Winning Run Continues

Online Ed: Hard fought win at Turf Moor

Winning Run Continues

If you’d have seen this line-up in a crystal ball 12 months ahead, there would have been a few eyebrows raised. Alexis and Ospina? New signings, one definitely to excite. Bellerin and Coquelin? So Arsenal didn’t replace Sagna, and what happened to Jack Wilshere and Mikel Arteta? But one thing that few would have thought seeing the eleven names was that Aaron Ramsey would be playing wide attack instead of Santi Cazorla.

His hand forced by injuries, Arsene Wenger has seemingly stumbled upon what seems to be an effective Arsenal midfield unit. Ozil as the advanced playmaker, fine. That makes sense. Coquelin, ok, if one allowed for his development. But a Cazorla-Coquelin axis? Few could have foreseen that. Especially with Ramsey in the same starting eleven. However, the reason it is working is because the team are now playing a high pressing game. In contrast to the excellent performance against Manchester City, the focus on denial of space is far deeper into opposition territory. It unsettled Liverpool and it led to the goal, and other chances, against Burnley. In truth, it’s what certain better sides have done to Arsenal enough times, with success, so it may be a case of fighting fire with fire as a tactic. If you can’t beat them with stunning one-touch football, join them. Critically, the personnel in the current front three are willing to work hard, and there are plenty of candidates in reserve who should be able to harry equally well.

Behind them, Ozil, in his favoured position, does enough work to make a contribution when his team are not in possession, mainly blocking off channels or forcing quick passes rather than actually tackling, but it’s a job that needs doing. When he does get possession, the team ticks if they are making the right supporting runs. Behind him, the aforementioned Coquelin and Cazorla both work diligently and complement each other. Coquelin is not as skillful as Gilberto, but he is a more instinctive screening midfielder than any other option at the club. If he has been tied down to a new contract, this summer must be used to ensure that Arsenal have a player of similar qualities to compete for his place, or play alongside him as needs be. It has long been a weak spot and addressing it demonstrates how much more Arsenal could have achieved in recent seasons. Ironic that the player was on the books all this time, but that’s another debate.

So to Turf Moor. Certainly a performance that will not live long in the memory for aesthetic reasons, but nevertheless a highly creditable one. Burnley were very well organized, and although in the bottom three, that they have not already been cut adrift is a credit to them given their resources. They work hard, but were ultimately undone by a forced error that handed the Gunners the initiative. The misplaced pass intercepted by Coquelin was exploited to the full, with Ramsey demonstrating his finishing ability as the ball ping-ponged around the Burnley box.

Ramsey stated after the game that he would be far happier swapping places with Santi or Ozil, which is fair enough. However, the squad is stuffed with players who can play centrally, or in the case of Theo Walcott, believe they can. Aside from the latter, I am struggling to think of a natural wide player outside of the defenders. Sure, the likes of Alexis can do a fine job there, but note how often they opt to drift in rather than take the ball to the by-line and cross. A natural wide man always looks to beat his opposing full back.

The modern game though, is changing. Wingers are a slowly dying breed. Arsenal certainly indulged in a lot of tikka-takka at 1-0 up which would have had the travelling fans exasperated were the game level. Yet, with a lead, it is merely a form of clock eating. The acceptable side of means-to-an-end, result football.

Burnley inevitably had a sniff on occasions in the second half as they took a few more chances, but Arsenal held firm, with Ospina once again looking the part. Mertesacker was caught for pace badly in one incident very early, and other sides will look to isolate him. He’s a fine reader of the game and a quality defender, but there is always a worry, especially if the team are playing a high pressing game. Let’s see whether Chelsea view him as a vulnerable spot in two weeks’ time. That now is a far more significant game than it might have been, although victory for Mourinho’s side in the derby v QPR this afternoon would take the edge off it a little. One suspects Chelsea might play for a draw at Arsenal in any case, such is their comfort margin.

One thing that may need addressing before the Chelsea match is the continued tendency to overplay at the back. I know possession is king for Wenger, but there were a couple of heart in mouth moments yesterday which we could do without. Burnley passed up the chance to capitalize.

In conclusion, a hard fought, unglamorous three points. But three points that Arsenal have sometimes failed to achieve in these situations. The team is developing a winning formation - unchanged from the Liverpool game - and the only change I can foresee for the next Premier League match is the possible return of Debuchy if match fit. The title seems a distant dream, given the gap, but at least there is a buzz, and genuine signs of progress. Winning just two of the opening eight fixtures (including three home draws) ultimately created too big a mountain to climb. That’s history now, but hopefully the lessons will have been learned (with regard to having a defence ready for the campaign) and will not be repeated.

As a footnote, I watched the French League Cup Final last night. PSG hammered Bastia 4-0. Two points of interest. The referee was miked up and his words relayed to the TV audience, in the same style as rugby internationals. I hope this experiment is repeated in England as I am certain it would lead to far less dissent, as well as clarifying an official’s decisions. And Bastia’s chances went from slim to none when at 0-0 in the first half, they had a player red carded for a foul that led to a penalty and PSG’s first goal. The man dismissed? A certain Sebastien Squillaci…

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 14, 2015, 13:24 #69953

    Cue the celebrations.

  2. GoonerRon

    Apr 13, 2015, 23:08 #69929

    @ JJ / MG: 2006 - our only ever European cup final, 2007 - league cup final, 2008 - one win away from the title, 2009 - our second ever European Cup semi final, 2011 - title challenge, 2011 - league cup final, 2014 FA cup winners, 2014 Community Shield winners, 2005 to 2014 - never dropped out of the top 4. Here's another stat - over that same period Man C, Chelsea and Man U have spend a combined £1.25bn more than us on transfer fees and wages. Not many trophies to show for our efforts and clearly some failings and mistakes along the way but certainly we've been competing when the odds weren't exactly stacked in our favour.

  3. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 22:12 #69925

    Well there you have it then, that explains why there are more AKB's than usual on here every now and again (especially after a win)and why some have disappeared without a trace.

  4. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 22:02 #69922

    jj, now that's one hell of a stat mate, one we don't hear from the AKB central command statisticians department to often, i've no doubt that's one stat that is deemed irrelevant and filed away under X Files (it must be the only one) as far as they're concerned.

  5. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 20:09 #69918

    Why not try Ebola next time. Get topical - it will improve your undoubted humour. Enjoy WEMBERLEY .... Lol!

  6. Hiccup

    Apr 13, 2015, 20:06 #69917

    These HIV results are an improvement on last year's which is all we can hope for. Onwards and upwards.

  7. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 19:36 #69915

    Fat Stat: 2005-2014 - One FA Cup. Wenger's earnings - 70m. It's all about evolution, not revolution. Now who said that? Lol!

  8. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 19:24 #69914

    Hiccup, apparently after all these years OGL has changed his office desk from oak to teak does that count as progress.

  9. Hiccup

    Apr 13, 2015, 18:41 #69912

    The modern day fan is coming across as an anorak judging by the drivel on here today. If you have to plough yourself in to these tedious statistics to defend Wenger, it does all come over rather sad. Really need to get a life. Surely us wobs don't wind you up that much that you have to engulf yourselves in this crap? But you know the type. Go home after work and hand over their pay to the missus. The missus keeps moaning that their boss is taking the piss and paying them sod all. "But dear, I got a 0.5% pay rise after ten years without one. Surely that marks progress? Now let me google some stats on Wenger please." You couldn't make it up!

  10. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 18:22 #69909

    Sorry to hear .....

  11. Ron

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:46 #69908

    GR - Theres been a slightly better presence shown in the games v the top teams so far, though we still have the chance to get embarrassed again yet. Its the start of an improvement though in those bigger games. Giroud has undoubtedly improved as a player. No doubts there from me. Wenger has slightly improved the keeper situ. Cazorla over a season has marginally improved his return. We are slightly more potent as an attacking force and now, we ve bolstered the midfield. All in all though, the seasons the same as last year in all honestly, but even then we need to win the Cup again. 2nd or 3rd, there's no distinction between them and 4th save for a avoiding a half cooked tedious CL qualifier in August each yr. The improvements are marginal at best. Be honest.

  12. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:31 #69907

    Gooner Ron, i'm not tarring everyone with the same brush, but there are those on here over the years who advocated we take it more seriously as it was the only one we had a realistic chance of winning (and I think we've been proved right)instead of going out and being embarrassed in it, and those who advocated we don't take it to seriously and didn't seem to bothered as we had bigger fish to fry (and I've no doubt if we were still in the CL that would still be the case) like your self I was delighted we won it last season (regardless of what others might think) and celebrated like everyone else as my posts at the time alluded to (although I did say unfortunately it kept wenger in his job) and will be just as delighted and celebrate again should we win it again no matter what others think.

  13. Alsace Lorraine t de Totteridge

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:28 #69906

    Well I was spellbound in amazement as we did exactly what we needed to do to counteract Mr Dyche's well drilled team. We more or less did not put a foot wrong, maintaining our concentration, attacking in proportion and not falling for the sucker punch. A decent keeper and a defensive midfielder dedicated to the role. Bellerin jumps in a bit with mistiming of tackles but he will learn. No stupid substitutions from OGL either. The best bit of the afternoon. Ramsey shooting into the roof of the net, where blocking Bunnley bodies could not be. " Did you mean it?" asked Thierry Henry. "Yes, I meant it", said Ramsey. The application of brains before action. From our team? Who would have believed it.

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:21 #69905

    Some areas of improvement here, some areas of regression (never top, never at any stage challenging for the title, worst start for 32 years, knocked out of the CL by the worst team left in the comp) there. The broad point is the same elements are at play every season. The only questions are when the injury crisis will occur, against whom the handful of humiliations will occur, when the slump will be, when the run of wins that secure a top 4 place will occur. All of the above occur every season, and will continue to do so, as they are hardwired into the way things are done.

  15. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:03 #69902

    jeff your attempt to be a fan of Arsenal is disgraceful. You read articles about the club pretending to be a fan and then post your negativity with glee. Stick your comments somewhere where the sun doesn't shine and find another club to troll.

  16. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 17:01 #69901

    Ron, Bard, what about assists? are they been factored in? or an assist from an assist? or if the wengerites are really stuck and have to clutch at more straws an assist from an assist from an assist, who's on top of the league for those (i'm sure if it was us we'd have been told about it by now or given that stat)is there a trophy for having the most? only if it's Arsenal, cue more celebrations.

  17. GoonerRon

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:52 #69899

    @ Maguiresbridge - don't tar everyone with the same brush - you won't find a single post on here from me (and I'm sure many others) saying the FA Cup isn't important. I ****ing loved winning it last year and couldn't give a flying who we beat and where to win it. Funny how the likes of Jeff Wright say FA Cup results means nothing / it's not a major trophy etc, yet are quite happy to keep reminding us how Brum beat us in the CC as a stick to beat with. It can't work both ways.

  18. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:40 #69898

    WESTIE what have you and your lord won over the past decade? Do please regale us with your fond memories of winning ..... er nothing! Maybe Wenger is the Spud in our midst .... Lol! ps really enjoying my football at the moment and have been to lots of games this season. What about you WESTIE Lol! You certainly can google a good match - how quaintly moderne .....

  19. Chris

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:24 #69897

    GoonerRon - Stop it, you're amking too much sense! You can almost hear the WOBs such as jjetplane and maguiresbridge frothing at the mouth after being subjected to that! You can sense that deep wound was inflicted on maguiresbridge's pysche when we won the FA Cup last season....

  20. Westlower

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:24 #69896

    Well said Gooner Ron, the voice of reason. We must cut the wobbling cynics some slack as they've had a rough ride of late. They're gagging for our next defeat to replenish their bitterness & cynicism. Should we go unbeaten for the rest of the season they'll be many broken men/boys/cry babies, falling out of their abused prams. The toys disappeared in August after early season tantrums.

  21. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:20 #69895

    jj, yes the hated/unimportant FA Cup has suddenly become important yet again for OGL and the AKB's, especially when they're messiah says so. For a cup he and his fans treated with distain for so long, in support of his failed attempt at his Holy Grail they both have a hell of a lot to thank it for.

  22. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 16:12 #69894

    Umm Blinkered - a Decade of AKB Deception. Available on Amazon kindle and other dodgy outlets. Read how Arsene Wenger fooled the nation and reinvented scientology with the help of a boiled chicken and a bottle of room temperature water. Exclusive interviews with highly reclusive followers of The Arsenal Way. Also included are the mysterious creators of the fourth trophy which has still to be made into a hologram or even a blockbuster to be shown on all religious channels and Arsenal TV. Not seeing is the new believing. Listen now to Springtime for Arsene, and Holloway ..... on download from .......

  23. GoonerRon

    Apr 13, 2015, 15:50 #69891

    Come on you lot - obviously there are no trophies for getting more points or scoring more/conceding fewer goals than last season or for player/manager of the month awards, but they offer some level of barometer for performance changes over a period of time. If you were asked at the end of last season would you prefer to win more points next year, to score more goals, to concede fewer goals, to go on a run of results and performances where our manager and players were being recognised in monthly awards, to improve our head to head record against top clubs, to finish higher up the league, to win more consecutive home league games than we have in nearly a decade, to win more league games consecutively than we have in 11 years, what would your answer be? Yes we faltered in the CL at the same point as last year so we certainly haven't progressed at all in that area, nor will we finish top of the league so our ultimate aim won't be fulfilled, however I think you'd need to be very blinkered to not recognise that we have improved in a number of areas over the course of the season.

  24. Ron

    Apr 13, 2015, 15:41 #69890

    Bard - Not wishing to confuse the conundrum further, but how would a 'lower yearly net spend than Chel or City vis a vis measuring success' be factored in? It cant be ignored or can it? Or am i just being too nuanced and not modernist enough? This also hasn't even considered the vexed issue of the calender year success and how that equates tp points and virtual trophies? Would even that be the Gregorian or Julian year?

  25. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 15:36 #69888

    Lovely stuff there BARD but JAMERsON the FA Cup as an all day event is just so moderne as in modernity, having that historical nuance in it's construction 'do love to be beside the seaside ...' which uncomfortably modulates in a cultural strata with Wenger's perceptibly doubtful quasi-postmodernist anti-crusade. Then again, if Villa get there all will be alive again and the posh sausages will be adorned with sauerkraut (rip Gunther Grass) and Colman's mustard .... Last Wemberlee final of any note was the Overmars/Anelka one and my that was hot and the lager was cold. Doing the Chavs was highly memorable too but bloody hell ain't we journeying back here to er Eliot's Waste Land. Modernity really is old hat - just ask the post-new romantics ......

  26. Bard

    Apr 13, 2015, 14:49 #69886

    Now we are getting down to it. Are two manager of the month awards plus one player of the month the equal of a record points tally ? If the side collectively runs further than the teams above is that a sign of progress even though they have a lower points totals ? If you come 4th but have a lower wage bill plus having scored more goals than the sides above does it mean that we have actually exceeded expectations if you look at the last 5 year stats ? I have followed the logic but then got in a muddle when we started biting hands off. Such are the machinations of life in goonerland when you dont win anything for years. The phrase that comes to mind is grasping at straws.

  27. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 13, 2015, 14:19 #69881

    Well played, Chris. Trouble is, having two 2)s means one cancels out the other. You'll have to decide whether it's hypothetically biting off Ron's hand or the points tally. It's a tough choice: The second 2) is more stat-ty but the first 2) has very vivid imagery...

  28. Chris

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:57 #69878

    Exeter - Talking of online nerds, I was wondering if someone would pick me up on that! The problem arose from me adding in point 1 belatedly, changing the original 1) to 2) and then getting bored and forgetting to change the original 2) to 3). Hope that helps! As for the more points than last season trophy - that wouldn't be enough for me. I'm hoping for a double, along with the 'lower wages than Chelsea' award - then I really could put my feet up with deep satisfaction come the end of the season.

  29. Ron

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:55 #69877

    Ha ha - Jamie. Plonker supreme but you do crack a few funny posts at times mate. Just a nice tidy light stubble these days though. I dropped the sidies with the flares and penny collar shirts, the lack of hair on top made it an imperative! Its all in the modernism i have so i can keep up with scientific luminaries like Chris!

  30. Exeter Gunner

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:46 #69876

    Not sure what percentage of even the 'modern' fan actually deep dives into the stats and their associated nuances. Suspect that's the province of a few online nerds. Look at the narrative of the season rather than pick out individual stats and you'll see same old, same old. All that changes is when the slump is, when the winning run of games is. But if stats are the theme of the moment - Chris, you must be bitterly disappointed with yourself to have put up two 2)s! Still, let's hope compensation comes by AFC winning the 'More points than last season' trophy, eh?

  31. Bard

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:41 #69875

    Chris does that mean we get another trophy if we exceed last seasons points total ? If I run 2k in a game and score 3 goals does that make me a better or worse player than one who runs 15k and scores one? If we accrued less points than we did last season but won the league does that mean we have done better than the previous season or worse? Its so nuanced but I await with bated breath for the answers to these complex questions.

  32. jjetplane

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:36 #69873

    Who is really convinced that the AKBs (those that actually go to the games) are really up for the FA Cup. Try as they might they hate it more than the average (superior) WOB. It's obvious Wenger hates it but finds it a perfect spot to hang his duvet on and keep the AKBs in their 'one flew over the cuckoo's nest' state of mind. Ask Diaby about nurse Murphy .... Wemberlee, wemberlee/we used to be the Arsenal/and that used to be highbury .... ps like your style planktonboy Lol!

  33. Chris

    Apr 13, 2015, 13:14 #69871

    Ron - Well I'm 45 myself but like to think I try to keep up with the times - 'modern' is a state of mind, easily distinguished by a lack of a 'back in the good old days' mentality. As for the points tally - not wishing to disappoint, I'd make three points; 1) You are wrong - we had 64 points after 32 games last season and we have 66 points now after 32. You should pay more attention to the stats, Ron. 2)I would have bitten your hand off for that three months ago and I'd rather we played catch-up than implode like last season; and 2) many, including our esteemed editor Kevin, predicted we would struggle to equal last season's points tally this season. Still 6 more games to get the last 13 points and at least two are hard, of course, but we could afford to lose and draw against Chelsea / United and still do it....

  34. Ron

    Apr 13, 2015, 12:16 #69863

    Thanks Chris. I'm only too happy to leave the 'modern fans' alone (whatever 'modern fan' means seeing as the average age at Arsenal is 38 yrs plus), seeing as a vast number of them are TV 'sofa' fans and are never seen near a stadium. That suits me just fine though you've still made no useful point. The only relevant fact is that that despite the running stats of players and whichever other stats you might want to hold up in lights, AFCs points tally equates to last Seasons at this stage. You can pick the bones from that in whichever nuanced way you see fit and still wont alter it, though im sure you ll want to try too.Feel free to of course.

  35. Chris

    Apr 13, 2015, 11:55 #69861

    Ron - LOL, I would be careful about dissing others for their lack of 'empirical and scientific knowledge of the game' when you claim the stats mean nothing. Of course they don't in pure isolation (I could jog on and run 20km in 90 mins but wouldn't see much of the ball...) but no one is daft enough to do that. It's all in the interpretation. And that interpretation becomes more - wait for it - nuanced as the quality and quantity of the data increases, e.g. through automation. I reckon you'd be better off sticking to you Colin Bell videos and leaving your Ozil's and your Sanchez's to us modern fans, mate. You've had your time and this one clearly isn't to your taste, as far as I can see from your posts here.

  36. Finsbury Joke

    Apr 13, 2015, 10:42 #69856

    Next season will see the shift in the balance of power in North London. Harry Hotspur and the have-a-go heroes will dare to do and 'give it a proper go' in Europe. Just as we did when we went out to Real Madrid 0-5 last time. No matter how bad I can make Arsenal look, we have been consistently worse for the last 20 seasons. I mocked Arsenal's trophy drought whilst conveniently overlooking the fact that our last meaningful trophy came in 1991. It looks like 20 St Totteringham's Days on the bounce, yet I still find a way to make Arsenal look like the joke club.

  37. Bard

    Apr 13, 2015, 10:23 #69854

    I have always been a fan of the FAC for historical reasons but I find the new found euphoria about it a bit rich. Wasnt this the trophy we deemed not worth giving the time of day to over the last decade. The clubs sudden love affair with it reflects the fact that this the only trophy we now realistically compete for. Jamerson mate, I have tried manfully to show my face on here in fact I have sent the Ed a whole album of mugshots of yours truly in all manner of poses but he in his wisdom has reminded me that its a blog not facebook. However I do get it that you find pictures easier to deal with than words. Many on here do so you are in good company.

  38. Ron

    Apr 13, 2015, 10:10 #69852

    Jamie - to deem a Club as 'victims' and 'boring brummy Villa'speaks volumes about yr own inane offerings. Are you never slightly embarrassed by such puerile rot? At least spell your rubbish correctly if nothing else. I d love to stand you in the streets of East Liverpool or Aston in Birmingham and see if you d shout this stuff aloud on a match day. I think we know the answer to that though. Chris - ok, so the needless stats are measured by technology. Its still measured, processed and interpreted. As for moving on, this kind of stuff was being measured in the early 70s. I can well recall Colin Bells stats being churned out to judge his performances at Manch City.It meant nothing then and means nothing now. So much for your empirical and scientific knowledge of the game.

  39. jeff wright

    Apr 13, 2015, 10:01 #69850

    Colesoreboy the only ones posting drivel are you and Jamerson . In his case it's obviously a lame attempt at a wind-up . And also to try to cover for his disappointment, after belatedly learning that the title challenge he believed in has once again vanished, like a mirage of an oasis before the eyes of a man dying from thirst in a desert of despair . Worryingly though in your own case it is obvious that you are being serious! You couldn't make it up.

  40. Chris

    Apr 13, 2015, 8:53 #69848

    Ron - No one measures how far players run, it's all done automatically with GPS these days mate. And it's not true to say other countries don't use such stats - they are very widely used in countries like Germany in particular. I believe Jurgen Klopp, so esteemed by the WOBs of these parts, in particular puts great store in them. The world has moved on, Ron, it's about time you did too.

  41. divingrooney

    Apr 13, 2015, 8:40 #69847

    Love the disappointment in the comments. Keep it up...

  42. Westlower

    Apr 13, 2015, 8:40 #69846

    A few rumblings by those not over enamoured by our performance at Burnley. I doubt if the majority of modern fans would enjoy a return to the days of GG's 1-0 to the Arsenal style football? Chelsea were dire in only having one shot on target at QPR. I think the TV masters would be having a quiet word in a few shell likes that they wouldn't be able to sell such dull fare to a world wide audience addicted to exciting football. Interesting all-time table (1888-2014) in the Racing Post listing the most successful teams in the English top division. Man U are top with a win percentage of 48%, draw 24%, lost 28%, Points per game 1.67. L'pool 2nd, W 46%, D 25%, L 29%, PPG 1.64. Arsenal 3rd, W 45%, D 26%, L 29%, PPG 1.61. Leeds are 4th, Everton 5th, Villa 6th,TH 7th, CFC 8th, Newcastle 9th, Man City 10th, Burnley 11th. A reminder that Burnley were once a power in the land, indeed in 1960/61 they did the double over Arsenal winning 3-2 at Turf Moor & 5-2 at Highbury.

  43. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 13, 2015, 8:24 #69845

    More and more on here are sick of your mindless drivel jeff, funny how one man can get under your skin so easily. Two more years for you to suffer and how I hope you suffer.

  44. Peter Hughes

    Apr 12, 2015, 23:27 #69844

    This is an Arsenal fanzine website? Thought I'd stumbled onto one of our rivals sites. We have played the best football in my 48 years of going to games during the Wenger years. He is coming to the end of his tenure in charge.He put up with not having the finances to challenge our rivals when his stock was high & he could have left. He deserves a couple of years now we are competing on a more level playing field. Even Chelsea & Man c had more than a few years of obscene spending before buying the title. If you can't put up with the frustration that football offers, it is probably best to give it up. If you cannot enjoy our latest win what is the point? Criticised for not scrapping for a win or not seeing out games.Is that not now happening?

  45. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2015, 22:34 #69843

    I know that you are not that bright lee but copying my comments about yourself are not doing you any favours! Try and be original.No idea what this outdated views on Arsenal are that you keep prattling on about .I think you really mean Arsene as you normally, along with Coldsoreboy , confuse the two. Pointing out the truth is never outdated ,but of course the truth is not something that you in your little Arsene knows best world want to read . Never mind though there is always next season and another FAC final at the end of this one. I'm hoping it's not Liverpool because I can't be bothered with the Stevie G big-send off malarkey that the media will hype up .Villa will not be any push over though they look like they have hit a bit of form and as you well know a Brum no-hoper side gave us us grief in a cup final before . I know it's a bit presumptuous to write off Reading after we struggled against Wigan last season in the semi,but with all due respect to them I really can't see any fairy-tale ending magic of the cup scenarios for them occurring . Anyway, I was pleased that we beat Burnley I had the away win in my accumulator along with Villa , Chelsea and United .It was easier backing these results than wasting money was on the Grand National .

  46. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 22:22 #69842

    jj, or Diabys that's the most important one and the one some would love to see, even if we have never seen him or never do, you'd think he would have taken enough off the club under false pretence's.

  47. Ron

    Apr 12, 2015, 22:06 #69841

    Westie - id already got Rocky Creek and Balthuzar King set up mate before you tipped so im only joking blaming you for my bets going down! I think Chelsea are just jogging home now. Being at the top since day 1 with no real challenger has sucked on their momentum i think. Bit of the old complacency has crept in. It will have been the easiest winning of a title for any Club i can recall ever really. The bottom of the PL has once more been far more enthralling than the top and its been that way for quite some years now. Its a weird league now i reckon.

  48. Lee afc

    Apr 12, 2015, 22:04 #69840

    Same old same old ehh Jeff. As soon as someone disagrees with your outdated views on all that is Arsenal, you have to resort to your pathetic attempt of belittlement. Your opinion is hatred for Wenger and Arsenal. Mine is exactly the opposite. Where there is no sense, there is no feeling.

  49. maguiresbridgr gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:56 #69839

    Roy, excellent post, lets not forget there are some who are very forgetful indeed (especially on here)and especially when we get a few results against inferior opposition and everything looks rosy in the garden again, and we'll certainly not hear anything about having gambled and lost, it will all have been part of wengers master plan. But there are those who will never forget no matter what happens or miracle occurs it will certainly not all of a sudden make things alright. We've all been living in hope for ten years now (some more than others) and because of our usual good run at the end of the season when there's nothing to play for we've found ourselves in that position yet again of there's always next season. You couldn't make it up.

  50. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:43 #69838

    Coldsoreboy ,I suggest that you just stick to making wrong predictions that you are an expert at doing, because your never ending monotonous sermons are rather dull and dreary. Rather like Arsene's alleged title challenges are . It's amazing really that after all of these years you still fall for the same old illusions.But some never learn and you are living proof of that. You have only just realized,along with your pal lee kfc, that there was no title challenge going on ! So now it's all about the FAC and just like the ebullient lee kfc ( he is still watching Rambo's winner from last season on his B/W tv ) you are all a tremble with excitement at the thought of us beating Reading Ker-pow !!$%~*!!!!! You couldn't make it up.

  51. Westlower

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:42 #69837

    @Ron, Speed figures never lie, only words tell porkies. Only one horse pulled a shoe off in running during the Grand National, guess which one? Apologies if you lost your shirt & shoes on my great tip? Didn't have a bet myself because my probation officer always told me betting is a mugs game, especially in the Grand National. Although I did sneak a winning bet on the first race. Good old Nichols Canyon at 7/2. Also backed the Chavs at 4/6 at half time & Man U at 1/2 when they took the lead. Just like taking candy off a baby. Put some of the winnings on Liverpool at 2/5 tomorrow v Newcastle. I expect my ante-post bet on CFC winning the PL at 8/11 will be paid out very shortly but weren't they sh*t again today? I hope my probation officer doesn't read this because he'll want his cut, greedy b**tard that he is.

  52. Westlower

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:17 #69836

    Because this winning run is causing such unrest among our loyal support, why don't we get a petition up demanding the manager is sacked immediately & install Piers Morgan as manager. Nothing wrong with Piers that a smack in the mouth wouldn't put right, as long as it's done first thing every morning. We can then look forward to disruption of the club, destabilisation of the team, further disharmony among the supporters, relegation & bankruptcy. Damn, why didn't I think of it sooner? Why can everyone else see it & I can't. Life is so unfair....

  53. Ron

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:14 #69835

    Westie - i know you mean well with all that statistical who runs the furthest b o l l o c k s but mate, its a media myth and trap that you fallen into. They love trotting out any daft stat after some saddo has sat there measuring distance for lord knows how long. Give me a player who actually contributes and if he runs 20 yards a match i cdt give two tosses. Who runs most proves absolutely nothing. No other European country would put one iota of stall in that garbage. Its as persuasive as your Grand National tips!

  54. Hiccup

    Apr 12, 2015, 21:03 #69834

    Just get all this dead rubber end of season frivolity out of the way, and then we can look forward to next season's assault on the PL. Egg on faces for all those eggsperts (geddit) who predicted arsenal would... er, not sure what they predicted? They got it wrong apparently whatever they predicted? We would win the league? We wouldn't win the league? Well anyway, they got it all wrong. Absolutely hilarious how Westie has a go at the 'experts', and then starts quoting odds made by the 'expert' bookies.

  55. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2015, 20:54 #69833

    GCB another fantastic bit of posting from the great AKB thinktank. Guess you are another one who thinks beating Burnley merits an invented trophy to go with a decade's worth of them. Get a life! Get a team! Lol!

  56. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 12, 2015, 20:31 #69832

    Nice to see the two saddos jeff and jj posting their normal irrelevant drivel. Stick to Dorking, it's about your level jj. jeff stick to what you do best, drone and yawn.

  57. Ron

    Apr 12, 2015, 20:28 #69831

    Good win there but lets not become beguiled about this run of results. Nothings any different there. Finsbury Joe actually makes a very relevant point re Coquelin. The great english hope will be show horned back in before you know, for god knows what reason why.

  58. jeff wright

    Apr 12, 2015, 20:01 #69830

    Old chicken brain lee kfc is at it again droning on ( yawn) about Wembley .It's as though he is stuck in a time warp he's been posting these comments for over a year now! In reality he will watch the semi on his TV where WBA shirts are black and white stripes.What a twit. Unlike boring lee kfc I have actuallybeen to proper semi-finals at places like Hillsborough .These semis at Wembley have devalued the old Cup comp - but with just another dreary top 4 spot to play for it helps to perpetrate the illusion that Wenger is competing for trophies to try and justify his management along with the, we are doing better than the spuds ,now who would ever have thought that. You couldn't make it up.

  59. Arseneknewbest

    Apr 12, 2015, 19:09 #69829

    Something we can all agree on is that it's another welcome step towards our annual St Totteringham's day celebrations. Get the red barrel and some of Jamie's nouveau-riche plonk on ice Finsbury! Sadly, the last time we were seriously in the hunt for the title was pre-Anfield during the 13/14 season, and as we all know OGL missed his opportunities to enhance the team properly last summer. Erstwhile Gooner T Sherwood looks an even better bet for our next manager than Pardew!

  60. Bard

    Apr 12, 2015, 18:37 #69828

    Roy; the euphoria that has accompanied this run misses the facts you lay out in your post. I haver said the same thing in other posts. The summer was a shambles disguised by the signing of Sanchez and yes if we had signed a half decent CB we would seriously be in with a shout. Another year another missed opportunity.

  61. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2015, 18:36 #69827

    Love that FINsBUrY WOB post from a familiar hand. So drenched in Wengeritis this silly troll believes something has been won! Funny how the pundits are all saying so what do Arsenal fans want? .... Well they just want things to go on as they have for another decade with respectable accounting and errr when is Giroud's testimonial? Or Jack's? Or Theo's? More important point is where do THEY keep that bus and is it ready to go - va va vroom! You could not make it up.

  62. Lee afc

    Apr 12, 2015, 18:35 #69826

    Maguire/Jeff right..... So much to say, so little to offer. see you both at Wembley next week...

  63. jjetplane

    Apr 12, 2015, 18:03 #69825

    WESTIE a team evolves over time and does what? scrape past Hull to win a cup you have already forgotten about, along with the humiliation at the hands of mighty Monaco (who sacked Wenger cause they knew he was ****) and then you talk about knee jerk pundits and such who undoubtedly go to a lot more Arsenal games than you do! Lol! and they are not even AKB zombies .... Nice one Hibs! Remember - it's always about next season Lol!

  64. Finsbury Wob

    Apr 12, 2015, 18:01 #69824

    'White Heart Lane and all Wobbies live together in perfect harmony,side by side on my laptop keyboard oh lord WOB Spuddies.

  65. Danny

    Apr 12, 2015, 17:54 #69823

    So what if Arsenal win 8 games in row. It's always after the fact when no pressure is on and we out of the title race months ago. Chelsea will win easily and i predict Liverpool will win the FA CUP and United will come second. Look at the thrashing they giving City. Let's see how we do after playing United and Chelsea next. The SQUAD is very thin in strength and physicality and need to stop pussy footing around The board need give Wenger a ultimation, get rid of Mikel Arteta, mathieu flamini, Walcot and Wilshere. Get Morgan Schneiderlin to partner one of positives of the season Francis Coquelin.Peta Cech would be a solid addition and most important a lethal Striker to partner Giroud With these we would be in a better shape to challenge. We all know next Citeh, United, Liverpool and Chelsea will be stronger so get these players early If not, Wenger should go. Ideally i prefer this as he the one hindering our progress peace..............

  66. Finsbury Hung Low

    Apr 12, 2015, 17:07 #69822

    No clucking Europe for us spuds again this year.No ruggy goals either.

  67. Kenny

    Apr 12, 2015, 17:05 #69821

    If we finish 2nd 3rd or 4th the truth is we have never been in the title race.Chelsea have always keep us at arms length.This season has never been a serious title challenge.And the buck stops again with Wenger.The players we were craving for last summer a top class keeper a CB with pace to partner Kos a commanding DM and another striker who will get 15-20 goals(Welbeck will never ever get them)were not brought in.And make no mistake Chelsea Utd and City will not sit on their laurels admiring what they did this season.Chelsea and Utd will spend big and City will get a top class manager.And of course Wenger could have bought Cesc back but he knew better.This was an opportunity wasted again by Wenger.And i havent even mentioned another failure in Europe.Its always next year will be better

  68. Ho Hum

    Apr 12, 2015, 16:45 #69820

    Westlower- 'a football team evolves over time'. Very true, and no manager of a big club has ever been given as much time during a trophyless period to build a team as our manager has, and more importantly Wenger KNEW he was being given that time. A massive advantage over all other managers, and one that more than negates the bogus money excuse, especially since he recently admitted that qualification for the Champions League every season was never deemed necessary by the board, giving Wenger a dream £6m a year pressure-free existence. Of course, given the law of averages and the even more pots of money than we had during the supposed 'austerity years', we're bound to make a serious challenge or heaven forbid even win the title in the near future (even the basket case club that is Liverpool have managed 2 proper challenges in the last 5 years) but if and when we do Wenger won't be bucking any trend or achieving against the odds. The time for that has passed, and he failed.

  69. Sir Giles Fotheringham the Third

    Apr 12, 2015, 16:39 #69819

    Progress you sayb? Last year we finished 3 points behind Chelsea and 15 ahead of United.That will not be the same this season

  70. Roy

    Apr 12, 2015, 16:19 #69818

    Let's not forget that it is totally the managers fault that the Chavs are under no real pressure. It is entirely conceiveable that they could lose to both Manure and ourselves ( though I don't believe that will happen ) and still win it with a little to spare. In short, at the start of the season, he gambled and lost. Unlucky with the injuries yes, especially the freakish ones to Debuchy, but the fact remains there wasn't enough cover and the points dropped in the Autumn, mainly because of having to play a makeshift centre half alongside one with no real pace, now come home to roost. Cazorla played like a drain over this period, while we had to watch Fabregas help send the Chavs into the distance, but this and the absences of Giroud and Ozil were partly negated by the performances of Sanchez. Yes give Wenger credit for signing him but he undid that good work by neglecting the defence. Yes, things are easy to say with hindsight, but if only he had signed a direct replacement for Vermaelen ( someone like Lescott or similar ) , we might, just might, have been talking about a title 6 pointer in a couple of weeks time. How frustrating, but I live in hope that we can make a serious assault next season, even though some of us no longer have complete confidence in Wenger.

  71. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 16:10 #69817

    AMG, and there's still plenty of them about.

  72. AMG

    Apr 12, 2015, 15:39 #69816

    I think Fabregas has just shattered any lingering title hopes (for those deluded enough to think there were any). Good job we let him join Chelsea, he's been crap!

  73. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 12, 2015, 15:28 #69815

    Oh dear muguiresbridge you really are a sad man. Who expected or predicted a big win? Can't get your negativity out of your system can you? Why do you continue to post? It was a win and as Man city found out not an easy place to go. Keep trolling away.

  74. Finsbury blow

    Apr 12, 2015, 14:47 #69813

    All THE HYPE about Harry Kane is understandable. A tottenham striker scoring some goals

  75. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 14:42 #69812

    Tony Tadley, and that act of discipline could well seal his fate especially if he was using his own initiative and not following orders as someone has already mentioned when OGL's favourites return.

  76. GoonerRon

    Apr 12, 2015, 14:04 #69811

    @ Maguiresbridge - I'm sure many teams have played 'without pressure' at points this season (though I don't agree we're playing without pressure either) but none have managed to reel of 8 wins in a row. Credit where credit's due?

  77. Bard

    Apr 12, 2015, 13:44 #69810

    Couldnt agree more TonyT. Burnley's persistent fouling stopped the flow of the game. Still its a game we have lost far too easily in the past. Interesting question about Ramsey. The way the team's is set up there is really no place for him but he has been shoehorned into the wide position. Will Wenger get ruthless over the summer, sell those that are surplus to requirements and buy players to fit the positions we need. History says no but you can live in hope. For all the yapping on here about what a big squad we have, he didnt make a change until well into the 80+ minutes and his second in injury time. Clearly he doesnt trust some of the so called back up players.

  78. maguiresbridge gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 13:23 #69809

    OGL makes a habit of stumbling onto things but no doubt some will tell us (even himself) it's all part of his grand master plan. Another regulation win against relegation fodder while under no pressure, who allowed us to indulge in the usual tippy tappy going nowhere, not the goal fest some had expected or predicted, but a win that tightens the safety net even tighter for fourth place in case of the usual collapse when the pressure is on.

  79. Westlower

    Apr 12, 2015, 13:01 #69808

    One of the best things about Arsenal's current run of good form is that the majority of media experts are confused as their own judgement's & predictions have been torn a sunder. The old adage that 'experts are experts on f**k all' comes to mind. Resist dogmatic kneejerk judgement's and keep an open mind at all times. Bob Dylan was ahead of the game: Come writers & critics who prophesize with your pen, keep your eyes wide as the chance won't come again & don't speak too soon for the wheel is still in spin. For the loser now will be later to win, the times they are a changing - except down the Lane, where it's same sh*t, different year!

  80. Nicosia Gooner

    Apr 12, 2015, 12:46 #69807

    The double is on.... At this stage in '71 everyone said the title was Leeds's

  81. Th14afc

    Apr 12, 2015, 12:41 #69806

    Different type of performance from the Liverpool game & a totally different proposition...not a great performance but still it's all about the wins & that's something arsenal can't stop doing right now (unlike the spuds eh Finsbury?) I'm not getting swept up in title talk,I think it's Chelsea's title all day long but I'd now be disappointed with anything less than at least 2nd & the fa cup again

  82. GoonerRon

    Apr 12, 2015, 11:56 #69805

    Largely forgettable game but vital 3 points to put pressure on those around us. 23 wins in 28 over 4 and a half months is tremendous consistency and something we need to continue to build on over the course of a full season.

  83. Westlower

    Apr 12, 2015, 11:38 #69804

    Kevin your opening comments prove that a football team evolves over time, usually with an equal measure of design & accident. Historically, Peter Storey, Frank McLintock, George Graham, T.Henry switching positions paid handsome rewards. Bellerin first came to our attention by beating the Walcott/Henry 40metre sprint record but he only got his chance because of Debuchy's double long term injuries & Chambers going off the boil. The midfield is still evolving with Cazorla dropping into a deeper role avoiding the previous stifling clashes with Ozil. The work rate of both players is commendable, with Ozil covering more ground than any of his team mates. A newspaper chart on distance covered since Feb 1st reveals that Ozil covered 39.3 miles, Cazorla 39.1 miles, Coquelin 37.8 miles & Giroud 33.4 miles. It exploits the myths that Ozil is lazy & Giroud a static donkey. Add the industry of Ramsey, Ox & Welbeck into the mix & it's easy to see how the team have improved since early season. Our defence will improve again when we can field Debuchy, Gabriel, Kos & Monreal. Their recovery speed will enable us to press further up field with more confidence. Bellerin & Gibbs can be used against 'lesser' teams when overlapping full backs are needed. Chambers & BFG will become back up CB's. At long last we are reaping the rewards of being able to play a settled side, as long term injuries denied us that privilege in the opening phase of this season. Finish top 3 and eliminate those pesky ECL qualifiers & we'll be set fare to start next season with a bang! We are currently 16/1 to win PL from 66/1 in Feb. Now 4/5 to finish runner up & 1/50 to finish top 4. Our neighbours are 66/1 to finish top 4, how fortunes have changed since they beat us on Feb 7th. Class will always rise to the top. Onwards & Upwards.

  84. goonercolesyboy

    Apr 12, 2015, 11:34 #69803

    This wouldn't have happened last year, somehow we would have found a way to concede, but the change in mentality and tactics have done the trick. Gritty and determined to win whatever the means. Finsbury Joe, your team is on the slide and your Kane is a flash in the pan and all this Pochetino great coach nonsense. Onwards and upwards.

  85. Finsbury Woe

    Apr 12, 2015, 11:12 #69802

    The way things are dropping, European football qualification will be a struggle. I wish we'd of kept Sherwood.

  86. Wardy

    Apr 12, 2015, 11:00 #69801

    3 points in spite of Arsene, rather than because of him ,,,,, we're clearly improving which is brilliant but I've no confidence we'll push on. Playing Ramsey wide right leaves us short of pace upfront ,,,,, the managers job is to pick a team with balance but he prefers to squeeze in his favourites, i.e. Ramsey, Ozil and Cazorla ,,,, and I wont be surprised to see Arteta replace Coquelin, which would be a terrible decision ,,,,, it's getting better no doubt but Welbeck or Walcott must start at Wembley

  87. John F

    Apr 12, 2015, 10:54 #69800

    Tony, I noticed Coquelin doing that so different from the headless chicken Song.I am not so sure about Ramsey being played out wide. I felt the game was crying out for someone to get in behind the Burnley defence.Wenger might play a dips(disenchanted,injury prone)11 against Reading.Sir Chez,Gibbs,Gabriel,Chambers,Debuchy,Jack,Arteta,Wally,Diaby'Rosicky and Welbeck.

  88. Finsbury Joe

    Apr 12, 2015, 10:42 #69799

    Only the most rose tinted out looking AKB will take anything whatsoever from that game. Watch Wenger usher Coquelin out now his pet players like Wilshere and Arteta return

  89. danny

    Apr 12, 2015, 10:29 #69798

    I think we were 13 points behind the chavs after 13 games and we all know thats damage we couldn't recover from although this is a great run we're on if they beat us next week and and they win their games in hand then the gap is still going to be 13 points . I think 3 top players in and 3 or 4 out none out of the current starting 11 by the way and then I think we will win the title.

  90. Tony Tadley

    Apr 12, 2015, 10:25 #69797

    a truly terrible game. highlight for me was when on a first half counter attack Coquelin, seeing that forwards had overtaken him, stopped his run at the half way line and held his position. Showed a sense of discipline that we haven't seen enough of in recent years. Still a good three points and if qpr can get something out of today and with Utd to play Chelsea before our game with them.....