Arsenal Circular 126 – Buying a striker now might not boost title chances

Anticipating Stoke and reflecting on Liverpool

Arsenal Circular 126 – Buying a striker now might not boost title chances

Welbeck – Better option than buying in now

Some interesting comments in response to Robert Exley’s excellent article on Stoke-Arsenal matches. Robert – have you ever thought of doing an MA. It would need more than just matches but you have the information and the enthusiasm. A big thankyou.

John F argues in comment 86773 that Stoke’s change in style gives us more of a chance. I agree. There is less long ball and scything tackles and more football and playing through the team. Less of old boy Jerome and current boy Crouch and more penetration through midfield. Ironic therefore that a Stoke supporter was complaining of WBA roughhouse tactics. What goes around comes around.

Ron in comment 86787 repeats what some others say - that Wenger is a bottler and that somehow our fighting performance at Anfield was all due to Liverpool failings. But is this the same Wenger who recorded all those red cards in the early part of his career at Arsenal. It was THE talking point at the time. More and more red cards. So did Wenger change his philosophy? Did he become a convert to a softer approach? Did he buy academics and not aggressors? Or is there an altogether different explanation to lack of trophies?

Clubs have bogey teams and it is difficult to explain but every Club can produce statistics to show that against on particular club – any club – there are a unique set of statistics. We have it with Stoke. Maybe it is related to that foul by Shawcross. The repressed animosities are still there. The worst thing was that tackle. The second worst thing was Ferguson’s aggressive and public exoneration of Shawcross. It stank. Can you imagine what Ferguson would have said if the tackle was on Scholes or Giggs?

I often wonder what goes through Ramsey’s mind in the final minutes in the dressing room.

Maybe the presence of Elneny in the squad tomorrow will add spice to the pre-match preparation. I cannot resist asking the question but is Mohamed Elneny the new Messiah? – maybe a new definition of irony but all of us will be on our feet if he comes on as a substitute and does to Stoke what Vieira did to Sheffield Wednesday in 1996. What an occasion that was! I bet we all have the clearest of memories. Never has a player stamped his character and skill in a debut like Vieira did that night.

I still see an absence of any critical comment about Cech’s part in Liverpool’s first goal. No one has considered the possibility that he could and should have palmed the shot away to the corner flag instead of into the path of the oncoming forward. Maybe the angle that the ball came at him made what I am suggesting impossible to do but we have to be honest and not lay into our usual standby criticisms of Arsenal and allow Cech – an admittedly wonderful addition to our squad – off scot free. Do we have double standards? Is Cech wrapped in an impenetrable exterior and protected from review and analysis? All players are equal.

I see Wenger is saying that there is no one who could come and do a better job than his present crop of players and he singles out the return of Welbeck. Now if you ask the question who is likely to score you more goals – Lewandowski or Welbeck - we would all say Lewandowski. So why not go out and buy him? Go on Arsene – simply flash the cash, get the player, win the title and the Champions League as well. Is it that simple? Remember Malcolm Allison did that in 1972 when City were motoring towards the League and he signed Rodney Marsh. It destroyed all City’s attacking style and approach and City ended up also-rans. Keegan did the same in his “I would love it” year when he signed Asprilla at Newcastle and blew his title challenge. The players lost their way - they had to play to the strengths of new striker and it did not happen. There have been other instances – Torres to Chelsea and Carroll to Liverpool. Leave well alone. Keep with the options and the return of injured players. Use the emergence of Campbell and the promise of Iwobi to keep a settled squad. Egg on my face if we fail. Joyous celebration if we win.

If we win tomorrow it will be a great result. If we draw, not bad either. If we lose it will be a setback but there is still a long way to go. Is your glass half full or half empty?

* You can follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. mbg

    Jan 18, 2016, 17:42 #82051

    Exeter, good post and point, yes Mr Circular seems well behind the debate, weren't all these things/topics/excues been discussed, debated, argued about on here years ago ? (until the AKB's had nothing left (excuses) to defend their messiah with) and here he is trying to do it again. And they're just as easy slapped down now as they were then. So it makes one wonder just how long has it been since OGL's chief ballboy Mr Circular has come on the scene and joined the ranks, as all he's doing is regurgitating and going over old ground.

  2. mbg

    Jan 18, 2016, 17:08 #82048

    Ron, yes, you just had to see his first sentence where he typed My influence, still setting himself up as some one important and of influence yet again, he just can't help himself, even in his resignation dribble, what influence ? (you never had any influence it was none existent it was all in your mind) he just can't stop, as others have said on here on numerous occasions he just never learns and he never will, regardless the length of his latest sabbatical. I hope he doesn't end up over here.

  3. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 18, 2016, 15:32 #82032

    Coleslaw - You're not that stupid as well as racist are you? And surely you listened to some Dexy's as a youngster. Go on - tell us all where you're from so we can mock you even more.

  4. jeff wright

    Jan 18, 2016, 11:56 #82002

    Arsenal Circular,leaving aside that Cech let in three goals at Anfield ,of which he should have saved two, we were leading 3-2 with minutes to go but inept defending and Wenger's as usual preplanned late substitutions caused us to concede a goal .So we dropped two points in a game that I am confident that we were expected to win by Wenger and our players.If we had done so then a point at Stoke a place Wenger struggles to win at would have helped take off some of the pressure on the home game against Chelsea. Another side who Wenger struggles to beat home or away. Strategy - what strategy>? Strategies working in football depend on tactics in individual games doing so as well .Unfortunately in Wenger's case he often comes up short in his tactical approach to games and this causes big problems with the claims of him working to a plan with hasty revisionism following to try and make it appear that things are actually better than what in reality they really are. Whatever the result on Sunday is I'm sure that you will somehow manage to make it appear to be part of the Wenger master plan - when in fact there is no plan other than financial ones.Wenger doesn't do football plans .He is a chancer and always has been one.

  5. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 18, 2016, 11:56 #82001

    "Those who criticise Wenger never for a moment see the whole picture" Graham, this belief that any criticism is simply a failure of vision marks you out as a classic AKB, I'm afraid. It feels like you're several years behind the debate. Those who criticise now have a decade's worth of evidence and precedence to back it up whilst - yes - being aware there are 3 other clubs with more resources and a 'new' stadium. Those reasons shouldn't really need reiterating again and it's too boring to do so. Badarse's use of the term 'cowardly rabble' to describe a number of unconnected individuals who simply say it as they see it suggests he doesn't know the meaning of either word, and illustrates why he won't be welcomed by so many when he makes his inevitable return. If you're not going to post for a while or not at all, just don't. Grandly announcing it whilst talking of one's 'influence' demonstrates false notions of both this comment section's and one's own import and will just make you look all the more daft when you do pop up again.

  6. Nick

    Jan 18, 2016, 11:41 #81998

    Arsenal circular buying new players in January doesn't always have a negative effect either, the purchase of Arshavin helped us over the line to fourth place when wed been in danger of not making it ( Wengers subsequent treatment of the little maestro playing him out of postion etc not withstanding) how patronising you are , of course singing new players is not like a trip to the supermarket, that is why we have an extensive scouting network its why Wenger is paid a bloody kings Ransome to do his job, a new signing also REJUVENATES a squad as often as it unsettles it , the purchase of a big name shows those already their that they are at the right club a club with real ambition and with a manager who wants to push us over the winning line, buying a not so well known prospect who is there to provide cover would not put noses out of joint either, if you have a real team spirit the current players would welcome a new face into the fold, your argument is specious and simply toes the party line that says Wenger is beyond criticism. Of course any transfer is a risk but if you never take risks you will never reap any rewards , there have been as many triumphs as failures when buying new players, you know that as well as I do so keep your patronizing thought process to yourself !

  7. Mick Jones

    Jan 18, 2016, 11:23 #81997

    Badarse - painful isn't it! That's what you get when you start mouthing off from a pedestal!

  8. Ron

    Jan 18, 2016, 10:55 #81995

    Arsenal Circular - 'Fickle' in a footie club context means that a team is changeable, variable and difficult to call depending on which fixture they have. Manchester Citys entire history shows them to be a fickle Club. Great moments and equally great crises. If you're not too familiar with other Clubs tendencies and histories, you really shouldn't hold yself out as being some sort of football sage possessing a deeper understanding of the game than us mere fans. Leave that to Badarse MH in that Hypocrisy Faculty. Badarse - the only 'coward' on here is yourself. You crave approval and crave 'posting popularity'and even more so, crave others to have a perception that youre intelligent and some how more informed and Worldly than us mortals. Youre not though im afraid and its quite sad that mant posters have seen fit to tell you. Your bubble burst ages ago in fact. That you've never found these approvals you seek is purely down to yr own authorship and arrogance over a very long time. Youre the only poster on this site who personalises things. Your cowardice is betrayed in your constant demeaning of those whos views you cant and wont cope with, plus yr oft repeated tendency to do a runner when challenged. Why not give everybody a break and go do your Forrest Gump impression again by donning yr togs, pick up yr router and run again, but this time keep going. You play the 'last post' card so often its tedious. More comeback tours than the Rolling Stones. We await yr next tiresome gig.

  9. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 18, 2016, 9:39 #81990

    By sending me a list of old Irish playwrights or writers proves what exactly arseknowsnothing?

  10. Westlower

    Jan 18, 2016, 8:45 #81989

    Yet another inept referring performance, this time by 'I didn't see anything wrong' Graig Pawson. He set the tone in minute one when Wollschield blocked of Theo with a body check that belonged on the grid iron (USA football as opposed to soccer) field. Why don't officials apply the rules as written in the rule book rather than a different interpretation to suit their agenda for a given game? Why wasn't the trip on Theo given as a penalty? When there are no cards issued during a Stoke v Arsenal game you know instinctively that the officials haven't done their job. More shameful abuse of Ramsey by the neanderthals.

  11. Bojangles

    Jan 18, 2016, 8:05 #81988

    The Reverend Brian Badarse had continued onto the fourth chapter of A walk in my Shoes 'The meaning life as we know it' "Traitors, Quislings, Rabble, Cowards" ..... On and on it went. One whole hour of the speech was devoted to car maintenance particularly a little know Ford Consul Capri. " But then something odd occurred. The workers who were sat in rows all dressed in identical blue overalls with just a number on their lapel struggled to understand at first but then it started to become clear. For was that sobbing they could hear? "I.... Yes... I haaave (sob) lost influence... (sob).... The cowards have won! Oh Jesus!... Save me!...I must go and lie down....I must leave you.... The traitors!... The...... The workers were startled to hear what appeared to be a struggle "Get him off now!" A different voice said... Whistling feedback and was that the sound of blows? Then silence just silence. To be continued....

  12. Arsenal Circular

    Jan 18, 2016, 6:57 #81987

    NICK 86878 No purchase of any player ever guarantees success. Torres, Rodney Marsh, Asprilla. All bad failures. Strikers are humans. They have to fit in - with the players and mates and on the pitch. We did not leave two points at Stoke because Giroud could not score one on one against Butland. more of those are saved than scored. Also think of the dressing room and the spirit which counts for so much when you are on the run-in. It was a good point yesterday. They are our bogey team. We did not falter. Shearer got it right on MOD when he said with emphasis it was a good point for Arsenal. We did not hold on at Anfield. It happens. Most of the time we do. We are much more resilient than we ever have been and having Cech in goal is a real boost. You blame Wenger for lack of quality cover as if buying players is a visit to the supermarket. Have you ever listed the boxes you have to tick before going ahead and buying a player - will they fit in as people, will they adapt to Arsenal's style, will they be settled with their families, is the money side OK and so on. JEFF WRIGHT 86880 As you say "blah, blah, blah". We didn't throw three points away at Anfield. That is football. Cech stuck his foot out at the right time in the very last minute. We held on . We won a most important point ye4sterday. Stoke are a good side; their crowd is hostile and we played with a number od second string players. Those who criticise Wenger never for a moment see the whole picture. Just the luxury of a knee jerk comment. If it was also easy we would have put ourselves in the frame to be managers. Don't put your focus just on the next game - there are 58 points at stake over the next five months. Marathon not a sprint again?

  13. Mick Jones

    Jan 18, 2016, 6:38 #81986

    Poor old Colesy can't get hold of those 'love thy neighbour' videos for his Betamax anymore. Still there's always 'mind yet language'and the 'black and white minstrel show.' 'Proper telly that is! Worlds gone mad! Now where's my bleeding can of Skol?' The above was a young Colsey (aged 72) trying to embrace modern life. Later episodes will include contributions from Badarse and Jamerson.

  14. mbg (the real one)

    Jan 18, 2016, 0:35 #81985

    Have I hammered my point home enough times yet? No??? Don't worry, fans. I'm here for the rest of my live.

  15. mbg (the real one)

    Jan 18, 2016, 0:28 #81984

    jw, and it wouldn't be the first game we went into over the years thinking it was a nailed on three points only to come away with a kick up the arse, thanks to TOF and his little technicians.

  16. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 23:53 #81983

    Ladies and Gentlemen...thank you for reading my above expert extravaganza which I've been working an absolute age to construct and type up...please keep your anticipated praise to an absolute minimum and drip feed a barrage of warranted praise as and don't deserve me.

  17. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 23:44 #81982

    To all the WOB's who attended our Love shack doo last night well done and thanks, it was a fantastic night, and a great mixture of old school and young lads all with the same mind set bopping the bit out and enjoying themselves, a lot of new mates were made, a big thank you to the band, caterer, and to Bard and his security team, Helen is a great girl she gave me the best French kiss I've ever had, and that's saying something compared to the Asian babes (sorry Wobettes) who were there, they told me when I dropped them back a Luton Airport this evening it was the best night they ever had anywhere in Europe they said you WOB's know how to enjoy yourselves, they said they never seen such staying power like it anywhere before especially all the old hands they were unbelievable they never left the dance floor all night, they said they never came across such attentive and well mannered lads in their lives compared to another bash they were at last year in this wee pokey hall where every one stood around all night looking at each other sometimes crying then suddenly start bowing and chanting about some dude called arsene or arse or something like that really weird, we were never as bored in our lives and as glad to get out of the place. They told me as they were heading to departures they can't wait for next years doo. The biggest disappointment of the night was the non appearance of OGL, we received a text at two oclock with more excuses than you could shake a stick at, it was the wrong kind of weather, he hadn't the right tyre pressure in his merc, his driver pulled a muscle in his ear while hovering it out and will be out for four months and he had no one to stand in for him, then we had another text that a bunch of prem league referees heading to a meeting that night blocked his road thus stopping him from attending. But it didn't matter really a great night was had by all, except the AKB's who stood out side all night hoping to get a glimpse of their messiah, but no doubt they'll forgive him. Anyway thanks once again to everybody who attended see you next year.

  18. jeff wright

    Jan 17, 2016, 23:10 #81981

    Should be WHU away City next weekend and anothrer 3 poinys as was the case against Palace for Pells party poopers yesterday!

  19. John F

    Jan 17, 2016, 23:03 #81980

    AKB I only took it in good humour. !

  20. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 17, 2016, 22:58 #81979

    Colesey - "Never heard about Oscar Wilde, Brendan Behan, Sean O'Casey, George Bernard Shaw, Samuel Beckett, Eugene O'Neill, Edna O'Brien and Laurence Sterne. Shut it, you don't understand it..." repeat to fade (K Rowlands)

  21. jeff wright

    Jan 17, 2016, 22:34 #81978

    The problem with the, we were without players and would have done better if blah blah blah... argument is that others could also claim this ...City were without some and still are ...Liverpool were missing key players... our side on paper looked stronger than Liverpool's one the other night and we led 3-2 with minutes left to play but still threw the points away so a point was not as great as some predictably are now claiming ... we have had bad results all season anyway here and there and everywhere in pressure games that we were expected to win in the league and in Europe as well ... we started the season losing 2-0 to WHU at home with our top players on parade ... so I will stick with my view that Wenger missed a trick not strengthening the squad last summer a belated new holding midfielder signing in this window is too little too late ... we should have built up a bigger lead over City to help us in the second part of the season where we face tougher away games than they do ...also I'm far from being convinced that Chelsea is a nailed on 3 points for us and if we go into the game thinking that then more fool us.City play again before we do next Saturday and entertain Palace at Poundlands -I see that as being another 3 points for Pells party - poopers and this will add more pressure on to us on Sunday . I thought we looked nervy today and unconvincing Cech had more to do that the Stoke GK .So no surprise that Sky made our man motm at the end. We need goals against Chelsea next Super Sunday - another draw will not be any good to follow on the last two of them .You couldn't make it up.

  22. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 17, 2016, 22:31 #81977

    Where I live has got nothing to do with anything arseknowsnothing. If you think I am racist because of the oirish or paddy words then you really are politically correct gone mad. Nothing to apologise for or to.

  23. Nick

    Jan 17, 2016, 22:21 #81976

    So a striker wont boost our title chances ? Really? After todays toothless display id have thought a rethink would be in order, yes we battled, yes we ground out a draw at an unhappy hunting ground for us, but that's 2 points from 6 out of sequence of three tough fixtures, which means we can get 5 from a possible 9 , 4 dropped points whereas had we held on for two minutes longer at Anfield and managed to come up with a match winner today we would be sitting top five points clear, which would lessen the pressure on a game with Chelsea which has now become a must win and we all know how our team and manager often respond to those type of fixtures. Yes we are severely hit by injuries but our lack of quality cover is no ones fault but the managers, we can still win the league but we can also bottle it once again if we do choke there is only one direction in which fingers should point, were it down to me I would buy not only an out and out striker I would buy a winger with pace, trickery and a goal threat too, even if it meant that we went into the red at the bank !!

  24. Arsenal Circular

    Jan 17, 2016, 21:53 #81975

    Two points or four points lost?. They were two tough matches that were meant to unsettle us. Well we took the strain and competed and avoided defeat and still sit on top of the Premier League. We were not at our best in either match and there is good reason for that. Let me pose this question - take out Cook and Root and Stokes and Broad and where would England be. We have held on despite being without Jack and Coquelin and Santi and Alexis and today Ozil. All automatic picks, leaving aside Welbeck and Rosicky. We need our best players back but I would settle for just three. If we get more we must stand a really good chance of winning the elusive title and commencing a period of success and funds are available to add top players.

  25. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 17, 2016, 21:37 #81974

    John F - I wasn't trying to say that all white van drivers etc. conform to a stereotype. I'm trying to explain to the thicko that is coleslaw that it isn't fun to be stereotyped in a crass and insensitive way. Correcting people with anti-Irish (or anti any racial or national group) tendencies isn't a hobby of mine but it nevertheless should be done, especially on a football forum in which we're supposed to be civilised. If he so wished, Colesy could apologise for using offensive language but he prefers to carry being offensive 'cos he thinks he's a hard-nut. That's why me and numerous others will continue to take him on about his anti-Irishness. What would Irish-born Arsenal legends think of colesley's patter? I note that he still hasn't said where he's from which suggests he's a cissy as well as a racist. Colesy - time for you to say sorry and move on (but you won't will you).

  26. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 17, 2016, 20:21 #81973

    Good old arseknowsnothing, got all the hallmarks of a pen pusher, living as the neighbourhood watch policeman. Has to defend something that has nothing to do with him, the ultimate nosey neighbour. Where I live and what I drive or read is so cliched. That's a great point at a tough place to get anything. Just ask those mancs and chavs.

  27. John F

    Jan 17, 2016, 19:26 #81972

    Augustus he is the Arsenal PR poster boy it doesn't matter how he plays.I loved the look on his face when he was taken off.The man is a genius in his own mind.We defended well today and showed a bit more fight then in previous Stoke encounters but in answer to your question Graham yes we do. I have to admit I own a white van and unfortunately i fit some of the stereotypes.I read a newspaper the i ,I'm sure people have gathered slightly thick,and I have a shaved head due to being a baldie.I am however a live and let live chappie and my wife is not called Sharon it's err in doors.

  28. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 19:17 #81971

    Bard, like Rooney did for man u today ? oops is it all right to mention them.

  29. Westlower

    Jan 17, 2016, 19:10 #81970

    Gotta dream boy, gotta song, support your Arsenal and come along. Where am I goin'? I don't know, Where am I headin'? I ain't certain. All I know is we are on our way. 16 games to go, 7 away & 9 at home. 44 points in the bag & 48 still up for grabs. Win 12 from 16 and we've got 80 points, which may be enough. What's that I can smell? Why it's the PL tinpot & someones left the lid off. Chill that bubbly Gooners and prepare to celebrate in the merry month of May!

  30. David

    Jan 17, 2016, 19:08 #81969

    Good point - get the feeling that if they needed to win to go top, they would've got the points. As it stands, Arsenal are doing enough. However, the English players just aren't good enough - selling Walcott and the Ox would add £40 million to the transfer kitty over the summer. It is the acquisition of Ozil, Sanchez and Cech - world class players - that has put Arsenal in the position of genuine challengers this year. Without Cech today, then no point. Arsenal need more of the same, rather than more Marinello's

  31. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:46 #81968

    Augustus, that's a question we've been asking for years mate, especially on the pitch, and still no answer, the only explanation is he's wengers secret love child, or he's caught wenger in an compromising position, or maybe it's because he's the best mouthpiece a club/manager could have and can talk a good game, take you pick it's certainly not for his contribution on the pitch.

  32. Augustus Flair

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:45 #81967

    Thank you, smithy, you have jumped in like a gentleman (or gentlewoman, there's no Islington gentrified wealthy farmers'/ provincial lawyers' offspring political incorrectness here, buddy) and answered my Walcott question - "that jump bump thing". What serious title contender could do without that "jump bump thing"? But I'm jiggered if I see anything else that he does.

  33. Bard

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:43 #81966

    That was a good point. We looked all over the place and bereft of ideas. Thought Campbell and Monreal were immense. Football at the top level is cruel. Wally and the Ox look like they are surplus to requirements and soon for the chop. We looked so much better when Iwobi replaced Wally. The Ox is shot at the moment. Spot on Jeff with regard to Giroud. A top striker would have buried that chance in the first half. Big games are decided by small margins.

  34. jeff wright

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:29 #81965

    So three good chances for big Olly in the last 2 games and just the one goal to show for them. Olly 's goal scoring stats look good on paper ,don't they always, but a closer scrutiny of them shows that he needs a lot of chances to score these goals.A better striker would put more of them away.As for Wally he might do better sticking to writing kids books he looked well miffed when getting pulled off by Arsene to be replaced by the accountant's latest young hopeful - who Arsene informed us after the league cup embarrassing defeat to Sheff Wednesday was not good enough yet to play at top level. Oh and Wo war Ozil>? 2 points from a poss 6 not bad not great either though - if we fail to take 3 from Chelsea . Even them not enough in my view or the bookies ones either to make us favs for the title - when the battle for it starts that is.

  35. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:18 #81964

    No doubt we'd have taken a point before kick off.

  36. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 18:14 #81963

    To drag the conversation back onto me, why did OGL have no forwards on the bench to win the game? Transfer policy, what transfer policy? Their is none...wenger out.

  37. smithy

    Jan 17, 2016, 17:51 #81962

    Walcott does that jump bump thing err.....not sure what else. If only we had a forward like aguerro at our club.

  38. Augustus Flair

    Jan 17, 2016, 17:15 #81961

    To drag the conversation back to football, can anyone explain what the point of The Walcott is, please? A genuine query and I'm happy to hear any theories, no matter how bizarre.

  39. Paul Simonon and the ghosts of Joe Strummer and Topper Headon

    Jan 17, 2016, 17:13 #81960

    We agree with Jonesy about badarse.

  40. Mick Jones

    Jan 17, 2016, 16:48 #81959

    Badarse - to the last you have zero awareness - none of those posters are cowardly ( call me one if you want Brian! ) all the others simply call you out for hypocritical comments. One of them MBG puts up with casual rascist crap fired at him, barely comments on you and keeps a point that he sticks with, whether you agree with it or not. In that regard he is twice the man you are. The fact is you do not know how to engage you simply stress out take everything personally

  41. Arseneknewbest

    Jan 17, 2016, 16:44 #81958

    Colesey coleslaw - you never answered my question last week about where you're from you did you (although I bet you're tabloid-reading fick white-van ingerlish because they're the only sort of people that come out with the shi'ite that you do). But hey, surpise me and tell me you're actually from somewhere a little more enlightened than the home counties. Once you do respond, I'll give you an answer which will probably be prefixed by something pretty rude and prejudicial just to make sure you feel at home...

  42. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 16:13 #81957

    westie, welcome to the bright side, you should have told Bard and Helen last night and they'd have let you in, but at least you were warm enough outside in your pantomime horse outfit. Anyway just seen a picture of shawcross lining up (****)so come on Arsenal.

  43. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 16:00 #81956

    ColesyBoy, i'm certainly not going to get into an argument on this subject but it's quite simple really and as usual your missing the point it's ok for Irish, (paddys) etc, etc, to make fun of themselves and call themselves what they like, anyone else it's not allowed, I know how you love doing it but it's not the done thing anymore, take the jewish spud fans for example, if you knew/know a couple of Pakistani lads and they were calling themselves p****s would you do it too? sorry don't answer that, but i'm sure you get my drift.

  44. Hiccup

    Jan 17, 2016, 15:45 #81955

    I think that is the real Badarse. It has all the hallmarks of 'this is my final post' we've seen umpteen times before.

  45. jjetplane

    Jan 17, 2016, 15:09 #81954

    Goalkeeping for Dummies:The History of Three and In by A Coward. Free online at all major forums. Newsflash: Arseblog sign AKB stalwart in January window. AKB President was unable to comment as he was playing darts with a certain Mr Morgan. Keep tuned for more developments as sales of Lord of the Flies shoot up .....

  46. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 14:49 #81953

    Oh, my fooking head what a night eh lads ? I'm glad I wasn't going to Stoke today.

  47. jjetplane

    Jan 17, 2016, 12:43 #81952

    Good to see the more enlightened on here are concluding Wenger's (blown up) input between his arrival and Adams et al calling it a day was at best a sense of bemusement between fans. Note on Youtube there are so many posts devoted to 'laughing at Wenger.' Love that one where he tries to get his hand inside his 'duvet' and keeps missing. Thanks for the laughs as unintentional as they are and some of the above attempts at 'scripting' by AKB Charlie well, need lots of work but there is always a mark for effort. Well done and can we have more 'funny stuff' from the 'extreme right' of the Arsenal supporting fraternity. Some interesting games yesterday and looks like the Foxes ain't for falling apart as WESTIE has been drumming on about. As for those who think the New Spuds are like the Old Spuds - think again. Personally in 9th heaven (geddit!) as we recorded our best away win of the season and have a crazy habit of scoring goals around the 90 mark. Suffice to say there is football going on all over the world and some grounds have no heating .... Brrrrr Do Arsenal have the same spirit as found at such humble levels. The match against Stoke will tell all about this yawning evolution that has gone on at AFC since the Big Men left the club - hoping for a win for ....... lol!

  48. Badarse

    Jan 17, 2016, 12:40 #81951

    I had decided a while ago that my influence was perhaps well past it's sell by date and that I should stop posting. My satisfaction came from an occasional football-related view or observation, but generally just 'humorous' posts to take down the pompous and inane posters' views-but also sometimes just to entertain. The reactions have become too personal, even when offering a POV on the game-now that is obsessive-and I have had trouble in not ignoring these crazy insults; with the characteristics I have inherited, possibly developed, I sometimes find it difficult to step away from a confrontation-silly me. If this proves to be a farewell-and I cannot guarantee that-I want to set one record straight, so, @Nick apologies for the misunderstanding. In my previous post I didn't make an obvious break between my response to your post and alluding to a cowardly rabble-you know the ones, e.g, AKBest, mbg, jj, Ron, Mick Jones. There are others who are sharp but never cowardly. You could never be accused of cowardice, so although we have differing views I respect your right in posting them, and generally the way in which you do so. Graham, you are the best thing to happen to the Online Gooner, with all due respect to the wonderful posts of Robert and the expert analysis of Kevin's reports. I shall still be reading, but will keep my typing finger holstered-so possibly au revoir from Kid Curry. Oh must offer this regarding Cech pushing ball out rather than away for the first Liverpool goal. I made an appearance in goal at training for my grandson's under 16 side. The ball is so difficult to handle now, and it isn't all due to the years. It moves, it's springy, it pings away from you. For a free kick which came just above head height-I cannot get off the ground too high with my gammy knee-I knew the ball was going to rebound off my body/arms so for safety opted to head the ball clear. My point is that perhaps a few on here should reacquaint themselves with a modern ball fired at them hard and fast. It is very, very, difficult to redirect with arms or punches, and tends to cannon off the body when a catch is attempted.

  49. goonercolesyboy

    Jan 17, 2016, 11:25 #81950

    Is mbg a paddy or oirish? Let's get the politically correct arseknowsbest and Exeter to answer that one shall we?

  50. Bard

    Jan 17, 2016, 10:32 #81948

    Morning Westie; you are a wag. mbg is a little worse for wear after last nights bash. I am off to middle earth to see the Orcs in action. You are right about the ref yesterday an out and out Chav lover. I had never considered that they were all bent or Manc lovers Westie. Is that why we havent won a PL in 12 years ? I always thought it was because we werent good enough.

  51. Westlower

    Jan 17, 2016, 9:42 #81947

    @mbg You really are being harsh on yourself by awarding Ron's missive as post of the day. I thought your posts were sensational, original, innovative, inspirational & life changing. Joint top posts of the day were 86829/34/35/36/42/44/45/47/48 & not one repeat. You've truly made me reconsider my loyal (blind) support of Arsenal football club. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for guiding me to a different mindset. It's so obvious to me now that I was simply a deluded disciple of TOF. Shame on me for being so naive! @Hiccup, Our favourite ref from Cheshire cocked up again yesterday at the Bridge. Does it count against him if the Chavs are the beneficiaries?

  52. mbg

    Jan 17, 2016, 1:22 #81946

    Ron, you certainly know how to enjoy yourself mate, fair play to you after all this this time policing this site with your great posts you deserve to let your hair down, and it's still your own too, looking great, jj you too you can certainly still pull the birds, and would you look at jw man can he jive, I thought it was only paddys who were good at that, he's certainly got something in his locker, and look at Bard with Helen close by strutting their stuff in dark glasses keeping every body under control, Hiccup and a couple of his muckers arrived earlier dressed as referees and got a great cheer he hasn't stopped blowing his whistle, jesus it's turning into a rave, Gaz popped his head round the corner to see what was going on and shouted at the taxi to pick him up at 6 in the morning (i don't know what he's seen or expecting) and hit the dance floor, Ozzie texted he's going to be early but then texted he was going to be late he got the time zones mixed up, still no sign of him, MARCUS is in tremendous form and not a loud word to be heard, the DJ has just announced OGL is on route and the place went quiet, but my self and Sian started cheering and everybody else joined in. I'm beginning to wonder have I had to much san Miguel and are we really wengerites, then the big screen being manned by Tony Evans shows us another one of his embarrassments and we're quickly brought back down to earth. Have to leave now as a pantomime horse, with AKB's following half a furlong behind has been spotted in the high street, and on top of that another bus load of WOB's has arrived and I have to greet them, but will report back ASAP but the look Sian and her mate just gave me that could be some time.

  53. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 23:43 #81945

    My god what a night all right all right Sian I'll be back in a minute, i'm just letting the wengerites know what their or is that they're missing.

  54. Charlie

    Jan 16, 2016, 23:06 #81944

    PT.1-While out walking I spied three sturdy rogues coming towards me.One went by the name of Arseneknewbest and was sporting a Jimmy Saville hair do,the next was called Mark and was wearing an 'I love Eurovision't-shirt,the third was a tall gypsy called jjetplane as straight as an arrow and surprisingly free from tattoos. Wobs! I immediately thought to myself.As they walked towards me I could see AKB and Mark lecturing everybody on the art of social etiquette including,spelling and high morals,pointing out that people needed to be taught exactly which specific words need to be used in various conversations,and their main aim in life was to cause as little offence as they could,providing whoever they were communicating with agreed 100% with what they preached.The third fellow jj followed about five yards behind,clearly drunk and mumbling in agreement.. (more to follow in PT.2)

  55. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 19:18 #81943

    jw, your right, there's a long way to go yet, as we all know, (apart from some who maybe think it's already wrapped up) either way as long as his resignation comes it will be a time for celebration.

  56. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 19:01 #81942

    So one of our players is talking up another player after spending a couple of days together running around cones, as if he's going to do or say anything else. You couldn't make it up.

  57. Bard

    Jan 16, 2016, 18:59 #81941

    mbg; very funny mate, without a bit of humour you end up deja vu ing yourself to death under the current regime. i loved his b****** about dear ol Danny and how his presence means we dont have to buy anyone. It was as if Danny is ready to rip up trees when in fact he is barely up and running. Anyway same old same old. Helen sent me a cheeky text saying 'I could delay my entry if I liked', I replied that I was just like Wally these days, plenty of chances but cant put in for love nor money.

  58. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 18:44 #81940

    Bard, heads up for your security team, I've just received a tip off that two well known AKB's are planning to gate crash the doo tonight dressed as a racehorse such is their desire to get a glimpse of their messiah, which one is going to be the head or the arse end is anybody's guess (but i'm sure either would feel right at home) i'm sure Helen will let us know.

  59. Arsenal Circular

    Jan 16, 2016, 18:37 #81939

    DEANSWAY 86812 Why do you need to be so rude about Pat Rice? It is one thing to contend that he was a weak coach. Maybe he was. Maybe he wasn't. But you diminish his excellent support for the Club over so many years by calling him the "ballboy". Our problem at Anfield - and it was a great team performance - was that we won too few of the second balls and that was not just one player or another. It was across the team. It meant that the attacks continued wave after wave in the last 15 mins. RON 86813 As you say "Its been all about him". I think it is down to him and he has done the most fantastic job in making the change from Highbury to the Emirates; making us financially secure; keeping us close to the top if not at the top. All great men have flaws - no question but I am part of the majority who are thankful that he has stayed and stayed and hopefully he will come out on top this season. "City are fickle" - what in heavens name does this mean. What does "fickle" mean in a football world. And another thing we play the passing game. We play on the break and fast when the opponents dominate possession. When the opponents are playing a retreating defensive game we have to pass the ball around probing for the weak link. To call it tippy tappy is way off beam. BRIAN 86814 I agree that this is a weakness. Sometimes we are missing and other times we are firing on all cylinders. In part that is due to a reaction to the last match when we are razor sharp if there has been a media bashing. In part it depends on tactics but I have always felt we were too quiet on the pitch. A team needs the quiet ones - it also needs the flamboyant ones. We have too many of the first and too few of the second. WESTLOWER 86816 As you say it is a blend of spending the money and at the same time encouraging internal talent. As you say keeping the whole squad match fit will be difficult when the returning players push and press for inclusion. Aside from fitness there is also the problem of motivation and unhappy players who never get a chance to shine. We could never sign a Sanchez or an Ozil and without them we would be down a few places and out of contention. He was right to try out Szczeny. He was a talent and the jury was out as to whether he could come through. Eventually he didn't and a really top keeper became available and he could afford to spend. One last point - do you really think any top manager would have come to Arsenal knowing he had to sell players. Re Villa today - I am watching as I type. Hoping for an equaliser! BARD 86825 Morgan wanted us to pay £100m for Lewandowski. Not me Guv! ROGER W You are right but none of the match reports mentioned a possible error by him. If it had been Ospina the comments would have been there. I am surprised that it was all sotto voce. It was such an error. JEFF WRIGHT 86828 Few managers are Jack the Lad when things go wrong. I actually think Wenger is much more honest in his after match comments. He praised Southampton and admitted we were very second best. He seems to me to be calmer. Mind you how would we all be. Are we so calm. A manager cannot let rip - we do it all the time. TORBAY GUNNER 86821 I also think we are not quite right up front but the number of top players are few - the number of clubs willing to sell in January is also few and the number of top proven goalscorers who slot into our system are few. Now is not the time but I have never had to manage a team, buy and sell players, get the right collective mind set in the dressing room. We should remember it is too easy for us - without any power or any responsibility - to make decisive pronouncements. GOONER PETE I agree with you. I do wonder about the team's mind set. Can they win a 40-60 ball from the start? There was a weakness about Wrighty. He had too much temper and became involved in too many confrontations. Other players supported him and the team as a whole lost their collective concentration.

  60. Hiccup

    Jan 16, 2016, 18:17 #81938

    Never mind cech. I've yet to see any criticism of the biased Cheshire based ref? Just what the hell's wrong with everyone on here?

  61. Bard

    Jan 16, 2016, 18:07 #81937

    Down to 3rd a few points above the spuds, big game tomorrow with the Chavs up next. Not to worry though Danny back in a month, what a boost that will be. It will be like signing a new player. Also Jack is back in a couple of years, so the way i see it we are on the cusp. Interesting stuff about Silent Stan moving his team to another state.

  62. jeff wright

    Jan 16, 2016, 17:31 #81936

    mbg,with City now top of the table after a 4-0 win that boosts their g/d over us, their g/d , is worth a point , and us having a tougher set of fixtures in this second period it looks like Arsene missed a trick again by not strengthening last summer and by not taking advantage of City's inconsistent first half of the season. Leicester could also go above us if the beat Villa .I'll keep the champers on ice for now anyway regarding us winning the title !

  63. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 14:45 #81934

    Ron 86813, fantastic post, and I make no apology for saying it again, Post of the day, yes it will be really worth it if he resigns straight after they've picked up the trophy, even the parade lap, and then we can celebrate even more.

  64. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 14:17 #81933

    Deansway, unfortunately TOF wouldn't have anybody like that about the place or anywhere near him, and the first sign of anything like that from someone already there and he'd be gone quicker than a fart in a gale his ego would make sure of that, nobody gives OGL advice or tells him what to do, I doubt very much if God himself appeared to him and gave him advice he'd listen, just wait until Mohamed Elneny opens his mouth out of turn and starts to say what he thinks he'll not last long either one way or the other.

  65. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 13:59 #81932

    All players are not equal, maybe the reason Cech got of so light is because he is a proven winner, he's been there done it all, and has the medals to prove it (unlike the majority of premadonnas in our squad who are either past it or think they've arrived)so can be forgiven the indiscretion, mistake or two,(and it doesn't help having clowns in front of him) I've no doubt he'll learn from his mistakes too unlike some of the others who you class as equal, who are as bad as ever every match and never learn or never will.

  66. Charlie

    Jan 16, 2016, 13:38 #81930

    Wenger will get it right he always does.No way do we need any new players barring a defensive midfielder which we have just acquired.

  67. 600NER PETE

    Jan 16, 2016, 13:23 #81928

    Well said Ron (post 86813). We had some real leaders on the pitch in Wenger's early years but have been sadly lacking for 10 years or more. We do have a keeper who is more capable of sorting things out in the area but we have no other players who can grab the game by the scruff of the neck and motivate those around him in any other areas of the pitch. Oh for an Adams or Campbell in defence, a Vieira in Midfield and a Wrighty or Henry up front. We have a manager who rarely motivates his players when playing teams like Stoke and no one on the pitch who can do it either.

  68. mbg

    Jan 16, 2016, 13:15 #81927

    The title of this latest effort from OGL's chief ballboy says it all. You really couldn't make it up.

  69. jeff wright

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:59 #81926

    Wenger's record at Stoke.a place where he is about as welcome as a Muslim at a Donald Trump party rally, is simply awful. On his last visit he sat cowering in the dugout and threw a strop at a women journo when asked an awkward question in his post match interview. The signs of stress on Wenger's face and in his body language have been on show for awhile now and tomorrow's game - with its added pressure following on the late Liverpool equalizer that made the draw seem like a defeat - looks likely to be a taught tense affair. Old Sparky of course hates Wenger anyway regardless of his current club's history with our arrogant one so he won't need any motivating to try and cause another upset for Arsene. It is about Arsene as well all of this animosity at Stoke and not Arsenal . There is a difference between the two although you wouldn't think so judging by some posters comments and blind loyalty.Anyway Stoke are like us inconsistent good or bad and you can't be sure of what side will turn up. Stoke are better at their gaff against us than at ours and this fact can't be ignored it's giong to be cold and chilly there as well on Sunday afternoon . Wenger will need to come up with something to change his fortunes at the Britannia - if he can do so though is another matter. Regarding Graham's comments on Cech my view is that he should have saved two of the Liverpool goals and that the Liverpool GK should have have saved two of our ones - in fact he actually scored one of them for us! You couldn't make it up.

  70. Roger W

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:50 #81925

    Cech was criticised on TV for his failure to palm the ball to safety. Don't agree that he is protected from criticism. At least two reports marked him with 4 out of 10 for his Southampton performance.

  71. Westlower

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:44 #81924

    Encouraging to read Giroud talking up Elneny after 2 days training with him. Olly describes him as the complete player with power & technique. Certainly fits AW's idea of a DM, rather than buy an ankle tapping, sh*t brick-house, pub team type.

  72. Bard

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:23 #81923

    Graham; what are you on mate, buy Lewandoski, you must be kidding. Even if he were available he would cost north of £100m plus wages and Arsenal dont have that kind of money for one and Wenger would never pay over his valuation of a player regardless of market forces. He insulted Liverpool with that bid for Suarez, how cheap does he look these days. The Danny debate is spin to cover up the fact that we wont buy anyone. He's been out for 9 months and wont be properly up and running till next season. He will have next to no influence on this campaign. This is tough league physically you cant come back quickly after almost a year out. Im with Ron, Id like us to win the league and then Wenger ride off into the sunset.

  73. Ron

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:14 #81922

    Westie yes mate. Villa could win. Maybe a draw though. Some players do need anothers inj to play of course. Think Radford for Baker as an eg. I stand by my JC view though. Giroud much needed to get anything at Stoke. His turn and goal the other night was a lot like Torres at his peak and dare i say it, Drogbaesque - i recall a goal the Drog got v Liverpool at the Bridge 6-8 yrs back just like it. He must leave the Wally on the bench there and get JC into them more centrally i d have thought.

  74. Westlower

    Jan 16, 2016, 11:04 #81921

    @Ron Hasn't it always been the case that some players only get their chance because of injuries to others? Twas ever thus! The game at the Britannia is a good guide for aspiring champions as the last 6 PL winners came away with either a win or draw. Whisper it quietly among yourselves, Giroud has scored more goals than Kane. Statistically, six out of every seven dwarfs are not HAPPY. @Graham, I did mention that Cech has had better games in response to Kevin's match report. I've got a feeling Villa will get something from their game with Leicester today. Expecting Arsenal not to lose at Stoke.

  75. Torbay gooner

    Jan 16, 2016, 10:42 #81919

    Have to disagree with you Graham, we do need to sign another striker. Walcott is not a striker(one goal in 12 is it?) and Welbeck also does not score enough goals. Besides which, would you bet on those two remaining injury free for the rest of the season(and I don't mean missing just 1/2 games) Yes I know we have Sanchez coming back, but can't see us getting over the line with what we have. The way this crazy season is panning out, we have an unexpected opportunity to actually win the title and the club should be going all out to maximise that possibility. Sadly, with our current set-up that's extremely unlikely.

  76. Ron

    Jan 16, 2016, 10:23 #81917

    Hi Gaz. Not a problem at all in agreeing with others. i do it all of the time, even with some of the pro W crew. Its only our resident Senior Lecturer, Professor Badarse (MH) Hons. Cantab. (Master of Hypocrisy) who dishes out the scorn when one poster agrees with another and pitifully, thats only down to his psychological hang up arising from the fact that barely anybody agrees with him and his increasingly scrambled and florid rantings. Thankfully, most ignore them these days.

  77. Ron

    Jan 16, 2016, 10:08 #81916

    Pipe dream or not, hes exactly the type who ll do well in Eng footie and ought to be pursued, if not now, then in the Summer. The Club needs it and also to make a statement of intent while the other top Clubs are all at sea. Will it happen? Not a chance. Girouds a good lad. Hes always been decent. Hes hasnt improved much. The media mocked him. Some bought it. JC has had his chance by default, not by nurturing. He d be on loan or sold by now and missed the boat had Wellbeck and the Wally not been injured. Carry on shining that light up Wengers ass Westie.

  78. Gaz

    Jan 16, 2016, 9:58 #81915

    Ron: I realise it's frowned upon by some to agree with every word of a fellow poster but frowned upon I'll have to be because that post of yours sums up exactly how I see the situation. Money was never been the real issue and we only have to look at the keeper situation to prove that. We could have afforded a great goalkeeper and he would have made a huge difference and perhaps swayed the odd vital game that if it went in our favour would have seen us win more silverware in those nine years and even perhaps a PL. Wenger though decided to go with cheap goalkeepers who were simply never good enough and if we're all to agree they cost us games then we also have to agree that a better keeper would have won us games. Also whilst I agree Wenger will proclaim any PL title was planned for I'll never sway from my opinion that if he'd left in 2005 or 2006 another manager-or maybe even two or three-would have come in won us silverware long before Wenger's did in 2014. One more thing too. If he had left in 2005/2006 there wouldn't be this split amongst the fans that is now so deep rooted that it'll carry on in some capacity long after Wenger leaves...

  79. Westlower

    Jan 16, 2016, 9:56 #81914

    I agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts Graham. Getting the balance right between finding internal solutions & buying in new blood when required is key. Elneny is a shrewd buy in building for the future while acting as cover for Coq. I'll be absolutely amazed if a top, top player becomes available in this transfer window. Piers Morgan demands of buying Lewandowski is simply a school boys pipe-dream. Why would BM sell him halfway through the season? By always splashing the cash as the only solution we wouldn't now be witnessing the emergence of Joel Campbell & the continued improvement of Giroud. If a new striker is signed, what to do with Welbeck on his imminent return? We will shortly be awash with players and keeping the whole squad match sharp will be the biggest problem.

  80. Ron

    Jan 16, 2016, 9:51 #81913

    PS Wenger wont be signing any forward. Hes got Wellbeck and hes too scared (for some barmy reason)to put the feckless Wallys nose out of joint, preferring instead to let him carry on imagining hes the latter day Gerd Muller of N7. Quality strikers come at a cost with arrive with 'attitude'. Its not allowed at AFC. The Proff cant and wont handle it. Its not 'cohesive' enough! The signings been done. Another mandatory lightweight middle man, who ll no doubt need to learn to be a part time winger too.

  81. brian

    Jan 16, 2016, 9:36 #81912

    Wenger needs help b4 a match getting the guys pumped up and raring to go. We have started so slowly on occasions and it has cost us points. We were terrible first 25 mins against Liverpool. Gotta start fast against stoke! And we need to dign a striker!

  82. Ron

    Jan 16, 2016, 9:36 #81911

    Hi Graham. Wengers management in the early days was a side show to the on pitch management of the stalwarts he inherited. He helped thrm age well and they served him well as they all had points to prove esp Adams hence the fighting mentality and the red cards, many of which were barely merited. He did change tack. He 'discovered' Barcelona, like some footballing Captain Cook and like him, failed to find out how and why the natives lived and did what they did. He thought he could produce the same by running a creche on a budget ie project youth. He was the PL s Flybe vis Barca s Pan Am. He barely produced one worth while youngster and failed to realise that the ones who showed some promise wdt wait for ever to win a few Cups. His longevity at AFC has enabled him to indulge himself. its not been about the money at all as his acolytes would have us believe, its all been about him. Now, hes hung around long enough for the standard of the PL to fall enough at its upper levels and will no doubt proclaim if they do win the title that its been 10 yrs in planning it. Fact is, hes got lucky again. Chels have imploded. City are fickle, Utd are in rebuild mode. Liverpool are a fallen giant, hanging at the cliff edge by their finger nails and Arsenal have slightly upgraded themselves by Wenger very slightly foregoing tip tap tippy tap toe. I suspect its others influence whove done that too, not his own acceptance that it doesn't and cannot work in Eng football. For me, they can win the title in this haphazard season hands down and it ll still only be worth it if he resigns the second after they've picked up the trophy. Then the Club can build a real team with Arsenals real heritage and values to the fore. The problem is, the owner remains there cue Wengers influence too holding sway for a while yet until all of the debt has gone and then he ll sell to max his return. Soon may it come!

  83. Deansway

    Jan 16, 2016, 8:52 #81910

    Maybe Wenger needs nothing more than a rising number two who comments, suggests and occasionally challenges. Ball boy coach rice and gum chewing Bould are both silent throughout games. Against Liverpool we saw fragile Ramsey and flamingo overrun. But the 70minute subs were on the wings. The same "mistake" as Paris ? Wenger has skills , great skills but tactics during a game is not one. Gazidis should insist the club are involved in choosing a rising number two - that is what made Ferguson