Arsenal May Lose Interest In Wanyama

Kenyan is on the radar, but could he be more trouble than he’s worth?

Arsenal May Lose Interest In Wanyama

One of the names that's been linked to Arsenal on a surprisingly persistent basis this season is Victor Wanyama, the enigmatic Kenyan midfielder who stars for Southampton. Wanyama has youth and talent on his side and passes the eye test as a player ready for action at a larger club. But with Mesut Ozil having a career best season, Aaron Ramsey healthy, Santi Cazorla returning and Jack Wilshere perennially waiting in the wings, a big move for a midfielder might seem unlikely in the near future.

Nevertheless, Wanyama-to-Arsenal has proven to be not just a rumour but something the club has considered strongly enough to address publicly. Wenger confirmed his interest in December and seemed to imply that Arsenal had an eye on the player but weren't actively engaging in transfer discussions at that time. It appeared to be something of a wait-and-see approach with regard to the midfield injuries that were plaguing the Gunners at the time. Meanwhile, Southampton has made Arsenal aware of what it would take to acquire Wanyama (believed to be about £20 million), and may still accept a summer deal.

The catch in all of this is that Wanyama has a history of being something of a loose cannon, and the recent news story regarding his latest transgressions could well give Arsenal pause. Wanyama was suspended following a nasty red card incident in a harsh tackle of West Ham's Dimitri Payet. Such things happen with relative regularity over the course of a Premier League season, but the frequency with which the 24-year-old finds himself on the wrong end of a carding has already become a concern.

A season ago, Wanyama had 12 yellow cards (10 in Premier League play) for Southampton, though he somehow managed it all without ever earning a red or a suspension. Generally speaking, that might be the mark of an aggressive and occasionally reckless player who knows when to stop. This season, however, when one might have expected a touch more maturity, Wanyama has taken his aggression to new heights. He's not been able to avoid the red in 2015/16, and the latest issue will result in his fourth suspension of the season so far. Even if no more are to follow, he'll have missed eight matches on the year purely for disciplinary reasons.

The decision Wenger will have to make is whether or not a player capable of causing so much trouble is worth a potential £20 million fee and presumably a great deal of trust on the field. There's no doubt that Wanyama could add toughness and physicality to the Arsenal midfield and a grouping of him, Ozil, Ramsey and Cazorla heading into 2016/17 is certainly enticing. But given that the Gunners have found some strong chemistry for much of this season, Wanyama's behaviour problems could be enough for Arsenal to lose interest.

For his part, Wanyama has made it quite clear that he would welcome a move to a bigger club, and specifically to Arsenal. He said as much to a Kenyan television station as early as last summer, though he was quick to reiterate that he remains focused on helping his current club win. Indeed, one might wonder if this is part of the problem with the midfielder's attitude on the field. There have been no real indications of disagreements between Wanyama and his current club, but a player who's unhappy with his situation is generally likelier to have a shorter fuse. This, too, will be something Wenger has to take into consideration, as it's possible a move to a top club could very well help Wanyama to mature.

Then again, this may all just come down to how Arsenal finishes the season and what the perceived needs are when the summer transfer window opens. If the Gunners fail to win the title and the midfield is identified as one reason why, Wanyama may look appealing regardless of how many suspensions he's piled up.

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  1. Ned

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:00 #84125

    Too true,jjetplane,mbg and Exeter are some of the biggest wazzacks you're likely to meet.

  2. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 20, 2016, 8:56 #84103

    There are enough parrots on here already Westlower, spouting this web site's party line.

  3. Westlower

    Feb 20, 2016, 8:52 #84102

    No Trophy I'm afraid mbg, but it would be appropriate if us lesser posters club together and buy you your own parrot. You can then spend many happy hours endorsing each others point of view. Think of all the typing time that would save you.

  4. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:49 #84061

    Website Admin, is there a trophy for that ? I can't stop bouncing, i'm now off to take some selfies, where's that interviewer I've so much to talk about, i'm looking forward to the renditions from the lads in the pub tonight.

  5. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:28 #84058

    Exeter, don't confuse him he's confused enough, he's only just got round to slagging of a poster (although in his own wee world he thinks he's being funny)who's one sole comment was deleted two days ago and not here to defend himself and whose post I though was hilarious, AKB's always behind the time.

  6. jjetplane

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:07 #84052

    The Totts are the new Chelski for WEStIE Feel that hatred and then watch Baddie suck up to it/him .... Behind the times when it comes to rivalries between clubs - that goes on in marketing now though having a Potchie at the helm can help football matters whereas having an elongated accountant with an offshore remit can hold the football back for a decade/s but that clearly is not the point. The point is which Chinese club will go into 'business' with Arsene/Stan FC and create the first truly global half and half scarf/shirt. The Ostrich was just on saying how he would have walked had they not won the er FA Cup in 2014 hahahahahahahahahahahah! Oh the spineless spin.....

  7. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:53 #84050

    Hiccup. Yes, and I would like to see a 'points made per words spent' analysis on Baddie/Brian/A.N.Other. Perhaps Chris/Amos could get involved.

  8. Hiccup

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:34 #84049

    Baddie has done well to come 5th, since in that time there's been two instances of him throwing the toys out the pram and a self induced absence. If he can stay injury free, keep calm and not change his name back to Brian, I can see him overtaking mbg. A lot of ifs and buts, but let's see where he finishes in May.

  9. Made Up Stat

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:05 #84042

    Admin: Jeff wins the 4th place trophy!

  10. Jack

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:57 #84039

    mbg is definitely a troll with all those posts.The clue is in his name as it is well known that most trolls live under bridges.

  11. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:18 #84034

    @Badarse, Jess Glynne is appearing at Newmarket July Course on Friday, 12th August. Wonderful mix of top class horse racing & great music. Add in the possibility of going home richer than when you arrived. What's not too like?

  12. Badarse

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:31 #84030

    Exeter, we can build on this-I know I have tried before without any sustained success, but here goes. I see you use the word 'mirror', in true Ted Rogers style that is the 'sun'. You are therefore not being held against your will underground; 'misunderstood', I take this to mean that 'mis' means it's a female holding you hostage, 'understood', mmm, tricky, perhaps it! You are under stood so you cannot stand. Has she attacked your knees? No, attic, sloping roof, cannot stand upright, got it. The message has been received at Central Command, sending a task force immediately, so chin up, oh, you can't in the attic, never fear the AKBs are near. Keep singing the Engelbert Humperdinck song but not in your usual falsetto, 'Please Release Me', and we shall zero in on you. Keep the faith. Will explain another time Eric Chab.

  13. Website Admin (Mike)

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:28 #84029

    As part of a review of the comments section I ran a report on the last 9000 comments (it was supposed to be 10,000 but I clearly can't count) and discovered that the most prolific poster is MBG with almost 1300 posts (14%) followed by Ron and Westlower who are neck-and-neck with just over 700 posts each, then Jeff with 530, Badarse with just under 500, jjetplane with 420 and Bard with 370.
    There do not appear to be as many people posting under different names as some seem to think unless they are being very smart/crafty about it, and also contrary to what has been suggested, there are people who do it from both sides of the divide.
    Anyone who does post under multiple names and is identified is generally viewed as trolling and may have all their recent posts removed. I appreciate this may include non-trolling posts, but that's the risk you take.

  14. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:12 #84027

    As usual, Badarse, you claim someone has 'misunderstood' without explaining how... because you can't. All I have done, to use your phrase, is 'hold up a mirror'. You cannot actually deny that you do those things. Yet others are 'spiteful' where you are 'fun' and 'joshing' of course. You do provide a source good comedy material though so please keep it up. I wish you good day also.

  15. Badarse

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:47 #84024

    Ex I think I make your day chum. How sad an existence do you need to have to descend so low? It seems that you misunderstand everything but survive by trying to poke your tongue out at others. I do believe that the ratio of posts that you have offered are in the region of 95% spiteful/negative/imagined superiority/repeating verbatim other posts that you conceive as enemies/or just daft jibes-5% original. Lack of originality is a death knell to most. The reported speech ones are the most common though. If you are trapped in a room somewhere give us a clue, send a message, use coded posts, we will try to rescue you. Now don't be goaded. I am going away soon so you can recycle the,'stomped off in a huff', post, but...I'll be back to haunt you, ha ha. I hope you have a good day, truly.

  16. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:33 #84020

    "I tried to write intelligently... unfortunately my writing style is that of a sixth former trying so hard to impress his teacher with my verbosity I've forgotten to include a point or an argument. I sit in judgment on the comments of others, I call name changing 'puerile' whilst doing it myself, I complain about reductive terms like AKB whilst using terms like 'WOR' and 'mob' myself... I do all of the above, then I wonder why I'm misunderstood and insulted."

  17. Badarse

    Feb 19, 2016, 8:50 #84017

    Good morning 24601. I have discovered some good music. It will be known by the music afficianados but wasn't to me. I only ever listen to Radio 4, or play my own music so 'white noise' muzak sails past. Of course I miss gems but rely on others to mention. Watched Jools Holland New Year's Eve and discovered my favourite 'newcomer' Beth Hart. Then Jesse Glynne, so too James Bay, then Future Islands. Four great performers to add to the list-you may know of them, if not give them a spin. Whoops, just dropped my eggy soldier-more explaining required for Eric Chab!

  18. Jack

    Feb 19, 2016, 8:37 #84016

    I can imagine Exeter and Mark as siamese twins as they both seem to come out with the same jibber jabber.I can imagine them taking their pet dog mgb out for a walk while having a good moan up about Wenger,with mgb yapping at everyone who goes by wearing an Arsenal shirt.

  19. Badarse

    Feb 19, 2016, 8:30 #84015

    Good morning Eric Chab. You do not need to apologise for the poor English-the poor English on this site should apologise for themselves. Welcome-where are you from? Whisper the answer or jj may hear you. Goonercolesyboy is irritated by anti-Arsenal comments, that is all. We at Arsenal are happy with cups, not with mugs. A mug is a person who is a bit gullible and often says silly things-so quite a few on this site could qualify. I am odd it is true. It is evolution. I tried to connect intelligently but most respondents just insulted or misunderstood. They continued to ask silly questions and say silly things. Ignorance has no international boundaries. I now just dance through the posts I write. Do you dance? If you do, and dance in lots of different ways try it the next time you post on this site, or when you are on the telephone, in a bus queue, at the cinema, or wherever. Yes it is a little odd, but you can make many friends-though they will be odd too.

  20. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2016, 8:21 #84014

    At the final whistle Man U fans chanted "we're f**king sh*t." Their team wasn't much better either? Delle Ali on drugs or just a dirty b**tard? Did you see those eyes?

  21. Eric Chab

    Feb 19, 2016, 6:13 #84013

    Goonercolseyboy Two weeks ago you say site should shut down. You lead very lonely life if site shut. You keep on here all day long and not like anyone very strange. Only one person like you he called Badarse and he very odd. I find England very strange. What is MUG. Why everyone MUG and not you. Sorry for poor English

  22. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 0:39 #84012

    Some great posts by the WOB's tonight (no need to name names) AKB's where are ye.

  23. mbg

    Feb 18, 2016, 22:59 #84011

    Exeter, when he was asked what picture he wanted oh his Arsenal credit card he asked for a western background with TOF riding a horse.

  24. mbg

    Feb 18, 2016, 19:23 #84010

    Barnaby, Why haven't the authorities got involved ? because there has been no complaints made, because to many fans are happy with it and like it.

  25. mbg

    Feb 18, 2016, 19:12 #84009

    Tony Evans, excellent post, you speak for a lot of fans there, this old fraud of a manager has a hell of a lot to answer for and will never be forgiven for what he has done, even if by some miracle we do win it (or anything) this season, and your right if we do it will be in spite of him. Arsenal will always be our club not wengers or his followers alone (even if they think it is)and when he's gone (the sooner the better)that feeling and passion will return again I've no doubt of it, it will be like a breath of fresh air, like a dark cloud has been lifted just like a loved one coming back from the dead.

  26. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 18, 2016, 18:24 #84008

    Someone called 'Bad arse' says others smell...

  27. Badarse

    Feb 18, 2016, 18:20 #84007

    Oh Ex marks the spot, you do make me laugh. Beware though I could react and stomp off in a huff, ha ha. So funny. 'I can smell him in the dark...Obsession, by Calvin Exeter.'

  28. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 18, 2016, 17:39 #84006

    Meanwhile the genuinely old stay young at heart by giving their backing to Stan's equity plan and learning advanced computer skills. Next lesson: How to turn it on all by yourself.

  29. Jason

    Feb 18, 2016, 17:22 #84005

    Unless Arsenal are linked with an injury prone 5ft6 unknown midfielder from the French 2nd Division I don't believe in anyone we're linked with!!

  30. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2016, 17:13 #84004

    Badarse you obviously are more familiar these days with Fairy Stories than I am... the coach turning into a pumpkin at midnight slippers ... it all sounds rather like the scenario at AFC ...where Ivan is a dab hand at telling Fairy Stories they never have a happy ending though ... I think we need to go back in time to one of the old best sellers How About 'From Here To Eternity' the plot could be changed to that of French football manager and his never ever quest to win his holy grail ..the European Cup ..You would need 20+ years to cover the story ... The Americans only fought for 3 years in WW2 !

  31. Badarse

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:55 #84003

    Once upon a time Cinderella had a coach and slippers transformed magically, as if by magic, ha ha. Now jeff, the coach was a pumpkin not glass, no one comes to the Arsenal and parks a glass coach. Fact is the slippers were probably not glass either, but perhaps squirrel fur, which was more likely and verre/vair similar French sounds, as is speerit and spirit, but not the holy kind; it propagated a belief of mispronunciation. My concern is that this story doesn't hang together too well, and have always been troubled by it. How comes at midnight everything reverted back to their normal state except the slipper? Always plagued me-oh and with these stories? You can make it up.

  32. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:50 #84002

    And of course if it goes wrong then the fans must take the blame and seek AKB confessionals within a 150 mile radius where the high priests of failure will give you 3 Our fathers and two cones ....

  33. Bard

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:42 #84001

    In the absence of a circular from Graham I thought I'd fill in. Firstly a note on all the shouting and hysteria that followed Danny's winner. I am all for support but it was very loud and we need to think of all the non football people who live near the stadium. I said to those who sit next to me, 'calm down' and they did. So it can be done. Anyway as we enter the final furlong we now come to what I call squeaky bum time. This is where I need to ask the top four managers to drop their keks so I can check for signs of a lack of intestinal fortitude, or to AKBs signs they are bricking it. I found out that the boss goes free lance so I was shocked when he dropped them. Anyway we also have a big game next week again one of the top teams in Spain called Barcelona. They have some very good players like Messi and Neymar. We will have to play very well to beat them but I am convinced that with our very experienced manager we should prevail. To be continued .....

  34. Badarse

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:36 #84000

    What is it with those young men who went west and grew old? The Village People never warned of that part, did they?

  35. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:22 #83999

    colesyboy loyally gets an extension on his AFC credit card to fund the latest season ticket price rise: "The 0.01% need it more than I do" he loyally thinks as he lovingly strokes the glossy pictures of ranches and chateaus in the exclusive property brochure he knows Stan 'n' Arsene favour. Then back to more latent threats of violence on the Online Gooner. Who is Huck? We are left to wonder.

  36. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2016, 16:16 #83998

    So then no predictions from you Colseyboywhat a big surprise! Then again as the actress said to the bishop when opening a packet of condoms ,best be safe than sorry... good thing as well though that you don't make any predictions ,but can't resist a little cautious warning that things might go inept Arsene's way... my advice to you is to just stick to posting angry abuse at others that way you help get things of your hairy chest...grunt..grunt..grunt.. is Six one of the let us party while we are looking good for 4th place gang at the Pins... >? With his neanderthal approach to communicating with others he comes over as being the type that you would socialize with grunting and groaning away ... you couldn't make it up.

  37. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2016, 15:53 #83997

    Perhaps we could also have a predic(k)tive graph of how the title aspirations of the Totts and the Foxes fell away around Xmas leaving it between Arsene FC and the Blue Mooners. This was the seasonal propaganda slant from AKB central and delivered by six and his pack (sic) no doubt .... no wonder they hate Vardy so much and seem to have gone very quite on the Totts as it now reads 'up the ****ing lane!' Reading about Porchie and his early career as a player in Argentine is frightening - the man is a tactical beast and talking of tacticians There once was an accountant from France/who liked to see his players dance/he would spread out some cones/and with the help of drones/would direct them in a tip tappy prance .... What a rotten singer toooooooo ....Arsenal!

  38. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 18, 2016, 15:53 #83996

    Better mind your lack of u's jeff know it all wright, it could be your undoing as Huck will find you one day and your smug comments will be your only legacy. As for predictions, wait until April you conveniently say, take the splinters out of your arse. Why not wait until May? And the purpose of predicting who wins the league proves what? Ah, of course, to suit your agenda of bashing anyone who supports Arsenal football club. Your circus of friends on here are of a similar nature, wailing " Long live the past and all hail GG"

  39. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2016, 14:43 #83995

    Good idea jj and I nominate Colseyboy to run the show he did a great job on the Benzema is a done deal one last summer .Even posting a photo of Benny on a jet that Colseyboy claimed to be proof of that ,some mothers do have 'em! I was an idiot according to Colseyboy for saying that the story was just another Ivan and co spin job to take attention away from the fact that Arsene was not actually signing ANYONE with Cech being for him job done. Once we are out of Europe again after a humbling by Messi and co and the league title challenge turns like Cinderlla's glass coach into a pumpkin at midnight with the usual 'exciting' battele for 3rd or 4th place on ,then the rumors of new signings will start to help appease the season ticket holders and sponsors. You couldn't make it up. Actually you don't need to do so.

  40. Bard

    Feb 18, 2016, 14:40 #83994

    JJ; go easy mate, six is who he is six not seven or even 7.1. He assures me multiplication is on his to do list for 2017, so leave out the graphs for gods sake or the poor boy will combust.

  41. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2016, 14:19 #83993

    Getting back on total topic - is Wanyama coming in the summer?Perhaps we could have extra special Wanyama interactive graph showing timeline of dips and highs in this perfectly fascinating, anyway ...... six - what you reckon hey!

  42. Croker

    Feb 18, 2016, 14:17 #83992

    Morgan Schneiderlin

  43. jeff wright

    Feb 18, 2016, 13:54 #83991

    I have made my views on Six known on the last thread in reply to a post he made on there late last night . With himself having finally managed to find my post ,regarding answering some question, that in his paranoid deluded mind he appeared to believe that I was avoiding doing.I will again though point out that there are a lot of supporters who do not believe that Arsene will win the European Cup or the Prem this season,in my view he will never win either now in the dog-days left of his time at AFC. So Six, Colseyboy and co ( otherwise known as the brains trust) instead of posting abuse at others for expressing their views on Arsene not winning the league or Euro Cup this term ,why don't you give us YOUR OWN VIEWS on this>? Come on now don't be scaredy cats man up and do it-if not then just stop the mouthing off at others or demanding that the comments section be shut down .You couldn't make it up.

  44. mbg

    Feb 18, 2016, 13:11 #83990

    Exeter, the AKB's will try any tactic (even imagining what they say is important)to try and divert attention from their messiah and as usual it's not working.

  45. mbg

    Feb 18, 2016, 12:57 #83989

    We miss our throw back Thursday Robert, at least there's no circular.

  46. Charlie George Orwell

    Feb 18, 2016, 12:30 #83987

    Re: how much time is/should be played. I'm totally with the concept (which I think was described by Editor Kev some time ago) of a match totalling 60 minutes playing time (i.e. where the ball is 'live'), rather like American football. Played in two halves of 30 minutes, the actual total time of a half would still be around the 45 minute mark. This system would, at a stroke, make any time wasting tactics pointless and if the 'live ball' time was replicated to electronic boards inside the stadium, everyone would know exactly when the half time/full time whistle should sound.

  47. jjetplane

    Feb 18, 2016, 12:26 #83986

    Don't mind me asking Westie but all these numbers and more numbers that no one pays too much attention to .... are you perhaps ......? think I will go with the reductionist style of poster six - 'I'm not a number/I'm a free fan ....' 'Whose numder six?' - KFC anyone? I talk more **** than Baddie and Westie together but then I am a miserable cog in the WORb wheel of death ... For some reason I have that Monreal moment with the Valiant Vardy on my mind - Monreal looks out of place on a football pitch and the perfectly Valiant Vardy took advantage of it. Basically we are talking Mako verses Clown Fish. Next I want to talk about Ostriches and how they love to wander within the domains of chateaus .... Nice one TONY EVANS and well remember Aldershot giving Exeter a football lesson 2009? ....

  48. Barnaby

    Feb 18, 2016, 12:20 #83985

    Why haven't the authorities got involved? Barcelona keep on arse raping us?! Its against the law

  49. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2016, 12:07 #83984

    Be seated boys & girls. Please switch of your mobile phones. We'll stay with fractions for today's maths lesson. Hopefully if you grasp the concept we'll move on to decimals & percentages next week. Mustn't fatigue you precious darlings with too much, too quick. FA Cup prices: AFC 4/7, draw 3/1, Hull 11/2. To qualify; AFC 2/7, Hull 11/4. To reach final: AFC 13/8. To win FA Cup: AFC 4/1. PL latest: Man U 2/1; draw 11/5, AFC 8/5. To win PL: AFC 6/4. Arsenal to complete the double: 12/1. ECL: AFC 4/1, draw 3/1, Barcelona 4/6. To Qualify: AFC 7/2, Barcelona 1/5.

  50. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 18, 2016, 11:06 #83983

    More abstract nonsense from NaughtyBottom ha ha.

  51. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 18, 2016, 10:49 #83982

    Cut 'n' pasting from Wiki doesn't make you clever, but it's good to know your computer literacy is increasing beyond being able to post on this website, Badarse. Or did someone do it for you?

  52. Badarse

    Feb 18, 2016, 10:18 #83981

    Ah, Bard. We are talking different languages. At AKB Central Command we work to, 'The Abstractions of Mathematics', as overseen by westlower, CDM, RAC, AKB, O2B, GG, 180, FACUP12, Triple Doubles, college of Adds and Ends, Tote, Duke of Edinburgh Award in knitting and haberdashery, Bar-Humbug. Cambs, Hons. Spaces for classes still available, book online at wwwestlowerdoesn'taddup.con It states, '.. is the process of extracting the underlying essence of a mathematical concept, removing any dependence on real world objects with which it might have been originally connected, and generalising it so that it has wider applications or matching among other abstract descriptions of equivalent phenomena. If you desire a potted version of the above then have a word in Ron's shell-like, he knows everything.

  53. Tony Evans

    Feb 18, 2016, 9:55 #83980

    Ron / Westie - my local team in my formative years was Aldershot in Hampshire and I used to go quite often but always had my eye on 'bigger fish'. Arsenal or Pompey were my choices (dad was a Pompey man but my maternal uncle lived in Finsbury and was Arsenal to the core) and simply because I went to Highbury before Fratton Park Arsenal it was and has been ever since. I now live down in the West Country and sometimes go to Exeter matches for a football fix but nothing comes close to my old Highbury days. Sometimes I wish I still had the passion of my youth for Arsenal: they will always be my club but my frustrations with Wenger's management style has watered down the deep feelings I used to have, which has probably been good for me anyway! This season I am torn between wanting Arsenal or Leicester to win the league, when years ago Leicester wouldn't even have got a look in from me. It's still Arsenal for me, just, but in reality Arsenal are no better than last season and we are only in with a shout this time around because standards have slipped elsewhere. It's certainly not got much to do with Wenger, and if we are to succeed it will be in spite of him not because of. With two or three more class signings last summer we would have walked the league this year, but no, for some unfathomable reason Wenger won't spend the money. If Arsenal were a class act, bossing games and generally a cut above the rest I would probably feel differently but the plain truth is they're not. I think I need Wenger to leave for me to really find my Arsenal mojo again, and in the meantime I keep my interest, but in a much more subdued way.

  54. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 18, 2016, 9:48 #83979

    Remarkable stuff from the AKBs. Jeff's asked a question on a previous thread which he answers. He's then asked the same question several times on this thread. Then asked why he hasn't answered it. It's then pointed out he has. Then he's asked why he didn't answer it on this thread. Then he's told they can't find the answer. Then he's accused of not answering the question again. I realise AKB Central Command isn't exactly Mensa but surely a basic ability to read properly is required?

  55. Bard

    Feb 18, 2016, 9:41 #83978

    Sixes and sevens; Jeff hasnt answered a question he already has er.... !!!! Can a AKB string a sentence let alone an argument together. I presume your moniker refers to your mathematical expertise. 6-10 next week and 10-15 the week after. Keep at it. Additions and subtractions after the Easter break.

  56. Mark from Aylesbury

    Feb 18, 2016, 9:38 #83977

    Jacketson - I worry for you and particularly regarding your brother Pete. Have you locked him in the cellar?

  57. Westlower

    Feb 18, 2016, 8:20 #83976

    The Racing Post editor is asking questions about stoppage time: "More examples of seemingly random allocations of added time were evident this week. Halves were extended in ways that are so unpredictable I seriously believe bookies are missing a trick by not offering a market on the number that will appear when the fourth official holds up the board after 45 and 90 minutes have elapsed. It seems Champions League matches feature roughly a minute shorter first halves and two minutes shorter second periods, which is illogical. Perhaps the need to accommodate TV ad breaks is a factor. We will look back on the current arrangement, by which nobody but the ref knows when a game is going to end, and wonder how we tolerated it for so long."

  58. six

    Feb 18, 2016, 0:03 #83975

    28 hours ago. Jeffry was asked a question he simply could not answer. there lies the a person who is just simply not a gooner. keep up the good work AKB's. hes a waste of space

  59. Did you know?

    Feb 17, 2016, 23:40 #83973

    Nark means-A person who complains irritatingly or to get under one's skin.

  60. Ron

    Feb 17, 2016, 23:26 #83972

    Westie - yes, its a bit of a footie sort of 'no mans land' isn't it where you are. I suppose Leics oddly enough are the nearest biggish City Club? My point is simply that for the most part those who live in reasonable distance of a Club are in my view the most likely to feel the emotional pull to support it. The Clubs were a reflection of the fabric of the City/Town theyre in. Baddist of the arses - nobody is saying that people shdt choose whoever they want to follow. Its the motivation to do so thats the point being questioned here. A bit more selective reading and resultant trollop from you uttered there in yr usual idiotic style. Everybody is self evidently tired of it except for you it seems.

  61. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 20:06 #83971

    Ron, of course it's done for effect, especially where TOF is concerned and with the support for him, just because he manages Arsenal. I bet if he done us all a favour and pissed off then came back with another team they'd all be booing him.

  62. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 19:54 #83970

    jj, there you are again an AKB wengerite gets his arse smacked and is made fun off and he responds the only way they know how, with an insult, it will be interesting to see if this one is removed as one aimed at colseyboy earlier (not by me)and less insulting was removed.

  63. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2016, 19:41 #83969

    There go those misfiring neuRons on those shaky old synapses again 24601. jj that was such a nice compliment, I'd prefer to be friends, interesting tea time isn't it? That one of your's sounds like it was. Incidentally it is a badge of honour, 'The Mark of Nark'. No insult, a genuine affection-he knows that. Wow, the meds are really kicking in now. This parochial aspect of footie support is quite convoluted. I see many people as fans, because of success. Telly and marketing means anybody can supportanyone. In my mind I kind of cut some slack if there is an ancestral link. Operating double think I defend anyone's right to support whomsoever they like, no matter where in the world they come from. Part of me wishes I'd been a north London lad, another part is quite happy that I am a west London boy. All a little bit of melting pot feeling going on here-but no cries for a coffee coloured strip, thank you very much.

  64. Norman Bates

    Feb 17, 2016, 19:32 #83968

    Patrick Vieira 12 red cards anyone think he was a liability?

  65. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:51 #83967

    Date sounds better and my eldest mod bruvver took me to my first game and It may have been Everton early 60s ..... There was a brothel up the end of our road and one of the girls was my best mate's sister - all gooners and one day we were walking up there to give her a message from her mum and 'her pimp' starting firing a slug gun at us! he was a gooner too! And you call us blase ....

  66. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:32 #83966

    Replace "my best mates date" with "my best mates dad" We were precocious kids, but not that much..

  67. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:24 #83965

    And of course Bedford FC, Carlisle, Newcastle, Morpeth and a few games in Istanbul ... Which brings me to Green Lanes and the Kurds being best for Kebabs though in QPR/Chelski land the Lebanese are tops. Decent fish and chips across from Station Place and nice post BADdIE and I once had tea with Emma in Exeter - knew her son who was a gooner and we watched the Arse down on the south coast a few times ..... Happy days ....

  68. Jack

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:19 #83964

    I would say all the WOR were glory hunters whether they live near the ground or not.Yet I consider all AKBs to be dyed in the wool Arsenal fans.I would also like to point out that I have seen mgb in a Galway Utd shirt,jeff wright wearing a Leicester City cod piece and Mark the Nark sporting a Wayne Rooney toupee.

  69. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:19 #83963

    @Ron, In my formative years there was no local club that took my fancy. Both Cambridge teams were in the Southern league back then & involved traveling, which my family could not afford in the 50's. It took as long to get to Northampton, Norwich & Ipswich as it did London. My grandmother fostered an Arsenal supporting orphan and it was he who beguiled me with his tales of this magical club. Emotionally I was hooked and this feeling was reinforced by a book he gave me, Brian Glanville's Arsenal Football Club. Make no mistake, Arsenal were pretty ordinary in the early years of my support. Luckily my best mates date took me to the Lane to see Arsenal in 61 for my 14th b-day treat. I went back again two weeks later to see Leicester beat TH. Nobody asked me where I was from when I first went to Highbury later that year. There were no rules that said Londoners only. Only those who travel long distances to home games, fully appreciate the time & money you have to commit too. It's easy for the locals to be blaise about it being their club - it isn't. Arsenal belongs to anyone who dedicate themselves to the clubs fortunes, good & bad. So many Londoners moved out to the countryside in the 60's. I know because I worked on GLC over-spill sites in Herts, Suffolk, Cambs. Those who were once locals, now have to travel to AFC games. Looking forward with optimism is the best way to live. "The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there."

  70. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:17 #83962

    The cost of Westie going to Arsenal in 1974 was the equivalent of the Marshall plan. He's still paying the interest back nearly 50 years later. I remember foolishly mentioning how cheap going to football used to be but not for our man Westie I forgot The inaugural flight of Concorde (only way to get to Highbury) and the accidental purchase of a stucco fronted Georgian townhouse in Kensington. It simply blew his finances. I'm just glad the love of Wenger keeps him going.

  71. Hiccup

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:07 #83961

    Does it really matter if we win the league or not? I've been groomed to be ecstatic with a 4th place finish. Are we saying it gets better than that? 4th, 3rd, 2nd or 1st is all the same in my book. They all lead to financial riches. The margin between 4th and 5th though is fine. 5th is failure and can lead to bankruptcy, apparently. Win the league or not, this has been our most successful season in years. 4th place is punching above our weight, but to have it pretty much cemented in February is one hell of an achievement. Job done in my book. If we don't win the league, I won't tolerate claims that this season has been a failure. Far from it.

  72. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2016, 18:02 #83960

    Now Badarse, you shouldn't try to goad me, you know how it always ends... surely you're not ready to yet again throw your toys out of the pram after more 'unprovoked' attacks upon your honour just yet?

  73. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:59 #83959

    There you go indeed Mr Bossy Boots - having incessantly demanded that I answer a question - that was posted by someone else - when I point out that I did answer it - you then say that you can't be bothered reading it! So what was all the fuss about then >? You couldn't make it up.

  74. Ron

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:44 #83958

    Agree with all that you say Nick. Yr family living in Suffolk in my view would quite rightly follow the Arse. The family line almost dictates that they do in fact. Had they have become Ipswich supporters, that would be understandable too. I have a Sister who lives in Corbridge about 23 miles from Newcastle. She s an ardent Toon fan having married a Durham man 40 yrs back. She was born at Worcester Park. Had she have been a fan of a London Club (not sure she ever was though), the family line would explain it too as a i see it. Where there's no connecting factors, it has to be glory seeking to explain at least some of it doesn't it. Whatever, im convinced all of the bigger Clubs have lost so, so much as their identity has been compromised for the demise of the bonding and empathy with their local support. Sadly, the cash flow available to them makes it so the issue doest raise as much as a ripple on their radars. I think Liverpool are a bit of an exception. Yank owners and many fans gravitating to them from other areas has diluted them too, but the Club rallies hard to at least try and remain in touch with its locality.Its disappearing though even there. The scouse personality's inherent passion only keeps it flickering for now.

  75. Badarse

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:31 #83957

    This post is addressed to the Arsenal fans on this site, (watch the response to that guys). Seriously, my buddy, wife and two kiddies went to the Arsenal yesterday, detoured to pay homage to Highbury. He saw his chance and as it was a non-match weekday I suppose, managed to blag his way into the Gardens. He made straight for the centre. He told me the area where the centre circle is has the original Highbury turf, made into a feature. He said he was swamped with memories of him and his deceased dad, the entrance they used from him being a five years old, the place in Avenell Road where they'd meet when a man, before going in. But at the centre circle he talked his children through some remembered scenes, asking them to imagine Bergy, Tone, PV4, Titi, Bobby, etc, he thought of others way back. Powerful medicine. Anthony walters I like the cut of your jib. Anyone see what the lovely Emma Thompson had to say about Exeter, in the Lying Mail?

  76. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:25 #83956

    Because of living and working St Elsewhere have also supported by going - Exeter City, Hibs, Plymouth, Brighton, Kansas Jayhawks and some glory hunting with Chicago Bulls/Hawks .... and there was AC Milan, bit of Ajax but alwaus there was AN Arsenal and did see all of Arnold's greater glories that Tony let him in on. Now it's mainly county football and I love it! Never seen SKY in my life because there is too much else to see. Cannot even remember the last time I watched MOTD on a Saturday but as I get to a game most Saturdays it hardly matters. Or indeed waiting for Theo Walcott to gone good. All eyes on Suarez and if you believe he was coming to Arsene FC then you have a problem .....

  77. Nick

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:20 #83955

    Wherever there is huge amounts of money corruption is never far away, if your a ref on say fifty grand a YEAR, and a club who pays its players over a hundred grand a WEEK offer you a chance to clear your mortgage and buy a had holiday vlla in Barbados to " influence" a match your going to be a very principled character, in fact almost a bloody saint to turn it down, to think football or English football is immune is totally naive, the governing body FIFA is and has been rife with corruption for years we all knew or suspected it now we know it to be fact, despite all the denials and slithering by those concerned, so if corruption is rife at the very top to think it doesn't go on elsewhere is sticking.your head in the sand, some decisions are obviously difficult for a ref or linesman to call but others are beyond belief and can have no explanation except rank incompetence or corruption.Getting back to local support I never said I was local.but I did have a very strong connection to the area having been born there and there, my son was born in Hertfordshire as were my grandsons who in Suffolk, I'm not saying they should support Ipswich ( which would be there local team) but they have a family connection to Arsenal ,those who support the likes of Manure red and blue or the chavs who live hundreds of miles away from those respective teams and who have NO connection are in my.opinion simply glory hounds .

  78. Ron

    Feb 17, 2016, 17:10 #83954

    Westie - AFC was a top outfit for all those years before it became fashionable to follow them by dint of our friends at SKY. The fans were certainly more unified as well. Dont get me wrong, ive no problem with all and sundry declaring they support whoever they want. It bothers me not one iota. I dont get how it happens though? Remove the TV facet and explain to me how some body from say Nottingham, becomes at Chelsea or an Arsenal fan? Where's the emotional link to make that happen? If there's a Dad or a Mom or even a grandad originating from London, then fine, theres a start perhaps. The bit i dont really follow is all of the alleged undying support and commitment by those who rarely go or indeed who ever did rarely go. Whats wrong with local Clubs? I think the answer in a nutshell is glory hunting and the TV rules supreme. Its as artificial as football generally has become. Those top 5 Clubs could all relocate hundreds of miles these days and still fill the grounds with these 'committed' fans. Madness. Its ever likely theres little atmosphere at their stadia.

  79. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:49 #83953

    Thought you said it was a 150 mile journey by train Westie with your mum who went off to do the weekly shop and picked you up after - Fever Pitch and I bet you got your scarf nicked once or twice. So now you're telling us toy drove down to Highbury in your Noddy car. Why would toy park it if you could just put it in your blazer pocket .... You woz one nutter! lol!

  80. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:48 #83952

    If everyone simply supported their local team then as a team in one of the most densely populated areas in the world, Arsenal would be in a very strong position indeed.

  81. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:42 #83951

    If only the 'locals' supported Arsenal, where would they be today? Equivalent of Brentford, Orient, QPR, Fulham, Millwall?

  82. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:31 #83950

    Ferguson was not unique in the intimidating refs stakes Westie - others such as Don Revie used to do it as well although he used his players on the field to carry it out .Others like Wenger abuse Refs and match officials during and after games to try and get decisons go their teams way during games or in future ones with match officials wary of upsetting these sort of managers. Regarding why refs make some odd decisions any number of reasons could be put forward,money,playing to the crowd,or they are supporters of the club they do the favors for,example Old Mother Riley and United. Vested interests in doing favors or a dislike of certain clubs and managers must come into things. I see that Clatterburg is under investigation for possibly having business connections that could impinge on his integrity when referring certain games. What integrity >? You couldn't make it up. So who knows what goes on,in the main though I think that just plain incompetence and arrogance is behind most of the dodgy decisions that refs make and a fear of being shown to have made mistakes by the 'experts' back in the studio - when reffing live games on TV. Things have certainly got worse with the refs since the TV cash became the major force in the game.

  83. anthony walters

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:27 #83949

    nick completely agree.though i am considered an akb which i find pathetic .though i support the manager at the moment doesn't mean i can't see weaknesses in him and know at some stage we have to move on i just don't believe it's now .our car we went to the match in was divided before and after the chelsea match 2 think wengers lost it 2 think we are still in good shape .either way we were all jubilant when we beat leicester.i don't mind being in a minority either recently being amongst the 5 per cent who think mertesacker is better at the moment than gabriel his positional sense,calmness on the ball and game understanding outweighs his lack of pace.gabriel is tremendously committed and aggressive but prone to panic on the ball and rashness though i believe he will prove good in the long fact koscielney and gabriel have made more errors than bfg this season.

  84. Nick

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:26 #83948

    My whole family is Arsenal, my grandad lived in Blackstock Road, later in Plimsoll road, he supported the Arsenal from the late twenties , he unfortunately died in the middle of the 71 double year, I was born in Plimsoll road before moving to Barnet when I was three,my grandad took me to my first game when I was five in 1958 , I unfortunately have no real recollection of that my first proper season apart from intermittent visits when my grandad ( who raised me ) could afford the time from work was in the 63/64 season I was ten by then so could hop on a train and go myself, I dont understand those from the south who support the likes of Liverpool or Manure , to me they seem simply glory hunters who follow the team that's winning, I am following in the family tradition by converting my son and now my grandsons who are all members or junior gunners the youngest at five, I love regaling them with tales of seasons past as my grandad once regaled me with stories of Bastin, Lewis, Male, Hapgood Drake etc my hope is that they too will continue our families long love affair with the Gunners .

  85. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:24 #83947

    Indeed Ron, admiring a team from another area or country than yours is one thing, but what's this frenzied emotional investment of e.g. Chinese fans for Man U (or even Midlanders for Arsenal) all about? It gets even odder when it gets down to an individual level, a one way emotional relationship conducted entirely via the telly e.g. Westlower and Arsene Wenger.

  86. Billy's Boots

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:14 #83946

    Yes. There you go!! Not that difficult to answer a straight question, is it? (I can't be bothered looking through the previous thread for your supposed answer, wouldn't have thought it was too difficult to reply on this one really)

  87. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:12 #83945

    @Jeff, Do we agree that it was Fergie who introduced corruption into the PL by intimidating the officials/press/BBC? Is a ref who plays extra time, bent or extravagant with his time keeping? @JJ, I used to park in the Ambler school car park in Blackstock Road or near Turnpike Lane Tube Station. What were you doing hanging around railway stations; Kings Cross on your beat? Rent boy, rent boy, giz a song. Good news that Rooney misses next weeks game.

  88. Ron

    Feb 17, 2016, 16:08 #83944

    The old issue of non local fans raises its head again i see. I know that the tele has created a broad spread of fans of all clubs esp the bigger ones, but in all honesty ive never really understood how an individual, not at least born a Londoner can really support a London Club or likewise a Manchester or any other NW or NE Club. Where's the attraction if there's no roots to the locality of the Club? Why do all these SE fans follow Liverpool and Utd and why do those from the Central Region bother travelling North and Southwards just to see football? Its never made a lot of sense to me in all honesty. Some of the worst Spurs 'haters' ive met down the years have no family or geographical links to North London. They seem to lay the hate on with a trowel compared to Londons Arsenal fans to be honest. Is it done for effect? How does that work? TV has much to answer for indeed.

  89. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:53 #83943

    Mr Bossy Boots instead of incessantly demanding that I answer your question,I did it anyway on the last thread, why don't you instead try answering the question that you were asked.If Arsene fails to win the league from the favorable position that he was in to do so should he be replaced>? Yes or no will suffice .

  90. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:53 #83942

    Jesus they're still at it, like I said over the page imagine the whinging and conspiracy theories and blame game that would have occurred from the AKB's if Leicester had went up the pitch and equalised. You couldn't make it up.

  91. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:42 #83941

    Exeter, and walking the last two miles from the station when he got home still wearing his scarf.

  92. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:40 #83940

    Westie When I was a season ticket holder I lived even nearer to Highbury but was born a whole 15 bloody minutes away! Use to watch the trains from the old spotters platform in Finsbury Park when we were nippers. Might have seen you go past in your little blazer with your tuck box lol! There's calling the ref a wanker at a game bit taking it home and into retirement is a tad obsessional old boy .... Good to see Valencia get a win! Ouch! EG that was naughty but verily a home truth ....

  93. Nick

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:37 #83939

    Opinions on Wengers abilities aside can we all agree on one thing , that we all want the best for our club? We all want to see our beloved Arsenal win the title and anything and everything else that's going dont we ? We may disagree on who is the right man to lead us to that glory, we may disagree on the style of play we employ to gain those ends, but we all want it nonetheless dont we ? Vilifying those of us who do not believe that Wenger is that man is counterproductive we simply want the best for our club, ignoring the evidence of our own eyes over the things that hold us back is also counterproductive, I shall as I'm sure will all the others who no.longer trust Wenger still support the TEAM to the end even if it be a bitter end.If we fall short this term however our voice will be raised in protest over the one or ones responsible for that shortfall and if we triumph we shall still sound a note of caution , after we've finished celebrating about how we kick on from there , if any see anything wrong in that then they are quite simply FOOLS !

  94. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:34 #83938

    I understand the rules on injury time /stoppage time as against that of extra-time Westie. My point is that injury time/stoppage time is arbitrarily extended by referees on to the original timeheld up on the board by the official .So 4 minutes become 6 or 3 minutes 5 and so on in many games when the ref adds his own time onto the official one being played. As we all know this was caled Fergie Time at Old Trafford when games had to carry on being played until United scored if they needed to do so. Otherwise the injury time was blown up as first displayed . My view is that once the official injury/stoppage time is added then that should be it - game over .Obviously sometimes you gain from that and sometimes you would not.But at least everyone would know where they stand and sometimes it is the team who has wasted the most time in the normal period who gains from the ref adding on his extra time to the official added on . The less power to play at god that these jobsworth refs have the better is my view .We got out of jail against Leicester and it was all about the relief at doing so with all of those mad celebrations that went on.All a bit embarrassing really tbh.

  95. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:31 #83937

    jj, ha ha, you've just described to a T, the movie on Sky last night you might have seen it, Screamers, Very apt indeed.

  96. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:23 #83935

    Quite right, Westlower, those local fans of their local team aren't proper fans at all, just walking up to the ground like that. All those denizens of N5 and surrounding postcodes should've shown their commitment by getting a train out to the Kent coast then back again on the day of the match. No, the only truly committed fans are those that make at least a 150 mile round trip, before stopping going altogether to concentrate on watching on Sky, dreaming up daft excuses and betting against the team.

  97. Billy's Boots

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:23 #83936

    I guess I'll have to take it the answer is "No" then, JW, but does asking the question make me an AKB? I wouldn't fancy many teams on the planet to beat Barca to be honest, certainly none from our premier league at the moment.

  98. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:21 #83934

    jw, your right there, they have no more faith than we have, (although they'd like us to think they have) they're expecting, and waiting for the whole thing to go balls up too, but haven't the balls to admit it.

  99. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 15:08 #83933

    @JJ, I doubt if you'd know a bent ref if he were peeing on your shoes. You never cease to surprise, when did you learn to tell the time? You certainly didn't learn that new trick from Jeff, as he gets confused by what injury time means. I guess you don't need to know the time as you only ever look backwards to the 'good old days' when you were a resident of Holloway Road. Such dedicated commitment, walking the 10 mins from home to Highbury. You must have been frazzled by the effort it required. mbg doesn't know the time of day either, as life is a perpetual repeat in his world. He's airbrushed out all Arsenal history from 1996 onwards. Come back Bruce Rioch, GG, Terry Neill, all is forgiven, there's a poor soul in the Emerald Isle who needs you as never before!

  100. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 14:56 #83932

    And so it came to pass that the Arsenites once more started their journey (Wengering their way) across the trophyless desert excepting for the FA Urns that lay cracked in the dust.They made their way for a decade past many fine ranches and chateaus. But no solace they found as they gathered at the great Emirates gate where statues of great dictators stood in the failing light. Bonobo sat with his collection bowl until he was moved along by the Armoury police, as were the other Arsenites ..... (the Book of Pants) ....

  101. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 14:19 #83931

    mbg ,one thing is obvious none of the AKB's have any faith in Arsene winning the league,although we are only two points off the top,or in us beating Barcelona, even though Arsene has been 20 years in the job trying to win the European Cup and according to him this current side is the best that he has ever had! You couldn't make it up.

  102. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 14:06 #83930

    Jackerson, you are wasting your time trying your attempted silly wind-ups on me.I couldnt care less what you think. I suggest however that you leave the philosophizing on life to others more intelligent than you obviously are.

  103. Jack

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:57 #83929

    I find it unbelievable if you don't want Arsenal to win the League jeff.Why bother with all this verbiage if your heart belongs to Manure,Tott or one of the hairy arses.Is it just Wenger or the modern Arsenal you despise,there's much about modern life that I dislike yet I've come to accept that most people are blind and just accept it.

  104. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:56 #83928

    The funniest thing about AKB Syndrome where you walk around feeling your way with invisible walls is that you actually have less faith in Arsene FC than your common garden WOR type. The WOR has complete faith in Arsene (1000 years in football) winning zilch on the major trophy front. The AKB totally preoccupied by enemies within cannot see the goal for the grass (sic) and is so confused he has to ask the WOR for guidance. Arsene is very happy with this relationship has it allows those who have been in the game forever to errr process the 'merchandise.' Rumours of a certain self-centred aging forward currently farting around in Paree is to make an appearance in The Armoury and thence onto the backs of far eastern sportsfans are unfounded. On the other hand it appears Messi meets the height requirements at St Stan's and has been invited to a tour of said armoury ...... hope that clears something up ....

  105. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:44 #83927

    The early excuses are getting even earlier, 9.13am on a Wednesday morning now, that's showing some faith in the best manager in the world. You couldn't make it up.

  106. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:32 #83926

    jw, well done you have the AKB's all in a tizzy buzzing about like little busy bees all over the place of course it's nothing to do with who will win the league (they probably don't care themselves) it's all about defence and support of their messiah and trying to make sure he looks good. You couldn't make it up.

  107. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:27 #83925

    Billy's Boots ,my advice to you is to stop posting nonsense...Arsene is the one that you should be asking that question...

  108. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:22 #83924

    Eric Chab, your English is perfect mate, nice one, Hilarious, Post of the day.

  109. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:22 #83923

    BB, jw answered the question under the previous article, why are you still asking it? A question for you - if you don't think AFC will win the league this season despite the extraordinarily favourable circumstances, does that mean you think the manager should resign at the end of the season? We all know he won't, but do you think he should?

  110. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:12 #83922

    jj, shussss, don't say that too loud, it makes TOF look bad, somebody might hear you, although it's not something you'll hear chanted about at AKB central.

  111. Billy's Boots

    Feb 17, 2016, 13:07 #83921

    @JW, For all your blustering, you still haven't answered the question!! Don't chicken out now! We all know the difference between wanting and believing... once more, do you WANT Arsenal to win the league? Yes or No? In response to your two questions: A. No B. No j

  112. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:57 #83920

    Arteta, Carrick, Flamini - now here's a club with serious intent zzzzzzzzzzzzzz At least there is one big game on the beeb at the weekend. Whoever wins that one will win the FA Cup .... Does Arnold like the older chaps as he is now in his 102 footballing year. Feels like it ...... Do I think Arsene FC will win anything while Stan is completing his Ranch collection - NO! lol!

  113. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:50 #83918

    jj... these AKB's have trouble understanding the difference between wanting something to happenand believing that it actually will do so...that's what happens to those who live in Arsene la la land they follow elusive dreams that always fade away and die when reality kicks-in .,.ask Colesyboy about it.... Ron the last time Arsene looked at signing Carrick he found the price tag on him did not match his valuation... I guess the price has come down now to what Arsene the accountant sees as being a bargain. You couldn't make it up.

  114. mbg

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:45 #83917

    Anthony walters, the wife quip was aimed at the great Caesar not yourself, but good answer anyway.

  115. Ron

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:38 #83916

    Peter Wain - Never fear, Michael Carricks coming says the tabloids! Thats more like a real Wenger signing. Can see that happening. Silvestre revisted! Go for it Arsene.

  116. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:37 #83915

    Jackerson,looks like you are getting in the excuses early again with your weak beliefs ..try manning up son... . Does Pete think we will win the league as well if the refs help us out >? As for the comments by pompous Augusta and leek kfc .whoops! sorry Billy Boot ...cluck ...cluck... it is obvious that confidence in the final victory for le emperor is low and the usual excuses and accusations are once again being wheeled out like bins full of regurgitated garbage to try and deflect from yet another season of abject failure by Arsene. Real champs celebrate at the end of the season after winning the league only chumps do so after winning a game at home with 12 left to play.You couldn't make it up. Come on now Billy ... answer my simple questions ,do you think we will beat Barcelona (in the tie not just the home game) and will we win the league.Yes or no to the questions will do. We don't want any weak kneed Jackerson type comments about thinking we will if the refs help us out ... that's his trouble... like yours...when you have to think...!

  117. Peter Wain

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:26 #83914

    as our transfer strategy is impossible to know I think it unlikely we will buy this guy. Personally I would go with Bender or the guy from Seville but I cannot see Wenger spending more than the barest of bare minimums this transfer window. He will argue that but for injuries we would have won the PL so sees no reason to invest --- the old top top quality argument. Total rubbish we need a quality centre back midfielder and a world class striker no chance of any of these.

  118. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:19 #83913

    Jeff you have got the little AKBs in your hand all wondering what your answer. There is no answer to the question of course except a dwindling hope that this characterless regime has it in them to win the PL. Within the favourable confines of mere top four tinishes - why bust a gut if you can still gate crash the bigger parties and get your freebies courtesy of a bent footballing set-up. And then you get 12 yr olds going on 70 who think the problem with football is bent refs. Go back to school lad or maybe you are still there .... Let's hear it for Jeff Wright - true resilience and consistency keeps the forum alive. But seriously Jeff - do you think .... lol! The AKBs may start a FB page called What is Jeff thinking? lol!

  119. Jack

    Feb 17, 2016, 12:05 #83912

    We will win the league if the referees are even handed at our visits to OT,WHL and The Empty-had.Leave jeff alone his comments amuse me and I think he could be the Dominic Hindle character from Tracey Ullman who has set up his laptop in the cafe,only funny thing in the show.Looking forward to Manc Riley at weekend another committed WOR.

  120. jeff wright

    Feb 17, 2016, 11:15 #83911

    Billy Boot ... why don't you tell us if you think that we will win the league ...and how about us beating Barcelona ...over to you sunbeam... is that the sound of chickens that I hear cluck ...cluck...clucking away...

  121. Paul Adams

    Feb 17, 2016, 11:07 #83910

    Come on Jeff Wright you have been asked a simple question this morning, PLEASE answer it. Which is do You want Arsenal to win the league?F. I am sick of your rantings.

  122. Nick

    Feb 17, 2016, 10:36 #83908

    An irrelevant post, whether Wanjama is bought or not is pure speculation, his disciplinary record however should no be an issue, how many red and yellow cards the PV4 pick up when playing for us ? He was still the driving force in the team, dm is a position that attracts cards like a magnet , the trick is to know how to keep the players fire without it overheating, or know when its time to sub the bloke, stil its all very much a moot point just now, we have five games coming up which will define our season win four out of those five and avoid a morale savaging defeat in the Fifth ( which in order comes second) and maybe then we can begin to believe ! I expect a mix n match side for Hulls visit which to my mind is ridiculous because the FA Cup is more attainable than victory over Barca over two legs, but of course Wenger won't see it that way , and I suppose an unlikely first leg win for us would boost confidence, but a cup exit would in my opinion be more damaging to our season. Wenger will no doubt still be here next term its vitally important that whatever transpires this season that he strengthen properly in the summer, but given his past record I have no great hopes there after all a returning Jack Wilshere ( however briefly) will be a new signing in itself. I continue to hope that despite Wengers myriad mistakes we can win the title and maybe even another double this season , how great would that be ? Maybe Wenger would even make it his swan song and go with dignity, which considering his early years would be the best way to go, somehow I think he wont do that whatever happens our board would no doubt like him to stay untill he drops, oh well we shall see , in the meantime COME ON YOU GUNNERS !!,

  123. Westlower

    Feb 17, 2016, 9:13 #83905

    Oh joy, Mike Dean will ref the Hull game. To the tune of James Dean by The Eagles: Mike Dean, Mike Dean, I know just what you mean. You were the low-down rebel if there ever was, even if you had no cause. You were just too bent for school. The only thing that got you off was breakin' all the rules. Mike Dean. Mike Dean, so dishonest and mean. Mike Dean. Mike Dean, you bought it unseen. You are too weak to live, too naive to die, bye, bye.

  124. Michael

    Feb 17, 2016, 9:12 #83904

    The rare treat of an injury time goal was my elation, especially after watching seemingly endless last gasp goals to Chelsea, Man U, City and Liverpool with odd penalty thrown in. Let's hope the tide has turned our way at last.

  125. Billy's Boots

    Feb 17, 2016, 9:04 #83903

    Jeff Wright, can you please answer the simple question with one word, a Yes or No. Do you want Arsenal to win the league? (One word, please - Yes or No)

  126. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 17, 2016, 6:45 #83901

    Don't know where my comment went but throw money at Willian and Cahill. Chelsea are at their most vulnerable for years and some power player could hole em under the water. I'd be brutal and extract further revenge.

  127. Mike

    Feb 17, 2016, 6:02 #83899

    Ozil vs the top 5 teams this season: Leicester 2 assists, Spurs 1 assist,Man City 2 assists, Man Utd 1 goal and 1 assist and he goes missing in big games? - Rumour has that Barca want him

  128. Eric Chab

    Feb 17, 2016, 5:32 #83898

    Goonercolseyboy - you most boring man on Internet. When not moaning over injury time. You bore people rigid in pub. Most English drink too much get angry. You very English. You are Engish Mug. You need find wife or if you gay boyfriend. Then you are less boring. Sorry English not good

  129. jjetplane

    Feb 17, 2016, 0:06 #83897

    Best stat ever has Stoke now have more CL winners in their squad than City, Scousers and Arsene FC put together. OK so BFG did carry the thumb sucker's water during the German's WC indulgence of said thumb sucker .... but all is a long way from Petit and Viera who both think Arnold is pure pants! Stokeee hey love it but wait! Hibs beat Hearts and day's what it's all abaut ..... All this silly talf and Jack will be back soon and they have even straightened his legs out and he is now 5.1 tall .... Love Pires Love the old Arsenal ....

  130. Roy

    Feb 16, 2016, 23:16 #83896

    Why didn't he make a serious offer for Payet before he signed a new contract ? He's Wengers type, surely. Now that would have been a good investment considering a couple of players in that department who he's shown misplaced loyalty to will leave in the Summer. Far too radical and forward- thinking I suppose though.

  131. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 16, 2016, 23:08 #83895

    jeff know it all wright , you really are an opinionated old fool, so anti Arsenal along with the tof Muguiresbridge that you cannot reason beyond a few of your staple answers. Give it up, admit who you really support.

  132. Smithy

    Feb 16, 2016, 22:18 #83894

    I may be barking up the wrong tree but isn't the young polish lad beilik being groomed for that position? The only times I have seen him I think he looks very promising ! Wanyama doesn't look that great cavallio looks a much better bet as does Kante!

  133. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 19:32 #83892

    jeff do answer augustus ceasers question do you actually want us to win the league.i an happy as pig in **** when we win but like all arsenal fans i don.t think you are in all honesty.

  134. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2016, 19:32 #83891

    AW ,Villa were awful and Benteke is just an average joe .Regarding the nearly bottled it in the semi's we were very shaky and nervous and needed a massive GK error against Reading to avoid an upset .We also needed extra-time to beat Wigan and again looked very shaky against them. Anyway ,you carry on trying to convince yourself that Wenger's teams these days are not bottlers and I will carry on believing that they are . 5-0 worst ever European result against BM ,the 4-0 thrashing at Southampton the defeats to Zagreb and Olympiacos were examples of this over the last few months,and I predict more to come. I don't think that you being an atheist means that you can't be accused of preaching because preaching is not confined to religious beliefs. There are similarities to be made, as some have claimed , however regarding AKB mania being on a par with religious mania .Amen over and out.I'm off to have a beer and watch the football on TV.

  135. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 19:12 #83890

    firstly only in a couple of those seasons were we realistically long term title challengers and i said so at the time as i am a realist.wenger and the players have experience of winning various which is another advantage.thirdly how is it when we lose we bottle it when we win from coming from behind we nearly bottled it yet we go out versus a resurgent villa with in form benteke who beat liverpool we destroy them with great football yet all you focus on is negatives.

  136. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 19:02 #83889

    p.s.jeff i am an athiest so don't preach sermons .i don't have blind faith in wenger and believe his biggest mistake was birmingham away before the match team selection and the aftermath of eduardos leg break but all managers make mistakes and i have reasonable hope and optimism for this season but realise how tough it will be to win those away games in particular.

  137. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2016, 19:00 #83888

    Tbh ,AW the opposition was not top class in the cup final - we nearly bottled it though in the semi ,both times ,against Championship opposition .We did bottle it big - time in the league cup one against rel ! Then again you are rather selective with your points that you make to support your AKB agenda. I can't see what your point is regarding the league , my one is about league runs ins that Arsene's teams have been bottling for donkey's years as everyone ,apart from you and other AKB's, know. I can't see any correlation between us having experience of these league run ins and City .City have won titles in them - we have only had experience of suffering losing results in them. As it happens AW I don't rule out City still winning the league ,but they will have to get a move on if they are to do so. They have been robbed of points by Clatterburg's dodgy decisions in both their games against the spuds.City should be where the spuds are while they should be in 4th place.... Nice one mbg ! Many a true word and all that.... You couldn't make it up.

  138. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 16, 2016, 18:47 #83886

    Jeff - Simple question; do you want Arsenal to win the title or do you want to be proved right? Come on, answer that question in a straight forward, succinct manner. No long winded caveats and superfluous waffle as is your stock in trade. Come on, let's hear it.

  139. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 18:44 #83885

    cheers mbg .don't have a wife kicked her out after an affair with a frenchman!!!she said he had loads of money and travelled a lot in his job.

  140. mbg

    Feb 16, 2016, 18:33 #83884

    jw, I wonder would he be as quick to trust him with his wife.

  141. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 18:26 #83883

    mr wright you have all your opinions.2 down in the cup final we didnt bottle it .but according to you we were lucky.i look up from my seat and see 2014 and 2015 fa cup Winners.i cannot guarantee we will win it like i cannot guarantee there is a god.i say we have a great chance though our away fixtures are the toughest .man city and arsenal have the advantage of experience and better squads spurs and leicester and spurs possibly better teams at the moment.that is reasoned thinking not the analysis of a ranting one sided hater.your risiculing of the club and wenger over a scout shows how pathetic and petty minded you are.of course many of your arguements are good but many supportive of wenger are equally good.

  142. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2016, 18:03 #83880

    anthony walters, anothrr sermon from you you should take up preaching,or do you already do so... players like Ozil have won their medals with other clubs with different managers and styles of play - or in strong international sides with many top class players in them . Ozil is known to vanish in big games - that is why Real Madrid got shut of him and he has done it with us since he first arrived. He bottled playing at Stoke recently claiming his foot was hurting him and was nowhere to be seen at Southampton in the 4-0 thrashing or against Chelsea in the 1-0 defeat at home or the 2-0 one away... I have yet to see him put in a match winning performance against top opposition. Wenger himself is a nervous sort trembling and sitting ashen faced wringing his hands or going mental at 4th officials during games when sih training ground tactics are not working and this doesn't help things on the manning it up front. Wenger's teams have been noted for bottling it for years when the pressure is on. What planet are you living on>? Kos is one of the main culprits always limping off when he is up against it. I suggest that you should try taking your own advice and adopt a more perspective approach to the failures that we see every season under Arsene's flaky management. Instead of accusing others of making these failures up. Who really doesn't belive that more of these 'accidents' as Wenger calls them will not occur before this season is over. Optimism is all well and good but it must be backed up with some reality .If Leicester - or the spuds - ouch ! win the league then Wenger should resign having failed from a good position earlier in the season to take advantage of the Chelsea ,City ,United, Liverpool implosions as those two have done -but he won't do .You couldn't make it up.

  143. anthony walters

    Feb 16, 2016, 16:53 #83875

    the weak willed lightweight mentally weak arsenal have scored more injury time goals than anyone in the premier league the vast majority under wenger. here's the winners medal collection of this group world cup,copa america,european chanpionship,premier league,fa cup,league cup,french league,spanish league,italian league,greek league,argentine league,german cup,spanish cup and italian cup.not bad for weak bottlers. fair play to them if spurs or leicester win the league or city win it but REASONED evidence suggests it won't be lack of bottle.

  144. mbg

    Feb 16, 2016, 16:29 #83871

    Charles, Gaius, a couple of good posts, from the hip and the heart, and the truth, posts wengerites don't like as it puts their messiah in bad light and breaking their eleventh commandment.

  145. jjetplane

    Feb 16, 2016, 16:29 #83870

    Westie has already done this topic to death with his insightful comments re the cheating, horrible little Mahrez. Westie on the above 'Saints' player - hairy arse brick **** house. Don'e ever say the AKBs are not imaginative. Travis must have been a January signing .... lol! With Baddie back it's like a new signing. Still laughing about the last post! Comic genius!

  146. mbg

    Feb 16, 2016, 16:16 #83868

    And there you have it if/when we Finnish third or fourth there will be no needs job will be done, and nobody will be needed with TOF perceiving we are still strong enough, and have great mental strength and speritt, (and of course he'll be believed) and we're off and running again, same old same old.

  147. jeff wright

    Feb 16, 2016, 16:10 #83867

    Augustas Caesar says he trusts Arsene with the cash. Of course he does and so does Stan. That sums up exactly what it is that attracts these AKB's like Caesar to Arsene's cause. How about Arsene winning the league this season Augusta - soon it will be the ides of March with chilly winds blowing at stadia up North - will our little thumb-suckers and selfies takers stand up and be counted - or just wilt away again under the pressure of having to do better than win a 4th place trophy > ? please enlighten us with your view on that Augusta. Colesyboy, who doesent like Augusta being called 'sunbeam' but who however uses worse abuse toward others on here never tells us what he thinks about Arsene's chances of winning the title either. Or Brainy Brian who prefers to post about scientific theories on what is occurring in outer - space ,rather than on whether or not Arsene will deliver a league title that many believes it is possible for him to do. Some of us can't see it happening though - and it's not exactly rocket-science to work out the reasons why that is.You couldn't make it up.

  148. Bard

    Feb 16, 2016, 15:53 #83863

    Decent shout Travis but not a cat in hell's. We have Coq and Elneny ( I understand he really does exist) and if Wenger can get away without spending any money then he will so despite him being a interesting prospect the short answer is no chance.

  149. TJ

    Feb 16, 2016, 15:39 #83861

    Although we desperately need another PROPER DM, I don't think Wanyama is the answer. We always play one holding midfielder alongside a box-to-box midfielder (invariably Ramsey), which is understandable against most teams, as we need to attack. Therefore, if Coquelin is fit, a second DM would only play in big games away from home, and cup matches. Too many players now want to be playing week in, week out, even though it makes their performance level drop and causes injuries. Would Wanyama accept that role? Doubt it. I think Newcastle's Tiote would be the answer- certainly an older player who doesn't mind playing of the season's games.

  150. Tony Evans

    Feb 16, 2016, 14:07 #83856

    Wanyama would be a great signing in my book, although Kante at Leicester looks a bit more cultured on the ball and has been one of the players of the season for me, and would be my choice. Can't see either of them arriving though with Wenger's past history and love of the diminutive tippy tappy type.

  151. Augustus Groper

    Feb 16, 2016, 13:28 #83852

    AugustusCaesar - you are a Popinjay and a fop you come across as a ne'er-do as well. More important how will your fancy dans cope at Stoke on a windy night?

  152. mbg

    Feb 16, 2016, 13:21 #83850

    And we all know what happens when TOF waits and sees. OGL has been interested in many players over the years Suarez for example, how many has he nearly signed ? how many could he have signed before everybody else ? that's if you believe the Spin, as a lot of fans have done and still do religiously. Regardless of the interest/Spin when a player has been linked with OGL publicly there's less chance of him being signed because OGL doesn't like anyone knowing his/the clubs business especially the fans, he likes to keep us all guessing with his usual smug grin like he knows something we don't, so we'll be the last to know, and when we do it'll be some second rate Dwarf we've never heard tell off, and off course he'll be top top Qualitee.

  153. peter marinellos sideburns

    Feb 16, 2016, 13:18 #83849

    am surprised Wenger didn't go in for that lad that Stoke have signed - considering his knowledge of the French league- could be the new PV4

  154. Gaius Octavius

    Feb 16, 2016, 12:52 #83846

    Hail. Firstly I doubt very much whether after recent performances, cards and suspensions that Mr.Wanyama is on anyones radar, far from it. The mention of his very name is a tonic for those bled dry by the incumbent leadership that so burden our great club for they are the ones responsible for the current plight through their criminal lack of sporting achievement and ambition. MBG shares this with me and a great many others. Trusting Arsene with the money may be only part of the issue. Who says he has the money? You seen Stans property portfolio recently? Its impressive. Or it may be that Arsene has just been storing up his problems convinced that his stalwarts were good enough to last until the end of 2015-2016. Diaby didn’t quite make it but at least Jack, Arteta, Flamini and Rosicky have contributed!? With Cazorla nearly over the hill there will be major recruitment needed this summer and there yet again will we be able to measure the ambition of the AFC custodians. The criminal mismanagement that has been allowed to replace the early years of Wenger dominance of football management is what many can no longer stomach. I truly believe and it is incredible to say this that a Premiership title win this season, however unlikely in my opinion, would have been won by luck rather than judgement. For the following reasons: Cech was a gift and you don’t plan for gifts like that. How many more goals would the Pole have conceded. Its frightening. We now have the most expensive loanee in World Football at Roma after signing a £24million 5 year contract. No im not kidding. Criminal mismanagement. That cash would have prized one of the World Class keepers we see every week in the Prem who are also Englishmen. Welbeck (only signed AFTER Giroud broke his leg in August last year was a panic buy and the same player faced surgery before the window shut 6 months ago. Yet he gambled and chose not to go into the market. He couldn’t find the “top, top” player. He wont for what he thinks he can pay. (Suarez and Higuain anyone). Thats not management. The gambling is not over though as our number two right back leaves on loan to suit his individual needs rather than the good of the club – who are trying to win the league I thought? I hope those seven defenders are enough Arsene. You don’t help yourself do you? So here we sit with it all to play for. A man who has a track record of failing to deliver the top prize for over a decade and the disillusioned ones my dear AugustusCaesar are those who seriously expect it to be different this year. When the inevitable happens what will you say then? “Oh well, we were unlucky – again. Lets let him earn another £80million and we’re bound to win something.” There are some winners at Arsenal yes. Not the players. And not the Fans. First rule of management or in your case Empire, Caesar, “if you cant change the people, change the people”. Anything else is folly. Like me, MBG knows that...

  155. Ron

    Feb 16, 2016, 12:37 #83844

    VW is the nearest thing to what we ve needed in the middle of the park for years. He s a bit rash at times its true but hes a seriously strong player and is the lynch pin for Saints. This bit of hassle hes got himself into will be enough to provide an excuse for Wenger not to buy him probably. Those in the game rate him highly and he ll probably not cost 20 Mill. AFC were looking at him for a long time when he was at Celtic. Dont worry Augustus C you're not likely to have yr diet of weak kneed feeble tip tap football disrupted any time soon.

  156. AugustusCaesar

    Feb 16, 2016, 12:03 #83838

    Most of the clowns on this forum will have been braying for Wenger to cough up £15-20m on this guy because he fits the bill as a combative defensive midfielder. Bottom line is; he's overrated and a liability. That's why I trust the management with the cash more than Maguire's goner, or whatever his name is.

  157. Charles

    Feb 16, 2016, 10:55 #83829

    The current transfer policy is to find any excuse not to spend any money. Wenger talks a load of BS, half-truths and lies in his press conferences so do yourself a favour and ignore all of it.

  158. lance peters

    Feb 16, 2016, 10:26 #83827

    was there not anything better to write about ?