Arsenal Circular 133 – Arsene Wenger must accept responsibility in the event of failure

But there is no justification for a character assassination

Arsenal Circular 133 – Arsene Wenger must accept responsibility in the event of failure

A bad run, but club are still in contention

My defence of Arsene Wenger immediately prior to the Southampton draw brought forward a strong response – almost all of it critical - of the case I made. So be it. We know the blogs are active as are the call-ins and the press reports. Critics make the most noise. Protest always grabs the headlines but that does not mean that they are representative of all supporters. No Gallup Poll has been carried out. No Prof Casey to carry out exit polls as we depart the Emirates. So we need to keep matters in perspective. Wenger does have his critics. In fact in some cases it turns into a quite unacceptable hatred. There is no room – no room at all – for hatred in football. That human instinct is reserved for fascists and bullies and racists. Arsenal supporters, however frustrated they may feel, should never surrender to the base instinct of the mob. I joked recently about the gallows being reinstated at Tyburn but read some of the messages and you can re-create the mood of the mob at public hangings.

It is one thing to be passionate – it is another to go for the jugular and be personally abusive. There is a valid case that can be made against Wenger but please no hate, no personal vituperation. This is football. We are not moving populations to new locations or closing down places of employment or issuing banning orders or exit orders. Football is football is football and politics is politics is politics. Two different worlds.

The case against Wenger was summarised by Stuart Leveson (Post 87939) in his response to my most recent Circular. In summary he said “same old, same old...the stubbornness of Wenger... this man [fails] to understand what it takes to win the Johnson Paint Trophy... the years of having no money are long gone... 15 years to replace Seaman.” He talks about shopping at Sainsburys instead of Harrods and more of the same. Stuart lets himself down when he refers to the Paint Trophy. Admittedly the FA Cup has fallen from number two to number three in the pecking order of trophies but we have beaten Everton, Liverpool, THFC, Man U in the last two years en route to winning the Cup in the last two seasons. He also makes a cheap comment about buying players at Sainsburys instead of Harrods. Large sums have been spent wisely on Ozil and Sanchez and in any event it is not the case that spending big guarantees success – look at Man U, look at City’s central defenders and then look at Coquelin and Bellerin and the promise of Iwobi. Our central defence has been rightly criticised for failing to keep clean sheets but against Southampton they did so well. They were disciplined and committed and successful.

The truth is that we are having a bad run. Draws against Liverpool, Stoke and Southampton and the defeat by Chelsea have undermined our confidence. This whilst THFC and Leicester and Man City continue to chalk up wins and move ahead of us. No question it is a worry and those of us who want Wenger to succeed now begin to question whether we might fall away. It can happen. A few more reverses and we might not be able to challenge for the top. The opposite can happen as well – we can put together a few wins and find ourselves back in contention.

My point is this – too many people have settled agendas. Their strong anti-Wenger feelings has led them to jump the gun and shout the odds against Arsene. No question the manager can be frustrating. Sometimes – not always – he is a bad loser. His touchline behaviour sometimes invites ridicule. Whilst he does on occasions criticise his players after a bad performance he tends to deflect the blame from them and protects them by having a pop at the referees or the opponents. Other coaches do that as well. And of course Wenger has to accept responsibility for not bringing in new players in the last two transfer periods. His case is that he has a settled squad and wants to rely on the collective spirit. If he wins the title he will be vindicated. If he falls short he will be humiliated. This year should be our year and if the team falls short it will be a rough ride. But Arsenal supporters are on trial as well as the manager and the Board. We like to think we are Arsenal and we are different but things could turn nasty. If they do there are some amongst us who will not jump on a bandwagon and join in the character assassination. You have your standards. We have our standards.

*Follow my tweets @arsenalcircular

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  1. jeff wright

    Feb 08, 2016, 18:27 #83349

    Alasce,it will be a tough call if Wenger has to try and do it. But hey if anyone can do it then Wenger is that man ! After all he is well versed after donkey's years of failure in talking up his own failures as being a success .Winning the title will not be important if the spuds win it - just as winning the FA Cup was no important - until he won it of course! You couldn't make it up. As it happens I don't think that the spuds will win the league they have a tougher run in than City and I'm going for City to beat them at the weekend at Poundland to give the spuds a reality check - and a depressing journey back from Mancland .

  2. jeff wright

    Feb 08, 2016, 15:27 #83337

    Well now sunbeam, since he took over at Chelsea, Guus Hiddink has won 15 points - starting with Sunderland and ending with United yesterday.Unbeaten in 9. Last 9 games played by Arsene produced ... 15 points, the same as Hiddink, but two defeats one at Southampton whom Arsene also only managed to draw at home against in that run that included the embarrassing defeat to Chelsea - who have despite struggling against most sides this season -still managed to beat us twice ...good old couldn't make it up

  3. Red Member

    Feb 08, 2016, 15:17 #83336

    i can't understand the attitude of some people on here not sure that they want Arsenal to win the league or not. since Wenger isnt going anywhere anytime soon can we all just get behind the team until the end of the season. This is coming from someone who is ultra critical of Wenger, but titles and trophies when they are still in sight come first

  4. Th14afc

    Feb 08, 2016, 13:48 #83333

    Ah Jeff wrong- so easy for u to take the bait...who said anything about Arsenal,don't know why ur bringing them into it,I'm stating facts that Chelsea under hiddink have only won 2 or 3 games,they have gone from specialists in losing under mourinho to specialists in drawing,still no fight,no energy,still closer to relegation than the top 4....would be nice for Arsenal to play Chelsea with 11 men for a change then we'll see who wins.....but as usual you have your mourinho loving Chelsea tinted glasses on,you couldn't make it up Jeff

  5. Tony Evans

    Feb 08, 2016, 13:22 #83332

    SKG - All logic says we will not win the title but I have a gut feeling, like Ron, that we will be the party poopers to spoil everyone's fun (including my own in many ways) in seeing Leicester win the title.

  6. Ron

    Feb 08, 2016, 13:08 #83330

    SKG - I know what you mean. Its only gut feeling in this moment for me. Vardy will be on his knees at his bedside this week every night praying for Mertersacker to be there i suspect. If Leics keep their belief that any team is there to take, they can beat Arsenal for sure. These Clubs just havent worked them out. Kante is the lad to get on top of and has been all season, not so much Vardy or Mahrez. Drinkwater needs to be kept back on the edge of his own box. Let him free and his passes for Vardy are the equal of Mahrez's. They know just where Vardys going to run. Uncanny. Arsenal need Coquelin back in.

  7. jeff wright

    Feb 08, 2016, 12:45 #83325

    A draw would be a good result for Leicester Ron ,no doubt about it and in reality another defeat for us. I'm sticking with City though to come flying past Leicester on the run-in to snatch victory from the jaws of conceit .Plenty of that about at City and of course among our thumb-suckers and well known bottlers as well .It would be great if Leicester can hold on but the City players have the experience for the run-in and have done it all before. As I have said before there is not muc, if anything between Wenger and Pell tactically, or motivational either but Pell does have the better players . The Chilean is however the far more likable of the pair . Teams like Fat Sam's Sunderland will try harder against our man and apart from tough games away at United,the spuds ,Everton and that dodgy looking 2nd last game away at City , sides like Fat Sam's could prove to be party- poopers as in times past.

  8. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 08, 2016, 12:43 #83324

    Sorry Ron - cannot see us winning the title, we make too many wrong decision in defence. Yesterday a Bournemouth player broke, Gabriel is favourite, yet instead of playing safe and clearing for a throw, he tries to nick it and come away with the ball. The player is now through, one on one, where only Cech and a poor finish stopped us conceding, do that this weekend and I can't see Vardy & Co turning down those sort of chances. Is it me because I really thought Bournemouth gave us a bit of a torrid time at the back yesterday.

  9. Ron

    Feb 08, 2016, 12:22 #83320

    Hi Jeff - a draw will inject so much momentum into Leics and could be the key to them taking the title. Arsenal mightn't recover from it and as much as any game is ever a 'must' win, they must win it i think. They're collectively mentally feeble at the best of times and a draw would be like a defeat to them i suspect.The approach to subsequent games would be all over the place and its hard to think that Mr Motivator would be able to do much about it. I'm always reminded of his mammoth sulk after we lost at OT in game 50 at times like this. It was a case back then of 'im sulking like all good frenchmen do when i dont get my own way and you're all allowed to too' ..and they all did, for 6 mths! For me personally, Wengers true colours were revealed for the first time in that period and his goose was cooked from that point. Him, nor the Club (on the pitch and in the dressing room) have never really recovered in my view.The rot and torper we still see today was hatched that afternoon.

  10. jeff wright

    Feb 08, 2016, 11:10 #83309

    WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate,seeing that Chelsea have beaten us twice this season ,once when everyone was turning them over ,I guess a point against them away would not be so bad,or even at home ! United have improved in recent games though so I can't see what our point is unless your are claiming that us beating them at OT will not now be harder than it might have been a few weeks back.... Bard, I agree with your comments on Flamini's two footed possible leg breaker he was very fortunate to get away with that.Arsene would have been jumping up and down like a demented wire monkey on speed if a Bournemouth player had made a tackle like that on oe of our players. I noted Momreal as well diving to try and win a penalty early on -presumably Hill-Wood will be wheeled out to lecture him on cheating -no -oh thought not ! Le Coq looks sicker than a parrot sitting on the bench while Flimflam - who Wenger tried to off-load last summer on a free - takes his place .So much for the theory then that the team can't manage without Coq in it. Wenger himself obviously thinks that it can. I have ambivalent views on the Leicester game it really will all be down to what happens on the day .We need to show a bit more energy and pace than we have been doing for sometime to beat them .Another draw looks the most likely result with neither side wanting to risk losing.

  11. Tony Evans

    Feb 08, 2016, 11:04 #83308

    Hi Ron - yes great for the game isn't with Leicester riding high on a shoe-string budget and thumbing their noses at the big-boys. If it wasn't for Arsenal still being in with a shout I would be completely behind the Foxes. Like you I have a sneaky feeling it might just be our year though, but Leicester will be in the mix and will make top four easily I think.

  12. Nick

    Feb 08, 2016, 10:54 #83306

    Bear in mind my formative years playing and watching football were in the sixties, but personally I saw little wrong with Falminis tackle yesterday, he got the ball, al of the ball, he got the ball BEFORE the Bournemouth player got near him but said players momentum carried him into the Arsenal mans path, it was a 60-40 ball in Flaminis favour, only the Bournemouth lads charge got him near him, and he was hardly touched anyway, but kept up indicating a two footed lunge hoping for a red card to be produced.A similar tackle only without the benefit of getting the ball was committed on Ozil just outside the box and did not even bring a foul let alone a witch-hunt.Sadly the game is all but a non contact sport these days, except for set plays when defenders are allowed to bearhug opponents and try to remove shirts from backs off on a regular basis but it is only punished on rare occasions, the officiating standards as much as financial doping are ruining the game

  13. Billy's Boots

    Feb 08, 2016, 10:50 #83305

    I think it's wonderful that some Dennis Waterman wannabee still uses the word "Sunbeam" in an admonishing kind of way...!

  14. Ron

    Feb 08, 2016, 10:10 #83303

    Hi Tony - right with you there. I think we ll beat the Foxes. 2-0. Im leaning towards a narrowly gained title win for the Arse now, despite Leics momentum. Like you, i sort of hope im wrong but not chiefly because of the fact it will bed AW in (massive worry) but mainly because football needs a refreshing lift. Leics have given it that title or no title havent they, but to win it? Fantastic. I personally think the Arsenal, Utd, Chelsea axis we ve had for 17 years has become dried up and quite tedious especially as each Club is so pitiful in Europe despite their dominance here. City are the new kids on the block really still so as i see them, theyre not part of the 'same old same old' cycle ....yet. Dare i say it, but a foray into the CL for Leics could be like the Tottenham one a few years back. Spurs just went out and gave it a good go and like it or not, it was quite exciting to watch i thought. Leics could be a repeat. I think their strength right now is that they dont give a hoot to be honest, theyre just having a ball! Its happens doesnt it. Do you recall Denmark in the 1992 Euros. Their FA had to scour the hotels and beaches of the World to rustle up a team and they eventually got them together, not fully fit after the seasons end and holiday mode had set in, but the Danes just went there and thrashed everybody. Johnny Jensen rules!! Brilliant. Just like Leics. Loving it.

  15. Tony Evans

    Feb 08, 2016, 9:10 #83302

    A win against Leicester and it will start to get interesting again - well at least until we fall apart again! Great to see Leicester where they are, and to be honest I am torn between them and us as to where I would like to see the title end up. It still has to be AFC for me, despite my deep-seated frutrations with Wenger but my worry is that, as Ron says, an Arsenal title win could cement him in place for ever. Mind you he's not going anywhere fast anyway! Why would you, doing something you love, on £8M a year and not under any pressure but to deliver top four year after year.

  16. Bard

    Feb 08, 2016, 8:59 #83301

    No mention of Flaminis shocking tackle that was red all day. I think Friend is a gooner at heart. Bent refs all over the place.

  17. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 08, 2016, 8:44 #83300

    Ron: Good post regarding Man U and LVG, I think if he is left alone and gets his players in place they will be ready to challenge again. People forget the Man U target is PL and CL, they aim very high and if LVG does win the FAC it will be regarded as merely a stepping stone, not an excuse for an open top parade.

  18. Westlower

    Feb 08, 2016, 8:40 #83299

    We should rejoice that it's such an open PL this season as it's an endless source of amusement listening/reading the expert pundits changing camps on a regular basis as the pendulum swings to and fro. Leicester are this weeks pick, after previously rowing in with CFC, Citeh, AFC & MU. Should AFC beat Leicester & the Spuds get a result at the Etihad, they'll start talking up the NLD as the title decider. They're not dissimilar to horse racing tipsters, who are usually a race behind in their thinking. To those who think buying in the January transfer window is the answer to winning titles, reflect on the fate of Derby, who were riding high before buying in 3 new players & haven't won in 7 games since. The more the merrier is not always true. Comment in Racing Post: Arsenal put themselves in a good position by doing what they usually do, and they will carry on doing what they usually do. Either that will be good enough to win the title or it will not. If it is not, they should not be blamed. Nobody should be blamed if they have given everything that can reasonably be asked of them. @Ron, Oliver Holt agrees with your assessment of Maureen. "If he comes to OT he brings discord, cheap shots & efficiency. He may bring trophies but he will not bring back the magic. He goes into a club and stays 3 years. When he has gone, the only legacy he leaves is scorched earth. If United want to become even more like every other team in England, they'll go for him "

  19. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Feb 08, 2016, 8:18 #83298

    Don't get too carried away with Hiddink at Chelsea, he's just done what any sensible manager going into a struggling club would do, make them hard to beat. I'm the first to criticise Arsenal, but don't forget MU snatched a draw from the jaws of victory last night. Can you imagine if we'd done that at Chelsea what would the mood be like here this morning. Regarding next week, if - and it is a big if - OGL learns from previous games like against Stoke and Spurs with Crouch - we keep the opposition bottled up so that they can't get opportunities from set pieces, home advantage should be enough to seize the day. The winners of the title this season really are going to be the team who are just a little bit less crap than their peers. We'll all take that if that team are the ones wearing red shirts.

  20. Jack

    Feb 08, 2016, 0:14 #83296

    Why are all the pro Wenger posts removed on here.This site seems to be run by neo nazi racist right wing wankers.

  21. Ron

    Feb 07, 2016, 23:42 #83295

    Westie - if Utd stick with LVG which i believe they will do and should do, they ll be fine. They have a crop of excellent youngsters there who are in the Utd tradition of blooding them. No other club historically 'does youngsters' quite like Utd. Theyre slightly Rooney dependent, but its to be expected. Martial will be a truly class player, Blind is excellent, top keeper, Rooney still a quality player and as he adjusts his game to suit his final career yrs, hes getting better i think. Theyre a great chance of the FAC and will title chase next season. They ll buy one big major player, perhaps Bale. All of the barbs and vitriol thrown at them this season is borne of idiots celebrating their fall from the summit. I think the Board there expected whats happening and gave LVG a full mandate to do what hes doing. All this clap trap about Mourinho going there being played out in the press ensures that he wont be going there in my view. Utd wont like that and while Bobby Charlton lives and breathes, his chances of the Utd job are in my opinion remote. His brand of tackiness was tailor made for Chelsea and all which that particular part of London represents. He ll be a bad 'fit' at Utd in my view. In any event i believe his salad days as a truly top Coach have been and gone now. Utd will want better post LVG. I could be wrong of course and often am. I dont think Ferguson has quite the sway there that hes given credit for either so the yrs of JM kissing Fergies arse wont have achieved very much in the final shakedown there, either with the Glazers or indeed SAF himself.

  22. Cyril

    Feb 07, 2016, 23:42 #83294

    Wht a lovely feeling... I rent my ticket out and I watch us do the business. I listen to Motown : if u feel like giving and loving me, a life time of emotion.. I second that Emotion... Who nows ..?

  23. John Gage

    Feb 07, 2016, 22:09 #83293

    @Westlower: I don't think its just an issue of lack of fixtures, being injury free and no fatigue. Leicester have played very well, all across the team they are showing strength and determination, not just Vardy and Mahrez but also N'Golo Kante, Drinkwater and Robert Huth. In my opinion Man City were throughly outplayed, and Leicester very worthy winners.

  24. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 21:57 #83292

    Plenty of high fives and fist knocking after the final whistle, did we win something ? did we go back to the top of the table or something.

  25. jeff wright

    Feb 07, 2016, 21:46 #83291

    So, er TH 14 AFC what was the result when Guus in the run of his unbeaten games took on Arsene then >? By the way sunbeam we have had 3 draws in our last four games - 3 of them without scoring a goal -Stoke,Chelsea ,Southampton. It doesn't take much to get you excited though.You couldn't make it up.

  26. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 21:44 #83290

    David, another good post, the players would probably win the prem without weng (and they probably know it)but his fans can't see that, they think it's all down to him, God bless em, he's more of a hindrance than a help.

  27. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 07, 2016, 21:22 #83289

    Moscow - Not sure where you're going with that little nugget about left and right but an assertion like that needs more depth and some evidence. Living in Russia (I assume) you must be all too aware of how little that country has to do with left wing politics (either now or at any time since Stalin came to the fore). Russia was never "communist" as Marx and Lenin intended. it was - and is - state capitalist, i.e. one big government sponsored protection racket serving the interests of a few at the expense of the majority. So it's more like Britain right? So lets give the lie to the idea that left and right are equally bad, and therefore equally odious.

  28. Mick Jones

    Feb 07, 2016, 20:52 #83288

    Badarse you festering Maoist Arsenite, you brown stuff moany. Good night

  29. Th14afc

    Feb 07, 2016, 20:10 #83287

    Why do ppl keep going on about Chelsea unbeaten under hiddink?they've not won many games under him....draw nearly every week,still not title winning form is it

  30. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 19:14 #83286

    @David, I don't discriminate, as I support the whole package. Anything or anyone that is Arsenal will have my support. I don't care who the manager is, my feelings remain the same. I've always suspected that people who don't handle losing well need a scapegoat to vent their anger on. His longevity at the club causes this anger to build into hate and that's a shame. It's nonsense to say any success the club may have is not down to Wenger. How can it not be? Criticism about who & when to make substitutions is merely peoples opinions, nothing more or less. I thought Thierry Henry's suggestions were rubbish given were we 2-0 up. I fear for Arsenal should he become manager, but he'll still have my 100% support while he's in the hot seat. If we don't support our own then why bother supporting at all? I believe he got it right today bringing on Coq & Gibbs when he did. Sanchez isn't fully there yet & the Ox hasn't played many games. Yes, I did expect Ox to kick on this year, maybe today was a turning point for him. He has the ability to make a difference. It transpires Elneny was unavailable due to his partner giving birth to their first baby.

  31. Moscow Gooner

    Feb 07, 2016, 19:07 #83285

    I love the politically-charged phrase - 'There is no room – no room at all – for hatred in football. That human instinct is reserved for fascists and bullies and racists.' No Graham - apart from being completely wrong about Wenger and Arsenal Football Club - you also don't understand the first thing about politics: hatred is at least as prevalent on the Left as it is on the Right. Perhaps you're not bright enough to appreciate the supreme irony of your comment about 'football being football and politics being politics'??

  32. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:56 #83284

    @mbg, Given Leicester are top and the Spuds 2nd, does the table lie or not? @Jeff, I landed a nice 8/1 treble on Arsenal & TH to win & a draw at the Bridge. Happy days! Early betting for next week: Arsenal 8/11, Leicester 7/2, draw 14/5.

  33. David

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:54 #83283

    Westie- why? Because Arsenal won? Great result - good fight from the players, and a good choice to play the Ox ( who I will remind you that you suggested he would, ahem, score 25 goals this season). I never said AW is a bad manager, but you can see that the result was down to the players' desire more than the manager's tactical savvy. He hasn't had that for years. If Arsenal win the PL- and they are still probably favourites- it will be quite detached from the manager's influence and decision making, which has been suspect for years. As I said, not what he once was - he's 67 years old. How many managers are still on top of their games at that age? So who are you a fan of Wenger or Arsenal?

  34. jeff wright

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:43 #83281

    Tbh Bard the two also rans who played in the prime 4pm spot on 'Sky Super Sunday' looked more like title challengers than we did huffing and puffing away at Bournemouth. 10 games unbeaten now for Guus with the same cutthroats that Mourinho had - this just shows that managers can make a difference . United will be hard to beat this time around as well they look a different proposition to when we played them earlier in the season.

  35. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:07 #83280

    @David, I trust you were blushing with embarrassment when you wrote that tosh? @Ron, I was impressed bu MU at the Bridge. Just shows that this immature committed Gooner is indeed a football fan!

  36. Bard

    Feb 07, 2016, 18:02 #83279

    Jeff; It was a good win in the circumstances but I agree we will have to play a lot better than that. Bounmth missed a hatful of chances and our defensive shape was shocking. The midfield is a mess collectively.

  37. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 17:05 #83278

    David, great post.

  38. David

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:57 #83277

    Stuart Leveson was spot on in his criticisms. The case against AW is a separate issue from supporting Arsenal - he did not make the club, and he did not make it what it is. Quite frankly, the devotion of some to him is stomach turning. He has not improved on the performances of previous managers; he hasn't won anything to set him apart, yet he's revered as though he has. He doesn't deserve this. The team has bailed him out of trouble in the last couple of years; but there was no discernible difference in tactics and style in Arsenal's performance - no strategic change emanating from the manager. He isn't doing anything to improve the side; yet they are still just about in the title race. This is credit to the team more than the manager. I don't hate him, but I can see that he no longer has the influence on the park that he once had; no longer has the eye for a brilliant cheap player; and no longer outwits opposing managers. He's not bad, but he's not what he was, and there are better options out there. He was once unknown and in his mid 40s when he came to Arsenal; the club owes him nothing.

  39. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:48 #83276

    It's on (again) the bad runs over (until the next one) we're up and running (again) everything's rosey in the garden of arsene and his followers again, everything else forgotten.

  40. Miamigooner

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:41 #83275

    Oh piss off mate, he's been failing in our eyes for years- succeeding in Kroenke's and the boards eyes- and getting 3million a year bonus for getting top four.....tell me again why we moved ???

  41. Nick

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:32 #83274

    Mbg, your welcome, glad you liked it, Areneite, it does have a ring to it dont you think ? Good three points today but a very workmanlike performance and again some puzzling substitutions, but then we were up against the mighty Bournemouth, 2-0 up with ten mins to go, so obviously we were going to hold on for dear life instead of taking what was a clear opportunity to better our GD, which as it stands is worth a clear point to the vile spuds, though sky got it wrong with the motm award to Ramsey, Bellerien was a more deserving recipient, or Cech he stopped us having a VERY nervy last few minutes, still we shall see over the next three games what our true credentials are , beat Leicester and Manure red, and in between avoid having our arse handed to us by Neymar, Messi and co and maybe Wengers luck will hold, fail dismally in all three and its fourth place and if we get lucky and the reserves can hold off the challenge of the imperious Hull City maybe another cup triumph to vindicate the old frauds methods or lack of depending on your point of view

  42. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:28 #83273

    jw, that's easy, it wouldn't have looked good wally telling us how good they are talking a good game and telling us how good he is if he hadn't played, and of course he wouldn't have got paid for what he's employed to do.

  43. jjetplane

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:26 #83272

    Right Westie has set the marker - let's get some bullish if unimaginative posting from AKB Land. Any takers? Come on - where's your passion! It's been a long wait but finally it is has been nailed .... Leicester tickets for 200 quid anyone? Wonder if Leicester will clap Arsene's boys onto the pitch - it's all about respect - read your circulars Lads .....

  44. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 16:12 #83271

    Arsenal are the new favourites to win PL with Skybet & Ladbrokes: Skybet odds - AFC 15/8, Leicester 9/4, Citeh 3/1, TH 5/1. Arsenal now 6 clean sheets from last 10 PL games, 11 in all this season.

  45. Mick Jones

    Feb 07, 2016, 15:46 #83270

    Oh dear Badarse we managed to escape one whole month before your return. Is it really worth it? A growing list of enemies. Ranting on about various individuals political views like your some red commissar. What are they Mensheviks, Trotskyites? Don't fit to your true Stalinisism. Too much of the quisling accuser for my liking. You'd have people put against the wall. Yet oh dear, who's not on your list and therefore we must presume your fellow travellers, yes it's anti Irish rascists and mysogonist rascist Religous nutters, the hypocrisy would be shocking if I didn't also mention you think groping woman is funny. Bore off you old git.

  46. jjetplane

    Feb 07, 2016, 15:42 #83269

    Total vindication, assassination futile. When the going gets tough against a newly promoted side then that is when Ozil will get his thumb in mouth and the Ox will no doubt selfie himself to death with first goal since Arseole fc smashed Chelsea in great big world status community shield. Now back to the extension on Webster's contract. It can not come soon enough after this blatant display of intent from le poodles bit more importantly what is Theo saying - hey! hey! WOBs have been found guilty in first kangaroo court set up in the PL. WOBs were seen leaving the pie house with pre-Wenger shirts hiding their faces as Colsey, lee and er Jack/Jill threw money at them screaming 'you look like you need it.' Far away their president and medium to Arsene the Unreachable was busy betting online with views to a killing once Leicester fall due to not having played a season in top top football. If you want to strike fear into your opponents just show them a picture of Ozil thumb sucking ..... Talk about the whites of eyes! Someone just mentioned JW as a leader type on the radio! lollllll!

  47. jeff wright

    Feb 07, 2016, 15:38 #83268

    It's a results game and today's one against Bournemouth who have now beaten 2-0 home and away ,with Ozil scoring two of his 4 Prem goals against them and selfie poster AOC getting his only one of this season against them today making it a winning one ,they took their chances well when we took full advantage of some sloppy defending but neither played that great and AOC was giving the ball way when in possession rather a lot again. It's hard to make a case out for us being better than Leicester are going on our performance today. We were hanging on desperately in the second half and Bournemouth should consider taking up playing Rugby with their shooting at goal efforts being more suited to that game .Anyone any idea why Wally was sent on by Wenger with only 30 seconds remaining in the 3 minutes played of injury time. Wenger himself looked relieved when the whistle went to end it all but it looks just like a stay of execution for him because better teams than Bournemouth await us.

  48. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 15:26 #83267

    Nick, Areneites, I like it, I'll have to remember that one.

  49. Ron

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:58 #83266

    Youre no more 'committed' a fan than anybody else on here Westie though thats a typical brainless barb oft thrown by AKBs to those who wont support the view that kissing Wengers arse is the blueprint for the future. Truth is that yr less committed. Im sure there are quite a few posters here who do put their hands in their pockets and properly support the Club by going. Why arent you at Bournmouth? 2.5 hour drive tops from you on a Sunday? Sounds even dafter seeing as you dont go to any games barely. Commitment is one thing, tunnel vision to blind bias taken to extreme levels as all of yr posts show (and admit) is another thing altogether. Has that 'go figured it'? Detesting all other Coaches and teams isnt commitment either, its just crass immature irrationality.

  50. RedPig

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:39 #83265

    If Leicester win the title (and there are many reasons I hope they do) then I very much doubt Wenger will not hold his hands up and admit he has been proved wrong. He will probably claim they have vindicated his belief that spending big money on big players isnt the solution. He is that despicable.

  51. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:33 #83264

    Free of the cup competitions ? so we're back to throwing and aborting them again. You couldn't make it up.

  52. CB

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:20 #83263

    Good to see the team doing the okie kokie in the warm up. Good for team speerit and mental strength. Feeling s positive result coming against the south coast retirement home.

  53. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:19 #83262

    Gaz, yes this vindication thing is hilarious isn't it ? It's just another way for the wengerites to up, boost, their messiah's fast fading image and praise him by air brushing the last ten years out of history. Like I said in my post 88132 he most certainly will not be vindicated in fact what ever he does between now and his departure (if anything)make no difference whatsoever only make the call for wenger out even louder.

  54. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:07 #83261

    Joe S, spot on, let him leave with dignity my arse, it's to late now, kick his arse out through the door all the way to the Euro star.

  55. jjetplane

    Feb 07, 2016, 13:01 #83260

    Arsene FC have been half turning up in competitions over the last decade and more and have managed to scoop two already forgotten FA Cups against struggling opponents. Arsenal are presently nearer to Wigan than to Leicester. Hope that helps .... Keown who is normally a yes man in the manner of Mr Circular (lol!) and the out of breath Westie (here boy!) has just said it will be indefensible if the title goes to elsewhere. If Leicester do win it then they do because they have players and a coach whom the PL has not seen before. I would take Vardy, Mahrez over the pampered pussy poodles at the Holloway shopping mall every season. I had clean forgotten what it was like to have players that excite in the PL but watching the above and of course Lane, Alii et al at the mighty Spurs! gives me a glimmer of hope for football in this country. 'Hedge fund managers' such as Wenger posing as a football coach right make people sick to the teeth. Reading his disciples is just the same. belligerent and immature. Remember watching Leicester years ago against Brighton and flsgged them as a team to watch for. Same with Bournemouth against Exeter so to the AKB Sky lovers - get out there and watch some football. You might learn something. Langley Wanderers hey! .....

  56. mbg

    Feb 07, 2016, 12:56 #83259

    No doubt we'd take the draw and a point now.

  57. jjetplane

    Feb 07, 2016, 12:37 #83258

    Ha ha Westie has reset his juvenile hate button and now the Foxes and the Spuds won't give the ball back! Mwaaaaaaah! Please can we have our ball back mister porchie1 Pleeeease .... Do remind how old you are? lol! Afobeeeeee reckons Wenger is pants. Touchee touchee Wenger! lol!

  58. jeff wright

    Feb 07, 2016, 12:02 #83257

    Wenger's certainly out-done himself this season with his contradictions against what he has previously claimed and his desperately looking for excuses to excuse the un- excusable. With 39 points left to play for it's a bit soon to be saying who is favorite to win the title though.The bookies base their odds on this by using the current positions of clubs in the league table our own odds will shorten or lengthen depending on the result of today's game . Liverpool were short priced favorites with 5 games to play a couple of seasons ago when Suarez and Sturridge were banging in the goals - but fell away after losing at home to Chelsea. Sometimes one bad result on the run-in can produce a domino effect and others quickly follow. I take a pragmatic view of Leicesters chances of winning the title and believe that the last 6 or 7 games will be where the title is won or lost.It is not impossible that Leicester could hang on and win the title as Blackburn did years ago but they needed help from other clubs to do so - West Ham did them a favour by holding out against United at the Boleyn while Blackburn themselves were getting well beaten at Anfield,but still ended up Champs that day. It's a funny old game. Wenger who is detested by every manager in the game will not be getting any favors done for him though and the lack of goals scored by us this season is a concern - with all the clubs above us scoring more of them than we do. Mahrez who cost 400k is the first midfield player in Prem history to hit double figures for goals scored and assists made . 42m over-hyped Ozil who bottled playing at Stoke and disappeared again against Chelsea at home eat your heart out! Do cretins like this really deserve to win the title >? You couldn't make it up.

  59. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 11:54 #83256

    Who wins the PL may well come down to which club can free themselves from the cup fixtures the quickest. Loitering around into the later stages of cup competitions could hinder any of Citeh, AFC, MU & TH. Our neighbours should progress in the FA Cup having drawn an easy game v Colchester. How they perform against Fiorentina may determine their finishing position in the PL. They've had their worst results when playing Thur/Sun games. Fatigue hurts! Will the refs continue to allow their petty fouling to stop the opposition from breaking quickly? They have the second worst fouling stats in the PL. Dirty, dirty Spuds. The game is about fouling, consistently! Citeh have even worse fixture congestion, which is unhelpful. Should AFC exit as expected to Barcelona, their remaining work load will lighten. Food for thought: If you are a committed Arsenal supporter, then you are probably not a football fan. Go figure that one?

  60. Ron

    Feb 07, 2016, 11:27 #83255

    'potchie Baby'? wtf? Despair at times. By the way, Spurs are a top Club. Its just that your view of what makes one is wholly shaped by satellite tele gazing and the Daily Mail. Gaz - it can make you feel like that, but on the plus side i always think it makes you the wiser for seeing the Club for what it is now.

  61. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 11:25 #83254

    @Bard, We are about to find out how much mental strength Leicester have in the coming weeks. For the first time this season they are clear favourites to win the PL. And what comes with that is an added pressure. Playing one game a week has kept them fresh, relatively injury free & mentally sharp. They've got a lot going for them.

  62. Gaz

    Feb 07, 2016, 11:03 #83253

    I hear you Ron. Every day I'm faced with the awful conundrum of wanting Wenger to go but realising that with every win and fourth place finish he cements his position at the Club. It's a ****ing awful position I find myself in and it's why I don't enjoy following the Club any more. Been to one game this season-the community shield-and if you'd told me 20 years ago I'd be going so little if never have believed you. Feels like kroenke and Wenger have sucked the enthusiasm out of me and it really hurts...

  63. bromley boy

    Feb 07, 2016, 11:01 #83252

    in a normal season you expect Arsenal , Chelsea, Man utd and Man city to battle it out for places 1 - 4 in the league. Throw in spurs and Liverpool trying to gatecrash the top 4 it makes it the hardest league in world football. The problem Wenger has is Leicester city and there relentless march this season .if we were to fail by a couple of points to Say Man city you could easily say well we had a right go and hold our heads up high and say we are moving in the right direction. but this is not a normal season 2 or 3 clubs i mentioned earlier will probaly not make the champions league . There can be no excuses left if we finish below Leicester and Spurs both smaller clubs both with smaller budgets. wenger has his critics and at times he deserves it but i feel the whole structure of the club is not right Stan is not the owner we need . sadly i can only see change if we fail this season

  64. Bard

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:52 #83251

    Jack: Your post epitomizes where the club are at, grateful for small mercies, unable to see that the once great Arsene passed his sell by date years ago, frightened of life without him. Listened to Dylan Hartley the England rugby capt speaking before the Scotland game. He said the only point about sport is winning. He obviously hasnt been to the Emirates lately. Ron; I agree Leicester winning the title will not be good news for the great one. Whatever Leicester have going for them they have mental strength by the bucketload.

  65. Adeniran

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:51 #83250

    We lost the likes of Coqueline,Carzola and Sanchez and a team that looked unstoppable just fell apart.Which says a lot about the players that came in for them,and these guys are not receiving peanuts.Which is kind of infuriating that Wenger kept Sanchez on the bench for Chelsea and even more so with Coquelin against Southampton.Or taking off Giroud against Chelsea.I recall similar scenario last season when we lost Giroud and Ozil for long period.These team carry too many below average squad player to win anything.

  66. Nick

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:28 #83249

    So the latter day Greek philosopher Badarse is back , denying that he insults anyone in one breath then doing just that in the next , in fact giving a list and attacking those on it piecemeal, before going off on a speech worthy of a mad hatter in wonderland, I am arrogant for having a view on Wengers shortcomings, really ? Typical of Wenger supporters he does not ADDRESS the criticism merely insults the purveyor of them, lets face it , the inactivity in two transfer windows in a pivotal season is undefendable, his lack of motivational skills is self evident, the prearranged substitutions that are only ever changed when injury or red cards force such change, can I suppose still be debated but the evidence for such an arrangement is overwhelming, his insistence on playing players out of position is well documented, and its is often done to both the detriment of the team and the player, his reluctance to upset team spirit by buying in quality competition is patently ridiculous, players welcome top signings, it shows ambition and keeps them on their toes , team spirit will only be affected by a disruptive influence in the dressing room, and the torpor that comes with lack of confidence in your ability to carry out your job, bringing in reinforcements rarely has that effect on morale , still you Arsene FC supporters will hear no reproof of your idol, trying to debate with you is a one way effort unless you wish to indulge in a personal insult fest, so you Areneites keep on believing keep on perpetuating his myth, the rest of us however who actually support the ARSENAL will continue to decry those who we see as obstacles to our great clubs true destiny, to be kings of Football. !

  67. Ron

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:19 #83248

    Gaz - speaking as one whos Club will always be Arsenal but mainly as one whos more a general football follower these last few years ( and happy to have found that balance), i honestly think that the worst thing for AFC is for the Club to limp and scratch its way to another title win under this Coach. It ll cement this regime in for years. Do you want that? I know that many who still go the games certainly dont yet theyre torn. They pays their money to properly support the Club, quite rightly want to see success on the pitch, yet want to see this man gone. Its a real conundrum for them. Its one i couldn't carry on wrestling with hence why i chose to jack it in more or less 6 yrs back now.

  68. Torbay gooner

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:15 #83247

    Trouble is Graham that a lot of supporters like myself are just fed up with the BS that this manager has spouted for the last several years. Clearly he thinks that we are idiots, his latest uttering being that you don't need to spend money to be successful like Leicester, contradicting his previous views. The basic fact that he has failed to strengthen the team in the areas that have been lacking in the last few transfer windows, when money has been available should alone be a sacking offence. I think that he actually gets off easy, as clearly he has so many supporters, who are happy to swallow his nonsense. Btw Jack, that is not Klopp's team, so suggest you suspend your judgement on him for at least a full season. Hope Leicester go on to win the title, as it is clearly beyond ourselves.

  69. Gaz

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:07 #83246

    Makes me laugh how the general concencious from pro Wenger types is if we win the title it'll be a complete and utter vindication of Wenger's master plan over the last 10 years. What a load of complete and utter bollox! The truth is he's muddled his way through those ten years using all sorts of daft ideas most of which kept us there or thereabouts but also saw some of the worst performances and defeats in 130 years. If he'd left in 2006 we might have had 2 or maybe even 3 other managers but with our pulling power I bet we'd have won at least the two FA cups Wenger has won and probably even more. The fact is if we win the title this year it's more down to the fact a Club the size of ours is bound to win it eventually and especially when everything is going in our favour as it is with the likes of Chelsea, Utd and even City at their lowest ebb for many a year...

  70. Michael

    Feb 07, 2016, 10:03 #83245

    Jack, I'd take anyone right now, just for a change. All the rubbish are beating us and all the other rubbish are beating that rubbish. Leicester are showing us what commitment can achieve and the manager that was deemed a failure at Chelsea is top o' the pile with an average team. Fourth is far from given, the FAC will be a miracle given all the top teams still involved and the CL? Oh, hahahaha. So for a year that promised much delivers...more of the same.

  71. Ron

    Feb 07, 2016, 9:55 #83244

    Guys, Wenger needs Leics like he needs a hole in the head and he needs them to win the title even less so and he knows it. Theyre what hes preached for so long couldnt happen. At the same time, hes forced to applaud them so to try and maintain his view of himself as being a football man. Any kind word about Leics that he utters though will be through gritted teeth. Hes a man whos arrogance has come back now to eat him up. Its always does with any arrogant individual, either in politics , business, the arts or sport and dare i say it, particularly with Frenchmen! The all have a shelf life until they're found out. For some it lasts longer than it does for others and Wenger's had a ludicrously long period where hes got away with it. As for the other so called 'top' Clubs, the opposite applies. They ll crave Leics winning the title for 2 reasons. 1. It means they ll see it as a freak outcome and 2. Anythings better than Wenger sitting atop the pile. The man has been so unpopular with other Coaches for so long, they ll relish his discomfort. Wengers barbs and bile that hes dished out gratuitously towards the cash sources and use of it by those Clubs for so long, the personal attacks on their Coaches and players too, the refusal to socialise with other Coaches, the incessant whinging and bleating etc will leave those Clubs and Coaches thinking Wengers had it coming for years. I agree with them wholeheartedly. Right now, hes looking at the annual crumbling of what passes for a title challenge, the potentially biggest ECL mauling hes ever taken and another smaller Club stealing his own Emporers clothes and taking the title.All in all its a recipe for an even more grimacing, resentful and bitter Frenchman than we re all used to seeing. For my part, hes had it coming for years. Frauds can prosper, we all know that, but in the end the chickens come home to roost. Cluck cluck cluck Wenger. You've fooled a good many most of yr morose time on these shores but you were never going to fool all of us all of time.

  72. Westlower

    Feb 07, 2016, 9:51 #83243

    Would we want Ranieri as our next manager? Experienced, well travelled, managed in Spain, Italy, Greece & England but has still to win the top division league anywhere. Could he be successful at a top club? Same thoughts of Pochie Baby, could he manage a top club successfully? There's a massive leap from the Lane to a top club. His main coaching ploy seems to be rotating his full backs.

  73. Jack

    Feb 07, 2016, 9:35 #83242

    Why have the Wenger out rabble got it in so much for our manager.He has always delivered for us and is the only manager ever to always cement a top four place and has brought stability and unity among the more thoughtful of our fan-base.Yes the title has evaded us for 11 years yet other super powers like Liverpool haven't won it for 26 years and the biggest commercial club in England Man U cannot even finish top four.Some people need to take a reality check and be grateful for what we have and stop acting in a way that is destructive to our great club.Many of the WOR wanted Klopp as our manager yet it seems we've dodged the bullet on that one,attention now has been turned to why we didn't sack Arsene and go for Guadiola yet haven't most of these recent converts previously been against him for his tippy tappy Wenger style football?

  74. Nick T

    Feb 07, 2016, 9:08 #83241

    Tony...yeah just read that unbelievable stuff. This is the man that has repeatedly used the money and limitless resources of other clubs as a reason we cant compete now saying thats basically all b*llocks. I thought his recent comments regarding the importance of goalkeepers took the p*ss but he really is tying himself up in knots now. The emporer is stark b*llock naked!!

  75. Tony Evans

    Feb 07, 2016, 8:39 #83240

    Just sitting here eating my breakfast when I nearly spat out my cornflakes after reading Wenger's latest. After years of telling us it is impossible to compete with the big money teams, the old fraud now says that Leicester's rise to the top is proof of the exact opposite!. Has he no shame at all at treating us all like damn fools!

  76. Michael

    Feb 07, 2016, 8:33 #83239

    Said, Seven Kings, this team are lacking real guts. They get humbled time and again and instead of turning the tables on their humiliators they grind out a draw - or worse, another loss! It makes you want to don the shorts and jumper and show the weak sods what us supporters are made of. I am so thoroughly disappointed, not only in the manager and team but the lack of rebellion in the heart of the supporter base. Now I find myself right behind leicester and how they derseve it so let's give them a boost and knock off City.

  77. Joe S.

    Feb 07, 2016, 5:09 #83238

    This,let him leave with dignity line only serves to infuriate in 2016.Four years ago it was the thing to say, but there is talk of a contract extension which even teh smell of seems disgusting considering the long term harm this regime is doing to the club.If he stays to long anfd has to leave in embarasment, then he has only himself to blame.

  78. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 06, 2016, 23:35 #83237

    The elephant in the room is just getting bigger and bigger......

  79. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 23:15 #83236

    Paul, good post, yes a bad run, and the saddest thing of all is him and others believe it.

  80. Martyn

    Feb 06, 2016, 21:37 #83235

    If we didn't know already, Leicester tactics are eight across the back, blocking everything then lobbing the ball forward to Vardy and scoring. Brilliant, it works. Huth of all players, getting on the end of dead balls adds another dimension. Now, City couldn't work it out so I wonder if Mr Wenger has his tactics revised for next weeks encounter with the mighty Foxes. If we are still in it after tomorrow in Dorset next week will be real examination of just how adaptable, tactically, Wenger is.

  81. Hi Berry

    Feb 06, 2016, 21:28 #83234

    Here's a question....if Arsene Wenger had been appointed manager of Leicester City in the summer instead of Ranieri anyone think they would still be five points clear..... or fighting relegation?

  82. Paul

    Feb 06, 2016, 20:38 #83233

    "We are having a bad run" Yeah a bad run that has lasted 12 years.Dont tell me we won the FA cup so did Portsmouth and Wigan in that time.In Europe we dont even get passed the last 16.It will be 6 straight seasons knocked out in the last 16 when Barca batter us.Wenger is a FAILURE who would have been fired 8 years ago at any other top club in Europe.And we pay him £8.5m for that failure

  83. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 20:36 #83232

    But there is no justification for humiliations, embarrassments, stuffing's, beatings, dross, second raters, decisions, excuses, etc, etc, over the last ten years, the list is endless, but no doubt as far as you and your ilk are concerned there is. You couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  84. Roy

    Feb 06, 2016, 20:26 #83231

    I don't know what's more laughable. The possibility of Leicester winning the title ( with greatest respect to them because they've earned it ), or our manager still being in a job if they do. But when all said and done we have at least one more season with Inspector Clueless and his cosy little arrangement with those " above" him and I certainly won't be handing over my hard earned under this regime ( and haven't done so since we lost to Bradford and Blackburn in the cups ). Whoever coined the phrase " there used to be a football club over there " look no further. It's not a question of vilification - the hard facts are there for all to see whatever way you may choose to dress it up. Wenger Ivan and Syrupy Stan out.


    Feb 06, 2016, 20:08 #83230

    Dear Mr P - this is a quite unbelievable article - how very dare you! I am pretty sure thst I am considerably older than you & as your elder advise you that any true supporter of Arsenal is not motivated by hatred but many, many years of utter frustration with the current regime & business model. It has turned me into a Bad Grandpa & I demand change. It is not good for one's image in front of grandchildren for them to hear a constant tirade of OMGs, WTFs & Oh FFS! I have to blame someone for what I have become & that person must be Arthur Webster.

  86. GoonerGoal!

    Feb 06, 2016, 19:30 #83229

    A message to Arsene Wenger and his Supporters. "Don't mind criticism. If it is untrue, disregard it; if unfair, keep from irritation; if it is ignorant, smile; if it is justified it is not criticism, learn from it..." After 12 years of the same old, same old. No chance. KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  87. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 19:04 #83227

    Hiccup, and we can just imagine all the wee AKB's, fascists, racists and bullies that can be produced in that time.

  88. jjetplane

    Feb 06, 2016, 18:51 #83226

    Any bets on Everton finishing above Arsenal .... Just come into form and a club deserving of more whereas corrupt, penny pinching, austerity pleading Arsene FC deserve to go into a wilderness for a decade .... wait a minute. Good old outside toilets and long distance train journeys ....

  89. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2016, 18:40 #83225

    You are clutching at straws with this Pell leaving at the end of the season Westie. I couldn't see any signs of lack of trying today from the City players . They came up against a side in top form playing with confidence . City need Kompany back to tighten up their defence. As regards odds on the title they change like the wind according to results City have Burnley away and West Brum at home next up I will be surprised if they fail to take the spoils from those two sides. After we play Bournemouth we face Leicester at home then United away. So best not get too excited about things! Anyway our odds will will lengthen like shadows in a setting sun do if we fail to win tomorrow. Leicester are also likely to give us problems they are in great form and will not be any pushover.United away is another tough one it's awhile since Wenger won in the league at OT .From the position we are now in and looking at our fixtures with FA Cup and Euro ones to play as well we will do well to get back on top of the table again before Easter - and as I have said before I will wait until April the first before thinking about title tilts .I stil think that Wenger has blown it regarding the title and today's results only makes me more certain of that.

  90. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 18:39 #83224

    LEULZ, 88120, great post, Post of the day.

  91. Hiccup

    Feb 06, 2016, 18:38 #83223

    Jamie does have a valid point. Why are decidedly average long ball pub teams above Arsenal? It must be the cancerous fans fault. I mean, what else could it be? A lot of premature ejaculation from Leicester fans today. Won't see that from Arsenal fans. Still going at it like rabbits for 12 years, and looking good to maintain this stamina for at least another three years...

  92. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 18:17 #83222

    Well done Leicester proof if any was needed it's the manager that makes the difference, Claudio, another name for the long list of replacements for the old man who lives in a shoe that has so many lightweights, second raters, and children he doesn't know what to do.

  93. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:55 #83221

    You can just imagine the cry of foul, and the accusations and the complaints from the AKB wengerites that would be directed to/at the Admin, not to mention the obscenities at the author if a WOB were writing silly circulars on here every few days slagging off lord wenger and all his followers, my God they'd go into melt down demanding it's immediate shut down. Yet not a word from the WOB, although laughing can be heard coming from every WOB house hold all over Europe.

  94. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:54 #83220

    Citeh are now 3rd favourites at 7/2 after making the biggest mistake of all, announcing that the manager will be leaving at the end of the season. Many questions still to be answered: Will fixture & fatigue free Leicester walk away with the PL? Will the mighty Totts get bogged down in Ropey Cup & FA Cup games? Will Arsenal set off on a decisive winning run? Will United catch Citeh for 4th spot, to reclaim Kings of Manchester crown? Will Maureen get more mentions than MANchester UNITED on Sky tomorrow? Will Ron return to his chess games after getting excited by football today? My full back to your full back, Gary! The earlier mention of premature ejaculators, flushed out JJ from under his rock, right on cue!!

  95. Bard

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:45 #83219

    So currently we are behind the Spuds and Leicester. So much for financial disparity. I think we can now flush that particular excuse down the drain. Westie's still on about fatigue and Baddie is still over medicated. Where for life of me are Lee kfc, Colsey and Amos when you need them ? We could go with the argument that we cant compete with teams beginning with L and T every leap year because the planets arent aligned, any good ?

  96. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:18 #83218

    If he wins the title he'll be vindicated, I like your sense of humour. No he most certainly will not be vindicated in fact he will be nowhere near it, there has been to many humiliations, embarrassments, thrashings, duds, dross, second third raters and everything else that has went with them over the years, but it comes as no surprise to see you think that way, as you and your ilk have conveniently forgotten about all that/those and those more recent,(as usual) swept them under the carpet as blips, air brushed them out of history. No your messiah would have to do a hell of a lot more than one prem in ten years to be vindicated of anything, prem or no prem this season even when he's holding it aloft on the balcony of the town hall, the call will still be wenger out.


    Feb 06, 2016, 17:15 #83217

    These people the usual suspects already making excuses for another failed Wenger season!! Tottenham now second with massive goal difference!! You fools need to wake up quickly and start brig more objective and reasonable!! What constitute failure to you lot?? Must have a really low bar. Would Leicester city or Tottenham winning the league change your mind about Wenger?? Or is that still not enough to change your minds??? Will it be finishing 5th?? Or Tottenham winning the league?? We will never get a better chance to win the league!! Look I'm an arsenal fan I would take us winning the league over Wenger getting sacked but I know we are not going to do that with him in charge!! Just don't see it I'm sorry it's not being negative!! This manager has proven over the last 10 years he does not have what it takes to win the league!!

  98. Jack

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:04 #83216

    What are these clubs like Leicester and Tott doing up there,I watched both their games today and both are decidedly average yet their work rate and long ball games must not be ignored.I agree with Badarse on these so called WOR fans they are not needed and seem to have become a sort of cancer to the club in recent years.

  99. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 17:03 #83215

    Adjusted odds: Leicester 7/4; AFC 11/4; Citeh; TH 4/1, MU 33/1. Fair cop Ron, I admit it - Yes, I want Arsenal to win PL, as I'm not a Leicester/Citeh/TH/MU supporter. I know who I support & there's not so many distractions when wearing red/white blinkers. Who'd have thought it, Leicester top & the Spuds 2nd. Never underestimate the goal ratio equation which leaves the Spuds in prime spot.

  100. jjetplane

    Feb 06, 2016, 16:49 #83214

    10 thou Scousers up and leave in protest as 10 thou AKBs chant in a masonic fashion 'Ohhhhh Arsene Wenger's magic.....' as they throw money at him ......

  101. jjetplane

    Feb 06, 2016, 16:25 #83213

    Great to have BADDIE back and that was a real cracker! It's always good to have an Arsenal Elder (big Sanogo fan too!) who is almost a latter day Guy Fawkes (with a love of quazi-Vichy politics! how funky is that!) but the best is old Westie leaving the outside bog to travel 150 miles to see Arsenal every fortnight. Legends - both of them. Talking of Leicester there are many Westie posts to be found where the Foxes would be out of it by February. Let's hope the Spuds don't win again and the Mancs win tomorrow. There is plenty of 'hate' in football and it comes in many forms. Look at Westie who loves to hate in football and makes an art of it. Generally the more unimaginative hatred of a conservative nature usually comes foaming out of the somewhat sparse AKB Camp. Baddie's post is full of righteous hatred against the apparently unwashed but it's a laugh to read as we register the decline of a once sparkly poster who had so much wisdom to impart to any young gun who was under 60 ... Wenger - don't make me ****ing laugh and oh dear the Spuds have scored and er Alii is making Ozil look horribly ineffective. That is what we call football compassion. Dr Perry - ever thought of writing for Cameron?

  102. Ron

    Feb 06, 2016, 16:10 #83212

    Ha. Westlower, who are those 'excitable posters'. No certainties the Foxes will win it and ive no doubt a few posters will vote that last post of yrs as your daftest and bitterest yet and you've posted some real howlers at times, it has to be said. Following the Gunners perennial torpor as you claim to do has maybe made you forget what real sporting 'excitement' is. Theres been little to none at N7 this last 12 years (unless yr easily aroused of course?) so you shouldn't beat yourself up over that. If you had the remotest interest in whats good for football and for one minuscule moment dared to remove yr Arsene FC shades you might celebrate Leics season and prospects too. They represent what your guru claims to cherish re team spirit, not financially doped et al, yet is patently clueless to deliver himself as he sits on multi times the extent of their resources to try and do so. As it is, yr post doesn't at all disguise your obvious deep rooted envy of what they've accomplished so far. You're no football fan Westie.

  103. Bard

    Feb 06, 2016, 16:09 #83211

    We will never have the resources to compete with Leicester. For a start they are north of Watford which gives them a huge advantage andthey have hot and cold water in the changing rooms. What do we have only 60,000 seater stadium, the biggest match day revenue of any club in the world and we are only the 6th richest club in the world. its a mismatch of epic proportions. Will Jaqui Oakley be on hand to ask the Great one what he means by Arsenal not having the resources to compete.

  104. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 16:04 #83210

    Skybets updated betting on PL. Leicester 7/4; AFC 5/2; Citeh 3/1; TH 5/1; Man U 33/1. The odds will be adjusted again after the game finishes at the Lane.

  105. Ron

    Feb 06, 2016, 15:52 #83209

    Now Now Luelz. Ease up. There's a few on here who don't handle reality at all well, if at all.

  106. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 15:43 #83208

    Some excitable posters are on the verge of premature ejaculation re Leicester winning the PL. Steady tigers!


    Feb 06, 2016, 15:42 #83207

    Leulz BRAVO!! Great article!! Wow you hit the nail on the head. Again great article. Everything you said I agree with 1000%. I especially like the part about the wengerites going with Wenger when he does finally go! BRAVO SIR

  108. LEULZ

    Feb 06, 2016, 15:31 #83206

    The writer of this article is clearly lacking in any form of basic intelligence. A desperate Wenger cheerleader who is seeing his Messiah's incompetence being exposed by the likes of Ranieri and Pochettino, the desperation kicks in. Fascism??! LOL. I'll tell you what's fascist: a manager who patronises and condescends anybody that questions his ineptitude. A manager who tells anyone with valid criticisms "you haven't worked half a day in football". A manager unaccountable to nobody and who feels he's above everyone else. A manager who thinks he should decide when he feels like leaving, irrespective of how many people are thouroughly fed up of him (and its many). An owner who puts nothing in to the club but pays himself handsomely and gives nothing in return. A manager and board who use the AGM as an excuse to laugh at fans. A manager who is out of his depth and is useless in the transfer window but is too powerful to let someone else take over. THAT is closer to a fascist regime! Arsenal fans are NOT "on trial". The fans have been the ones coughing up fortunes for over a decade to watch an inept lying deceitful clown of a "manager" fail in the same way again and again. Wenger has collected over £80m in salaries this past decade, the fans have been screwed and continue to pay to watch rubbish like Sanogo, Diaby, Bendtner, Denilson, Flamini, Elneny etc...yet THEY are on trial? LOL. No. The only fans on trial are the braindead muppets like Graham Perry who've spent so long living up Wenger's rectum they can't see the trees! And we will be rid of that charlatan soon enough - and once he goes, I expect losers like Graham Perry and the rest of the clueless cult who've held the club back so long, to follow him out the door. Wenger is a piece of rubbish, over the hill, overpaid, arrogant tw@. If it's fine for him to insult us, I'm absolutely fine calling him out.

  109. Man United Killer

    Feb 06, 2016, 15:23 #83205

    Westlower I applaud your subtle and of course lousy attempt as always to defend your Lord Wenger about why Leicester city are 8 points clear of us.Injuries, fatigue, european games,blah blah blah..what else is new? It appears the financial muscle arguement isn't going to work on this one ei?


    Feb 06, 2016, 15:19 #83204

    The likes of westlower are already getting in their excuses looool!! You could not make it up! It's comical to say the least. A team that should have got relegated last season are going to win the league looool!! Yet we still have a deluded bunch of idiots who somehow still think Wenger should stay on?? It's getting rather ridiculous. Wenger has run out of excuses!! People will ask if Leicester city can win the league why can't you mr Wenger?? Simple question!!

  111. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 15:15 #83203

    There's only one person on trial here, (it's certainly not the fans and it comes as no surprise that someone like you thinks it is)it's an old fraud of a manager (you go to prison for fraud) or wengerites like you wouldn't be trying to defend him and failing miserably, as you can't defend the indefensible, as he's certainly been guilty of that over the last ten years with the humiliations and embarrassments and everything else that went with them. Guilty as sin. wenger out.

  112. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:58 #83202

    Really well done Leicester. Really showing the benefit of having a relatively injury free squad and only playing the minimum amount of fixtures, aka Liverpool 2 years ago. Fatigue has yet to find its way to the King Power.

  113. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:54 #83201

    Disciplined committed and successful ? the truth is we are having a bad run ? instead of no room for hatred, fascist's, bullies, racists (which obviously you think some on here are) it should read no room for jokes. You really couldn't make it up. wenger out.

  114. Ron

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:51 #83200

    Good to see the patron Saint of enlightenment and understanding is back, fresh from his beginners course on Nietzsche. Heaven forbid. Read and digest oh yeh who know not what you say.

  115. mbg

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:43 #83199

    Another rant/lecture and being told what we should and should not be doing from wengers chief ball boy, as meaningless as the rest. You couldn't make it up.

  116. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:42 #83198

    So Leicester go 8 points clear of us it's not fair ,how is Arsene supposed to cope with their overwhelming resources.

  117. Bard

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:34 #83197

    Baddie: your point is ? Or wasnt there one. Maybe a touch of keyboard indigestion.

  118. Badarse

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:29 #83196

    No Ron, this is me you old blowhard. If anyone wants to retrace the steps of previous posts they will discover that the insulting rudeness came from those disagreeing with my views-my reactions were just that, reactions to impolite postings and personal verbal attacks. In terms of reading behaviour, as well as the judgement of AFC, my ability is pretty good. In fact I said after reading Graham's first article that the jackals would hunt him down in a pack-some are just joining that rabble-the WOR, Wenger Out Rabble. No Nick, your view is just a view, totally incorrect, borderline arrogant, and full of supposition and error-ridden reading of a man's well do you think I read your personality? Come to that, how about you Bard? Justifying a ridiculous attitude from some just because they rally under the same flag as yourself? You and others, especially that poor e.g from gone west, claim to want discussion and debate. Absolute balderdash. I could not engage in a sensible conversation with UKIP, neither can I with the AFC cynics. JJ, the pseudo observational giant who knocks opponents as the superficial, whilst hopping into bed with right wing philistines at the flutter of eyelashes. AKBest, the staunch 'leftie' who rallies to every denigrating right wing piece of trash from his fellow posters-because they happen to occupy his camp. Left wing? You are having a laugh boyo, as an ideological man I see you as a member of a politburo rather than an ethical and sentient individual caring for equality. Mark, Gaz, Hiccup, you are just a bit mixed up. Mick Jones/Bojangles you are just not very nice. MARCUS is as daft as a brush. Jamerson is caught up in his narrow-minded deity system, with all the tosh it brings. When any site/situation descends into insult, for whatever reason then the game is up, ergo my disappearance. Old stagers like SKG, you are trapped my friend. Locked in the past, a cosy place to be when viewed over your shoulder just looking back-you can airbrush out anything you like. Old Russian proverb 'He who is wise keeps one eye on the past, with the other on the future'. mbg is just silly. These are not insults, some comments may be a bit ripe, but only offered as retribution for past misdemeanours received. In justifying the attacks on AW, or AFC, it is too convenient to use time as an excuse. Of course people lose patience, but that gives no justification. Most cannot grasp that the world has clicked on a few notches, that what is happening to and at, AFC is a manifestation of circumstance. You, those that moan without awareness, have allowed the fermentation of ugliness in our society. I say this because it is happening everywhere. A PM who gets into bed with a dodgy Murdoch man, punters who buy the Sun and enlist the same mentality, who is complicit? No one marches on the House, so we must be in accord with the shenanigans passing as acceptable behaviour. AW is greedy? Greed is the eleventh commandment in the society you have helped create gentlemen. With all it's clamour, and crassness, insensitivity and ugliness-what example are you leaving for the children? Debate? AW stay or leave? That is what passes for the debate remit-it isn't debate, it is a banging of dustbin lids. He is here until his contract ends-perhaps an extension, we will or won't win a trophy, that may influence a decision. What else is there to discuss? Do I like the emergence of AFC as the 'multi-national' monolith they have become? No. Is it a symbiotic development of the world and society around us, with it's market driven desire for profits? Absolutely. Can I overthrow the regime? Not at all. If I could influence the destruction of the board/management/direction of the club would I? No, because it isn't all bad and it would be like dropping a bomb on a hospital because the canteen is serving poor fare. Demos, marches? I've perhaps been on as many as all the moaners on here put together-did I change the world? Not a jot, but I got up and did something about my beliefs-I didn't talk a good fight. Try to do the same guys, or talk about something other than the in/out Oki Koki topic. And Graham, I really enjoy your perceptive articles, thank you.


    Feb 06, 2016, 14:19 #83195

    Leicester city are up 3 goals to nil at man city looool!! Wow! We go to Bournemouth tomorrow which is not an easy place to go!! Then they come to ours!! Dammm I'm scared as they play on the counter and we know are clueless manager does not know how to deal with teams that play us on the counter, even after all these years as our manager! If Leicester city win the league Wenger has to go END OFF STORY!! What would that say about arsenal under Wenger over the last 8 years if Leicester city win the league?? A team that should have got relegated last season unbelievable!!!

  120. CB

    Feb 06, 2016, 14:05 #83194

    More tripe from Mr Perry. I look forward to the circular explaining why Leicster won the premiership but his messiah could not. Should be a great larf.


    Feb 06, 2016, 13:53 #83193

    What an awful article!! You Wenger FANGIRLS never fail to make me laugh with the nonsense that you fools write!! Wenger has not won the league in 11 years!! He has failed so many times and he is running out of excuses!! If Leicester city or God forbid Tottenham win the league he has too go what could he come up with?? They out spend us?? They have a bigger wage structure??? What could you fools say??? ARSENAL WILL NEVER WIN THE LEAGUE AGAIN WITH WENGER AT THE HELM!!! I have been saying that for the last 5 years!! You deluded Wenger FANGIRLS need to wake up from up under the mans ass!! Whenever I debate with a diehard Wenger fanatic they can never win!! They always use the same arguments. I tell them point to me why you think Wenger will win the league again and they can never answer!! Thank God more and more akbs are turning now!!

  122. Redshirtswhitesleeves

    Feb 06, 2016, 13:08 #83192

    wenger, gazidiz, kroenke, you have ruined my beloved club, it bears no resemblance to the Arsenal I first went to in 1979 and the fantastic stories of the 30's I was bought up on listening to my grandad, please just go now and see if you can last 'half a day' in the real world in which us humble fans inhabit

  123. Bard

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:56 #83191

    Your article has certainly provoked some interesting posts although as I read it the posters arent proper gooners. A proper gooner is someone who accepts the status quo without question and sees being royally fleeced by the club as a pleasure. To my mind and I suspect others the debate about Wenger is dead in the water. There will be no redemption. He was a busted flush years ago. There are flickers of hope now and again but he will never win another meaningful trophy. i would have thought that statement is blindingly obvious. He keeps making the same mistakes over and over again and never seems to learn from them. I dont hate him on the contrary I feel sorry for him. Sadly his legacy will be drowned under the weight of the last decade of failure.

  124. Nick

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:42 #83190

    I agree personal character assassination should be avoided, professional deficiency should not be exempt however, the lack of adequate cover and competition for places in our squad is not down to spending huge sums of money, it is to do with poor scouting and.player assessment and a failure to identify the right additions in the right areas, we have a large transfer kitty for it to remain unused when there are obvious areas in the squad that need reinforcement or up grading is negligence or incompetence, the failure to motivate and get the absolute best out of those here is also incompetence ( either that or a lack of belief in the manager from the players) , look at how well Leicester City have been doing with only a fraction of our resources, that is down to a manager getting the absolute maximum out of the players he has, and players who buy into the managers ideas, we may well still win the title and have a triumphal season, but if we do it will be DESPITE our manager and our boards failings not because of them , though doubtless they will take the credit, after all our board are not shy of putting themselves and Kronke first, look at the increase in prices on category A cup games, announced in a week where we have dropped down to 4th place and FIVE points adrift of the leaders the filthy rich Leicester City, after a run of three points from a possible fifteen ,no they certainly have no shame.

  125. au revoir wenger

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:31 #83189

    people who try to sell this nonsense to the fans are very much part of the problem at Arsenal

  126. Bob

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:26 #83188

    Jump the gun?! We've had a decade of false starts, when we've been urged to judge the man in May. And as far as having a bad run is concerned, have a look at the statistics over that entire decade. We have invariably flattered to deceive, fallen away in the Spring, and sometimes put together a run of results at the end when it is too late to matter. Of course it is not personal with Wenger, nor should it be. The club should have made a cold, clinical and professional decision to replace him in 2008/9. We have effectively wasted those years, and the new manager, when he does take over, will be playing catch-up.

  127. jeff wright

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:20 #83186

    Critics of Wenger have every right to comment on his character after all he himself and others at the club have often made derogatory comments about Wenger's critics . The blustering half-witted Old Etonian chairman Hill-Wood called them ' idiots' . Wenger himself sneered that they had no right to criticize him because they had never worked a day in football - so if some supporters take things a bit too far with incidents such as on the train at Stoke then it is just a case of tit for tat. Where Hill-wood is concerned though he is more of a tit than a tat. Wenger was portrayed for years by himself and the club in the media as being an intellectual the le prof of English football against that of the uneducated Fat Sam sort a manager totally dedicated to football spending evenings at home watching old football videos while planning for the future of AFC .His affair with the younger woman a waitress he met while on a buisness trip to Paris she was also a part time 'rapper' blew that myth away when it was exposed publicly. A damage limitation exercise took place afterwards and the whole affair was soon hushed up. Obviously though it had an impact on Wenger's marriage with his wife leaving him to get a divorce. Now it is reasonable to comment on this because Wenger himself used his marriage and claims of being totally dedicated to AFC 24 hours a day as part of his public persona that he wanted to be portrayed as being.. The problem with putting people on pedestals is that they often fall of them and Wenger fell off his one years ago he should have departed AFC after the rather fortuitous win over Hull in the FA Cup final he has never cut it in Europe and last won a league title back in 2004. Money however is a big motivation for our accountant cum manager and the millions on offer from Stan were too tempting -and from what I can discern still are.

  128. RedPig

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:19 #83185

    Ron and SKG - both great posts. At least Graham's post provoked some responses worth reading.

  129. RedPig

    Feb 06, 2016, 12:08 #83184

    How do you manage to get so many articles on here Graham? I am still waiting to see one from you that justifies being published.

  130. Seven Kings Gooner

    Feb 06, 2016, 11:52 #83183

    Graham: Some of us hate what is happening to Arsenal, my moment was away to Stoke 2009 where I witnessed the most cowardly performance from an Arsenal team in over 50 years of watching them. I stopped going soon after, I still want to know why Wenger stopped using tough, hardened pros and started using small, slight easily broken lightweights as players in his team. Do you want me to list them? We have a constant stream of players who cannot last till Christmas, let alone go a full season. Most of them get smashed up, not by the likes of Stoke but by the normal run of the mill rough and tumble football matches. I would suggest that the team is being feminized but that is unfair on ladies football, competing at the very top level is no longer a priority. I am against the whole direction AFC are heading, or have already arrived at, the match day experience. The difference between Arsenal and other teams is that if one manager cannot do it, say at Man U, he is replaced, that is to be expected in a competitive professional world. Fear not though my protest is evolving, I no longer call you and your type an "AKB" but a "WW" (Walcott Worshipper) "The Walcott Years" is a great piece by Kevin Witcher which so describes what our club has become. I also class myself as an "Arsenal pre 2006" supporter because the real Arsenal have been left behind at that "blessed plot" known as Highbury.

  131. Ron

    Feb 06, 2016, 11:25 #83182

    'Critics make the most noise'. What a load of utter tripe. Those who cant accept the criticism interpret the criticism as being uncomfortably noisy. The critics of this regime are massively outnumbered. The vast majority are happily ensconced in the Clubs Wenger sponsored comfort zone.Have you not noticed that 50 off thou roll up every home game? Additionally a good few on here are long standing follower's of the Club who've given up on it by and large. You be on 'on trial' if you want to be, but dont drag many of us into your dock with you. Our 'crime' is speaking as we see it, rightly or wrongly. Your use of the wrod agenda is totally wrong too. Nobody in the right mind has 'agendas' v a football team and its Coach. Nobody will gain in esteem from change there?, nobody will gain political power? nobody will make money will they? They do have views though. Simple but passionate views about a Club that many of us have been raised to support or follow. This post of yours Graham ranks alongside one of Badarses finest in its pomposity and sanctimony. Hope thats not too 'personally abusive' to you. If its happens to be so, take a check on how the pendulaum can swing. There are many on here who adopt an anti regime, change demanding position at the Club who have been abused and insulted by those on the opposite side of this divide. In fact, my mention brings to mind again, the late and unlamented disappearance from this site of comrade Badarse, himself one who tediously cried 'insult' et al routinely in the face of views he couldn't accept or cope with, while doing just that himself repetitively. Your morphing into him seemingly. Maybe you are him and 'Brian' has been laid to rest?

  132. Hiccup

    Feb 06, 2016, 11:15 #83180

    Firstly, what constitutes failure? We are currently 4th, and I expect us to finish at least 4th. This has been trotted out as success for the past 60 years, so as far as I can see, this year is on track to be a success once again. So I'm really keen to understand what is deemed as failure. Answers on a postcard please. The wob's on here get slated for criticising Wenger, but I don't think it's hatred? I find most are quite accepting of the situation and have come to terms with how the money making circus is run. I think there is huge respect for Wenger and co how they have managed to con supporters for the last ten years. I know the score, and take it for what it is. No hatred? I think this article is more aimed at justification of character assassinations of the AKB's. I feel that those that have defended Wenger are now beginning to see an all too familiar pattern, and having told us we have turned a corner and this is our year, are now seeing how they have been proved wrong yet again. And most of the angst from the wob's is made against those who defend the regime, as they don't have access to Wenger. If you're going to give blind faith to Wenger and keep trotting out Wenger has been performing miracles, then don't be surprised your articles get criticised. I'm all for an amnesty of AKB bashing, but it's got to work both ways. Stop talking crap, and the p!ss taking will stop.

  133. Mick

    Feb 06, 2016, 10:05 #83179

    No room for hatred in football? Leave off.

  134. Westlower

    Feb 06, 2016, 9:50 #83178

    Watching any group of supporters wallowing about in self pity is never a pretty sight. To get a new owner, two things need to happen. The present owner must be ready & willing to sell, plus someone with a £billion in his back pocket to buy Stan out. Usmanov has the money but isn't politically welcome by the board. It will take a seismic change for any short term changes in ownership. If the club were struggling both on and off the field, the call for change would have far more credence. Wenger WILL stay as manager until the end of his contract - even his fiercest critic must have accepted that by now. There's rubbish spoken about the old farts among our support that don't want change. We don't see the point of constantly calling for change & unsettling the team, when no change is going to happen in the short term. For me, I'm not against change as long as it's thought out and executed at the right time. Mid-season isn't the right time. Anyone born immediately after the second world war has experienced more change than any other generation currently supporting AFC. We baby boomers have embraced change all our lives. Growing up as a kid from a poor home in the 50's we were denied the luxuries, fridge, TV, phone, carpets (we made do with lino), central heating, all items taken for granted these days. Unless you've used cut up newspaper in an outside loo in the middle of winter, you've lived a relatively comfy life. You've picked on the wrong generation if it's felt we don't like change. The managerial situation needs to be reviewed in the summer, based on what's been achieved. Even if we fail on all fronts, Wenger will leave us in far better shape than when he arrived. For that we should be grateful.

  135. Wilson

    Feb 06, 2016, 9:27 #83177

    Arsenal fans have been more than patient. There were times in 2010, 11 and 12 when Arsene would please for 'patience' and it would be given by Arsenal fans. But as of now, Arsenal fans have every right to bat of every excuse or rationale offered in the event of failure.

  136. Patrick

    Feb 06, 2016, 9:11 #83176

    I would have sympathy towards the concept of 'give him a chance' because of the success he brought early on in his management if it wasn't for the fact that the failings are clear to all and mistakes have been repeated year on year and the ownership and leadership have attributed these failings to outside forces such as oligarchs and th new stadium debts. Year on year on year february is the rail crash time. Year on year the club do not invest in an adequate number of quality players despite charging the prices they do for tickets and merchandise. Year on year we fail because of the lack of quality. People are handsomely profiteering from us fans. I know it's capitalism etc and won't change but please, don't feed us drivel about not being able to invest because of lack of quality in the transfer market. We get is complicit in this deceipt. He is as culpable as the owner. The contract extensions they offer the cast of casualty saves transfer funds maybe?! To suggest criticism is aT an unacceptable level is ridiculous. Rewind to the days when football supporters actually voiced opinions in stadiums and the. You would have heard criticism. Comparisons with wengers critics and racism? Wow. I would like to point out facism along with all dictatorships are based on one individual having absolute power and free from challenge of decisions. Familiar?

  137. Afam

    Feb 06, 2016, 9:03 #83175

    I quite agree with you that abuses and insults have no place in football regardless of how frustrated one maybe against any one. On the flip side, I also feel that dedicated and long committed fans should not be taken for granted. If a players falls short of expectation, he is fired; same should apply to others down the line. As you may agree, the business sense of the game seems to be overshadowing its entertainment value and with that comes perspective. Whether you like it or not, football is now big business and there is a growing divide between the desires of the owners and expectations of the fans. While the manager should seek to strike a balance, he must be mindful of the fact that the fans are is primary constituency.

  138. N4

    Feb 06, 2016, 8:59 #83174

    Correct me if I'm wrong Graham,but, when was the last time Wenger came to the fans whether away or at home and clap his hands to the fans to say thank you in his 20 years...I can't remember! You shouldn't feel too bad what us happening at Arsenal, they are getting the abuse after the last 10 years of bull**** they have been telling and selling to the fans instead of being upfront and direct with the fans. Kronke, Gazidis and Wenger OUT now!

  139. Smithy

    Feb 06, 2016, 8:47 #83173

    It doesn't matter if we win anything. We have an owner who doesn't understand football and is only interested in the balance long as we are around the top four silent Stan is happy. Wenger is ultra cautious when spending money and will believe in the healing hands of ug and zug the cavemen in our medical cave instead of buying any fit players.The Americans don't care!


    Feb 06, 2016, 8:38 #83172

    Though you're supportive of Mr Wenger you need to realise that not to win the league for 12 years for a club like Arsenal isn't acceptable in modern times, besides like you rightly mentioned there is money to spend and though spending isn't always the answer but in Arsenal's case it is the lack of using the money to strengthen at the right time that is causing us the title this season because we have lost momentum. Secondly, Mr Wenger's longevity has now allowed the best and most suited managers available to be poached by other clubs jeopardising a good succession plan or does Le Prof think he can last another season without winning the title! You see its best to leave the stage when the ovation is loudest and sadly l think he missed that chance. There is a weakness in the spine of this current team which was the nature of our great teams of the past who had fighter in every position that is why other teams came to steal our players, who in this team will fight for us? Please tell me? Wenger is no longer who he was 20yrs ago, the desire may still be there but now fire is long gone.

  141. Delford Magaya

    Feb 06, 2016, 8:31 #83171

    I agree with the writer of the article above, but Wenger has been with the team than any other coaches in England, and for him to continue giving an excuse is unacceptable and an insult to the supporters, Wenger has been with Arsenal for more than a decade now and we expect him to win the title than any other coaches in England. His love of money is the other reason why he is not winning the title, we expect Wenger to buy quality players, but he always give a different excuse, George Graham has been with Arsenal for almost 6 or 7 years but he managed to win 8 trophies for those few years. Wenger is to blame for all what is happening at Arsenal. I used to have much trust in Wenger but my patience is not there anymore, he keeps on giving unreasonable excuse, why other teams are getting the strikers they want, he should learn to use money to buy quality players, In this world these days you cannot expect to buy quality players for little money, Wenger should know that, he will not go to the grave with that money. If he fail to win the title this year, he should resign, there is no doubt because he has failed. He should win titles the way Sir Alex was doing, we expect that to happen if he want to continue coaching. We do not want so many stories, just to defend himself for failing to win title. He is to blame for all what is happening at Arsenal. He always say strikers are not in the street but where are other big teams getting those strikers? He should be reasonable enough, not to be an ordinary coach when coaching a team like Arsenal.

  142. Mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 06, 2016, 7:54 #83170

    Graham - why are Arsenal supporters on trial? How much more amenable can the fanbase get? There is no Northbank terrace any more from which to cat call boo and sing what a load of rubbish. There is no protest ala Billy Wright when just 3000 turned up. Supine is what I'd call it. Next let's look at the board and its dealings, before even a ball was kicked old Ivan was saying I hope Wenger stays forever. No other board in world football even Bayern with Pepe get their dignity. Follow on to December we are top and then guess what contract extensions get mentioned. Any other sensible club would stay tight lipped and then wait for a title win. There is therefore no discussion allowed, the AGM is like the politburo. But of course the lesson from history is if you stifle honest debate then it breaks out into dissent and so that's when you get the train incidents. To come back to you on a point about Wengers potential humiliation exactly how many more times need this happen? He's like a favourite pet with a nasty ailment some people cannot see to do the right thing and put him out of his misery.