From Emmanuel Petit to Enormously Petty, the Evolution of the Modern Arsenal

Online Ed: Club request more money from season ticket holders for this season’s pre-paid cup ties.

From Emmanuel Petit to Enormously Petty, the Evolution of the Modern Arsenal

As PR own goals go, the email season ticket holders received yesterday evening informing them they would have to stump up extra cash (around £20 for most tickets) when they renew their season tickets at the end of May because of the club’s categorization of pre-paid for cup matches is right up there with the best of them.

Uproar and disgust at the pettiness of the gesture towards the club’s most loyal fans has been coming thick and fast, and rightly so. There are protests planned for the Leicester game, which you will learn about in the national press and through the usual social media channels, as well as this website. These are to let the club know that if they wish to treat their supporters (or customers to anyone from Kroenke Sports Enterprises reading this), then they can expect a barrage of abuse.

I suspect they may end up backtracking very quickly if they have any concept of how to try and regain any sense of goodwill from their fanbase. However, just to give you an example of how you can make the club pay in the long term for their pettiness (the income will be less than £1 million, a real drop in the ocean given the club’s turnover), here is an example that was sent to the club last night by one Gooner reader…

Dear Arsenal

I am feeling really let down by the club this evening after being a supporter for thirty seven years - twenty as a season ticket holder - and a regular since 1990. Wife a red member, kids junior gunners, over 45 away credits at the moment. I am an AISA life member and Arsenal Supporters Trust life member. A regular at Arsenal Ladies, previously a fanshare saver. Club shop every year for new replica shirts and when my kids go about once a month we eat in the ground for about twenty pounds a game along with buying the programme.

I am disappointed with the email received and the actions of the club I love, after another fortuitous home draw (13 from 15) which made the already scheduled Barcelona home game the seventh cup tie this season. The club in their good fortune with the home draws in recent seasons have already seen extra profit and are trying to make a money grab off us in this way feels very petty, and it is very dispiriting.

I am currently trying to teach my children the value of money. I explained previously how eating in the ground and buying direct from the club helps the club immensely.

It does not seem my actions are being reciprocated. As a result I will no longer purchase programmes and food at the ground. I will also not buy merchandise from any of the club shops onsite or elsewhere.

And that is a real way you can teach the club a lesson and hit them where it hurts – in the wallet. Not buying food and drink in the ground, not buying their programmes (The Gooner is £1 less and has far more interesting content) and especially not buying anything from the club either in their shops or online.

This could well be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Perhaps it is time for all fans to unite with a concerted effort to make the majority owner feel our wrath and ideally get him to sell up. Let’s try and get some good chants prepared for the Leicester match – suggestions welcomed in the comments.

Aside from that, await further news as the Leicester game approaches about how you can make your view felt regarding the club’s request for more money.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. Moscow Gooner

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:53 #83282

    A mass walk out from the stands versus Leicester is surely the way to go: would suggest on the 68th minute - 'Fat Stan's' age. No return no matter what the stakes. The Anfield walk out looked epic yesterday: an Emirates walk out of say 25,000 would look even better. We have to focus on long term goals. We need to fight for the soul of the club now or game over. In the immortal words of Edmund Burke for evil to prevail, it is simply enough for good men to do nothing (and sit in silence on the 'North Bank')....

  2. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 06, 2016, 19:17 #83228

    Those AKB's who love Kroenke/Gazidis/Wenger must love this kind of stuff and will surely not complain. But Wenger lovers, just so you know, anything less than 6 points from the next two games, means it's the usual battle for 4th place, and by the way have you checked the our goal difference? Still happy AKB's?... KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  3. Jack

    Feb 06, 2016, 11:18 #83181

    I am going to the Leicester City table topper with my father and two boys for £57.25,absolute bargain.I won't have a thing said against AFC and if folk don't like it they know what they can do.

  4. Elliot

    Feb 06, 2016, 0:04 #83169

    Saw Wenger's quote this morning about ticket prices needing to be kept high so that we can afford to buy the best players. Quite how he managed to keep a straight face when saying that is a mystery to me. The club backed down on Barcelona because they were embarrassed on social media and realised how bad the PR. I do wonder if whoever took the decision to send tang ridiculous email used their half a brain cell to work out that there may be a backlash. Clearly mot. and the statement this afternoon couldn't have been any more patronising.

  5. mbg

    Feb 05, 2016, 22:54 #83168

    Ron, you took the words out of my mouth, the spuds to finish above us, and even nick Stan's, TOF's, and his AKB's beloved CL place, would be the best thing to happen to this club and regime, a real kick up the arse for them all, and just might just make everyone sit up and realise what it's really like ( what's happening at the minute certainly won't) and bring about the proper backlash that's been badly needed at this club for years, with changes that have been long long overdue. wenger out.

  6. John F

    Feb 05, 2016, 22:53 #83167

    I agree that the £20+ charge is an insult but the Clubs led by Arsenal voting against the £30 away cap appears to me to be worse.How shameful that what has been reported on various news sites Arsenal were the most vocal against the cap where as Everton supported it.Well done Everton a club that has still retained its identity with its community.

  7. Cyril

    Feb 05, 2016, 22:22 #83166

    Email form Paul Matz who I also extended my thoughts on the parsimonious attitude to at AISA; he advises that Arsenal have now dropped the charge or eh hum the extra charge. Your honour I rest my case.

  8. Ron

    Feb 05, 2016, 21:39 #83165

    CG - That future is the moment we live in. The future was mapped in 1999/2000 when they hatched this stadium plan. The few who rail against it on here are exactly that, the few though there are many who go regularly who actually see the Club and Wenger through the same prism as many of us do. the thing is, the Club give them what any oppressive regime gives its subjects - hope. Take the hope out of the equation and its amazing how eyes open wider. Most of these who post in fully supportive ways of the regime arent match goers and havent been for years. They dont any spend money on the rotten fake project. Its a very clever regime that AFC have managed and the Board and Wenger deserve credit for keeping it afloat. They know deep down that from a footballing vantage point its a hopeless project, but they do enough to make its customers think that things arent what they clearly are and that prospects might alter. They also know that the brighter amongst the fan base are onto them, but arent of sufficient number to make their noise heard much. The fans are disparate these days. The Board, SK and the Proff are unified as one. They also own and possess the means of communication, that plus hope is why AFC need a real wake up call to rock it to its timbers. Leics to take the title and Tottenham to run them very close and AFC 5th are 3 of the factors needed to change things down there. Yr match going Westie oriented thugh broadly proper fan types will wake from their torper then. The massive number of them who go as its good to be seen to go and the tourists, will just fade away back from where they came.

  9. mbg

    Feb 05, 2016, 21:39 #83164

    Not many AKB's about tonight I suppose it's hard to disagree with, and slag off the regime you've been supporting and backing for years.

  10. Cyril

    Feb 05, 2016, 20:41 #83163

    Your honour, I would like to address the defendant: Would it be fair to say that the club would reasonably know that the Barca game would be categorised as a Cat A game due to qualification in November 15, accepting that they are the best team in Europe to compete with?. And if so, would it not have been also reasonable for the club to offer the 'opt out' for the cup game earlier against Burnely too. I am no footy fan your honour but my understanding is this would in most realms in this time not be considered above a Cat C or perhaps at best B. Objection: This is leading the defence. Your honour with respect, We have not lead any defence since Adams. Susgained: I am on the board and counsel you will rightfully understand that this is a Criminal court and you are minded that the test is to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the club could, should or would have categorised the Barca game before the victory against the mighty Burnley on the 30th of last month. Oh, orite then fair enuff!

  11. Highbury Boy

    Feb 05, 2016, 20:05 #83162

    Nice of Stan to waive the charge this time but I reckon that if we cause him any more problems he'll ship the franchise off to Beijing.

  12. 600NER

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:56 #83161

    This is just taking the piss. The club are so far away from the one I started to support in 1968 they should change the name. It's not Arsenal any more. Additionally, Wenger has said today that with the extra money coming in next season it will mean that players will become even more expensive to buy.If so, then why the f'#k didn't he get the players we needed in this transfer window while they are still relatively "cheap" !!!!

  13. Sb

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:54 #83160

    When i first joined arsenal as a silver member (formerly trs) it cost 20 quid but you got the money back through discounted ticket prices. There was something fair about this scheme which i thought must represent the values of the club. When kroenke took over the annual silver membership and ticket prices generally rose steeply. This relentless gouging is economics at its most basic and unpleasant. Price at what the market will bear. This doesnt feel like the arsenal way but more the way of a moto service station! Sad sad day

  14. Cyril

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:53 #83159

    Yeah, nice email. Thanks for throwing us a bone. If you don't want to go Barca game, we will throw you a little net drink back, cos we're good like that!!!

  15. I remember when Arsenal cared about its supporters.

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:45 #83158

    What a lethal combination Kroenke and Gazidis(Ivan the Terrible) are. Notice how he disappears from sight and sound when ever the company-for that is what it is now- pull these stunts. Here is what I sent to the club: Shame on you. At a time when the club, like others are having pound notes fall from the sky(no pun intended) from the premier league TV deal you treat fans with your usual contempt. What are you going to do with this extra £500,000 give the owner £3.5 million for “services” to milking the fans. The club should be ashamed at this naked exploitation. It is the principle not the money that counts, something this club use to understand but with the current owner and C.E.(what does he do?) you have lost that. Made me feel better anyway, even though I am fully aware it will not dent their arrogant dismissive approach.

  16. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:41 #83157

    Raj, it clearly states the charge has been waived.

  17. mbg

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:41 #83156

    Gaz, good post spot on, we've got the club, (and that includes an old fraud of a manager his outdated ways and regime) we deserve, some more than others, (Ron has already alluded to it and he to is spot on)like you say to many fans are happy, and have been for years and years to roll over and have their belly's tickled, ie humiliations, embarrassments, without as much as a whimper or murmur of dissent, and still carried on supporting manager and regime, thus propping it up (and even still are as we speak) and I have no sympathy for them whatsoever, in fact good enough for them I say, like I've already said myself it's to late now to start getting pissed off and talking protests, when everybody has been sitting quite happily like good little sheep accepting and taking getting shafted off and on the pitch for the last ten years, that's exactly why their doing what their doing, (and as someone has already said this is just the start) the time was years ago, when we were being embarrassed and humiliated on the pitch and the butt of jokes (and still are) from all over, beds have been made now and all that and we know who to thank for that, a form of comeuppance you might say.

  18. RJ

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:28 #83155

    Has everyone else just received the update email from the club - genius 0 it acknowledges the outrage, and says it will clear up the confusion - but doesn't say what it will do about it! I stand by my earlier position that the clubs position is OK IMO, but I think this email will just p*** people off more!

  19. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:16 #83154

    Nice one Kev - well done, until the next rip off!

  20. Juggernaut

    Feb 05, 2016, 19:14 #83153

    gnasher81 - even if season ticket holders opt out, the seats will get sold. If you opt out, the club has the right to the ticket and will sell it. The only way to get a half-empty stadium is for people who've paid for tickets - gold members or not - to not turn up and not give the ticket away. That will not happen.


    Feb 05, 2016, 19:14 #83152

    God bless Amerika eh! Nice to see Fenway & Kranky on message with their approach to "customers". To quote one of the genuinely nice guys, Pete Seeger, "boxes, little boxes & they all look just the same". That, Gentlemen, is the sanitised future where our beloved Club is heading. Won't be long before Stanley schedules in Amerikan Football when Arthur is away for Le Weekend - no point in having facilities earning bugger all is there?

  22. Rochey

    Feb 05, 2016, 18:53 #83151

    You never know they might cancel the increase if Barcelona beat us 7-0....

  23. Rochey

    Feb 05, 2016, 18:32 #83150

    Funny that Wenger mentioned the TV money will be spent on buying players and wages but not reduced ticket we spend money on new players **** no. It's just a money making machine and they rely on supporters hoping it's going to change but it won't. It never will unless people either don't go or boycott merchandise.

  24. gnasher81

    Feb 05, 2016, 18:03 #83149

    I have been a season ticket holder since 1995, and my Dad since 1970. Neither of us were granted Cup final tickets in either of the last two years on the infamous ballot system and I'm afraid this could be the last straw for me. THIS IS MY SUGGESTION... EVERYONE PLEASE READ! If all season ticket holders 'Opt-Out' of the Barcelona ticket, the Club would need to then re-imburse every one of them for the ticket price (less the £20) and not only that, if enough support is generated across the supporters network, and those tickets don't get sold on (unlike the current TX system, opting out would mean it doesn't need to be for you to be re-imbursed) then they will play Barcelona in a half empty stadium Let's be fair, with the current dross on show we aren't going to see a famous victory anyway, and at least this way the Club gets hit where it hurts Also, FYI apparently journalists were asked not to mention ticket prices in todays Press Conference but one did. When asked, M. Wengers response was to say... "It is necessary to keep ticket prices high in order to continue to buy the best players" Now that DID make me laugh!

  25. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 05, 2016, 17:43 #83148

    I think I might have been reading too much Tinker tailor soldier spy etc but in those books you had the Chinese section who would pour over every word from the politburo to detect changes in power. North Korea and Arsenal are two modern examples. My theory is that the old goat is losing influence amongst the board so he aligning himself with Kronke to secure a power base. What we are also seeing of course is complete hypocrisy with his willingness to see fans fleeced considering he had socialist ideals!

  26. Ron

    Feb 05, 2016, 17:28 #83147

    Vini - ha. Funny stuff, but wasn't it Keith Burkinshaw that said 'there used to be a football Club' etc etc ? Scholar was that cretin that owned the spuds wasn't he?

  27. Ron

    Feb 05, 2016, 17:14 #83146

    SKG - That wouldn't work mate. Westie and Goonersey would buy them all up and nobody would get a look in. They 'd each bet what the mark up would be by selling them on in this calender year, seeking the best odds and put cover bets on to guard v the risk of them deflating by the seasons start, so they would win win and nobody else would a bag of air to lick, inhale and worship. I like yr thinking though, sadly i fear its not an Arsenal like sustainable business plan. As a plan its lacks cuspicity.

  28. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 05, 2016, 17:08 #83145

    Another way to get the £900K that this punitive and arbitrary ticket price increase will raise, would be to dock weng's pay for about 5 or 6 weeks (or to deduct stan's annual backhander by about 30%). Soooooo glad that I no longer help to fund Captain Bligh and his ship of piratical fools. And to think that it was only a few days ago that our certifiable cliche-peddler friend Mr Perry was using the word "class" in the same sentence as AFC. Corporate thievery - anyone acquiescing in this should ask themselves some serious questions about their gullibility.

  29. Vini

    Feb 05, 2016, 17:04 #83144

    Dear Ivan, Can I ask, do Arsenal PLC (I refrain from using Football Club) really need the £16 extra you are charging me for the Barcelona game ? The PLC bank account is awash with money and will be added to and some by the new TV deal. You seem oblivious to the sacrifices most season ticket holders make to continue supporting their club, this surcharge feels like a kick to the stomach ! It would not have been beyond Arsenal PLC (I refrain from using Football Club) to waive this as a gesture of goodwill, but no, you instead charge your loyal fan base even more. We have already shelled out thousands of pounds, I am sure a high percentage are still paying credit cards, loans etc for this season ! As Irvine Scholar once said “there used to be a football club over there” ! Do you know what the worst thing is, well it is that I feel so far removed from the Club I literally fell in love with as a child, the one I have travelled over land and sea to support for 35 years. I am sure nothing will be achieved with this mail as frankly I don’t think anyone at Arsenal PLC ( I refrain from using Football Club) cares. I already know what the response will be “we haven’t raised season ticket prices for a few years” well that is the least you should have done ! How about reducing them ! the new TV deal and lower inflation (yes I remember that rise) spring to mind, no chance I guess. Oh well, as they say, all good things come to an end. Regards, Martin Vine – Season Ticket Holder and loyal Arsenal fan (or customer as we are known these days)

  30. King Jeremy

    Feb 05, 2016, 16:59 #83143

    Not fortunate enough to be a season ticket holder any more, but how about this for a suggested protest: Everyone take/wear an extra old shirt, one they don't mind losing. At the end of the match everyone leave the shirt on the seat, thereby giving the club "the shirts off our backs". I'm sure the sight of thousands of garments strewn over an empty emirates would get the press attention.

  31. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 05, 2016, 16:45 #83141

    Ron: Your £100 per minute to sit in an Emir*tes seat is worthy of a trial run at the Emir*tes Tournament. I was thinking of "Arsene's Air" plastic bags filled with the air from the dressing room that Arsene gave his team talk in. Twenty pounds per bag for a class A game, £15 for a class B and a tenner for a class c match. With Arsene's photo on each bag and the slogan "breathe the air that Arsene breaths" You could have them sent weekly by courier (£15 carriage) and you could sign up for the whole season. Actually compared to some of the schemes that are under way I think it is quite moderate.

  32. jjetplane

    Feb 05, 2016, 16:43 #83140

    Rent a gob Wenger has a word on everything except football tactics and how to win a major trophy, He is the nearest football has got to George Osborne. Ugly does not begin to describe him or this failing club. Let's hope the Scousers do us all a favour and empty their stadium and it spreads like a virus. Funny how a once classy club could become so oppressively small-minded in the time it takes to move down the road from a living, breathing football stadium to an excuse for a shopping mall.

  33. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2016, 16:39 #83139

    Does anyone seriously believe that Wenger, the accountant ,Stan's right hand man on planet Earth ,the messiah of prudence and penny-pinching , is going to spend £100m on buying a player ...~*! you have to smile.. it's the way he tells 'em... the extra-millions will end up where the other extra ones the club accounts to help boost Stan' shares value in AFC... this helps him no end to enable him to pay himself a dividend that the current 3m one equating to 10m over a ten year period and also alog with the hoarded millions stashed away in the club account comes in handy to use for collateral by proxy to borrow money against to be used in the good old US of A where the cretin owns other clubs that he moves around like pieces on a chess-board - when it suits him - from place to more profitable place. Stan also owns a sportswear franchise called Dick's Sportswear. Sounds about right ,Coleseyboy and lee kfc ,or Sid this or that, depending on Arsene's current results , buy the gear and wear it with pride.Once a Dick always a Dick.

  34. Theodocius Walnut

    Feb 05, 2016, 15:47 #83138

    Glad to see the blinkers coming off. The capitalists that run the Premier League, and the one who owns most of Arsenal, would sell their grannies to sweatshops if they it would make them money. They are addicted to making money because the acquisitive aspects of their personalities are overly attached to their libidos. They own most of the media who perpetuate a myth that being wealthy is the most important thing in life. Fans only exist, in their warped realities, to make them money. If you go along with it you are no different to the fools that go into betting shops and feed the flashing lights on a fixed odds betting terminal. If your so addicted to 'The Emirates Experience' pay your rip-off ticket prices, and every year they'll come up with a new wheeze to get more of your hard earned, but don't spend a single penny on food or merchandise. I don't love Arsenal any less because I broke my habit and stopped going to matches and it is satisfying to know that the American adventure capitalist isn't getting a penny from me

  35. Gaz

    Feb 05, 2016, 15:41 #83137

    I've seen it mentioned a lot over the past 24 hours but at the end of the day we have the Club our general support nowadays deserves. Majority of fans are far too happy to simply roll over and have our tummy's tickled by the Club and they see any protest or dissenting voices as not doing it the 'Arsenal way'. To some extent we're all to blame for letting kroenke get a secure foothold in the Club and now we're all paying the price for it. I bet kroenke is totally unaware of any of this and if he was at a game tomorrow there'd still be hardly any abuse directed towards him. There'd be shouts of 'leave this for another day' and 'how is this going to help the team'. Then there'd be lots of selfies being taken and shrieks of 'oooh, look at Theo and the ox dancing'. That's it though. Kroenke taking control of this Club is the worst thing to happen to Arsenal in 130 years. Sadly he's going nowhere and there'll never be enough angst directed towards him to force him out...

  36. mbg

    Feb 05, 2016, 15:00 #83133

    Bard, has the great one said anything ? he's probably the instigator or rubber stamped it, i'm sure he's gave it his seal of approval. After all him and his fans think we're playing the best, prettiest football in the world and getting better, so he probably thinks the extra £20 is well worth it, i'm sure his fans will agree.

  37. AJH

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:51 #83132

    Supporters being taken for a ride the comments by people saying not to purchase goods from official afc outlets are right hit them in the pocket where their REAL INTEREST is. Understand the difficulty in not turning up to matches but a really low turn out for 1 or 2 fixtures and watch the cameras focus on the directors board that said Stan won't be there to see it but Ivan the terrible will be.

  38. Tony Evans

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:48 #83131

    Highbury Boy - nothing short of a disgrace that we still have Sanogoal on the books and yet let Afobe go. Would serve Wenger right if he bags one on Sunday.

  39. mbg

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:46 #83130

    This is what we get for being loyal, this is the thanks fans get for putting up with, sitting on their hands/arse doing nothing, and supporting wenger and his current regime, putting up with mediocrity and embarrassments season after season, year after year without a squeak, (the letter writer a perfect example) They know they can get away with it as they know the sheep won't say ba. I'm sorry but i have no sympathy whatsoever, all these fans been fleeced have made their own bed it's to late to be crying about it now. Of course there'll be a few grumbles and a couple of farts over this latest outrage but you can bet the little sheep and the rest will be filing through the turnstiles as usual then heading for the cheque book to renew.

  40. Jamerson

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:31 #83129

    I always new you were a closet spud jj.I don't think any true Arsenal fans consider whatever the darky moanies as Badarse would call them have to say to be of any relevance as most appear to be trolls from other clubs in disguise.

  41. Highbury Boy

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:28 #83128

    Yes there used to be a football club over there. Now just a cash cow. A lot changed when super fan / part owner David Dein was kicked out. Silent Stan couldn't give a monkeys. He has shown that in the USA by moving his franchise to the west coast. I see OGL has been economical with the truth about Afobe. He has said he loaned him out because he had strikers like RVP at the club. He did but RVP left in July 2012. Afobe left last year.

  42. jjetplane

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:20 #83127

    Wenger is also looking longingly at the Chinese Football Market (CFM) so it would not be too long a haul for Arsene/Stan FC to up stakes to Hong Kong where money-grabbers suxh as the above will get more than the paltry sums of three and eight million. North London no longer figures in this equation. Personally I could not give a toss as Arsenal FC ceased to function back in 2004 and the lack of trophies is there for all to see. I pay six pound a game presently and am enjoying dootball as much as when I was a kid watching Arsenal for six to twelve and a half pence a game. watching this shower for 80 squid is too funny - bad enough listening to it on the radio though if Bournemouth go 2 up in my wildest dreams I will guffaw because I despise the likes of Wenger and his type who know nothing about football. On the other hand I am enjoying watching the likes of Tottenham and Leicester upsetting a few carts and long may it continue. Vardy and Kane are ****ing magnificent! Arsene FC are Toxic!

  43. jeff wright

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:20 #83126

    Wenger the master of illusion and the specialist in failure is being once again disingenuous with his comments on the latest buckets full of dosh that will fill the already bursting at the seams with loot AFC coffers next season .Wenger is being exposed with every passing season as a man out of his time - a dinosaur in an ever changing modern game that has passed him by .The younger managers ,and some of the older wiser ones, such as Hiddink , are taking him on now in head to heads and getting the better of him. Wenger was well exposed again in Europe as not being able to cut the mustard and there will be more agony to come .It's not all about money spent - managers decisions on buying players ,selling them,tactics,training and coaching regimes also count. Wenger comes up short in these areas against other top club managers season after season .He hid for years behind the 'we can't compete with the clubs spending money' malarkey and Platinni's Fair Play rules would see him come out on top , you couldn't make it up .All complete bullshine this as no one can explain why he stuck with rubbish players such as Almunia,Bendtner,Denilson,injury prone Diaby and so on... these players were with us ,along with the gung-ho tactics and rubbish defending ,because Wenger wanted them. Wenger has no excuse for the poor results in Europe,and it might be best not to gloat over GN's result against Barcelona ,you know what they say about tempting fate... no excuses either for the poor recent league ones or the league cup embarrassment at Sheffield Wednesday. Wenger called the shots and came up firing blanks. He really has run out of excuses now. With anyone other than money grabber greedy Stan Kroenke running things Wenger would be gone ,but the charade will go on for awhile yet.

  44. Ron

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:13 #83125

    Arse PLC are doing what a business can do to placid, historically easily satisfied customers, theyre maxing their profits to the hilt. The 50 odd thou who turn up there for all or every home match for their fix of mediocrity are telling the Club theyre happy, theyre pleased with the product and are content with the running of the business as they sit there, silently absorbing the 'Emirates Experience' and the 'best club football in Europe'. The Senior accountant, a Mr A Webster is in print today speaking the BBC explaining that the extra money going into football will not reduce tickets prices. His view is sacrosanct and unimpeachable. The complaints, such as they are are petty and needless. The reality is that Arse FC really ought to charge them £100 min for every seat in the ground, the kids no less. They really would pay up. Im convinced of it. Theyve got what they deserve. No one makes them buy season tickets. Arse know most fans share them out and spilt the costs anyway. They know that the away fans increase their away credits without actually going to games and at the same time reduce their costs by allowing others, such as supporters Clubs and unofficial 'supporters clubs' to use their memberships for away matches. Arse PLC have their ears to the ground and have had for years since the move to the bowl of silence. A good many of those season ticket holders there would be stripped of those tickets if Arse took up the option of stripping them for every breach of the Clubs rules of membership. They dont because the effort of doing it costs and takes time, plus it alienates the odd group of fans from time to time. Dont get me wrong, i don't blame the fans. I used to do it. in my last season in 2011 i attended 8 of the home games and 9 of the away games. I had 36 credits on my travel club membership by then that had been more or less static for a good few years, yet in the two seasons prior i had attended no more than 10 away games and had only paid about just over half of the cost of the ST. The holier than thou fans rip Arsenal off as much as vica versa so theres some double standards going on here. My basic premise these days, happlily ST free is that a football match (at Arsenal) is worth about 25 quid a match, whoever they play. The categorization should be aborted. Liverpool Spurs Chelsea and Utd et al offer no more attraction these days than do Palace, Leics and Everton etc. London football fans soak up the rip offs and chew on them greedily, theyre fools and have been for decades. Arse are selling them a barrow load of hyped up trash every week and they either cant or wont see it. Nobody makes them pay up. The charges are to welcomed, if only because it might eventually empty that stadium of the attendees who go every match reading their Westie inscribed bibles.

  45. UTU

    Feb 05, 2016, 14:08 #83124

    Simple solution stop buying tickets. Watch the games on TV or listen in on the radio.

  46. Tony Evans

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:58 #83123

    Yet more evidence (if any was required) that Arsenal has morphed in to a PLC from an FC. Money that could be used to cement a place right at the top of the game is left unspent, and fans are fleeced at seemingly every opportunity. I think former season ticket holders and regulars on match days at Highbury (like me) are the ones most up in arms at what they see happening now at our club, but what can you do - apart from becoming a fair-weather fan(the type I used to despise) that can enjoy the ups and be totally impervious of the downs. It's taken me a while but I got there in the end, and this is how I will stay until the club hopefully turns back to FC from PLC.

  47. Jamerson

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:52 #83122

    If you want the best players and facilities then pay up.Otherwise go watch West Ham and the spuds at their new arenas,they due to their poor support will put tickets up cheaper.

  48. RedPig

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:39 #83121

    I loathe what the club has become under this despicable regime.

  49. Jumpers for goalposts

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:38 #83120

    The reason that Kroenke has done this is quite simple - because he knows he'll get away with it. As a group I'm afraid to say that Arsenal fans are pathetic. When I was young we would voice our disapproval from the North Bank but now the home fans pay a fortune and sit in silence.

  50. Jamerson

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:32 #83119

    I agree there should be none of this silly categorising for games all games should be around 50-100 pounds.£26 is an insult to Arsenal,that's a tip not a ticket price.

  51. Bob

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:17 #83118

    There should be no categorisation of games for season ticket holders, full stop. If you are committed enough to stump up £2-£3k for a year's football a year in advance then the price for each and every game should be uniform. I have no quarrel with the club exploiting the laws of supply and demand in respect of selling tickets for individual games to those unwilling/unable to purchase season tickets, but this is the equivalent of a rail company asking someone who paid a set price in advance for their annual rail season ticket in January to pay an extra premium if they want to travel on Bank Holiday Monday. The the value for that particularly popular journey is part of the deal you get if you are willing and able to buy an annual season ticket. The same should apply here.

  52. jjetplane

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:14 #83117

    Wenger has just come out saying new TV revenues should be for buying players and not reducing prices to watch substandard fodder. Tomas is out for 3 months and is endeavoring to outdo Diaby in the fleecing clubs stakes. What a horrible little club Arsene FC is and I am so glad they have not had a penny from me since the move from Highbury where I attended for near on half a century. Do I miss it - do I **** and Wenger is about as appealing as Robbie Savage crossed with Cameron ....

  53. Jamerson

    Feb 05, 2016, 13:09 #83116

    Either pay up or ship out,Iv'e had enough of subsidizing the WOBs and peasants we get leeching onto Arsenal these days.

  54. Gaz

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:45 #83115

    RJ: With all due respect fella you're in the minority here if you don't understand the angst at what the Club have done. Hell even Geoff and Blackburn George (if you know twitter you'll know these two are!!!) think the Club are totally wrong on this one...

  55. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:32 #83114

    Reading RJ's post you realize you have no chance, he just does n't get it and neither do thousands of other Walcott worshippers.

  56. RJ

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:26 #83113

    I am struggling to understand the outrage here. In the season we went out of the cup to Blackburn, we have had fewer than 7 cup games and season ticket holders had a credit back on the season ticket the following season for the ticket not used. I don't think there can be any doubt that Barcelona is a Cat A game. And reading the email from the club I see that we can opt out - so actually, we could get money back if we choose not to go. I will be paying the £20 and going thought Also, the club has kept Leicester as a Cat C game, even though they could probably have changed it to a Cat A given relative League positions There are many things to be upset about at the moment - including transfer policy, injuries and this endless Groundhog Day of flattering to deceive - but IMO this is not one of them COYG, and let's please turn up and beat Bournemouth this weekend.

  57. jjetplane

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:24 #83112

    Nice one EG and Westie like Stan never goes to the games anyway but thinks others should cough up for the privilege. The fanbase now is happy family watch tippy tappy and do not call the ref a ****! and if you have another pizza slice you won't want your tea and look at Oliver Tristan - he is so funny when he misses! look wave to Theo - I think he's looking our way - that must have hurt! we will have to raid your piggy bank for that extra twenty pounds Tabitha! Oh look - you've got sauce on your lovely new half and half shirt ....

  58. Gaz

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:07 #83111

    I really think its important that all energies put into a protest is aimed at getting rid of kroenke and nothing else. He's not a fan, he steals £3m from us every year, he sits there shamelessly saying nothing at the AGM's and quite frankly his only use is that of making sure Wenger remains at the Club both under no pressure and on a fat contract. We've been very patient-too patient in my opinion-with him as chairmen and I'm certain none of the big northern Clubs would stand for it. I hope this is the 'straw that broke the camels back' and real fan pressure is put on him to sell up and **** off...

  59. Bard

    Feb 05, 2016, 12:03 #83110

    You are a cynical lot. Its a brilliant wheeze, we are saving for a striker in 2019. Or its to pay Stan for his services. Either way it has nothing to do with bleeding the fans rotten. Has the Great pone said anything ?

  60. Dartford gooner

    Feb 05, 2016, 11:45 #83109

    How strange that Ivan is no where to be seen,the club could not care less about fans having to pay up. If you are not happy there are thousands of tourists who will take your place. Jamerson be careful which end of your body you stick that £20 cigar

  61. Jamerson

    Feb 05, 2016, 11:29 #83108

    £20 are you for real.That's what I pay for one of my cigars,you're lucky Arsenal include all those extra games in your ST,Nobody else does.

  62. John F

    Feb 05, 2016, 10:39 #83106

    Hi KeV this was mentioned by an Arsenal fan on the Nicky Campbell 5 live phone in today about the way clubs treat fans.Should be still on the website.The clubs ratified the huge TV deal yesterday and also voted against capping prices for away fans to £30.According to the caller Arsenal were in the forefront of this decision.Yet another example of the greed that has taken over football.

  63. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 05, 2016, 10:27 #83105

    Yet more evidence of how Kroenke views the club and its 'customer' base. This I fear is just the tip of the iceberg regarding how it'll increasingly be over the next few years. They will take the view at the club that there is a big enough market for the AFC product that they can keep squeezing and squeezing in multifarious ways. Still, we should take the Westlower approach and 'leave the politics to those in power'. Just pay up, Stan knows best.

  64. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 05, 2016, 10:24 #83104

    Problem is Kev we have no one at board level to speak for us, Dein is becoming the crucial factor in our early successes under AW. The various Arsenal supporters groups need to come together under one banner because I think that would make a big difference, problem is so many are very happy with the current set up. For me it is not just the money, it is the culture change that is being driven through the club, where winning or losing are not important, it is "the PL experience" that people should want to attend games for not these tired old tribal football matches. Have a nice day!

  65. Red Member

    Feb 05, 2016, 10:20 #83103

    hilarious that season ticket holders choose to moan about £20 when they are getting ripped off for over £80 per category A game as it is!!! maybe they should pay closer attention in the future

  66. Alsace

    Feb 05, 2016, 9:40 #83100

    I have just received a missive from Arsenal telling me that I am going to be charged an extra £20 on my season ticket next year because Barca is a Category A game. My season ticket is for 7 cup ties and Barca is one of them. I wonder where in our contracts with Arsenal, they get to mess around with the basic deal ? I'm sure that it will be in there so I won't bother looking. Its not exactly a brilliant time to stiff us all for £20 is it?