World Cup Diary Part 12

Departure Day

World Cup Diary Part 12

Sunday morning. The final time we would awake in Brazil. I had gone to bed around about 2am the night before. Sanj was very keen to visit the Jesus Christ statue that overlooks Rio, and - due to the likely queues - the plan was, as we had done on Saturday morning to visit another viewpoint - to get up early and arrive before they got too long. I was awake at 7, looked outside and could see it was cloudy. I wasn't obsessed about going, but woke Sanj. He evidently still wanted to sleep so left the choice to me - statue or lay-in. I went for the latter.

However, Sanj had enquired about the details of an all day tour taking in all the tourists must sees at the hotel reception a couple of days earlier. When he found out that it did not return until 5.30 or 6, that was knocked on the head, as my flight home departed at 6.45. For some reason, the reception took this as a confirmed booking for all three of us (even though Adam had visited Rio before and had no intention of going even if the times did work). File under lost in translation. This explained the call to the room from reception at around about 9am. The tour minibus was waiting for us downstairs. I went down to explain, but Adam suggested negotiating a price just to see the Christ statue, conveniently the first stop on the tour. So Sanj and I ended up getting up a bit sharpish and taking a ride uphill in Rio. I have to confess it was fascinating because it meant driving past views of a couple of favellas that were built up on hillsides. Really stacked up and quite obviously unsafe in the event of any kind of slippage on the earth they are constructed on. Visually they were fascinating.

The minibus parked up close to the top of the hill, but the final couple of kilometres to the summit had to be undertaken in one of the minibuses laid on by the authority that runs the site, once you bought a ticket. A bit of a queue to get on a bus, but clockwatching, I thought we would make it back to the hotel in enough time to pack our stuff out at noon as we were supposed to. Once at the top, although the views were incredible - the cloud had cleared by this time - the sheer mass of people in a limited amount of space at the base of the statue was absurd. It was an experience being up there alright, but probably not for the expected reasons. Apparently it was much worse than normal because of the World Cup. Well, let's face it, we wouldn't have been up there if it wasn't for said tournament, so I am not going to complain.

We got back to the hotel, checked out and then headed to Ipanema where Adam was already in situ. The aircon in our room did not work and he was in no mood to hang around any longer than necessary. Two days before, in a supermarket near the beach, I had spotted a pizzeria in the back corner, with a TV. With Adam content on the beach and not fussed about watching Holland v Mexico, we both fancied seeing the game while having a bite to eat. This seemed a good option and fortunately there were a couple of free seats near the screen. We ordered pizza, and I had a beer with mine. At halftime, we decided to remain there for the rest of the game, so, as I hadn't had any red wine since arriving in the country (Adam and Sanj do not drink the stuff and individual glasses in restaurants cost plenty), seeing the guy next to me consuming a half bottle, I plumped to imitate him, as much as anything to prepare myself for the long flight I would be catching later. There was a sexy girl making the pizzas behind the counter, so it was a case of wine, women and Arjen Robben. And the smell of fresh baked pizza.

Mexico did look as if they would continue the excellent showing of American sides - both South, Central and North - in this tournament, but credit to Holland for remaining composed and playing their football rather than panicking as the end of the 90 minutes neared. Sneijder's goal was a touch of pure class, whilst Robben did what he does best and convinced the ref to give him a penalty. On first sight, it was very convincing, although replays showed he was obviously looking for it. As the conditions quite obviously suited Mexico more - there were two extended drinks breaks at the game in Fortaleza, which is near the equator - it was a severe test for the Dutch, and they came through it. Quite obviously, the heat led to the substitution of Robin van Persie, who is not getting any younger. I think the Dutch play their quarter final in Salvador, which could mean they are knackered by the time of a semi-final, probably against Argentina.

After the game, Sanj and I found Adam on the beach. He thought Mexico had won as a TV at a beachside shack renting out chairs 30 metres away had only alerted him to the Mexico goal - an indication of who the locals were supporting. There is history of sorts between Brazil and Holland in the World Cup. They have met at least three times from memory starting in 1974 and on each occasion the game has been critical, the Dutch winning two of them. And as a rule, let's face it, the South Americans don't like European sides.

Adam and Sanj were getting a direct flight leaving a couple of hours after mine, so I said my goodbyes and took the metro back to the hotel to pick up my suitcase. It is always rather intense spending two solid weeks with anyone, especially in sometimes stressful circumstances. Obviously, conversation dries up at times, so you have to be comfortable with the people you are with. We managed to get through the time away without any serious fallout, and obviously tolerance and being willing to compromise are key to this. Adam and Sanj are close mates having known each other far longer than I have known Adam, although I never felt that I was excluded in that sense. So all in all, a successful trip as far as getting along with my travelling companions, and trust me, that isn't a given.

On the short journey from the metro to the hotel, there was a symbolic contrast in events. On exiting the station, (this was Sunday afternoon remember), I was struck by the sheer number of males, young and old, flying kites. They cost next to nothing - I saw this when I looked at one close up - but the participants were flying them with real skill, including some lads that looked like they were from the nearby favella. It was a lovely sight. Then just as I was about to cross the road to the hotel, I noticed a number of police on motorbikes stop another motorbike rider. To encourage him to co-operate, all of them pulled guns on him and pointed them at him directly. One false move and he would have been shot. I got the impression that, in the end, all this was simply to check his documentation, but they were not messing about, presumably in the event that he might be armed himself. It was the first time I had seen something of this nature in the flesh during my visit, and something of an eye opener. The authorities do not mess about here, and it was such a contrast to the kite flying I had just seen just before, that in a way I felt it summed up the beauty and the beast of the place. How strange to see this just as I was about to depart.

The red wine had taken its effect by this point, and, luggage collected from the hotel, when I got into the taxi to the airport, I failed to notice on departure that the driver did not put the meter on. I pointed this out, and he said the price was 70 real. I negotiated him down to 50, knowing that it was 40 when we arrived on Thursday morning, but that was in the middle of the night, so no traffic to contend with. At the airport, I finished my time in Brazil as I had begun it, watching a game in a 'fun park' (i.e. fan zone) set up so travellers could watch matches and power up their laptops and phones. When I arrived and watched England play Italy there, I did not have the correct adaptor, but I had bought one on the trip, so was able to power up my phone while watching the first half of Costa Rica v Greece, which did not do a lot for me in all truth. I heard the following day that the central American side had won on penalties, after a 1-1 draw, so hopefully the game perked up a bit. With Greece though, I wouldn't bank on it. At half-time, I left to ensure I got to the boarding gate in good time.

I walked out of the fan zone into the open air for about 20 metres before entering the arrivals lounge. It struck me, going between one air conditioned area to another, how pleasantly warm it was outside, in spite of nightfall. It was a nice final sensation of the place, and will remain in the memory.

Although that effectively wraps up the diary in terms of my time in Brazil, I will do the odd further entry just about the remaining matches in the tournament, and perhaps reflect more generally on my time in Brazil, specifically how it measured up to expectations.

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  1. Ozzie

    Jul 04, 2014, 5:36 #53366

    For all the world's a stage, Each concert played in full As we must engage in daily life These fantasies to pull.

  2. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:53 #53350

    I see OGL's lost again i wonder where it is this time, is it another Amazon trip? Or did someone/something catch his eye last night and he's orbiting the moon looking for a place to land with a couple of agents? i hope he brought plenty of fags, failing that mars bars, regular size of course.

  3. jjetplane

    Jul 03, 2014, 12:09 #53346

    MacGUIRE brilliant ha ha They could repaint the pitch and call it another one of OGL's revolutionary innovations. Loving the posts where everyone is saying he deserves a rest after having 'rested for the last decade' to the tune of 70m and rising. Wonder what the real workers at the Emirates do for 'their holidays'? He could have taken them all to Brazil - that would be an innovation. Liverpool or Mancs for third spot leaving fourth taken. Steward's ****ing inquiry!

  4. Ron

    Jul 03, 2014, 11:43 #53344

    Badarse/Bard - both good lads and always good posts! Bard, yes, you have it matey, Columbia can kiss goodbye to the WC. They ll do it heroically and bravely and with colour, but whatever they do, they're out now. Not worth watching in fact.PS I dearly want to be wrong and when the brickbats fly at me on here if i am, ill say keep em coming guys, i was wrong. Put me in the stocks and pelt me.


    Jul 03, 2014, 10:43 #53343

    Hi Ron, have a bit of time to answer your post-am having trouble with some dudes trying to occupy my busking spot, though I do realise a clog-dancing and gurning routine has had it's day! I accept all your observations of the bubble that is football. I too have had some fringe dealings with football and other sports also, the chicanery which exists is a common thread though. It happens due to human nature, which at it's basic level is ugly-but then again we are but organisms anyway. It is only our personal codes and tenets which raise us above the swamp-dwelling mentality which lurks within us all. We carry our personalities with us wherever we go-the nice lad at the checkout would no doubt show himself as a nice lad in a social gathering. In any arena or come to that any forum-in fact any circumstance where life is shown to be unregulated, or at least unlicensed in it's dealings, corruption can occur. The parliamentarians scams are evidence of this, but many, perhaps most in other walks of life falsify expenses claims. The bankers are of a type but anyone could be corrupted in that environment. WC, Olympics, Euro Finals are all easy pickings now for the faceless ones. Corporations are in bed with governing officials, who are in bed with politicians, all possibly orchestrated by the Bilderberg Group's Machiavellian chicaneries. There is little respect nowadays in any way, in any situation, at any time- a falling apart of the fabric which binds us. I don't expect my rambling to alter your views, it is enough that you see the sinister aspects in football at least. The other point of Brazil winning the cup through plotting is a slightly different consideration. Yes I agree that the authorities want the host nation to stay in the competition as long as possible-that would be any business target. To utilise any methods, fair or foul are the auspices they are guided by. They are pretty much fire-proofed against the public outcry that won't occur because the entire nation wants a victory. Whether it be longer rests between games, travel advantages, dodgy refereeing decisions it will feed off the natural advantages of being home-based, and having a top-heavy support at every game. There the conspiracy ends though. The people in the shadows don't give a hoot about Brazil, and getting them to the final would count as a job done, even a S/F place because the play-off would give that extra game. The main priority was to get them through the group which was relatively easy as the first game saw the ref step up to the plate. An interesting topic though it is in isolation, I still maintain that the ramifications of the core disease-mindless punditry from soulless TV companies, and market forces giving a raison d'etre for all grey men practices, up to their knees in slush funds and offering payola at every opportunity kind of does the trick.

  6. Unchives

    Jul 03, 2014, 9:36 #53342

    David Dein (The second coming)was on SkySports and stated that Wenger is working on transfers and will be signing players, of what quality we will have to wait and see.

  7. Kyle

    Jul 03, 2014, 9:08 #53341

    I do agree that the Columbia Brazil match is already a foregone conclusion. They won't have James Rodrigurez outshining the overhyped Neymar and taking Columbia past Brazil. Watch as he is kicked, beaten by Brazillian players while the referee who sees it all won't give one foul.

  8. Bard

    Jul 03, 2014, 8:55 #53340

    Ron and Badarse: yes of course mistakes are made and I have made plenty. What separates me from Wenger is that's I try to learn from them and not repeat them, he doesn't. Also don't quite buy the life/football connection. It's sport that's all a magnificent irrelevance. Looking forward to Colombia Brazil although if I follow your thinking Ron it's already a foregone conclusion.


    Jul 03, 2014, 8:34 #53339

    Good morning Ron, rushed at the mo but I promise to get back to you a little later, your incisive post warrants a proper timed response chum. Quick point Bard. You are correct of course, but did you know that I have made some astonishingly good judgement calls in my life too, and reaped the rewards due, at the same time I have made glaring errors of considered choices in my private life through the years. All were made with the best of intentions though. A little like Arsene, and yourself perhaps?

  10. Bard

    Jul 03, 2014, 7:20 #53338

    Lord Froth. I don't have a problem waiting and yes I'm sure stuff is going on behind the scenes. The issue I have is that we dither and we don't get the players early enough. Yes he has unearthed some gems but he as sure as hell has bought some turkey's.

  11. Ron

    Jul 03, 2014, 6:58 #53337

    BADARSE - Morning to you, Early start for me. Off to Germany today for a couple of days and just been reading the Schumacher/Battiston stuff ironically. On your point of footballs ill s being 'society's fault', i hear this from time to time but cant agree with it totally. Like many notions, there is some truth in it but its a rather lazy, last ditch handle to explain what football has become and why its happened. The avarice that has eaten football away from the outside inwards is perhaps society's input but the explanation stops there for me. There are things in this old game of ours that its wrong to blame you and me and everybody else for and it allows football its get out of jail free card without earning it.There are very few people in professional football, its a small community. Nearly everyone in it knows everyone else. Its quite a unique industry in that regard. Im not sure if i'm fortunate or not but my work has brought me into contact with it quite a lot over 30 years or so and i've seen a bit of its inner sanctum and its appalling acceptance of things that i cant and wont mention on here. Its a sport that attracts many certain types of let me say, with less than normal ethics, views and morals. Theres very much an air in it of mistrust. Nobody likes or trusts anybody else. If you like its an industry where those in it are all ploughing their own furrow individually and few really care if they tread on another or how often they do it. Once in it, the 'sport' element goes. Its the survival of the fittest, back stabbing rules supreme. You may say this is a mirror of society? I dont agree. We live in a cruel World but in it there is still a lot of good and mutual respect for others. Football is a desert when you look for those facets of its being. Sport is supposed to be set apart from society. Its meant to be a bringing together of things that give a release from the ills of society. Its supposed to be a temporary escape from strife and a celebration of human good, dressed up in healthy respectful competition and ending in achievements for some of its participants as such are respected by the vanquished and accepted humbly by the victors. This rarely if ever occurs now in modern football. Winning is all and good, no matter how the win is gained, by fair means or foul. Losing is shameful and bad, but nontheless losing is still ok if the price is right for many in it. Its a rotten game and its carcass stinks the house out to be honest, yet nobody or very few in it cares and those of us outside of it, still love it, shut our eyes to its excesses and as such sustain it.Its an industry that needs exposing like so many industries have been in the last 30 years. Bit by bit its occuring i feel. The lid on it is vibrating as its core melts beneath. It will blow, explode and then re evaluate itself and re assess what its become im sure, into a form that i'm not sure of just yet. No mate, its wrong to blame others for whats gone in that game. The real truth is that its forgotten what its there for, its disregarded its responsibilities to society and for me anyway, when society evtually disregards it back, the quicker there will be a 'sport' over there again, where now theres just an abyss of bile and filth in the main. Time will tell, but the clocks certainly ticking for football. Im glad ive stepped aside from it anyway, though disappointed in having felt the need to do so.

  12. DW Thomas

    Jul 03, 2014, 2:46 #53336

    Now, if the Sanchez rumors are right, we should pay the necessary fee. A top player, only 25. My fear, often realized, is Wenger cheap pants will try and lowball the fee and other clubs will swoop in. Surely he has learned? Get the other required players that show we are at least trying to win things and my criticism dries up. Then again, the AKBs will always be there to stand up for him through all the dithering, penny-pinching, and bs comments. Come pre-season we need a complete squad in place to insure a title challenge. All around us are strengthening. While OGL enjoys his speedo days at the beach!

  13. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 1:10 #53335

    jjetplane, good one what about Carry on on the moon? (Sid James and Babs would have loved it) there's bound to be a couple of unknowns up there with antennas sticking out of their head worth signing, OGL can then tell us their out of this world (the first truthful thing he's told us for years)as he's been watching them for quite some time with his telescope. Diaby should be able to get him there without getting lost and running into unfriendly martians as he's been orbiting it for years in the star ship enterprise waiting to be beamed back down, although being green might be a problem as the grass might make them invisible but it wouldn't matter as he's been signing invisible players for years, the language barrier shouldn't be a problem either as he's been talking fluent martian for years now himself all he'll need is an Ariel on his head in the dug out.

  14. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 03, 2014, 0:28 #53334

    Stan K 56492, good post it seems to be that simple for other clubs and managers especially the managers, who are quite happy to let others at their respective clubs do their jobs and earn their inflated salaries.But unfortunately that's not not the case at ours instead we have a manager who thinks he knows best and who just loves to keep everybody waiting and guessing (it really must turn him on)and insists on having his finger prints on everything.


    Jul 02, 2014, 21:30 #53333

    DWT, you're starting to get it chum. It's not football's problem, it's society's. If it's society's then the next question is who makes up society? Just going to use this post to you to perhaps put the cat amongst the pigeons-Suarez! I am not at all surprised by the public clamour regarding the biting, (encouraged by our righteous media), but to classify it as an abomination-then to claim it is as bad as spitting and they are the lowest of the low is missing the target. Yes spitting and biting are terrible in a sporting sense but Zidane thought words were on the same level as those two. Me? I reckon that breaking a man's leg in two just edges it. I am sure Dudu, Diaby and Aaron would have preferred to wipe some spittle off their faces, or to get a shot for rabies after a dodgy footballing encounter, than worrying about ever playing again.

  16. Steve Williams

    Jul 02, 2014, 21:11 #53332

    This summer Wenger became a beach boy, but sadly, I'm only picking up good vibrations from City. Chelsea, Utd and Liverpool.....and soon to be others

  17. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 20:46 #53331

    Most of my best mates are Spurs fan's, my girlfriends a Spurs fan,my dogs called Teddy, I live in N17 and my house is called 'Glory Glory'yet I've always been a Gooner.

  18. Th14afc

    Jul 02, 2014, 20:36 #53330

    The fact is wenger isn't having a full blown holiday anyway is he....the other day he didn't appear on French TV as he was speakin to agents so he is obviously working on signings...even if he's using some down time to scar us all for life by seeing him in his speedos on the beach....people sayin it's ridiculous for him to have a holiday when the reality is he's more than likely workin on signings anyway,where better to meet agents than in Brazil where the World Cup is been played?

  19. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2014, 20:20 #53329

    Wenger has been on holiday for ten years. Next stop for this guy has to be the moon. '...well yes - you could say the spirit of the martians is very good and I have seen one of their wing backs in action. I don't know for sure if martians have a spirit like an Arteta but they are small, green and very fast. The medical will be an important step towards the first interplanetary signing but I think you could say the spirit at this club and in space is .... ' Wake up Mr Diaby - your mum's here with your favourite doughnuts!

  20. DW Thomas

    Jul 02, 2014, 19:50 #53328

    Ron and Stan. Respect both sides to your opinions. I for one have lost my zest, for lack of a better word, for Arsenal. My love is still there for this club. But in the last 4-5 years especially, my heart just isnt too in it anymore. Wenger's massive failings and the consistent bulls..t coming out from him and all in the club, even some players now, has stolen my joy. Sure, have his vacation. A little beach volleyball, some commentating to earn more money he doesn't need. But, we all know he won't change. He has got it too good. I agree football is, as most sports now and for awhile, all about greed. Most major world problems stem from it, and desire for power. Yet, despite my despising of this and many aspects relating to football, I still find times where I thoroughly enjoy it, even Arsenal! I root for France in all comps, yet they too I have lost some love for until this WC. Their last two WCs saw both extremes. 2006 Zidane carried them to a final where they outplayed the always defensive Italians and lost. Then, in 2010, with that stellar man Evra the captain, they embarassed a whole country with their terrible performances and actions. I wasn't till they started dropping players and doing some serious disciplining with trouble makers that things looked goo d again. Though i liked him when he was here, the news that Nasri was off the team for the WC was the best I heard all year!! Even losing Ribery didn't bother me much, as Griezmann looks solid. Plus, if you've really been watching them with a close eye as I do with Arsenal, often re-watching moments of brilliance and poor play, Pogba looks like a winner emerging into his time of transition to greatness. These type of things still give me joy. It's just there seems to me to be now so much more on the negative side to put up with as a fan. Maybe it makes those joyous moments sweeter, but mostly not. Mostly it's anticlimactic. Or worse, too often full of bulls..t and greedy, thoughtless people. Suarez a perfect example. His galling behavior is tolerated because of his brilliant football. I don't agree, but I get it. One of the worst things about sport. Some say he is just a mad genius. More like a child with behavior problems. What does it say about whatever club buys and stands behind him? For the money these guys make, why not expect better behavior? I think it goes with the job. Problem is, today's public seems to care anymore, same with politicians and their bad behavior. At least I can watch the quarterfinals and enjoy the great match ups, especially France vs. Germany! Imagine this. Kos defending Per? Sagna tackling Ozil? Some of my favorite Arsenal boys battling it out for that semi final place! What's not too love about that?

  21. Mo

    Jul 02, 2014, 19:38 #53327

    Kyle.By your comments it's obvious you have been listening to Adrian Durham on talk sport too long. Another brainless wob like Peter Wain and Jeff Wright who come out with the same old tired crap week in week out. Yawn yawn, take your spuddy mancy mates and go toot on the fighting cock or the red cafe.

  22. Ron

    Jul 02, 2014, 19:13 #53326

    Hi Stan. No probs with your question mate. You're right,i don't bother, if 'bothering' means going to games. 40 years of support of that type for Arsenal ended 3/4 years back in the main for me. It remains a passing interest though and it s good to keep abreast of it as the old inate interest in it remains, though even that fluctuates.This has its bonuses as i can look at other Clubs now and appreciate the good things they do and achieve, whereas before the blinkers were on for the most part. This leads me to look at football and its participants coldly and honestly and it tends to upset those who still have thier blinkers on.One of the most astonishing things about todays hyped up 'game' is the grip its got on people, its shaping of their persona and the sheer defensiveness they have when their Club is challenged as to what it does or doesn't to. Some have youth to explain that away, others ? I don't know. You've summed it up perfectly though. Its a poisonous game, shaped by greed and hype and i like to spot it and comment on it. i dont give my self to it now though as i did for so long.Im likely wrong in some of my views, i can accept that too, yet often i seem to be proved more or less right strangely.As we speak, the demonised cannibal, little Mr Saurez (who for all i know and possibly believe (im not quite there yet) sunk his horrible over sized jaws into his opponents arm so to force the ethical and moral horror of what he did on to his present Club's psyche so to force a move)negotiates his next big money move with Barca, so we re told. Your take on me seems quite defensive of this once great game of ours to be honest? Thats fine and you're views on players are fine too. I have mine and don't ever seek universal agreement on here or anywhere at all.If the game is what you want to protect, thats fine too. Its not for me, but i do feel free to comment on here from time to time.

  23. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:47 #53325

    Thanks for the posts Kev, going on holiday and keeping a diary and writing posts must be hard enough, but when it's at the WC even harder. But you're great spirit helped you through, you showed great mental strength (not the imaginary kind that we've been hearing about for years now) but the genuine kind especially in keeping your hands off the bikini clad babes, and you didn't get lost up the Amazon and attacked by pigmies and then try and sign a couple of them with Twenty Benson & Hedges and you weren't washed up on the beach looking starved. But you might need to take another holiday before the season starts because your going to have it all to do again with Arsenal when the prem league kicks off, and it's not going to be easy (yet again) as nothing will have changed with with this old has been still in charge.

  24. Stan K

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:35 #53324

    Ron, you have a rather depressing view of the football world where everyone is crap and no one lives up to your impossibly high expectations. So the prem is rubbish, CL is overhyped, WC is overhyped, some of the top strikers in Italy and Spain are only marginally better than the man who will go on to define the word average - "calculate the Giroud of the following 4 numbers" - The defender with the best tackling stats in the prem is a donkey - I have to question whether you actually like football at all? I can't really blame you if you don't as modern football is largely a poisonous affair, but it begs the question as to why bother.

  25. Lord Froth

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:26 #53323

    Guys, there's really no point getting in a lather about transfers at this point in time. There's no way that Wenger is not doing something behind the scenes. When has he ever done his business otherwise and he has produced some gems over the years. Just relax as there's nothing any of us can do about it. To be honest I haven't even thought much about Arsenal since the World Cup began. I'll start to worry if nothing's happened by the time the Emirates Cup rolls around.

  26. Stan K

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:23 #53322

    Unchives, I agree that Wenger is entitled to a holiday, but he needs to learn to delegate. Do Lloyds bank stop doing business when their head of retail banking is on holiday? The last time I checked there are only 3 parties involved in the transfer of a player - The selling club, the buying club and the player - I don't think the manager is required to sign a single thing. No, I suspect that the backroom staff are all sat around making paper aeroplanes and poking their friends on facebook, ruing the moment when Arsene returns and they might have to do some "work".

  27. Roy

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:12 #53321

    Interesting debate about holidays which you could see either way, I suppose. My Guvnor at work is quite well paid for what he does and admits that he doesn't like holidays. When his Missus recently forced him to go away for a week, he left an out of office auto reply stating that he had reluctantly had to go on holiday and who to direct any queries to. In fact, one time he came back from a trip abroad early because he got wind of something that had happened at work, and rarely uses his full yearly holiday allocation ! Most of us think he is mad and a pain in the arse, and feel sorry for his Missus. Each to their own though, we probably all know someone like this. I think though, that when you earn 8m a year and are accountable to as many people as Mr Wenger is, even with the pressures of such a high profile position, certain sacrifices have to be made. As the saying goes - with great power comes great responsibility - and it's high time that OGL either grows a pair, or gets out. Holiday or not.

  28. Ron

    Jul 02, 2014, 17:12 #53320

    Mike - agree with you re Higuain and Benzema, both are slightly souped up Girouds and im hesitant to say that! Have to laugh at the Ashley Williams suggestions that come up. Hes a donkey too. A slightly better donk than Senderos was/is. As for di Maria, ill get a game for Arsenal before he ends up there. Campbell? A real tryer but i suspect hes not up to the rigours of the PL. Not even near it. People sometimes fail to see how relaxed and tepid international footie is compared to the PL hurly burly. Thats why even Bendtner made a fist of playing int football. The sweat and exhaustion we see now is due to conditions, not the tempo and physical pull of the games. Campbell away at Stoke in a vital game on a Sat and then home to Munich on a Wed night etc etc? No thank you. Look like a D J Campbell type to me,as opposed to a Kevin Campbell.

  29. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:52 #53319

    Unchives Wigan are a championship team winning a cup a championship team can win is not an achievement. Its shocking how people will go so far to defend Wenger.

  30. Unchives

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:42 #53318

    @ Kyle...the same Wigan that beat Citeh who have spent £1 Billion to-date. Dont underestimate the other teams. Spain. World & twice European champions which include most of the best club team in the world have been knocked out of the world cup. All the other club teams are catching up simply because they get a minimum £60 million from sky each season.This is a different football climate from 1998.

  31. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:33 #53317

    Unchives you are saying 4th and a cup that the likes of Wigan can win is an achievement Wenger has really brainwashed the fans. Can't wait for the end of him.

  32. Unchives

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:25 #53316

    @Kyle....In any job, whether you have performed or under performed you get a holiday. With the hammering's you state, we may as well get rid of the squad as they are jointly responsible. I don't agree that we are average, we finished 4th and won the second best domestic trophy, even Chelsea or Liverpool cant boast that this season. Dont be so negative.

  33. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:23 #53315

    Being on holiday when he should be doing his best trying to sign best players and working on improving us shows what contempt he has towards the club. He puts himself above everything. Its all about him. Sigh just leave us Wenger.

  34. Reality

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:23 #53314

    Wenger get off the beach and start working for your £8mpa !

  35. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 16:10 #53313

    Unchives - When he won one FA cup in a decade, when his team are completely average , when his team are getting trashed 6-3, 6-0, 5-1 while our rivals are signing all the best players he is not entitled to holiday.

  36. Unchives

    Jul 02, 2014, 15:55 #53312

    Whilst we are not happy with both Arsenes transfer policy or indeed the quality of player he brings in, he is entitled to a holiday. He has a legal right to a minimum of 4 weeks with pay as are the players and us. What he chooses to do with his 4 weeks is his business, so stop going on about transfers until he is back from holiday!

  37. Kyle

    Jul 02, 2014, 15:47 #53311

    No quality players signed while our rivals have strengthened. Sad to see Arsenal in such decline. While the manager is off in Brazil commentating instead of doing his 8m a year job. How sad is it. Will Wenger get in quality players? Nope you know it and everyone who knows realistically know it won't happen. He is the king at Arsenal, no one to answer to. He wants to do it on the cheap and wants to prove everyone wrong. He has been on this crusade forever and has failed for a decade. Even though he still continues arrogantly acting like he has been successful proclaiming top 4 is a trophy. He has put his crusades over Arsenal's. This arrogant man thinks himself bigger that the club itself and thats sad to see. While the board are happy to let him do what he wants as he makes them money they crave. The players who are mostly average are enjoying the double wages than they would ever get and playing with zero pressure . All of them are enjoying it. Except the fans who are suffering for a decade under this painful regime. Arsenal is a joke and it was dead the day Wenger took over. Worst thing to happen to the club. Any decent man would have resigned a decade ago but no the arrogant Wenger. As Carragher said the only people spending money at Arsenal are the fans. Sad to see what has become of this club. Will we ever get out of this? No chance. This is all very depressing.

  38. maguiresbridge gooner

    Jul 02, 2014, 14:28 #53310

    The statue of Christ trip sounds like an experience, any sigh of Wenger up there levitating in front of it for his fans?

  39. jeff wright

    Jul 02, 2014, 14:03 #53309

    The claims that Wenger sells clapped out players , and replaces them with better ones, is one of the more successful illusions that the master of illusion , Monsieur Wenger, produces. The reality is that the team under the Stan and Ivan regime has gone backwards. A rather fortunate FAC win doesn't change that fact. Wigan, and other sides, have won the FAC and were relegated as well .Other clubs in England and in Europe have blown the financial doping myth that was created by Wenger to try and cover for his ineptitude at top level out of the water .Wenger himself is basking temporarily in the afterglow of the FAC win over Hull and finishing 4th again in the Prem. The qualifier tie though looms on the horizon and the Community Shield game against City .Wenger should be using his break while still being paid by AFC to do a coaching course to update himself on modern tactics, instead of sunbathing in Brazil and getting paid to make nonsensical comments on French TV about games that coaches better clued up than himself tactically, and who have won trophies in some cases at a higher level than Wenger has, are engaged in trying to win. They need Wenger's advice like a Formula One driver needs a Stock Car racing driver's advice.

  40. Mo

    Jul 02, 2014, 13:30 #53308

    PW.They all clearly went to double their purse.RVP hardly plays with his chocolate legs. Nasri had half a good season with Arsenal and along with Clichy was just not up to it anymore.

  41. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Jul 02, 2014, 12:43 #53305

    Beckham was a product of his time, a time when style totalled more than substance. Labour won a general election with the same people behind them. Nice lad and everything I'm sure (though the Rebecca Loos and kerbcrawling thing seems to have been quietly airbrushed from history) but in all honesty a chancer who made the most of what (little?) he had. The knighthood's only a matter of time. And WTF is it with Joe Hart and TV ads? Right getting hungry now so just going to do a Sterling and have my sub, my way, paired with a Stevie G Mars Bar and washed down with a can of David Luiz Coke.

  42. JW

    Jul 02, 2014, 11:46 #53304

    Sagna is just an average player who is overrated. Averge as they came. Debuchy knows how to attack unlike Sagna here.

  43. jjetplane

    Jul 02, 2014, 11:38 #53303

    MIKE bang on the nail about Higuain of whom Benzema is only marginally better than so either of them coming would be about right for OGL. Cannot see Di Maria going anywhere near us unless we are to offload Ozil, but still, just paper talk. Di Maria has a big future wherever he wants. I like Campbell though his exhaustion (emotive) against the Greeks was weird. Again, his penalty was class. Missed the Yank game which was a shame but cannot wait for Friday's silliness. Know what you mean RON about Beckham - corporate money-making app who is getting a run for his money from Joe Hart - another big-time English loser who's bottle resides in a can or a bottle. Funny how Messi gets Samsung top billing with Ronnie and Rooney (hanging on corporate tail-coats) but this is the biggest game in the known universe and all that. Got a east sussex 'friendly' derby next week so the season begins and Wenger is posing on a beach! Something dodgy about the whole thing. He is bending it just like his good pal Beckham. Maybe they will end up together with their own Yankee club. Stan would be interested. Anyone think that some/all of this WC is playing out like championship kick and hope. Certainly a lot of the players are familiar with it. Anyway - it's great and the only one flagging up for me since 98.

  44. Peter Wain

    Jul 02, 2014, 11:32 #53302

    Mo if you think the Newcastle full back is an improvement on Sagna I suggest you have your eyes tested. A poor substitute at best. A lot of players like Clichy RVP and Nasri have won more by moving than if they had stayed. This is because we shop for free transfers and not the top top quality Wenger is always on about.

  45. Stan K

    Jul 02, 2014, 10:54 #53300

    Apparently we're still paying Wenger while he's playing beach volleyball and the best players are being snapped up by those doing their day job. Get us Khadeira, Benzema, Aurier and a Ashley Williams and you can keep your job till Christmas. If not, don't come to work on Monday, P45 in the post - Cheers!

  46. Mike

    Jul 02, 2014, 10:49 #53299

    Last night saw the game of the tournament so far for me -Belgium vs USA - the game really opened up in extra time but USA had the best chance to clinch it in the last minute of normal time. Argentina had to dig deep as well and as I saud before, that is what it is all about. BTW - remember being linked to Higuain and everybody up in arms about not getting him - all I can say is Campbell is a better bet than him. Di Maria though might well be a good signing if the newspaper reports are true

  47. Mo

    Jul 02, 2014, 8:44 #53297

    Peter Wain.Or you could say we have got rid of one past it full back and replaced him with another player of higher ability and two players who never really cut it at Arsenal.Like all players who leave Arsenal with the exception of Fabregas, either too old or no longer good enough.

  48. Peter Wain

    Jul 02, 2014, 8:04 #53296

    so lets get this right. We have lost Sagna Flapyanski are selling TV5 to the Mancs and are current favourites for the Newcastle right back. Great business Wenger I am so unimpressed any chance we could buy some quality this year?