Cech should be worth an extra 10 points yet we’re standing still. Why?

From the equivalent fixtures last season, Arsenal have the same number of points

Cech should be worth an extra 10 points yet we’re standing still. Why?

Theo – Not the goal threat team need him to be

From the same fixtures Arsenal have the same number of points as last season yet Petr Cech’s signing should be adding 10 points (and feels like it is). So what’s gone wrong and has Cech had the impact we feel he has?

Last season, most fans felt we dropped points because of four problems:
1. A dodgy keeper (Southampton away)
2. Periodic goal droughts (Man U home, Swansea home, Sunderland home)
3. Lack of midfield resilience (Chelsea away, Spurs away)
4. Conceding headers (Man City home, Swansea Away, Liverpool Away)

And looking at this season it’s much the same;
1. Poor goalkeeping (West Ham home)
2. Goal drought (Liverpool home, Southampton home, West Brom Away)
3. Midfield resilience (Spurs home, Norwich Away, Southampton Away, Liverpool Away)
4. Conceding headers…not so much?
With an added fifth phenomena:
5. Costa madness (Chelsea home and Away)

It seems therefore, that Petr Cech has helped us defensively but all that good work has been undone elsewhere (and not just by the Costa phenomena which only cost us a point year on year…).

To me it seems there are more problems in midfield with the absences of both Cazorla and Coquelin proving costly and the defensive resilience of the midfield as a unit still questionable even when both are fit. To be fully functioning Arsenal need someone to win the ball, hold the ball and come back to help recover the ball/fill gaps (wide players). Without Coquelin they lack a ball winner, without Cazorla or Wilshere a ball holder and only two of the five main options out wide ever seem to cover effectively without the ball (Campbell and Ramsey when wide). Indeed, it’s this problem that is most apparent this season with teams rampaging through Arsenal too frequently.

And of course finally, there’s the issue of dry spells. All teams and players get them but Arsenal’s persistence with Walcott stands out as an issue. His dramatic hat trick in the last game last season hinted at a new angry man but sadly that has proved not to be the case and Arsenal miss a bench goal threat. It’s especially galling given Ozil’s transformation into the league’s premier creator of chances (the other big plus this season) and one Arsene simply has to address for next season.

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  1. Mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 15, 2016, 20:15 #83805

    I'm willing to accept that Ferguson softened up the referees in the domestic league in fact it was his inability to do the same with European referees found him out to an extent like the Real Madrid game in 2013 when he basically lost it after the sending off. For referees to operate a graft vast funds would be getting paid over. So why then are UTD struggling in 5th and Chelsea 12th. Who's form is slipping in 4th? Yes City. So in fact all the usual suspects are having a nightmare. Enjoy the fun there's no great conspiracy just a realignment of money, a continual drain of top players to Spain and an all out battle of styles between possession football and counter attack with the radical rock and roll counter attack being successfully played by Leicster and previously by Klopp.

  2. mbg

    Feb 15, 2016, 16:38 #83783

    jw, 88623,if that would have been any of our players it would have been to Ramsey then to the cart horse to wally to chamberlain to mertsacker and Ozil and back to the keeper.

  3. Jimmy Gooner

    Feb 15, 2016, 14:33 #83769

    Well said Captain Frank. There are some very interesting and knowledgable posters on this site - certainly more so than Arseblog - but some do themselves and their views a disservice but refusing to acknowledge anything positive. I have found Wenger to be incredibly frustrating for the last 7-8 years and have been of the view that a change should have been made 3-4 years ago, a position I still hold. However, I have no problem with crediting him for the substitutions yesterday which I thought were brave and well timed. Something which we've not been able to say for a long time. A return to Wenger 1.0 (1997-2004). Jeff and Bard - both posters who I like because they never resort to name-calling - are right to say that the next two away games are banana skins, but I'd rather be going into those having beaten Leicester than drawn. Did we get out of jail yesterday? That's not how I'd term it. We battered Leicester in the second half - admittedly helped by the stupidity of Simpson getting himself a red card - and were unfrotunate not to have scored a second earlier. Schmeichel's save from Giroud was outstanding and I thought Morgan was a giant at the back as well. Sanchez was poor by his standards and Ozil did not do much until the free-kick for the winner, but we kept going and got our reward.

  4. mbg

    Feb 15, 2016, 12:46 #83757

    David, the spuds playing better football than Lord wengers little technicians ? that won't go down well with some of followers.

  5. Bard

    Feb 15, 2016, 7:42 #83721

    I cant quite understand why the AKBs are so worried about how others post on here. You have your views and you post them, its irrelevant what others think. Colseyboysetc gets obsessed with what mbg and Jeff post, come on mate grow a pair. Always exciting to score a last minute winner and we got out of jail yesterday. Man U and Spuds away to come both banana skins. Leicester have an easier next few and we are still 2 behind. I would say we are no more than evens.

  6. Bojangles

    Feb 15, 2016, 7:24 #83720

    Badarse enterprises offers you for a one off fee of £79.99 "A walk in my Shoes" ( your road to individual brilliance ) by the Rev Brian Badarse. See the reviews.... "Sheer magic" Barry Badarse, (66) Mechanic, Walsall "Brilliant" Debbie Badarse, (28) Housewife, Walsall "God be Praised" Jameson,(47) Billionaire, Knightsbridge "I no longer feel lonely!" Coleseboy, (72) ex footballer, honest!, Tottenham "The only book I've ever read" Jack (7) Schoolboy, Bournemouth "Great pictures and colouring section" LeeAFC (41) Unemployed, Clacton And many more.... Available from. I publish myself books Amazon. Buy now and get a free present!

  7. Mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 15, 2016, 6:55 #83719

    Coleseyboy - crying into his beer glass "on my own, once again" sob.... I did actually enjoy the win Colesey no need to worry! Ps if you tell us where you live we can make a hilarious quip involving your name and address. Like tosser from Bruce Grove. Etc etc...

  8. Badarse

    Feb 15, 2016, 0:20 #83718

    CB, poll dancing is a bad habit to get into. Majority proves nothing more than it's a majority-never that it's correct. Either he did, or didn't plant his foot. I have spoken to Chance the Gardner and he assures me he planted it-Seaman and seeds are incompatible in this instance, he is wrong too. @ Mark of Nark, nave thou dost jest methinks, tis thee that nags...by the way you give yourself away, (sounds like the start of a song), political correctness is a catchword designed and propagated by the conservatives of our society. Those who only speak in disparaging terms for what is after all, general sense and a protective attempt to guard the vulnerable. I have never heard any but the naïve and right wing refer to it as PC-undone by two letters, now that's quite good even for me.

  9. mbg

    Feb 15, 2016, 0:14 #83717

    jw, obviously colsey has made his way from the twelve pins back over here (it's took him long enough)trolling away trying to start a row having no takers over there (even the AKB's ignore him) I guess we'll ignore him too, it's not right laughing at him, God love him.

  10. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 23:59 #83716

    jw, quite right you could hear the sigh of relief all the way to the twelve pins.

  11. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 14, 2016, 23:55 #83715

    And to think we actually won, doesn't mean a thing to the Muguiresbridge jeffjunior and Mark from Arseholebury. Good to see the other idiot Arseholeknowsbest has disappeared from view. Yagunnersya

  12. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 23:16 #83714

    I know all about the negative posting on here. I'm not alone there's a lot of sh1t stirring trolls like me who just appear to spread sh1t. I don't like the comments section removed and replaced with non trolling comments I, boss of this site would not love that so the rest of you can piss off.

  13. jeff wright

    Feb 14, 2016, 22:11 #83713

    Much of the euphoria Frank was more about Arsene having got out of jail again when Danny Boy scored from that free-kick at the death.With us having huffed and puffed without being able to blow ten Leicester away in normal time.Phew! the relief when that late face saver for the players and manager went in. We have to beat United away next while Leicester have Norwich at home so it could be back to what it was before that late goal given Wenger's record at OT in the league ,so let's see how things transpire before getting too euphoric about it all.

  14. Martyn

    Feb 14, 2016, 22:08 #83712

    Good three points and a deserved victory against a team we knew were going to put nine men behind the ball and counter attack. Couldn't understand why Ox moved to the left side after causing them big problems on the right in the first quarter of the game. His game seemed to fizzle out. Full credit to the team however in keeping up the attacking in the second half. More clinical finishing and the score would have been more emphatic. Giroud may not be scoring but he is laying on some crucial assists in the box. Long way to go but small margins will define the ultimate outcome this season, including refereeing decisions! Cautiously optimistic.

  15. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 22:01 #83711

    Captain Frank, you rarely read the comments on here yet you know all about the negative posting on here regularly,(glad you under stand why) maybe you read a lot more than your letting on, don't worry your not alone there's a lot of AKB's like you who just appear when the goings good. So you'd like the comments section removed ? i don't doubt it, and replaced with pro wenger comments no doubt ? yeah you and your mates would love that, no need to tell you to piss off back to arse blog as your quite at home there.

  16. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 21:41 #83710

    Mark from Aylesbury, i hear the men in white coats were called to the five pins because there was this AKB sitting at the bar all on his own banging his head off the bar and chanting and crying because no body appeared not even his mates, it ended up he had to fight with himself, but he's well used to that.

  17. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 21:17 #83709

    jj, it must be pandemonium over at AKB central command also, (i hear their charging in)no jump leads needed there tonight.

  18. Captain Frank

    Feb 14, 2016, 21:12 #83708

    I rarely read the comments thesedays because they tend to get a bit repetitive. I understand why that is, so please don't bother explaining the reasons. However, I thought I'd have a look after today's game as I was sure there would be lots of feel-good remarks. I was at the game and there was terrific euphoria inside the stadium when the winner hit the back of the net which I was sure would be reflected on here. Sad to say that's not the case. I do wonder what some of you get out of posting such negativity on here so regularly. It doesn't change anything. Debate is interesting. Criticism of all and sundry because it suits your view is far less interesting in my opinion. Comments have also become a lot more personal since I was last here which is incredibly depressing as we're all Arsenal fans regardless of our views on the manager, individual players, the board, etc. I'm sure people will tell me to shut up or bugger to Arseblog because you'll mistakenly believe I'm a AKB or whatever the latest acronym is. Save your time and try to post something more constructive because I won't be reading the comments anymore. To the guys who run the site - please keep churning out the articles which I always enjoy even if I don't always agree with. You might also want to think about shutting down the comments section (which is a growing trend incidently) as I'm sure it takes up more of your time than you'd like and frankly it does a disservice to the site and contributors.

  19. jeff wright

    Feb 14, 2016, 21:12 #83707

    Messi and Suarez just showed Thierry and Bobby how to do that penalty trick ...magic...Barcelona are playing football on different planet to us. You couldn't make it up.

  20. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2016, 21:10 #83706

    Interesting stat on Sky news that it was Arsenal's 100th goal scored in 90+ minutes, more than any other team. So it's true, the 'speeerit' is there right to the final whistle. Chavs have scored 93 injury time goals; MU 91; L'pool 73; Everton 70; TH 69. Altogether now - Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end. Though the way be long, let your heart be strong, keep right on round the bend. Though your tired and weary still journey on, till you come to your happy abode.....Gotta dream boy, gotta song!!

  21. GoonerRon

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:57 #83705

    @ jj - do you honestly think that only Arsenal supporters who are completely pro-Wenger are buzzing after that ending to the game? I know plenty of Gooners who would have Wenger sacked in a breath were it their choice but we're commenting after the game how amazing an end it was. Why does every result, good or bad, have to have the backdrop of whether you support Wenger or not? I'll be honest, Osama Bin Laden could have been our manager and Saddam his Assistant but I'd still have buzzed my face off with that end in such an important match. If all the 'Arseneites' are buzzing tonight with glasses half full, how would you describe your emotions after the game?

  22. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:56 #83704

    Roy, you can be dammed sure Leicester will react a hell of a lot better than TOF and his little technicians would have if it had been the other way round, TOF probably wouldn't have even offered a handshake instead skulking off down the tunnel in a huff.

  23. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:48 #83703

    And there through the half filled glasses, wander the Arsenites, verily their faces buzz with adoration for Lord Wenger .... they are true - they are the buzzing Arsenites ..... buzzzzzzzz .......

  24. Th14afv

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:26 #83702

    Sir Danny Welbeck....I agree with the guy earlier that said he was buzzing his face off when welbeck stook that in the net,any true Arsenal fan would be the same

  25. six

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:26 #83701

    mbg i will speak as i find and at this moment i find your comments truly childish but that sums up many on here. excellent choice from the manager to risk a player who has been out for 10 months. he'll get no praise on here but the fact is we have taken 6 off the medias darlings.

  26. David

    Feb 14, 2016, 20:09 #83700

    Well that puts Citeh out of the race - no-one has won a 38 game title with more than six losses. In that regard Arsenal are on a tightrope with some difficult games to come - Spurs, Citeh, Manc U away. Spurs are deservedly ahead of Arsenal, having played the more convincing football, but it's not yet squeaky bum time; so let's see when the pressure's really on. still impossible to call at this stage.

  27. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 19:25 #83699

    jj, it looks like we have another super fan among us, the last one is long gone, OGL will be pleased.

  28. six

    Feb 14, 2016, 19:19 #83698

    Well fourth is certain, third maybe and who knows, the negatives may never post on here again. Six to four lump on boys.

  29. Bard

    Feb 14, 2016, 19:07 #83697

    Looks like the game away to the Spuds might be a title decider. Very funny Colseyboysetc. I havent seen that for a while. Steady as she goes.

  30. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:59 #83696

    What a way for the ancient Colesey to enjoy a win. Expletives after a drink too much. All this after some attempt to create real buddies out of a cyber community. Not usually a good idea particularly when the attitude is so sour. Enjoy a win Colesey and hopefully your hangover and vague memories of today will fade. Ps: sorry to have to say it but that team you can't bear to mention apart from in hatred are now very well placed.

  31. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:48 #83695

    Looks like Colsey had a lonely drink. You should try a noodle bar on Upper St plenty of Arsenites down there! lol! Cheer up mate!

  32. Smithy

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:44 #83694

    Well done lads good win! Let's hope the return of the Europa games can bugger the spuds up!

  33. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:39 #83693

    Muguiresbridge, jeffjunior and jeff senior, F**k off down the lane you tw**s.

  34. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:29 #83692

    Both Sanchez & Aguero had mediocre games today. If Atkinson & Clattenburg are the best of our refs, heaven help us? North London rule - latest PL odds: AFC 6/4; TH 11/4; Leic 3/1; Citeh 7/1; MU 150/1. The Spuds are a real huff & puff team relying heavily on their attacking full backs.

  35. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:11 #83691

    Ere Westie - your mate Potchie ... grrrr get the darts!

  36. GoonerRon

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:10 #83690

    @ mbg - who said we've won a trophy? We did however win an absolutely crucial game that if we'd lost, you would be saying was the end of the world. We haven't won anything yet but why the **** shouldn't the players and supporters enjoy a vital win in the last minute, however it came?

  37. six

    Feb 14, 2016, 18:09 #83689

    sour grapes for the singletons eh

  38. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 17:58 #83688

    Totteringham's Day and all that .... Daddy Kane - you gotta laugh ... It's only a table ....

  39. mgb

    Feb 14, 2016, 17:27 #83687

    I've got the hump. A defeat for Leicester and a ready meal for Valentines Day. Gutted more than ever.

  40. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 17:10 #83686

    Yes let's enjoy the greatest comeback in the history of the PL thou reckon Theo may be peeved that Danny is getting all the cameras on him and some have neglected to mention Theo's goal and are looking at the Danny Boys who are back and scoring. Soon as Jack is back there will be no stopping Brand Stan/Arsene .... Bet it's pandemonium on the Holloway Rd with cars being stopped by Chinese tourists asking motorists to take their picture .... Soccer hey!

  41. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 17:10 #83685

    TOF with his usual sly smirk (unless he's been interviewed by a woman) say's everybody was chanting wellbeck's name in the dressing room, Why ? did we win a trophy ? are they giving us the league now ? is that it over ? I know we're guaranteed fourth now. You couldn't make it up

  42. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 17:00 #83684

    Paul Adams, obviously it's your day or you wouldn't be here.

  43. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:47 #83683

    jj, didn't hear I had to go out after the final whistle so missed his interview (along with the bouncing)but i'm sure he told everybody (that listens)he's back to his best (again)and TOF is the best manager in the world therefor earning this months salary and ensuring a start in the next game.

  44. Paulo75

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:38 #83682

    The Politics on here would be better served in Westminster FFS. Enjoy the win - were all football fans surely?!

  45. jeff wright

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:34 #83681

    jj, it's tough at the top. Hang on though we are not on the top! You would have though we had won the title with all that manic celebrating that went on after us beating 10 man Leicester in 4 minutes injury time plus - extra added on time...

  46. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:33 #83680

    Good win and a last gasp winner will leave the Foxes deflated. But saying that they have shown themselves to be very resilient and they have a good run of 3 games that could boost their confidence into the final 10. Westie if we had a forward who wouldn't roll when a foot was outstretched I'd have him shipped out. It's s professional game for christsake that's why you don't hear too much from the Corinthian casuals these days. Enjoy the win and jump off your high horse. Surely the least appealing of your gi-gi's

  47. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:20 #83679

    No place for you Jeff in the Arsene FC soccer emporium what has Gooneron buzzing off his face! Note how AKBs are always so deliriously happy after a big win and even the old sanctimonious one has come off a perpetual sulk to call us /me a twit! The passion knows no bounds but it's the win that will finally deliver the PL that has been in the planning for 12 years. What a meticulous journey it has been and now it is over. Leicester are back in their lowly place at the top!? and Arsene FC with a GD to send shudders down Liverpool and Chelski are now ready to deal with Barca even if they have already agreed a deaf with the thumb sucker and his company/rabble of agents. Good old transfers ....

  48. David

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:20 #83678

    Westie - so the genius manager brought on the player he did not want to buy when there was no-one else available to come on? Sounds inspired! Great result and characterful, but why have you turned it into a propaganda opportunity?

  49. Roy

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:19 #83677

    Great result today and not a bad performance if I'm honest. Had given up hope of the win though until the sending off swung it our way. Thought both the penalty incidents involving Monreal were no better than 50/50 and overall the ref didn't have a good game. Be interesting to see how Leicester react now, but with league games only left and their hardest looking fixtures now behind them, I don't think they'll be going away.

  50. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:16 #83676

    wenger address something ? yeah right, (he's more qualified to address an envelope) how many times have we wanted that and asked for it over the years ? fans should know by now if we want something and call for it it won't happen, nobody tells TOF what to do.

  51. Jack

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:13 #83675

    Excellent, will give my full report later.Now to the Empty-had hoping for a draw.

  52. GoonerRon

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:07 #83674

    @ Jeff - you can't be an Arsenal supporter, you just can't. You really do seem gutted by the result. If you can't forget everything for just a few minutes and enjoy the end to that game then there's just no place for you supporting our club. Be honest, did you actually cheer when we scored? And before you say it - I'm not airbrushing the past 8 years away, I haven't forgot we didn't buy a DM in the summer or that the club tried to add a surcharge to season ticket holders - I am just saying that in that moment I was ****ing buzzing my face off.

  53. Bard

    Feb 14, 2016, 16:00 #83673

    Great result but there is no doubt the sending off changed the game. Good dive by Giroud, he went down like he'd been shot. Still thats the way the cookie crumbles. Lady luck seemed to be on our side. Roll on Hull and Barca. Rumours that Ozil wont sign another contract cos Barca are after him and he doesnt think we will do much in CL, might be just gossip but watch this space.

  54. Paul Adams

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:58 #83672

    I've just returned from The Emirates, great committed performance today, & bought my Gooner magazine as usual from the tall guy in Gillespie road just up from Arsenal station, & he as usual thanked me for my support. This is a lot different to what is general on this site very little support.. Even today the anti Arsenal FC, JW, JJ MBG try to criticise. It's not your day guys so stop posting your crap today, you'll have plenty of opportunities maybe as early as next Saturday. Kudos to Westie & Jack & Colesyboy! COYG

  55. jeff wright

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:58 #83671

    The otherwise useless ref got the penalty he awarded right - Monreal stopped Vardy in his tracks by catching him on his toes with his stuck out boot that was not there by accident .Vardy ,as strikers do , made the most of it , albeit not in the Oscar winning class of Sanchez's rolling over and over in pretended agony after receiving a slight push in the back that would not have knocked my wife over. Monreal did a trip on Mahrez in the penalty area that should have resulted in him conceding another penalty and a red card as well.The ref bottled it but was brave enough to give a second yellow to the Leicester player for shirt pulling out on the wing where did the 4 minutes extra-time that had expired when Danny Boy equalized come from. Good old Arsene.

  56. CB

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:54 #83670

    I think nacho caught vardys foot when he planted it. Vardy made a meal of it no doubt. A 50-50 call in my book. But David Seaman also thought it a penalty. So whose right, Dixon & Seaman or Westlower and badarse? Can we have a poll please Ed.

  57. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:54 #83669

    Any reports from the twelve pins ? is it still standing ? many arrests ?

  58. six

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:53 #83668

    Yep........ six points off the champs elect. And now your gonna believe us..................

  59. Ken

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:51 #83667

    Sorry Arsenal won jeff and mbg but dont let it ruin your valentines day. spurs on soon. you couldnt make it up

  60. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:33 #83666

    No complaints about the referee today I bet.

  61. jeff wright

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:26 #83665

    The sending off changed things without the have ended up with us losing or a draw at best .The away games look tough for us and with Kos limping off again when the going was tough I still doubt that these current players are champs we won but looking at our aqay games we still have a lot of work to do to get back on top of the table and can't keep getting an helping hand from the refs . But it is a funny old season and anything could happen.Let's hope it is not the spuds beating City later -i'm going for City to win .

  62. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:19 #83664

    Pulsating finish with Manc type 5 minutes tagged on. Still - cannot wait for Danny and Theo to light up the Euros which means we are on for the Quadruple ... What has Theo said? Should make a whole chapter in his book. Wondering why Westie is still so upset? You got your 5 minutes .... & a chance to hate Lee Dixon! lol! Does it help that Valencia won .... nuvver lager Colseeeeeeeey!

  63. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:16 #83663

    Arsenal are as low as 5/4 to win the PL before the Citeh v TH kicks off.

  64. Badarse

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:14 #83662

    If someone plants there foot they cannot foul an opponent with it. Nacho planted his foot, Vardy ran into his leg-no penalty. Now those who decry AW for his comments of, 'Not working a day in football.', and grumble and moan at the temerity of the sentiment, then how come they line up to attack an Arsenal fan for having a legitimate POV? Having your cake and eating it? Incidentally the cake was won in this household. Atrocious refereeing for vital decisions. Fabulous victory. Total commitment, though one twit posted during the game...twice, and to say nothing. Now that is total commitment too. Henry mugged himself off, Lee Dixon too-but jj didn't.Oo to be, oo to be, oo to be a Gooner!

  65. mbg

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:09 #83661

    He was definitely worth two today with a great save, and TOF didn't even sign him, and had to think log and hard before he gave the go ahead, we still could be stuck with a dodgy keeper of our own for the tenth year because TOF thinks he knows best.

  66. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2016, 15:04 #83660

    @CB, I've forgotten more about football than Lee Dixon knows!

  67. Robb1971

    Feb 14, 2016, 14:53 #83659

    No penalty, Vardy runs straight at Monreal, not interested n chasing his ball. Clearly the result is an inconvenience to to some goners. Surely you can enjoy a pulsating game and a climatic finish....or maybe not.

  68. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 14:25 #83657

    When was the last time these perpetual foulers got a red? Keep on hating Westie - did you cash out to early - I know you didn't leave the ground too early lol! Who's top of the league that does not lie ..... Did not a soccer fan could get that emotional lying on a couch .....

  69. CB

    Feb 14, 2016, 14:21 #83656

    Lee Dixon said it was a penalty but I'm sure you know more about football than him eh Westlower?

  70. Westlower

    Feb 14, 2016, 14:09 #83655

    What a genius coach, subs Theo & Welbeck do the biz against the perpetual foulers. Disgraceful play by Vardy to cheat a penalty, shades of our dearly beloved Wayne at OT. Atkinson, you're pure sh*te!

  71. Paulo75

    Feb 14, 2016, 13:58 #83654

    Jesus this lot know how to put you through the emotional wringer Get in there!!!!

  72. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 13:57 #83653

    Anyone going up The Pins?! ...... Ha ha! Mental Speeeerit .... and still the Arsenites leave early having arrived late ....

  73. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 13:00 #83651

    Looks like Arsene FC have taken to Sunday morning kick abouts better than those truly cunning Foxes. Good to see Arsene FC putting the boot in although it appears the Foxes don't mind that as we know Foxes have history of persecution like no others. Was going to add that Cech has never kept a clean sheet against the silky Foxes ... even when he was at his spiritual home of Chelski. That may well cost Arsene FC points but latest is Arnold has offered the 4th official out so yes, pub football is alive and well. A draw in the offing though Arsenal have had one goal attempt and the Foxes have had three. Loving stats and looking forward to some gems from Westie ....

  74. jjetplane

    Feb 14, 2016, 12:31 #83649

    It's all fixed anyway and the purity of Arsene FC is forever polluted by the hairy arsed knuckle dragging sub humans who have turned the PL toxic. Now they have the pure and the beautiful Arsene FC forced to play Sunday morning football (should have had the game on Hackney Marshes which would have suited the hairy arsed foxes) and add to that the fact that the tremendously hairy brickhouses from another planet? now have a fortnight off with a sprinkle of warm training sessions and the odd stint on a building site, while Arsene FC have to defend/compete in how many competitions!? Verily Arsene and his Arsenic (!) apostles and the faithful Arsenites are truly a lesson to us all. Petr Cech is 59 years old. Arsene Wenger is 102 .....

  75. Cyril

    Feb 14, 2016, 11:16 #83648

    @michael: Nah, they will give him a jacob's cracker and change his pants!!

  76. bromley boy

    Feb 14, 2016, 10:27 #83647

    perhaps it all stems from the top of the club where success is a top 4 finish and thats all that matters . That must filter down to the players

  77. Patrick

    Feb 14, 2016, 10:19 #83646

    Ha ha ha!!! Vindication is not something which I think springs to mind. More a case of destroying his defence of money talks for the last few years. On another note, I've been watching the highlights of 88 89 season on YouTube. What a team and what an attitude.

  78. Jack

    Feb 14, 2016, 9:44 #83645

    This is typical WOR thinking,if only football was that simple.So when Arsenal are adding to their squad,strengthening with new players,what are all the other top sides doing,nothing according to this foolish logic.With so many different scenarios possible in a game,you cannot guarantee anything just through signing new players.Yes you can possibly give yourself a better chance yet Leicester this season have thrown the rule book out the window and shown that you don't have to buy big and in a way vindicating what Wenger has always said.

  79. Smithy

    Feb 14, 2016, 9:42 #83644

    Really good article. Whether it's arrogance or myopathy we have the same problems season after season. On the money arsene earns this repeated set of mistakes shouldn't be happening. We are far too nice, we could do with a few rogues with a none shall pass attitude.

  80. Michael

    Feb 14, 2016, 9:22 #83643

    Don't have much confidence I'm afraid. Maybe without this feeble manager who has already made his pre game 'get out clause' by stating "the title isn't won regardless of this result." Such tripe from the arrogant git, he exhudes confidence...not! I wish him chronic diarrhea for one match so that someone else can take the reins - anyone!

  81. Malaysian gunner

    Feb 14, 2016, 8:18 #83642

    When Cech joined Arsenal I was elated. I saud he could be the game changer.Of course it aint over yet. But time is running out. If Wenger stumbles at the finishing line,the knives will be out. In previous seasons we blamed the goalie.However I am confident Arsenal can beat Leicester if theygo direct and attack and shoot asap. If not the chance will be gone. Bear in mind ,Ranieri will pack his defence and if the gunners indulge in over passing they could be hit on the counter.

  82. Bard

    Feb 14, 2016, 7:27 #83641

    Good post Simon. of course Cech on his own cant make the difference. When the Coq went lame we needed to replace him and we didnt. The other issue you touched on is important. you cant win with the PL without a top striker. Leicester, the Spuds and City have one. Manu and Arsenal dont. If we had of bought a couple in the summer we would probably walked away with this league, but we have been saying the same thing for 10 years.