have passers by and hangers on who happen by for a short time when things are good then disaapear skulking into the shadows again. The only so called 'fans' they ever had were the train wreckers in the late 60s and early 70s. Crap small Club. No fans, compromised history, featureless 'meccano kit' naff stadium. Everything about them is cheap tacky and naff, right back from Tommy Doc s days there and the present.

  4. Green Hut

    Nov 18, 2013, 15:34 #41965

    If there is one club's fans who should know better than to sing songs about a club employee committing abhorrent crimes against minors, it is Chelsea's. Makes it even more obvious how much of their fanbase has only existed since Abramovich arrived.

  5. N4

    Nov 18, 2013, 9:49 #41955

    Chelsea scums sing similar song too!

  6. Gooner1711

    Nov 17, 2013, 9:06 #41943

    What was the original story? The feud between The Fonz and Johnny Lynch is hilarious.

  7. Ron

    Nov 16, 2013, 10:04 #41921

    Morning Joe. Great post might i say. Matey, i dont think any right thinking person thinks the vile chants at Arsene are in any way acceptable. Its the manner of how fairly to deal with it that causes the consternation. My view is to systematically weed out various offenders each game (see my post earlier). Yes, there are those who on any given day will get away with it, but over the course of time the weeding out process will deter. The truth is that, the authorities dont care as its just football, that silly game that the establishment see as keeping the plebs and great unwashed occupied, either at stadiums or gawping at the moronic wall to wall 24 hour coverage spewed out by SKY and Co, thereby preventing the odd few that can think, from thinking about things in this society of ours that they ought to be changing and railing against, like the filthy rich crooks and corporates who've gripped the Worlds economies by the throat for their own advantage, but ill stop there on that point .....! Clubs dont really care as they want the cash at the gates and so both the establishment and the Clubs just think its an acceptable collateral issue to the 'game'. It wont ever be stamped out matey and all of this anti racism stuff is just window dressing, actioned by people who want to be seen to care,want to be considered as being on a higher intellectual plane when really they dont.


    Nov 16, 2013, 5:39 #41912

    Joe I am at the keyboard and have just seen your post, so in many ways 'you are not alone'. At the risk of seeming sycophantic I stand with you. My varied posts on this article perhaps bare witness to my claim. It gives me a great opportunity to say a personal 'thank you'. I think societies change imperceptibly over a long time, but are changing constantly. We should always remain vigilant, reassessing what went before, both personally and as a group. It is the only way we learn and benefit from a lost age-the past!

  9. Joe Fitzpatrick

    Nov 16, 2013, 5:19 #41911

    I find it hillarious that many of you are perfectly fine with this campaign of abuse against Arsene Wenger that has gone of for more than a decade, it didnt even get a break on Rememberence Sunday and I for one have had enough of it. I think that accusing someone of being a child molester is equally as bad as any racial abuse and the same punishments and condemnation should apply.

  10. Danny

    Nov 15, 2013, 17:42 #41904

    Chanting and abusing the opposition and ex players is part of the game. Get over it what i like to see more is more abuse at our useless coach for filling his pockets and owners and not buying better players the last 9 yrs. what a loser!


    Nov 15, 2013, 17:01 #41901

    Fistly it's nice to hear your rational view SGRB. I know it is boring if you don't know what the others are talking about if they have a minor interest subject, but we are talking of Arsenal, so everyone has a stake in that, even the 'littlies' too young to write. They, like me, can just soak it up like a sponge. You are an intelligent guy, but frustrated. Your way may be the way, however sometimes you have to pick your battles. You want change, change may come, in the meantime you have to go easy on yourself. It isn't a crusade. I think we could really hammer out some political discussions, you and I. Sometimes even then, you walk away and order a drink, then smile at this craziness which is life. Join in when the veterans get chatting, ask a question, I love it all. From now on I will always see you reading and enjoying our nonsense. Highbury and yesterday isn't coming back. Relish the memories! The past doesn't exist anymore, the only real benefit is to learn from it. Stick with it big gun. @Alsace a very potent post, I like it.

  12. Alsace Lorraine de Totteridge

    Nov 15, 2013, 15:19 #41894

    If you want to stop something happening, do or threaten to do the thing that the perpetrator wants least to happen. David Baddiel would like Spurs fans to stop using a particular word about themselves. I would like the club he supports to admonish and punish certain behaviour on and off the field. David Bernstein agreed with those feelings and removed the captaincy from a certain individual. You have to have people in positions of power who are prepared to use that power. Its the only way to smash racism. LBJ waited as a sleeper almost a lifetime in politics to destroy the Jim Crow laws in America. One day he became President and smashed the racists with a huge baseball bat. It isn't that long since lovely liverpule supporters were throwing bananas at John Barnes. Nowadays we know better, and to be fair have ( mostly) always known better at Arsenal. If we want to stamp the filth out of the sport we have to have administrators who have the guts to do it. Going to Russia for the World Cup is an obscenity, and we should break from FIFA and start our own tournament. We have absolutely nothing to lose and a mountain to gain.

  13. Ron

    Nov 15, 2013, 14:15 #41891

    SGRB and Maguires - Always good to read your stuff too fellas! Great point re Highbury. Had a unique feel that no stadium ever got close too in my albeit biased view. Cd 'feel the feel' but never explain it properly! The worst posts that send me to sleep are the ones where the pretend accountants amongst are out in force, explaining how the Clubs profit and loss account works and relates to Arsenes loo roll use and is then factored in to the team lady's travel expenses and then usually ends with a Denilson was a top value signing type of thing etc ets etc!

  14. Stroud Green Road Boy

    Nov 15, 2013, 13:58 #41889

    Though I don't go back that far, personally I enjoy reading the reminiscences of 'the veterans', that type of romanticism is infinitely preferable to the tiresome reeling off of stats that 'prove' this or that, that jar with what we see and feel. For me Highbury Arsenal was the real Arsenal, but it isn't coming back, and it may be fair to say that some of the frustration we see expressed on here with regards to club direction etc (my own included) is a result of that loss.


    Nov 15, 2013, 13:17 #41886

    radfordkennedy, sorry if I embarrass you, but that was quite simply the loveliest post I've received. Full of heart young gun, and a great deal of pride showing through too. For someone with my personality it fills me up when I encounter an interested party, on any subject that I think I know a bit about. Arsenal is no exception. We are quite that band of brothers I've referred to on occasions. Good Old Arsenal! Of the 44 playing staff at AFC, 42 went to war. I don't have the figures for you of the deaths of AFC playing and non-playing staff in WW2, perhaps another poster out there in Online Goonerland knows.

  16. Wallace

    Nov 15, 2013, 13:16 #41885

    Maguirebridge.If anybody sings against Arsene or any of our boys they will have one angry Royal Marine to deal with. I normally bellow in their lug hole and if that don't work they get grizzled.

  17. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 13:14 #41884

    BADARSE, thanks for the invite and i might just do that, even though i never got to as many games as yourselves in the sixties and early seventies but still fully aware of the history, and prefer reading, and enjoy all the stories and tales of the old days there's not enough of that done these days. There has been some excellent articles on the subject on here at times but as i said not enough, so why don't yourself or one of the four amigos do something about it i'm sure we'd all be interested, even Denny.

  18. Ron

    Nov 15, 2013, 13:11 #41883

    R/K - Hi matey. Nice post! That prompts a memory. Celtic winning the EC in 67. I loved them. Every player born within 20 miles of Glasgow. Loved that win. The best ever for me. Seen it on our grainy old Bush TV set. Enthralled as a kid. Lennox, Auld, Chalmers, Johnston, Tommy Gemmil, Simpson in goal et al. Brillint side. Milan just couldnt cope with the talent and desire those guys had.

  19. radfordkennedy

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:52 #41881

    Badarse ..morning mate yes you're quite I do get a buzz from reading comments loaded with pride and passion about players whom I never saw but would like to know more about,it was the same as a small boy when my grandfather(a glaswegian)would tell me about willy maley,john thompson and dixie dean all old celtic players and how good they were I was totally enthralled.On occasion my son has asked me about brady,rix and oleary and when I start wax lyrical just for a split second I'm gone back to a time before mortgages,kids ikea and trading in my beloved triumph dolomite for something sensible and then its 321 I'm back in the room,I suspect its the same for those of you who answer questions for me about players from the mid 60's.I realise this bores the backside off some gooners but mark my words you younger guns give it time lads give it time

  20. Jack The Gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:49 #41880

    Oi Mr Lynch, enough of that nonsense, that type of talk leads to trouble and believe me it's not in your interest, Iv known Fonz (bet it's a very ironic nick name) a long time, he is a massive a** at times but if you met him trust me you wouldn't dare spout that crap! Stop winding him up Fonz, were all gooners and this isn't making either of you sound big or clever! As John rightly says, let it lie.....such passion is better directed towards the scum

  21. The Fonz

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:31 #41878

    "someone takes objection to you and wants to smash you in" and you said I was alluding to your sexuality....well that's a pretty strong statement to back that up, whilst im sure trying to sound like a hard lad you have only gone and made your self sound the opposite! Im not even going ot rise to your silly comments, you probably have never been in a fight in your life, except your own internal struggles...clearly. But I'm a grown man and this is childish, but I agree with John's comment, this is a comments board it's not a p***** contest, i'll stop the baiting and you can stop puffing your chest out because you don't sound threatening, I'm actually now a bit worried for you

  22. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:30 #41877

    George, nice one but you'll get even more satisfaction if you save them up for a few days then lob them in all over the place.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:16 #41876

    Wallace, so that would be or include the so called fantastic away fans who sang the RVP song last Sunday.

  24. John Gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:07 #41875

    Johnny Lynch and the Fonz - Whether we agree or disagree with each other, we are all Gooners at heart. I have always respected both of your posts for being straight to the point and not pandering to any kind of consensus (and I've said so on here). I don't think the online Gooner is intended as a platform for in-fighting. Why don't you both be the bigger men you claim to be and let it lie...

  25. Johnny Lynch

    Nov 15, 2013, 12:04 #41874

    The Fonz. You're a mug mate , you've posted comments on here that slag off the people who sit around around you , fellow Arsenal supporters , you use the anonymity of the web to act the hard man and when someone takes objection to you and wants to smash you in , you allude to their sexuality .. The **** you are mate

  26. The Fonz

    Nov 15, 2013, 11:54 #41873

    I know Jack, I think its young love, this next generation who think they are cock of the walk do make me chuckle. This lad johhny lynch is a sensitive soul , we shouldn't be too harsh, i think he is quite precious. Seems to want to share a seat with me, unfortunately I'm there to support the boys and not deal with young infatuation

  27. Croker

    Nov 15, 2013, 11:23 #41871

    Could n't agree more with your comments Joe and thanks for highlighting it - it's horrible and thoroughly repugnant. I took it upon myself to write to Amazon and Apple/iTunes a few years back when they unwisely decided to sell that song as a download of classic Old Trafford tunes (incidentally, most of their chants are stolen from other clubs). The download was swiftly withdrawn as lots of others, including Arsenal got involved. For all the criticism of him, Sir Fergusmoan has also intervened to get the chant stopped. i'm at a loss why anyone thinks its funny or ok for Wenger (and his Family) to have to endure it. It has to stop.

  28. Jack The Gooner

    Nov 15, 2013, 11:10 #41869

    Fonz, I think you got an admirer....this lad seems proper keen, you better not tell the misses haha. Now stop flirting with this kiddie FFS

  29. Ron

    Nov 15, 2013, 10:51 #41868

    Morning Westie - Old Finsbury Joe needs an outfit that Sir Ranulf Fiennes could keep warm in so cope with that cold blow thats whistling around the swamp and through the Lane right now matey!

  30. David

    Nov 15, 2013, 10:19 #41866

    Amazed by the attitude of some posters - 'we said worse about Super Mac, Munich, Hillsborough, so what's the problem?'. In other words, if AW had been Spurs manager for the last 20 years, you would be happy to call him a paedophile. You know you would! Glad to see that people can stand above crowd mentality and the lowest common denominator.

  31. Westlower

    Nov 15, 2013, 10:12 #41865

    Ron, R/K, Badarse, Good morning you boring old farts! Ron, I like you're idea of meeting up for a beer before a game but wouldn't we be thrown out as our conversion would quickly empty the pub. People would be running out into the street shouting, stop, stop we can't stand anymore, it's bad enough reading their thoughts on Gooner! Badarse, we've all done the North/East/West/Clock tour of the ground and become well adjusted rounded citizens. Anyway I digress as I must finish knitting a wool hat for our friend Finsbury Joe. I worry that he'll catch a chill as the wind gets increasingly colder blowing through the Lane. It's distressing enough watching those expensive Lilywhites trying to score goals (something that they find difficult to do), perhaps their not Daring enough?

  32. The Fonz

    Nov 15, 2013, 10:05 #41864

    Behave yourself johnny lynch! Trying to act the big tough guy on here doesn't really work son, you sound like a prepubescent who is getting worked up on his mum and dad's computer. You sound like a baby with your childish threats "There's ways and means of finding the Fonz"....seriously kid? Stop it now, your mugging yourself off. Just get over that I told you off in a previous post and stop trying to be a keyboard warrior! You kids these would be eaten for breakfast in my day

  33. George

    Nov 15, 2013, 8:29 #41859

    To be fair, the reason they shout out profanities is because my dog has pooped on and dug up their lawns and the six cats I own have eaten a lot of the fish from their ponds, and my youngest boy painted Arsenal shirts on some of their gnomes. Still I think you'll agree there's no need for people to lose their temper.


    Nov 15, 2013, 8:09 #41856

    I am a Sperz fan from George's road and am a dessnt, descent, decent chappie, but he is a Gooner and every night he gets his dog to do his to let, toilerlet in my garden. See what I mean about Gooners? maguiresbridge why don't you make our 4 wayers a 5 wayer sometime pal? As anyone can. So sorry it drives you potty Denny, be thankful I'm not your Dad, you would have ended it all by now. Oh, and morning Ron, you hijacker you, after my initial baptism at the Clock End I moved to the enclosure on the East Stand, towards the Clock End and used to get up to the players entrance. Spent a few games on the West Lower, and good morning to you too, fellow hijacker, then went up into the North Bank. Am fully rounded now, ha ha.

  35. George

    Nov 14, 2013, 22:57 #41851

    The two sets of fans I cannot abide are those of sperz and Manure, I have four of them two for each team live on my road and they are always shouting out profanities and are in general not pleasant people at all. I always take my dog out for an evening walk and get my own back on them by getting him to crap on their gardens.

  36. Wallace

    Nov 14, 2013, 22:36 #41850

    The majority of Man Utd fans I have encountered have been small minded bigots,unfortunately I would put those who are disgruntled with our current team and manager in the same bracket.

  37. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 14, 2013, 21:30 #41848

    Ron, hear what your saying and as BADARSE said good points especially the decent people/fans being punished, even though it happens anyway maybe on a different scale but a form of punishment all the same with referee decisions, displays, bendtner.

  38. Mark from Aylesbury

    Nov 14, 2013, 21:26 #41847

    Hi Badarse, Wasn't old McDonald an anti police chant rather than anti Malcolm. I realise chants can be redirected but always thought it was a milder version of Millwalls Harry Roberts is our mate chant. Which even after 40 years or so is pretty sick.t Your memory may be better than mine though

  39. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 21:19 #41846

    We don't hi jack anything Denny. Youre quite free to ignore us. Many do!Other than that, offer up some lucid views of your own. More than happy to hear them matey.

  40. Denny

    Nov 14, 2013, 20:55 #41845

    So another thread hi-jacked by BADARSE and Ron.Book a room and put a do not disturb sign on the door.And leave us alone.Its boring


    Nov 14, 2013, 20:49 #41844

    Yeah, I have visions of a lot of head shaking, raised eyebrows, and a sense of resignation. Then computers switched off and up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire. Us four are the only ones linked in to the Gooner prattling away, ha ha. Love it! Red and white memories eh pal? Worth a king's ransom.

  42. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 20:44 #41843

    BADARSE - So did i enjoy the 4 wayer. Westie, R/K and yourself are all good blokes i can tell. There are a few other sound chaps on here who i respect too. Its funny really, as you can see the other posters on some threads all collectively 'raise their eyebrows' and yawn and disappear when us veterans start to reminisce. I think we bore them stiff when we re all in full flow and at it. We should all rendevous one match day for a few beers!!


    Nov 14, 2013, 20:31 #41842

    Ron I applaud the second to last sentence in your post pal. Incidentally, I loved our four-way chat today with radfordkennedy and westlower. Think r/k gets a real buzz from hearing of some Arsenal greats first hand. It's a very rewarding aspect for me chum.

  44. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 20:22 #41841

    Hi BADARSE - Yes matey. Good stewarding supported by an active police involvement and technology will isolate the offenders and over time will deter a lot more. Long job but theres no quick fix by applying an over punitive penalty on a corporate body like the Club. Id venture to say that if the Clubs are hit, the problem will get worse as the offenders will intensify it in the name of 'supporting' their Club and creating the Club as the victim. Its important to hit the real offenders not just to demonstrate society's outrage by applying a broad brush (like points deductions and exclusions) to a problem that society has created for itself. At the end of the day these problems aren't sporting problems, theyre the child of a spiteful and malevolent trend in society.The Clubs shouldn't pay and shoulder all of the burden in my view.


    Nov 14, 2013, 19:45 #41840

    Valid points Ron. Where I take issue is the acceptance, or near acceptance of some, and not of others. I am fiercely pro-active when it comes to racist abuse, but in equal measure with homophobia in certain circumstances. I think a gay white lad will suffer something similar to a straight, but racially abused black lad. It could be a hair-splitting contest so I will just step back from a contest between the two, however both, or more sinister 'paedophile' abuse, will never be stopped, but can be minimised with good stewarding, don't you think? As you say it has to be sensibly applied, for everyone to suffer from a small minority's failings isn't right. Though that's what is happening in society right now.

  46. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 19:03 #41839

    On the point of points deductions or exclusion from tourny's , i can't agree with that guys. Ultimately Clubs are clubs and fans are fans. Many Clubs are hamstrung by the type of fans they inherit by the areas they're in ie some sets of fans are of a better disposition and type than others. Not so much these days i know as Clubs fans are spread afr and wide and not so locally based. Also, Clubs do a lot to filter their communities and also do much to try and deter fans from the abuse we speak of. Clubs are also commercial entities and have to survive. I cant see punitive measures imposed them for the actions of those they cant really control is justifiable at all. In the final outcome, i do believe that many of the chants are as soon forgotten by the targets, be they individuals like Arsene or groups of other Clubs fans as they take to chant. Im saying that in truth the issue gets elevated to a level of importance that it doesn't merit really. I do distinguish this view from the direct type of blatant racist attacks on players though. This is a vexed issue and needs stamping out. I honestly reckon that camera technology can assist by picking out individuals and doing it regularly will stem it ie make an eg of racist chanters. It will soon deter others from joining in. May i also say that many fans in grounds eschew the worst of the chants as they believe them to be foul and irresponsible. Most chanters don't indulge in the worst of them. Punish the Club and you punish the responsible decent people, hence wheres the incentive for those people who do chant and sing responsibly to continue to do so? Sorry if i appear to be condoning an anything goes because its football attitude. I dont mean to, but i dont like universally imposed 'justice' when the majority aren't guilty.


    Nov 14, 2013, 18:23 #41838

    John Gooner, none of us like what's occurring. We have grown up in regard to abuse-name calling etc. The old countries which existed behind the Iron Curtain, or the old USSR, are like children compared to us. We have been through the wringer learning painfully that terms like, 'darling' etc are no longer appropriate. TV shows had to move with the new awareness which was springing up all around. The old USSR are like kids without a controlling parent. They are still locked into the 50's. We do know better and it allows us the privilege of pronouncements. Internationally the countries can be hit severely. 'You are out of the world cup!' Would shake the apathy from the specific governing bodies. Closer to home clubs have to be held accountable, no matter how draconian that sounds. It would not be tolerated in a theatre or restaurant, so why at a well-marshalled football stadium? I am talking about severely abusive behaviour though.

  48. Malcolm

    Nov 14, 2013, 18:20 #41837

    When i read this article i thought any minute now i will read something criticising Arsenal fans for the RVP chants.Did Mr Fitzpatick not hear the chants directed at RVP?If not i suggest he invests in a hearing aid.Yes be critical of Man Utd fans but dont paint Arsenal fans as a bunch of Mother Teresa's.We can mix vile chants with best of them.Hissing sounds and songs about Spurs are on there way to Auschwitz at the Lane.When we clean up our act then we can have a go at opposition fans

  49. Johnny Lynch

    Nov 14, 2013, 18:14 #41836

    The Fonz - I doubt you've ever slapped anyone down . As for the 'Mugs' that sit around you , I doubt you say anything on the day to any of them , saving it for when you get to the local bistro with your media type mates out of ear shot .. You would have been out of your depth on the Terraces and you're out of your depth now . Rein it in you chief . There's ways and means of finding the Fonz

  50. John Gooner

    Nov 14, 2013, 17:47 #41834

    I think you're right that points need to be deducted from any club whose supporters resort to vile abuse, even if it's Arsenal. Who decides what is sufficiently vile is another matter... soon you could be turfed out of a ground for shouting 'why the f**k are you still here?' or similar.


    Nov 14, 2013, 17:24 #41833

    The Fonz and Johnny Lynch. I have a mentally challenged grandson, who's cause is not helped as he is a very handsome young lad. By this I mean he appears normal to the outside world. He uses the word 'idiot' often. He is told not to but his problem borders Tourettes on occasions. Every single member of the family is worried for him. Not because the word is so wicked; we don't assess each word do we? If it's delivered in an insulting fashion he will run the risk of being hurt. It is a permanent fear our clan lives with on his behalf. Storm in a teacup guys.

  52. The Fonz

    Nov 14, 2013, 16:27 #41832

    Oh now it makes sense, you got slapped down by me in a completely different article and you didn’t like it so you are looking to exercise some sort of grudge, how cute. I doubt that most of the contributors keep a list of who said what to who on each article, clearly you do…..that’s nice for you. You may also notice that many gooners on here use alias’s or nick names, if you want to use your real name then go for it mate but I don’t, not with that amount of lunatics with access to social media these days. As far your last comment, calling someone an idiot is hardly abuse, there is no profanity and to if the editor (who In my opinion writes a lot of tosh) wants to make a point that I feel is sanctimonious, myopic and frankly pretty juvenile considering the context then I think “idiot” is an apt retort, but you have made me laugh….been a while since the word idiot has been thrown into the category of abuse, me thinks you are clutching a straws buddy And I for one don’t want to speak to you on match day, there are enough mugs sat around me without adding another one to the mix! No offence…..don’t want you thinking you are being abused… seem a sensitive flower

  53. Johnny Lynch

    Nov 14, 2013, 16:13 #41831

    The Fonz - Your response to Joe's article opened with 'You Idiot' .. that's abuse mate , coming shortly after you pulled me up responding to Jay Jays Wenger Love-In .. Listen. You're a man who calls himself The Fonz , just rein in your comments and stop being the big man on this platform .. Tell me where you sit and we can discuss it further

  54. northbank123

    Nov 14, 2013, 15:55 #41830

    The FA long ago learned that you can't criticise or punish United for anything or Ferguson and co will whip up a media frenzy about how they're victimised because of their success. Similarly last year there were plenty of isolated chants about Hillsborough at a few games at OT but no ejections and no arrests. The club should have been slammed for it. Still, the whole "she said no" chanting would provide an easy deflection for Moyes and co if this was highlighted.

  55. The Fonz

    Nov 14, 2013, 15:14 #41828

    Johnny Lynch, at what point did I say it’s ok to abuse someone? Your hard aren’t you, acting the big man on a comments page, and what are you going to do when you meet me….what a prat! My point was that its all good and well getting sanctimonious about the chants that are directed at the manger, but all clubs are guilty of it, and if you don’t agree then you are a fool. I have to listen to 2 a***holes hurling xenophobic abuse at our own players constantly, waiting for them to make mistake, the stadium is full of them. I’d rather we focussed on our own lot before casting aspersions at Utd! This is an issue for all prem clubs, it does need addressing but the reality of the terraces says that is unlikely to anytime soon…

  56. Kenny

    Nov 14, 2013, 14:46 #41826

    @maguiresbridge gooner Your right i remember our support getting angry when opposition fans sang the same songs we were sing to RVP on sunday.A big case of double standards.But no mention of it in the article.Also at the Man Utd home game last season a small group of thick fans in the concourse of the North Bank singing Munich songs.People died FFS

  57. maguiresbridge gooner

    Nov 14, 2013, 14:20 #41822

    And some won't even be dragged or allow themselves to be because they'll never change and indeed don't want to, so all the campaigns won't make a bit of difference. As you say Joe there's only one solution, points being docked fines are as effective as a chocolate fire guard. I'd imagine if clubs and fans knew they were going to be docked points for racist abuse and vile chants it would stop virtually overnight, well maybe not in Moscow and a few other places where i don't think the fans would care in the least about losing points. No doubt it would be different in this country points being docked means a lot, maybe relegation and in some cases the difference of finishing 1st, and 2nd in the league, Qualification for the CL, or EC. The vile chants we heard from the scum in manchester on Sunday would soon stop (another reason it was so disappointing not to beat them) and you can be sure the club would soon take steps to stop it then. You forgot to mention our own fans who have a good reputation, they didn't come out of it smelling of roses either their reputation tarnished by being dragged down to the same level with the RVP chant heard clearly on TV the same fans no doubt who were defending him when others were singing it when he played for us. But the points deduction is a long way off if ever because as we know Platini, Blatter, and co especially the FA have no balls.

  58. jeff wright

    Nov 14, 2013, 14:20 #41821

    You are right about a society thing these days - Ron with every Tom Dick and Ali having excess to media exposure the lunatics have taken over the asylum. As I recall it the spuds supporters though have always been vile and full of malicious hatred toward us. The ****dos chants on the northbank were mild compared with the bile that the Tottenham supporters served up . Some of the spuds idiots going around calling themselves the **** army doesn't help much either. When they battered one of their own that time though at the lane - for running on to the pitch wearing an Arsenal shirt with Bin Laden on the back - thinking that he was actually a gooner - it was comedy gold.

  59. Johnny Lynch

    Nov 14, 2013, 14:05 #41817

    Hey The Fonz .. You think it's alright to abuse someone now ? Where abouts do you sit at the Emirates ? I'd love to meet you

  60. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 14:02 #41815

    Eddie - Yes, youre right. As for going to Tottenham, id say most of us undergo or have from time to time undergone a total personality change going down to that hole. You know that youre going to meet a wall of hatred from them (been the same for decades), the attitude theyve got there is sinister in the extreme and its like you have to 'equip' your self to give it back and often do, seeing as everybody else does!. Not excusing some of the songs, but it happens. Bloody awful place and historically, many awful fans follow them. Even today, im still always looking about as I approach and leave the dump. Jeff - Yes, the humour's gone. Its a 'society' thing isnt it? I reckon SKY tele has generated a lot of angst and mutual anti fan stuff though. Theres no appreciation of the other team these days and it can lead to the sick songs.

  61. jeff wright

    Nov 14, 2013, 13:42 #41812

    I remember that old m'c donald had a farm with a wank wank here and a wank wank there being sung on the north bank ... it was funny ... but today many of the songs and chants are rather sick. I don't know how that met police band - with the inspector tossing his baton up in the air when they marched in front of the north bank would get on these days.

  62. Eddie

    Nov 14, 2013, 13:41 #41811

    It is bad, obviously but you can't just signal out United fans. I'm sure there's loads of us on here that have joined in with the various anti-semantic chants S hite Hart Lane down the well as other examples of various 'offensive' chants such as reference Ashley Cole's sexuality (hilarious I may add). Part and part parcel of football....and the reasons why CSKA Moscow are getting signaled out because that form of racism is the worst kind in the worlds eyes. Same can be said for Islam, everyone wants to leap to prosecute anyone who dates say anything deogatory towards it.


    Nov 14, 2013, 11:23 #41794

    Before MacDonald came to play for us I remember the entire North Bank singing, 'Old MacDonald had a w**k, E-I-E-I-O! With a w**k w**K here and a...' I remember laughing so much I could hardly sing. Very grotesque it's true from a different era and a different BADARSE. It was hilarious though, 15k people singing as one. Then he became our hero!??!

  64. Matthew Bazell

    Nov 14, 2013, 11:21 #41793

    Ron makes the most telling and obvious point: Double standards. The chants towards Van Percie or taking the piss out of someone with a facial tick for example.

  65. CanadaGooner

    Nov 14, 2013, 11:16 #41792

    @ Joe F; well timed article as the silly international break pops up. Intolerance isnt something that an average football fan can comprehend: these are largely people who turn to football in order to get an opportunity to behave like animals and get away with it (as society condones it as being passionate). If you just take a quick scan of some of the people who come on this site to post some really unnecessarily hateful/abusive posts, when all they need to do is state their opinion and disagree with others if need be, without having to get too insulting. Every now and again (and particularly, with alcohol), people take leave of their senses. I think society needs to make it more difficult for intolerance to thrive (I see it at football stadiums all the time, when we turn the other way, instead of telling off an idiot standing next to you, saying stupid things; but then, is it worth getting spat at or punched by such usually intoxicated idiots?). The world will always come with variety: there will always be black people, white people, short people, tall people, slim, not so slim, blondes, gingers etc.; and as such, there will always be an opportunity for someone to pick on the other, because of their differences. I dont even see points deductions ending this; but it would help in getting each club to take responsibility of weeding their own idiots out (as FIFA or UEFA or FA cant get it done); such actions will minimize this scourge but will never eliminate it. You can see from the comment from 'The Fonz' above, that illiterates will always be difficult to understand.

  66. Ron

    Nov 14, 2013, 11:16 #41791

    I think AW stands mentally well above those small minded fools whove nothing better to shout. However, the Arsenal chants last Sunday towards Van Persie were also (in my view) distasteful and didnt do our brilliant away support any favours at all. The lousy chants (for or against us) dont bother me unduly, but i make the point just to show that we nor any Clubs fans for that matter are ever whiter than white. Ive engaged in chants down the 40 odd years ive been going that in retrospect are regrettable. We get older though and live and learn. Its football. Its still 'caveman' territory despite the tourists and corporates and SKY plundering the game and thieving its heart and soul.

  67. Matthew Bazell

    Nov 14, 2013, 10:44 #41787

    Why can't our fans just respond with a chant back of "Sit down you paedophiles" to those same fans? We don't have a right not to be offended. Just hit them back with something. I hit back at some Chelsea fan two weeks ago who was calling Wenger the same thing outside our ground. I've been a critic of Wenger and yet the one Gooner out of hundreds on the scene who would stand up and defend him was me! Don't get offended, just hit them back.


    Nov 14, 2013, 10:04 #41782

    A fine and poignant piece Joe, thanks. We live in a strange world. Everywhere I look there are two standards. It is no wonder the young are lost in so many respects. The generation before mine failed in lots of ways, my generation failed the next, and that one the next. Sadly it is why we are still at the Neanderthal stage in our mental evolution. I agree highlighting it is a worthy cause, and also recognise nothing will change. We challenge though, not for improvement, we challenge for our principles. Our PM visits Sri Lanka, a war crimes country, when he could use the standing we hold in the world to stay away and draw attention to our disgust. How can we square the circle? In all things which offend we should speak our truths quietly and clearly...then hit the offender with a wet sock! I actually think Arsene stands so far above the mob mentally, that he can handle the nonsense easily, that he shouldn't have to is quite a different thing The Fonz, and two wrongs will never make a right.

  69. The Fonz

    Nov 14, 2013, 9:31 #41778

    You idiot! Yes its distasteful but its part and part of football, if you cant handle the terraces and the chants that go with them then dont go. Racism is one thing but how on earth can you stop thousands sing a song that has no basis in reality! And of course our fans have never sung songs about the Munich disaster? And if you deny that then you clearly have never been to a game

  70. deejay

    Nov 14, 2013, 8:46 #41775

    A W earns more than those morons from manchester (although most probably dont live anywhere near)put together. He also manages a top football club. He's lucky enough to live in the capitol and not in a place where the birds fly upside down over old trafford because there's nothing worth shi**ing on. He should be laughing at them! Nuff ssaid.