Le Coq Sportif

Francis Coquelin has finally come good

Le Coq Sportif

Cover of the new issue

Ed’s note – The first issue of The Gooner this season goes on sale tomorrow at the match v West Ham. As we had two submissions for the edition on the subject of Francis Coquelin, we are running one here on the website. The Gooner can be purchased on your route to the ground from one of our sellers, and after the match as you leave the stadium. £2.50 for 48 pages worth of ad-free Arsenal reading. Full details of the issue can be found here, and for those of you that can’t make it to the ground it can also be bought through our website shop here. There is also an e-edition version available for iPhones and iPads, and Android devices using the Exactly App, whilst Kindle Fire owners can also get their fix by searching the Amazon App Store for The Gooner.

New Years Day 2015: Arsenal’s midfield pairing consisted of Callum Chambers, a defender in the embryonic stage of his career at the club, and Francis Coquelin, a midfielder/full back/reserve-who-doesn’t-stand-a-chance-of-making-it-Arsenal.

90 bruising minutes later, the score read Southampton 2-0 Arsenal. Arsenal’s midfield was overrun, overpowered and outthought. Arsenal’s midfield, “lacked the authority and confidence to convert possession into quick and efficient service for the front four”, lambasted The Daily Mail.

Whilst Chambers was able to offer the excuse that he was in an unfamiliar position and had barely completed 20 senior starts, Coquelin was surely on his last chance. Having spent two seasons on loan at Freiburg in the Bundeliga and Lorient in Ligue 1, Coquelin was treading water at Arsenal. At the time of the Southampton match, he had recently returned from a loan spell at Charlton after an Arsenal injury crisis affecting midfielders Mikel Arteta, Jack Wilshere, Aaron Ramsey and Mathieu Flamini. This really was one last roll of the dice for the lad from Laval.

Fast-forward to May 30th 2015 and Coquelin has just delivered a majestic display of intelligence, guile and discipline on the pristine Wembley turf. Coquelin celebrated Arsenal’s 4-0 demolition of Aston Villa on the pitch bedecked in Arsenal scarf and covered in bright silver confetti, revelling in scenes of unbridled joy as Arsenal wallowed in the aftermath of a most satisfactory victory.

Key to that triumph was Coquelin’s adroit positioning in front of the back four and his countless interceptions of the ball. On numerous times he pick-pocketed Villa’s hapless forwards and strode forward, delivering simple passes to the more technical players such as Santi Cazorla, Mesut Ozil or the fleet footed Alexis Sanchez.

Coquelin came to club in summer 2008 from French club Stade Lavallois and his early performances were characterised by a tigerish determination to win possession of the ball. His contribution in the Youth Cup winning side of 2009 was significant as he fought doggedly to provide a platform for the more elaborately gifted of that side such as Jay Emmanuel-Thomas and Jack Wilshere. Coquelin’s future looked bright and he went on to make a total of 39 first team appearances in the 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons. Then, with the re-signing of Flamini and the continued development of Ramsey and Wilshere, there seemed to be no place for him at Arsenal. He was farmed out on loan to Freiburg and his career went so far off the rails that he ended up in The Championship with Charlton come autumn 2014.

Coquelin’s role in the current Arsenal team is absolutely vital as he seems to be the only one who is comfortable sitting in defensive positions, not driving forward in search of a goal or assist. We have not had a midfielder so disciplined since the halcyon days of Gilberto Silva. Alex Song was obsessed with playing as a no 10 (although his assist record was admittedly impressive). Arteta literally was a no 10 before he came to Arsenal and never really seemed at home tackling and scrapping around against the bully boys such as Stoke. Flamini was too ill-disciplined, flying into tackles recklessly and providing observers with an amusing game of “how long before Flamini gets booked?” every time his name was on the team sheet.

Coquelin, however, seemed to actively seize his chance on recall form his Charlton loan. I would like to think he weighed up his options and thought it was highly unlikely he would get an opportunity at any other elite club and really threw himself into the anchoring role at Arsenal. The team’s form improved immeasurably after the turn of the year and Coquelin was immense in victories over Man City away and Liverpool at home, proving that Arsenal now really do have the backbone to outfight our title opponents.

With the springtime return to fitness of Wilshere, Flamini and Arteta, Arsene Wenger was suddenly awash with options in the middle of the park. But the Frenchman was loyal to the tandem of Coquelin and Cazorla and this decision ultimately brought Arsenal success with a respectable 3rd place in the league and a second consecutive FA Cup triumph.

Cazorla’s emergence as a central midfielder can be directly attributed to Coquelin’s marshalling of the deep midfield area, leaving the elegant Spaniard with more space and time to get the team moving forward. Coquelin protects Cazorla and the sublimely talented but undeniably frail Ozil.

As we move forward to next season, there is the usual clamour for ‘galactico’ signings. But one area I am confident we should not be looking to strengthen is defensive midfield. Any new signing of a renowned holding midfielder would inhibit Coquelin’s dramatic rise and surely our funds would be better spent elsewhere on the playing squad. I am not saying Coquelin is the finished article by any means, merely that he was our best player from January to May and thoroughly deserves the opportunity to build on that progress.

What once looked like a nomadic career that would peter out at Arsenal now resembles the emergence of a star in the making, as Coquelin forms a crucial part of the base of this Arsenal team. His attitude is superb as he crunches into tackles and dominates surprisingly well in aerial challenges. I for one am delighted that this vivacious young Frenchman has finally found his footballing niche.

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  1. jjetplane

    Aug 10, 2015, 12:52 #73879

    Sorry WOODY but I am with Ron on the bumpy pitch theory. Played into the hands of cheeky cockneys wot dads were dockers and sugar men. It's all hills where they play? or locks - or is it Basins ..... Whatever Bethnal Green loads a dat what a rotten singer tooo-oooo-oooo ..... Time Wenger ditched the broccoli and got them haircuts on the watercress I hear Bellerin wants to move to West Ham when they become bigger than Arsenal.

  2. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 11:16 #73861

    Goonerwoody - ive no issue with Arsenes body language at all. Once you've been around for a while you'll start to realise that a few of us are more worried about Arsene being on the touchline per se.

  3. Ron

    Aug 10, 2015, 10:53 #73857

    Love that that Westie. You've surely been away on an AKB stand up comedians course? Yr right though, away games are going to be better. At least those games will be in stadiums that are more akin home games for the arse instead of the bowl being like a home game for the opponents fans. The real problem though for me and this has bugged me for a while, is this vexed issue of hard running mid fielders. Surely, an application can be made to the PL to stop this? Its an affront to beautiful football and how can silky footballers as we have in abundance be rightly asked to play well when theyre faced with more powerful opponents like Reece Oxford and Noble? Its not only ruining the game for the fans but its also an affront to sophisticated philosophies everywhere. Im even more now behind the view that to lobby the PL to stop this and also stop teams defending well too. OIn my view the full force of the PL machinery needs to be brought to bear on the rich and wealthy Clubs like WH that constantly offend. They think they're above the law of the game dont they. Its obvious. Heavy fines wont do. Its automatic relegation that ive got in mind. Its stunting the development of young talent. Sorry for going on, but im off to the library now to mug up on 'the Benn diaries' to help with my lobbying techniques. In the meantime ill read my well thumbed copy of Miltons best works to guide me in seeking an enlightened perspective. Life is so tough at times isnt it!

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Aug 10, 2015, 7:48 #73836

    badarse , I don't know why you continually bluster. Why not simply say "blimey that was bad" you just come across as a blowhard. I got it wrong myself as I thought we would take our form over into this Match. However the team thought they could just turn up. Wenger plays Carzola out of position and Cech doesn't know where his stick is. Oh dear anyway some points I take from this. 1. Is Wenger finally realising that public criticism should be part of his role. 2. Expect a deal for Benzema.

  5. John Gage

    Aug 10, 2015, 7:45 #73835

    @Joe S: Its not just about getting new players however welcome Vidal or Benzema would have been. West Ham did not have world class players but they looked well organized and they came with a game plan. The problem lies with Arsene Wenger. He has won silverware for the club, with many fantastic memories, helped in creating your training facilities and also the stadium. His legacy remains intact. I do not believe that he has suddenly become a bad manager. He will bounce back from this defeat and win you Charity Shields, League Cups, and FA Cups. He might even produce a string of good form that could see you edging closer to the top of the table. But after 19 years its unrealistic to expect more from him. The Premiership has moved on from Wenger's time. I think Arsenal would benefit from fresh ideas, a new approach, new tactics, which a new manager would bring. Like any relationship that has gone on too long, its time to let go.

  6. Goonerwoody

    Aug 10, 2015, 2:56 #73833

    The pitch was bumpy - really? The surface at the Home of Football is hands down the best in world football, so stop making excuses Ron. I do think we need to get some perspective and it isn't crisis time yet, but anyone else have an issue with Wenger's body language on the touchline? Whereas Bilic enthusiastically prowls the technical area encouraging and cajoling his players ensuring the tactics are spot-on, here we have fuddy duddy Wenger sitting on his backside with arms folded looking bereft of ideas. Towards the end he was even holding his jacket as if he couldn't wait to get away and grab the tube home! The message that gets sent out to players and fans is just all kinds of bad.

  7. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 0:25 #73832

    Bard that should have been next one down from yours

  8. mbg

    Aug 10, 2015, 0:13 #73831

    Bard, what fun indeed and we haven't even had Kev's match report yet (I cant wait until tomorrow) so much more to say, and another cracking post three down from yours from me (even though I didn't write it)complaining that i'm complaining about their messiah being past it, and wanting him out, instead of saying and telling everybody he's the best in the world and still the best man for the job, instead calling him an old fraud blaming him for the result,(how dare I do that on a football forum) and hurting the feelings of poor little wengerites like him on here by making fun off them and making them the butt of jokes, yes it's all jeffs and my self's fault he's incompetent, blame us it's easy, we'll be martyrs for the WOB's we don't mind, if it's good enough for the chief complainer on here it's good enough for us, only we're not afraid to use our own name, and it's good to see he's noticed my new one, very quick on the up take when he wants to be, pity his messiah wasn't as quick.

  9. Joe S.

    Aug 09, 2015, 23:03 #73830

    Vidal and Benzema, Vidal and Benzema, Vidal and Benzema. What was needed was two real players to make a difference and avoid ground hog day. But no! AKB and his fool acolytes sat in smug complacency while everyone moved on. Well Well Well.

  10. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 22:19 #73829

    What fun on here. The best supporting post comes from Tony Pepe. Its a killer post. His fury at the result is directed at Jeff in bright lights. Dear me sad doesnt do it, more pathetic. Come on you AKB lets hear the counter arguments. I know it was a freak result thats only happened dozens of times before but surely someone can come up with a positive post. I have sent an sms to Simon Rose and he assures me that he will soon have a sermon ready.

  11. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 21:42 #73828

    Martyn, good shout, something has to change alright, and you've mentioned it, a young vibrant manager, and i've no doubt it/he would get the best out of these players, and West Ham have one. As the Sky commentator said referring to Bilic and OGL and the result (just before they switched over) The Young and the Old.

  12. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 21:17 #73827

    jj, indeed it must be hectic in AKB central tonight not a nurse or a doctor to be found, or no comforting words from the chief gynaecologist.

  13. Alsace Lorraine du Claret noses

    Aug 09, 2015, 20:54 #73826

    This was one result out of 38. We will finish in the top four and West Ham will face relegation. It isn't that we lost a game, it's that we NEVER LEARN. The first game back you have to dominate physically and that means a lot of effort. OGL doesn't actually manage in the English Premier League because he refuses to believe in the facts of life there. We will have better days. B.T.W Keane is right about the haircuts. Still, no worse than his beard.

  14. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 20:38 #73825

    Now if Mandrake could just bring some joy to all this pain. I hope WESTIE has organised a trauma unit with Matron Jules for the night. I think there are quite a few in need of treatment. Odd that there would be so much post trauma when the same accident (Arsene's words) has been happening for a decade or so. You have to snigger after having two articles re the cheeky cockneys who were supposed to roll over today. And there they go spoiling both Atsene's and AKBs scripts. It's only Palace away next. last time I was there, Kanu scored. What a great man he was! Anyway - sweet dreams. Live to fight another day and all that. Baddie still up on those hills a wanderin'. Please dear Arsene Help us! mental strenght in times like this. Chin up. Onwards and upwards.

  15. Cyril

    Aug 09, 2015, 20:16 #73824

    No excuses, they packed the midfield. Bad defending and keeping. It happens. West haaaymm were good for the result. Fair play. Oh I'm in pain.....

  16. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 20:10 #73823

    jj, Tony says that I am back... a bit odd this because I have not been anywhere ...

  17. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 19:57 #73822

    Oh speak of the devil it's old Tone Pep and he is very angry poor diddums cluck cluck... and still confusing Arsene with Arsenal ... I'll bet you love Stan as well Tone.... I had plenty to say at the end of last season dopey predicting that we would not finish ahead of City when there were 10 games to play and we had a points lead over them ... I was right... I also predicted before a ball was kicked in anger this term that City would finish ahead of us as well... it's not rocket science as for the FA Cup I suggested that it was Arsene's best hope again and guess what I'm predicting that again, it's true honest ... because anyone can and have won it ... ask Wigan and Portsmouth about that ... you do get rather carried away Tone with the FA Cup , but then again anything Arsene wins must be the dogs b's wot !You couldn't make it up .

  18. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 19:24 #73821

    JW let's just wait til Tony pepe comes on. He's short, probably got tatts and is well, bright in that Jack sense. Bit worried for Baddie though I think he has forgotten his annual pilgrimage to the Emirates and is busy writing and tgrowing notes into a bin which has now spread to Jukes neighbours who have probably also switched to Utd. Any of that chicken paste and do not talk about the Ox in here ....

  19. tony pepe

    Aug 09, 2015, 19:20 #73820

    Wonderful that jeff is back. He's had absolutely nothing to say towards the backend of last season ... ahem fa cup. Lose the first game of the season and he must have now had a raving hard on since the final whistle. You ain't no gooner stupid. Opinions are like assholes jeff and you are one big one.

  20. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 19:16 #73819

    Bard, sorry you're feeling a little unsettled some of your posts have been very good and haven't gone unnoticed along with a lot of others, but Ron and Robert's were top top qualitee and very worthy, and it also hasn't gone unnoticed that you've had a great pre season with some great posts and quips making idiots of those trying to get the better of you, but as you know that doesn't mean much (to them anyway) when the real deal starts, so you have to keep it going so be very careful who you try to recruit and/or sign up, because remember second or third class qualitee gets or wins you nothing.

  21. Th14afc

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:49 #73818

    Well that was utter rubbish from the gunners....so deflating to start the season like this but unfortunately it is so typical arsenal

  22. Martyn

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:44 #73817

    Just back from the game and I have to say West Ham were by far the better team on the day. Arsenal, especially in the second half, were slow, clueless and unable to pass the ball with any conviction. There was nothing different, just the same old way of trying to break down a well organised defence. It reminded me of the Swansea game at the back end of last season. Again, substitutes not made at half time and I frankly gave up once the Ox was put in at right back as Wenger desperately tried to save the game by bringing Walcott and Alexis on. They were thrown on with no tactical thought; just hope for the best. One result will not define a season but surely to goodness something has to change to bring the best out of these players. West Ham look as if they have a manager who will do just that for them; and he stands throughout most of the match encouraging his team.

  23. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:36 #73816

    mgb, where there is no sense there are no feelings to hurt ! You know these AKB's one good result for Arsene and they will be back... lee kfc aka this and that , very serious guy uber fan ... when Arsene is winning that is... other than that anonymous... TH14 , Problems,Toad and well I would be here all night with him ... Colseyboy is ok though he ditched Cech is a gooner and sang his favourite song instead, I'm forever blowing bubbles ... a very confused character but as the actress said to the bishop it takes all sorts..

  24. John F

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:35 #73815

    Article in the Gooner by Saul Lipetz made interesting reading.(.In 2009 Ashavin was cup tied in Europe yet despite his availability for domestic games Diaby was preferred to him for the semi final loss against Chelsea.In a baffling selection Diaby played in the number 10 position while Van Persie was pushed out wide left a position he hated.Ashavin was saved for the Liverpool game in which we had no realistic hope of a title,this made little sense given his goal scoring heroics in that game) This is my major concern about Wenger is his preoccupation with playing players out of position and unbalancing the side.He started with Freddie continued in 2009 ,Ramsey wide right and today it was Cazorlas turn wasted on the left.

  25. Hiccup

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:31 #73814

    Unfortunately bard, mag gets to vote for the post of the day as it winds baddie up profusely that he has took it upon himself to do this. I disagree with today's award, as Ron has veered away from the subject matter of Coquelin, which goes against the house rules, and causes further consternation among the AKB's. My vote goes to Jamie, who I expect will post later on when the trolling hour begins. I am expecting another bout of several drunken incoherent posts that will keep night security busy again.

  26. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:14 #73813

    jw, fool, deluded, premature, anti-climax, careful mate or you'll really hurt his feelings.

  27. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:13 #73812

    mgb; I feel a little unsettled, is Ron already top poster and Robert second. I've had a storming preseason and was hoping for a top 3 finish this campaign. I know I havent invested as I should have but I am reluctant to spend unless its top top quality. I know my writing style lacks a strong defensive destroyer and I need to nail it when I get the chance, to that end I tried recruiting Colseyboysetc but in reality he was all fluff, gruff and no substance. I am now in the process of trying to sign Baddie, he is way past his best but he is cheap and mostly injured . His email reply was 56 pages long so it will be a while before I can confirm or deny that he has signed. I remain concerned on a daily basis that I have passed my sell by date ( no cheap gags) but have no intention of resigning. Stan calls me Arseblog, I can think of no finer compliment.

  28. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:12 #73811

    I thought WEStIE was doing A sarky one to get even. But no! - he is deadly serious and also says we will win the league away front home toughing it out while playing the best football ever seen. Ask Theo and if not try Amos .....

  29. David

    Aug 09, 2015, 18:00 #73810

    Doesn't look good for AW. Why didn't he force the striker and defender signings before the season began? Another numbingly tedious repeat. Wait till January, then Arsenal will show everyone just what they're capable of.

  30. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:58 #73809

    Hiccup, i've never been in the Arsenal dressing room or the tunnel before or after a game but I bet it smells and looks like a boots perfume counter.

  31. Hiccup

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:48 #73808

    Just when you think the excuses are exhausted, along comes westie with another blinder. West Ham are ahead of us with their preparation? West bloody Ham. Tomkins, Nolan and a whole other raft of household names were better prepared? So arsenal get to choose who they play pre season, whereas West Ham have to play utter sh!t teams from the Faroes and Gibralter in a tournament that they never even took seriously by playing 33 players in. Sounds like they've had an awful pre season without playing anyone decent to test themselves against. But all we've heard from the AKB's all pre season is how sharp we're looking. Put 6 past the team that finished 2nd in France and beat Chelsea in a 'serious' cup match. But West Ham beat us and all of a sudden we weren't as well prepared as them? Whose fault is that then?

  32. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:44 #73807

    Badarse ,sometimes you just have to hold up your hands and admit that you were wrong.You clearly gloated over the 'sours' being below us and as the actress said to the bishop that was a bit premature and an anti-climax. Waffling away telling me that I am childish to advise you to be a little more cautious before making rash claims is just silly of you,you are the one being childish and not me. No I was not certain that we would beat WHU our opening games in recent seasons, after similar to recent supposedly title winning form shown in pre-season money makers, is not great .So no big surprise really today's result.The only surprise to me is that some like yourself really thought that we were certs to win. This just shows how deluded under Arsene that you are.By the way I did not believe that Chelsea were certainties to beat Swansea either ,I thought their game could end in a draw.Actually I like the Swans manager Monk ,alright it's not a name that rolls off the tongue, but he gets the job done in a decent fashion given his resources. There are other younger than Wenger managers out there who I believe would show more ambition than our bloke and put an end to the culture of the comfort zone that our selfies posting prats live in. Wenger looked and sounded deflated after the game he had no idea during it of how to change things and made his usual late substitutions sending on 140k a week Wally and then in desperation Sanchez who he had claimed would not be used .Giroud showed again that he is well,just Giroud. A striker who need 5 chances to score a goal never mind though Danny Boy will be back the only problem is he needs 15 chances to score one goal!

  33. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:44 #73806

    jj, especially if she had to go to the kitchen and make it herself.

  34. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:25 #73805

    Ron, first post of the day for the new season, excellent, Robert, if it's any consolation you were a very very close second, great post, don't worry though there's some on here who just love that position.

  35. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:19 #73804

    Arsene is bottom of the league and notably post-match sounding most lethargic. You have to wonder whether the bloke is actually fit enough for the job. I mean Koeman almost broke a leg in training and battling for draws at Newcastle is the order of the day. Based on today's feeble attempt, the fixture list looks daunting if these players simply have a psyche that works well pre-season in Asia and with wally happily already on the bench because Wenger thought Giroud would at least deliver a brace, it is more comfortable than ever at the Emirates. that is reflected in some of the fans who think virtual knitting classes and a past it G/K are 'good to go.' Welcome to the Real World AKBs. RON is more Dirty Realism than Sarcasm but poor old Baddie is like a Arsene man earning a pointless yellow for kicking at ankles in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Palace and Leicester will be hovering. Don't put it past Norwich neither. Arsenal need to get Martin back to give a pep talk. He will probably reply he is a bit busy with studio work. Seem to remember Arsene tried that along with being a football manager.

  36. Hiccup

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:19 #73803

    Bard, I'm sure I saw a comb and mirror in Lewin's physio bag when he went to attend giroud today? I really think Nivea have missed a trick by using Liverpool players in their adverts. Lalana looks very whimpish compared to our men who look macho and pristine. Probably couldn't afford to pay our players what they wanted?

  37. Exeter Gunner

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:18 #73802

    I would add to the calls for perspective. Let's have none of this questioning and critique - the 'adult mentality' is to forget it and move on to the next one. With that in mind, let's bear in mind there are 5-6 'shocking' performances and results like this a season. So that's one of them over and done with already! There are still all those points to be picked up against those 'lesser' teams that don't execute an actual game plan against us. As always, that'll be enough points for 3rd or 4th. Nothing to worry about. And we have Ron's comic creation The Child Of... bringing some much needed levity.

  38. Westlower

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:09 #73801

    The agenda was set once West Ham kept their first team home from the game in Romania. Far from being fatigued they are ahead of us with their preparation. Sacrificing the Europa league made it a massive game for their new manager. As I mentioned last week we only beat Besiktas 1-0 over 2 legs. Bilic played the same game today and well done him considering his head was on the block after the midweek surrender. Appalling errors by Cech & the Ox giving the ball away in a vulnerable area, reminiscent of his mistake v Monaco. He'll learn from his mistakes. AFC have to find a way through massed ranks of defenders having failing to score in 4 of their last 5 PL home games. I suspect life will be easier playing in away games.

  39. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:05 #73800

    You can just imagine the AKB's having to change their already typed ready to go reports, hovering on the submit button ready to go, now where have we heard that before? ready to tell us all how good their messiah is, and how he's the right man for the job, and going to deliver. It's not right laughing.

  40. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 17:05 #73799

    jeff you do act like a child. I was amazed at the displays of Moan U and the Sours, and was pleased that we were above the Sours, without playing, as a joking response to their footballing ineptitude. I recognise you wouldn't have been filled with the similar pleasure but I am not afflicted with schadenfreude, it was a fun thing, no gloating involved. Typically taking a win over opponents? Yes I thought we would win, did you not? Saying it is not a crime, and if I didn't say it you'd make it a thought crime anyway. Stop insulting. I did ask, now I'm telling you.

  41. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:58 #73798

    Very funny Ron but you spoke the truth. I thought the pitch was touch bumpy and they looked exhausted having completed the treble before the season started. On a more serious note how many games do you have to play in the Prem before you realise that you have to fight for the right to play. Turning up in the your sunday best doesnt phase any of the prem teams. Its too late to really alter the balance of the side so barring miracles we look to have a fight for 4th place on our hands.

  42. Hiccup

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:52 #73797

    Ron, thank you for some much needed perspective. I will not let this result spoil what has been so far a great pre season, where friendly results back this up. I say so far, because for me, we are still in the pre season. We all know the season starts on 1st January, so any results up to then are of no consequence, as it's not how you start, but how you finish that matters. Come May, the August to December results for some reason are eliminated from the brain, eliminated from the league tables, so why anyone's bothered about today's result is beyond me? Can't wait for the season to start!

  43. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:51 #73796

    RoBert and RON fantastic posts and Baddie still flailing in a soft room of one saying how the world is 'railing against ME'. Work this out. West Ham started with a 16 yr old in the middle of the park and with a goodish coach that kid walked up to the fans pre-match, encouraged his team mates and then ownrd the middle of the WOK - all day. I imagine Arsene may even be happy and if mid table beckons there is always the climb back to try to make 3rd and keeps the hoodwinkibg process in fine fettle. Well - at least Baddie the Manc will not be too upset and Colsey will be racing off to the mile End for a knees up. Happy days. RON was thinking too that Arsene's Soft Boys should only have to play 'sporting' clubs and therefore forfill their creative quota in a manner fitting Anything else is just vulgarity. Cannot wait for Mandrake's next poem. I guess Jules is too busy to post - sitting around at the neighbors try to eat a chicken paste sarnie inbetween the tears. not bloody fair!

  44. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:48 #73795

    Badarse you were gloating over the spuds result and typically taking a win over our opponents at home as being a sho-in. It would have better to waited until our game had been played best old chap before claiming that we were above the 'sours' of course we were you fool,they had lost and we had yet to play ! Jesus wept you really do post some nonsense. As I suggested awhile back another poor result on the opening day might cause old Kranky Stan into another late panic buy a top striker is needed but also a centre back and a GK. Abromavich and Mourinho are not stupid they know that Cech is past his best that's why they replaced him and then sold him . Without Mourinho's defensive coaching and Terry in front of him Cech will have more dodgy moments that statue of Tony Adams outside the coliseum would have done better than Krazy Koss and Plodding Per did they were made to look ordinary all afternoon by the quick athletic West Ham forwards .Biljic got his tactics spot on and had the fitter stronger side he ignored the Ropey Cup qualifiers puting out kids and reserves while working with his first team to have them ready to meet our heroes who had been busy making money for Stan by playing in the Asia and Emirates Cups and beating an out of sorts looking Chelsea side in the Charity Shield. Oh hum, how does winNing that treble look now then ?

  45. Seven Kings Gooner

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:47 #73794

    Just when you all thought we had banished performances like that...... I have said it before and I will say it again, please trust me, I will tell you all when I think Arsenal are the real deal. So for now keep taking the "selfies" Ron : very "sarky" but very good!

  46. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:43 #73793

    Bit painful to read, but I really liked that post Ron. Very sarcastic, but close to a genuine match analysis. Avoiding the buckets full of bile your post too was on the money in terms of appraisals, Robert. Still, I wipe my mouth, square my jaw-and the root of my router, puff out my chest, pull in my stomach, and with a constipated look on my face, tuck in my elbows, put my best foot forward, weaker one backwards, do the splits, jump down turn around, pick a bale of cotton, put my whole self in, whole self out, in out, in out, shake it all about,do the Oki Koki then carry on regardless in a camping style. What else should one do? Yes goonercolesyboy, I know I said, 'shake' and 'one', but you can stop shaking it now.

  47. Smithy

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:43 #73792

    We don't seem to learn do we? It's like a man repeatedly head butting a wall and wondering why it keeps hurting. Hopefully a quality striker and back up Dm will be signed on the back of it. We can hope but you know the stubborn old bugger won't do it!

  48. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:41 #73791

    MARCUS, good post, groundhog day yet again are any of us surprised? At least SKY didn't hang about long enough to bring us wally spouting off (switching to Stoke)unless I missed it, but i'd guess his mouth wasn't as active today (I wonder why)maybe only to tell us for the upteen thousandth time we'll learn from this (and of course it'll be believed, yeah of course we will)I never heard from TOF either (would anyone want to) not to hard to guess what he said (in between excuses)handbrake, mental strength, sperritt.

  49. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:31 #73790

    Match report similar to the the hundreds before it. Lots of possession, no bite up front and accidents waiting to happen in defence. The silver lining if there is one is that we can expect a bit of activity in the transfer market on the back of that. The trouble is adherence to mediocrity kills the competitive juices. How many times do you have to disappoint before the manager sacks you ? At Arsenal turning up with your hair all neatly brushed is enough to guarantee you a career.

  50. Ron

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:26 #73789

    Some of you are being a little unfair. It was a bumpy pitch. The travel as well takes its toll pre season. Theres no underestimating tiredness. Injuries as well. Willy and Belly both out. It was humid too. One team only wanted to play. West Ham used rough stuff tactics. How can beautiful football thrive in those conditions. The refereee and 4th offcial both showed signs of bias towards the visitors and im sure i saw Bilic speaking to them in the tunnel. I think he intimidated the match officals.It was early season. Thank heavens we carry the torch for expansive beautiful football. The game would die if teams played like West ham. The crowds wouldn't like it. Too much defensive discipline is killing football. Its preventing our skillful players from reaching their potential and referees need to protect us more. How can jewels of the game thrive if teams are allowed to defend? We work under too much net speand constraint too. Its easy for clubs like West Ham to spray millions on forwards who should be expected to eat our Central defenders for lunch. Financial limitations hindered us again today. With the players WHU have,they owe it to fans and the game to play beautiful football like we do. Some of you need to think and deliberate, not behave like quislings. Look beyond what you see and form a different perspective. Walk in my shoes. Im not about to start quoting Twain and Nieitzche but i can recommend writers who can help you all understand if i need too. Digest and consider before you condemn chums. You ll feel better for understanding days like today then and seek solace in a warmer brighter place. All in all a grossly unmerited WHU win, but then theyve never achieved anything in their entire history anyway so relax. Hail Arsene. We re so, so lucky to have him.

  51. Robert

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:24 #73788

    Anyone remotely surprised by what they saw today? We had a really solid first half hour with lots of dangerous possession and should, on the balance of play, gone in at least a couple of goals to the good. But we didnt. Again. Conceding just before half time will make the doubts creep in but Cech predicted correctly that none of the defenders would get to it so he made his choice. Fine margins. After the break we saw a well organised team protect their lead and break well when they got it back. It was all too slow, too predictable and too "nice". The second goal ended the contest in a manner only Arsenal can gift the opposition. Again with "nice" defending and politely standing off their man. School Boys. Should Cech have done better? Of course, but we all know there was nothing wrong with Ospina don't we? Szczney had to go for me but Cech in over Ospina? I couldnt disagree more. Cech is 33 and will not get any better now. What have we landed ourselves with. He should be dropped after that performance right? He will still have to play behind "that" defence no matter what. And that is where the problem lies. Has and always has. And for all the pressure late on what have we learned? Giroud is not good enough to start for Arsenal. He thought he playing Monaco again. No movement, no pace, no threat. Concrete boots. Theo fared no better with a slow tempo and sideways balls across the box. Overall poor. But... what about in game management? I felt the changes made it worse! Removing Debuchy completely lost all shape of the team. Giroud surely had to come off. Alexis looked knackered and out of sorts. Hardly surprising considering how little preparation time he has had. But why is he in the squad? Why play him? It is Match Day 1. We have one player out injured. Where is the squad depth? How poor were we without Bellerin? Only Wenger could turn the optimism of day 1 into a nightmare. The spine of this team is too weak to challenge. Good players have gone begging and the leadership fail to strengthen in obvious areas. Wenger you were lucky it was just 0-2. But keep picking up your £153000 a week while you still can. For all your intelligence you didn't know when to go. Yes its one game, blah blah blah. We were not ready, not motivated, not steely enough. Ive just been reminded that we have the return of the prolific goal machine Danny Welbeck to look forward to. This creation of Wenger just gets found out over and over again. Tomorrow papers... Cech mate, Blank Cech. Cech please? Enough Bridesmaids. Wenger Out

  52. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 16:11 #73787

    Hello playmates. mgb what sort of a question is that, and your question too CG? Don't throw insults about jeff, please. As for the reasoning of both you and your half brother jj, who crows apart from blackbirds? No sexist comments either, please. A statement of fact is nothing more or less. If we are never to comment on state of play it would make for a very quiet audience, whether in sport or in life. Actually there is too much silence in the latter. Cech? A glaring Fabianski-type error, and weight on wrong foot due to poor anticipation(?) for the second. I am in the minority on most things and Sir Chesney was my man. I understood the rationale and hoped Cech would bring a sense of balance to the squad and particularly the defence. Has that changed? Perhaps, but unlikely. He had a poor game. It was a poor team display and when you have hopes and let others know, then you go out on a limb, especially when you are dealing with certain types. Still I was always a really good tree-climber. It can make you look a cusp in the eyes of some, but even to children it becomes obvious that the 'nah, nah, nah, nah NAH!' tells against the pack of hounds. Disappointing but if railing against me floats your boat-balsa wood strength-then go ahead, it would be nice to know I have eased your pain. Then again you could apply an adult's mentality to guard against the trauma felt from a football team losing. Back to Central Command, lads. Now turn, face the enemy, Willy Warmers at the ready, on the command, 'One!', shake. "ONE!"

  53. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:58 #73786

    We should have known better of course TOF would cock it up and not take advantage. jw, foot in big mouth (and so early in the season) but they (and us) should be used to it by now.


    Aug 09, 2015, 15:46 #73785

    Well, well!! What did I say?? We always look good during pre season!! Who remembers sanoGOAL scoring 4 against Benefica last season?? Where is he now?? Yet again the deluded crowd got all kiddy and thought we will win the pl because we signed cech!! Absolutely deluded logic. You dont finish 3rd and jump to 1st in the pl with the same players and without major transfer activity in terms of quality. Again NO LEADERS on the pitch. How many times has that been said?? We have no leaders. This is turning into groundhog day, just tired really I'am i dont want to but its the same nonsense.Folks call you negative for being logical and reasonable. I know that you dont jump from 3rd to 1st with the same players im sorry. Cech got alot of fans jumping up and down smh. Wenger conned you guys and we have been found out again today. We were so arrogant today it was crazy. The same usual suspects talking about confidence and believe before the match with sky was laughable. The problem with wenger is that he keeps on going with the same players who have let him down time and time again. Im just angry and infuriated.

  55. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:46 #73784

    I said to a mate last night over a pint we're going to try and be more optimistic this season, we clicked our glasses, how f*****g stupid we were.

  56. Hiccup

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:45 #73783

    Spurs nil, Chelsea one, the AKB's scream "that's a great start!" Spurs are below us, comes another loud fart. United three, arsenal nil, sees us bottom of the league. Come on westie, let's blame it on fatigue.

  57. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:34 #73782

    How are those knitting lessons going? It is always best to begin the crowing when the real stuff starts. What will happen when Colesey's Hammers sort the big club stuff out. Nothing else but Wenger out for January. Good, young manager will help steady the complacence. So - as you were - you happy little aKbs. 'No leadership, no anger, no aggression' & the only spite is coming from 'the poets' ...... Come on Colesey: ' I'm forever blowing ...../Fly so high/Fade and die ... We got well turned over yesterday by a powerful title cheasing team called Littlehampton. West are just looking for some consildation and they have just slapped Wenger's nice boys down. Palace are next - be very afraid ....

  58. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:34 #73781

    Badarse, a word in your rather thick ear on my reckoning that result puts us Below the sours on G/D . You couldn't make it up.... Roy Keane is right these players are not title contenders just a cup side full of posers posting selfies while giggling like big girls blouses. As for Wenger well another season of coming up short in the league and Europe awaits him... he really is yesterday's man with his out of date training and medical regimes and his lack of tactical nous once again only too self evident.

  59. Peter Wain

    Aug 09, 2015, 15:34 #73780

    Well done wenger certainly bought a dud cheque there. Awful tempo lack of pace up front. Still need three players not competing for Schenderlin was a mistake still need a centre half and atop top goal scorer. Will not win anything this season as we have not improved. Injury crisis next week

  60. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 14:41 #73778

    Arseneknewbest, your right no ones bothered, but it didn't take him long to make a friend and there was no surprise who. Wouldn't it be great to have nothing to complain about, just be happy with the status quo, never ever questioning like good little sheep, never ever questioning the decisions, defeats, embarrassments, humiliations, just sitting on your hands without a mumour and accepting them when their not cheering their messiah in support.

  61. John Terry

    Aug 09, 2015, 14:25 #73777

    I told you so. Pete Cech is worth 10-15 points a season to the opposition. Quack Quack.

  62. mbg

    Aug 09, 2015, 13:27 #73776

    TOF has just informed us he's an optimist (as if we didn't already know)no doubt that's why there's so many on here unfortunately for him you have to be a good manager too.

  63. jeff wright

    Aug 09, 2015, 13:02 #73775

    Mandrake is just another lame duck Anyway ,some said of his grumbles, who gives a f****! Mandrake is just a failure at work And also a bit of a berk Quack ... quack... !

  64. A Cornish Gooner

    Aug 09, 2015, 12:43 #73773

    'a poem of quality'? Did I miss something?

  65. jjetplane

    Aug 09, 2015, 12:23 #73772

    Mandrake is back with his creative writing dissertation in a form so 'Tory happy family' - a cold war pageant against the Red WoB Menace. Bladderarse of course ignores it and rewrites fully thinking himself to be a Wordsworth. Probably wanders off to the Napoleon room with soft walls, eyes all a-glisten wondering, they are mine, these unhappy fools. Do not stop posting you two. Oh how we laugh in our house.

  66. Toe Knee Add Ums

    Aug 09, 2015, 11:56 #73771

    Agree but disagree. One big reason the squad is better now is competition and backup and this is what we need for coq. Let's prepare as best we can and win this ****ing title.

  67. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 09, 2015, 11:24 #73770

    badarse/mandrill/pam ayres/Manure's #1 fan - I suggested that you keep you powder dry for the season ahead yet here you go soiling yourself with this incoherent garbage, peppered with name droppings! Have a power nap and a glass of tizer old man - you're not making any sense and it's only a few hours before the big game.

  68. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 11:17 #73769

    No Baddie nothing much bothers me on here apart from Arsenal not trying to win anything and I have got used to that over the last 10 years. However I am exhausted from the conference. Last night's epic discussion was 'Why Wally is the final piece of the jigsaw'. When I asked what jigsaw were they talking about, I was asked to leave by a man dressed in a Wenger mask.

  69. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 10:39 #73768

    Bard you are prone to be sucked into the void-like a moth to the candle flame, or a bat to a cow's arse-(no banjos)-for a free blood supply. A poem of quality, telling a tale, what's not to like? Do the barbs within bite too deeply? Read, enjoy or dismiss, but to fall back on that tired old DM line is daft, and I liked Dean Martin, 'When the sun hits the sky, like a jj pizza pie...' We shall challenge this season in every likelihood, the signs, the mood, the spirit, the sausage rolls all point in this direction. As Tony Benn would say, sign posts not weathervanes. Now step gently over the new fallen snow, listen to your footsteps, do they echo 'cusp, cusp, cusp'? (What, three legs? Mein Gott! Sorry, maguiresbridge's gott). Too poetic for you? Hold your countenance, hold your tongue. Ne'er bow thine head 'til day is done. Uplift thine brow and think anew, Badarse is always here for you.

  70. Bard

    Aug 09, 2015, 10:13 #73767

    Mandrake; what is that supposed to mean ? An ode to eternal obedience or a dig at those who think we should be doing better ? Come on mate you can surely do better than that. What about a piece on why we dont need another DM as Nick has suggested or even why we dont need to challenge for the big trophies. I havent seen an argument outlining why that is a coherent philosopohy and yet as far as I can make out it has been the guiding theme of the last 10 years.

  71. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 10:10 #73766

    ArseneKB, methinks thou doth protest too much, true? Why be so troubled by another's utterances? Do you feel threatened? Just to rub salt into the wound, I know what a mandrake is, I also know what a mandrill is...does that make it 2-0 to me? I also know of a man o' war, a manc, a Manny Shinwell, a Mansour, and a mango-though I would never suggest you do. My recommendation would be for you to lighten up, take a chill powder, (now, now, goonercolesyboy, I didn't say chilli powder), and I promise not to rib you in future...well no more than jj, jeff and Ron. Jeremy Corbyn for the leadership!

  72. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 09, 2015, 9:01 #73765

    Mandrake - That poem was evocative of the not-so-great Pam Ayres - i.e. an old lady cr*pping on about irrelevancies. And to think you wasted Badarschloch's evening composing that bag o'shyte. Being an auto-didact I looked up the meaning of mandrake (a plant that takes human form if anyone's bothered). As I was typing it into google, the word mandrill (a primate of the old world monkey family). Enough said. That metaphor about leaving a monkey in a room with a typewriter and it'll eventually write the bible usefully explains the quality and excessive length of some of your material. I prefer Jamie's alter-egos (such as they were) to yours. Kick-off eagerly anticipated in our household.

  73. OzziepI

    Aug 09, 2015, 8:28 #73764

    It is amazing what perseverance and confidence can do. I have watched average players selected in top sides and the more games they played the more comfortable they appeared to become. Watched the Spuds-Manure game overnight and two things stood out: (a) the amount of times the Spuds coughed up the ball - they should have been routed (or is that routered?) and (b) Manure's inability to make use of all these free gifts - a quality side would have put 4 on them rather than coming away with 3 points from an own goal. Now, wouldn't it be luverly if our boys could grab the opportunity presented to them tonight and sit atop looking down on Mourinho?

  74. Badarse

    Aug 09, 2015, 3:30 #73763

    Eating chocolate in the dark! CT Gooner, point is exhausted chum. Arteta and Flamini stay until they go. They are a cheap, but as football clubs manage themselves, sensible option. Expect a replacement next year, or a promotion to the position from within. Thank you Mandrake. To high light the fault, or suggest that they move; to show an example, to not stick in a groove. In offering a hand, finger pointing away, gets it bitten and chewed, 'twas always the way. Resentment dwells near, a discouraging theme. For this is the footpath they tread it would seem. Calling out to alert, a route from the mire, is a practise undertaken, by those who don't tire. Yet a scowling retreat, to the succour-Complaining Street, then only reaction a disgruntled mumble, glad I bid no relation to family Grumble. 'No you get out and put the light off, it's your turn, Ron.'

  75. CT Gooner

    Aug 09, 2015, 0:06 #73762

    I think most fans agree on FC. I just simply disagree with the argument that strengthening the squad is bad. And obviously if we only have one good DM, we should be doing everything we can to get another. No one said he had to be expensive, just stronger and faster than arteta and flamini.

  76. John F

    Aug 08, 2015, 21:05 #73759

    My player of the season.If you watch lecoq when he has not got the ball he is always looking around checking on the positions of the opposition players that's why he often intercepts the ball.Sticks to his job and does not do a song and venture out of position.He is a fine player let's hope he is not asked to play out wide.

  77. newbee

    Aug 08, 2015, 19:58 #73757

    spurs 0 chelsea 1 good start

  78. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2015, 19:38 #73756

    Favours been done so early, surely TOF can't balls them up so early.

  79. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 08, 2015, 18:02 #73755

    Badarschloch - Kin 'ell Badarse. Are you that obsessed with me that you have to divert from a really great piece about a brilliant player such as FC into a slight on me. If it's the case that you fancy me, ask me out on a date (I'll decline of course 'cos you're horrible and not my type). You follow up with a banal factlet about spuds when you should be true to yourself and say how delighted you are that you beloved manure are off to a winning start.

  80. exiled&dangerous

    Aug 08, 2015, 17:31 #73754

    Disagree with your comments about signing another defensive midfielder. Coquelin deserves to be first choice, but when he gets injured or suspended, then what?

  81. maguiresbridge gooner

    Aug 08, 2015, 17:11 #73753

    No he's not the finished article and could easily go like all the rest, but yes he seems the only one comfortable sitting in or in other words staying in defence positions, but it'll not be long until that's coached out of him.

  82. Bard

    Aug 08, 2015, 15:36 #73749

    A nice appreciation of how much luck there is in football success. He was surplus to requirements before we had our usual injury crisis. Where I disagree is that we need another strong defensive player. its an intensely demanding position physically and to ask him to be the main man for the whole season is stupid. Arteta is not a decent back up. What will happen is that Wenger will run him into the ground as he usually does and he will be out with a long term injury about Christmas.

  83. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2015, 15:19 #73748

    Well, what on your earth was that? If an alien from the planet Zog had asked me the question after watching that game then the answer would have taxed me. It would be a little like explaining a finer point to ArseneKB-I'd be wasting my time! If I'd said a PL match he would never have believed me. Just to stress gentlemen and women, the Sours have just slipped below us in the division with a minus one goal difference.

  84. Robert Exley

    Aug 08, 2015, 11:38 #73747

    Excellent title

  85. Badarse

    Aug 08, 2015, 10:47 #73745

    What a really good article Nick, thank you. I would recommend that the Coq puts a copy of this in his scrapbook. His is a remarkably unusual story of a young player's climb to acceptance and achievement-and quite a few pages in his personal journey book have yet to be turned.

  86. Arseneknewbest

    Aug 08, 2015, 10:14 #73742

    Nick - thanks. I agree with all of that. Coq deserves a huge amount of recognition, not least for persisting in the face of some serious p*ssing about by the club's management. I love his combativeness, the neatness of his play, his reliability and the fact that he clearly hates losing. I think he'll have another really strong season, injuries permitting. But even if he does get crocked, you just know he'll be fighting to get back asap. Storey, Steve Williams, Paul Davis, PV, Petit, Gilberto and now Coquelin. What a constellation.