Spurs Fans Do Not Want Wenger To Leave Arsenal

But could we be witnessing the final curtain?

Spurs Fans Do Not Want Wenger To Leave Arsenal

I used to frequently write in articles as far back as 2008, as a contribution to this site but I have become so disillusioned, so disenchanted and utterly bored sick of the repetitive Groundhog Day farce that Arsene Wenger, in collusion with the repugnant Stan Kroenke has served up, that I no longer even have the motivation to pass comment on Arsenal-related matters. However there are extenuating circumstances this year, and it is one of the most abhorrent for any Arsenal fan: Tottenham Hotspur are realistic contenders to win the Premier League title.

Now just to put into context how scandalous this is, Spurs spend less than half of what Arsenal do in wages. Wenger, who has for so long bored us about his “English core” (one that has proven to be hilariously inept from Walcott, to Oxlade, to Jenkinson, to Gibbs) has sat back and watched Spurs compete for a league title with Dele Alli, Dier and Kane. The three players I’ve just mentioned collectively earn less in a week than Theo “how do you control this round thing” Walcott. For years we were told by Wenger and his dwindling army of apologists that building a new stadium meant it was impossible to compete – the fact the Spuds are doing the same as we speak, is shocking.

The only upside to this compelling Premier League season is that it has ultimately exposed Arsene Wenger for what he truly is: a deeply mediocre manager who is stuck in the dark ages, and ran out of ideas over a decade ago. Some people would be willing to cut Wenger more slack were it not for his breathtaking arrogance and his disrespectful lack of accountability. On the rare occasions he is questioned by the media about insufficient performance, he bristles with withering contempt and demeans and belittles the journalist. Who could ever forget his disgraceful condescending response to the BBC’s Jacqui Oatley asking him perfectly valid questions?

The other thing this season has done is to expose the several years of lies Wenger, Gazidis et al have concocted. You CAN compete with oil money or with clubs that make more money than you. There seems to be a clutch of Arsenal “followers” who have attached themselves to the Cult of Wenger so closely you’d think it was North Korea. If they knew anything about Arsenal outside Wenger though, they’d realise that managers like George Graham competed with far richer teams and succeeded. Diego Simeone in Spain has beaten Real Madrid for three consecutive years in the Bernabeu and is again competing for the league despite having his best players tapped up and sold year after year. According to Wenger’s latest excuse, Arsenal have failed to win league titles as his players were “being tapped up”. Of course, Diego Costa hadn’t already signed for Chelski in the year Atletico beat Barca and Madrid to the Liga title eh? And Ronaldo hadn’t already been tapped up by Madrid in his final season at Man United, where he again won the league with them. Right? The best managers find a way and scout better, motivate better, implement innovative tactics.

What sub-standard managers do is to lie down, wave the white flag and pre-empt the excuses by claiming they “cannot compete”. Something we have seen an example of with a Wenger protégé like Remi Garde oddly enough. That is a pathetic mentality that demeans the history of a great club and that has sadly filtered down to a number of Wenger’s chums that populate the Emirates. If Arsenal’s former managers had a similar approach to Wenger, you could strike out at least 5 of our 13 league titles, as these were achieved against far wealthier clubs.

What is particularly galling to me, is Wenger’s absolute lack of accountability and loath as I am to agree with Mourinho, he nailed it on that lack of accountability. This is the first time in living memory I recall the press beginning to get the knives out for Wenger and it took an unacceptable performance against Man United’s under 15s for this to happen. Wenger’s response after one of the worst performances of any Arsenal manager, was typically graceless, artless and gutless – referring to Man United “spending a lot of money”. Of course, everyone remembers young Marcus Rashford’s medical after his £76million transfer from Barcelona right? Of course, whenever Wenger scrapes a win at home to Burnley, Sunderland or Villa, he never mentions the fact that Sanchez probably cost more than half their teams. The fact that Ozil cost more than the entire Leicester first-choice 11 is never mentioned by Wenger’s apologists.

One of the most insulting things however, is how the club tends to react after unacceptable results and scrutiny. It’s similar to how communist regimes used to “spread” information after a scandal. As sure as night followed day, the classic Wenger-Gazidis distraction technique was used the day after the Man United inquest, with various club leaks in the papers claiming Wenger “will spend £115m renovating squad”. They really must think Arsenal fans are the dumbest fans around. The obvious retort to this is: last summer, Wenger had £100m. Apparently, there weren’t any players in all Europe better than the ones he had already, so why would that change next summer then? He did not sign a single outfield player in the whole summer window, when there were no international tournaments on to “inflate prices”. In January, with Arsenal in a prime position to win the league, Wenger achieved the amazing feat of finding a player as mediocre as Mattieu Flamini (his name is El-Neny) – despite having millions, he did not even look for a quality striker, a quality holding midfielder or a centre-back that can combine running at pace with bravery and talent. The horse has bolted and Pep Guardiola will eat up the league next season, whilst Everton will now splash the cash. Chelsea have Conte and of course we all know how well Arsene Wenger performs against Jose Mourinho. Just how stupid do Wenger and Gazidis think Arsenal fans are?

To conclude this let us cut to the chase. If Leicester or Tottenham finish above Arsenal, Arsene Wenger cannot remain and it is the duty of every Arsenal fan to ensure this. Every day he remains after that would be a stain on Arsenal’s great name and this board and CEO will go down as the biggest collection of ingrates in the history of this club. It shall be noted. People like to talk about the board a lot as a distraction to take away from Wenger’s ineptitude and whilst Kroenke’s complete acceptance of mediocrity and refusal to sack Wenger should be noted – on the pitch, there is only one man responsible. Arsenal fans have been far too tolerant of mediocrity for far too long. Arsene Wenger has frequently disrespected the club and its history. He reminds us we were “nowhere” in the CL before he turned up. The comedy of this is, if you look at the past 6 years, APOEL Nicosia, Monaco and Marseille are outperforming Wenger. Arsene Wenger has publicly involved himself in matters that are none of his business, such as ticket pricing: he openly declared that fans shouldn’t expect prices to come down as a result of the new tv deal. He is the only Premier League manager who defended this greedy model when asked – no other manager did it, conscious of how arduous the prices are for fans. Wenger showed a total lack of empathy – which is easy to do when you earn £8.5m per year for sitting motionless on a bench for 85 minutes whilst you spend the other 10 minutes abusing the fourth official. This behaviour from Wenger is even more grating when you witness what he does. Arsene Wenger has systematically removed strong personalities from Arsenal because he wants a team of choir boys who will not question his methods, this is obvious. It makes his life “easier” to not have competition for places, so when the opportunity to sign Higuain was there he refused to execute it as poor Ollie Giroud might have had to up his game and may have sulked a bit. Thankfully, that decision has been vindicated by us witnessing Giroud failing to score for over 500 minutes at the business end of the season whilst suffering the ultimate insult of having to watch Walcott start crunch games in Manchester ahead of him.

This means “nice boys” like Theo Walcott can remain at Arsenal for a decade and barely understand how to kick a ball but pick up a fortune. Denilson, Diaby, Bendtner, Arteta, Flamini, Almunia, Squillaci, Chamakh, Sanogo, Park – sure, every manager makes dud signings but Wenger is the only one arrogant enough to continually renew these players and give them the sort of money nobody else would dare give them – all the whilst telling the fans to stop complaining about expensive tickets. Wenger has been given over a decade to win a league title, which is unheard of in the pressure-intensive world of football. Arsenal fans have been remarkably patient about this and yet that patience is taken for granted, Wenger swanning off to chill with the Pope on deadline day as Arsenal’s rivals strengthen. Wenger treats the fans as peasantry akin to King Louis 16th in serfdom France. The general attitude of the Arsenal players is shocking, how many times have you seen Theo Walcott or Giroud give loudmouth interviews in the press? What have they achieved? How many more times do Arsenal fans have to watch a collection of multi-millionaires refuse to run, to press or to work? The biggest giveaway is that when Arsenal played Barcelona at home in the CL, we saw the team press, work and run better than we ever had for 70 minutes. If such application was a weekly worth ethic in the league, Arsenal would have at least three extra league titles. However, it’s obvious that Lord Wenger sees domestic opponents as “beneath” him.

Arsenal’s constant bottling and choking is now the stuff of parody and the worst would be to come if Spurs – who have always been the perennial chokers – demonstrate the kind of bottle that used to be associated with Arsenal, but that has now been eroded by Wenger’s ineptitude, excuse making and arrogance.

Make no mistake. Arsene Wenger has been given more than enough time, more than enough money and more than enough grace. Arsenal are stacked with cash and even though people are begging Wenger to “splash the cash” they seem to be missing the issue. Wenger managed to sign someone like Mesut Ozil and demotivate him to the extent that it’s looking obvious Ozil will soon ask to leave. He “managed” to mismanage Sanchez with his injuries to the extent he has not been the same player since. Wenger is spending a lot of money, and is being given a lesson in management from errrr…Claudio Ranieri and Mauricio Pochettino. This is unacceptable.

The FA Cup? Nice to have, but I suspect it’s the level of expectation for clubs like Martinez’ Wigan (who won it beating a big team in the final). Wenger has had his day and any apologist asking the “who could you replace him with” question needs a history lesson, because Wenger was a nobody managing in Japan when Arsenal came in for him. He had previously been sacked from Monaco for, you guessed it, underachievement and tampering / “experimenting” with mediocre players. Arsenal have done a lot for Arsene Wenger and if anything, he owes the club – which other club would accept mediocrity for so long? I’ve always maintained that the AKBs who continually talk about how Arsene “can’t compete” unless he has stacks of cash to match up to the “oil money” clubs ; don’t realise that they are inadvertently admitting that Wenger is so mediocre that the only way he can compete with a wealthier club is by having lots more money! We’ve seen Mourinho win a CL with Porto, we’ve seen Klopp win Doubles in the past five years with a Dortmund side that couldn’t approach QPR’s wealth let alone Bayern’s, we have seen Simeone shake up Spanish football, we’ve seen Allegri of Juve almost win the CL with a Juve squad that’s worth far less than Arsenal’s etc…

Football is full of young, fresh managers and the Arsenal board’s incompetence has cost the club a shot at Guardiola, at Klopp or at Ancelotti. All is not lost but it’s now up to the fans to force the situation. It is not up to fans to “name a replacement” as that’s what Gazidis is paid £2m a year for I presume. If Microsoft needed to sack an inept director would it be a consumer’s job to name a replacement? Don’t be ridiculous. If it is going to take Leicester or Tottenham to force Arsenal fans into action, then sad as it is, that will be the reality. Liverpool fans mobilized to force greedy American owners Hicks and Gillett out. They forced Hodgson out. The only time I have known Arsenal fans to show serious discontent was when Villa turned up and thrashed us 3-1 in the summer. What happened a few days later? Ozil signed for £42m. Funny that eh? Alternatively, our fans could continue to make excuses, renew their Season Tickets and let Kroenke watch the cash stream in with no consequences. Wenger can get a new deal, and we can watch Spurs, West Ham and moneyed-up Everton overtake us too. Right?

I will leave you with this: all of my Spurs-supporting mates have almost all said that the only downside of them potentially winning the title would be that Wenger would almost certainly have to leave. Arsene Wenger’s biggest advocates can now be found at White Hart Lane, Stamford Bridge and Old Trafford. All these fans know that the minute he leaves, Arsenal can become competitive again. So if you want Wenger to remain at Arsenal, congratulations, you have plenty in common with Spurs fans.

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  1. mbg

    Mar 03, 2016, 14:26 #85294

    Exeter, it looks like another one of those blips we mentioned yesterday.

  2. mbg

    Mar 03, 2016, 12:43 #85269

    Declan burke, I've been saying the same thing for years mate, it wouldn't matter who we buy, (messi) nothing would change it wouldn't make any difference, the problem is the manager. wenger out.

  3. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 03, 2016, 11:32 #85230

    Fox in the box - I sense it is a little different this time.Social media is increasingly important and is alive with wanting him gone. I sense the crowd thought that really was his chance last night and he screwed it. He knows his only opportunity is wining every game from now on but the form is shot. I suspect he will go at season end particularly if the awful run continues

  4. Red Member

    Mar 03, 2016, 10:30 #85211

    foxinthebox - no he is not going to stay until 2017, he needs to be hounded out by the end of this season - whatever it takes

  5. foxinthebox2001

    Mar 03, 2016, 10:14 #85210

    Whatever happens he board will not sack him, they will see it as respectful to let him see out the 2 two year contract. Its the Arsenal way. Best we can hope for is we are free of him by summer 2017.

  6. Red Member

    Mar 03, 2016, 9:56 #85209

    I was there last night and in a way it was encouraging to see the majority of the fanbase finally coming together with the realisation that Wenger's time is up. The performance in the second half especially was unacceptable. However I will continue to support Wenger and the team for ONE more match - it is the NLD on Saturday and the scum have a chance to win the league. Turn on Wenger and the team by all means but we should all wait until after Saturday

  7. Martyn

    Mar 03, 2016, 9:14 #85208

    Every team in the premier league know how to play against Arsenal. The Swansea result was so predictable; Ashley Williams and co. were comfortable 'watching' a home team that is tactically bereft of ideas. Its down to the manager to find solutions but he can't or won't . It was obvious on Sunday that the players are not playing for the manager, all confidence has gone and soon one or two might break rank and start questioning the situation. If that starts to happen, possibly after the Spuds game, it may be the spark that lights the blue touch paper to end Wenger's reign. Prediction for Saturday: We will score first and lose 2 1 and Wenger's post match interview will be 'we must bounce back'. I'm sure there's someone at the club who's got a bouncy castle!

  8. Wengerballs

    Mar 03, 2016, 9:09 #85207

    Wow. I mean WOW. This is the quintessential anti Wenger article and who can deny the truth of every word. Sir, I salute you!


    Mar 03, 2016, 8:51 #85206

    Get ready People the Implosion that many of us knew was highly possible has now arrived - we will be overtaken by City utd and west ham - we are absolutely there for the taking now and everyone can smell it! he stayed too Long he never strengthened the Management Team around him, his arrogance will now cost us massively

  10. WeAreBuildingATeamToDominate

    Mar 03, 2016, 8:51 #85205

    Never, ever in a million years would I have dreamed of saying this before now......but a defeat on Saturday will actually be a blessing in disguise ONLY however if it persuades the powers that be that TOF's time is up. The club really needs to finish in 5th for that to happen though with MU maybe picking up -even West Ham too - it's not unforseaable. AS for last night, unforgivable. The title is there for whoever has the balls, and the team play utterly meaningless football for 60 minutes. Meanwhile the visitors flood midfield, hit on the break, and take the three points home. And still the fraud offers up more excuses.

  11. Peter Wain

    Mar 03, 2016, 8:29 #85204

    I think if we lose big on Saturday that should signal the end for Wenger but with kroenke I doubt this will be the case. Difficult to see any sort of result on Saturday other than a home win so lets hope Ali gets sent off Kane injured and we get an offside winner.

  12. John F

    Mar 03, 2016, 8:24 #85203

    Go oñ the on the terrace forum above/Wenger thread last p1416 there is a link to a fan going mad on Arsenal fan TV worth a look.

  13. ATID

    Mar 03, 2016, 8:05 #85202

    With 10 minutes to go the atmosphere in the ground said it all. There is no belief in this team or this manager. The cartoon character AW supporters (charming by the way) will just have to grow up and realise that life will go on under a different manager. Sadly it makes no difference to Kroenke's business model whether we come first or fourth.

  14. Augustus Flair

    Mar 03, 2016, 7:39 #85201

    It's gone beyond just bad results and a past-it manager now, it's about the rapidly accelerating destruction of Arsenal Football Club itself. The swaths of empty seats (a la Bolton and Blackburn) are starting to tell an ominous story, mainly that the middle-class provincial incomers who come to London to work, and who make up a big proportion of our "fans" (but never real supporters) these days, do not wish to witness failure. Given that ticket prices are beyond the reach of many in the indigenous communities around the stadium, this is the road to oblivion. True success could lie with a manager who is not old and self-deluded, with a club hierarchy that puts affordable tickets on the market to attract a properly local crowd (Gloucestershire farmers' sons and daughters, for example, never stay that long), and a rump of players who care because they just might have grown up on the Cally, Archway, Essex Road or wherever (like good old Charlie George). Idealistic I know but the first step is easy - Wenger out!

  15. Bard

    Mar 03, 2016, 7:30 #85200

    Could the unthinkable happen. Untd in 5th spot 4 points behind us !!

  16. declan burke

    Mar 03, 2016, 7:27 #85199

    Can some fans and media please stop talking and speculating about defenders, holding midfielders, strikers, injuries and transfer kitty's ? This is all irrelevant. The REAL and first positions in need of change and new personnel at OUR CLUB are in the Boardroom and the Managers office - URGENTLY. I cannot believe what has become of this club.

  17. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 03, 2016, 7:21 #85198

    A comment on the radio last night that when Arsenal score it is often off a beautiful move where Arsenal are playing at their best. We are then undone by the simplest of moves and not only are back to square one but are left frustrated and vulnerable by all our effort undone. We are simply to open for the prem and with no shouters in the team to weak in our shape. Wenger is to blame

  18. John Devine Intervention

    Mar 03, 2016, 6:59 #85197

    Melanie. The arrogance of your messiah! See Jolly Jumper for a full explanation

  19. Roy

    Mar 03, 2016, 5:27 #85196

    Excellent stuff Jolly Jumper my old bean. I came home from work to be unexpectedly but pleasantly re-educated. I must say, the character traits of hubris applying to the historical figures you mention could indeed be associated with a certain football manager that we all know. Oh well, of to my chamber of sleep now to dream dictatorial thoughts, but alas, I fear last nights result will still be the same when I awake. TTFN. Wenger out.


    Mar 03, 2016, 5:24 #85195

    Well, well. Where do I start? For years I have said this man is finished and should have gone but we had the diehard wenger lovers who thought and some probably do think that wenger should stay until he dies!! The man has become a caricature of himself it's sad really!! He reminds me of a dictator of one if these tinpot countries where the strongman can't accept it's over and will do anything to cling on to power!! Even if it's blatantly obvious it's over!! It's clear to see wenger has lost the dressing room. The players our not playing for him. They look clueless and lost and to be honest most are not good enough for arsenal can name names but we all know the players who should be no where near an arsenal shirt so I won't indulge!!! My fury is at the feet if wenger and especially the akbs who have allowed this man to stay for as long as he has!! He got abused big time by the fans at the emirates and he was sticking his thumb up!! He looked like a fool and finally the MAJORITY of fans have woken up!! Paul Merson said exactly what I said!! That if either Tottenham or Leicester City win the league wenger has to be sacked!! I actually believe if we lose on Saturday wenger has to go IMMEDIATELY!!! He is way past it and should go now!! Most fans now want him gone even the diehard ones they have awoken from a slumber!! When you score the first goal at home you should win not lose to Swansea's b team

  21. JollyJumper

    Mar 03, 2016, 4:10 #85194

    Ernesto, Excellent article. To keep and distribute on the wide scale. Thinking the same for 8 years already. To you, Kevin and your readers supporting Arsenal FC, not Arsène FC, I recommend the following reading. Sounds familiar? Wenger OUT ... 7 years ago! -- ‘Brain’ - A Journal of Neurology - Oxford University Press http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2009/02/12/brain.awp008 Hubris syndrome: An acquired personality disorder? A study of US Presidents and UK Prime Ministers over the last 100 years by David Owen, Jonathan Davidson Charisma, charm, the ability to inspire, persuasiveness, breadth of vision, willingness to take risks, grandiose aspirations and bold self-confidence—these qualities are often associated with successful leadership. Yet there is another side to this profile, for these very same qualities can be marked by impetuosity, a refusal to listen to or take advice and a particular form of incompetence when impulsivity, recklessness and frequent inattention to detail predominate. This can result in disastrous leadership and cause damage on a large scale. The attendant loss of capacity to make rational decisions is perceived by the general public to be more than ‘just making a mistake’. While they may use discarded medical or colloquial terms, such as ‘madness’ or ‘he's lost it’, to describe such behaviour, they instinctively sense a change of behaviour although their words do not adequately capture its essence. A common thread tying these elements together is hubris, or exaggerated pride, overwhelming self-confidence and contempt for others (Owen, 2006). How may we usefully think about a leader who hubristically abuses power, damaging the lives of others? Some see it as nothing more than the extreme manifestation of normal behaviour along a spectrum of narcissism. Others simply dismiss hubris as an occupational hazard of powerful leaders, politicians or leaders in business, the military and academia; an unattractive but understandable aspect of those who crave power. We believe that extreme hubristic behaviour is a syndrome, constituting a cluster of features (‘symptoms’) evoked by a specific trigger (power), and usually remitting when power fades. ‘Hubris syndrome’ is seen as an acquired condition, and therefore different from most personality disorders which are traditionally seen as persistent throughout adulthood. The key concept is that hubris syndrome is a disorder of the possession of power, particularly power which has been associated with overwhelming success, held for a period of years and with minimal constraint on the leader. The ability to make swift decisions, sometimes based on little evidence, is of particular importance—arguably necessary—in a leader. Similarly, a thin-skinned person will not be able to stand the process of public scrutiny, attacks by opponents and back-stabbings from within, without some form of self-exultation and grand belief about their own mission and importance. Powerful leaders are a highly selected sample and many criteria of any syndrome based on hubris are those behaviours by which they are probably selected—they make up the pores of the filter through which such individuals must pass to achieve high office. Dictators are particularly prone to hubris because there are few, if any, constraints on their behaviour. Here, this complex area is not covered but one of us has considered the matter elsewhere (Owen, 2008). Hitler's biographer, Ian Kershaw (1998, 2000), entitled his first volume 1889–1936 Hubris and the second1936–1945 Nemesis. Stalin's hubris was not as marked or as progressive as Hitler's. As for Mussolini and Mao both had hubris but probably each also had bipolar disorder. Khrushchev was diagnosed as having hypomania and there is some evidence that Saddam Hussein had bipolar disease (Owen, 2008). Being elected to high office for a democratic leader is a significant event. Subsequent election victories appear to increase the likelihood of hubristic behaviour becoming hubris syndrome. Facing a crisis situation such as a looming or actual war or facing potential financial disaster may further increase hubris. -- ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. Lord Acton wrote something very profound which preceded his famous dictum: ‘I cannot accept your canon that we are to judge Pope and King unlike other men, with a favourable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption, it is the other way - against the holders of power’. He followed this with his famous dictum: ‘Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’. by Lord Acton (the author of ‘History of the Papacy during the period of Reformation’) in his letter written on 05.04.1887 to Mandell Creighton.

  22. John Gage

    Mar 03, 2016, 3:15 #85193

    We don't deserve to win the League. That was a travesty...

  23. CT Gooner

    Mar 03, 2016, 2:29 #85192

    I was just thinking about the tried and tested line "f" off down the lane. Must say sorry AKBs, I'm a Gooner, not a Glory Hunter!

  24. GoonGer

    Mar 03, 2016, 0:48 #85191

    You forgot Gervinho!! Great article

  25. mbg

    Mar 03, 2016, 0:15 #85190

    I wonder how the AKB's are feeling tonight after they're messiah has let them down yet again ? will it make any difference ? I guess we'll all find out tomorrow when the post mortem finishes at AKB central command.

  26. GoonerGoal!

    Mar 03, 2016, 0:05 #85189

    Wenger's chickens have finally come home to roost. Expect the Cockerel to take a dump on us on Saturday. Do you really think 4th place is safe? Not me. Westlower, soon there'll be nothing left for you to do but celebrate that the end is near, and that the Revolution is finally upon us...HA!HA!HE!HE!HO!HO! KROENKE/GAZIDIS/WENGER OUT! VIVE LA REVOLUTION!

  27. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 03, 2016, 0:01 #85188

    Huge Ted / Fat Pete / insane Jamerson / Jackerson - it truly does get boring. And no you didn't punch 5 people on the nose. Total tosh Why hasn't your messiah come to your rescue?

  28. Nick

    Mar 02, 2016, 23:55 #85187

    And STILL.Wengers apologists make excuses, a foul on Ozil and an offside goal,your supposed to play to the WHISTLE, no excuse for the first Swansea goal, yes the second was offside , but that's not why we lost, we lost because we can't finish , cant defend and have no GUTS !! When will it sink in that the common denominator for every collapse for the last ten years' or more is WENGER ? The evidence is plain , there can be no more excuses! I hope none of the Arenite supporters are never on jury service as they would never convict an offender as evidence is obviously a thing of mystery to them. We have now lost Cech and must go to the scum with the flaky Ospina defeat there effectively puts the seal of doom on our league season, we are in real danger of slipping to sixth if this capitulation continues, defeat at Hull is a real possibility too as well as a humiliation in Spain, the criminal inactivity in two transfer windows has well and truly come home to roost, our annual injury curse continues yet every season Wenger fails to INSURE against it ! He fails to.address our weaknesses refusing to accept he may be wrong and everyone else right,, he has lost his way and with it the respect of many, if we lose our next two domestic games and get our arses handed to us by Barca the only honourable thing for him to do would be to resign !

  29. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 23:32 #85186

    Poor show what! After all this it really is quite sad. Terrible that it has gone on for so long but maybe it's just about over and Arsene has managed to make Arsenal the 4th best team in London. 5th next season if the Eagles start flying. Thing is - Ostriches don't fly ....

  30. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 23:31 #85185

    You just have to look at the photo accompanying this article, TOF can't even look a fellow manager in the face, especially after defeat, i'm sure the Swansea manager was the latest one. I wonder can he look at himself in the mirror ? And what about the fans ? how on earth can he look them straight in the face ? He's that arrogant he probably doesn't give a fook. Go now old man.

  31. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:58 #85184

    Gaz, no mate the deluded old fool would think we're all behind him again and want him to stay, and the next thing we'd know is he's changed his mind and signing a new contract.

  32. Cyril

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:52 #85183

    He loves a bung, he loves a bung, my science teacher he loves a bung!!!

  33. bromley boy

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:47 #85182

    Mr Wenger im not going to resort to name calling or swearing at you as im writing this trying to show you a bit of dignity, in return i would like you to show that same dignity towards the fans of Arsenal and resign at the end of the season . Thank you for some great memories and good luck to you in the future.

  34. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:43 #85181

    Who was it said Leicester drop two points Arsenal over to you ? it's not right laughing. Hiccup, nice one, there's a lot of pants being dropped tonight over at central command with a lot of flushing going on. wenger out.

  35. Nick

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:40 #85180

    ENOUGH !!! Wenger just go!! dammit ill buy you a ticket back to France myself !!

  36. Cyril

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:36 #85179

    Wenger , any chance we can bring the subject up about amoury bischcoff and Park before you depart Pine grove. And repeat , and repeat. Mr Wenger, you have without any doubt let me down. Take care son!

  37. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:28 #85178

    AMG, no mate, victory at the lane will certainly not save him, there's nothing can save him now, he's a dead man walking.

  38. Gaz

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:27 #85177

    If Wenger had any respect for this Club he'd announce he's leaving in the summer. Might just find we all get behind him for the remainder of the season. If he continues to cling onto his job I hope tonight's booing is repeated and he's forced out. It's the only way now...

  39. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:27 #85176

    All I can add is that you couldn't make it up .Then again you don't have to do so. Anyway,how is Ceck getting on with him winning us the 12-15 points that John Terry said that he would>? He nearly got badly embarrassed at the end when he went up to to try and score a goal from a corner and was left in no-man's land . Just as well that the Swansea striker has all the brains god gave a Swan's arse and messed up the scoring chance. As it happens I don't think that Peter is playing all that well and suddenly looks his age - then again who wouldn't with clowns like Gabriel,one of the worst CB's I have ever seen in an AFC shirt, Keystone Kos and plodding Per in front of him fortunately not all at the same time. Add a mid-field that is weaker than a pot of tea made with recycled tea-bags in which 'Rambo' -armed with a pea-shooter instead of a AK-47 - gives the ball away continually like a philanthropist on a mission to save the needy does with money . Then we have the thumb-sucking Ozil looking ever-more like Marty Feldman risen from the grave poncing around making passes that no one can get on the end of and free-kicks that go nowhere . So then when taking account that Peter can see Wenger doing his Basil Fawlty act on the touch-line ,and who never wanted him anyway ,you can understand his morale taking a dip - also he knows that yet more humiliation is set to come .. It must hurt Cech as well seeing how Chelsea are now playing football that is different class to anything that the sorry lot he signed up with can produce.Good old Arsene

  40. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:18 #85175

    paul morris, with respect, no, he was NEVER a great manager, describing this useless excuse for a manager as great is disrespecting real greats, TOF got lucky and it's finally coming back to haunt him now. wenger out.

  41. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:17 #85174

    wenger says we stopped for the free kick. What a total idiot, naive , naive yes Wenger you are so naive. Oh you AMG's listen to 606 a heartfelt lament from an Arsenal supporter. They are all saying he should go.

  42. Martyn

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:17 #85173

    Wenger says we were 'unlucky'. Cech has pulled hamstring and is out of London derby!

  43. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:15 #85172

    Dream scenario for Wenger: the most incredibly unlikely set of circumstances come to pass. None of Chelsea, Man C or Man U are in contention. Yet he still can't drive his team on to take advantage. I never thought we'd see it get THIS bad.

  44. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:08 #85171

    Website admin - your timing is about as funny as a wenger substitution. There won't be many names left on this site in a few hour's time if the latest sweary-packed offerings are anything to go by. I'm really fl*pping annoyed - howzat?

  45. Martyn

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:07 #85170

    No surprises tonight. Same old, same old. Leicester fans must be loving it. I hope we fall below fourth as I'm now looking down the league, not up! New man at the helm needed.

  46. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:03 #85169

    A hearse with a coffin has just been seen driving into the Emirates.

  47. West Cork Frank

    Mar 02, 2016, 22:03 #85168

    Enough is enough, glad we lost. That useless feckin clown and those who've backed him all these wasted, heartbreaking years will no doubt still be arsene supporters whilst Arsenal Highbury fans have at the very least one more year of ****e. For soooo many years i've realised the old fraud was taking us nowhere and even his departure won't change much with profit being our owners only motive.

  48. Hemel AFC

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:59 #85167

    Go top of the league and the board start talking about a new contract it's a shame the board ain't got the b******s to react to this latest fiasco and ditch the fraud. I

  49. John F

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:59 #85166

    After tonight i was feeling mad with myself for buying a Hull ticket and having to watch this shower but then again i might be watching history unfold as it might be Wenger's last game in charge.It certainly feels like Wenger s Walsall moment is coming.

  50. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:58 #85165

    This has got to be an AMG's worst nightmare 2 pisspoor substitutions a mauling at Spurs and it is a **** storm on his head. Mugged again

  51. smithy

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:56 #85164

    fun, fun, fun, the wenger fun bus carries on. We are a laughing stock.

  52. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:54 #85163

    Wenger is the enemy within and is dismantling the club - in that at least he has been a success. I can think of no other reason for all of this - he is f*cking us. He's going to hang on as long as he can in order to destroy Arsenal.

  53. Hiccup

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:53 #85162

    The Foxes drop 2 points... Arsenal drop their pants... Over to you Westie...

  54. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:52 #85161

    TOF and his nice smelling pussies couldn't even beat Swansea's f****g reserves, is any more proof needed for f**k sake. wenger out now.

  55. Made Up Stat

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:52 #85160

    Maybe the fans were too negative. Perhaps we should all apologise immediately.

  56. AMG

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:51 #85159

    Oh dear, oh dear! Only a victory against the Scum can save Wenger now. Either way, the title is up, even for the eternal AKB optimists; no way back from losing to a second string Swansea at home.

  57. Moscow Gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:48 #85158

    Spot on. Wenger out now, tonight. A disgraceful abject surrender. I am not going back to watch Arsenal until this clown is sacked.

  58. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:43 #85157

    Talking about whether Wenger should go Radio 5. This is the first time I have punched my fist in the air regarding Arsenal in 3 years. The loser is on the brink

  59. Mbgooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:43 #85156

    Nothing else to say anymore WENGER f**k off now you old fraud

  60. Greg

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:43 #85155

    Absolute disgrace, though not unexpected. These players..absolutely gutless, hopeless..as for the manager, surely no way back??!p5

  61. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:42 #85154

    What a chance and we ****ed it up, what a chance and we f****d it up, where are you AKB's ? lets be havin you. wenger out now.

  62. Guy in Jersey

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:41 #85153


  63. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:35 #85152

    Theyre clearly fatigued. Question mark about this game having been played as well. Its too cold and windy. These conditions play havoc with the philosophy.

  64. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:23 #85151

    The Radio 5 pundits have basically been taking the piss out of Wenger all evening. Whether or not you think pundits are rubbish, would they dare do this to Fergie. It shows how far he has fallen. Wenger out!

  65. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 21:09 #85150

    Yes those Manure boys are hammering Watford 0-0

  66. paul morris

    Mar 02, 2016, 20:50 #85149

    He was a great manager(past tense)we need a fresh approach but kroenke only sees a money making machine not a football club with patient(very)fans wanting to see skill and determination on the pitch.

  67. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 20:29 #85148

    Hammers win would be fun - 2 pts off 4th! City lose even funnier. Ex Spud scores at the WOK so everything is connected. Any chance of a petition to have woodwork expanded when Arsene FC attack. I'd rather be a scorer than an assist ahhhh .....

  68. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 20:28 #85147

    jj, I hear TOF's sent his gestapo out all around the ground making everyone swear allegiance to their fuhrer and the fans that refused they wouldn't let them in.

  69. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 20:00 #85146

    1000s of empty seats but the old 150 mile journey is an heroic feat - Westie did it once although back then you had to push the lever up and down to get it along the track. Totts are losing and so just remains for Arsene FC to score a goal or two and vindications all around and it's the weak willed WOBs holding this club up ..... Anyway - what yer drinking Simon, Graham - your round Colsey boy!

  70. Hiccup

    Mar 02, 2016, 19:43 #85145

    A great piece summing up the situation. Looks like you've given Westie excuse number 153 though. When he's tired of blaming Mike Dean, Ernesto Garvey will be at fault for creating further divisions in the fan base helping our rivals? Only with westie could you make that up.

  71. TJ

    Mar 02, 2016, 19:34 #85143

    @Exeter Gooner, it's strange isn't it, the AKBs used to tell us the FA/League Cups didn't matter because the season is the real test of a team due to the large number of matches. It doesn't really make sense to describe a 38-game season as a 'blip' like they do. Also, outside teams like Dortmund and Atletico get their players poached by big clubs after they win titles, so they can't repeat their success immediately. Spurs and Leicester are doing it the way those clubs did it- they recognise it's quality not quantity of spend that matters, that tactics are important and that motivation/fitness are essential. The complete opposite of our manager basically, hence the trend of non-blips on his record the last 10 years.

  72. Th14afc

    Mar 02, 2016, 19:28 #85142


  73. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 19:25 #85141

    Just listened to TOF's pre match with his usual irritating sly smirk, I say listened because i can't understand fluent Martian, but I did pick up one word that kept cropping up, ovvalll, whatever that means God only knows.

  74. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 19:16 #85140

    He's not really French. Bet he does not know his Camus from his Satre. He's sounds like a ....! My favourite player thios week 'cause he's brilliant (as in The Fast Show) is bloody Rashford! First player to light up fergie's bloodshot eyes since he stopped managing. Never have liked Utd but Rashford ticks all boxes. Last week my favourite player was Barkley and my last favourite player at Arsenal was Pires, and Petit when he walked past us in the Eastlower .... that was ****ing boss! Those two knew their existentialism. They were Sons of Camus on the pitch and Webster is just the Sisyphean twat who gets Olly to push the boulder upwards in order to go downwards. Whatever happened to Flaubert and the Sentimental Education. Yep Wenger on the radio - people really do not like him.

  75. Arseneknewbest

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:59 #85139

    The importance of being E(a)rnesto. Great article and a very readable piece - it's good to have another voice from the light side who is clearly not Lady Wengermere's fan. Oscar Wilde turns in his grave...But hey, go easy on those communists - Kroenke, Gazidis and Weng (sounds like a very dodgy legal company) make so-called communists like Ceaucescu, Honeker and Stalin look like upstanding citizens!

  76. Ed Lawrie

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:51 #85138

    Too cosy there for everyone. Question why is our head physio related to his predecessor. Some global brand we are

  77. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:48 #85137

    As a WOB/WOR we are continually asked to prove our support for Arsenal. Consistently attacked and sermonised against. Yet let's look who does the attacking. Has one of them actually attended more than 1 match this season? have anyone of them actually got any real connection with the club? From where I can see a man who comes on here and says I have difficulty in dealing with the club but still goes us a true supporter. A man who consistently attacks the manager but has a post count higher than anyone is a true supporter. For all those so critical of what we have become but take the time and effort to post, you are true supporters. Where I see fantasy and ultimate betrayal are those Wenger boys who I suspect will use whatever reason they can think off to up sticks and leave. I also suspect a lot of these AKB's will barely give a new manager a season

  78. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:39 #85136

    Exeter, your right there, but there have been plenty of other blips of a different kind. You couldn't make it up.

  79. Sean

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:26 #85135

    Excellent article, Ernesto!

  80. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:25 #85134

    jj, I know exactly what you mean he has the most irritating voice in football alright, every time you hear it with his stuttering and excuse making you just want to slap him.

  81. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:12 #85133

    Alsace, oh for that day mate, it will be like the darkest of clouds being lifted, like a loved one coming back to life, I have a bottle of moet Champagne I've had it for years I don't remember what I bought it for, but the day that man leaves (and I don't care if he goes upstairs or not) the cork will be popped.

  82. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 18:10 #85132

    I suspect too it would be a blip if Spurs won the league. However it's not a bad blip to have, is it? Not a blip AFC have managed over the last 12 years...

  83. Gaz

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:58 #85131

    What's interesting (or even refreshing!!!) is that fans are now saying that even if we win the title this season they still want Wenger to go! Can't agree more as I'm just so utterly bored of Arsenal under him now and a league title wont change that. Incidentally IF we were to win it this season I'm sure we'll hear lots of fans going on about how this has been 12 years in the making. No it hasn't. Wenger will have simply finally stumbled over the line in what will forever be seen as the weirdest PL season ever. After 2004 he decided he was so much better than he was and thought he could mould a side in his own image full of technically good kids. It failed disastrously and we've been paying the price ever since. I'm convinced that if we'd had two or three managers over the past twelve years one of them would have delivered a league title by simply applying some obvious tactics and the right signings at the right time. Hell a half decent keeper (which we could have afforded) would have made a big difference! So please lets not even remotely pretend that Wenger is the only manager who could have seen us through these barren years and no other manager could have delivered what he's delivered...

  84. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:57 #85130

    Dear Jamie ,this post is just another ( yawn) sermon from you lecturing everyone to get behind Arsene -dressed up as claiming to be Arsenal . If anyone is 'obsessed with something then that person is yourself. You are obsessed with Arsene . I have no idea what club you supported when younger but I can't recall AFC supporters ever not wanting to win trophies and being satisfied with just watching players keep on losing. Youre having a laugh surely with the claims that Arsene's sides have been playing beutiful football, tbh most of the time it is like watching wet paint drying in the rain.You couldn't make it up.

  85. To Jamie above

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:54 #85129

    We do support our club, and I'm for sure happy to win nothing if we were QPR, but our manager and board tell us they will win and challenge and we have the best team in Europe and that is why we have a big expensive stadium and high ticket prices. That is a lie and it has been for at least 10 years, do you get it now?

  86. Jamie

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:43 #85128

    When I grew up watching football during the 80's and 90's I cannot recall football clubs and fans being so obsessed with "Trophies". Its become one of those modern football words like "Passion" and "Commitment". While yes its another dissapointing season for Arsenal only one team can win. I am not an apologist for Wenger he has made mistakes but so have others. Spurs have a good side, yes they may win the league. But can they sustain that trend, i suspect it will be a blip before the Man City's, Chelskis and United's spend big again to gain superiority. So for god sake SUPPORT the club you choose to support, you never know a positive stadium may uplift the players. Enjoy your football and stop obsessing about winning trophies or playing with passion. We want to see skill, great movement and then success will follow, eventually. :-)

  87. Don't stop with just a great article Ernesto

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:40 #85127

    Organise fans to sing Wenger out, make signs of Wenger out at games, do protests with fans singing Wenger out after games,, etc. etc. Someone has to organise it, (I'm a 45 years fan with two kids who has been going for 25 years, I can't). Nothing will happen otherwise, it has to happen now even if we win the league. Especially if we win the league. As that will mean 10 more years of that crook.

  88. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:26 #85125

    As someone has already quite rightly pointed out, when the fast track bullies smelling and looking nice steamroll the mighty swans tonight and tippy tappy them to death, the crows will be leaving their nests in droves again declaring everything is rosie in the garden yet again and hailing their messiah, even though the inevitable is just round the corner. You couldn't make it up.

  89. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:17 #85124

    Ha ha Me neither and have only really managed to follow basketball outside of football. Talking of - will Henry be shooed in sooner or later ..... Talking of the great rivalries that once existed are no more under Brand PL but would love to see Leicester take the prize and really do not think it would anything for the game if Arsenal sneaked it. Saying that when Rose (English) produced that Spud winner it looked like a championes elect moment and I am also watching Ya Ya at City in final meltdown and will he be dropped and City go on the rampage ..... Keep looking back to when Tinkerman was at the Chavs with Robben and Co. They were a blistering outfit too .....

  90. John Gage

    Mar 02, 2016, 17:16 #85123

    @Jeff Wright: I'm not confident at all that we will beat Swansea. If I'm not mistaken our record at the Emirates is 2 defeats and a draw.

  91. Westlower

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:48 #85122

    @JJ, I'm ashamed to say I haven't watched a rugby match since I was a kid. Used to stay in a hotel in Bath and walked past THE REC every evening on the way into town but I was never tempted to watch a game. I had to walk through the middle of the Argentina Rugby team who were practicing throwing the ball around in the hotel car park. They are some big mothers.....mind you Mascherano's tackle on Ox was up there wasn't it?

  92. Mark

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:34 #85121

    Wenger has become a very negative selfish old man - this is clear for all to see - it is really not good for the Club anymore - hes never gracious in defeat or realistic when we win; it has all become a complete charard; the Club must get the next man lined up. I go for Martinez

  93. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:30 #85120

    See there are big moves to introduce bans on tackling in kid's rugby. Perhaps we could organise a petition for some sort of similar application in games featuring Arsenal. This might stop Arsene FC being 'tapped up' on multiple fronts .... Any thoughts Westie?

  94. Bard

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:23 #85119

    Anyone know where Graham's Circulars have gone ? We used to get one a week and now nothing. I suppose he looked into their eyes and realised they were away with the fairies or more likely how do write positively about the Titanic.

  95. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:21 #85118

    News Flash *! Abou Diaby Injures himself in training and will miss his comeback game .Diaby now plays for Marseille and last played a game back in 2014 for Arsenal .He was due to return but injured himself in training by pulling a muscle in his leg. José Miguel Gonzaalez Martín del Campo,Marseille manager said that ,when Diaby returns it will be like signing a new player. Now where have we heard that before...next thing he will be signing Jack Wilshere ...

  96. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:10 #85117

    Youre looking in the wrong pace Westie. Its the manner of losing that most of us have had a gut full of. Nobody minds a loss. But surrenders and fear filled collapses for so long and so often are what have swung it for most with Wenger. None of them have the remotest link to fatigue, fixture gluts or money. Times been called on this regime long since.

  97. Torbay gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:02 #85116

    I think the article says it all. Note that not too many rallying around to support the manager. Why is that?

  98. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 16:00 #85115

    Westlower, I'm afraid the answer is also no in Daltrey's case. There are parallels with Wenger - both seemed great in their day, but that perception of greatness was due to the work of others.

  99. Tony Evans

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:59 #85114

    Westie - no we don't believe / demand we win every game but we do demand / want the sort of effort shown against Barca for 70 minutes replicated in every game and not the awful raise the white flag performances we have to endure time after time because either Wenger can't motivate his team, or both he and the team think all they need to do is turn up and the opposition will roll over for them.

  100. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:57 #85113

    Two little points are: Wenger is to be given 7m to spend in summer meaning he will buy one more midfielder type from Belgium 2nd division and say when Jack and the Ox are back from England glory we will be ready spiritually and mentally to compete. Other tedious point is Arsene FC have come out saying they are against super league meaning cannot wait to be trounced by Barca, RM and BM and Leicester on a regular basis. This old Etonian **** never dies and looking at Westies last post - more geeky little numbers - tell you all you need to know about the behaviour of the common ground (Emirates) Arsenite ....

  101. John F

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:51 #85112

    I am relieved to hear that Westie that will teach me to take notice of newspapers.

  102. Bard

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:49 #85111

    Rocky RIP; my thoughts exactly. I suppose its the sincerest form of flattery in a way. Westie Aka the black knight is doing a brave work at the AKB coalface, although we havent heard fatigue today or financial doping or bent refs presumably they are all ready and waiting for another day. Todays theme is 'holding your nerve'. Gleaned from the Lord himself. i want to see the colour of the Bosses' keks before I believe one word about him holding his.

  103. Westlower

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:43 #85110

    @Jeff, Of course the odds are volatile, that's the fun part of betting, anticipating what happens next. Punters who wait for guaranteed cast iron 'certs' are always one race/match behind the game. Given TH's vastly superior goals for/against ratio, they were always going to contest for the title, subject to the Ropey Cup being a fatiguing factor. They may not win it but they'll certainly have a major say. I backed them at 12/1 & 6/1, they are now 7/4. If they fail to win tonight and AFC win, Arsenal will resume as favourites. I've also backed Citeh at 6/1. the PL current odds of TH 7/4, AFC 5/2, Leic 7/2 & Citeh 5/1 may look very different by close of play tonight. @John F, Arsenal have stressed that they are firmly opposed to the formation of an Euro Super League. So I'm afraid we'll have to carry on playing rubbish teams like our near neighbours, who will soon be homeless, winless & skint. @Exeter, Never mind Wenger, has Roger Daltry still got it? He's 3 years older than me.

  104. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:32 #85108

    Those of us who are losing our nerve - bloody hilarious I spent the Manure game entirely nerve free, I spent the Barcelona game entirely nerve free much like most others on this site. When you already know what the result is going to be there is no nerve to lose. Can't say I've had any nerves watching us since 2005. Perhaps just maybe cup final 2015. What is this with arch AKB speaking to us from on high e.g Westie and Badarse. Always trying to instruct never being listened to apart from when they piss people off. If they actually cottoned onto the fact that the mass brain cell capacity of the WOBs out numbers them they might slowly begin to realise that sermons from the mount are worthless and being laughed out of town

  105. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:24 #85107

    Without getting to basely personal about this - I have always disliked the sound of Wenger's voice and his limited word usage makes it doubly irritating. Now he has seemingly sat hunched like a vulture for two decades over what was once a great football club I find it unbearable. Throw in the pathological arrogance (often displayed by some truly awful figures of history) and a complete ignorance of pertaining tactics (see WW2 Follyism/s) and you have a perfect storm of postmodern sterility and baselessness on which to make monies period. In some ways Arsene FC gas become the reason why football is now anti itself. The fantastically useless hologram that is Wally Walnut is assurance that football will die if it continues in such a vein. Contrast with Rashford's first steps into the arena and the sight of Fergie singing amongst the crowd after that well earned victory against apparently superior predators. Wenger in his limited vocal abstraction has talked the team spirit and mental strength up while omitting through grand scale ignorance to furnish such idle conceptions with a physical reality. I give you two words - Jack Wilshere. Wonder what he thinks about the Spuds now .... ps one thing I like hitting home is how the WOB and the WOr have just stopped turning up to this insipid exhibition as have some most senior AKBs - what's there excuse ...

  106. Alsace

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:22 #85106

    The author has realised the importance of being in earnest. I have not enjoyed a commentary as much in a very long time. Packed with good argument. I have always liked the comparison with the story of the Emperor's new clothes. When will the manager's shortcomings become apparent to everyone? I'm going tonight out of some sort of misplaced sense of duty. I don't expect to enjoy the experience, and whilst it is the football supporters lot to support his team through thick and thin, in this case there is no excuse for the thin times. MOST WORRYINGLY Mr Wengers' probable solution to the problem of fans wanting to win things is a breakaway European Super League. If that happens we can do what we should have done years ago. Walk away. Can you imagine how wonderful it will feel the day he is no longer there?

  107. Alan Whiffin

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:18 #85105

    Spot on !really beginning to detest Wenger .

  108. Rocky RIP

    Mar 02, 2016, 15:01 #85104

    I can honestly say I've never even come remotely close to even peeping at a Sp*rs website or online forum. No interest whatsoever. Yet they creep on here and then claim not to give a flying fook about us. Forever in Middlesex.

  109. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:50 #85103

    Ron - part of the problem is being a Wengerite is the default position. We were all Wengerites once so those who haven't bothered to think it out for themselves remain so, simply because they always have been. Of course, you get the apparently more thinking type of AKB such as Westlower, who have more personal reasons for wanting Wenger to go on, e.g. betting or their own fears about time passing, age and decline. They want to feel Wenger has still 'got it' cos it makes them feel they might still 'have it' too. So they attempt to silence the more questioning and critically minded with guilt trips and accusations of weakness. The irony is, it's their own weakness, their fear of change, that drives this.

  110. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:48 #85102

    Martyn, no matter what happens it will be wenger out, nothing will make any difference, to much has went on and happened over the years for anything else, it's gone beyond that now, regardless of the outcome at the end of the season wenger has to go.

  111. It's up for grabs now

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:46 #85101

    Brilliantly written article, which mirror my views 100%.

  112. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:44 #85100

    Westie, these odds you keep quoting change like the shifting sands of the Kalahari desert from game to game . No one is losingtheir nerve because most thought a top 4 place agin was the best we would do anyway. As for the an Cup Europe,well when was the last time Arsene won anything there ... FAC looks dodgy ,what sort of a side will Wenger send out at Hull...let's hope it's better than the one that only managed a 0-0 at home against them .

  113. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:27 #85099

    Who was it that took great delight some time ago in telling us the spuds had squandered the bale money on duds,(he must have been thinking of wenger) they must have asked for it back again if their now reaping the benefit of it. Any excuse for their messiah, You couldn't make it up, or in this case.

  114. Finsbury Joe

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:23 #85098

    Sad to say it but I think there could be a shift of power in the pipeline.

  115. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:17 #85097

    I hope you've read that Mr Circular and Mr Rose.

  116. AJH

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:14 #85096

    Lord Hotspur, We never give a fook about your club as you have always been beneath us so not worth worrying about in all honesty, black and white television last time your lot won a league title even the one time fa cup record has gone and who to?? Now go and try to find something interesting to read on a spud website

  117. Westlower

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:08 #85095

    Just a reminder to those who are losing their nerve. We are joint favourites to win the FA Cup & 2nd favourites to win the PL. 14/1 to do the double. Only Leicester have on more PL games than Arsenal & we'll match them if we win tonight. We're on for a treble of back to back FA Cup wins. We are not in Aston Villa's situation, although some of you act as though we are. Yet some of you are demanding the supporter base implodes. Who does that help? I understand many were upset with the defeat at OT but take a look in the Arsenal history book. We have played MU away in the league 97 times, winning only 15. Elneny isn't the new toy some wanted, throw him out because we want a more expensive toy. Some of you seem to believe/demand we should win every game and people question what planet I live on? Dear me!

  118. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:05 #85094

    Ernesto, fantastic article, from the hip no prisoners taken, and above all the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the best on here for a long time, it should be re read, reflected upon with a cup of tea while looking out the window and read again.

  119. Rocky RIP

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:03 #85093

    As Arsenal fans, we can say what we like about Wenger and are entitled to feel his time has come. However, that lot have NEVER finished above Wenger's sides since he arrived in 1996. Not once in 20 years. So it's a bit rich of them to get cocky and ask for more of the same, please. Coming for Chelsea, City, etc, maybe, but not that lot.

  120. Clockend Mike

    Mar 02, 2016, 14:00 #85092

    Ernesto’s article is depressingly accurate and to the point. Unfortunately and even more depressingly still is that change will only occur if the financial targets of the business are not met. A Champions League berth guarantees those targets. Regardless of where Tottenham or Leicester finish, as long as we are in the CL next season then AW will remain. The Board have a business model which focuses on financial targets not football targets – such as trophies. The Board have no concern about football rivalry or the emotions of the game or us. However, this strategy does not come without risk. If we finish fourth and Chelsea win the CL then we could be in the Courts during the summer trying to secure a berth - assuming UEFA want Chelsea to defend their title of course. Ironically, if Arsenal were a listed on the FTSE then the Board would have been removed years ago on the basis of financial mismanagement. The way for Arsenal to be truly successful (financially) is for it to succeed on the pitch. Reliance on cash reserves and achieving the barest minimum will never make you truly successful. Only a vision and the willingness to invest for the future will.

  121. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:57 #85091

    The next two results for the spuds will have a big impact on the spuds title chance - WHU away is a tougher game these days than playing us away .A draw would not be any disaster for them - for us however it will be .As for us at the lane of shame well Wenger's previous magic - hat that he used to wear there has been replaced by a silly dunces one since young Poch took over. Our game tonight will most likely see the return of the fast track bullies against the struggling dying Swans with much celebrating and laps of honor malarkey to delight the customers with when we beat them. Colesyboy and co will be jumping up and down in excitement like 12 old school girls at a One Direction show. This game is just a sideshow though to the main event and will mean nothing at all unless we beat the spuds in Saturday's high noon shootout. United are picking up points again and this breeds confidence while the Foxes despite the two dropped points against West Brum are still ahead of us with City breathing down our necks as well .Their game tonight away to Liverpool is another must win one for them. I go for City to beat Liverpool again by taking the chances that they missed on Sunday and that made the Cup Final between the pair look closer than in reality it was .

  122. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:47 #85089

    Bard, yes TOF doesn't like that at all, he prefers us all to sit like little sheep and say nothing (there's enough doing that)he hates being out of his comfort zone, he knows nothing else (how sad is that)he can't handle the pressure at all and it shows.

  123. Red Member

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:41 #85087

    best article of the year - you nailed it! sadly the season ticket holders must take some criticism to have allowed groundhog day to continue. lets put it like this - Kroenke sees 40,000 Arsenal supporters pay him £1,000+ every summer so that they can sit in a stadium and watch Arsenal. To be fair to him watching from afar in the US he must feel that things must be going well for this to continue to happen. Why on earth therefore would he sack Wenger?

  124. Mark from Aylesbury

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:35 #85086

    Some points of note: I agree that Wenger blaming tapping up shows arch weakness and a failure in him to sell the future prospects. Also agree with Ron it could get bumpy under a new manager but alternatively our English core might thrive. A general thought about Wenger. Those who say lay off him. I would say why? Basically he has been fairly left alone of scrutiny in the past 10 years and that has produced one "skin of teeth cup win" and one good win with 8 years of blanks. Simply not good enough. Therefore ramp up the pressure on until he wins the league or leaves. Leaving him alone achieves nothing.

  125. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:28 #85085

    Most of them that still go to games are Wengerites EG, youre quite right. Hes going nowhere until Henrys ready (heaven forbid) and then its only upstairs. It ll all stay very comfortable. Henry will be trumpted in on the basis of 'evolution' and 'stability' and will then have a disastrous short term stay, turning players against him as he did as a captain. Then the mess will unravel. Arsenal need and will have its very own Moyes experience. Thats my prediction. It ll suit Wenger. The worst scenario for him is for a winning Coach to come in and transform the place. His ego couldn't hack that. He ll use Henry to ensure it doesn't happen. It could be said that Fergie did the same at Utd. All very underhanded but once these people become drunk on their own power and self perceived grandeur, it happens.

  126. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:19 #85084

    Yes Emesto the spuds are contenders the AKB's are only waking up to this now, so to I suspect is TOF that's why he's a bunch of nerves and panicking he knows he's finished even if they just finish above us, regardless of anything else, and more than anything else and also a reason for the nerves and panic, TOF knows there's f**k all he can do about it, he hasn't it in him.

  127. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:08 #85082

    I fear those that think the end is nigh will be disappointed. The bar is so very low for Wenger. The owner sets the bar low, a significant proportion of the fanbase unconditionally love him and the majority are easily brought back onside. Beat Swansea, draw with Spurs is all it will take for the pressure to be off. For the season, no need to win the title, just finish the season with a few wins and there will be 'hope' for next season and backing for him again. That's all it takes. The bar is so very low for Wenger.

  128. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 13:04 #85081

    Westie - a player didnt survive under RS unless he worked his balls off, true. RS also created Cowans Mortimer and Bremner, a mix of silky skill, grit and game nous that made it one of the best middles ive seen. He appreciated the finer arts of football but not if it wasnt harnessed to a grafting 'winners' (professionalism) ethic. Just like Clough Revie Busby Mercer Shankly Paisley et all. Its why Wenger isnt, never has been and never will be a great Coach like them.

  129. Norsgeneral

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:55 #85080

    Great piece, but really taken aback to see the amount of scum posting on here. It only goes to show, what the summer will be like, if the knuckle scrapers win the league. Will be like that horrible Chav, who won millions on the lottery and the did not know how to spend it. Thanks Arsene, can't wait for the summer to arrive. Go now!

  130. Westlower

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:54 #85079

    @Ron, One of my best mates played for Saunders at Norwich. Turned him into a no nonsense hairy arse full. He once played against an Arsenal X1, marking Raphael Meade who was fast. My mate never got near him all game. @Bard, The lead story has invited the Lilywhites to this site. What else did you expect in their hour of gloating?It's fast becoming a lilywhite site.

  131. Tony Evans

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:52 #85077

    Ernesto - what a great article which really lays bare what an arrogant and egotistical manager we are lumbered with that lost the plot years ago but continues blindly on knowing he is untouchable as long as he delivers profits for his pay-masters. Treats us fans with nothing but contempt and loses his cool if any reporter dares to have the temerity to question his methods. The next two games are crucial and once again many of us are questioning what is best for our club in the long run: lose both and the pressure piles up on Wenger and we may even see open revolt at The Emirates, which could be the beginning of the end for Wenger (oh joy); or win both and we are back in with a tilt at the title and we halt the Spuds band-wagon. What a choice and not one any fan should have to be facing.

  132. Danny

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:50 #85076

    Of course all the Spuds want him to stay.This team built by Wenger as Souness said is a joke.No backbone no bottle spineless.Two years ago we gave long term contracts to Ramsey(a good 6 months now average) Wilshere(the English Diaby) 3 games in 18 months,Chamberlain who is now completely hopeless and of course Englands Messi Wally Walnutt.Kane who has been superb for the last two seasons is on half of what we pay Wally.Wenger rewards youth the big pay days and we are stuck with them.Who the f**k would buy a crock like Wilshere?

  133. JWE

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:39 #85075

    In the modern day fans via the internet have a lot of power. Far more than the normal fan would ever realise. Why do you think Arseblog has stayed loyal to the cause for so long???? The club realise that a website such as Arseblog has a lot of followers and encourage them to toe the line in exchange for the odd tit bit of information. If this website which is meant to represent the majority of Arsenal fans stood up and got behind some kind of action it would hold a lot of sway and could well bring about the end of AW's reign. It is the only way that it is going to happen even if Spurs do lift the title Arsene will not walk and he won't be pushed from inside the club either. It is only us that can make his position at the club untenable. All together now: ENOUGH EXCUSES, ARSENE MUST GO!!! ARSENE MUST GO, ARSENE MUST GO, ENOUGH EXCUSES, ARSENE MUST GO!!!

  134. mbg

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:37 #85074

    Emesto, there's no doubt about it we are, the curtain is more than half way down, the final count down is on at last, and not before f*****g time. The nails are been hammered into his coffin as we speak with just a few more to go now, praers are being said already at AKB central,and you know what is the funniest thing of all ? he's responsible for it himself, along with his wengerite AKB's yes they've played their part in as well, their as much responsible and to blame for they're messiahs demise and down fall as himself, how ironic, and hilarious, i wonder how that's going down at AKB central command.

  135. Chris Butler

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:34 #85073

    @Lord Hotspur.... And yet here you are. None of you obsessive curtain twitchers ever give a foook do you???

  136. AMG

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:34 #85072

    Theo “how do you control this round thing” Walcott - Lolz. Very good article, pretty much echoing what many of us have been saying for the last 5-10 years. I could never wish for Spurs to win the title, even if it meant the end of Wenger - Leicester on the other hand..... Then again he'd probably say that because we did the double over them, the title should be ours by right.

  137. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:33 #85071

    Hi Jeff - No mate, Garde was the totally wrong man. Villa have always needed a brusque bold bloke at their helm and its no secret that they've had little success since Saunders was there who was just such a man. He took no sh--e whatsoever and told them to stick it up their jersey when they (Doug Ellis) started to f--k him about. The Clubs always been a political hot bed for any Coach to cope with. Wengers advice to Garde was maybe poor advice given to a friend. Its never good for friends to do that is it. Garde needed advice from someone who knew the dynamic of the Club, though Wenger thinks hes got the monopoly on football knowledge doesn't he, yet he never watches or visits any other Club! For may part personally and having worked in France for nearly 3 years albeit 20 odd yrs back, Arsenal would be best served by eradicating the French influence and culture thats gripped the Club for far too long. Its a culture that loves to wear defeat and failure badly and to blame all and sundry for any setback, large or small. Wengers a typical man of France, though a compromised one with a slightly hybrid personality by dint of his Alsation roots.It doesn't suit English football and never will. His surliness and arrogance is endemic in his culture and his persona. Theres no sulker like a French sulker, gteed. He never lets us down in that dept. Should have been thanked and sacked after the 8-2 hammering 5 years back.

  138. TJ

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:31 #85070

    Fantastic post, the best I have read on here for some time. There is a problem though with Arsenal fans- no one seems to be willing to establish a proper movement against Arsene! Myself and others refuse to pay the club money which is a good start but there are plenty of sheep just lapping it up who keep paying big money to attend matches and own merchandise. Stadium dissent only transpires when he does something atrocious (like losing to 3-1 to Villa or substituting Oxlade-Chamberlain for Arshavin), and even then it only tends to be when there's a bad run or spell of results. At least a petition with a lot of signatures would be representative that this dissatisfaction is widespread and a major talking point in the press. Alas, too many seem to respect the first half of his career with us, even though the second is at least holding us back, and at worst undoing most of his good work before...

  139. Stuart

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:23 #85068

    Hear, hear. The time has come for this publication to pin its colours to the mast and call on the fans to get Wanker out. Enough is enough. Enough excuses, enough terrible performances, enough arrogance, enough egotism, enough negligence, enough of everything to do with Arsene bloody Wenger. Any decent club would have got rid of the fraud six years ago. If fans don't act, he'll stay. He must be forced out and fan pressure is the only way. Gooner Ed and writers, get a campaign going, get fans behind it and get this has-been out. If you care about the club, he has to go, if you care about the club, show your discontent. If this publication was to come out and state its side against Wenger, I'm sure more people would be open to any mass action.

  140. GTG

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:18 #85067

    I thought I'd logged on to glory glory for a second the amount of vermin on this thread. Feeling confident about the weekend no doubt. Excellent article and sums up exactly what I think. If Leicester or them lot to pull of a title win the time for just being angry in the stands has passed its time for action.

  141. Gaz

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:14 #85066


  142. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:10 #85065

    Hi Ron, Garde may well be a nice man as you say but was he the right man for the Villa job and did Wenger give him sound advice on suggesting that he take it>? Results suggest no to those questions ,as you say the problems at the club were there before Garde arrived,but he and Wenger must have known this. I see that our own slippery slime ball Ivan was at it again yesterday at the Dorchester meeting up with the CEO's of City,United, liverpool and Chelsea to try and nail another nail into the coffin of English football by discussing forming a European Super League . This idea is apparently being motivated by some American businessman who owns the Miami Dolphins and he has no connection to English or Euro football . This is all about making money without taking risks. Stan will love that. You couldn't make it up.

  143. Dartford gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:10 #85064

    Augustus Flair, oh for the days of the old north bank. When no one came back 10 minutes after half time with a burger and a coke not even watching the game.There is the cause of the problem. The fan base has changed, many of the old school no longer go and if they did I am sure Wenger would have been gone years ago. Many that sit around me are still in love with Wenger and I cant see them turning any time soon.

  144. JWE

    Mar 02, 2016, 12:04 #85063

    Why don't all the supporters that want change make it known by chanting 'no more excuses, Arsene must go!' at an agreed time at tonight's game, say after 60 minutes? It is the only way that anything will happen as we all know Arsene will not walk away from £8m a year and the board won't sack him. This is the only possible way that change will happen. Have some balls and make the step. NO MORE EXCUSES, ARSENE MUST GO! ARSENE MUST GO! ARSENE MUST GO! NO MORE EXCUSES, ARSENE MUST GO!

  145. SM

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:55 #85061

    Westlower what planet do you live on!!! We spent £5m on a midfielder no one else wanted. Why would anyone employ Tim Sherwood, the article refers to a couple of credible alternatives to Wenger, add simeone to that list. He would give the likes of walcott and the ox a good old kick up the back side if nothing else. That's exactly what they need, our club is too nice. Where's the fire in our belly, when do you see us go up to manure and totally give it to them in their back yard just like Keown, Adams, Winterburn, Vieira even Fabregas. The only thing that is more annoying that Wenger's excuses these days is the AKBs trying to justify his existence as our manager.

  146. Win this open league

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:42 #85060

    @Ernesto Garvey That was by far the best piece I've read on Wenger and Arsenal for a long time. Brilliant. I hope Wenger and Arsenal prove you wrong this season but I can't see it.

  147. Byamukama Wilson

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:42 #85059

    It is true that Wenger has failed at Arsenal. The club now needs a new manager who can move things ; otherwise how can it be explained for being beaten by Chelsea home and away , Baca and always failing to go paste the round of sixteen.This should be the last season of Wenger at Arsena. Period.

  148. Dave Gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:38 #85058

    Even back in the 60's the spurs were our poor relations.We used to pat them on the back and tell them they played nice football yet in reality they were a poor team who were very direct and had a cruncher in midfield and got lucky for one season.If spurs won the league this season I doubt very much they would win it for another 50 years.

  149. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:32 #85057

    Jrff - Villa s plight has been 6 years in the making and i can tell you with absolute knowledge that the internal goings on there have ravaged the Club. No Villa fan blames Garde. Hes a really nice chap in a terrible situ. Ive met him a few times. Such a massive Club and fan base. Everythings there to take it forwards infrastructure wise. It could be many years before they return to the PL. They need Lerner out as much we need SK gone.

  150. jeff wright

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:21 #85056

    Good article and spot on regarding Wenger's less than admirable arrogant traits.The hapless Wenger protegee Reme Garde ( his name sounds more like a French Brandy than a football one) let the cat out the bag regarding Wenger the accountant 's outlook on football when revealing the advice that Arsene gave him,when Reme asked him if he should take the Villa job. Of course ,replied Arsene,it is safe because the owner will not expect you to win the league... Sacre bleu ! That sounds rather familiar. The the owner however did not expect Reme to get his club relegated by producing the worst results in its history,on field. Wenger will blame the supporters for that along with forces beyond control - such as a juxtapositioning of the stars with Jupiter in Mars and the European Union crisis impacting on events. In a way with different priorities at stake Wenger himself will be a failure if he fails to win the league - as will Garde if he gets,as seems certain,Villa relegated. In both cases a striking similarity can be seen in the lack of competitiveness on display in games by both Wenger's and Garde's sides.It stems from both manager's lack of motivation.That's why Wenger is not running away with the league instead of trailing Leicester playing catch-up and why Garde's side are getting relegated. Both the two French clowns though are being well rewarded for producing failure in their respective ways. C'est la vie!

  151. Ron

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:21 #85055

    Im an advocate for change as many know, however i dont subscribe to the theory that we ll improve beyond recognition under the new Coach and dont expect AFC to be come a new powerhouse over night. We could get worse before a new dawn. Its a risk im happy with, provided AFC gets in the right pair of hands. The underlying problem will be the same owner and Board will still be there.To all you Spurs fans - most AFC fans have valued AW greatly at different stages of his tenure. Its just that time has brought complacency and his drive has gone with age. It happens. Its time for change. Westie - you were slagging off the way that Spurs spent their Bale money not so long ago, now theyre 'benefiting' from it'. Couldnt make it up Jeff would say!

  152. Martyn

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:20 #85054

    Just shows that football is not an exact science. Some clubs achieve by spending money, others achieve doing the opposite. One thing is for certain, however, Arsene Wenger cannot go on forever and it will be down to the board to identify a replacement. Therein lies the problem because there is a palpable fear within the boardroom at AFC of what to do if Wenger isn't there anymore. Gazidis is probably the only one who has some football knowledge but pales into insignificance compared to when David Dein was there. The rest couldn't differentiate between a round and oval ball. I must say that I have become rather tired of the whole Wenger issue because it has been written about for about as many years as Spurs have finished below us. Where my frustrations have been expressed is not necessarily with the players but how they have been developed; also how the team have been tactically used. Wenger is one-dimensional with tactics. Great managers are tactically astute and motivational. I'm convinced that the squad as it is would relish the release of new ideas and raise their game accordingly. Criticise Walcott and the OX, I do, but thought should be given as to whether they would be better players under a different manager. Anyway, we are where we are and tonight's fixtures are going to be interesting. If the Hammers beat the Spuds and we beat the Swans I wonder what we will be talking about tomorrow. Title back on? or 'Wenger out' again.

  153. I'm a spurs fan

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:16 #85053

    I want professor wenger to go! I live 5mins walk from the Emigrates, almost everyone I know supports the red London team, and I'm bored of listening to them moan and moan and moan and moan and moan.....

  154. Dave Gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:15 #85052

    It's funny how these spud fans always loved to have a go at GG's style of play yet their current manager Pochetino plays the dullest closing down long ball game ever,yet they all applaud it.

  155. John F

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:11 #85051

    Very good passionate post Ernesto..One of the above posts mentioned the formation of a Super European league with Arsenal,City,Liverpool,Utd meeting an American Billionaire.If this was allowed to happen it would destroy the rest of the league's in this country.All the TV money would go in to it and many clubs would suffer.It would be wholly selfish and arrogant act.I have supported Arsenal for over 45years but I could not support them if they joined a Euro league.With Wenger's record in Europe we would only finish bottom anyway.If anything the champions league should be reduced to the winners of domestic leagues only,it would be far more interesting.

  156. Wear Your Colours

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:08 #85049

    Win tonight, win at the Lane and we will back in the race! COYG!

  157. N4

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:01 #85048

    This is Top Top Qualitee article! Wow! It is so good that it attracts spuds fans on here...hahaha! It's about time this type of article is written and say it like it is. I read AW response about him leaving etc..and he simply responded that he basically don't give a spud what we think as he's immune to it...20 years as a manager etc... etc... The only way this dictortaship will change is when fans stop attending matches, thats the only way unfortunately! Well written article, thank you!

  158. Clive The Gooner

    Mar 02, 2016, 11:00 #85047

    Great article. Agree with every word.

  159. RedPig

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:57 #85046

    Outstanding article Sir! I agree with every last word and I really do not see how anyone could argue with anything you have said. There'll always be some who will though.

  160. jjetplane

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:52 #85045

    Listen to Westie with his usual 'squeal' 'decency' and you forgot about the chuntering. You are just like Wenger if that's any help and I reckon the Spuds should make a special place for you in their fanzines. Westie the honourable Spud ...

  161. Herb's Army

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:48 #85044

    Please send this to someone - anyone - who can remove the French fraud from our club.

  162. Jim

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:42 #85043

    The author seems to have more in common with spurs fans with his hatred of all Arsenal.The only thing spurs and Leicester have in common is they never win anything and they always play shi-te football.When Ranieri and Poch actually win anything then will be the time to judge Wenger not now.Also Arsene has been vindicated if spurs or Leicester win the premiership as he's always said that it's not down to money,whereas if City win the league he's also vindicated because he's always pointed out their advantage in their huge resources.

  163. Augustus Flair

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:35 #85042

    Harry Kane shows all the charm, wit and intelligence of the average Spurs fan and let's hope he puts these fine qualities to good use after their forthcoming defeat. As a veteran of many local derbies I always found the ground-scraping knuckles a dead give-away as their University Challenge section tried to infiltrate the North Bank for a bout of physical interaction, characterised by fast running away in a Clock End direction. But these are scenes from long ago that younger Gooners, brought up on canapes and fine wine in the concourses, may find distressing.

  164. Exeter Gunner

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:01 #85039

    Nothing to argue with in this article, and no AKB will attempt to do so - all you'll get by way of a counter, at best, is accusations of 'negativity' 'hatred', 'anti-Arsenal', some betting odds, perhaps a long winded witter with no conclusion and some biblical quotes. However, having 'Spurs' in the title means it shows up in their NewsNow feeds, hence they're infesting the comment section.

  165. Snowbiggee

    Mar 02, 2016, 10:00 #85038

    Outstanding article. No one needs to write another piece on Wenger ever again. You say it all.


    Mar 02, 2016, 9:56 #85037

    Excellent article. We are just a dictatorship - end of story. No ruthless determination to be the best, either on the field, on the bench, in the dressing room and most worryingly in the boardroom, and it will run and run and run.....

  167. Dook

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:53 #85036

    As a Spurs fan of 35 years and having to watch Wenger continually get the better of us, let me be the first to say I will be devastated if he is sacked. He has slowly but surely dragged your club down over the past decade. Pochettino (bar the micke mouse game) remains unbeaten against Wenger in the league for Spurs, and I can see that continuing this weekend. All my Gooner mates have banged on about 20 successive years in the CL. I counter by saying he has the worst record in the competion itself and has 1 final to show for it. Porto, Inter, Dortmund have all won it in that time at a fraction of the wage budget and team cost. I implore the Gooner owner to cough up a lovely 5-10 year contract to My Wenger. cheers.

  168. West Cork Frank

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:52 #85035

    October 6th 2008. I by that time long realised how truly useless Wenger was. On my way to work when I saw the PLAYING legend Pat Rice outside his big fat house. I said to him "are we ever going to win anything ever again. " He growled " what do you mean." I replied that our team lacked heart, fight ( which as a player, he had in abundance) and that the youth project Wenger was employing would not work because the players were not good enough." I left it at that due to what he had done for us as a player. However,i was proved right unfortunately and that is still the case today. For me the most infuriating point is a lack of balls, but then the players back then and since were characterless money grabbers just like their joke of a manager. Around the same time Tom Watt and Tony Adams were saying the same on Arsenal TV. Imagine that !A time when dissenting opinions were allowed. Wenger was on the front of the Evening Standard yesterday, could only see half the page before I picked it up, dreamt for a second that he'd resigned or been sacked, fat chance with all the money he and the club are making. Very angry, Wenger saying he had been subject to criticism for 20 years, again like his post match comments about the team at Old Trafford showing their fighting spirit, he was speaking utter tripe. He has been given such an easy ride for far too long. Some deluded fools still don't understand that Arsenal are different to other rich clubs, they spend to win trophies, our board and Wenger just want to make money. So much more I could say but it's already been said by the many excellent posts recently. Wenger out

  169. Bard

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:50 #85034

    We're being invaded by Spuds ! What kind of idiot posts on another clubs site. Presumably because their own sites are so terrible.

  170. Michelle

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:44 #85033

    You Gooners really are something. Sure I am THFC and yes, I hope that Wenger stays BUT for the sake of AFC not THFC. I have a long memory of AFC in the doldrums and of AFC playing long ball/offside as was the preWenger standard. I doubt really that most of you spoilt "johnny come latelies" have any idea of preWenger and just how lucky AFC and you have been to have him for so long. He has given AFC a reputation for actually playing football, something you had lacked since Eastham retired and some relative success. Those of AFC who wish him out seem to think that the "next" guy will be better. That is no certainty...ask Jose. I personally hope that when he deos go he becomes the DoF or something close as a reward for his undying loyalty to AFC. Really you have all been soooo lucky to have him. Remember what happened to THFC when Nicholson left (although some say "well done Terry Neill"). At least if you did go down and come back up no one could say that you had not earned the right to play in the PL : ) {BTW notice the Super league scampering of the LFC/CFC/MUFC lot all worried that their CL bonus might fade? makes you want to vomit.}

  171. Harry Kane

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:39 #85032

    Spurs fans don't care what you goons do, never have, never will. Go fornicate with yourselves politely speaking of course. COYS!!!!

  172. Augustus Flair

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:38 #85031

    Blimey, Ernesto, good points here but does an editor see your pieces? A few hundred words cut here would have reinforced the message. Come on you Gunners!

  173. Cos

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:35 #85030

    Arsenal spent nearly 100 million last season on sanchez, welbeck, chambers, debaucy, Gabriel and ospiner but seems to be forgotten

  174. JWE

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:30 #85028

    Spot on. Westlower - It is 'fans' like you that have enabled this farce to go on as long as it has. Sitting with your mouth shut week after week and watching us slowly decline and our rivals all improve. This is the reason why Spurs will win the title this season. You deserve what you get. Enjoy the celebrations at WHL and don't forget to renew that season ticket early like a good little boy.

  175. kevinblaq

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:29 #85027

    you just reiterated what we have known for a million light years.you are 100% spot-on ....arse out,arse out,arse out,arse out..

  176. scorp

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:16 #85026

    You nailed it! It was Myles Palmer who was one of the first to point out the bizarre fact - media, pundits, fellow managers and former players all point out regularly how Arsene changed our fortunes and made us a global name. However, you will have never ever heard anyone mention what Arsenal did for this nobody managing Nagoya Grampus Eight in Japan. Arsenal gave him the chance to be remembered forever. Wont be holding my breath to hear Arsene acknowledge it anytime soon.

  177. Mabikwa

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:15 #85025

    Truth hurts..

  178. COYS

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:13 #85023

    winging Arschlochs as always. Wenger is the best manager for the woolwich scum.

  179. Lord Hotspur

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:13 #85022

    You are wrong. We don't give a fook about your pathetic club.

  180. Robin van Bergkamp

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:03 #85021

    Ernesto you nailed it!! Over the past twelve years we have sadly witnessed the diminishing of our club at the hands of a manager who has not only run out of ideas but also sold his soul to the money-making machine and mentality that had taken over with the arrival of our silent owner. It is high time all true Arsenal supporters rallied together to bring about pressure in the hope that change will come.

  181. Tony Simpson

    Mar 02, 2016, 9:02 #85020

    Excellent article. Totally agree but please let Arse Wenger stay while the Spurs go marching on. Only reason he won the league was because of George Graham's defence. COYS

  182. Westlower

    Mar 02, 2016, 8:58 #85019

    Talk about extenuate the negatives. Feeling sorry for yourself? Spurs are now reaping the benefit of splashing the Bale transfer money, something like £110m in the summer of 2014. They have yet to face a period of austerity when their new stadium project begins to bite. On what evidence have you written off Elneny already? Football is also full of fresh failed young managers, Sherwood & co. Now is not the time to squeal, at least have the decency to wait until it's mathematically impossible to win the PL. Creating a further division in our fan base will play into the hands of our close rivals.

  183. Bard

    Mar 02, 2016, 8:52 #85018

    Ernesto mate what a good article. You will have the AKBs spluttering in their farleys rusks this morning. Wenger is hard at it in the press conferences trying to quieten down the fans. He doesnt like it when the faithful get restless. I wrote yesterday the Spuds away is make or break for Wenger in my view.