Vampire Arsenal

Online Ed: Fear of crosses in cup tie v Hull

Vampire Arsenal

So with the Barcelona game in mind, nine changes to Arsenal’s starting line-up from the victory last weekend against Leicester. That the centre backs both played was more a matter of necessity than anything else, with Gabriel injured and the options for right back limited.

I wonder what the mindset of certain of the players who might have hoped they would be picked for the Barcelona match was? Perhaps a bit subdued. Mitigation for a relatively low tempo Arsenal display might have been provided by an element of unfamiliarity in terms of the selection, but that could be countered with the fact they were playing a second string Championship team selection. I could be wrong, but only two of Arsenal’s eleven had not played international football.

It was a case of defence against attack. Hull’s massed ranks gobbled up most of Arsenal’s attempts to play their way through. Going wide and getting crosses in was the most likely source of a breakthrough, although with only Welbeck as the likely target, this option was by and large dismissed. It made for a generally unenthralling 90 minutes.

There were decent penalty shouts in each half – for Elneny and Chambers respectively. Danny Welbeck tried to win one before the interval with a less convincing attempt to do what Jamie Vardy did last weekend. There are few angels in top level football.

Laurent Koscielny diced with a suspension for the visit to Old Trafford when, on a yellow already, committing a foul and then shoving a player a yard from the referee in the aftermath. He got away with it, but needs to keep his head in such moments. Astonishing that he did not react to Diego Costa’s provocation and yet he acts like this on other occasions.

“We lacked quality in the final third,” said Arsene Wenger after the game. Goals have not exactly been flowing of late for Arsenal. Six in the last six fixtures – two of those matches against lower league sides at home in the cup. If ambitions are to be fulfilled this season, that needs to change. It’s a worry. The entrance of Giroud and Sanchez made no difference, and third sub the Ox has never been what you’d call prolific in that department. Perhaps it may need to become a case of 1-0 to the Arsenal for a while. Focus on not losing games and wait for the chance that wins them, just to rack up the points.

In terms of the squad’s commitments, a replay is not a worry in terms of exhausting the players. The playing time will do most of those who will be selected the power of good. However the timing of it is going to be interesting. If it is accepted that both sides will put out shadow teams, then they might well play it on the Monday night after Spurs away. I was unaware of the UEFA edict that domestic matches should not be played on the same nights as Champions League football, for the simple reason that this has happened before. The fine involved is relatively trifling, as indeed most of UEFA’s fines are.

The other aspect of this, is that, even if played on Monday night, it gives the victors only a few days to sort out distribution of tickets for a quarter final. The sixth round weekend, Arsenal are due to host West Brom in the Premier League. I have a feeling that, with the replay being away from home, playing on the Monday night before the quarter final weekend would give Arsene Wenger the excuse to put out a side stuffed with Under 21 players and effectively sacrifice the tie, meaning the West Brom game could go ahead. Yesterday was his 100th FA Cup tie. He does play lip service to the competition, and his record in it is pretty good, but there have been occasions over the years when it is clear where it lies in his list of priorities, and although it is harsh to say games have been thrown, the team selection has been an indication that the towel is there to be thrown in if the players do not feel like giving their all without feat of comeback in the dressing room. 2004, 2008 and 2009 spring immediately to mind, and there have been other occasions.

Anyway, an afternoon to forget. One suspects the club’s next two fixtures will prove more memorable, hopefully for the right reasons. Certainly, there were a good number of season ticket holders who did not bother filling their seats yesterday. Somehow, I think they’ll manage to make the journey on Tuesday evening.

I am now on Twitter@KevinWhitcher01.

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  1. A Cornish Gooner

    Feb 23, 2016, 22:19 #84325

    Badarse. I'm sorry to have to say this, but I really think you should now just concentrate on producing more of your Alex Steine articles.

  2. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 19:09 #84317

    People change, some never do.

  3. Ron

    Feb 23, 2016, 18:17 #84316

    A welcome relief indeed Baddist of the arses. Under yr brolly, i'd maybe rush for that Corsican cliff you've promised to jump off and follow you down. Go fulfil yr promise and do us all a favour. What a venting old bigot you are.

  4. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2016, 18:06 #84315

    Badarse, if you want it to stop, just ask politely, 'Please stop!' 'No more exchanges' does illustrate well enough you know you've been pinned down, though.

  5. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 17:34 #84314

    Ex man you are a clot. I have explained, you miss the point, I explain, you miss the point, I explain that the use of names is daft, no more than that but calling someone a hypocrite is a slur. Simple, and if you cannot see that or agree then it was good judgement on my part originally to side step you and your glitches, so no more exchanges. You hypocrite you, ha ha. As for you blustering Ron, you couldn't grasp the understanding if it was thrust up your nose. No matter, the day I find myself under a similar umbrella to you two jokers I'd become an Everton fan, ha ha. Bang those dustbin lids gents.

  6. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2016, 17:27 #84313

    A further point, Badarse - you invite the challenge: 'what do you want to know... ask anything'. When a challenge is put to you we get 'a rebuttal is not necessary' and further, that to articulate being against aspects of AFC, modern society or the world is 'against life'! This kind of self-justifying is a very transparent attempt to cover up your inability to engage with substantive points in that manner. Instead we get claims that your points are too clever for the rest of us to discern e.g. '...perhaps you just cannot see? The universe is full of substance but we are not equipped to see it-understand?' With you, there's no dark matter or energy there, just hot air.

  7. Ron

    Feb 23, 2016, 17:12 #84312

    'Emptying yr mind of yr prejudices before you engage' Badarse? . That clearly excludes your venting of the 'crudities and coarseness of those down under'towards whom you unloaded yr bile on the other thread. You are what you are Badarse. Theres no closing the gate now chum. A routinely hypocritical, vacuous individual with a greater propensity to insult than anybody else who posts, save to say that your definition of whats insulting and what isnt depends on whether its you doing it or not!. The only person you ever fool is yourself while youre blowing hard on here. This 'slur' is borne out by nigh on every other post you've ever committed to print. If it isnt, there are so many on here who are totally wrong about you, but we and you well know thats simply not the case. You basically present as a rather boring fraud. Have you never wondered why so many tell you as much? Of course you haven't. A bit of self critical analysis wouldn't be yr strong point would it.

  8. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2016, 16:43 #84309

    I don't think I miss the point at all, Badarse, and what I read in your latest comment is awfully convenient revisionism. You seem to have a real problem with people agreeing on here and building on each other's posts. When called out on it you feign a different intent. So on the one hand you condemn name calling or changing but when you do it, it's just 'daft', 'meant affectionately' or 'innocently'. It's straightforward hypocrisy, that's not a slur, it's self-evident fact. You have one rule for others, another for yourself. You seem to think the rest of us should just let anything you say slide - you think it's an outrage that I'm picking you up on it when you have singled me out, for instance, and continue the abuse in your latest post - whilst you sit in judgment with your regular 'summaries' of recent posts.

  9. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 15:31 #84304

    Hello Exeter. There is no need to increase your blood pressure. That post by RedPig was absolutely the way I see modern football. Therefore no rebuttal necessary. Do you honestly think people stand either side of a fence baying at each other, being exact opposites of any counterpart? Then if not they should? Now the phone box quip was just that, a quip. It involved no hypocrisy whatsoever-you have to empty your mind of preconceived prejudices when engaging. It was a quip as the posts read that way to me. One after the other endorsing the previous one's view, patting each other on the back for a job well done, that was all. It was meant to draw attention to that fact, sadly but not for the first time, you missed the point. As for the name-calling I agree it is childish and a bit naff, but I choose to do that whenever a clown insults me. So if the cap fits and all that. Incidentally generally the name calling is innocent in that it isn't malicious. I am called a hypocrite, which I am not, that is a slur. Calling you an Ex man is daft but not vicious. Now I hope that is cleared up. Now post 89149 is a post I virtually disagree with to the word. However a rebuttal isn't required unless an individual feels so inclined. This poster is vehemently opposed to much at Arsenal and I see that as a common way the world/society is travelling, so it is a rant against life. I do not like much that passes for everyday existence but beyond a small uttering there isn't much an individual can do. I certainly have a differing personal view to that particular poster, but it isn't for me to argue or rail against him, after all it is his personal view which must always be respected. Much is the character he has overlaid on the club and individuals-those are conjecture. Danny's goal didn't stick in my throat at all. As we went into the last four minutes I said out loud, 'If we score now there is no way back!' I repeated that twice over the next couple of minutes. When Danny scored I jumped up and ran nowhere in particular, just around the room with my arms in the air yelling, 'We've done it!' over and over. Then I espied my beaming and beautiful wife and ran, (limped), and kissed her. I was ecstatic and my heart was perhaps pumping at 150 beats per minute. Now that description may stick in RedPig's throat too, but it was how I reacted and that is my prerogative, and long may that excitement and euphoria continue.

  10. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2016, 13:41 #84297

    Badarse - Start with RedPig's Post No. 89144 and the ensuing debate about what's wrong with modern football and modern AFC within it. Let's hear a well constructed counterargument to that rather than supercilious comments about those involved being in a telephone box p*ssing - and you think I'm the one 'tearing it all down'?? Just another example of your blatant hypocrisy, rather like the ongoing, extremely childish name calling 'Ex man, 'Ex Chromosome' - pathetic. And no, I don't want to hear your thoughts on other subjects on this website and I don't get the impression anyone else does either. So come on, let's see if you're up to it - a focused, clearly written rebuttal of those points as opposed to unfunny, unsubstantiated dismissal of the individuals involved in lieu of an actual argument.

  11. Bard

    Feb 23, 2016, 12:58 #84292

    Baddie; yes I knew it wasnt you. It was probably Jamerson judging by the incoherence of the post.

  12. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 12:30 #84289

    David: We need to stay in, it's important that we stick with what we know and try to improve from the inside.-Boris: No, we need to get out. Our future is at stake, we cannot succeed in this company.-D: We cannot just bale out, that is a recipe for negativity, for regression.-B: I disagree. We must make the best choice for all those we value. Out!-D: In!-B: Sorry David, I really think we must come out of Europe, even if we get past Barcelona we shall never win the damn thing.-D: We cannot surrender Boris, we are not defeatists. We have to give it our best shot, no matter what.-B: Yet you haven't reckoned with Ex man's searching prose; he may want to comment and he is the 'Gillette' of the Online Gooner, razor sharp points.-D: Don't worry I have my rubber duck at hand.-B: I don't understand.-D: Well Ex man, er, sorry, Boris, when I throw my toy out of the pram it's always my rubber just bounces straight back in, for me to throw again. Quack! Quack!

  13. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 12:15 #84288

    OK Ex man, what do you want to know? What is it with you wanting to just tear down? Did you have a troubled childhood; where does the glitch come from? Now forget the silly smokescreens, don't keep paraphrasing nonsense just man up, Ex man up, and ask what you want an answer to. Now go for it, you may never get a better chance than this. So many words and so little substance-perhaps you just cannot see? The universe is full of substance but we are not equipped to see it-understand? Now please ask away, stop hiding, you are old enough to at least try. You do not have to limit your question to AFC, I know a few things about other subjects too.

  14. jjetplane

    Feb 23, 2016, 12:10 #84287

    EG his under-currency of desperate hate (a classic AKB trait) makes for fun reading. Certainly Jackerson makes a better Baddie. Old pulp saying reads 'if you want to be free just let go' - explains why I can appreciate others efforts on the pitch and disown this Arsene FC currency which is not worth the bother but fun is why we are here unless you are a miserable AKB who are becoming increasingly clueless as to what they are defending. Arsenal should score first but back to Neymar who is going to be the new Pele. Hopefully I will catch some highlights in the early hours as I am working ..... All eyes on Chelski again - funny game. ps bit worrying how much I am loving the Toffees - great ****ing club and Barkley is genius! Good old Arsenal, not Arsene ....

  15. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 23, 2016, 11:32 #84284

    No one gets near Badarse for so many words for so little substance. No counterargument, not capable of it, lacks the ability to reason and clarity of expression, yet still feels can sit in judgment of others, whilst throwing in the usual hypocritical name calling along with the straining wordplay he mistakes for wit and cleverness. Clearly wants the attention, but it always ends up the type of attention he doesn't want, and the toys go out the pram. Still he persists with the same old formula and the same predictable cycle ensues.

  16. goonercolesyboy

    Feb 23, 2016, 10:40 #84277

    Don't worry Badarse, the support is still here, if only the same could be said about the 75% on here who no longer support the team, and have the nerve to call themselves "true fans". Yagunnersya.

  17. Badarse

    Feb 23, 2016, 9:50 #84269

    Good morning Bard, just to say post 89177 wasn't me; am not complaining as I am chasing down mbg's total-they all count! Course I'm not gunner go to Corsica, 'Corsica' sounds like a comment you'd make about WORs if AFC win tonight. The poster cannot say Susej when talking of cylindrical pieces of minced up 'meat' sheathed in animals' intestines -any clues there? There were times on this article where that old phone box became a little crowded-'Psst! Psst! Yes, that's what it smells of'. GoonerRon has felt the full weight of Ex Chromosone's comments. Hilarious drivel. jj winding up? Absolute tosh-he's switched from bigging up Everton, (he gets reward points from Ron with that post), now he looks to Finsbury Joe with a compliment to the Tiny Totts, then it's the Palace-can he get knighted? Is it everyone except Arsenal? Too daft for words these exchanges. On those five listed posters totals the ratio was roughly 5:2 in favour of the WORs, if westlower and myself had gone to Corsica to jump off a cliff together holding onto a gunbelt, what are the odds that instead of being 5:2 the big hand would have reached the hour?

  18. Westlower

    Feb 23, 2016, 8:38 #84265

    3 reasons to be optimistic: 1. Barcelona have never won at the Emirates. 2. Barcelona have never won at the Emirates. 3. Barcelona have never won at the Emirates. @mbg, Did you name your parrot TOF or ARSENE?

  19. Tobes

    Feb 23, 2016, 7:52 #84264

    It's shocking how the Wenger haters now despise the FA Cup especially as they previously said it was brilliant.Whatever Arsenal win they find a way to belittle it.Off with their heads.

  20. Ozzie

    Feb 23, 2016, 2:02 #84263

    Some poignant reading here, agree with much, except I do believe Arsenal deserved the win v Leic - whose solitary goal was from a dubious penalty the score would have read 2-0. Loathe to say this but I think Chelsea will win the FA Cup and redeem some pride, though I'd settle for another FA Cup win - it hasn't gone down in my estimation despite how it is viewed by others. I am old school and to hell with the CL!! Tonight? 2-1 to the Arse ;)

  21. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 23:40 #84262

    Make sure everybody gets in early tomorrow night (especially the wengerites) for instructions on how to wave your plastic bags, plastic manager, plastic players, plastic fans, plastic bags, You couldn't fooking make it up.

  22. Badarse

    Feb 22, 2016, 22:18 #84261

    Bard you mate with Chelsea fans aha the man is a silly sorsage.Did I say sausage,where's my tea ham and eggs fried of Coursica.Going there for the sun chum.Take your place with the other sads Bard you tard I'd say soo,yipee.jjetplane stuck up a monkey tree.

  23. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 18:09 #84260

    jw, would it really matter as far as the AKB's are concerned ? Dein will get the blame anyway.

  24. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 17:59 #84259

    Some great posts on here this afternoon and evening, spoken by true Arsenal fans. And talking of fans we can say what we like about the chavs (and we have)man yoo, scouse fans they took no shyte from shyte managers and weren't prepared to put up with it, they weren't afraid to voice their opinions and concerns wanting better for their club, (would they have put up with wenger and his regime for all these years ? would the fans of these clubs he was supposedly linked with ? would they f**k) unlike ours, happy to sit on their arses hands folded and put up with it, afraid to say baa and afraid of change, because of their devotion to an old past it manager. We're all to blame to an extent I suppose only a hell of a lot of us have seen through wenger years ago, and haven't been afraid to say it, and voice our opinions and concerns, and wanting wenger out, and better for our club (and will continue to do so vigorously until he's gone) but not as much to blame as the AKB knomes who still sit there and smile at humiliations and embarrassments and happy to continue on with the present regime, (and slag off the above who aren't) and those that know it's time for him to go but just aren't prepared to say so publicly, they are as much to blame as wenger himself. A sad time for Arsenal with fans like that.

  25. Tony Evans

    Feb 22, 2016, 17:50 #84258

    Bard - good story re Chelsea! Who knows what went on but the odious Terry could well be at the root of it.

  26. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 17:15 #84257

    Westie - i dont bet at all so its not a shock that i dont win. Ive worked too hard for too long to gift betting companies. I should have bet on Hull though oddly enough. I recall saying to Tony on here (Tony Evans) a few weeks back that i thought Hull might be the bridge too far Cup wise. Brucies due a win over the Proff and been very unlucky down the yrs v Arsenal. Like you, for some daft, irrational reason i reckon the Arse will make a fist of it v Barca. The drubbing's likely in the 2nd leg. Barca will know 3rd gear will see enough done in the 1st leg to set it up for the 2nd. I dont think it will be a match of drama at all. If AFC keep it respectable over 2 legs they ll have done well. Barca are likely to retain the CL. Only they can stop themselves i feel. Could well meet CFC in the Final.

  27. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2016, 16:37 #84256

    @Bard, I heard it was Hazard who was doing the nibbling, hence Maureen going nuts when she ran to his aid when injured. Probably total b*llocks, but hey, you cant beat a good story, especially as it brought Maureen to his knees!

  28. jeff wright

    Feb 22, 2016, 16:27 #84255

    Dein was long gone Mark, I think it was Wenger himself who did the deal for Ashavin ,the late late drama and haggling over wages puts Wenger right in the picture. It looks like Suarez was originally interested in signing up with us but Wenger soon put the mockers on that with his silly 42m and one pound only offer. Wenger probably lost interest anyway when he founds out the sort of wages that Suarez wanted. That's the problem with having an accountant for a manager - in my view no manager should have anything to do with the financial side of things other than where his own wages are concerned .Wenger is according to those in the know involved in everything at AFC the man is a control freak .

  29. Bard

    Feb 22, 2016, 16:25 #84254

    Tony Evans; its only a rumour but my mate is a big Chelsea fan and apparently the fall out was between Maureen and Terry who allegedly was nibbling at dear Eva. Terry is/was the most powerful force in the dressing room and when push came to shove Maureen lost. Of course it may all be cobblers but I like the story.

  30. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:59 #84253

    @Ron, No wonder you don't win money betting on football as you completely overlooked the relevant gems in my post 89001. IMO, Hull are PL club with the best goals against record in the Championship + the best for/against ratio of the top 2 leagues. Justification in my eyes to bet on a draw at 4/1 and correct score bets of 0-0 (9/1) & 1-1 (13/2). I also predicted the Arsenal line up, only getting Theo for Ox wrong. However I do agree with you that CFC will win the FA Cup and backed them accordingly many weeks ago at 7/1. I also think the bookies have overpriced Arsenal at 4/1 v Barcelona. Never known AFC to be such a big price for a home game. We may have to settle for a draw but I've a feeling we wont lose.

  31. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:57 #84252

    RedPig, 89149, excellent post, couldn't agree more, it should be read, then re read, a cup of tea drunk while staring out the window then read again.

  32. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:48 #84251

    I am indifferent to Chelski but they always have a good go at the domestic cups and even their shady owner appears to like a bit of football unlike Stan who probably does not give a hoot about sport period. He is a franchise man and whether that's chickens at Walmart KFC or the WOK - if there's muney in it - keep on clucking ..... Do not think it is over for the Totts this season who I reckon have possibly the best coach in the land and if they won the so called ropey it would be one over Wenger who I reckon would fail as miserably in. Bard was saying Theo is not really a football. Wenger is not really a coach ...

  33. Tony Evans

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:36 #84250

    Ron - Chelsea for me are now over-riding favourites for the FA Cup and also likely to turn around the 2-1 loss against PSG in the CL. AFC will have to hope Everton do them a favour in the FA Cup quarters, should we get as far as the semis again, as I just can't see us beating Chelsea should we draw them at semi final stage, or indeed meet them in the final. Amazing the difference Hiddink has made and goes to show that Mourinho had lost the dressing room big-time. There must be more to the story than we know because I rate that Chelsea team very highly and was amazed at how poor they were up to Mourinho's departure. Barca tomorrow so get the cushions ready to hide behind when you watch the match on the TV!

  34. Mark

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:34 #84249

    Arshavin the subject of many papers as his last Club let him go in Feb.. turns out he had heart Problems. We paid £15m plus a huge salary and we sold him for Zero. Not too sure abt Wenger's skill in finding Players. think it was David Dein..

  35. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:14 #84248

    Bard, but we know an old has been manager who thinks he can, and is still trying after all these years.

  36. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:14 #84247

    jj - strange feeling that Chelsea could yet make another appearance in the CL Final and must be a top bet for the FAC. They just never lose their fight or doggedness. Have to smile at some of the AKB stalwarts aping their Lord and Master by proclaiming Hull as 'a PL team' in all but status to justify the draw with them. Is there no excuse, however flimsy that isnt usable? You just couldn't and wouldn't want to even think about making some of their stuff up would you, but it just never stops them does it. You d think theyd tire or become fatigued thinking them up every day. (Can there be an excuse glut to rival 'fixture gluts' If only AFCs team had the same drive and fervour against all of the odds!!

  37. Bard

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:10 #84246

    Westie; Excitement isnt high on my list for a good game. Im more enamoured of the tactical and technical side of a game. For me the PL is high octane rubbish, more like poor man's basketball with the addition of keystone cops defending. Would love to know what Baresi think of it all. The fact that none of the current XI would get anywhere near my top Arsenal XI speaks volumes for the quality in the current side.

  38. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 15:00 #84245

    Tactical, good post and all true, but why not criticise the manager, it's all his doing, it's all down to him (regardless of what his fans think and would have us believe)that's the problem and why we're stuck with the old has been, to many fans don't want, don't like, are to afraid to criticise even when they know and can see he hasn't got it in him and past it, instead of supporting him and standing by him in some weird notion of loyalty. If more fans had been critical and showed it and spoke out and weren't willing to put up with it over the years we might have been rid years ago and free of all the failings you mention, and well on our way with everything we need instilled in the team with the new man, but we're still bumbling along (and fans quite happy about/with it) with the same old bumbler and his same old failings, and fans still not wanting to criticise. I'm not implying your one but as I've said before there's fans who deserve him.

  39. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2016, 14:43 #84244

    I would like to see the top 4 completely overhauled and see say Leicester winning it and the Totts, Everton, West Ham, Saints, Stoke you know where I am going kicking up a right fuss while Utd and Citeh do their utmost to **** everything up for themselves. Chelsea I presently admire because though they have had a torrid time they have not dropped their heads and neither have their fans and are having a go with their best team whatever day of the week they are playing. Quite funny Brucie playing a weakened side against Arsene FC because he knew he could get away with it. They are a soft touch and for Westie to say their goalie had a career game is perhaps the funniest claim he has yet made. I actually saw their goalie laughing at times because it was like a kickabout and I imagine he has his work cut out more in the Championship than playing at the perfectly sterile Emirates. Anyway - let's hear it for Barkley, Alii, Payat and Mahrez. All these players have pot Ozil in the shade this season. It's not all bad at the top but if the current set up under Wenger is your measure then are bound to be disappointed ....

  40. Tony Evans

    Feb 22, 2016, 13:50 #84243

    RedPig - The 71 double winning side was my first as a supporter at Highbury back in 1969/70 and you are spot on with what you say as to what an amazing achievement it was to win those two trophies. Football (clubs and players alike) was so much more in tune with us fans back then and sometimes I wonder why I still care about Arsenal such is my disenchantment with so many aspects of today's game. The conundrum that is Leicester is causing me the most agonising - them or Arsenal for the title? I want both to win it really and certainly a case can be made that a Leicester triumph might be better for Arsenal in the long run.

  41. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 13:39 #84242

    Red Pig - i was there too in 08. It was the last but one FAC game i attended. AFC ought to have been fined till the Clubs pips squeaked after that 'game' in my view. In many ways it was a worse and more shameful Wenger episode than the 8-2 reverse. Anybody who had never seen a football match would have worked out that AFC threw the game. It was sickening wasnt it. I saw the Stoke 3-1 thrown FAC in 2010 too. Nearly as bad. At least Wenger and his team could claim their cowardice that day contributed though (if thats any consolation!!). The sacking points for this Coach and all of his faceless, characterless backroom staff have mounted for years and will continue to mount unchecked buy the Clubs owners.

  42. RedPig

    Feb 22, 2016, 13:25 #84241

    Tony Evans – well said mate. As one of the 9,000 who went to Old Trafford in 2008 to see us get a 4-0 trouncing because we had other priorities, I remain sickened by how this is allowed to continue. Arsenal’s double of 1971 (surely the best and toughest of all the doubles because of the era it was achieved in?) just wouldn’t happen with today’s defeatist thinking and lack of character. All those tough opponents Arsenal had to face in league and cup, the pitch conditions, the small squad, the away draws in the FA Cup etc. . would have meant the excuse of fatigue etc. be used at some stage one and one of the competitions would have been sacrificed. And there was no travelling to places like Norwich by plane. 1971 was before I was born but it still means a lot to me as an Arsenal fan who is proud of our history and I really love to watch those old games. I don’t think I’ll be watching the current teams efforts (or anything else from this era) in 45 years’ time.

  43. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 13:18 #84240

    A good match for most means two teams having given their all for the team and each other. The two teams can have totally different ways of playing, there isnt a 'right' way, only that the game is played honestly and with commitment. Goals arent an essential to make a good match. If the defending is done well, goals are a bonus. If the attacking is well done goals are a great sight. A match needs to be well refereed, as rare today as are great matches. Many if not most fans who go to games often will say theyve seen no more than 1 or 2 really good games each season. Bard is right. The quality of games has declined markedly, unless you buy the spin and hype of course. A great influence on how todays fan see games is whether their team wins. Many condemn any game that isnt won. Losing isnt an option today any more so than giving credit to the team that does win a match. The fans in the main are as fundamentally sick as the game itself. Attending cricket and rugby is a far superior experience.

  44. jjetplane

    Feb 22, 2016, 13:18 #84239

    Suarez talks about the nothingness that was the Arsenite media play in his autobiography His words are something like 'ah yes ha ha ha ...'. The surreal and hyper hilarious idea that Suarez would have even bothered with a look around the facilities online is there to placate the apostles as it was when Webster said NO to Ronnie, Lionel and even Mary Donna .... But did say yes to Danny (not wanted) Ozil (surplus) Sanchez (surplus) and er Sanogo who apparently was always late with the mail and then could not find the letterbox. POSTmaster Wenger loved his sorting style and wants him back ... in the post room. Trial period mind you and then he can start delivering the fan mail under Jack's direction who has needed the exercise in order to straighten both his legs and himself out. See The telegraph today? Me neither!

  45. mbg

    Feb 22, 2016, 12:58 #84238

    Ozzie, there's been a hole in our Hull for years mate, and we're sinking more and more as every year goes by.

  46. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2016, 12:52 #84237

    @Bard, What defines a 'terrific' football match? Plenty of goals? Wouldn't you be calling that too gung-ho? In my experience it was a rare event to see a really good game until any season had got to October & beyond. It usually took that long for new signings to bed in and the team starting to play with real fluidity. There are terrific moments in most games but they are fleeting. It's impossible to be at 100% for 90 minutes. Being terrific for the first 20 minutes is usually enough to have put the game to bed. The remaining 70 minutes is played with more caution to guarantee the result. I suspect you've been watching too many video highlights? Your heart wouldn't be able too stand 90 minutes of excitement or at least that's what Helen tells me.

  47. Tony Evans

    Feb 22, 2016, 12:37 #84236

    Redpig - agree with you re the modern game as it stands now. The disdain so many clubs show for the FA Cup makes me sick to the stomach. City yesterday, Arsenal and even the likes of Hull field weakened teams such is the over-riding pull of Premiership / CL riches and glory. Alan Shearer (a great no nonsense pro) yesterday on TV said he can't understand all this resting players nonsense, and I fully agree with him. Of course Rogers (the poor mans Wenger) tried to argue the case FOR resting players and failed miserably. Fans turn out expecting to see their clubs best team on the pitch, not the reserves and what fan doesn't want to see their club at Wembley in a cup final? What a sorry state of affairs all round.

  48. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 12:32 #84235

    Red Pig - Agree with all that you say and respect you too for expressing yr feelings about how AFC wriggled past Leics at the last gasp. They didn't really deserve to did they. I was the same. I just hope Leics look at that loss with the right perspective and dont allow it to disrupt them. They could afford to lose that day and i hope they realise that. All of yr fears about the ramifications of an AFC title win are spot on i think. One or two of us have said the same a while ago. In my view an AFC title win will be one thats gained by dint of circumstance, not by the merits of whats happened on the field of play. AFC arent a good side, theyre no better than in yrs gone by, theyve just become no worse, whereas the others in the cartel have done. If ever the PL needed a refreshing title win, its needs one now. Football here in my view needs Leics to prevail as much as AFC need Wenger and this horrid regime to collapse. I think this irrespective of what the short to medium term implications on and off the pitch for AFC are. Like you, theyre still the team i like to favour, but regrettably no longer a Club who i like very much if im honest. AFC and for all its better facets that it once stood for died in May 2006 for me. I, as with many others i suspect, didn't realise that game v Wigan was a funeral and not a celebration.

  49. Red Member

    Feb 22, 2016, 12:18 #84234

    this so called fixture congestion is a myth - more to the point it is "tv matches congestion" Arsenal are likely to play 3 midweek cup games between now and mid May and 1 midweek league game. even if you take into account the international break my limited mathematical knowledge is able to understand that there is plenty of opportunities to play these games and to say that we have fixture congestion is nonsensical

  50. RedPig

    Feb 22, 2016, 11:55 #84233

    Well put as always Ron. You are dead right about the way the FA Cup is going down the route of the league cup. It’s another example of the slow and painful death of the soul of football. And the Leicester thing this season has really made it him home our little passion I have for the current Arsenal. Far from feeling ecstatic about Welbeck’s winner against them it actually stuck in my throat. I am an Arsenal fan and will remain one .. but what I don’t think remains is a real Arsenal for a real Arsenal fan to truly get behind. If we are honest, the club has turned into something vile, the same as the others in the big club cartel that you mentioned. It would be a real breath of fresh air to see Leicester win the title and I actually feel there is a case to be made that it would be for Arsenal’s long term benefit too. It would give this current regime nowhere to hide and no more excuses. If on the other hand Arsenal win the title (by doing very little differently from the last decade – just benefiting from the inexplicable implosion of the other top sides) that may be the worst thing that can happen to Arsenal as a football club. Wenger rewrites history whenever it suits him and if he wins the 2016 title he will act as though this was his plan all along. His philosophy and culture (one that he forced on an established club that already has a philosophy and culture), is probably cemented at the club forever. Gazidis has already said the club has Wenger’s DNA. This sort of sickening comment from someone who is supposed to be Wenger’s boss is why I see Wenger’s seemingly never-ending presence at the club as something increasingly poisonous. Wenger should have Arsenal’s DNA, but it’s the tail wagging the dog and this has been the case for too long. It’s healthy, it’s not right and it is not something I can support with any true feeling.

  51. Bard

    Feb 22, 2016, 11:53 #84232

    Red Pig; the modern game is a complicated amalgam of forces. I dont have a problem with the money in it if the product is worth it and the players give their all. But being a multi millionaire by the time your 20 hardly enhances effort or ambition. Most of the so called top players arent fit to lace the boots of the greats of the past. Football used to be called the people's ballet now it's more akin to an expensive reality show or a soap opera. How many terrific Arsenal games have we seen this season. I can think of the first 20 mins against Untd at home and thats about it.

  52. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2016, 11:49 #84231

    With the ongoing narrative about how to relieve fixture congestion, how about kicking meaningless 'Friendly' International games into touch? All that extra midweek travelling eliminated at a stroke.

  53. Ron

    Feb 22, 2016, 11:21 #84230

    Red Pig - I think many people share your sentiments to different degrees. Its partly whey so many, whoever they support have taken to Leics quest this season. Much of the antipathy towards football is it reality an antipathy towards the so called 'big' money laden Clubs of which AFC are of course one of them. Its them particularly who are the moaners and gripers. I think people have just reached their saturation points with it and them. The Leics thing has become a refreshment and a restoration of at least some faith in the old game to many, certainly it has been to me to the point that i really do hope they take the title whoever is neck and neck with them come May. I think your also referring to the demise and near death of the FAC too. Its about to become Capitol 1 cup marque 2 isnt it. Its been systematically stripped bare this last 10 years and sacrificed for and upon the whims of that big Club cartel. Its a 'get out of jail' trophy now for Coaches and Clubs whove failed to attain their own haughtily expected ambitions. I suppose Utd will win it this time to further prove this point.Sadly, a great many gullible fans have bought into the falsities and myths of fixture gluts and fatigue as much as have the games authorities.

  54. Mark

    Feb 22, 2016, 10:50 #84229

    Giroud would not get into the side of any other Champions leage Team. hes a good actor and seems to be a good Trier. hes also extremely slow over the first 3-4 Yards, very slow to react and to see. we Need to go with welbeck Balance of the season

  55. RedPig

    Feb 22, 2016, 10:49 #84228

    I detest modern football. The money pumped into the game is obscene and yet rather than this enabling clubs to use those resources to play all their games with full commitment, as should always be the case, we see and hear manager and clubs whining on about too many fixtures. Calling for replays to be abolished etc. Then we have Chelsea v Man City ... the tie of the round blah blah ... exclusively live on BBC .. .. oh but then City go and put out a weakened side and get stuffed. Haha what a waste of everbody's time, not least the City fans that travelled. Far too many televised games meaning TV hypes up mediocre fixtures to an importance they do not warrant and yet at the same time we watch games that should matter being treated half heartedly by clubs with more money than they've ever had. Football doesnt deserve to have any supporters in the stands the way it is run. The game is morally corrupt and a disgrace.

  56. Nick

    Feb 22, 2016, 10:42 #84227

    Well that was ninety minutes of our lives well and truly gone never to come again, a bore fest, the atmosphere in the ground was subdued to say the least, there were to be no last minute heroic rescues this time in fact not even a last gasp cavalry charge to bring about hope of such a feat, Welbeck did well considering his lack of match sharpness,the rest of our attack showed their limitations with Iwobi cast in the Ozil role showing his inexperience more often than not. Hull with a much depleted side did what you would expect them to do and defended stubbornly our lack of guile and poor finishing helped their cause and if not for bad finishing on their part and fortuitous offside flags would have poured even more shame on us. Mix n match teams hardly ever gel and so it proved once more, I would have thought that keeping our domestic momentum going after the Leicester victory was more important than a game no one seriously expects us to win, an historic third FA Cup win in a row looks more and more unlikely now, only a hugely unlikely triumph over Barcelona will vindicate this team selection and performance but even that will probably not see us win out over two legs against the Spanish giants. Wenger must know this but his ego will not accept it, how the sceptre of going out of the cup and getting our backsides tanned by Barca will help the fragile confidence of our team lord knows it could well shoot our season down in flames, better I would have said to play our strongest team vs Hull and win, or at least keep the spine of the side in place with maybes half the changes made then play our strongest eleven against the Basques, after all these players are paid a fortune to do their job so working more than once a week should not be too much to ask, oh well we all saw this coming or those of with eyes to see did at any rate, we will know after out next four games whether we are watching champions or also rans once more .

  57. Red Member

    Feb 22, 2016, 10:30 #84225

    spot on comment Bard and that is why in 2012 I felt that I could no longer support Wenger. 4 long years waiting for RVP's replacement and so the team continues to stagnate, despite the spin machine coming out of the club

  58. Bard

    Feb 22, 2016, 9:55 #84224

    TO; the point is you cant win anything if you dont have a top striker. we should know we have had some great ones over the years. Giroud is a great trier but he doesnt have the quality. Barca will make the point in spades tomorrow. There is little point blaming our strikers for their shortcomings, you cant make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

  59. Red Member

    Feb 22, 2016, 9:43 #84223

    I just can't understand why the FA are getting criticised for their scheduling of FA Cup matches. The 5th round has been played at this time of year for over a 100 years. The problem is the Champions League and their insistence to drag out the last 16 over 8 nights. I am already bored stiff of it and for me it is that competition which is losing all credibility. I thought that when BT Sport gained rights I imagined I would have to buy BT Sport, but you know what I havent, because i havent missed the competition at all.

  60. Westlower

    Feb 22, 2016, 9:32 #84221

    @Tactical Observations, Without wishing to become a mbg clone & repeat my post from yesterday, I don't believe our lack of width was a significant factor in not scoring v Hull. We had 24 efforts on goal, 11 on target, both the highest totals this season. On another day it would have been a comfortable win. Iwobi, Theo, Ox, Welbeck, Campbell could & should have scored. Elneny had a shot on target blocked by a defenders arm, an obvious penalty that wasn't given. Even if we peppered the box from crosses out wide, Hull had an army of tall defenders waiting to deal with that approach. It's bread & butter for any Steve Bruce side in dealing with that type of attack. Let's credit the GK for the best performance of his career. Ironically, he wouldn't have played if SB had picked his first team. Jakupovic played for FC Thun in the ECL against AFC in 2005. Arsenal won the away leg, courtesy of an 88th minute Pires penalty & 2-1 at Highbury with DB10 bundling the ball over the line in injury time. Our team then included Henry, RVP, Reyes, Ljungberg, Fabregas, DB10, Pires, Gilberto. Arsenal are Evens to win the replay with both Hull and the draw at 5/2.

  61. Jamerson

    Feb 22, 2016, 8:58 #84220

    Apologies for my harshness towards the WOB last night,I'd had a few glasses of claret and it went to my head.

  62. Tactical Observations of Arsenal

    Feb 22, 2016, 8:44 #84219

    It is blindingly obvious why the current approach is failing. Failing to score in three of the last five home games is not title winning form no matter how many points are on the board. Alex Ferguson once said of Arsenal "They are the only team in the world that can play it from their penalty box to yours in two to three seconds all game long. The trouble is they don't know what to do with it when they get there." I believe the style of the teams play is where the root cause of the under performance lies. The players are capable of winning the league if coached to do the right things. The deficiency being they are coached to do other things. Anyone notice how Elneny couldn't stop shooting from range on his debut against Burnley, all on target I seem to remember. How that changed against Hull. Clearly strict instructions not to shoot despite numerous chances to do so. The natural instinct is being coached out of them. The great Arsenal teams of recent years had more than one dimension to defeat an opponent. The most important one was to get behind the opposition defence, usually from wide areas, causing defences to face their own goal creating great opportunities to advancing players to finish the cut backs. How many chances were finished off with one touch? We see so many extra touches in the box and top flight defences will not allow a forward to set himself up for the second. We don't see incisive width anymore with the current Arsenal. I wont, on this occasion, criticise the Manager but at what point does a coaching professional accept that facing 9-10 players camped on the 18 yard line become impossible to break down. Chances are aplenty. Koeman threw jibes at Wenger for the 10 clear cut chances created against Southampton. So where is the problem? What is needed? A clinical striker to finish off the easy chances or a striker who can create for himself? Or is it more common sense? Ozil is a very fine player. He needs movement ahead of him. Iwobi did great but didn't give Theo much to go after. The tactical challenges faced by the management are significant. Arsenal are too predictable to be champions, which will be a great shame because I believe these players could win it. Anyone remember Van Persie smiling with satisfaction in a conversation with Arsene on the bench as we pressed Barcelona to defeat at the Emirates in February 2011? Did Arsene listen and change his approach? I will watch. I will hope. But on reflection is this team any better than the 2011 team? And that is the only measure we should apply to our Manager. I love Arsene but he has taken us as far as he can...

  63. GoonerRon

    Feb 22, 2016, 7:33 #84218

    @ Exeter - I'd love for you to point out where in my posts is it clear that all I care about is Wenger staying in charge? And jj pushing my buttons? Oh yeah I got REALLY wound up by him, he was so good at winding me up he was completely mugged off within 5 minutes.

  64. Made Up Stat

    Feb 22, 2016, 7:25 #84217

    Hur hur - nice one Jamerson. 'Ere, we showed those mancs a fing or too yestedday eh?

  65. Mathew

    Feb 22, 2016, 6:08 #84216

    Its been a long overdue issue about predictable attacks against oppositions, we always go for that one extra pass. Alexis success in the first year was relatively due to the experience he had from Barcelona, the freedom to shoot. Now he is crowded with defenders around and teams outplay him with lack of space. Wenger still plays for that best team goal award as he or his players doesn't change tactics according to the opposition or the situation. To be fair with tiki taka, it doesn't work against all teams. Teams have closed their gaps, defenses are closely knit and adamant to save their grace. That 20 mins against ManU was the perfect example when LVG and his new found defense didn't had a clue about what is going to happen when Arsenal are given space. It's not going to happen against a well prepared Hull City or an experienced Barcelona. God save us from an embarrassing evening.

  66. Ozzie

    Feb 22, 2016, 4:18 #84215

    We couldn't find a hole in the Hull and assuming the next opponent will be Chelsea the whole thing will be...where is the goal (coming from?)

  67. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 22, 2016, 0:28 #84213

    GR, it's all too obvious what you're about and how easily jj presses your AKB buttons. Jamieson confirms it there, it's all about Arsene staying in charge, nothing more.

  68. Jamerson

    Feb 21, 2016, 23:30 #84212

    The WOR fools like the spuds always end up getting made to look like complete mugs.They gain a bit of ground yet like cocks trying to balance on balls end up collapsing in a big heap in a pool of pee.For years now they've been trying to oust Wenger and for years they have been ultimately failing.They should join forces with Mourinho and call themselves the 'ultimate specialists in failure.Ha ha ha losers your're about as effective as a poof in a whore house.

  69. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 23:22 #84211

    @ jj - I'm just going by what Suarez said in his interview at the time. You said he never gave a second thought to joining Arsenal and you were provided unequivocally incorrect. Believe me @ Exeter - I'm not getting wound up at all. No wonder these AMG's are such a laughing stock with their made up drivel. You couldn't make it up (unless you are jjetplane, who did make it up, and was called on it).

  70. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 23:20 #84210

    Exeter, yes i bet that makes the wengerites feel good inside, keeping the faith believing everything they hear and what they're messiah says, they must sleep well at night.

  71. Exeter Gunner

    Feb 21, 2016, 22:40 #84208

    Comedy gold from jj, winding up the AKBs. So Suerez could've been signed, that means he was signed in their world where listening to Wenger and 'keeping the faith' makes them feel loyal and intelligent. Never mind the football.

  72. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 21:43 #84207

    So GoonerRon reckons it's must be true then. Least you admit now that Danny is a two bob diver though looking at Vardy yhis season it is hard to think of Diving danny as being remotely in the same league. I'm wondering if Vardy has got more goals this season than Diving Danny in his career. I know Suarez has and though he begged to play at Arsene FC up front with Olly and Theo he was cruelly shipped off to Barca and the rest is an ongoing history of goals and then more goals particularly when the coach realised he would be better down the middle than out on the wing. Webster tried that with Theo - how's that going? lol! Westie any bets on whether your mate Gus can go unbeaten for the season? ...

  73. jeff wright

    Feb 21, 2016, 21:40 #84206

    My guess is that Wenger expected to beat Hull without having to send on the struggling Sanchez who was a waste of space anyway and big not scored for 10 games Oliver. Wally was left on in the vain hope that somehow he could score a goal along with Diving Danny who again showed why United sold him. He just does not score many goals and never will. As I said on here on Friday Wenger can shuffle the pack as much as he wants but there are just not enough aces in it - but plenty of jokers. We will beat Hull away if we win the penalty shoot-out.

  74. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 20:50 #84205

    No conspiracy theories about the FA Cup draws I see, i guess those big bad men at the FA are giving us a helping hand, too bad our big bad manager is/will do everything to fook it up, until it suits him and he needs it of course.

  75. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 19:46 #84204

    @ Hiccup - let's face it, I'm sure most on here could be accused of double standards at one time or another, often to suit ones agenda. You'd probably find most supporter blog sites for any club are the same (although the amount on here perversely guilty of double standards in opposition to their club will be much higher than other clubs I reckon). I mentioned Vardy not following the ball because the ball is the focal point of the game and he went out of his way (literally) to deceive the ref. I wasn't one of those who said I wouldn't have Vardy at the club but in this case, Danny was equally as culpable of trying to deceive the ref. I hope that helps you sleep better.

  76. Raddy

    Feb 21, 2016, 19:32 #84203

    'Bring on the diving dago's wherever they may roam,Bring on the diving dago's wherever they may roam.

  77. Hiccup

    Feb 21, 2016, 19:31 #84202

    Gooner Ron, just curious as to if those who slated Vardy last week as being the kind of player we don't want at Arsenal, still feel that they want welbeck at the club, after doing the same thing? In my book both players cheated to try and win a penalty. But as you've pointed out, you don't think welbeck cheated as much as Vardy because he kept running in line with the ball. A strange thing to pick up on? Both players are trying to com the ref, which makes them equal cheats in my view. But you feel the need to dissect each incident? As I said earlier, it's double standards on here. Up in arms when players cheat against us, but excuses for our players doing the same thing. If you feel the need to contrast both incidents, then all evidence needs to be brought to the table. I thought welbeck arched his back an extra 15 degrees than Vardy to con the ref, and also took an extra roll when hitting the ground. In my book, that makes his cheating worse than welbeck. All subjective of course. I'm sure there are further mitigating circumstances for welbeck that will be brought up.

  78. Raddy

    Feb 21, 2016, 19:07 #84201

    About time we had a decent home draw,normally it's one of the big boys at this stage.We are now the only team who can win the treble thanks to the brilliant AW.Bring on those diving deigo's Barca.

  79. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 19:05 #84200

    jj, and did you see our newest saviour since diaby yesterday ? sitting in the stands with his nice boy hair cut, head stuck in his mobile phone more interested in txt messages and twitter (maybe trying to choose his next tattoo)than what was going on on the pitch, I suppose you can't blame him as not many others were either.

  80. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:49 #84199

    Latest odds to win FA Cup: CFC 3/1, AFC 7/2, MU 4/1, Palace 15/2, Everton 8/1, WHam 8/1, Watford 20/1, Hull & Reading 50/1.

  81. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:39 #84198

    Stian, nobody has an obsession with internationals only wenger and his apologists, it's just being pointed out that we keep being told by said apologists that our squad are good enough as they're all internationals, and it's been pointed out back how stupid that is, as it looks like it doesn't it ? and yesterday was just another example.

  82. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:35 #84197

    @ jj - no need for support when I've got the player in an interview (irrespective of whether you happen to like the newspaper) basically saying that he wanted to join Arsenal. Based on that interview he undoubtedly would have joined if Liverpool sanctioned it. Choose to bury your head and try and ignore the piece exists if you'd prefer.

  83. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:29 #84196

    Do not do the Telegraph GoonerRon because it's a right wing Tory AKB rag sheet - Next! But you reckon Suarez would have come to the WOK. Ozil is here treading water til the right Chinese deal comes up, Sanchez has had his fill and Bellerin will be off in the summer. Meanwhile Suarez is part of the greatest strike force in the history of football and they are all quite short ..... Think you need Amos on here to back you up now Westie is in straw clutch syndrome for the foreseeable future ....

  84. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:22 #84195

    @ Hiccup - Kos made a yellow card foul and got a yellow card - what's to comment on? I think general frustrations are when opponents can get away with a number of fouls without a caution or warning (as per Leicester in the first half last week). Welbeck's was very poor on his part, although at least he was following the path of the ball unlike Vardy who disregarded the ball and ran into Monreal instead.

  85. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:18 #84194

    A 1/4 final home tie with Watford is a great incentive to send a strong team to win the replay at Hull.

  86. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:18 #84193

    Yet, another handy draw, (they'll probably fly) it's a pity TOF doesn't take the competition seriously. wenger out.

  87. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:08 #84192

    @ jj - I'm not trying anything - why don't you look here:

  88. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 18:07 #84191

    How on earth did Palace knock my team out of the FA Cup today. Not happy. ..Oh well, I'll vent my frustration on the Arsenal manager for a change. TOF this, TOF that etc.

  89. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 17:47 #84190

    TOF and his fans won't be paying lip service to the competition if it's needed to save his arse again, it will suddenly become very important once more. You couldn't make it up.

  90. Hiccup

    Feb 21, 2016, 17:42 #84189

    Kevin, re the Welbeck dive, I was expecting an outpouring of he shouldn''t play for Arsenal ever again or he's not the type of player we want at Arsenal, after Vardy did the same thing last week. Not a murmur... oh apart from Jamie blaming it on Man United. It's no wonder the AKB's are such a laughing stock with their double standards. Not much has been made of the Kos yellow card either. I would applaud him for taking one for the team under such circumstances, as with only Per as cover, the Hull player was effectively through on goal. Obviously it is blatant cheating and on par with what the ankle tappers Chelsea do. Again, as with diving, it seems acceptable for Arsenal players to foul but our opponents are lambasted for it. Just another example of why the AKB's aren't taken seriously. PS, anyone know what the latest petition is for and where can it be found?

  91. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 17:37 #84188

    And the biggest vampire of them all was sitting on the side lines without a bloody clue.

  92. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 17:25 #84187

    Well done the super Eagles and I hope they go far. Now the Totts can concentrate on keeping ahead of Arsene FC which shouldn't be too hard looking at GDs and Arsene's one goal for every hundred attempts. Still - Jack is in training and the last time we saw him his jeans were falling down, half drunk and swearing in front of Junior gunners. The Arsenal way ...... Bloody hell! Chelski sailing through and JM still to OT. Citeh may even concentrate on the PL now .....

  93. Raddy

    Feb 21, 2016, 17:16 #84186

    Tiny's out the cup tiny's tiny's out the cup.Time for the spuds to return to type.

  94. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2016, 16:54 #84185

    Poor old Totts suffering from the Ropey Cup blues. Midweek games in Italy cause fatigue.

  95. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 16:43 #84184

    Nice try GoonerRon ... just reading Henry too who reckons Arsene FC are in with a chance if they score every time they get in the box. By my reckoning that should end 1-6 but more interested in Henry's beard and what with Theo and Olly Beards may well be the deciding factor. No beards in the Barca team may be an advantage so let's see clean shaven Arsene FC and then we cab forget about Henry's revolutionary tactical tips. Apparently Suarez has a quick shave at half time but the question really is - who will be sent off first within the Arsene bendy bus formation? Funny how Barca and RM rejects wash up along the Thames. In what sense Suarez could be surplus to any team only an AKB could tell us ......

  96. Arsenal 0

    Feb 21, 2016, 16:27 #84183

    weve failed to score in 9 matches this season all competitions - that is alot - pls dont tell me giroud and theo are good enough - i dont accept that. welbeck alezis ozil oxy are all ahead of them. the manager also does not exactly train ruthlessness into his players does he?

  97. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 16:02 #84182

    @ jj - I've not seen the piece on Suarez you refer to but didn't he have an interview with a broadsheet just after our bid was rejected saying Rodgers had reneged on a deal they had and basically imploring him to let the deal with us happen?

  98. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:39 #84181

    Just reading stuff on Suarez and how basically he never gave Arsene FC a single thought. It's February and he is on 40 goals and the AKBs will be lining up to say how it is harder to score in England because of the Routemaster and evolving variations on a bus theme. Suarez never found it much of a problem carving out a way in. As I was saying about Neymar .....

  99. Stian

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:28 #84180

    what is this obsession with internationals... among the top five clubs or so, probably more, in the biggest leagues, all players more or less are internationals. it goes without saying. so why make it a topic. its like saying we started with a second string team, they were however, non smoikers. all of them

  100. David

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:23 #84179

    A vampire has bite, arsenal are very gummy.

  101. jeff wright

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:14 #84178

    Ozil the little play-boy was 'ill ' again so was left out of yesterday's fun-fest - or more likely had a night or two out on the razzle celebrating the win over Leicester and may have injured himself jumping on tables to dance and show off his fancy footwork. What are the odds on him doing so against Barcelona and being MOTHM >? Sanchez looks to be morphing into an Arshavin second season type syndrome of morose moping malfunctioning uselessness .Can he snap out of it as some are urging ,only time will tell, but it could be that the awful truth has dawned on him that Wenger is not as great as he thought he was and this team he is in is not good enough to win the top trophies and his enthusiasm has been dealt a severe blow . A bad result on Tuesday night will do nothing to help change this.

  102. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:14 #84177

    Bob, good post, but you have to remember they had a proper manager who knew what he was doing, just think what we could do if we had one.

  103. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 15:03 #84176

    Keen Gooner, yes indeed, we've been told often enough by the AKB statisticians that all our Squad are internationals, they obviously give a caps to any tom jack and wally these days. You couldn't make it up.

  104. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:48 #84175

    The towel being there to be thrown in, again says it all about this old fraud of a manager and his pansy players, Sad state of affairs indeed, would we have ever uttered such words under George Graham ? would we have even thought it ? never is the answer, it just shows what this old has been of a manager has done to our once great club made it a shadow of himself, and his fans are as much to blame. The sooner we're rid of this arrogant old man the better. Go now old man.

  105. Raddy

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:46 #84174

    The reason Welbeck went down was that it wasn't long ago he was a Man U player and we all know that diving is encouraged there the same at CFC.He will eventually learn that playing at Arsenal requires a certain class and playing style that the other top sides can only dream of.He's only the second Arsenal player in 12 years to dive for a pen compared to every week at other sides.

  106. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:32 #84173

    Westie your response is predictable as it is desperate. You know Arsene Fc have had more chances than any club in top football to cement some form of greatness and yet are now slipping by the season into a unique obscurity. I say Everton because they have all the ingredients of a truly revolving club and have some players who leave their so-called equals in the dust. Your argument is as weak as an Arsene FC tap in and that I choose to follow my present local team is something that has escaped you all your days. Your disturbing generation of stats and other numerical waffle show how far you are off the football radar. That you look down your hooter at county football because you have nothing to say makes you a perfect apostle of AKBistics. Webster breeds a plastic culture with plastic followers to match.

  107. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:30 #84172

    The entrance of the cart horse and Sanchez made no difference, (do they ever) that says it all, and the ox no better, why ? because we have a clueless manager who doesn't know how.

  108. Highbury Boy

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:29 #84171

    Chambers and Gibbs continually cutting in did not help matters. We really missed Bellerin and Monreal giving us something extra down the wings. Sanchez's form since returning from injury is worrying. Let's hope he turns it on against his former club. None of the players apart from Welbeck seemed to be trying extra hard to impress so they can start on Tuesday. Perhaps because they all know Wenger's starting line up. I would either play Elneny alongside Coquelin and move Ramsey to the wing to give the defence and Bellerin in particular extra protection or go for it and play Welbeck on the wing. Whatever team I don't see how the form of the OX ,Theo or Campbell merits a starting place and the Ox's weakness in giving the ball away is very worrying.

  109. jeff wright

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:18 #84170

    No laps of honor or silly selfies posted on line after yesterdays bore snore by our heroes and the party atmosphere generated by Diving Danny's ( he obviously payed attention to Rooney's antics when learning the skills at United) had evaporated among the home crowd customers like gas escaping from a punctured hot airballoon. The only danger facing Barcelona is them being too complacent.Another clean sheet for Ospina -I suspect that Peter will have an harder job keeping one on Tuesday night.

  110. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:11 #84169

    @JJ, Hopefully you are not addicted to brake fluid, although you should be able to STOP anytime. Your football judgement is questionable re your latest love of Everton FC. Explain why Everton have only won 8 PL games to Arsenal's 15? Also explain why Everton are 16 points adrift of Arsenal? The journey to the 9th tier is a bitter & twisted one from the Holloway Road.

  111. mbg

    Feb 21, 2016, 14:11 #84168

    Our biggest fear is fear of a proper manager, one who won't be holding us back, and who will coach our players to play with no fear and we wouldn't be stagnating like we have been over the last eight years. wenger out.

  112. Augustus Flair

    Feb 21, 2016, 13:31 #84167

    GoonerRon: Here's another positive you forgot - Mr Wallace Walcott, the man, the legend, the earring.

  113. GoonerRon

    Feb 21, 2016, 13:18 #84165

    The positives: we're still in the hat, another clean sheet, another encouraging performance from Iwobi, 65 minutes for Welbeck. Other than that not too much to come from this performance bar some frustration and another fixture. Alexis form a real worry and hopefully a game against his old club will spark him into life.

  114. jjetplane

    Feb 21, 2016, 13:11 #84164

    Danny tries to con the ref and fails .... The narrative is that Arsene FC have now super refined their offensive and it has to be the softest in Europe. Goalies have said they enjoy the Wok because they can turn the acrobatics on because the shooting is so practice pitch and no one illustrates that more than Ozil who they now take their lead from and so there is no power in a world of soft-bellied flickery. Presently Arsene FC are one of the least attractive sides to watch in the PL and one more season of this and the WOK will empty out not because of passionate fans wanting change but because a pub lunch and shopping trip will be deemed the only option. If Arsene Fc win nought this season then I think it will be seismic for this regime who are drifting gently out of view like a piece of bright plastic on the edge of the Doldrums .... Cheating Danny and Sanchez had a go at it too and this is against a team who had other things on their mind yet still happily swatted Arsene FC efforts away as they buzzed without meaning around the area. Now Everton later on were just blinding and there is another club I predict will be giving this soft regime a run for it's money next season though they look like a good bet for the FA and on Arsene FC's performance, the latter do not deserve a triple of FA trophies. Have to laugh at Brucie wishing the Arse well for Tuesday. Watching Suarez kicking a post in anger because he missed one chance in a hundred is truly awesome. For me - it's all eyes on Neymar who is so good at the moment I feel religious about the possibilities of football. Seem to remember the stadia move was so Arsene FC could do the unimaginable on the pitch ... Looking at Saturday you can see why Brucie can afford a little dig. I make him right.

  115. Bob

    Feb 21, 2016, 12:47 #84162

    Man United showed, in 1999, that it is possible to prioritise the FA Cup alongside the Premiership and Champions' League. While they required a large slice of luck to beat us in that semi-final, they picked most of their first-choice players including of course their goalkeeper. They also had four top-drawer strikers whom they could legitimately rotate without sacrificing quality. I refuse to accept excuses that we aren't able to cover all bases. Of course we can - and should.

  116. Mark

    Feb 21, 2016, 11:45 #84159

    Bloody hell i agree with Westie about scrapping replays.Cup games should be finished on the day.But our clown of a manager backs replays.Playing TWO holding midfielders at home to a championship team who made 10 changes.Madness

  117. Keen Gooner

    Feb 21, 2016, 11:27 #84157

    I think the who;e starting 11 are internationals. Flaming apparently has a sub appearance for France to his name, as does Chambers for England. And Iwobi has a cap for Nigeria. I wish rotation for us meant 5 or 6 in / out rather than the whole team being swapped.

  118. Westlower

    Feb 21, 2016, 11:23 #84156

    24 attempts on goal, with 11 on target, contradicts your lack of crosses argument Kevin. How many goals will Barcelona score on Tuesday from 11 on target, anything from 3 to 6, I suspect. As always an early goal is what's required against a 9 man parked bus. In comparison, the away fixture will be a stroll in the park because Hull wont play with 9 at the back at home, unless their game plan is to decide the tie on a penalty shootout. Yesterday's game was the perfect example of why replay's should be done away with. One team wanted to win, the other didn't. Where's the romance of the Cup in that mindset? Bit of an understatement that AW has a good record in the FA Cup. No one has a better record. He's played FA Cup 100 games, winning 71, drawing 16 & only losing 13 (2 at home).

  119. bromley boy

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:58 #84154

    94 mins of huff and puff but couldnt blow there house in. afternoon was a laugh sitting in the diamond club with i guess half the people in there not knowing what there looking at anyway

  120. Kenny

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:56 #84153

    A rotten game with a rotten starting 11.But dont worry Wenger doesnt want to scrap replays so the fans will be fleeced again for another game of Hull reserves v Arsenal reserves.

  121. Augustus Flair

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:50 #84152

    Top report, as ever Kev, but I spotted the Barcelona spies in the crowd and they were shaking with fear at the prospect of facing Mr Wallace Walcott, the Lionel Messi of old London town. Look on his quirks, ye mighty, and despair. Come on Arsenal.

  122. Win this open league

    Feb 21, 2016, 10:47 #84151

    Keeper had a blinder. Clean sheet on Tuesday would be good.