In a dystopian future

The unthinkable is very possible…

In a dystopian future

61 – Never again?

In a dystopian future, where Donald Trump is President of the United States and Boris Johnson is Prime Minister of an England on its own with only it's fond memories of Eric Morecombe to keep it warm, Tottenham Hotspur may be Champions of the Premiership.

The Tottenham Hotspur Club Shop will no longer have Betamax cassettes of their North Circular Relegation League Cup Final and Inter Toto Cup third round exits to titivate and excite enthusiastic Poultry. No they will have a farm fresh, straight from the chicken house, DVD of "their year". There will be bus parades. There will be chants of "Champions".

Chas and Dave will ring out on the airwaves, and exciting celebrity Tottenham fans, will emerge like long forgotten KGB sleepers.

Channel 4 will air " The glory glory days" in remembrance of 1961 and Talksport will play their favourite tune from 1961 "Tip Top Tottenham Hotspur".

They will sing once again of their love for Cyril Knowles and his quality goalscoring.

It will be truly, truly revolting, and we will become the third best team in London.

And what of Mr Wenger when and if this comes to pass ?

In the season where both Manchester clubs as well as Chelsea decided to tie their bootlaces together resulting in their falling flat on their faces most weeks of the season, will those who love and admire him finally, in the event of a Spurs triumph come to see the efficacy of dispensing, tearfully and doubtless with a hearty golden goodbye, with the Manager's services?

I feel instinctively, that the time has come for them to speak.

Herbert Chapman made us great, Bertram Mee and Don Howe made us feared, George Graham restored our dignity and brought Liverpool low. The present regime will have overseen Chelsea as Champions of Europe, and if we are not very, very determined, Tottenham Champions of England. Who is next for the title? West Ham United?

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  1. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 10:39 #84226

    Morning chaps. Badarse. You have an apparent obsession with me even when im working away and dont post. Its more than a bit unhealthy. You remind me of that bounty hunter in 'the Outlaw Josey Wales' who d had been in the saloon checking Josey Wales out as a potential kill. Josey was in the bar having a bourbon and the bounty hunter twice crossed the street, twice thought again and went back across the street before finally going in, hand on his holstered pistol and saying to Josey that 'i had to come back'. Josey quite sorrowfully replied ' i know' before he shot the bounty hunter down. It was an inevitable outcome, just as it is when you keep coming back on here for more punishment off quite a few on here. Its long since past the time that you really ought to accept that you simply dont have it in your locker to gain this bizarre ascendency that you seem to crave. You came to this site so long ago thinking there was a just a few young posters who you could bully and twist and some of who might just hang on to the spurious drivel that you chant every day. You bit off more than you could chew though, as your type always do. Give it up, grow up. You really ought to get out more or get a job or something. It looks right now like its Australians who your diverting yr ire towards right now, falling into the same old tiresome habits of throwing yr ill considered, childish barbs towards all and anybody who tell you exactly what you are. You are truly the biggest hypocrite on here. Thankfully, most have long since chosen to ignore you these days.

  2. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2016, 9:41 #84222

    The crudities and coarseness of those down under is legendary so that isn't a surprise, especially when the individual concerned has been shunted into a cul de sac. As for you mbg, it isn't a surprise to hear you championing another's jibe, do you stand at the back of the mob urging others on? Still that is a little better than jj the ageing boot boy, who would run in and kick anyone on the floor then scarper. Once more jj, you shift to accommodate. No one is disagreeing regarding the import of info from Ron, or some of his illuminations on certain subject matter, it is the underlying aspects of many posts I question. Scroll back and reread any he has posted to westlower and then I am out of the equation. If they do not offend your sensibilities then we just have to accept that we are different-but those differences do not make you lot correct, just different. I can readily accept that, I do in life, but I also recognise axiomatic events or occurrences and judge accordingly. You should be able to jj, with the books you have supposedly read, your reactions and views tell a completely different story though-I know you have a new book on the go at the moment, but have heard that you have nearly finished colouring it.

  3. Ozzie

    Feb 22, 2016, 3:52 #84214

    JJ I agree with you and I also really enjoy reading Ron's posts as they are all relevant and eloquently written and, to the point: they make SENSE which is more than can be said about a certain poster on here whose user name is obviously designed to attract attention to himself. Still think he ought to change it to 'kick me.'

  4. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 23:08 #84209

    jj, you've hit the nail firmly on the head there, and it's not the first time the same nail has been struck, that's his problem and always has been, he's always wanted to be the head boy, the top man, funniest, wittiest, the most respected on here, the fact he's none of them especially the last one (after trying so hard) really pisses him off especially as others are more popular and looked up to, and he shows it so many times now after taking another tact and showing his true colours by joining his fellow wengerites with his silly insults disguised as unfunny quips plus his gobbledegook, he's just like his messiah and his second rate players he never learns.

  5. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 13:25 #84166

    Nothing spiteful from me. Just a couple of observations and you are forever stirring for a virtual fight on here and that RON treats you with an impatience reminiscent of a adult with child at supermarket is par for the course. Think you enjoy it really and that is your mischief. Not to worry.

  6. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2016, 12:55 #84163

    Oh no jj, please don't muddy the waters. Simple statement, there is no need to be rude or spiteful to anyone just because you do not agree with his/her POV. Have a political chat with the poster in question and you would either fall out immediately or bend the knee and tug the forelock as you normally do. Your comment regarding U2 is a mite snobbish, like your comments that you have to be born within the sound of Bells Bow to be an Arsenal fan, it displays an underlying right wing curse of selectivism.

  7. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 12:41 #84161

    Amazed a certain poster on here likes Future Islands - great band live! but continues in the mode of an insufferable U2 fan and neglects to mention how his immediate boss (Westie) foes hate like no other on here - the spittle verily flies and then there is the numerous impersonators? which amount to a Jameson sound alike so perhaps it's intentional. As for RON - think what really gets Baddoe's (Stephen Fry) goat is how likeable and popular RON is. There are blinkers and there are .......

  8. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 21, 2016, 12:21 #84160

    The real FJ this time. All sorts of things could happen in the future. But I would be very surprised if Spurs won the league this year. If they manage to continue in this league, with that intensity fighting on three front, that in my book makes them unique. As with Leicester, they have been beyond fortunate with injuries, that could change in squeaky bum time. Leicester have the best chance, Spurs the best form, and Arsenal and City are capable of good finishes. So, despite it all, my money is on City, on the proviso Kompany and Aguero stay fit. But, it is naive to assume anything happening at Spurs will have any effect whatsoever on the way Arsenal is run. With the TV money, Stan doesn't need Champ league money, I doubt if he would even care if Arsenal dropped out of the top four, especially as he already has his LA loan. Wenger, to be fair does care, but he is so deluded, and behind the times on coaching, fitness and tactics, he is a busted flush, albeit a highly protected one. So far, the old school managers are being shown up for the dinosaurs they are, and Wenger heads the list. I suspect Poch is keeping a run going as long as he can, aiming at something he knows he will not achieve this season, but in doing so, knowing it will help him in his true target, joining Arsenal in the top four, for this season at least. All that could change that is something catastrophic , of Jose joining Utd next week, in which case, someone in the current top four should start to worry.

  9. Cyril

    Feb 21, 2016, 11:27 #84158

    Finsbury joe: I know you have a fascination with all things Arsenal, but like I said before we have won the league at your place the same amount of times you have won the league. The difference is you don't have Sheffield Wednesday to prop you up this time.

  10. TJ

    Feb 21, 2016, 11:19 #84155

    @Clive the book Thomas, I never swallowed any AKB propaganda mate, I was just saying that it was understandable that some fans were so frustrated given that run. For the record, I think most Premier League refs are awful regardless of their biases.

  11. Badarse

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:18 #84150

    'You make your own luck', eh Bard? No other considerations? Well I reckon your luck ran dry by finding yourself posting on this site surrounded by your kindred speerits. 'I would respectfully...', says Ron; I nearly fell off the commode, but at the eleventh hour in the same post he saves his reputation by calling the Arsenal Circular, '..a bloody fool.' Listen to Future Islands chum, absorb, 'People Change-some never do!'. mbg extends his lead in the, 'first past the post' stakes. I've asked for my three 'Brian' posts to be taken into account and added to my total-did anybody realise I misspelt my posting pseudonym and it came out as Brian? By the way Ron, 'hatred' is just a word used to signify a point. It may be a little hyperbolic, but exaggeration for sake of effect is something you are well practised in. If you cannot get the poster's drift, then it doesn't surprise me one bit, you have to remove the blinkers for that. As a point of reference, I would like it to be noted that once more you began this with an unprovoked insult on another poster. Whoops, Stewards Inquiry' been trolled again, post 89048 wasn't me, so the question remains, is my posting total also comprised of the umpteen pretend posts? Ah, Jess Glynne-I think I love you, nah, only love one woman, but I do love her voice.

  12. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:13 #84149

    I thought Mike Dean would give us a few breaks today and try and get back in Gooners good books,yet he seemed even more biased against us than normal.I know he once confessed to being a Lane dweller as a child yet later said he follows nobody.

  13. Ozzie

    Feb 21, 2016, 3:05 #84148

    Sat up beyond 2am watching this defensive tripe. Why the hell can't there be a rule change preventing 11 players in the back line? Surely such a change would improve the game as a spectacle if not allow more scoring. I wonder if any other ref but Dean would have spotted the early handball? One bright note was the performance of Elneny - very impressed with him - cool and confident in his moves. Won't say much about a couple of the players as it's already been said umpteen times already.

  14. Clive the book Thomas

    Feb 20, 2016, 23:36 #84147

    TJ- Think you'll find that our poor record with Dean reffing began around the time he started to take charge of a lot of our games against other top 4 teams. Earlier on in his career his record in our games would suggest that he really quite likes us a lot. Why don't you take a look at the full stats instead of swallowing embarrassing AKB paranoia.

  15. bromley boy

    Feb 20, 2016, 22:14 #84146

    MPG was expecting Stan to congratulate Wenger on managing to give us another game with another load of TV cash and shared gate receipts will make it easier for him to take another £3 million out of the club !!!

  16. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 21:32 #84145

    Bard, your right wally has not improved one iota, (and it's plain to see regardless what the AKB's spin) in fact he's got worse, and you could say the same for others. Would wally (and the others) have improved and become a good player/players if he'd have stayed where he was ? and the others went elsewhere ? Where they'd have been managed and coached and trained by a proper manager who knows what he's doing ? i'm sure they would have, they certainly wouldn't have got worse.

  17. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 21:19 #84144

    bromley boy, be in no doubt it was thoroughly enjoyed at AKB central command they say the cheering was deafening, they'd have taken the draw before the start.

  18. Hiccup

    Feb 20, 2016, 20:59 #84143

    There's nothing more mature and encouraging than a good old petition. Especially those ones that just get thrown in the bin and laughed at by fans from every other club.

  19. Th14afc

    Feb 20, 2016, 20:58 #84142

    The lack of finishing chances at the Emirates recently is a massive many chances do this lot need...barca won't give Arsenal anywhere near the same amount of chances so Arsenal need to start taking their was like a training ground kick about,no urgency at all

  20. bromley boy

    Feb 20, 2016, 20:45 #84141

    silent stan was sitting below me today i wonder what he made of that crap he didnt look that excited but then again who did

  21. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:54 #84140

    Feed the paranoia ...........

  22. TJ

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:40 #84139

    Hiccup, Arsenal went something like 19 games without a win with Dean as ref. There's nothing wrong with showing that there's mass disappointment with some of the refereeing this league endures. That's more active and encouraging than your sarcastic comments, which are really immature and pointless. (I'm an AMG, btw...)

  23. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:30 #84138

    Toffees for the FA Cup looks a done deal but worried about that Barca defence. If Arsene Fc can hold them off for the first 8 minutes then who knows .... probably Neymar knows (NKB). Wonder if Theo thinks he is in the same class as Neymar .....Now there was a team - The Imponderables .....

  24. Hiccup

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:29 #84137

    Just what the hell was Mike Dean doing at the Emirates? I thought petition number 75a subsection(ii) had placed a restraining order on him from being within 10 miles of the Emirates?

  25. Bard

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:21 #84136

    Ak; the other issue is that Wally isnt a proper footballer. He just doesnt see whats round him. I dont think he has improved one iota since he joined us and sadly he never will. I have said for a while that we need to sell him on. Its slightly tangential but you cant play him in the same team as Ozil otherwise you have 2 players incapable of tacking their way out of a wet paper bag. Agree about the Ox he's lost his confidence big time.

  26. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 20, 2016, 19:09 #84135

    Bard - The most disappointing thing about wallnut is his complete onefootedness. He had a potentially decent chance in the second half but contrived to get his body in a really awkward position in order to take it on his right foot. A two-footed player would have swept the chance in using their left foot. A truly mediocre performer (who would probably look equally ordinary playing for a team like Hull. And to think we could have sold him for serious money. Was also a mistake to bring on the Ox - he had his head down throughout. I liked Elneny too - would have been good though to see him play a bit more up the park in the second half.

  27. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 20, 2016, 18:57 #84134

    Once super Jack and Santi get back the rest better beware.We will be the most feared team in Europe.Title,FAC double and semi's in Champs League my prediction.

  28. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 18:46 #84133

    Think I might **** off down The Ramblas for starters and move onto the Lane after ..... Just want to revise my opinion of Neymar - the boy has a great haircut and he may yet be the best of the lot in the long run. And just to reiterate the free scoring Arsenal of Freddie and Bobby is long gone .... Adios Blondie ....

  29. Badarse

    Feb 20, 2016, 18:22 #84132

    I have a special sweet for you jjetplane.mgb-Bard go away to Tottie land one way no return adios.

  30. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 18:05 #84131

    Did you hear OGL ramble on about Qualitee ? are they all not supposed to be top top Qualitee ? you've told us they are enough times you old shyster, what a fraud.

  31. Bard

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:59 #84130

    The goal machine that is Wally Walcott needs to be traded asap. For £25m surely we can find a striker who scores at a better rate than Walcott. Elneny looked tidy. Roll on Barca, looking forward to seeing Messi.

  32. bromley boy

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:50 #84129

    well that was fun to watch 2 holding midfielders for the full 94 mins against the mighty Hull city !!!!

  33. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:49 #84128

    No surprise what TOF's priorities are, he actually thinks we've got a chance in the CL, you really have to laugh, I suppose the FA Cup will become important to him and his followers again when it has to save his bacon (again).

  34. Hiccup

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:26 #84127

    Unlucky today. I think had Hull gone down to ten men we would have won.

  35. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 17:12 #84126

    Wonder what Arsene FC will park in front of Messi and Co? Most of the talk re Hull's GK is that he was milking it as you cannot but save from the soft centred Arsenites on the pitch and it's fun palming such weak shots away. But who cares about Arsene FC from a football perspective when Flimflam's missus is raking it in with some dodgy corporate moves ... certainly impresses corporate groupie Westie who 'really loves his SOCCER!' - Arsene Rangers rah rah rah ....

  36. Westlower

    Feb 20, 2016, 16:59 #84124

    Given the replay falls between the away game at the Lane & the home fixture v WBA, it'll probably be the same team on duty. Hull wont park the bus as deep being the home team & the GK won't be that good again. How we miss play-maker Ozil? Flamini's GFBiochemical empire has spread to the USA, with the acquisition of a Minnesota based business. Next $Billion on its way. Smart cookie Mathieu.

  37. statattack

    Feb 20, 2016, 16:45 #84123

    According to Metro if video replays were available Arsenal would be four points clear at the top according to referee blunders.Manure interestingly would be lower down in 8th.

  38. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 20, 2016, 16:19 #84122

    Great result as it gives me another midweek game to watch on TV instead of crap like Eastenders.The misses won't be impressed yet I can pretend she's the Hull fans and chant at her.

  39. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 20, 2016, 16:09 #84121

    If you take away 1961 and 1951, Sours have never ever won the league.

  40. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 16:03 #84120

    'We lacked bit quality .....'

  41. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 20, 2016, 15:53 #84119

    If you take away all Arsenal's honours pre 1954 and take away all honours won from George Graham onward then you would have to say that Spurs were the more successful and bigger club.

  42. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 15:07 #84118

    Lucky the replays haven't been scraped yet, now we can see why TOF is against it.

  43. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:59 #84117

    This is the best Spurs team since 1951,I'm one of the few Spurs fans who didn't rate the 60's teams,too direct and aggressive for my liking.

  44. Augustus Flair

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:58 #84116

    Something's up with Alexis Sanchez and I don't like it. Looks like he's trying too hard for some reason.

  45. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:57 #84115

    It looks like Murphy was conspiring against us, dam that Murphy.

  46. Tony Evans

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:55 #84114

    0-0. Hopefully by the date of the replay Wenger might have realised we have no chance against Barca and will put out a full strength side. Mind even with 9 changes it doesn't say much that we can't even score against a second string Hull team!r

  47. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:47 #84113

    So AKBs and Tourists reckon goalies save their best for when they come to the WOK! Nothing to do with the soft ass finishing best illustrated by the thumb sucking playboy who was resting because he was out all night again! Tuesday should be different because Barca are leaky at the back though I think they like to concede one to get them going. Good old tigers and half empty tanks. Maybe FJ has got it right and a big welcome to GIDDY who sounds like a proper football man unlike some on here ..... Anyone know if you can get a yellow bib at the Armoury? .....

  48. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:19 #84112

    Did not know Colsey was a big North Korea fan ... Good old Arnold 'Pol Pot' Webster ..... Alright for him to wear glasses .... Did not I had posted so much so think I will take myself off to rehab. It really is quite addictive taking the piss out of Arsene FC. **** it - I'm staying and let's hope it's Neville who becomes the coach once he has sorted out Valencia ..... Overheard on the radio 'Giroud has still got his yellow bib on' which kinda sums up this regime ...

  49. jjetplane

    Feb 20, 2016, 14:06 #84111

    Only just got in and overhear on radio that 'Giroud has still got his yellow bib on' ..... kinda sums this regime up ....

  50. mbg

    Feb 20, 2016, 12:30 #84110

    Westlower, Murphy's Law ? Surely you mean conspiracies.

  51. Gary

    Feb 20, 2016, 11:41 #84109

    Stroud Green Wenger has managed Monaco and Arsenal in over 20 CL campaigns and got to one final and two semi finals.That is an abysmal record.In recent years we cant even get passed the last 16.Next Arsenal manager Wenger's protege Remi Garde

  52. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 20, 2016, 11:07 #84108

    Daily Telegraph online has a "where are they now" column of the 98' double side. A nice trip down memory lane. Paulo Vernazza anyone?

  53. Bard

    Feb 20, 2016, 10:23 #84107

    Stroud Gooner; yes but they didnt ! You make your own luck, thats the beauty of top class sport. Your results define you all the rest is blather. You can 'blather on' about all the reasons why Wenger has failed to get us over a line. The results say he has failed to win a prem in a 12 years for the simple reason he is not good enough.

  54. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 20, 2016, 9:58 #84106

    Arsenal have been in six European finals second only to Liverpool and in two of them they suffered penalty shoot out defeats and a last minute Nayim goal,plus the unfortunate 2-1 defeat to Barca.Arsenal could easily be sitting on 6 European triumphs if luck had prevailed.

  55. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 20, 2016, 9:53 #84105

    See what happens when you say something against their favourite poster, Westlower. North Korea rules.

  56. Hiccup

    Feb 20, 2016, 9:18 #84104

    It's totally irrelevant if Spurs finish above us. It's all about progress. This season has seen progress. Qualification for the CL is all but done and dusted, and we are only in February. No last day panics, so Wenger should be credited for this. We could finish 2nd too, even if behind Spurs. That would also be deemed as progress. Westie would be plotting his graphs and flow charts to show we have improved, and baddie will tell us that we have progressed from being on the cusp of greatness to the brink of greatness. Oh yes, and that are we are good to go for next season, of course.

  57. bromley boy

    Feb 20, 2016, 8:03 #84101

    burying your head in the sand thinking that 3rd or 4th will be acceptable was always a dangerous game to play a couple of last days scares recently should have been the wake up call we needed. yes i understand the stadium had to be bought and paid for but we had our own mega rich man waiting in the wings ready to take over . i hate everything the chavs stand for but perhaps that was the right road to go down, as for the spuds and Leicester they both deserve to be where they are until things change at the top i cant see us moving forward. yes we are in the race for the title this year but i have a sinking feeling we are going to bottle it. on the way to the game as i speak, come on you gunners

  58. mgb

    Feb 20, 2016, 0:05 #84100

    Stroud Gooner, I like your style, personally so would I as long as this buffoon isn't in charge.

  59. Mark

    Feb 19, 2016, 23:53 #84099

    A little mentioned fact by the AKB's is the Spuds as well as Chelsea have won more European trophies than Arsenal.Chelsea have won 3 in Wenger's reign.Wenger's record in Europe is frankly embarrassing.If Spurs do win the title Wenger should resign immediately

  60. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 23:52 #84098

    Alsace, good post, as others quite rightly keep pointing out, if we do win it it will be spite him rather than because of him.

  61. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 23:40 #84097

    theopants superstar, good post, Sad isn't it ? like I've already said they deserve him.

  62. Big Andy

    Feb 19, 2016, 23:28 #84096

    Great Post, Alsace. Except I can't see anybody in the dressing room who has the guts to inspire the team. Wenger never did like strong characters around him: dictators are like that. If we fail to take the title and Leicester and/or Spurs finish above us then Wenger should walk - but he won't. And another top-four finish will mean that Silent Sam will be delighted. And next year will be just the same.

  63. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 19, 2016, 23:08 #84095

    It's not just about trophies.If we finished mid-table for the next twenty years I'd still be a happy bunny as long as I have my sarnies and my flask of scotch and a big mama waiting for me at home.Alsace,mgb,Ron,what's wrong with you guys?

  64. Alsace

    Feb 19, 2016, 21:55 #84094

    The AKB's haven't and won't answer the question. It is not that Spurs might win the league that is important, it is that the three clubs whose money places them regularly above us have fallen spectacularly away and Wenger STILL can't take the prize. He can't do the transfers, he can't do the tactics, and he can't inspire the raw guts that it takes to make the prize ours. We should be kicking lumps out of what is left barring our way to the title. Our only hope is that the motivation will come from the team itself. We want that prize. We want it now and we can get it. I have great faith in Flanimal, Koscielny, Per, Coquelin, Cech, Nacho and Sanchez. Campbell too. These players get stuck in, and it is just possible that they will shame the rest of the team into having the backbone to win. Exciting times. Let us hope also that the team's loathing of Spurs, acutely prevalent since the days of Henry and Pires, will also inspire.

  65. theopants superstar

    Feb 19, 2016, 21:29 #84093

    Those that think Arsenal finishing below spurs would be the 'kick in the arse' and catalyst for a change of MO of either Wenger or The Board are likely to end up disappointed. Just as would happen if we finished outside the Top 4, supporters of Wenger will point out that it's the first time in 20 years it's happened and therefore argue Wenger would be the best man to get us back - either into the top 4 or ahead of Spurs. You only have to listen to / read his comments to realise things won't change until Wenger decides it's time for him to leave.

  66. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 19:28 #84092

    Won't it be ironic if the unthinkable does happen and TOF does the decent thing and falls on his sword, after all those who've supported him, backed him, stuck up for him, stood by him, made excuses for him and didn't want change and worshiped him, will be as much responsible for his downfall as himself ? (I wonder how that will go down at AKB central)ironic indeed, although some might say Karma.


    Feb 19, 2016, 19:15 #84091

    So,Arthur now has a love in with the FA Cup - just imagine the orgasms of The Faithful when AFC achieve 3 IN A ROW!!! Today's comments are a clear demonstration of this season's objective. Yesterday we were given a hint that Petr C will be El Capitain next season - i.e.. I will still be here & you can all look forward to more of the same old, same old. Isn't there something deeply depressing in all this? And, yes, A. Circular you are right about the last year of Klopp in Germany but I am not suggesting that an "Eddie Jones" type would necessarily be an instant success & even the RFU proved that change is possible -but again Stanley is a dictator & not part of a committee. But that doesn't mean the pressure should not be on Arthur - we need change. What's the old maxim - the only thing to fear is fear itself?

  68. Stroud Gooner

    Feb 19, 2016, 19:07 #84090

    Top four and I am more than happy.Premiership and Champions league would be great yet don't sacrifice any of our hard work in busting a gut to achieve these trophies.Would love a third FAC more than anything.

  69. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:41 #84089

    Come next January February after the old man in lives in a shoe and doesn't know what to do has f****d everything up yet again for the umpteenth time over the last ten years, and what will we hear from the AKB wengerites and his followers ? judge him at the end of the season, they really do deserve him. You couldn't make it up.

  70. Finsbury Joe

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:36 #84088

    I think Spurs will win the league,Leicester second,Man City third and Arsenal fourth. Barcelona for the champions league,Spurs for the Europa,Man City for the League Cup and Spurs for the FA cup with Arsenal beaten at Hull on penalties in the replay,what do you guys think?

  71. Giddy ****

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:25 #84087

    As a Spurs fan it's refreshing to finally see a real battle for the league title between the north london clubs. Arsenal is too talented overall to drift back in the next 3 months and Spurs now have the right coaching and confidence to challenge till the end. IMO, Leicester are still odds on favorites to win it due to their weak remaining fixtures, but it'll be an exciting finish in north london regardless. I'm just happy Chelsea and MC aren't in the discussion.

  72. Mark From Aylesbury

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:16 #84086

    Ron - Birmingham, yes let me think that would be when Almunia with the weakest hands I've ever seen on a keeper let the ball sort of flop over his fists into the net. Yep reckon that was the moment I thought ****it it ain't working.

  73. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:09 #84085

    As this is the week of Murphy's Law, what can go wrong tomorrow? A draw would be unhelpful, as we'd be condemned to play midweek for the next 4 weeks. Any player getting 2 yellows will miss OT. Any player getting a straight red will miss OT, Swansea & the Lane (if we don't have to replay v Hull). We'll definitely field a weakened team v Hull with an eye on Barcelona & OT. Team: Ospina, Chambers, BFG, Kos, Gibbs, Flamini, Elneny, Ox, Campbell, Welbeck, Iwobi. Hull are riding high in the Championship & will be back in PL next season. They've only conceded 19 goals & have a F/A goal ratio of 2.47, which is better than any team in PL. Correct scores of 0-0 (9/10) & 1-1 (13/2) are tempting. What do you think Mr Murphy?

  74. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:08 #84084

    Opposition managers have sussed out many of Wenger's weaknesses that you have pointed out Ron. Mourinho of course is very good at exploiting them,others are catching on and because Wenger has dumbed down the overall quality of our squad more of the lesser sides are now getting results against him with the current players in the main lacking the superiority of those of earlier times.That's why we are not points clear at the top as we should be due to Chelsea and City struggling in the first half of the season. It's all well and good AW saying we are nicely tucked in behind the leaders ,but the reality is we face a much tougher run of games than those pair and City also,who are nicely tucked in behind us.You couldn't make it up.

  75. Bard

    Feb 19, 2016, 18:07 #84083

    There is a bit of a myth developing round this cliche ' judge me in May'. What precisely does that mean as we havent won anything bar a coupe of FACs for a dozen years. The answer is that for the last dozen years 'he has failed by May' but nothing much changes. Its as if this 'end of May' becomes a day of reckoning but its nothing of the sort. Its just an interlude to 'we are looking to buy top quality in the summer'. No lesson are learned and no corners turned, same old same old. The absurdity of our latest signing has already been consigned to the annuls of Wenger mess ups. Here we are apparently challenging for the title and we buy a bloke who hasnt played 10 mins for us since he signed. What was the point ?

  76. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:53 #84082

    It's a long time since we heard that old chestnut (no not TOF) but the time to judge him is at the end of the season, how long has that been said ? ten seasons now, and hear it is being wheeled out again as a feeble excuse and in some kind of defence by a chief wengerite who thinks he's that important that he signs his name after his post (like i've said there's those who'd still support him even if they caught him shagging their wife)for an old past it manager who's dead and hasn't the wit to stiffen. You really couldn't make it up.

  77. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:53 #84081

    still in with a good chance of winning it jeff.i rate wellbeck highly for his versatility and he is young enough to improve further. though whether he can kick on remains to be seen.i think the experienced players like flamini rosicky arteta will go at the seasons end anyway a couple of top class signings and we will be in good shape.anyway off to tennis .keep the faith .lol

  78. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:34 #84080

    That was the season AW when I lost confidence in Wenger and as I have said before he lost the chance of winning the title this season before it began. Giving new contracts to past players due to their loyalty to himself smacks of a comfort zone mentality at work .Failing to bring in new ones who would produce competition for places was a big mistake as well .By this I mean top players not squaddies like Welbeck and others .All of this we have these players to return ignores the reality that they just replace like for like and similar inconsistent result happen no matter how Wenger shuffles the pack . In my view this conundrum of who to play when Wenger does have these players fit will only confuse him and in any case the season will be near over anyway.

  79. Ron

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:31 #84079

    Agree Jeff - Two matches have had an enormous mental impact on Wenger and the Club as a whole. That Bham game as you say and the Utd game 50. The Club carries the baggage around of those two days still today i think. Both times we needed real leadership,on the pitch and off it. We didn't get either because there was none there and there's none there now. Wenger always has droiwned in his own disappointment after defeats and so have many of his players. Hes always been a fair-weather Coach i.e ok when the goings good, but flaky and irascible when it isnt. The unbeaten team, good though they were could sulk and whinge with the best. They had dollops of luck that season as big as houses and as a result Wengers mettle was never really tested until he folded after they lost at Utd. We all know then that he led the 'sulk in' that followed, proclaimed to all and sundry how unfair the World is. Hes still doing it. They should send him for lessons with Hiddink. Hes an object lesson in handling oneself to his team and the media. Wengers done OK at ASL. Nobody can take that from him. I dont doubt he loves football, but despite that i think hes a bit of a fish out of water in it. Deep down he knows hes mentally fragile in many respects in my view. It cant help but transmit to his teams, the character of many of the players hes chosen to use having being bought for and cast in his own image. MGB always uses the word fraud about Arsene. I think there's a strong strand of the fake in him too. Hes very clever though and hes mastered how to hide it.

  80. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:07 #84078

    jeff agree about gallas.jens had been replaced as you say after that game as number 1 by almunia.but bear with me if you look at the fixture before the brum match we were a number of points top of the league after a midweek win versus blackburn.the team buzzing defence rock solid senderos and lehmann playing well.before the match he dropped them both.why change an in form keeper and centre back?he put toure back in stright from the african nations who turned out to be ill.almunia let in an average free kick toure had a mare.gallas did his captain sensible bit sat in a huff at the penalty pathetic!after the match wenger should have used the eduardo leg break to drive the team to victory with a we.ll do this for eduardo lads mentality and use a we.ll show them attitude which i would have used as a manager and fergie would have.instead he gave players an excuse they are out to get us whinging attitude.think you are harsh on koscielney he does make errors but is still first class .

  81. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 17:04 #84077

    ArseneKnewBest, you could be right about the wig wearer, but what about the fans, they who would have a say also, a very big say, if they had the balls to speak up and do something about it, (i'm not referring to all of them of course), as Alsace asks in his/her article would they want him gone ? especially the wengerites or would they just be happy to stumble on with an old has been like they are now ? who has allowed the club to digress to the point where the spuds not only finish above us but win the league, would they finally admit they were wrong ? and the WOB's were right all the time ? there are those AKB' who have known for a while it's time for a change they'd want him out, there are those that know it but couldn't bring them selves to say it, they'd eventually admit it and would want change, then there are those who worship him so much they'd back him to the hilt and demand he stay, and would even celebrate it, and would be happy with the same old same old past it bumbler with the same routine and outcome season after season who would see no wrong in him even if he got us relegated, fans like those actually deserve him, sadly the proper fans who don't/wouldn't would suffer too.

  82. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 16:46 #84076

    AW , I think he started losing the plot before the Brum game when after Jens made a mistake in the away at Blackburn he dropped him . I was at that game and he did not look fit and did rather a lot of warming up exercises before the match .Apparently Wenger was annoyed with him because he told Wenger he was fit to play and when it turned out he was not Wenger dropped Lehman and replaced him with the haples erratic Almunia.I think he should have bought Jens back once he was fit and played him in that vital away at Brum . Adebayor was a rotten apple in the barrel so to speak as well causing trouble with his personal feud with Bendtner . Gallas was never a Gunner and team confidence - as was the case also with Wenger's hysterical rantings . I noted Keystone Kos the chief bottler doing a Gallas after the draw at home with Saints .! You couldn't make it up.

  83. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2016, 16:35 #84075

    To put the North London rivalry into perspective, consider these facts: Since 1919/20 there have been 89 full seasons played. Tottenham were in the 2nd division for 15 of those years. Arsenal were a 1st division side throughout this protracted period. Of the 74 years when TH were in the 1st division, they finished ahead of AFC on 24 occasions. Which makes AFC ahead for 50 years or simply put, twice as good throughout football history. The league table never lies, especially in North London.

  84. Bard

    Feb 19, 2016, 16:22 #84074

    Very funny Alsace, thanks for that. Whatever happens this season the Spuds will be a one season wonder. The reason is quite simply money. Most of their players bar Lamela and Kane are on pitiful wages by the standards of the top players and you can bet you house that their agents will be banging on Levy's door or at least pimping them round other clubs. The other way round you would be a fool to turn down upwards of £100000 a week if an offer came in. We have had to cope with that for many years, Fabregas, Nasri, RVP et al. Its a money game someone comes in with a promise of riches beyond their dreams and it all goes tits up for the selling club. So I dont see them as a long term threat. If they beat us this year it will be an embarrassment given our relative wealth but then we have been underachieving for a long while. No doubt Wenger will find some excuse as to why we havent quite made it.

  85. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 16:18 #84073

    cornish gooner good article .clive woodward was a great example of that single minded leadership.a couple of points though stan kroenke doesn't have the ruthless ambition for his sports teams his is profitable business.the second point is as danny stated earlier getting rid of wenger could push us downwards not upwards .you use klopp as an example but in his last season at dortmond he did flirt for a time with relegation after having to sell some of his best players.

  86. Ron

    Feb 19, 2016, 15:57 #84072

    Arsenal circular - i never see any 'hatred' on here strangely enough. Neither do you. You just think you do or choose to categorize comments as 'hatred'. I would respectfully suggest that youve never seen any hatred in action in yr life. I certainly hope you haven't anyway. A few silly football Clubs and matches doesnt even scratch the top off hatred. Unfortunately, football uses the word routinely like it uses 'World class' and 'great'. So everybody was at Stoke station were they? Incredible. Yr post is yet more ill conceived, poorly drafted, hyperbolic spin and hot air underpinning yr views. Nobody hates Arsene you bloody fool.


    Feb 19, 2016, 15:44 #84071

    A Circular - you miss you very own point - NOTHING STANDS STILL IN LIFE with history constantly evolving. This is the sad thing, we waste too much time worrying about & snearing at others. Pointless. AFC has been treading water for years, opportunity after opportunity missed, too many excuses, too many "I could have signed" "if only" moments. It is worth looking at the English RFU - complacent, elitist etc. for many years & now entering what could be an exciting new era. I'm not saying Eddie Jones is going to crack it this season, it's too early & unfair to raise expectations just yet after just 2 matches but just follow his thoughts & compare with the fodder we are constantly given. IT'S RECIDIVISM versus RUTHLESSNESS & PRAGMATISM. Eddie's thoughts this week - "this is not a kindergarten (oh dear!). If people want to play for this team, they have to work things out for themselves." "The players are training harder than they ever have & I reckon the fitness level of the Test 23 is up 30% on the other people in the squad." "By the end of the 6 Nations, we'll have a side that's really ready to go. But it's up to the players. We'll give them all the guidance they need, but they are the ones who have to do it." And as for the mercurial talent that is Danny Cipriani (our Ozil equivalent)? "He's not in the squad at the moment because he's not good enough to be in it". Shame Eddie doesn't do footie - we used to have a manager & a team like that. But Pottechino & Klopp & other up & comings are in the same mould - and what god given right do we have to be the "biggest" team in London?

  88. LongDirtyFingerNails

    Feb 19, 2016, 15:31 #84070

    Time for me to hunt out that large tray of lasagne I lost down the back of the spare fridge in the basement before it flooded. I'll drop it round ****ehartpain for their pre-match munchies. On second thought, I'll stick it on the nice sunny shelf at the back of the garden shed to thaw out for a couple of weeks and drop round the week before we play them

  89. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 15:24 #84069

    jeff i am desperate to see a champions league but am prepared to show a little more patience. for this season.virtually no hope and under arsene unlikely.i could easily argue on arsenes failings nut still believe the great far outweighs the bad for the present and in the past .i still say birmingham away was his biggest cock up and will give you the reasons why later which i am sure you.d take on board.

  90. Wardy

    Feb 19, 2016, 15:15 #84068

    Well said Arsenal Geezer, very eloquently put .... I don't hate Wenger but the fact is the club has gone stale in the last 6/7 years, the pots of money generated by the stadium aren't being spent on the players we need .... it's always the same, we'll be busy in the summer/winter window and then nothing, injuries galore and ludicrous contracts for players who deliver little (and who seem to spend most of their time on the treatment table or posting on instagram). The ambition has to come from the top so whilst that remains the same, the objectives will remain 4th place and a profit ..... and which is why we never had a chance of luring Pep. All so sad as we are in good shape as a club (thanks to AW) and are on the verge of challenging for every trophy, but we have to get a chairman and manager who are committed to winning the Premier League and Champions League.

  91. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 15:00 #84067

    Thanks AW for making your points - though they are still rather ambiguous on Arsene as you appear from previous comments to accept the party line parroted by AKB's on his past and current shortcomings .The lack of him having money to spend was discredited donkey's years ago by Diamond Danny and others. I blame Danny for the current situation with us having had Silent Stan foisted upon the club and for DD being shown the door . Wenger was much better when he had him around to advise him and has never looked confident since he left.

  92. Arsenal Geezer

    Feb 19, 2016, 14:46 #84066

    A Circular - Man you must be desperate if you list one of his achievements as 'never flirting with relegation.' Behave yourself, he has been working for a massive club, with huge resources, even during the lean times, compared to most clubs. His on 8 mill. a year and every year the club is listed as one of the richest sports clubs in the world, which also produces the largest match day revenue of any football club in the world and one of his achievements is not flirting with relegation. Do me a favour.

  93. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 14:27 #84065

    Carlos, good post, yes TOF has took his eye of the ball over the years with this fourth place is a trophy crap instead of pushing on, and remember his fans have let him away with it, well it could come back to haunt him and his followers at the end of the season alright or even before it, it would be his death nail alright there would be no way back for him, or his followers.

  94. Arsenal Circular

    Feb 19, 2016, 14:26 #84064

    Conjecture always makes good headlines. Trump may win the Republican nomination. Bernie Sanders may just outflank Hilary. Cameron may yet be pushed to one side. It sells papers. That said THFC have been in the doldrums certainly during Wenger's time at Arsenal because THFC has been a badly run Club. Sugar and then Levy made a succession of bad appointments as manager - Santini, Gross, Villars-Boas and more. And the Bale money! Levy in particular got it wrong but nothing is forever and stirred by the success of Arsenal FC there was always a chance that after so many failures they would get it right eventually and in Pottechino they have a top man. That is football. Failure breeds determination to succeed. But what happens at THFC has nothing - absolutely nothing - to do with what is happening at Arsenal. The whole issue of bragging rights messes with the heads of far too many otherwise sensible people including contributors to online gooner. Look at history and it has always been all about competing Imperialisms. In the past it was Spain v England v the Dutch. Today it is USA v China. The ebb and flow of power. Everton and Liverpool, City and United, Newcastle v Sunderland - all sides have had ups and downs. And now THFC are coming good - predicted by my column I hasten to say months ago. But that is what we want. We want a resurgent Spurs to keep us up to the mark and that is where we are. Albeit a few points short of what we could have had but we are the bookies favourites for the title. What is no surprise is that those with anti-Wenger agendas will stop at nothing to boot the man into history. The hatred for him reverberates through the contributions from the same culprits. It is always there. Hatred I say again is for Fascists and Bullies and Racists and not for a man of considerable integrity and composure. All you anti-Wengerites were probably queuing up at Stoke Station looking to land some blows. The time to judge Wenger is the end of the season and if he falls short you will all be in full flow and if he succeeds how many of you will eat humble pie. I say again - I like the man. His achievements have been considerable. Never flirting with relegation. Never hovering around mid-table. Selling his best players to make the books balance and securing European qualification with all the problems around him. I hope for his sake that he succeeds this season. He deserves it. But I am also keen that he should avoid the gallows at Tyburn (Marble Arch) while the crowing crowd cheer the executioners drop. Good luck Arsene - you deserve it. Arsenal Circular

  95. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 14:12 #84063

    It could be just what this club needs, the best thing to happen to it in years, the kick in the arse it needs to get us out of this stupor, especially for TOF of a manager and his followers what would/will they say then ? I hope they'll be happy, what will be the excuse ? i'm sure they'll think of something if it did/does happen, they probably have the excuses all ready thought out ready to go. Like I said if it does happen I hope all the AKB's wengerites will be happy that's what you'll get for your devotion, I hope their happy even now, with the fact they're where they are at this stage. Yes if it were to happen some would get what they deserve (especially TOF and we might see the last of him) unfortunately so would the fans who don't and didn't deserve it.

  96. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 14:07 #84062

    jw george graham was arsenal manager from 1986-1995 nearly 9 years not 5.great years i enjoyed.

  97. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:47 #84060

    te not a bad shout and i agree i doubt there will be change.i see the reasons why you and others feel it's time to move on but like i said i'll wait until the end of rhe season.i fancied us to win it at looking at our squad at the start of the season and we are still in a four way tough fight .jeff you still assume i am an akb i loved george graham and feel the two title winning sides played some great stuff with great defence will never see me undervalue george.times and expectations are relative and very few managers could have beaten that wonderful parma side in that finalminus ian wright jj and hillier playing selley and morrow !brilliant!

  98. Arseneknewbest

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:36 #84059

    Alsace - Thanks, I enjoyed that. Genuinely thought-provoking and original writing on here is always welcome and a refreshing antidote to Mr Perry's revisionist tosh and badarse's incoherent slurry. It's impossible to know which specific criterion would cause Stan to press the managerial shuffle button, but I think he'd (still) tolerate spuds success as long as the bottom line remained at the right level for our loveable wig-wearing, avaricious overlord. Maybe status quo might also get in on the act and release a double-B side with c&d - rockin all over the rabbit, rabbit, rabbit...I'm paciified however by the fact that the year doesn't end in "1". I'm backing anyone but the spuds!

  99. Ron

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:25 #84057

    Sir Joff - theres nothing well mannered or respectful while you lot spit your plegm over ours in the away section at WHL on NLD days before you proceed to wreck the High Road shop fronts after you've been turned over there most years. Good footie pedigree on the pitch, Tottenham. Lower than snakes bellies off it and always have been. You've a very promising side right now, but you and us know it wont last long. Theres something about Tottenham that just oozes shabbiness, anti climax and failure and its not just the area that ought to have been converted into a land fill site decades ago, preferably with the fans being buried before the waste.

  100. Tony Evans

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:25 #84056

    AW - Not sure who my choice to replace Wenger would be, maybe Simione? We need a bolder, more ruthless, approach certainly, someone prepared to spend some money on the two / three quality players we are short of and to weed out the remaining dead-wood to give us a real chance of competing at the very top of the game. The FA Cup wins were fantastic of course, but look how close we came to screwing those up - especially in the Hull final. I don't think we have a prayer against Barca and I want to be able to look forward to games like that, not be worrying about a rout, and hiding behind the sofa! I've had enough of Arsenal treading water and Wenger isn't going to change his spots now. I should add that I don't see a change coming anytime soon - Wenger is a perfect fit for Arsenal, will not retire gracefully, and Kronke will be happy as a sand boy as long as the club is making him even richer.

  101. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:17 #84055

    AW, it's the overall record of both us and the spuds that counts and not what they were under GG and AW. 13 league titles against 2 in our favor and it was 8 against 2 anyway before GG and AW came along . I understand your desperation to talk up Arsene in these trying times for him even - grudgingly tipping your hat to GG - who of course also managed the spuds during one part of the periods that you base your claims on... you couldn't make it up.... Westie comparing AW's stats to GG's ones is an exercise in futility really ... GG... 5 years at AFC... against that of Wenger ( yaaaaaaaaawwwwwnnnnnn) 20 years mostly donkey's ones... he - haw! ... Westie comparing GG's and AW's records is an exercise in futility . Different league formats and cup ones...different priorities also in GG's time 4th place trophy... only real ones... Didn't he do well though in his 5 years .

  102. Peter Wain

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:15 #84054

    no they will bottle it as usual never had any class even in 1961.

  103. mbg

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:13 #84053

    Alsace, great article, although you had me worried when the word circular was mentioned. There will still be those who will hang on to his coat tales even then chanting away such is they're devotion to the old has been, yes all the good things done and brought to our club by those managers ruined by an egoistic arrogant old know all. Sad.

  104. Platitude Problem

    Feb 19, 2016, 13:05 #84051

    A bit premature. There's still 3 months of the season left and we're level on points

  105. Sir Joffrey Tottenham, N17

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:27 #84048

    Dear red friends, I see no reason at all as to why Arsenal supporters should fear a resurgent Tottenham Hotspur. We are all well mannered, respectful and understanding people, who will certainly not hold any of you culpable for your arrogant and disrespectful behaviour over the last century or so. We shall certainly consider your slate wiped clean and demonstrate the class and culture of respect and tolerance, synonymous with Sir Henry Percy and the Northumberland line. You have my word, Kindest Regards

  106. Ron

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:21 #84047

    Of course Tottenham have had 2 or 3 little purple patches in their history. For a Club of their size, their titles and FAC pedigree is good. They have a better Euro record than Arsenal too that Wenger for all of his yrs there and superiority over Sours has never been good enough to change. Yr view is that A and TH have been considered to be on the same pedestal in the game. Spurs never have been. They're the only 'facts' you need to contemplate and you can spin and wriggle for all you like Mr Walters but you aint changing them.

  107. Made Up Stat

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:18 #84046

    What's the scarier prospect - Totnumb champions or Donald Trump's finger on the red button? It's a close one...

  108. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:14 #84045

    these are the facts jw and ron spurs champpions 1961 ,fa cup winners 1961 1962 1967 cup winners cup 1963 arsenal no trophies in the sixties spurs league cup winners 1971 1973 uefa cup 1972 arsenal fairs or eufa cup 1970 league champions1971 fa cup 1971 1979. spurs fa cup winners 1981 1982 eufa cup 1984. so until george graham took over spurs were more succesful at times during the 60s 70s and 80s .FACT

  109. Jack

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:09 #84044

    Spuds were still tiddlers even in the 60's when a wave of glory hunters started following them really on the back of a few cup wins and one title.Ask Jimmy Greaves who he considers a great club.

  110. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:08 #84043

    Spurs have always been a smaller club that Arsenal, they briefly had better teams at times but even then were a smaller club. Neither GG or AW are responsible for making AFC bigger than them. AFC were the 3rd biggest club historically in the UK when AW took over and there they remain, Man C and Chelsea of course being middle size clubs with big owners.

  111. Westlower

    Feb 19, 2016, 12:01 #84041

    During GG's tenure, Arsenal beat TH 7 (38.8%) times out of 18 league fixtures, with 6 drawn & 5 lost. One win each in the FA Cup semi's at Wembley. Two wins for AFC & one for TH in LC. In the league, TH finished ahead of AFC 4 times in 10 seasons during GG's era. Wenger has a better record of 17 (43.6%) league wins, 16 draws & 6 loses. Two wins over TH in FA Cup. Three wins, 2 draws & one defeat in LC. AFC have finished ahead of TH in all 19 seasons of AW's reign.

  112. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:58 #84040

    AW, yet another pitiful effort by you to talk up dear old Arsene with your claims that he and partly GG were responsible for Tottenham's donkey's years of mediocrity in the league. AFC have won 13 league titles - Tottenham 2 . GG won 2 titles and Arsene 3 - so that leaves 8 titles won by other managers at AFC - other than GG and AW . The fact is the spuds have gone 50 years ,half a century, without winning a title and that was down to their own incompetence . I'm not convinced either that they will win the league this term . The fact however that they and Leicester are above us in the table though shows that their managers and not Wenger are the ones who took better advantage of Chelsea's problems and City's than Wenger has done .Given the financial advantages he holds over those pair .With him having used the financial clout of Chelsea and City in the past to use for an excuse as to why he was unable to compete with them.Something that you yourself have also just done ! You couldn't make it up.

  113. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:51 #84038

    te i will make my decision on whether i want wenger replaced at the seasons end .we won 2 fa cups in a row which people forget .the years without a trophy were painful but the stadium funds and chelsea and city being awash with cash also massively inpacted the is more a question for me is it possible we can get someone in to make us just a couple of per cent is a risk though we could be a hell of a lot worse under someone else.who would be your choice?

  114. Ron

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:47 #84037

    AW - Sadly wrong- Spurs have won two titles and 8 FACs. Success has never in the history of the 2 Clubs swung one way or the other. Moreover Arsenal have always been the wealthier and have always been recognised as the 'bigger' Club, even by ex Spurs players who've said as much, Greaves, Hoddle, Cliff Jones and Pat Jennings to name but 3 who have. Nice try to spin up yr hero though, but dont take up History lecturing will you. Stick to your day job.

  115. Tony Evans

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:38 #84036

    AW They have to big it up don't they - ridiculous comment from Martin Keown though. Carlos - too true and a Spurs title win should provide the wake up call required at Arsenal, but I bet it won't shift Wenger out.

  116. jeff wright

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:37 #84035

    Once Chelsea became the first London Club to win the European Cup it was a case of the jester stealing the kings crown. Wenger 's quest for his holy grail has long been exposed though for the money making sham that in reality it actually is. He goes to war in Europe in the Champions League with teams that should really be competing in the Europa League and that have no hope of beating genuine top class Euro ones in the knock-out ties - and all too often the ordinary sides as well in the group stage or KO rounds. As we saw this season with embarrassing defeats to Zagreb and Olympiacos that resulted in us finishing second in our group - by just scraping in to that position on G/D . Wenger is indeed a specialist in failure in Europe -20 years of it - but a success at turning that failure into profits - money wise . Good old Arsene .

  117. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 11:15 #84033

    i could point out to any fans younger than 30 odd that during the 60s,70,s and 80s as those much older will remember arsenal and spurs were considered same size big clubs where success swung one way for periods of a few years then is only under the wenger years and partly the george graham years that we have totally dominated them in fixtures and trophies.

  118. Carlos

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:43 #84032

    Tony Evans-But our complete dominance over the Spuds for the last 12 years has been to stop them getting 4th.While the Chavs have walked away with 13 trophies in that time including the big one which Wenger see's getting out of the group stage as an achievement.Arsenal's problem has been to totally ignoge the Spuds and try and finish top 4.That has been instilled into the players and fans by Wenger.The ridiculous assumption by Mr £8m a year that 4th place is a trophy shows how far expectations have fallen.If the Spuds do win will the title that has to be the death nail for Wenger

  119. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:42 #84031

    tony evans you are a 5 years older than me.martin keown quotes this could be the most important ever spurs v arsenal match.REALLY martin ?bigger than the final league match of 1971!

  120. Tony Evans

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:20 #84028

    Spurs as champions! It's not something I have ever contemplated by virtue of the fact that I was only 2 when they last won the title! Our complete and utter dominance over them has been overwhelming at times, to the point where you don't even consider them as serious rivals - until now maybe? As I said before having a proper team down the road, for a change, might just be the catalyst needed for Wenger and co to finally pull their collective fingers out!

  121. anthony walters

    Feb 19, 2016, 10:02 #84026

    good article very witty but as danny points out changing wenger could be good for us but it could also be a hell of a lot guarantees .

  122. WengerOut

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:50 #84025

    Spuds look strong enough to actually nick it if Leicester bottle. 3 points in the NLD will be critical otherwise no St. Totteringham's Day this year. Mourinho is a knob but would probably keep us above next year.

  123. greg meyer

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:44 #84023

    Brilliant work ... from a Spurs fan.

  124. DannyMackay

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:36 #84022

    Not sure flagging up United's woes since old Red Nose retired helps to make the case for Wenger stepping aside. I'm not saying you are wrong that maybe his time has been, but as the banking sector is forced by law to stated again and again - your stock can go down as well as up.

  125. David

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:34 #84021

    Now Jose Mourinho I like; he's also westie'a favourite guy.

  126. Tony Evans

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:28 #84019

    Alsace - certainly a possibility and could provide the kick up the pants needed to push Arsenal up a level. The Europa League could be their downfall, and if was Pochettino I would put out the reserves on Thursday nights. We're as good as out in the CL anyway which will reduce our remaining fixtures, although Wenger was trying to spin that Leicester only having 12 fixtures left was somehow a disadvantage! Big games coming up at OT and the Lane - fancy our chances against Man U away for a change and a draw v the Spuds is not beyond us.

  127. Badarse

    Feb 19, 2016, 9:12 #84018

    Enjoyed that Alsace, thank you, very amusing. Yes we shall change manager soon enough, in fact a short list is in the process of being drawn up now, based on leathernecks' wailings and jitterbugs' whimperings. It comprises David Moyes, Louis van Gaal, Ryan Giggs, Nigel Farage, Simon Cowell, Jose Mourhino, Brendan Rodgers, Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Gary Neville and Jeremy Clarkson. The dream ticket though is Ron, with maguiresbridge responsible for training.