Of Bag Searches and Ticket Prices

Dayglo Jacketed Little Hitler or protector of the (highly priced) peace?

Of Bag Searches and Ticket Prices

As equine aficionados know, a Steward’s Enquiry is synonymous with horseracing, the Sport of Kings (supposedly). A Steward’s Inquiry is fast becoming synonymous with what was once a game watched mainly by untitled men at the end of their five-and-a-half-day working week of drudgery, though last month I paid an unmolested farewell visit to Upton Park for the pulsating West Ham United 2, Manchester City 2. I went purely for the sake of nostalgia (see below) you understand, not to see three Gooners past and one Gooner present (who conceded a needless penalty and suffered serious Ian Jury all within the first dozen minutes).

Since ‘the Paris atrocities’, as we must call them in this parallel universe, we Gooners have had to endure not one, but two, physical (and mental) violations before entering THOF for the rest of our “Matchday Experience”. Before our 0-0 demolition of The Saints, I had an “experience” on the South Bridge, where we are now confronted by a cordon of security people. I merely complied with “my” steward and did not say anything. And like any model prisoner confronted by a guard, I avoided eye contact (the first thing one learns when residing at Her Majesty’s pleasure for the first time, so I’m told). After he was finished, he obviously thought that I owed him common courtesy; he shouted after me: (with increasing volume) “Thank you … thank you … THANK YOU … IGNORANT”.

Now, I had drummed into me from an early age “always say please and thank you”, and it has paid dividends more often than not. But I don’t think that it’s appropriate here. I was not given a service, advice or anything else I either desired or needed. The virtue-signallers among you may disagree. If so, answer this (pleeeease): do you say “thank you” after airport security have finished patting you down and subjecting you to various other indignities? Thought not. Now tell me what’s the difference. I found his inappropriate aggression offensive but I was not about to turn back, giving him the argument he was trying to provoke, and for which only one of us would be getting paid.

Never forget that fan is short for fanatic. It is a truism that many (dare I say most?) diehard football fans are far, far more likely to change their “partner” than their beloved team, irrespective of their absolute and relative (geddit?) merits. It is also a truism that, by and large, the players we pay fortunes (see below) to watch do not, indeed cannot, have the same love for, and knowledge of, the club that we do. There are exceptions, however. Some players serve, for want of a more appropriate verb, one club their entire playing careers, and even beyond. The ultimate one-club player, though, is one that will always remain true to his club, though not necessarily his wife. Respect?

Even non-Python fans are familiar with The Four Yorkshiremen sketch. Grumpy Tykes compete to “out-nostalgia” one another, each believing their upbringing was more difficult than their three peers’. The other side of The Pennines, Liverpool fanatics are up in arms at the prospect of paying (up to) £77 for certain (not all) matches, a 30%+ hike on the current dearest: £59. A recent report into football finances stated that, despite our still fairly modest ground capacity, Arsenal’s take from match-day revenue is the world’s highest, which enables us to implore the Scousers to: “Calm down, calm down … £77? Luxury! That’s nothing compared with what we fork out!” There is a problem, though. This would not fit the Liverpudlian narrative: ever the put-upon and transgressed.

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  1. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 14:52 #83658

    Badarse, jealous are you ?

  2. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 0:35 #83640

    Another week of trolling the hell out of this site. It's easy, isn't it. LOL! How do I get away with it? Crooked admin on this site. Happy Valentines Day to all except TOF who I hope chokes on a snail. Nurse!

  3. Jock Gooner

    Feb 13, 2016, 23:25 #83639

    The boy clearly figured that if you could afford to waste 90 mins attending the match then you could afford another 30 seconds of inconvenience to comply with a quick search. When I attended matches back in the 80s there weren't groups looking to bomb us, the worse I ever suffered was a smack in the mouth at West Ham. Get over yourself.

  4. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 20:51 #83637

    Hiccup, tragic isn't it, TOF had planned to sit up to three in the morning watching Lique 2, he'd have been right at home there, no he'll definitely send them out on time after giving bouldy orders to warm them up with some tippy tappy around the cones.

  5. Hiccup

    Feb 13, 2016, 19:16 #83636

    These fans protesting are selfish and self centred that the game can do without. My thoughts go out to the players. These poor souls will originally have had tonight all planned out for a nice night in with a takeaway and watching Casualty. A nice easy Sunday morning fry up followed by an afternoon of golf. Now they're all stuck in a hotel with each other and it's pasta for breakfast tomorrow. Their weekend has been well and truly shafted. I've got inside information that the Leicester players are planning to stay in the dressing room for an extra 5 minutes before kick off. Will the Arsenal do the same, or will Wenger send his team out on time and hang around?

  6. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 18:33 #83634

    Bard, they must be using a more powerful transformer to plug them into over at AKB central command, apparently every time they give them treatment all the lights dim and bulbs and fuses blow all over the place, but it'll soon wear off and they'll skulk back to central command for another session on the jump leads but their going to be disappointed because their messiah has given the go ahead to increase the price of electric, so they'll just revert back to their usual selves with the odd appearance usually late at night when they fall out of the boozer full of buckfast when everybody else is in bed.

  7. jjetplane

    Feb 13, 2016, 18:19 #83633

    Lovely cheap venison steaks at Tesco's .,,,, Peasants cannot get enough of 'em. Ostrich steaks (yes I know Arsene looks like a ...) are also very tasty. Anyway - can Gus possibly catch Arsene now? Rampant lol!

  8. Jason

    Feb 13, 2016, 18:11 #83632

    Agree with "Hiccup" Coming in 5 minutes late is like standing outside Tesco with a banner protesting about the cost of their food before going in to do your weekly shop!!

  9. jjetplane

    Feb 13, 2016, 17:33 #83631

    Even the peasants are eating venison now and you think it's something posh, perhaps even exotic. Stick with your bible's loaves and fishes and you will remain blessed among the WORs ..... See the Mancs who are far richer than penniless Arsene FC who cannot compete are officially Europa fodder. Arsene FC will no doubt follow ....

  10. arsene wenger

    Feb 13, 2016, 16:28 #83629

    Sorry mbg, but while I sip champagne and eat my venison. You can stick to your tin of beans in your bedsit. I'm here forever and the word legend will ring out once I retire. Peasant.

  11. Bard

    Feb 13, 2016, 16:15 #83628

    Jack/Jamerson/Jamie/Pete; youve got awfully chippy since they let you out on day release. I heard through the grapevine that you were banged up for impersonating sane human being.

  12. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 15:52 #83627

    Happy 60th Birthday to a real legend Liam Brady still fondly remembered, the same won't be said about TOF of a manager we have after he pisses off.

  13. Jack

    Feb 13, 2016, 14:52 #83626

    The trouble with the WOR is they're always telling the club to buy these overpriced prema donnas yet when it comes to stumping up for tickets they think they should pay around 3p.

  14. Hiccup

    Feb 13, 2016, 14:50 #83625

    I do laugh at these protests. So Leicester fans will take to their seats 5 minutes in to the game. Well that's still 5 minutes earlier than when the home fans normally arrive anyway. These protests are supposed to show the world how bland the viewing will be without fans in the ground. Well we already see empty grounds for the first ten mins and last ten mins of both halves as it's more hip to arrive late and leave early. The club's know anyone daft enough to pay these extortionate ticket prices, will also put up with being p!ssed around with the moving of dates and times. It's all geared around the armchair fan these days. The sooner match paying fans realise no one gives a toss for their plight, the sooner these futile demonstrations can end.

  15. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 14:15 #83624

    And did you hear him trying to justify the prices by raving away about the cost at Bayern and in France ? then telling everyone we have to generate more revenue ? what other manager would be at it, he has his grubby fingerprints on everything and his big hooter in everything, what a fraud. wenger out.

  16. jjetplane

    Feb 13, 2016, 14:06 #83623

    No mention of the fact that these people in HVs are doing poorly paid jobs and are exploited by some dodgy company along with the club. Security like prisons is big money and i am sure Arsene FC do well out of it. Probably a good percentage of those workers are also being watched and if they do not perform are soon sacked. Probably a lot of Arsenal supporters too who cannot afford your lifestyle with all the discomfiture it brings. AKB all day long ....

  17. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 13:59 #83622

    OGL thinks it's best to protest before or after the game I bet you do you old fraud where no one can see, you'd love that, that's the point of doing it during the game Sherlock where everyone can see, you don't like that do you ? he reckons everyone should be in their seats because it's a moment of happiness in your life, LOL really ? a moment of happiness watching an old fraud of a manager like you and your little second raters and cart horses ? the mans getting more delusional every day, it's not right laughing.

  18. jjetplane

    Feb 13, 2016, 13:47 #83621

    Here! What you doing this Sunday? As it's dull and rainy think I'll do down to the most sought after soccer mall in the universe. They do a lovely roast all in for fifty quid and after that i might get to my seat before half time if we score. Whatever happens I will leave early for my 150 mile train journey and have a good snooze after that roast. What about you? Yeah - we will have the roast early too and watch it on the box and then it's an afternoon of sweet dreams. All matches should be played at Sunday lunch times. It's more civilised and when it comes to Arsene FC it's on a religious day and Arsene never demands too much from his followers. All in all it's been a lovely decade. Pass me the remote - Arsene's on talking about his vision/s for the future of the club/humanity ....

  19. Hiccup

    Feb 13, 2016, 12:25 #83616

    The least you could have done was left him a small tip...

  20. mbg

    Feb 13, 2016, 10:31 #83611

    Ignorant is the word Ian, but a hi viz vest or jacket on these guys/gals and they think they have all sorts of powers, they're even searching fans before they even get to the stadium now ? anyway their only supposed to look in your bag and ask the owner to remove stuff or show it to them if their not happy, not man handle it themselves. Little hitlers the lot of them, but what do we expect from this regime.

  21. Jack

    Feb 13, 2016, 9:45 #83608

    Arsene Wenger made it very clear in his pre-match interview that Arsenal offer the best value for money in the Premiership.The way Arsenal have priced it is that whatever your budget there's a game for you.Unfortunately unless we can add another tier tickets will always be hard to get hold of.Arsenal ST's are the most sought after in the world,if you have one make sure you keep hold of it.

  22. Cyril

    Feb 13, 2016, 9:42 #83606

    Sorry should say Scousers. The average wage in Liverpool will be [with respect ] lower as well. It was a working class opera but that was long ago...

  23. RJ

    Feb 13, 2016, 9:28 #83605

    I do say thank you at airport security. Thank you to airport security for taking the time to protect us from potential threat on a plane. It is a small courtesy. the stewards are doing their job. They probably want to do it as much as we want to have them do it. That is, not very much. My approach which seems to work quite well is approach steward with a cheery smile coat open and bag open ready for a search to speed us all through as quick as possible. And after being searched a cheery thank you for a job done. Probably at minimum wage in miserable conditions and probably getting more abuse then they deserve. Ian, you are welcome to continue to behave how you see fit, but this is not like being in prison, a bit of eye contact and a smile does not hurt anyone. Having said that it does seem as if that steward was a bit of an idiot. However perhaps he still believes in basic courtesy, or had a bad day, or just decided you had been rude. As to whether the searches make us any safer? Probably not and like you I went to a game away from the Emirates, a field in fact, and they do not go through this charade

  24. Cyril

    Feb 13, 2016, 9:26 #83604

    Ian, I have just had a look at a footy hooligan documentary from the eighties and caught a glimpse of the away end price board. It was £2.80 to get in at the turnstile at a premier club and it was on a board for a reason cos it was £2.80 for everybody. I am not suffering from nostalgia and I get inflation. These hikes are outrageous. I am with the scouters all day long!