Can someone call the sports psychologists in please?

Do the Gunners have the right mentality to win the title?

Can someone call the sports psychologists in please?

We are slowly getting to that point in the season where one wonders what on earth the £multi-billion machinery that is the English Premier League is about, when pundits start talking about players being tired or playing too many matches etc. Surely with the squad size, spending power and the flexibility to mix youth in, every now and again (and not to mention the scandalous salaries these players and managers earn), it shouldn't be too much to ask, for teams to maintain some semblance of focus?

Recent results tell us that something isn't quite as it was a few weeks back for the Arsenal. Injuries notwithstanding, the win against Bournemouth was laboured and the last minute gesture at Liverpool and goalless draw at Stoke (which was probably not a bad result in itself, given our woeful record at Stoke) doesn't look like the hallmark of a champion-elect. It's now been over 10 years since we won the league, do we still know how to close the deal? Does Wenger remember how to close the deal?

Many believe Arsenal will win the league this season, myself included, but of those believers, most of us are hoping our boys won't be required to show what they're made of, as we all dread to answer that question. We are hoping none of the teams around us suddenly pull a string of wins together, like Man City did at the beginning of the season, when the league was supposed to be a forgone conclusion. I am hoping West Ham will take some points off Citeh this weekend and that at some point, Leicester begin to behave! But the question is: should we leave this to luck or chance? Are our wise ones (Wenger and his cronies) doing what they need to do, to instil some discipline and belief in the players? Surely, this is the best time to surround our players with ex-players who have won the league in recent years and sports psychologists or anything else they need to do, to drum home the fact that this could be our best chance to win the league for some time!!!

When Fergie left United in turmoil and every man and his dog was heading off to Old Trafford and getting results, our lot still couldn't manage it (losing to a Van Persie goal). With Wenger's nemesis gone, one would surely hope we can finally beat Chelsea in a meaningful match again? The weekend will tell, but I am not at all convinced. If their jobs or bonuses or wages depended on it, would our players continue to play with the same lackadaisical attitude?

We are at that stage in the season, where there’s no point moaning about wanting the manager off or buying this player or that player, as we know that at Arsenal, no such purchases will be made. So, we can only hope that our management will show some ambition by urging or forcing a change in attitude from the players as it is slowly starting to slip away yet again! I am still trying to recover from the 4 - 0 drubbing by a mid-table team (Southampton), knowing that we could have easily been 8 to 10 points ahead and rowing steady towards the finish line, but instead, we are now at the precarious point of our recent seasons, where most of us dread what we almost certainly know to be the eventuality, but we will have to live and hope!

Mr Wenger! Get the shrinks in and do not waste this golden opportunity!!!!

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  1. David

    Jan 22, 2016, 20:47 #82217

    You swapped sides Mbg?

  2. John Gage

    Jan 21, 2016, 20:35 #82186

    My prediction at the beginning of the season was 3rd place for Arsenal with Man City as the winner. I am not changing my prediction but I obviously hope we can stay top as long as possible. Anything more than that for me is a bonus.


    Jan 21, 2016, 19:38 #82184

    Think we need a psychologist for Arthur Webster - today, in his latest unsolicited opinion, he claims there is no doping in English football - do I not recall previous rants about "financial doping"? I think this was back in the old AKB days before WOBs had been invented. One assumes this is now off his personal agenda - it shouldn't be as we now slip to 7th in Silent Stan's all important money list. Beats the hell out of me as to how the Monsieur continues to get away with it.

  4. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jan 21, 2016, 18:13 #82181

    The point I am making Amos is that we have plenty of money splashing around and have done sod all with it. We have 3 very good players Ozil, Sanchez, Cech. A 4th top quality holding midfield player with a bid for additional defensive cover may well have made a major difference just as our keeper change has improved out lot. Our continual caution is acting as a handbrake to success. If we want to trumpet out financial strength we should act big as well. At the moment we are the biggest "small time" club in the world. Astonishing when out revenue is virtually 3 X's that of ACMilan

  5. Bard

    Jan 21, 2016, 17:33 #82179

    Amos your post is an argument for doing away with sites like this. Debate, gossip argument thats what it provides. Of course its all pointless that is the point. There is nothing wrong with hope unless its presented as reason as it often is on here by some.

  6. jeff wright

    Jan 21, 2016, 16:24 #82178

    The only time the table tells the truth is at the end of the season .A bit early yet to be claiming that it proves much with a point here and there changing the positions faster than Jordan on the job in bed with her latest toy-boy and this nonsense is obviously just more Arsene knows best related spin .Fact Leicester are not a better side than City and to suggest so based on their current related positions in the league is just complete nonsense.Yet according to 'the table doesn't lie theory' they are. And if you believe that then you will believe anything .You couldn't make it up.

  7. Amos

    Jan 21, 2016, 16:16 #82177

    I don't see why anyone would have the problem with anyone expressing a hope that Arsenal wins the league Bard. Even if the the expectation isn't universally shared. Having a debate about why someone thinks we might win a title at this stage of the season seems a pointless task - all things are possible. But how about a debate as to why the bookies, supposedly neutral, make us 2nd favourites currently? In any such debate the pessimists will always have it. We've won the title 13 times in our 125 year history. Backing the negative is always the safest ground to occupy. Abramovich has spent the best part of £1bn since 2003 and in those 13 years has wonthe title 4 times - a 70% fail much the same. If being able to say you were right is important to you then you are usually more likely to be happiest when taking the negative view. If being wrong isn't a big deal to you then travelling in hope isn't bad either.

  8. mbg

    Jan 21, 2016, 15:21 #82176

    David, Citeh the best team in the prem league ? careful now the table doesn't lie. Exeter, Tony Evans, you need to be careful too, remember the table doesn't lie.

  9. mbg

    Jan 21, 2016, 15:06 #82175

    What is OGL doing in the picture ? scratching his head ? it's certainly not letting his players know to concentrate and think about what their doing, maybe he's reminding them have they thought about what they're having for lunch.

  10. Ron

    Jan 21, 2016, 13:23 #82172

    Arsenals best ally in my view in trying to win the title are the little side issues at City i.e. Pellegrini is maybe known by the players to be on his way to allow Pep G to come in.This takes the edge off players as it did when we won the title in 2002 against the backdrop for all of that season of Fergies retirement, which than never happened of course. His players lost their mojo and he and the players have said it since. Kompany - Seems never fit now and the Club is struggling to adjust. Toure - seems like hes on his way. Has his urgency gone? Agueros fitness? Can he hold it together? I think these factors are hampering City. Fix them and the title should be theirs. EG - Exactly, Wengers backers wont hear of it being anything to do with him if he fails again. Most of them are so institutionalised in Wenger cult i reckon hed have to steal their cars and nobble their wives before they d as much as raise an eybrow. Even then, they would maybe seek an excuse for him or blame themselves.

  11. jeff wright

    Jan 21, 2016, 13:15 #82171

    The point is Amos that we should be in a stronger position in the league than what we are in and failed to capitalize on City's stuttering performances when they had problems over the past three months prior to Christmas . I note that they won 7 points from a possible 9 this month so far while we won 5 .The weekend results will either make things better or worse but whatever the results are those away games look tough and one includes City away second last at Poundlands - if we are in a title fight with them by the time that game is played is something that we will have to wait and see. At the moment City are picking up more points than we are 7 this month from a possible 9 against our 5 from 9 .Much is made of Sanchez returning but City have Kompany to come back -so it's all round - abouts and swings on that score. Then there is in opinion our biggest problem of all - Wenger ! Sorry but I just can't build up any faith in him at all in Europe or the league. I can't discount the possibility that he might win the FA Cup again for 3 in a row . I think it unlikely though because the last time it was done was way back in the 1800's. Badarse remembers it well !

  12. Mags

    Jan 21, 2016, 12:57 #82169

    Wenger is a ****e manager. He should be sacked and Mourinho should be appointed.

  13. jjetplane

    Jan 21, 2016, 12:37 #82168

    far far away fan is on the ball again and Wenger's current team are probably the best of the mid table teams but mid table they are with two mid table cups in over a decade against relegation fodder. They find themselves perversely chasing a title though whether Wenger is as tough a nut as say Ranieri is open to debate. Ozil and Sanchez are on the cusp of truly great world players. Top players do not get rejected by their clubs and both these came to AFC by way of rejection by more ambitious clubs who are competing every season. Ozil is really no better than Mahrez or Barkley and really the two latter are much better in that they do not go missing in the big games.

  14. Bard

    Jan 21, 2016, 11:46 #82166

    Amos of course it doesnt have to be justified. But posting the equivalent of 'I hope Arsenal win the PL' is completely pointless as its a given unless you support the spuds. If you want to have a decent debate or discussion its worth trying to explain why someone does or doesnt think Arsenal will win it. My post, as you are only too aware, is a comment on those who blindly hope because their allegiance is to the manager and anyone who questions him or his methods is a traitor or not a proper gooner.

  15. Amos

    Jan 21, 2016, 11:12 #82165

    Does optimism, or pessimism for that matter, have to be justified Bard? The glass has the same amount in it whether half full or half empty. Based on recent history we aren't favourites to win it which is why the bookies still don't make us favourites. But we are currently in a position where we can win it which, if optimism does need justifying provides some justification, while failures from similar positions in the past (though it's not possible to succeed without being in such positions either)justifies the pessimism for those who prefer that state. Everybody can be happy for the moment. Only when we have won will the optimists be happy or have lost for the pessimists to be content with their own wisdom.

  16. Bard

    Jan 21, 2016, 10:49 #82164

    Farfara; a very good post. its generated some interesting comments. What I have noticed is those who remain eternally optimistic about us winning the PL havent been able to offer any remotely coherent arguments as to why that optimism is justified bar we have 7 away games and 9 at home. Their optimism seems to rest purely on hope. I would imagine all gooners hope we can win it for a whole host of differing reasons but surely you have to take into account previous records. If you have a boxing contest and support fighter, you hope he can win but if he has lost his previous 10 title fights you would be a fool if you didnt take that into the equation. We have been in this position several times in the last 10 years and blown it every time. What makes us think it will be different this time ?

  17. Dr Jung

    Jan 21, 2016, 10:27 #82163

    Dr Freud - I sink you have a tinzy pwoblem viz your anger? Ich vill hypnotize you, Zen you vill see ze truth, zat zare is nothing wrong wiz ze boss. Zare are many who haf taken zis treatment and find it vonderfully reassuring.

  18. RoddyGooner

    Jan 21, 2016, 10:00 #82162

    The revenue from gate receipts is only expected.The largest club in the most expensive city in Europe should have a huge income compared to the likes of Madrid,Barcelona and Manchester,traditionally places that are mainly occupied by poorer people and peasants.Arsenal show their class by the way they generate income which could be a lot higher with the huge ST waiting list through gate money rather than the commercial side focused on by the Manure's and Chelsea's of this world(Chelsea are 5th on gate receipts with only a 41,000 capacity which proves my point) or the dodgy dealings happening at Arab City.Arsenal are top this season because we haven't lost to any of the other top five teams,which the complainers traditionally always moan about,yet we've also gained more points against the crappier teams to seal our position as league leaders.People may point to the fact we have difficult away games yet we only have seven left away and nine at home.

  19. Far far away fan

    Jan 21, 2016, 9:16 #82161

    The mental strength of the team is only a reflection of the mental strength of the coach. The reason we struggled against a Fergie or Mou side is because Wenger feared them. Despite having decent players who had enough talent to put up a challenge, we invariably collapsed when faced with these strong characters. I'm not a WOB, but no one can deny that Wenger is mentally fragile and that trait has held us back in the last 12 years. Some may disagree with what I'm about to say, but the 08 season should have been ours. We were by far the best team in the league playing breathtaking football (that was the year that I felt Arsenal earned their reputation as being the Barca of the PL). And then in Feb, Eduardo got maimed and we went hurtling down the ****ter. Wenger didn't instill the team with confidence. He didn't have any himself. Wenger is not a manager who thrives under pressure. He is best when the sun is shinning and not a negative thought in mind. He would have had a stellar career managing a mid-table team.

  20. Amos

    Jan 21, 2016, 9:09 #82160

    The revenue gap between us and City has never been large Mark - most of the time, even when we were struggling with really high debt levels, our revenues were greater than theirs. It's the money they, and others, have spent that they didn't generate themselves that brought about the huge disparity in finances.

  21. Wear Your Colours

    Jan 21, 2016, 8:41 #82159

    Canadagooner, as someone else pointed out we certainly have players with the right mentality to win trophies. Ozil (World Cup) and Alexis (Copa America) to name two, have proven their mettle on the biggest stage. Also, this squad has won two FA Cups in recent seasons, so they have what it takes to be winners. Both the 1971 and 1989 titles were secured after relatively long league title droughts by Arsenal squads which had developed 'cohesion'through success in cup tournaments in the either of the two previous seasons. Thus far we have built a decent platform upon which to challenge for the title and with just under half-a-season to play I think we have a very good chance. COYG!

  22. Dr Freud

    Jan 21, 2016, 7:51 #82158

    As soon as I get off zis Arsenal treatment table for my recurring neurotic guilt problems (ven I concur with Wenger zat he needs not strengthen zer squad and Herr Kroenke does indeed have Arsenal's best interests at heart), I vill drive home der message to all our players zat if City mess it up - ve vill be in der drivink zeat!

  23. Mark from Aylesbury

    Jan 21, 2016, 6:26 #82157

    Interesting revenue table in the Mail. There is only a 7m revenue gap between City and us and it is also confirmed we earned more from match day revenue than any other club including Real Madrid. Unless the numbers are wrong those are the facts. Begs the question who decided not to buy an outfield player over the summer? The good financial situation hasn't come out of the blue so someone is being deliberately cautious. Who would that be?

  24. GoonerRon

    Jan 20, 2016, 21:41 #82156

    @mbg - my biggest fear? The league table lying.

  25. jeff wright

    Jan 20, 2016, 21:08 #82155

    Dear Jamie,there is an anomaly in your claims about the smaller teams having got better , and Chelsea manure and Lpool can't beat them like us and City do .Because then you say that these crappy sides can beat the big boys! Make your mind up. We are level with Leicester at the moment they are not one of the big boys on points and the points won by us and them are well down on what Chelsea had on the board at this stage last season - so it is obviously, with several sides also possible relegation ones,a below par season, rather than as you are clumsily trying to claim an above average one with improvements by everyone . Except for Chelsea,manure and Lpool of course. You couldn't make it up. Chelsea have started to beat these smaller sides anyway recently and as I recall it was us that last lost 4-0 to one of them. So doesent Wenger have any input then on the way we play or results produced >? It's all down to the players -if so then why is Wenger getting 8m a year any coach can get players running around cones on the training ground.Did Ospina pick himself to play in the Champions League games that we lost >? You do post some right old tosh.

  26. mbg

    Jan 20, 2016, 20:51 #82154

    C T Gooner, your biggest fear ? and a hell of a lot of others too mate, worst bloody nightmare.

  27. mbg

    Jan 20, 2016, 20:40 #82153

    El Bodgeo, good post, yes we all know what we need, and it's not players who have been there and done it or sports psychologists.

  28. jjetplane

    Jan 20, 2016, 20:32 #82152

    Fame at last!

  29. RoddyGooner

    Jan 20, 2016, 19:05 #82151

    It's nothing to do with Wenger if we fail to win this seasons Premiership,purely down to the players.I believe he has prepared us the best he can and this is probably the toughest title race ever with the likes of Chelsea,Manure,Lpool all leveling out as they don't have the extra bit off quality like us and City to punish the smaller teams who have all improved on previous seasons.This the hardest title race ever and whoever lifts it will be a special team.You only have to look at the table to see how even crappy little outfits like Leicester,West Ham,Tottenham,Stoke and Crystal Palace can topple the big boys this season in one off games.It will be down to how our players handle the run in and playing to the best of their abilities each game. Wenger as usual will have them totally prepared,it's down to them.

  30. Alsace

    Jan 20, 2016, 18:29 #82150

    We are always one gutless performance away from disappointment and oblivion. That's how it feels and that's how it is. Positives ? (JW doesn't agree with me but) hanging on through the loss of key players; Cech; Ozil coming good; Wenger buying a DM nice and early in January; the hope of some players coming back; going to what the Very Rev Lord Wright of Highbury calls "mucky gaffes" and coming away with more than crutches. EVERY game is a big game from here on in. Let's hope to goodness that Sanchez is really mended when he returns. Come on you Gunners.

  31. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 20, 2016, 18:19 #82149

    For others, failure to win PL will be nothing to do with AW - as ever it will be all due to those external forces conspiring against him.

  32. Gaz

    Jan 20, 2016, 17:16 #82148

    If only we knew that was going to happen eh Tony! As it is I think we both know if he wins the title he'll be signing a new five year deal before he leaves the ground!!!...

  33. AJH

    Jan 20, 2016, 17:09 #82147

    Like Gooner Ron I don't care how we get over the line as long as we do ! If we stumble then it will be a bloody nervy watch to the end of the season. Sanchez to come back will be a boost, Campbell showing good signs and hopefully Ozil and his foot will have no more problems. City will be able to hurt us at their place but they will be worried by the fact we can hurt them as we did there last season,fingers crossed from here on in COYG

  34. Badarse

    Jan 20, 2016, 16:54 #82146

    It was not time to return-but he had a greeting...what were those relevant numbers? He leapt to the fore, then he limped to the fifth, and fell over at the sixth, 'Dam!' as they say in the Netherlands. He smiled at the ladies from the floor-he always looked up to the fairer sex, even the darkly shaded ones. He stood up and shook his booty, and felt his truss slide down his leg. He remembered the numbers for the greeting. He shook his head knowingly and nodded yesly; smirking wisely he then ate his stuffing sagely. 'It was that was wrong, Ah! 2-4-6, Oh, Won...derful. Yes happy birthday-69 not out!' Funny how a comment from the west follows my troll.

  35. Billy Joel

    Jan 20, 2016, 16:49 #82145

    Honesty it comes down to the following fellow gooners; at the key crunch moments during the remainder of the season do you really think the likes of Theo, Ramsey, Kolshelny, Giroud, Meertsaker, are really going to show up, do something special or likely bottle it or make an error ? I think we all know their own fans would vote 60:40 against for the simple reason those of us that have watched them enough clearly see character flaws that will come up. the cracks will show when the tension is high. City Utd Spurs Everton away well need 7-8 points but i do not see us getting them

  36. Bard

    Jan 20, 2016, 16:41 #82144

    Westie of course we have a chance but Im sure you wont be betting on it. It not pessimistic to look at the variables and Wenger's record to date in similar situations and give an informed opinion on the likely outcome. I dont have a problem with hope over reason but you cant just dismiss reason over hope as being just doom and gloom.

  37. CT Gooner

    Jan 20, 2016, 16:21 #82143

    @ Westlower: Not anxious, probably more paranoid. I'm simply being realistic about how our club is run, the board are fat and happy, so I'm afraid those who think us winning the league will be a swan song are IMO deluded. For those of us who'd like to see the club advance, status quo isn't working.

  38. jeff wright

    Jan 20, 2016, 15:46 #82142

    Wenger is the only one who needs a shrink to look at him the flaky performances that our team produce so often when the heat is turned up stem from Wenger himself. You only have to look at him fretting nervously away on the bench with fear etched on his face or ranting at the 4th official over something or other .Wenger's teams lose more leads than all the dog owners at Cruffs even a 4-0 one once. We rarely look safe with 20 minutes to go when ahead byeven two goals oneonly and it is panic stations with all the bravdo and tippy tappy Hollywood back-heels and fancy Dan stuff drained away from our players and Wenger with his fixed substitutions,as was the case at Anfield ,often makes things worse by them making us retreat backwards and inviting the opposition to attack .He has been doing this for donkey's years and opponents have it was our best chance of winning out of our remaining 3 January games with Stoke being a place where Wenger never wins and Chelsea a side that he rarely ever beats ,especially in crunch games with pressure on . We will need to play a lot better on Sunday than we have for sometime - if we are going to win the game against a Chelsea side unbeaten since Guus took over and who have rediscovered their form - unfortunately we have been struggling for sometime now even against ordinary opponents .

  39. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2016, 15:16 #82141

    Dear me, anxiety rears its ugly head in the most bizarre ways - "my biggest fear is we win the league & AW gets a new 3 year deal." Get a life CT, let's win the league first & foremost. History gets written up after the event, not before. There was hardly anybody who gave us a prayer of winning the league in 71 & 89. Some Gooners have a fixation on Wengers teams being bottlers but let me take you back to 1988/89 when Arsenal were 11 points clear of Liverpool after beating Everton 3-1 at Goodison on Jan 14 (the gap was as big as 19 points earlier in the season). At the end of Jan, Arsenal were odds on to be Champions but by the end of May their odds had drifted to 7/1. As soon as Arsenal became favourites the pressure was on. In the 17 games after Goodison, Arsenal only won 9 times and consequently surrendered the lead to Liverpool who went on a 24 game unbeaten run. Nobody was thinking GG was a genius coach at that juncture. History dictates that the eventual winner gets upgraded & the runner up downgraded. Twas ever thus. We have as good a chance of winning the league as we had in 71 & 89. It's all about who finishes the season best from here on in. So many variables in between, ECL, COC, FA Cup, replays, injuries/suspensions, tv schedules, refs getting key decisions wrong, fixture congestion, fatigue, transfers, International games, key players having one eye on summers Euro Championship. For many, failure to win PL will be down solely to AW - if only it was that simple!

  40. mbg

    Jan 20, 2016, 15:02 #82140

    Canada, surround our players with ex players who have won the league in recent years ? ten years or so isn't what I'd call recent, unless you mean ex players who left for better things and other clubs in order to win it, and did. And anyway do you think for one minute TOF would even consider that ? and give or let others have the limelight, thanks, or glory and have it seen it was down to them and not him if we did win it ? not on your life, he'd rather we finished 3rd or 4th than do that.

  41. jjetplane

    Jan 20, 2016, 14:36 #82139

    Theo celebrates 10 years at Club Wenger charting a decade's reasons why this brand cannot and will not win the PL. Walcott is a 10th rate Beckham clone with one eye on stuff outside of what he is paid to do. Rumours gather that Eboue is to be resigned and apparently DB10 also had a decade stint at AFC .... as did the Merse, Parlour, Bouldie, Dixon, Nutter, think you know where this is going .... Wally. Aguero is coming back to his best and if he keeps the rest of the team awake - they will stroll it. Reckon Leicester and the Totts will stay the pace just leaving room for Arthur's Asses or the rebirth of Rooney lol! Old Nicky bot is looking for a new venture so maybe he could team up with Eboue and join the circus. Stranger things ....

  42. GoonerRon

    Jan 20, 2016, 14:22 #82137

    Let's hope we can prove everybody wrong and get over line (I personally don't care if we sprint, stumble or get carried, so long as we win the thing). At least we're in a good spot right now at the top of the league, and the league table never lies (or does it @mbg?)

  43. CT Gooner

    Jan 20, 2016, 14:14 #82136

    Thanks Canada, hope you're well. sport psychology is an interesting topic, and one I'd have thought Wenger may have employed ages ago. He's always being hailed as a progressive coach, so given how physically weak we are, you'd have thought he'd make up for it with self belief. Will it help?? Only if it gets the whole team playing with more speed and flair. To me the hallmark of the great days under Wenger went years back, teams feared our fast expansive football, not anymore; park the bus, compact defense and hit us on the break. My biggest fear, win the league and he gets a new 3 year deal, what a nightmare!!

  44. mbg

    Jan 20, 2016, 14:08 #82135

    Of course they don't Canada, we've known that for years and nothing has changed, (and the fact you've said most of us are hoping our boys don't have to show what they're made off says it all) certainly not because we're top of league, remember we've all been here before and they never will, not until we get a proper manager who is capable of, and willing to buy proper players, themselves up to and capable of it, and the manager then capable of coaching them properly to ensure they are and stay that way, instead of just telling them (and everybody else) they are, and then there'll be no need for a psychologist we'll have all we need.

  45. David

    Jan 20, 2016, 13:46 #82134

    Ron - agreed. Citeh are still the best in the PL, and as Canada gooner says, they can produce a hot run of 8 - 10 wins. Arsenal don't look capable of matching that. Beating chelsea is a must - not because it's chelsea- arsenal would need 3 points whoever they face next to stay top.

  46. El Bodgeo

    Jan 20, 2016, 13:36 #82133

    'Surely, this is the best time to surround our players with ex-players who have won the league in recent years?' The fact is that 11 of our 1st team squad HAVE won a League title; Debuchy, Gabriel, Arteta, Ozil, Giroud, Ospina, Sanchez, Flamini, Welbeck, Cech & our new boy Elneny. The notion that there is not enough experience in our squad to have the bottle required to get over the line is complete rubbish. For me, the doubts over whether we can win the Prem this year remain hanging over Wenger's ability to organise & motivate our squad to the required level. Im a Gooner, of course I hope he manages it. If not, then Im sure we will be asking him to step aside. Again.

  47. Mark

    Jan 20, 2016, 12:40 #82132

    Westie-Or it could be another 2003 or 2008 season when we blew 8pt and 6 pt leads.In 1971 we had a team of battlers unlike the recent Wenger vintage of a team of bottlers

  48. Tony Evans

    Jan 20, 2016, 12:38 #82131

    I have City as favourites definitely, but it has been a strange old season so far (especially where Leicester and Chelsea are concerned) and, as Exeter Gunner says, we might 'stumble over the line'. Despite my frustrations with Wenger it would be good to see him bow out with the League Title and then make way for Pep!

  49. jjetplane

    Jan 20, 2016, 12:30 #82130

    Sir Arthur Webster - a hero for all times. The Daily TORYgraph is sick to the teeth of the pessimistic pit of misery that is doing the rounds in this still great empire Ahummmm.... Sir Arthur is plainly the man to lead this great empire/club to untold glories and was ever a man of God so unspoiled by the pessimistic pit of misery (yawnnnnnn) and for years he has sat in Sir Jamerson's shed (deep in enemy territory) plotted this greatest of all victories. May we all finish our prayers (and lobster sannies)and arise as one to hail the finest of all men. Hail Webster! Arthur Webster began his ascent/journey in a far off land .......... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .....

  50. Jason

    Jan 20, 2016, 11:43 #82128

    Alan Shearer was a 100% right when he said Giroud as an Arsenal centre forward should score a MINIMUM of 25 LEAGUE goals a season.Remember RVP scored 30 league goals without the service of Ozil Cazorla and Sanchez.The failure of Wenger to bring in a striker will cost us in the run in.Draws will be no good in the run in

  51. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2016, 11:27 #82127

    This season is similar to 70/71. Not many gave us a chance of outstaying Leeds to the title but we got there by one point, 65 to 64. Our goal ratio % was 2.45 compared to Leeds 2.4. We suffered defeats at Chelsea 2-1, Stoke 5-0, Huddersfield 2-1, Liverpool 2-0, Derby 2-0, Leeds 1-0. Our last away game at the Etihad could be the Lane all over again.

  52. Exeter Gunner

    Jan 20, 2016, 10:42 #82126

    AFC don't look like and don't have the form of a typical title winning team. But this is a freak season. I'd agree it depends on whether Man C put together a string of wins. If they don't, AFC might stumble over the line whilst continuing to be mediocre right to the end.

  53. Ron

    Jan 20, 2016, 10:26 #82125

    Its basically up to Manchester City. If they really want it, its theirs. Arsenal havent had a mentally strong team for over a decade as Bard rightly says. To suggest they have or that have now is just plain silly. The very fact that Wenger has seen fit to trot out the words 'mental strength' as his mantra over so many years is tantamount to an acceptance on his part that his teams, for years have been far from it. A mentally strong team doesn't need it spelling out, you can just tell when you see one. AW has tried to convince himself about it by repeating the notion often. Its like a tough guy bragging 'hes hard'. When you hear it, you just know hes a pussy. Hard guys dont need to tell people their tough.

  54. Bard

    Jan 20, 2016, 10:03 #82123

    Decent shout Canada. the simply answer is no we dont have the right mentality and havent had for the last dozen years or more. We obviously can win it but I dont think we will. We have too many seriously injured and although one or two may be back. Webster himself has said they need a year to get up to speed, so they will only offer cameos. Too many of the current xi are either out of form or not up to it. Wally is a passenger, the Ox is having a crisis. Ramsey is bang average. Giroud is ok but not lethal enough and Per is a disaster waiting to happen. Defensively we are too open see Soton and Liverpool. Our fixtures include playing most of the best teams away. Despite being less vulnerable than previous seasons we arent a mentally strong team despite the spin. Westie its not doom and gloom mate its realism

  55. lance peters

    Jan 20, 2016, 9:57 #82122

    We are in a really good position , perhaps the strongest from our competitors considering our big names are going to return soon. But being nervous cannot be avoided due to what has happened in the last 10 years. I still feel Giroud is our weak point and is going to let the team down when it counts. I hope he proves me wrong

  56. Westlower

    Jan 20, 2016, 9:32 #82121

    Keep the faith CG, the alternative is to descend into a pit of misery & pessimism. Good article on a similar theme in today's Telegraph by Paul Hayward, @Wenger's title chase is one of the great spectacles of our times.' "There is a clue to Wenger's character. He has spent almost 20 years around British tribalism, with its myopia & sometimes vicious 'wit'. And he refuses to be daunted or diverted by any of it, because fundamentally he knows his own mind, and is not bothered what complete strangers think of his work, or the amazing faith he has shown in players who have too often let him down. Spurs fans can look away now, but without the Arsenal boss of the past 19-plus years, PL management would have no anchor, no refuge for sanity. His problem, of course, is that if he fails to win the PL in such a wide=open race, his life's work will be tossed on the bonfire of mass opinion. But we are allowed to be glad he is still around, leading a bedraggled profession. Even the most senior managers are exposed as never before. Under LVG, Man U could play in a library without disturbing the scholars or prompting the librarian to throw them out. Chelsea search for a manager they have not already hired & fired. Klopp surveys his team with an increasingly baffled look. Pellegrini is a nightwatchman for Pep. Wenger is always content to walk that line between salvation and damnation. Saved in large measure by two FA Cup wins, Wenger now seeks the 20-year zenith of a league title triumph, 12 years after the last. He is too charming to throw it all back in our faces, but he would be within his rights."

  57. Tony Evans

    Jan 20, 2016, 9:23 #82120

    We are all walking a tightrope at the minute aren't we, half expecting it all to go pear shaped (and who could blame us) but hoping against hope we can somehow hold off City and whoever else puts in a late surge and finally land the title again. The jury is definitely out, though the next game may tell us all we need to know, either way.

  58. Sputnik

    Jan 20, 2016, 9:19 #82118

    We have all seen league-leading positions slip away before. We can only hope that it will be different this time with a rested Sanchez back, at least one new DM and a top-notch keeper for the first time in many, many years. Fingers crossed.